Years of reading the Internet comments (largely the Althouse comments, recently twitter) has rendered me an out and out misanthropist. Althouse comments are still a bastion of sanity and intelligence compared to the rest of the online world I have encountered, but that says much more about the rest of the Internet than it does the Althouse commentators. On the bright side, reading the comments here has become MUCH faster now that I know exactly what (nearly) everyone is going to say before I even start reading. I'm amazed by how I can know who wrote a comment by the first few words I read, and I'm almost never wrong. I should do what Howard seems to have done and just leave.
Chuck; what was the name of the This American Life episode you mentioned recently?
Finally; someone recently made reference to an accused person not only denying guilt but mocking the very charges, and they used a phrase in the form of "an animal _something the __ something". I thought of it like the phrase "gilding the lily" in reverse. To goad a prosecutor, like a red flag to a bull. Does anyone remember that? My sons and I have been talking about it.
"A senior aide tells me both the staff and Fetterman himself were taken by surprise by the severe onset of depression. Fetterman's Chief of Staff, Adam Jentleson, released a statement Wednesday that said, "While John has experienced depression off and on throughout his life..
Nothing takes you 'by surprise', like something you've been battling with.. YOUR WHOLE LIFE. (except, maybe; that stroke you had last year.. THAT might surprise you (this year) too)
Not trying to tell Althouse what to blog or anything--but the left-on-left civil war at the NYT over the trans issue seems an interesting new development, what with pushback from the editors. Beginning of the end for the radicals? Or prelude to the rational left caving once and for all? Sign of the NYT audience itself splitting? Will progs be able to transcend the trans insanity?
I see another Republican Member of the House of Representatives, in addition to Representative Santos, has been called out for embellishing his resume. Some are asking for them to resign. All this will be of interest when Senator Richard “Saigon” Blumenthal and Senator Elizabeth “Hiawatha” Warren acknowledge their lies and also resign. They should show some leadership here.
Gutfeld tonight explained what happened with Marco Goecke. He overheard the critic telling a friend she planned to go to bar and get shit-faced, and Goecke just wanted to help her out.
Interesting to think that many years ago, there was a big fight among women. It was called The Mommy Wars, I think. And it was a fight between the stay-at-home moms and the going-to-work moms. They were fighting over day-care.
I was a young man, and I wasn't married and I didn't have kids. If you asked me, I would have said, "Stay-at-home Moms are the best!" Like a male fascist or something. And I would have beat my chest or whatever shit male fascists do to show their dominance. Except nobody asked me and I didn't really give a shit. (It feels like ancient history!)
Abortion, on the other hand, is a serious war. We've already had abortion doctors killed, and newborns killed, and a whole bunch of babies killed in the middle of birth. I've spoken on these atrocities, and other people have too. But the vast majority of people have no idea what's going on.
Anyway, our fight over abortion is probably going to be a "cold war" rather than a "hot war," if that makes sense. And how can you tell when a cold war is over?
When it feels The Mommy Wars. I'm thinking 2030, 2040, somewhere in there, when the kids are going, "What's a fetus?" and the liberals are saying, "Arrest him! He said fetus!"
Y'all tell me if this Marco Goecke joke is any good.
He decided to go trans and become a woman, so he could throw shit on a man and get away with it.
Unfortunately, once he became a woman, he threw shit on himself and blamed a male for it. He wanted to falsely accuse a man of shit-throwing.
And that didn't work out, because nobody believed his trans ass.
So, even after a successful gender transition, it was shit on the man and woman was clean.
Which is funny because Marco shit himself, regardless of whether he was a man or a woman.
(to me this isn't HA HA funny but more like heh, but opinions on humor differ I guess)
(re-reading it three or four times, I get fucking confused all over again about where the fluid went and who is fucking who, I can fucking guarantee that just mass confusion alone with keep trans ideology from winning hearts and minds, honest people can't keep up with 57 pronouns and how you changed it last week and you might change it next week too, nobody has time to record all your fucking drama, you dumb children)
Great. Ann's new Earthrise photos for comparison with the sunrise series. Expanding horizons. Experiencing the Mile High Club, photographically speaking.
Is it just me, or did Ayn Rand and George Orwell totally mess up thinking they were warning future generations? Instead looks like all the super smart academic people took their work as instruction manuals. And now they've got everyone who went to school actually voting for this shit.
For years I've been trying to make my pro-choice church a little more pro-life.
I'm an Episcopalian. My church, Christ Church, is one of the largest Episcopalian churches in the Episcopal church. Our bishop is Michael Curry. He's kind of famous.
One time I sent a copy of my anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti abortion book to the Bishop. I was scared to do it. I was like, "they're going to kick me out of my spiritual home." The reason I felt that way is that my book is filled with infanticides and it's kind of a horror show. It's not a lovely book at all. It's a mean fucking book. I don't even know how to market the fucking thing. People would ask me if they should read it and I would say, "I don't know, it's really depressing." You try to market infanticide and see how many people buy your shit. Baby-killing is super-unpopular. Very serious people is the market for my book. I'm just realizing this shit as I type it. I am not a very serious person. I'm a comedian. That's why my D.A. career lasted six months. Abortion isn't funny, either. How the hell am I going to talk about this shit?
