He seemed primed for the post until the Bernie Bro tried to assassinate him. Are Steve's capacities not up to the demands of the job?
Remember that Bernie Bro? Remember a lefty trying to kill 20 Republican congressmen? Remember the guy trying to maim or kill Rand Paul? Modern Democrats, both.
One of the most important skills for the speaker to have is the ability to count votes. That McCarthy didn't know how his members would vote ahead of the actual vote tells me he doesn't have the necessary skills to be speaker. Or, he is so arrogant that he assumed he was a shoe in and didn't need to do the work to secure the votes ahead of time. Either one shows he is unqualified for the job.
Dumb move. That makes 4 for him in the last 30 days:
1) The MAGA - The Gathering fantasy card game announcement 2) His personal log-jammin Republican gay pride event 3) Throwing the pro-life wing under the bus by blaming them for the mid-terms 4) Endorsing McCarthy is endorsing 'business as usual'
At this rate he appears to be trying...hard...to throw any serious candidacy out the window.
What was the point of opposing McCarthy with no plan for another Speaker? Futile political gestures are the other side’s MO not ours. The whole process is indicative of a caucus divided against itself. I’m frustrated that the opportunity to actually lead is being wasted on pointless procedural BS.
Gaetz & Co. have 20 votes, have alienated 200 colleagues of the same caucus, and no other candidate has come forward with any support worth mentioning. Just what do the 20 expect to accomplish besides elevating their "Never Kevin" profiles?
Just goes to show there isn't a "Trump Cult" when people who like what Trump has done can disagree with him about this. I don't want Kevin McCarthy no matter WHAT Trump or any other idiot Republican calling us enemies want. THEY have a problem and it isn't us. It is their caving to, and letting Democrats get away with everything.
Major advantage to selecting scalise is speaker is that it will force conversations about how a Democrat tried to kill him and numerous colleagues. Take control of the narrative.
Blogger wendybar said... Just goes to show there isn't a "Trump Cult" when people who like what Trump has done can disagree with him about this. I don't want Kevin McCarthy no matter WHAT Trump or any other idiot Republican calling us enemies want.
You are absolutely correct. There are no sheep in the Tea Party / MAGA movement.
I would bet the large majority of heathen "unvaccinated" are Trump voters, and Trump still touts that as one of his major accomplishments. However, he is opposed to mandates, and believes military personnel who where kicked our for refusing the mRNA shot be reinstated.
I'm not a McCarthy fan, but I guess we will see...
That the dissenters didn't have a champion to take up the torch (they were hoping Scalise or Jordan would step up to challenge McCarthy) leaves them in a no-man's land.
It isn't going to matter a great deal, though- the majority is so slim that the Democrats are going to retake the House at some point in the next 12 months- the DoJ is no doubt right now closely examining exactly which House Republicans on whom they can put a grand jury investigation and force resignations to eliminate that 4 member majority- George Santos was just first in line.
Personally, I stand with the 20 in the house rather than the 20 in the senate who voted for the Omnibus bill. The GOPe is mighty proud of Mitch today, as he stands with Joe Biden to rub the Omnibus trillion dollar spending bill in our faces, yet they want us to back off and let them continue to bankrupt America because they aren't "fringe"?? Proud to be fringe. These people would have caved to the British.
Kevin McCarthy has already lost the speakership once to Republicans, and could be losing it to Republicans a second time. But unlike Nancy Pelosi, he hasn’t yet held the speakership.
HBTPFH: "The Gaetz crowd should just hand it to the democrat."
Another typically uninformed comment from you, so it must be a day ending in "y".
And particularly ironic given the concerns of the "rebels" that McCarthy will not commit to really investigating the dems/deep staters nor commit to the process changes necessary to stop GOPe/dem "ram thru" legislation.
Further, there is fear, well founded, that McCarthy along with his weird guru Luntz will pull a Paul Ryan and actively sabotage any investigation into their allies on the left.
But that's right HBTPFH, its the NON-McConnell/McCarthy types that are helping the dems...(wink wink).
Btw, enjoy todays McConnell/Biden celebration in Kentucky of their Dem/GOPe budget victory!
