President Biden meets with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida @kishida230 in the Oval Office.
— CSPAN (@cspan) January 13, 2023
ADDED: I thought maybe the name "Fumio" means "raging fire," but I looked it up, and as a Japanese name, it means "history." From a European perspective, it suggests "fuming." In Italian, "fumio" means "smoking."
८० टिप्पण्या:
Hard not to see it as unintentionally symbolic in regards to how his past week has gone.
Old school document handling. When hammers and bit bleach are not enough.
Is that a gas flame?
Are we trying to induce asthmatic reactions in our foreign leaders?
That Biden is more sneaky that we give him credit for. Dark Brandon at work.
Real fire? I would never use that style of stack for a fire in an old fireplace. It’s great for a fire pit because it burns hotter than hades and makes less smoke but it might melt your house down…
To accentuate the warmth from the authenticity of our president. Or maybe they just had a bunch of leftover cue cards that they had to dispose of.
"Is that a gas flame?"
I say it's impossible. If you had a gas fireplace insert, you'd adjust it to the perfect level of flame, and it wouldn't be that?
It must be that someone worried that it would look too small or fizzle out, and they went big.
The fire is symbolic… how better to represent the good money after bad policies of this insane Corvette-owning codger’s administration?
Remember when the Queen set Windsor Castle on fire? It's a fabulous sympathy-getter.
Burning down the White House.
They had to have just lit it and should have let it burn down a touch. I don't think it is a gas fire. Either way, if that is gas or a wood fire, it is completely against their own climate agenda. Shameful.
What did people use before gas stoves?
David Byrne is God. Stop Making Sense at Madison Square Garden is absolutely destination #1 if they ever make a time machine and I get to use it.
Looks like one of Ace of Spade's flaming skulls.
Appropriately enough.
Fireside chat?
Dumpster fire is the popular argot for the disaster installed in the US Presidency by the Democrat- CCP organized crime mob. Unintentional?
With Biden's dictatorial black and red symbolism in Philadelphia. With KJP's inane "Baghdad Bob" level press briefings. With Adam Schiff. With Mayorkas. This is but a continuing reveal of the judgment and quality of his staff.
It wouldn’t be the first time the peoples house was on fire.
The hardest part would be how to blame Trump for it.
The blame Trump White House task force is already burning the midnight oil.
The fire burns at the same rate and pattern throughout the 10-minute video on C-SPAN. I'm with the "I think it's gas" people. Probably turned on by someone who is not used to fires in fireplaces and thinks it should look like it does in cartoons.
It is a roaring fire. The relationship between Japan and USA va voom, maybe?
I watched a couple of minutes of the clip with the volume off. Biden looking down at his notes and checking items off is not the best look.
Just bullshitting here....If America is nearly at a New Civil War between L and C and R and D, maybe we need an old doddering leader in these times. I will vote against the SOB. He appears like a dementia addled great grandparent in this Twitter clip.
The American Lung Association says: "Emissions from wood smoke... can cause coughing, wheezing, asthma attacks, heart attacks, and premature death, among other health effects."
The fire is metaphorical in so many ways. A frightening reminder of climate change, and of our collective and systemic climate sin, living as we do in a world where even the greatest champion of decarbonization is forced to pour more carbon into the air as part of rigid protocol.
Also the metaphor of the burning of embarrassing documents. If you squint you can just read “Hustler” on one scrap of the stuff going up in smoke.
Also the metaphor of being caught trying to dispose and obliterate embarrassing documents. And the further metaphor of being caught trying to evade the Archives’ process of controlling them and accounting for them and then the DoD/DOJ process of damage control for uncontrolled documents, i.e. determining that unauthorized persons known and unknown have had presumptive access to X documents for Y years with Z impact on national security.
And so on.
I hope Fumio has had that suit treated with flame retardant.
Reuters: The two nations, following a meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, also cited "provocations" by North Korea in a joint statement issued by the White House.
"We strongly oppose any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or coercion, anywhere in the world," the statement said.
State Dep. thought it smart to piggyback a statement of support for Ukraine. But, wasn’t putting NATO in Putin’s backyard an attempt to change the status quo?
Watch what you say, it may come back to indict you.
Like most old people, Biden probably likes a room that 80F+. Also, it probably reminds him of the time he grew up in a log cabin in Kentucky.