2005 to 2010, I'm on the Althouse blog, goofing off on this internet blog, avoiding work or whatever I'm "supposed to be doing." And periodically I would get mad about abortion all over again. The partial-birth abortion years were 2000 to 2007. I was on the Althouse blog from before she married Meade. This was my only outlet for my anger, this blog. In the rest of my life I'm super happy and nice with a golden retriever and happy days. On the Althouse blog, that's where my rage against infanticide went. I hate baby-killing, it pisses me off.
Anyway, Althouse is the best law professor in the world, as far as I'm concerned. Not even close. She's a feminist. She's a liberal. She had zero political interest in helping me. Absolute zero. Less than zero. She helped me anyway. How did she help me? By allowing me to vent. She just allowed it. She's a sweetheart of a human being.
I was super-angry about partial-birth abortion. The ignorance factor of partial-birth abortion in our culture is insane. I was in a roomful of attorneys one time, there were, I don't know, 15 attorneys in the room. And nobody in the room had heard of partial-birth abortion.
I was like this. "What the fuck! They're killing babies in the middle of birth!" And the attorneys are pulling out their fucking smart phones and googling that shit. Because they never heard of it. They're going to Wikipedia and googling that shit. I was thinking, "Good research, motherfucker, two seconds on Wikipedia.".
The other thing I remember, I said something like, "People should have sex with love in their heart." And the whole fucking room exploded in laughter. All the attorneys laughed at that. They were laughing at me. I was like, "What's funny about that? What's wrong with having love in your heart?" They just exploded in laughter. At the end of the workday, one of the girls said, "I'm going to have sex with my boyfriend with love in my heart!" I was like, fine. That's a good thing.
I get that all of humanity is made up of callous fuckers, but I'm not sure that liberals get it.
Also, now that I think about it, there was a very sweet African-American woman who had given birth prematurely. And her baby died. And she and her husband were in the room with the baby when she died. And she talked about how sad it was.
Anyway, after venting on the Althouse blog over and over, I finally had enough material where I could write a book about it. I published the book in 2010. I sent it to Bishop Curry, I don't know, 2017 maybe. And I'm terrified to sent it to him, because I know how awful and upsetting my book is. I'm stressing about it for days, maybe weeks. Finally I ask another underground pro-lifer in my church, a powerful Christian, what I should do. His name was Kirk and sometimes I would call him Captain Kirk.
Kirk: "Send it."
Me: "Yeah, but there's infanticide in it, it's all about infanticide and killing and it's a brutal read. It's not holy at all."
Kirk: "Don't worry about it. Send it."
I was worried about me, because I'm a selfish bastard, and I didn't want to get in trouble. But Kirk gave me permission, so I sent it.
What I would do with my abortion book, I would inflict it on liberals. Are you liberal? I would throw my book at you. Liberal Republicans, Liberal Democrats, Commies disguised as Liberals, all these right-thinking liberals. I threw my book at everybody. My book's so mean I took fucking shots at Scalia. When Scalia died I had a guilty day or two, hoping he didn't read my book and it caused him to die in his sleep. My book is fucking mean!
I threw my book at Professor Amar, who had the title of greatest fucking law professor in the world until Althouse stole it from him. Hey, you sweet fucking liberal!. Infanticide in your mailbox.
I threw my book at editors, at journalists, at famous journalists. Rush Limbaugh got a copy. He didn't care. I sent it to fucking everybody. Maybe my book sucks! I am biased as shit! Doesn't fucking matter.
A little voice in my brain (possibly Satan, or maybe one of my Scottish ancestors), "Why are you sending a book to Ruth Bader Ginsburg? That's a waste of time and money. Save the $15." And I'd struggle with it for a day or two. And then I was like, "Fuck it!" And threw my book at her, too.
I threw it at everybody. Trump would have a "short list" of judicial nominees, and I threw my infanticide book at all of them. I threw my infanticide book at Trump, at his son-in-law, at his daughter. Why did I send one to his daughter? Fuck if I know. I had no plan. It was just infanticide-book-throwing.
And I thought that "stench" was an interesting word choice. I wonder if she read my book? And a little voice in my head, might have been Donald Trump, that voice said, "She read my abortion book, and I got Roe v. Wade overturned, I did it, I did it, my book did it, woo-hoo.
Fuck if I know what works or doesn't work. If you're wondering about trying something, sometimes just fucking leap into it and see what happens.
"Not trying to tell Althouse what to blog or anything--but the left-on-left civil war at the NYT over the trans issue seems an interesting new development, what with pushback from the editors."
The left hates pipelines. In Biden's first nanosecond in office he shuts down the XL pipeline. Let's use rail they said. Warren Buffet approves, as does Larry Fink (aka Mr. ESG) of Blackrock Corp, the largest investment company in the world. ESG? The E stands for Environmental. Blackrock is a major shareholder in Norfolk Southern. This week Mayor Pete, transportation secretary let it slip that derailments happen all the time. 1000 per year he said. One might think there was a conspiracy or sumpin'.
There is no doubt that Bakhmut looks like WWI or the infamous "Eastern Front" of WWII. Why we are willing to enable the murder of so many young men over who gets to rule over some ethnic Russians on Russia's border within the limits of the former Soviet Union, is beyond me. I will never understand it.