We should start a pool to see how long it will take for HBTPFH to blame shift the budget sellout by McConnell onto Trump voters, just to keep it interesting.
Trump did a great service by wrecking the R establishment back in '16, and what he set in motion may end up allowing the Ds to wreck themselves too--if he could stay out of the limelight.
Kevin is the Zelensky, the relatively new guy. You can hate him if you want, but Mitch is the Putin, the old, more corrupt tyrant, the greater nuisance who should have been rejected first. With Mitch still around and the Democrats still controlling the Senate, it doesn't really matter which Republican is Speaker (so long as it's not somebody who embarrasses the party too much).
What the children refuse to accept that there are only two choices, McCarthy or Democrat Jeffries. That's it. You don't like it? Too damn bad. Grow up. Those are your choices.
At this point, the hold-outs are nothing more than extortionists. And those 200 will be damned before they will reward extortionists.
Now Joker Chip Roy has nominated a token - a token because as a second-term member, he is not a serious person to be speaker. And Roy would not have nominated any other sophomore, but for the fact that the guy is black.
One of the most important skills for the speaker to have is the ability to count votes. That McCarthy didn't know how his members would vote ahead of the actual vote tells me he doesn't have the necessary skills to be speaker.
I think that’s really more the role of the whip, but point taken.
Wince - according to Rep Mike Garcia, McCarthy has held fourteen separate meetings with the 19 since the election, and made 22 specific concessions. It's pretty clear at this point that rules concessions aren't what they're after.
Mark: "What the children refuse to accept that there are only two choices, McCarthy or Democrat Jeffries. That's it. You don't like it? Too damn bad. Grow up. Those are your choices."
There's this weird idea going around that in a constitutional republic each elected representative represents the will of their voters and attempt to do what is best for the nation.
For some odd reason, the GOPe cats somehow think they are deserving of an automatic assumption of leadership position so that they can better sell out the republican base.
Gee, I don't know if I'm completely comfortable with that any longer.
Not to worry, I'm sure Frank Luntz and the other GOPe sellouts and their big globalist backers will be working closely with their democratical allies to deliver victory for the GOPe-ers.
So buck up! Things are looking great for you guys!
Gravel: "Wince - according to Rep Mike Garcia, McCarthy has held fourteen separate meetings with the 19 since the election, and made 22 specific concessions."
And yet that is not what others are saying.
But hey, you can trust McCarthy. Would he lie to you just to gain power?
Release ALL the j6 records and appoint a "Church Committee" in the House to review the actions of the FBI. Other wise this stalemate will continue. =========== Q: if a D house can jail J6 people can R house release them?
Mark: "Now Joker Chip Roy has nominated a token - a token because as a second-term member, he is not a serious person to be speaker."
Byron Donalds is no token. And regardless of how many terms he has served, if you haven't listened closely to what he has to say about this or anything else for that matter, then you are just playing in the legacy media rhetorical sandbox and using their language no less.
Can you imagine ANY supposed republican referring to any republican House member who happens to be black as a "token" for any reason?
I shouldn't be surprised though. So many republicans have completely internalized the language and the frameworks of the establishment/left.
Impressive that Gaetz and Co got 20 votes. That should protect them from retribution when this is over. Of course McCarthy made a joke of retribution when he crawled to MAL after J6. He probably wishes he had made the trip to the DA's office instead to see what he could do to encourage Gaetz's indictment for trafficking.
Trump is still writing his own "Truths" without an editor. By my count, Sam Rayburn, the longest-serving Speaker, lost control of the House twice, once in 1946 and then again in 1952. He was widely regarded as the glue who kept Northern and Southern Democrats together, so with the two breaks he was Speaker from 1940 to 1961. Rayburn was in Congress from 1913, when he was 30 until he died as Speaker in 1961.
I wouldn't be too hard on Trump, though. For all the talk about the permanent government being the nation's institutional memory, I wonder how many politicians or reporters really could spot his mistake. And for all the complaints, this is how democracy is supposed to work -- argument, dissent, disagreement.