At least it wasn't a dumpster.
"It's a crazy world" - Arthur Brown
Hunter: What are you?
Joe: Oh, I have so many names.
Hunter: Satan?
Joe: Call me 'The Big Guy'.
sooo.. Just to Review.. I can't buy
a gas stove..
a gas heater..
a gas water heater..
a gasoline car..
a wood stove..
a wood pellet heater..
But THIS jackass
can have a Huge fireplace
a 1960's muscle car (that, he continually BRAGS about
a HUGE jet airliner, to fly him from one of his Huge houses, to another (which he does, once a week)
a HELICOPTER, to fly him from the house to the airport
ANOTHER helicopter, to fly him to another house, from another airport
do i have that right?
I'm reminded of The Crazy World of Arthur Brown.
… maybe he’s compensating for something…
Aren't gas fireplaces way more destructive of the climate than gas stoves?
The collective corrupt left want to end Natural Gas and replace it with cobalt batteries.
The New Green-Communists will not tell you where the cobalt comes from.
Not so subtle way to remind Kishida of the hundreds of Japanese immolated by firebombing & nukes in WWII.
And he can do it again just by picking up the phone.
Dark Brandon rises . . .
"The fire burns at the same rate and pattern throughout the 10-minute video on C-SPAN. I'm with the "I think it's gas" people."
Good to test it that way, but I did the same, including making screen shots and studying specific areas of the flams and I say it is not the same pattern. It varies a lot. It actually gets more rageful as the minutes drag on.
Does Fumio ever glance over at it and register vague disapproval? I bet they don't do fireplaces like that in Japan.
It's always time for Talking Heads.
I'm thinking the White House staff is not used to building a fire, not quite sure how to do it, where to turn up or turn down the gas. I think it's gas. The White House would not be trusted with a real wood fireplace...would it? I mean, national security and global economy is one thing, but a wood fire? I dunno. It does appear to be stacked higher than any gas set up I've seen. Maybe its the 'Executive' level gas fireplace with the signature 'King's Stack-O-Wood'.
I like the part where the Japanese Prime Minister appears to be leaning forward, getting a little heated up on his rear left side. Biden, of course, cannot feel anything with all the drugs pumping through him during public appearances. Would have been hilarious to see both their suit sleeves burst out in flames when they reached out to shake hands.
Like most old people, Biden probably likes a room that 80F+.
Someone should tell my parents. You could store meat in their living room in any season.
My gas fireplace is not (readily) adjustable - just on and off, unless you take off a panel, get some tools, and dial down the flame. Of course we live outside Houston so it's mostly for show anyway. (Though during the Big Freeze, what, last early spring? Or was that two years ago already?? we returned from a lovely long weekend visiting family in CA to find our power out and our bundled-up 18-year-old sitting on the hearth with the dog at his feet and his bow and arrow beside him in the event of marauders. The fire wasn't for show that week!)
Heheheh, I just actually watched a couple of seconds of the video. That is an insane fire!
Reminds me of whatever is always happening in the background of the Naked Gun movies.
Those are tall flames. If I had to guess, I would say it's probably a fireplace design based on the principles of Count Rumford, who improved fireplace design around the late 1700's. His biggest innovation was the design of a shallower firebox that in turn would create very tall flames - which consequently produced improvements on radiant heat. The Rumford fireplace design was incorporated into a lot of buildings in those times, until coal became a 'thing'.
My god, that poor translator!
A fireplace is to on fire?
The democrat party is corrupt. Everything is a distraction, a mirage, a lie,... all on the march to one-party dictatorship.
"Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be the Last" - by David Horowitz
"Nothing less than a handbook for the salvation of the United States of America."--DENNIS PRAGER
"Democrats have conducted a sustained assault on the spirit of compromise that binds the union together and set the nation on the path to a one-party state.Final Battle exposes the real threat that Democrats pose to freedom. The rise of socialism and critical race theory, coupled with threats to the Electoral College and Senate, an independent judiciary, and the integrity of the electoral system, now threaten to destroy the traditions that bring Americans together -- the heart of our democracy. Attacks on these quintessentially American customs codified by the Founding Fathers undermine the possibility of bipartisan solutions to common problems like viral pandemics and civil disorders. Americans now speak in different and antagonistic political languages, and the two parties are so polarized that the American way of life itself is at risk. In his devastating expos? of the Democrats' nefarious goals, New York Times bestselling author David Horowitz reveals the hallmarks of their strategies, including: The double standard in justice: Antifa and BLM versus January 6 Citizenship as disposable: granting noncitizens privileges like voting, welfare, and healthcare So-called "cancel culture" and collusion in the defamation of conservative voices "Empires and states rise and fall while everybody is watching. Although the watchers may be surprised when the actual collapse occurs, with the hindsight provided by the end itself, everybody can see how it fell."Read Final Battle before it's too late!
