"John McCain even ran for president promising to bring Prime Minister’s Questions to the United States. On Tuesday, at President Joe Biden’s State of the Union, America got a window into what that would be like.
During an 80-minute-long speech, Biden was repeatedly heckled by House Republicans and even went back and forth with the hecklers at various points. It was a vast departure from American tradition, which views the State of the Union far more like the monarch’s speech in the U.K.... This wasn’t that.... It seems pretty clear that the traditions are changing. After all, until a century ago, presidents wouldn’t appear in person to give their State of the Union address. It was considered too monarchial.... Presidents only started regularly appearing before Congress when Woodrow Wilson, an admirer of parliamentary politics, showed up to deliver his annual address in person.... It’s unclear how the State of the Union will evolve in the future, but the formality of the recent past is gone. If this latest version speaks to what’s ahead, the State of the Union has become more of an interactive experience...."
५२ टिप्पण्या:
Civility Bullshit
Why not heckle? Decorum is out the window. If the media would call out the Liar-in-Chief, it might not be necessary to heckle. Go for it and ramp it up!
Wonder what would guy debord would have to say about all this.
It died when Nancy ripped up the SOTU address in front of the world. Screw the left. THEY did this. THEY poked and poked and poked and they don't like when turn about is fair play.
You liberals really, really hate Marjorie Taylor Greene, don't you? Is she any worse that Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, or any other member of the squad. Is calling Joe Biden a liar when he lies worse than Nancy Pelosi tearing up Donald Trump's State of the Union text?
He enjoys conversion.
OT, by the way, it looks like Biden is trying to start WW3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11727691/U-S-carried-Nord-Stream-bomb-attack-secret-plan-led-Joe-Biden-report-claims.html
Biden is a liar.
and? The entire Democrat party are all lying liars who lie.
Nancy Pelosi set the bar. Besides President (fraud) a well known liar who shamelessly lied in his speech deserves no less.
Anything that gets rid of this stupid spectacle if fine by me.
Social security, less shared responsibility (e.g. "progressive prices"), is manageable.
Medicare/Medicaid/Obamacares cannot be funded at single/central/monopolistic pricing levels and are the principal forcings of deficits and debt progression. Followed by academic financing schemes to compensate for the same, asset inflation, immigration reform, labor and environmental arbitrage, Green deals, elective abortion, etc. DIEversity is a dead end to human relations. Obama/Biden's World War Spring series (e.g. second Iraq war) only served to exacerbated the conflict. The cargo cult science of the pandemic didn't help, but planned parent/hood did relieve systemic "burdens" in several Democrat districts.
Good, if I had known the GOP would grow some stones, I'd have watched the SOTU.
Everyone knows that Biden is verging, in not in, senility. A significant portion of his lies are rubber chicken dinner send ups. Little, cute bon mots he served up with dinner to "connect" with the crowd. Like a lot of senile people these long-term memories, burned in from constant use, float back to the top and he launches them.
The real problems are the lies his handlers put on his teleprompter. They need to be called out. This might be the only way to get notice on the national stage that there is an issue because the GOP can call plenty of press conferences and the MSM can ignore every one of them.
It was a vast departure from American tradition, which views the State of the Union far more like the monarch’s speech in the U.K....
Except that Jefferson quit delivering the speech to Congress in 1801 because he felt it was too much like a speech from a monarch. From that point on Presidents wrote it out and it was read into the Congressional Record by a clerk. Woodrow Wilson began the modern practice of reading it to Congress in 1913.
If you can't take the heat, get off the Speaker's Rostrum.
Good. The state of the Union is a farce times 10. I will start to tune in if I'm assured that the IP opposition will get salty and let the Braggart-in-Chief have it, verbally.
So many things wrong with SOTU addresses. They should be taken behind the barn and shot, but if we have to have them, can we please, please, please get rid of the phalanx of cabinet appointees, TOP BRASS military types, and Supreme Court justices? This is a report to the people. Which is being delivered to their elected representatives.
With all due respect, John Roberts might be a person but he's not The People.
wendybar: Seymour Hersh had a great substack article on taking out the Nordstream pipeline and how the Biden administration used regular Navy divers to do the dirty work so they didn't have to tell Congress what they were doing.
Still won't watch next year.