I’ve commented before that, for all the good he did as President, I question Donald Trump’s general political acumen. This does not cause me to change my opinion. Endorsing McCarthy is a worthless move. Working the phones to peel people away from Gaetz may be too much like real work for the old geezer.
Republicans didn't win the House. A coalition of the two groups on the right banded together to claim that prize. And now that coalition is fracturing.
So perhaps the Dems truly did win the House.
What the 20 are now accomplishing is to make that fracture deep and personal, guaranteeing that the Dems will always easily get enough crossover R votes to legislate as they wish.
Readering: "Impressive that Gaetz and Co got 20 votes. That should protect them from retribution when this is over."
Au contraire.
All 20 of these republicans have already been threatened explicitly that they will be cut off from republican donor cash and will be primaried by the republican party apparatus itself.
That sort of thing is a large part of what this is all about.
One of the key commitments the group of 20 has been looking for is a promise by McCarthy to not meddle in primaries.
McCarthy, like McConnell, will never agree to that because McCarthy, like McConnell, believes the party itself should determine who the "acceptable" candidates are and the grassroots just needs to shut up and keep sending their cash to the DC lobbyists.
And why wouldn't the "Mc-losers" think this way? Just look how they are defended even by supposed conservative republicans on blogs like Althouse, even after shivving the republican base over and over again and then taunting us with appearances with Biden to celebrate the Biden plan on this very day!
If I was McCarthy or McConnell or McDaniel, I would think I was free and clear to keep the unaccountable and globalist DC lobbyist train running as well. The republican base have long been far too "respectable" and "harumph-avoiding" to push back.
McCarthy might still win. It's possible. There are rumors that Luntz is already telling McCarthy to cut some deals with Luntz' democratical pals to "seal the 218 deal". However, McCarthy knows that doing that, despite how much he wants to just to tell the republican base to "stick it" like McConnell does every day, would be a bridge too far even for some of his squishy "respectable republican" base members.
But the day and the week remains young and we will see what comes of this.
John Fund (on Kevin McCarthy): "He doesn’t believe in much. He’s not a policy guy. There’s no ideological core there. In fact, his mentor Bill Thomas Chair of the Ways and Means Committee, said I’m really disappointed in Kevin. It looks like he doesn’t believe in anything anymore except his own ambition."
This is why McCarthy won't commit to a republican budget group budget proposal that would balance the budget in 7 years. This is why McCarthy won't commit to changes to legislation processes that would disallow the ramrodding of democratical legislation thru the House with half republicans joining democraticals. This is why McCarthy won't commit to not meddling in primaries.
My assumption is that everything McCarthy does is geared towards a post-congressional career reward a la Paul Ryan with his roommate Luntz leading the way for McCarthy with all of Luntz far left corporate sponsors.
Not the recipe for success in "stopping the democratical agenda"....especially when 80% of that democratical agenda is McCarthy's agenda too.
---Now Joker Chip Roy has nominated a token - a token because as a second-term member, he is not a serious person to be speaker. And Roy would not have nominated any other sophomore, but for the fact that the guy is black.
That's all the liberals can ever see, a person's skin color. Look no further for that systemic racism you project onto everyone else.
This wouldn't be happening if the Senate had put up a fight for McConnell's Majority Leader, if the omnibus hadn't passed, or if changes happened at the RNC.
McCarthy should be lashing out at McConnell, not Gaetz.
What the children refuse to accept that there are only two choices, McCarthy or Democrat Jeffries. That's it. You don't like it? Too damn bad. Grow up. Those are your choices.
At this point, the hold-outs are nothing more than extortionists. And those 200 will be damned before they will reward extortionists.
Lefty Mark is all in with McCarthy. Not a mystery. He'd actually prefer Hakeem.
Gravel said... Wince - according to Rep Mike Garcia, McCarthy has held fourteen separate meetings with the 19 since the election, and made 22 specific concessions. It's pretty clear at this point that rules concessions aren't what they're after.
"“I have been working for months behind the scenes to create unity,” Boebert told “Special Report” host Bret Baier. “Just last night two colleagues and myself walked into Kevin McCarthy’s office and presented him a very common sense proposal, a deal that got him 218 votes, the gavel on the first ballot and he smugly rejected that.”