I'm guessing there's a gas log lighter and real logs. It looks like the logs are being consumed by the flames if you compare how they look at the beginning and the end.
A log lighter is a perforated gas pipe, under the log grate. It can be turned on and off with a valve. After you stack your logs on the grate, you light the gas until the wood gets going so you don't have to build the fire with kindling, then you shut it off. The gas is usually not pressure regulated at the log lighter so if you open the valve wide you get that roaring fire. Sometimes people leave the gas on just for that effect.
Of course, a WH log lighter doesn't affect children's lungs or the environment like gas stoves do.
You examined it more closely than I did. I skipped ahead to random spots and watched for a few seconds. The fire looked similar to me. I also didn't notice any popping from the firewood and it seemed a fire that strong would cause the logs to burn up and start to break down - so I assumed it was gas with fake logs. Maybe I missed the pops or maybe they get a type of wood that doesn't do that. I don't know enough about the burning qualities of different woods to know if that's possible.
I also used to burn Cannel coal, which would make a fire like that, but this one is obviously not coal. I wish I could still find that coal. It was great.
I Googled whether the White House has gas or wood-burning fireplaces. One website for a chimney company says the White House has wood-burning fireplaces. (That's not helpful, mine could do both.) I haven't found any official WH source that says. All the WH site says is that there are fireplaces (28 of them).
Ann @ 8:41: “… Does Fumio ever glance over at it and register vague disapproval? I bet they don't do fireplaces like that in Japan.”
But…but…Beni Hana? Most honorable flame on steak?
Locally here in Blue state Pro-Crime colorado - run by fake libertarian and complete leftist Polis-
they are banning natural gas. It's coming, folks.
It’s fake- meaning: the log(the ONE log) doesn’t deteriorate and the flames originate from way beneath that log. It’s intensity w/one log can’t be explained, can it?
It’s fake- meaning: the log(the ONE log) doesn’t deteriorate and the flames originate from way beneath that log. It’s intensity w/one log can’t be explained, can it?
Is the White House firing back at the deep state secret docs discoveries?
Too subliminally subtle.
what am I not seeing?
In gas fireplaces, the flames are usually sealed up behind glass because of the hazards of CO and other toxic products of gas combustion. That fireplace seems to be open to the room, covered only with the screen.
"I bet they don't do fireplaces like that in Japan."
Prior to WWII buildings in Japan were mostly made of wood. They took fire prevention very seriously. You were criminally liable if your building caught on fire because of the risk to others.
America shouldn't play up fire when dealing with the Japanese. Consider:
"The Bombing of Tokyo (東京大空襲, Tōkyōdaikūshū) was a series of firebombing air raids by the United States Army Air Force during the Pacific campaigns of World War II. Operation Meetinghouse, which was conducted on the night of 9–10 March 1945, is the single most destructive bombing raid in human history. 16 square miles (41 km2; 10,000 acres) of central Tokyo were destroyed, leaving an estimated 100,000 civilians dead and over one million homeless."
Also fiery: the 2 atomic bombs we dropped on them.
I hope that chimney is cleaned regularly. Flames reaching well into a soot covered chimney is a legit fire hazard.
When I see a fire in a fireplace - I think "warmth to get thru a cold winter" - not bombing Japan.
Come on. Doesn't matter if the leader of Japan is sitting there. It's a raging over-the-top gas fire - showcasing powerful untouchable elites.... warming themselves. circa now.
Fire is also cleansing, and Lord knows that vile, old corksoaker needs that like a dog needs a bone.
"The sitting Commander-in-Chief at the time of this blog, Joe Biden, has quickly become a fan of burning real wood fires in the Oval Office fireplace while he’s working."