Biden starting WW3 is kinda interesting. I don’t like Seymour Hersh but he seems plenty competent; and his story on CIA/Navy divers taking out Nord Stream seems at least plausible. Should we trust Biden —as dishonest an excuse for a politician as any in our sorry history— if he and his minions deny Hersh’s story? If Hersh’s story were true, how is it not an act of war, one that Putin could not ignore and one that has made Germany and the entire EU suffer enormously?
Genius move by the guy who figured out how to take an overdue withdrawal from a botched strategy in Afghanistan, and turn it into an absolute disaster.
My wife asked me a question that stumped me last night: why does the Supreme Court need to be there at all? This really does seem like an acknowledgment that the President is a monarch, representing the nation in a way that the other two branches must bow before.
A question time for presidents is a great idea. In contrast to the well spoken PMs of the UK it would be interesting if not hilarious to see our current POTUS answer question from members. Sad but funny. He could not do it.
Haha Biden was good. On top of it.
Musta taken some Adderall.
LOL! Of all the people in D.C. no one is less deserving of politeness than Joe "Shit For Brains" Biden.
Wasn't there a Republican who yelled "You lie!" at Obama when he claimed illegal aliens wouldn't be able to get Obamacare?
Not saying that Obama didn't lie, and things are certainly moving that way (and already there in some states), but this has happened before.
Still not as bad as Ted Kennedy working with the Soviets to undermine Reagan.
The GOP should have brought some rotten tomatoes with them last night, but I am guessing they were afraid of getting charged with terrorism by the DoJ.
Wonderful comments seen on Twitter re: MTG. Comparing her appearance to a Disney comic villainess.
Getty photos.
I saw a bit of the speech and, aside from the lies, thought he did a pretty good job. He didn't get lost on his way off the stage and his ad libs were not too outrageous. I agree that the SOTU should b sent over to Congress and not made another campaign speech
And yet another installment of Democrats violating norms, the Democrats expecting the Republicans to uphold those norms while they continue to violate those norms to their benefit, the media praising the Democrats for violating those norms, the Republicans deciding that if those are the new rules then we plan on playing by them, cue the outrage of the Democrats and the media that the norms have been violated by those dastardly Republicans.
Orwell called it.
As usual, Trump missed an opportunity to make positive history by just going back to the written version of the SOTU during his term.
Did any of them bring up the Jan 6 political prisoners?
SS and Medicare are going to sunset...the financial wherewithal of the federal government, with all that that entails.
History started NOW, now, now, ...
Yesteryear is conservative. Forward!... and don't spare the baby, teenage boy, teenage girl, granny, gran'pa, human and retained capital...
Biden is more crude about it than Obama was, but this is the cheapest form of political low blows. Suggest that "some of" your opponents are doing something that they are not, and then attack the strawman.
If you just sit there and take it, why wouldn't the audience assume that the President is talking about something true. Good for the Republicans for publicly rising hell about it.
If you are going to do political theater, let the people have a show.
This is no different than the “preach it!”… “that’s right!”… “amen!” crap that the Dem caucus race-baiters are fond of shouting.
“C’mon, man! If you can’t stand the heat, quit yer bitchin’!”
—- the war mongering/dementia-riddled Joe Biden
This isn't about "heckling."
It's about ripping up a speech in real time, instead of waiting until the end like they Democrats do.
It's about telling Joe Biden and the horse he rode in on that we're not joining his little unity party and that he's not going to enjoy his time in office and if he's smart he continues putting up very high fences whenever he shows his face in public.
J6 in the future isn't going to be a big protest party where feet get put up on desks. It's going to be red, like his speeches.
C'mon man who lives under a rock? MIKE LEE on Social Security and more
"I'm here right now to tell you one thing you probably have never heard from a politician: It will be my objective to phase out Social Security, to pull it up from the roots and get rid of it," Lee said during a campaign stop February 23, 2010, in Cache Valley, Utah. "People who advise me politically always tell me it's dangerous and I tell them, 'In that case it's not worth my running.' That's why I'm doing this, to get rid of that. Medicare and Medicaid are of the same sort, they need to be pulled up." Repubs since the Newt have been trying to figure out how to fold up these systems. The feigned incredulity at SOTU was pretty silly. C'mon man we don't all live under a rock Old News Yeah, same mindset oh yeah and all talks of sunset and raising age etc all whistles.
Chuck, do you ever have anything useful to say, or must you always shill for the left?
“Wonderful comments seen on Twitter re: MTG. Comparing her appearance to a Disney comic villainess.”
I’ve been seeing these all day in various places. Very apt.
Attributed to Woodrow Wilson and others ...