“It was very common-sense things like putting forward a border security bill. Putting forward a term limits bill. Having a measure in place where any member of Congress who offers an amendment to reduce the federal debt, well, that’s made in order,” Boebert continued.”
“Boebert disputed claims from other Republicans that the opposition to McCarthy was “petty.”
“I don’t think a secure border is petty. I don’t think a term limits bill being brought to the floor, not demanding to pass, but brought to the floor so we actually have an option to vote on that is petty,” Boebert said, adding that McCarthy failed to demonstrate a commitment to securing the border or balancing the federal budget.”"
I think what the 20 Republican hold outs have done is great. As Wendybar notes, it proves they are not merely interested in just backing their guy whether it is McCarthy or Trump. I don’t disagree with Yancey Ward, but for the others just thinking the 20 are wrong for opposing McCarthy; how do you just back McCarthy, when this is his record (via David Horowitz): “Every single major budget bill that passed under McCarthy’s leadership as floor leader of the last GOP House, which was when the GOP controlled the trifecta and commanded full stewardship over the policies, was passed with more Democrat support than Republican support.” When we had the WH, House, and Senate; McCarthy couldn’t work a deal that had more Republican approval than Democrat. I understand why you think he is better than Jeffries, but what has McCarthy actually done that makes him better? One of the initial concessions the 20 pushed from McCarthy is creating a new Church Committee. On McCarthy’s side, he promised to vacate the 87,000 new IRS agents, but just last month he voted to fully fund the IRS in the big Omnibus spending bill that didn’t require his vote. Without the Senate or Presidency, and the IRS fully funded; how serious is McCarthy’s “day 1” plan when he’s already sold us out? McCarthy may be a “good” enough Speaker and better than Pelosi or Jeffries, but he offers less to the GOP voter than the 20 Republicans opposing him. He’ll likely still win, because no one else wants the job that can get the votes either, but I’m happy he’s going in without the total confidence of his conference. He doesn’t deserve it.
Birches said... This wouldn't be happening if the Senate had put up a fight for McConnell's Majority Leader, if the omnibus hadn't passed, or if changes happened at the RNC.
McCarthy should be lashing out at McConnell, not Gaetz.
So the Republican party is acting like two parties in a parliamentary system wrangling over the terms of a coalition government. Well, good. It beats the Democrats acting like Caligula's horse.
What the 20 are now accomplishing is to make that fracture deep and personal, guaranteeing that the Dems will always easily get enough crossover R votes to legislate as they wish.
And that's different from what's already been happening, how?
The biggest and best piece of evidence to show that McCarthy is a bad choice for Speaker is the fact that not only did this happen, it continues to happen.
We need a real Hail Mary pass at this point, and I will remind everyone that the Speaker does not have to be a member of Congress.
If he is speaker or not - it will probably amount to jack. That the house R's didn't have this figured out ahead of time tells me they are inept and lazy.... and it falls on all of them.
In Boring Tired News: Trump Humpers to blame Romney (a senator) McCain (a dead senator) and McConnell (a senator) for the HOUSE Republican Cluster-F. Same as it ever was.
John Rich🇺🇸 @johnrich · Jan 3 If Kevin McCarthy wants to win Speaker, he needs to immediately rush in some Dominion voting machines for the next round of voting.
Are Hunters ho and Dan Crenshaw the same person?? Keep on bashing the constituency that will stay home in 2024. At this point, what difference would it make. You are on the SAME side as Joe Biden and Kamala. Embrace the suck. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/rino-dan-crenshaw-calls-20-republicans-refuse-vote-mccarthy-terrorists-video/
Regarding Donald Trump’s endorsement, my favorite gun-toting Congresswoman, Lauren Boebert, had this to say:
“I think it actually needs to be reversed. The president needs to tell Kevin McCarthy that, ‘Sir, you do not have the votes, and it’s time to withdraw.'”
HBTPFH: "In Boring Tired News: Trump Humpers to blame Romney (a senator) McCain (a dead senator) and McConnell (a senator) for the HOUSE Republican Cluster-F. Same as it ever was."