Ukrainian and even European media has aired accounts of how ethnic Russians are to be expelled en masse from Crimea when Ukraine wins. Well, it's better than when they used to talk about just killing them all, just a few years back, so I guess that's progress in the theory of ethnic cleansing.
" Well, it's better than when they used to talk about just killing them all, just a few years back, so I guess that's progress in the theory of ethnic cleansing."
Now do stealing Ukrainian children and resettling them in Russia. Could that be considered to be ethnic cleansing in Vermont?
So after mixing it up with Drago the other day, I closed by saying I was going fishing. Two red drum over 35”, the biggest was 38”. Also the biggest damned black drum I’ve ever seen. All in about an hour. If I could figure out how, I’d show the proof. I’m sure Drago was researching from his command post in his basement.
"Now do stealing Ukrainian children and resettling them in Russia."
You provide me with the evidence of it that doesn't come out of the mouths of Ukrainian propagandists as a description of ethnic Russians fleeing the war-zone to Russia proper, rather than into the arms of Ukrainian soldiers who have been shelling their cities for eight years, and I will let you know. As it is, most of the stuff that comes out of Ukraine is projection.
Here is a TV show in Ukraine describing killing off "superfluous" people in the Donbas that "nobody has any use for."
If you want to become more proof against propaganda, you should read some history. Start with the Ancient Greeks, almost nothing is new except the tech employed.
- There's no climate crisis. - Creating clouds in the Artic would block the heat transfer to space and raise the Earth's temperature. The poles are where the heat absorbed in the tropics is radiated back to space.
Better solution: Put old George the Nazi into space above the tropics as a radiation shield.
@Mutaman (12:34), you ignorant lout, Greg Gutfeld is a comedian and late night talk show host. According to the ratings he is the most popular late night talk show host currently on the air. He is not involved in he Dominion lawsuit, as an intelligent person would know.
As a former project leader for high security and HIPAA-compliant computer systems, and as a former adjunct professor who taught computer security, believe that the Dominion machines are hackable. I don’t personally have the skills to do that, but I know that such people exist — I’ve worked with a couple of them.
Mutaman You voted for Biden so it's probably not wise for you to call anyone who didn't an idiot. Please feel free to ask questions if you don't understand this.
Fighting around Bakhmut is absolutely ferocious. Western official talking heads declare it meaningless, demonstrating again complete lack of understanding of this war.
This war is not about Good vs Evil or Right vs Wrong, this war is about re-making old USSR borders. Kiev insist on exact preservation of old Soviet borders while Moscow insists on changing old Soviet borders. It is fight for land, pure and simple, so every inch is fiercely contested by both sides.
"Now there is a new video of Victoria White after her beating and before she was dragged through the US Capitol without her shoes or coat. Victoria is seen bloodied after being beaten by police; struck more than 40 times with metal batons and fists to the face and head by MPD Officer Jason Bagshaw. Then they paraded her through the US Capitol without her shoes and with blood running down her face."
So called 'stolen Ukrainian children' are really orphans in the war zone. Russian authorities are moving them away from the dangers of war. What else can be done? Leave them there? or send them to Kiev? Kiev doesn't want them and they don't want Kiev. Their parents most likely killed by Kievan forces. Kiev was indiscriminately bombarding civilian areas of Donbas for 8 years before Russia intervened. There were hundreds of children killed in Donbas during those 8 years by Kievan shelling of civilian areas. This is well documented.
jaydub; you've Convinced me! Both sides are Evil, and Disgusting.. And we should back out and let them kill each other. Thanx for explaining it so well!
LLR and Whitmer Fanboy Chuck: "Elon Musk, Russia, Ukraine, Starlink and Twitter. Explained very succinctly by Jonathan V. Last at the Bulwark."
Well well well.
It will surprise absolutely no one that LLR Chuck has linked to another lefty-funded lie-fest error riddled Bulwark BS exercise "article" (actually, far left propaganda).
The key fact omitted from Chuck's linked "article" (propaganda) is this: Musk will not allow Starlink services to be used for Ukrainian attacks (primarily by drones) on RUSSIAN SOIL because sustained Ukrainian attacks on RUSSIAN SOIL is what is believed could trigger a wider war.
Because Jonathan Last, like LLR Chuck, is part of the larger Hate Musk democratical effort, Last then spends the vast majority of his lie-filled "article" (propaganda) performing amazing feats of mind-reading to reach his untethered from reality "conclusions".
Other Althousians should feel free to ask LLR Chuck how a supposed "succintly" prepared "article" about an issue omits the single most important fact related to that issue.
I warn you though, given the hour, LLR Chuck may very well be on his 4th round of gin and tonics so LLR Chuck may begin to display Kamala-like "coherence" in his non-response deflection "responses".
Lets see what happens. Perhaps another Sarah Sanders Great Pecan Pie Controversy And LLR Chuck Meltdown will be in our future!
RE: @Mr. Majestyk, "What in the world are you talking about?
You apparently have a comprehension problem. Perhaps the following Wikipedia snippets on "Atlas Shrugged" will help you. (I assume you fully get the "1984" Big Brother inference.)
"...Atlas Shrugged is set in a dystopian United States at an unspecified time, in which the country has a "National Legislature" instead of Congress and a "Head of State" instead of a President. The US appears to be approaching an economic collapse, with widespread shortages, business failures, and decreased productivity. ... As economic conditions worsen and government enforces statist controls on successful businesses,..."