I think it's a real fire - looking across the span of the video, it does subtly change character. And I find the color is too orange to be natural gas or propane.
"It's a gas fire. It's a wood fire. It's gas. It's wood. Gas! Wood! Rabbit season! Duck season!"
Consider that it may well be both. I had such a fireplace in my old house. It had a grate for holding the wood, and a gas manifold below it to start the fire with, although you could leave the gas on as long as you wanted to.
In the video, the wood is stacked as you would do for an efficiently burning fire (which is not the way the 'wood' appears in the fake-wood gas fireplaces). On the other hand, the flame intensity does not seem to die down during the 10 min. of the video (and you know that the fire was lit prior to the start of the meeting, so burning longer than 10 min.).
Therefore, it is likely that this is a wood fire assisted by a gas flame - wood for wood-smoke ambiance and realism, and gas to make sure the fire doesn't go out, to avoid embarrassing the POTUS (he embarrasses himself enough).
perhaps you're thinking "en fuego "
Which is a worse emitter of pollution: my natural gas stove, or Biden's fireplace?
Is that an induction fire?
Yah, Talking Heads are my Bob Dylan, too...
Althouse, not to play dueling atrocities, but I had occasion to look up Nanjing the other day. Death estimates range from 50,000 to 500,000, best guesses around 250,000. The two a-bombs killed about 250,000 together.
During the recent spate of power failures here in Silly Valley, we were under a winter fire ban. Welcome to the future!
America shouldn't play up fire when dealing with the Japanese.
Japan shouldn't have started a war with Americans: That was playing with fire.
I'll go with Bob Boyd on fire's appearance!Of course, with the Biden admin. one can never go wrong with incompetence.
Wonder if he's related to Ryūsei Kishida? I like his paintings.
The fire looks like one of Ace's "Burning skull alerts."
Is it just me or does that look like an evil demon face in those malevolent flames?
Kamala taking a lesson from Winnie Mandela.
It's real and it's spectacular.
Also, Biden is coughing up a storm throughout the photo op. That big fire is drawing a Hell of a lot of air and ventilating the room. Seriously, that might be the reason it's so extreme.
I acknowledge that Japan brought the war on itself and we were reacting, but it's still nothing to feel good about or to rub their nose in. Think of all the children who died in that fire.
The last world war forced by a premature evacuation, by way of the Iranian proxy state, financed through overriding legal claims. Biden is stoking the flames to save and progress Obama's legacy.
I acknowledge that Japan brought the war on itself and we were reacting
Maybe. Overreaction, probably. FDR had restricted oil to the island, which likely forced their hand.
Some of the boys here see the pretty avatar with the blonde bob and can't resist the chance to pull their dicks out and waggle them around to show how tough and manly they are. It's just a thing we do.
Some of the girls too.
I see eyeballs and a nose in the fire.
It's a little fire ghost!
Holy cow, it really does look like a burning skull in the fireplace.
For a second I thought Fire Ghost was doing The Scream...
but now I think it's just Scream.
Stop Making Sense at Madison Square Garden is absolutely destination #1 if they ever make a time machine and I get to use it.
They are an amazing live band!
One of my most liminal memories - the kind that can be recalled in great detail regardless of however much time has elapsed - is singing and dancing with my homeboys in Iraq to Life During Wartime. We even made a video, but it was VCR so only everyone who made it got a copy and can see it ( won't find it on youtube).
I keep that videotape in my safe with many of my other prized possessions. I cherish it like diamonds. My wife's seen it, and she thinks we could've been huge in Japan, but it's value is inestimable beyond the comedic value of a bunch of 20yo idiots making fools of themselves. Obviously.
The probable reason for Truman's decision on the atomic bomb was the prospect of millions of casualties in an invasion. The kamikazis killed more sailors at Okinawa than soldiers and marines died in the land campaign. Even after Hirohito's address on surrender, army fanatics tried to overthrow the government to keep the war going.
It likely saved as many Japanese lives as American.
The decision to use nuclear weapons to destroy Japan’s will to fight probably saved millions of Japanese lives. I’ve seen films of Japanese women and children training with wooden spears and clubs to prepare to defend their homeland. I am sure they would have fought to the last man, woman, and child with Stone Age weapons against the Allies.
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