Yes dummy, the Senate republicans forced the omnibus budget deal thru as fast as they could to purposely avoid having the House republicans stop them dead in their tracks.
And, naturally, no one mentioned McCain so I'm not sure why you've thrown that one up at this time other than you are desperate to distract readers from your continuous McConnell-tarding.
In which case, you've failed.
And the only reason anyone might have mentioned the Senate GOPe captured opposition is because McCarthy is perfectly emblematic of their mentality.
HBTPFH: "McConnell is in the Senate - not the house."
The Senate. Yeah, that's where your GOPe-er stud muffins worked with the dems to bypass a future republican house to advance the far left Biden agenda.
bobby: "What the 20 are now accomplishing is to make that fracture deep and personal, guaranteeing that the Dems will always easily get enough crossover R votes to legislate as they wish.
Great plan."
Uh, where have you been for the last 20 years? Did you just wake up?
HBTPFH: "In Boring Tired News: Trump Humpers to blame Romney (a senator) McCain (a dead senator) and McConnell (a senator) for the HOUSE Republican Cluster-F. Same as it ever was."
I have to admit, your fiction is as dumb as your "factual" representations.
Leland quotes others: "“Every single major budget bill that passed under McCarthy’s leadership as floor leader of the last GOP House, which was when the GOP controlled the trifecta and commanded full stewardship over the policies, was passed with more Democrat support than Republican support.”
But try and get these GOPe suckups at Althouse blog to think critically about things like that (with the exception of HBTPFH, who is hopeless at this point).
After a decade + of being in republican leadership, Kevin McCarthy has always sought out a way to bring more democraticals on board than republicans.
I for don't want Kevin McCarthy to be Speaker. But the GOP Rep I got to vote for is voting for McCarthy (Glenn Grothman - Wisconsin 6th District). Even Waukesha County has GOPe. Better that the alternative than a WI Dem by a long shot.
Point is, these 20 holdouts on McCarthy being led by Matt Gaetz, are holding out for a lot more GOP voters that just the 20 districts they represent.
Hold the line. Freedom Caucus. Good job. Doesn't matter what Trump says.
I think this group is trying to test the hypothesis that there is no such thing as bad publicity.
They are the vanguard of a party that seems to believe that wishing (or praying) for things makes them happen. Believing something makes it true. And the best way to get things done is to stop everything.
So naturally they are going to blow their own brains out and then look around expecting applause.
Gahrie said... ... and I will remind everyone that the Speaker does not have to be a member of Congress. ========== Professora === please edumacate
Gahrie == >> r u sure?
This is provided by the United States Constitution, as per Article I, Section 2.
per Qualification item 3 uses 'state they are to represent' [but vague as to which election is being referenced]
● At least twenty-five years old ● Citizen of the United States for the previous seven years ● An inhabitant of the State they are to represent at the time of the election.
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Republicans are a sad bunch of losers."
How is it the New Soviet Democraticals lost to this "sad bunch of losers"?
And doesn't the New Soviet Democraticals losing to this "sad bunch of losers" make the New Soviet Democraticals the saddest bunch of loser-y losing losers?
Note: I realize basic logic is not Inga's strong suit....or even moderately weak suit....or even the weakest of weak suit.
Trump supports a squish McConnell sell-out. hahahahaha. Almost as bad as Trump supporting McConnell himself. Is that next? Will Trump's man-love for the McConnell-tard shake the faith of the Ever Trumper? Never!
It's really interesting seeing the furious efforts by the Legacy Corporate Mainstream Media to put the efforts of the 20+ into the worst possible light. They're diabolical attention seekers after clicks and likes! No wait - they're terribly misguided and it will all end in disaster once we're past this awkwardness, nobody will caucus with them. No wait - they're terrorists! (this from their own colleague, in pirate mufti). No wait....
Why doesn't it become a logical outcome that McCarthy stands down and someone else stands forward and another vote is taken? Steve Scalise? I bet he would pass muster, and there are other credible candidates as well. If someone says the 20+ are being unreasonable, then tell me why McCarthy isn't? It's not like he won the primary and is the only candidate possible.....
That perfectly describes your boy Raffensberger's attempts to turn GA into a ranked choice voting democratical paradise.