Now I'll spell it out for you. Both Rand and Orwell were warning about such stifling statist controls and efforts to suppress dissent. However, the current dominant political party (D) and Head of State (D) (in collusion with media and academia) are embracing such practices. And they are "educating" young people and the general public to support them. Furthermore, despite worsening conditions, so far at least, the majority of people/votes counted are continuing to support such practices. Thus, warnings not heeded, resulting in instruction manuals for suppression and control. And working.
For those who are wondering, Jonathon Last of the Bulwark basically works for Google so you can get the same level of "quality content" by reading Adam Schiff's twitter feed.
That's because the Bulwark, a part of the 501(c)(3) Defending Democracy Institute (started by passionate far left policy pusher & neocon Bill Kristol) receives millions from a little oufit known as the Democracy Fund Voice, another nonprofit that is funded by Pierre Omidyar & from Hopewell Fund which, you guessed it, is a nonprofit with ties to the top dark money mega donor of 2020, the liberal Sixteen Thirty Fund.
Gee, that's an awful lot of far left types pretending to be "conservatives" seeking to conserve "conservatism".
In related news, Elon Musk, the fellow LLR Chuck labeled a "clown" and a "bozo", and his SpaceX team successfully launched a Falcon 9 rocket with 3rd party comms payload satellites yesterday and are following that up with another launch out of Vandenburg today with another 51 starlink LEO satellites hitching a ride.
Elon Musk thru his vision and the team that he brought together, has singlehandedly moved the US back into a massive lead over LLR Chuck's beloved democratical's ChiCom pals in payload to orbit capability.
And that's BEFORE Starship comes into play this year (first launch next month?) which will move the US so far ahead of the ChiComs I believe there is a 25% chance the democraticals/GOPe-ers (but I repeat myself) may indict Musk for something, anything!
So there it is, the key reasons for LLR Chuck's smear campaign against Musk: - Blowing the ChiComs out of the water in the Heavy Lift to Orbit race - Refusal to allow Starlink for offensive operations on Russian soil to expand the DC MIC grift and money laundering operation - returning free speech to Twitter
Lefties like LLR Chuck hate free speech being allowed for conservatives.
Biden is definitely running for reelection. Watching shows on Tubi and ads showing what a great job Biden is doing are in heavy rotation. Hey! Did you know he's brought Republicans and Democrats togather to vote for his great plans? In any event, that's what the ads say.
"Lynched for simply being black, but not anymore. White crowds [and] white families gathered to celebrate the spectacle; taking pictures of the bodies and mailing them like postcards. Hard to believe that’s what was done — and some people still want to do that."
Let's not forget about what he thought Mitt Romney was going to do:
"They gonna put y’all back in chains"
Democrats are revving up the smear machine to 11. It normally runs at an 8, but elections are coming and they must scare the Black population back onto the Dem plantation lest they actually improve their situation.
Query: Were all the geniuses who post here claiming the election was rigged just putting us on all along? Like Tucker and Hannity?
Until you can explain why five swing states stopped updating their votes totals - all at the same time, with Trump leading - suddenly had Biden in the lead several hours later after everybody was told to go home, you need to shut it.
That had nothing to do with FOX News, Dominion or any of the other distractions.
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६२ टिप्पण्या:
So Althouse is traveling... as long as it's not a balloon. Biden has ordered balloons be dealt with extreme prejudice.
Years of reading the Internet comments (largely the Althouse comments, recently twitter) has rendered me an out and out misanthropist. Althouse comments are still a bastion of sanity and intelligence compared to the rest of the online world I have encountered, but that says much more about the rest of the Internet than it does the Althouse commentators. On the bright side, reading the comments here has become MUCH faster now that I know exactly what (nearly) everyone is going to say before I even start reading. I'm amazed by how I can know who wrote a comment by the first few words I read, and I'm almost never wrong. I should do what Howard seems to have done and just leave.
Chuck; what was the name of the This American Life episode you mentioned recently?
Finally; someone recently made reference to an accused person not only denying guilt but mocking the very charges, and they used a phrase in the form of "an animal _something the __ something". I thought of it like the phrase "gilding the lily" in reverse. To goad a prosecutor, like a red flag to a bull. Does anyone remember that? My sons and I have been talking about it.
This Usually Happens...
Fetterman to stay in hospital 'for weeks' for depression treatment: senior aide
"A senior aide says it’s been difficult to distinguish the stroke from the depression ."
I mean, RIGHT? people getting "depression treatment" USUALLY stay in the hospital FOR WEEKS..
Right? i mean.. RIGHT? Can ANYONE think of another case?
"A senior aide tells me both the staff and Fetterman himself were taken by surprise by the severe onset of depression.
Fetterman's Chief of Staff, Adam Jentleson, released a statement Wednesday that said, "While John has experienced depression off and on throughout his life..
Nothing takes you 'by surprise', like something you've been battling with.. YOUR WHOLE LIFE.
(except, maybe; that stroke you had last year.. THAT might surprise you (this year) too)
Alternative Headline:
The High Altitude Object Cafe'...
Not trying to tell Althouse what to blog or anything--but the left-on-left civil war at the NYT over the trans issue seems an interesting new development, what with pushback from the editors. Beginning of the end for the radicals? Or prelude to the rational left caving once and for all? Sign of the NYT audience itself splitting? Will progs be able to transcend the trans insanity?