“How long does it take you to prepare one of your speeches?” asked a friend of President Wilson.
“That depends on the length of the speech,” answered the President. “If it is a 10-minute speech, it takes me all of two weeks to prepare it; if it is a half hour speech, it takes me a week; if I can talk as long as I want to, it requires no preparation at all. I am ready now.”
Quote Investigator
President Biden had his speech ready in no time at all.
frantically digging for anything to try a distract for the absolute mess he made of the United States presidency.
You elected a fuck up, Dinky and everything that has followed from that is on you. 81 million selfish, thoughtless idiots.
Would he even be competent to stand trial in his classified materials prosecution?
If you're going to lie outrageously to the American people a la Biden, you can't expect etiquette and decorum.
They should just combine this with the Grammy awards and kill two birds with one stone.
Hardly anyone watches or cares about either of them anyway.
Biden could have done his red light Hitler routine and outshone Sam Smith's Halloweenie devil outfit.
"You are charged with Contempt of President. How do you plead?"
Couple of points.
1. There's nothing wrong with the President making a campaign speech to the House/Senate, and theres nothing wrong with members of the House and Senate heckling him if the speech he's making is a campaign speech.
2. For me, Pelosi ripping up Trump's speech marked the end of treating these events as if they were anything other than purely partisan.
3. Frankly, the S Ct Justices should imho, stay away. They know they have to sit there like stick figures, so why go?
4. Nobody cares. It's just another campaign speech.
5. Most important, nobody cares.
Barry lies about SCOTUS to their faces. Nancy tears up Trump's speech. But GOPers lack decorum. Got it.
INKY DAU 45 said...
“C'mon man who lives under a rock? MIKE LEE on Social Security and more . . .”
C’mon man. Joe Biden himself proposed sunsetting every federal program including Soc Sec and Medicare in 1974.
By way of Instapundit:
“In the summer of 1975, U.S. News & World Report informed its readers about a new breed of Senate Democrat.
That week, Biden proposed his budget reform: S. 2067, “A bill to limit the authorization of new budget authority and to require comprehensive review and study of existing programs for which continued budget authority is proposed. . . .
Biden took to the Senate floor to deplore the size of the federal budget and its growth rate. “It took this country 185 years to reach an annual expenditure from the federal budget of $100 billion,” Biden explained. “Just nine years later, we had reached the His bill, he explained, “limits to 4 years the length of any spending authorization for a program. … The purpose is to assure a uniform scrutiny of all programs on a regular basis.”
In other words every program - that included Soc Sec and Medicare - would be evaluated every 4 years and would have to be voted on in order to prevent it from sunsetting.
Continued at Instapundit: “ This happens to be very similar to the proposal of Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) that Biden made the centerpiece of his partisan attack in his State of the Union.”
All the democrats keep complaining about their fictional version of "mUh deMoCracy!"
What is more democratic than a Parliamentarian raucous of elected representatives in front of a corrupt, senile oligarch?
MTG scares the Bejesus out of Radicals like Inga and her buddy Chucky who STILL claims to be a Conservative, even though he bows down to, and worships at the alter of Progressivism.
I have not really paid much attention to MTG. I didn't even know what she looked like. However, I clicked on Chuck's link. I assumed that she would look like some right-wing version of whatever that Star Wars get-up that Ayanna Pressley was wearing, with some suitably bizarre makeup and hair.
She looks pretty good! No wonder they are terrified.
"Republicans took issue with Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s impulsive decision to rip the prepared remarks in half. Prior to that, roughly a dozen Democrats had walked out during the speech."
It's lie upon lie. There was no impulsive decision. Pelosi tore little notches in the pages during the speech so that all the pages would tear easily at the end.
Debate in the House of Commons can indeed be raucous, but you can't call anyone a liar - that would have you ruled out of order by Mr Speaker. Everyone must be referred to as "the Honourable Member for [constituency]" or indeed "the Right Honourable Member for..." in the case of members of the Privy Council (essentially senior MPs who have been Ministers of the Crown). That said, there are a number of euphemisms that can be employed to get around the rules.
The most important difference that contributes to the vibrancy of debate in the Westminster model is that members of the Executive are also members of the Legislature - Ministers are Members of Parliament. That means that although Ministers are called to answer questions in somewhat ponderous committee meetings, they are also put on the spot in Parliamentary debates and of course the Prime Minster has to face half an hour of random questions from MPs and in particular the Leader of the Opposition, every week.
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