Query: Were all the geniuses who post here claiming the election was rigged just putting us on all along? Like Tucker and Hannity?
r/JordanPeterson video: "Women try to explain to men why they're men like them"
link to video
I see another Republican Member of the House of Representatives, in addition to Representative Santos, has been called out for embellishing his resume. Some are asking for them to resign. All this will be of interest when Senator Richard “Saigon” Blumenthal and Senator Elizabeth “Hiawatha” Warren acknowledge their lies and also resign. They should show some leadership here.
Gutfeld tonight explained what happened with Marco Goecke. He overheard the critic telling a friend she planned to go to bar and get shit-faced, and Goecke just wanted to help her out.
(He tells it better.)
Let's see if I can resurrect Howard:
I think Howard got his COVID booster like the brave marine he is and promptly died of a heart attack.
Gilbar, my mother did once. It worked wonders. Hospital plus convalescent facility. Never acute again.
"At the Airplane Café..."
I just got off a 15 hour plane flight.
Are the dems down a vote while Fetterman is recuperating?
Interesting to think that many years ago, there was a big fight among women. It was called The Mommy Wars, I think. And it was a fight between the stay-at-home moms and the going-to-work moms. They were fighting over day-care.
I was a young man, and I wasn't married and I didn't have kids. If you asked me, I would have said, "Stay-at-home Moms are the best!" Like a male fascist or something. And I would have beat my chest or whatever shit male fascists do to show their dominance. Except nobody asked me and I didn't really give a shit. (It feels like ancient history!)
Abortion, on the other hand, is a serious war. We've already had abortion doctors killed, and newborns killed, and a whole bunch of babies killed in the middle of birth. I've spoken on these atrocities, and other people have too. But the vast majority of people have no idea what's going on.
Anyway, our fight over abortion is probably going to be a "cold war" rather than a "hot war," if that makes sense. And how can you tell when a cold war is over?
When it feels The Mommy Wars. I'm thinking 2030, 2040, somewhere in there, when the kids are going, "What's a fetus?" and the liberals are saying, "Arrest him! He said fetus!"
“[M]ajor Fox News hosts are essentially calling their viewers idiots,”
Jason Johnson
Hey, if the shoe fits-----
Big Mike said...
"Gutfeld tonight explained what happened with Marco Goecke.'
lets see Gutfeld's emails. I guess the Dominion attorneys didn't think he was significant enough to demand them in discovery.
Taking off over Menona/Mendota.
Y'all tell me if this Marco Goecke joke is any good.
He decided to go trans and become a woman, so he could throw shit on a man and get away with it.
Unfortunately, once he became a woman, he threw shit on himself and blamed a male for it. He wanted to falsely accuse a man of shit-throwing.
And that didn't work out, because nobody believed his trans ass.
So, even after a successful gender transition, it was shit on the man and woman was clean.
Which is funny because Marco shit himself, regardless of whether he was a man or a woman.
(to me this isn't HA HA funny but more like heh, but opinions on humor differ I guess)
(re-reading it three or four times, I get fucking confused all over again about where the fluid went and who is fucking who, I can fucking guarantee that just mass confusion alone with keep trans ideology from winning hearts and minds, honest people can't keep up with 57 pronouns and how you changed it last week and you might change it next week too, nobody has time to record all your fucking drama, you dumb children)
Great. Ann's new Earthrise photos for comparison with the sunrise series. Expanding horizons. Experiencing the Mile High Club, photographically speaking.
Is it just me, or did Ayn Rand and George Orwell totally mess up thinking they were warning future generations? Instead looks like all the super smart academic people took their work as instruction manuals. And now they've got everyone who went to school actually voting for this shit.
What "trench warfare around Bahkmut" in Ukraine means:
For years I've been trying to make my pro-choice church a little more pro-life.
I'm an Episcopalian. My church, Christ Church, is one of the largest Episcopalian churches in the Episcopal church. Our bishop is Michael Curry. He's kind of famous.
One time I sent a copy of my anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti abortion book to the Bishop. I was scared to do it. I was like, "they're going to kick me out of my spiritual home." The reason I felt that way is that my book is filled with infanticides and it's kind of a horror show. It's not a lovely book at all. It's a mean fucking book. I don't even know how to market the fucking thing. People would ask me if they should read it and I would say, "I don't know, it's really depressing." You try to market infanticide and see how many people buy your shit. Baby-killing is super-unpopular. Very serious people is the market for my book. I'm just realizing this shit as I type it. I am not a very serious person. I'm a comedian. That's why my D.A. career lasted six months. Abortion isn't funny, either. How the hell am I going to talk about this shit?
2005 to 2010, I'm on the Althouse blog, goofing off on this internet blog, avoiding work or whatever I'm "supposed to be doing." And periodically I would get mad about abortion all over again. The partial-birth abortion years were 2000 to 2007. I was on the Althouse blog from before she married Meade. This was my only outlet for my anger, this blog. In the rest of my life I'm super happy and nice with a golden retriever and happy days. On the Althouse blog, that's where my rage against infanticide went. I hate baby-killing, it pisses me off.
Anyway, Althouse is the best law professor in the world, as far as I'm concerned. Not even close. She's a feminist. She's a liberal. She had zero political interest in helping me. Absolute zero. Less than zero. She helped me anyway. How did she help me? By allowing me to vent. She just allowed it. She's a sweetheart of a human being.
I was super-angry about partial-birth abortion. The ignorance factor of partial-birth abortion in our culture is insane. I was in a roomful of attorneys one time, there were, I don't know, 15 attorneys in the room. And nobody in the room had heard of partial-birth abortion.
I was like this. "What the fuck! They're killing babies in the middle of birth!" And the attorneys are pulling out their fucking smart phones and googling that shit. Because they never heard of it. They're going to Wikipedia and googling that shit. I was thinking, "Good research, motherfucker, two seconds on Wikipedia.".
The other thing I remember, I said something like, "People should have sex with love in their heart." And the whole fucking room exploded in laughter. All the attorneys laughed at that. They were laughing at me. I was like, "What's funny about that? What's wrong with having love in your heart?" They just exploded in laughter. At the end of the workday, one of the girls said, "I'm going to have sex with my boyfriend with love in my heart!" I was like, fine. That's a good thing.
I get that all of humanity is made up of callous fuckers, but I'm not sure that liberals get it.
Also, now that I think about it, there was a very sweet African-American woman who had given birth prematurely. And her baby died. And she and her husband were in the room with the baby when she died. And she talked about how sad it was.
Anyway, after venting on the Althouse blog over and over, I finally had enough material where I could write a book about it. I published the book in 2010. I sent it to Bishop Curry, I don't know, 2017 maybe. And I'm terrified to sent it to him, because I know how awful and upsetting my book is. I'm stressing about it for days, maybe weeks. Finally I ask another underground pro-lifer in my church, a powerful Christian, what I should do. His name was Kirk and sometimes I would call him Captain Kirk.
Kirk: "Send it."
Me: "Yeah, but there's infanticide in it, it's all about infanticide and killing and it's a brutal read. It's not holy at all."
Kirk: "Don't worry about it. Send it."
I was worried about me, because I'm a selfish bastard, and I didn't want to get in trouble. But Kirk gave me permission, so I sent it.
I don't know if he read it or not.
I mean, RIGHT? people getting "depression treatment" USUALLY stay in the hospital FOR WEEKS
Only if you’re suicidal.
What I would do with my abortion book, I would inflict it on liberals. Are you liberal? I would throw my book at you. Liberal Republicans, Liberal Democrats, Commies disguised as Liberals, all these right-thinking liberals. I threw my book at everybody. My book's so mean I took fucking shots at Scalia. When Scalia died I had a guilty day or two, hoping he didn't read my book and it caused him to die in his sleep. My book is fucking mean!
I threw my book at Professor Amar, who had the title of greatest fucking law professor in the world until Althouse stole it from him. Hey, you sweet fucking liberal!. Infanticide in your mailbox.
I threw my book at editors, at journalists, at famous journalists. Rush Limbaugh got a copy. He didn't care. I sent it to fucking everybody. Maybe my book sucks! I am biased as shit! Doesn't fucking matter.
A little voice in my brain (possibly Satan, or maybe one of my Scottish ancestors), "Why are you sending a book to Ruth Bader Ginsburg? That's a waste of time and money. Save the $15." And I'd struggle with it for a day or two. And then I was like, "Fuck it!" And threw my book at her, too.
I threw it at everybody. Trump would have a "short list" of judicial nominees, and I threw my infanticide book at all of them. I threw my infanticide book at Trump, at his son-in-law, at his daughter. Why did I send one to his daughter? Fuck if I know. I had no plan. It was just infanticide-book-throwing.
One day Justice Sotomayor says that the Supreme Court won't survive the stench of overturning Roe v. Wade.
And I thought that "stench" was an interesting word choice. I wonder if she read my book? And a little voice in my head, might have been Donald Trump, that voice said, "She read my abortion book, and I got Roe v. Wade overturned, I did it, I did it, my book did it, woo-hoo.
Fuck if I know what works or doesn't work. If you're wondering about trying something, sometimes just fucking leap into it and see what happens.
"Not trying to tell Althouse what to blog or anything--but the left-on-left civil war at the NYT over the trans issue seems an interesting new development, what with pushback from the editors."
Would you notice if I did?
The left hates pipelines. In Biden's first nanosecond in office he shuts down the XL pipeline. Let's use rail they said. Warren Buffet approves, as does Larry Fink (aka Mr. ESG) of Blackrock Corp, the largest investment company in the world. ESG? The E stands for Environmental. Blackrock is a major shareholder in Norfolk Southern. This week Mayor Pete, transportation secretary let it slip that derailments happen all the time. 1000 per year he said. One might think there was a conspiracy or sumpin'.
There is no doubt that Bakhmut looks like WWI or the infamous "Eastern Front" of WWII. Why we are willing to enable the murder of so many young men over who gets to rule over some ethnic Russians on Russia's border within the limits of the former Soviet Union, is beyond me. I will never understand it.
Ukrainian and even European media has aired accounts of how ethnic Russians are to be expelled en masse from Crimea when Ukraine wins. Well, it's better than when they used to talk about just killing them all, just a few years back, so I guess that's progress in the theory of ethnic cleansing.
Vaporized tanker chemicals safe, using natural gas stoves hazardous. Wisdom from the Best and the Brightest.
"gadfly said...
Taking off over Menona/Mendota."
Nope. That's Pewaukee Lake. About 60 miles east of Madison. I'll bet she's heading to NYC to see her son.
God bless you Saint Croix.
The Asbury Revival is well into its second week. Search for news of it; it is different.
Different and hopeful. Another sign, if commenters here are right about what they've been noticing at the margins of our crazed society.
Sound On...
All this will be of interest when Senator Richard “Saigon” Blumenthal and Senator Elizabeth “Hiawatha” Warren acknowledge their lies and also resign.
After NY's third senator, Ron Wyden, admits he lives is NYC and not Oregon. His wife and kids live in NYC.
" Well, it's better than when they used to talk about just killing them all, just a few years back, so I guess that's progress in the theory of ethnic cleansing."
Now do stealing Ukrainian children and resettling them in Russia. Could that be considered to be ethnic cleansing in Vermont?
So after mixing it up with Drago the other day, I closed by saying I was going fishing. Two red drum over 35”, the biggest was 38”. Also the biggest damned black drum I’ve ever seen. All in about an hour. If I could figure out how, I’d show the proof. I’m sure Drago was researching from his command post in his basement.
thanks Whitey!
"Now do stealing Ukrainian children and resettling them in Russia."
You provide me with the evidence of it that doesn't come out of the mouths of Ukrainian propagandists as a description of ethnic Russians fleeing the war-zone to Russia proper, rather than into the arms of Ukrainian soldiers who have been shelling their cities for eight years, and I will let you know. As it is, most of the stuff that comes out of Ukraine is projection.
Here is a TV show in Ukraine describing killing off "superfluous" people in the Donbas that "nobody has any use for."
This was a US funded channel, BTW.
If you want to become more proof against propaganda, you should read some history. Start with the Ancient Greeks, almost nothing is new except the tech employed.
George Soros wants to cool the Earth by creating man-made clouds in the Artic. Just a couple of problems with this approach:
- There's no climate crisis.
- Creating clouds in the Artic would block the heat transfer to space and raise the Earth's temperature. The poles are where the heat absorbed in the tropics is radiated back to space.
Better solution: Put old George the Nazi into space above the tropics as a radiation shield.
@planetgeo: What academic people are taking Ayn Rand's works as an "instruction manuals"? Who is voting for laissez-faire capitalism?
What in the world are you talking about?
@Mutaman (12:34), you ignorant lout, Greg Gutfeld is a comedian and late night talk show host. According to the ratings he is the most popular late night talk show host currently on the air. He is not involved in he Dominion lawsuit, as an intelligent person would know.
As a former project leader for high security and HIPAA-compliant computer systems, and as a former adjunct professor who taught computer security, believe that the Dominion machines are hackable. I don’t personally have the skills to do that, but I know that such people exist — I’ve worked with a couple of them.
You voted for Biden so it's probably not wise for you to call anyone who didn't an idiot. Please feel free to ask questions if you don't understand this.
Elon Musk, Russia, Ukraine, Starlink and Twitter.
Explained very succinctly by Jonathan V. Last at the Bulwark.
Fighting around Bakhmut is absolutely ferocious. Western official talking heads declare it meaningless, demonstrating again complete lack of understanding of this war.
This war is not about Good vs Evil or Right vs Wrong, this war is about re-making old USSR borders. Kiev insist on exact preservation of old Soviet borders while Moscow insists on changing old Soviet borders. It is fight for land, pure and simple, so every inch is fiercely contested by both sides.
"Now there is a new video of Victoria White after her beating and before she was dragged through the US Capitol without her shoes or coat. Victoria is seen bloodied after being beaten by police; struck more than 40 times with metal batons and fists to the face and head by MPD Officer Jason Bagshaw. Then they paraded her through the US Capitol without her shoes and with blood running down her face."
So called 'stolen Ukrainian children' are really orphans in the war zone. Russian authorities are moving them away from the dangers of war. What else can be done? Leave them there? or send them to Kiev? Kiev doesn't want them and they don't want Kiev. Their parents most likely killed by Kievan forces. Kiev was indiscriminately bombarding civilian areas of Donbas for 8 years before Russia intervened. There were hundreds of children killed in Donbas during those 8 years by Kievan shelling of civilian areas. This is well documented.
jaydub; you've Convinced me!
Both sides are Evil, and Disgusting.. And we should back out and let them kill each other.
Thanx for explaining it so well!
LLR and Whitmer Fanboy Chuck: "Elon Musk, Russia, Ukraine, Starlink and Twitter.
Explained very succinctly by Jonathan V. Last at the Bulwark."
Well well well.
It will surprise absolutely no one that LLR Chuck has linked to another lefty-funded lie-fest error riddled Bulwark BS exercise "article" (actually, far left propaganda).
The key fact omitted from Chuck's linked "article" (propaganda) is this: Musk will not allow Starlink services to be used for Ukrainian attacks (primarily by drones) on RUSSIAN SOIL because sustained Ukrainian attacks on RUSSIAN SOIL is what is believed could trigger a wider war.
Because Jonathan Last, like LLR Chuck, is part of the larger Hate Musk democratical effort, Last then spends the vast majority of his lie-filled "article" (propaganda) performing amazing feats of mind-reading to reach his untethered from reality "conclusions".
Other Althousians should feel free to ask LLR Chuck how a supposed "succintly" prepared "article" about an issue omits the single most important fact related to that issue.
I warn you though, given the hour, LLR Chuck may very well be on his 4th round of gin and tonics so LLR Chuck may begin to display Kamala-like "coherence" in his non-response deflection "responses".
Lets see what happens. Perhaps another Sarah Sanders Great Pecan Pie Controversy And LLR Chuck Meltdown will be in our future!
RE: @Mr. Majestyk, "What in the world are you talking about?
You apparently have a comprehension problem. Perhaps the following Wikipedia snippets on "Atlas Shrugged" will help you. (I assume you fully get the "1984" Big Brother inference.)
"...Atlas Shrugged is set in a dystopian United States at an unspecified time, in which the country has a "National Legislature" instead of Congress and a "Head of State" instead of a President. The US appears to be approaching an economic collapse, with widespread shortages, business failures, and decreased productivity. ... As economic conditions worsen and government enforces statist controls on successful businesses,..."
Now I'll spell it out for you. Both Rand and Orwell were warning about such stifling statist controls and efforts to suppress dissent. However, the current dominant political party (D) and Head of State (D) (in collusion with media and academia) are embracing such practices. And they are "educating" young people and the general public to support them. Furthermore, despite worsening conditions, so far at least, the majority of people/votes counted are continuing to support such practices. Thus, warnings not heeded, resulting in instruction manuals for suppression and control. And working.
For those who are wondering, Jonathon Last of the Bulwark basically works for Google so you can get the same level of "quality content" by reading Adam Schiff's twitter feed.
That's because the Bulwark, a part of the 501(c)(3) Defending Democracy Institute (started by passionate far left policy pusher & neocon Bill Kristol) receives millions from a little oufit known as the Democracy Fund Voice, another nonprofit that is funded by Pierre Omidyar & from Hopewell Fund which, you guessed it, is a nonprofit with ties to the top dark money mega donor of 2020, the liberal Sixteen Thirty Fund.
Gee, that's an awful lot of far left types pretending to be "conservatives" seeking to conserve "conservatism".
Just like LLR Chuck!
In related news, Elon Musk, the fellow LLR Chuck labeled a "clown" and a "bozo", and his SpaceX team successfully launched a Falcon 9 rocket with 3rd party comms payload satellites yesterday and are following that up with another launch out of Vandenburg today with another 51 starlink LEO satellites hitching a ride.
Elon Musk thru his vision and the team that he brought together, has singlehandedly moved the US back into a massive lead over LLR Chuck's beloved democratical's ChiCom pals in payload to orbit capability.
And that's BEFORE Starship comes into play this year (first launch next month?) which will move the US so far ahead of the ChiComs I believe there is a 25% chance the democraticals/GOPe-ers (but I repeat myself) may indict Musk for something, anything!
So there it is, the key reasons for LLR Chuck's smear campaign against Musk:
- Blowing the ChiComs out of the water in the Heavy Lift to Orbit race
- Refusal to allow Starlink for offensive operations on Russian soil to expand the DC MIC grift and money laundering operation
- returning free speech to Twitter
Lefties like LLR Chuck hate free speech being allowed for conservatives.
Biden is definitely running for reelection. Watching shows on Tubi and ads showing what a great job Biden is doing are in heavy rotation. Hey! Did you know he's brought Republicans and Democrats togather to vote for his great plans? In any event, that's what the ads say.
Planetgeo: Nothing is wrong with my vomprehension. Your original comment that was confusing. Your second comment cleared things up. Thanks.
Gospace: "Did you know he's brought Republicans and Democrats togather to vote for his great plans? In any event, that's what the ads say."
Biden did not bring Republicans and Democrats together to vote for his "great" plans.
The GOPe-ers were already fully on board with the democraticals plans before Biden was installed.
Biden's such a great uniter that he says this about White people:
"Lynched for simply being black, but not anymore. White crowds [and] white families gathered to celebrate the spectacle; taking pictures of the bodies and mailing them like postcards. Hard to believe that’s what was done — and some people still want to do that."
Let's not forget about what he thought Mitt Romney was going to do:
"They gonna put y’all back in chains"
Democrats are revving up the smear machine to 11. It normally runs at an 8, but elections are coming and they must scare the Black population back onto the Dem plantation lest they actually improve their situation.
Query: Were all the geniuses who post here claiming the election was rigged just putting us on all along? Like Tucker and Hannity?
Until you can explain why five swing states stopped updating their votes totals - all at the same time, with Trump leading - suddenly had Biden in the lead several hours later after everybody was told to go home, you need to shut it.
That had nothing to do with FOX News, Dominion or any of the other distractions.
Explain it or shut the fuck up.
My suggestion to every human being
abandon race as a concept
just talk to people like they are human beings.
it really works
I see that Jimmy Carter has his foot on the banana peel.......again.
I seem to recall him stating that he had 18 months to live about 5 years ago.
"I believe there is a 25% chance the democraticals/GOPe-ers (but I repeat myself) may indict Musk for something, anything!"
They seem to be keen on impeachments. Is there a way to get Musk elected to something where that would be an option?
"My suggestion to every human being
abandon race as a concept"
You lost pretty much every Democrat in the country right there.
Just sayin'.
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