As a California independent I don’t have a strong opinion on how Georgia structures its elections, but I do know a clown-car dumpster fire when I see one. When the nation’s most MAGA-fervent representatives openly diss Trump’s endorsement of McCarthy on the floor of Congress, it’s pretty clear Republicans are headed for a disaster every bit as awful as when Trump discouraged Georgia Republicans from voting in the 2020 Georgia Senate runoff, thereby handing the Senate to Democrats and guaranteeing we would add trillions of dollars to our deficit.
Gusty Winds said... I for don't want Kevin McCarthy to be Speaker. But the GOP Rep I got to vote for is voting for McCarthy (Glenn Grothman - Wisconsin 6th District). Even Waukesha County has GOPe. Better that the alternative than a WI Dem by a long shot.
Point is, these 20 holdouts on McCarthy being led by Matt Gaetz, are holding out for a lot more GOP voters that just the 20 districts they represent.
Hold the line. Freedom Caucus. Good job. Doesn't matter what Trump says.
This is provided by the United States Constitution, as per Article I, Section 2.
per Qualification item 3 uses 'state they are to represent' [but vague as to which election is being referenced]
● At least twenty-five years old ● Citizen of the United States for the previous seven years ● An inhabitant of the State they are to represent at the time of the election.
I'm sure. I teach Government.
Those are the qualifications to be a Representative. No where does Constitution state that the Speaker must be a member of the House of Representatives.
Earnest Prole: "As a California independent I don’t have a strong opinion on how Georgia structures its elections,..."
Of course not, since the supposed "republicans" who are enabling the corrupted democratical election actions in GA are not Trump nor his supporters. (Once again the BUT TRUMP Get Out Of Jail Free Card makes an appearance)
Earnest Prole: ".. but I do know a clown-car dumpster fire when I see one."
The only dumpster fire I've seen recently is the $1.7T monstrosity that the GOPe-ers and their dem allies shoved thru under the wire to avoid having a GOP controlled House put a stop to some of the most egregious democratical/fascist (more $$$ to oppress political opponents) overreach.
Earnest Prole: "When the nation’s most MAGA-fervent representatives openly diss Trump’s endorsement of McCarthy on the floor of Congress, it’s pretty clear Republicans are headed for a disaster every bit as awful as when Trump discouraged Georgia Republicans from voting in the 2020 Georgia Senate runoff, thereby handing the Senate to Democrats and guaranteeing we would add trillions of dollars to our deficit."
So let me see if I've got your argument down correctly: Trump is responsible for the 2020 GA Senate loss because he "discouraged" republicans from voting (and goodness knows those sheep can't think for themselves or see whats happening on the ground and react all on their own) AND Trump supporters are at fault in the election of the next House Speaker because they refuse to follow Trump's encouragement to support McCarthy.
Gee, suddenly the sheep appear not so sbeepish.....or, obviously, Earnest Proles "analysis" of these situations remains fatally flawed.
Well, as was said in The Princess Bride, "Truly you have a dizzying intellect", so I'm comfortable with the "fatally flawed" assessment.
Exit observation: Earnest Prole has yet to criticize McConnell et al for publicly trashing and sabotaging republican candidates in 2022 or for funding and supporting attacks against those republicans.
This fundamental inconsistency sure makes the falsely premised Trump/2020 criticism even more hollow, if that was possible.
HBTPFH: "Trump supports a squish McConnell sell-out. hahahahaha. Almost as bad as Trump supporting McConnell himself. Is that next? Will Trump's man-love for the McConnell-tard shake the faith of the Ever Trumper? Never!"
Your moronic and moebius strip-like transparently false assumptions and "hot takes" inevitably lead to postings such as the above which completely collapses upon itself.
Again. As expected.
As with Earnest Prole's "cogent" analysis, those "Ever Trumper's"/"Trump Humpers" follow every Trump directive....except for all the one's they don't...which only somehow "proves" the "Trump Humpers" will always follow Trump...except for all the times they won't...which only "proves".....(continue self-refuting downward rhetorical spiral and be sure to pat self on back).
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९८ टिप्पण्या:
Who was in on those conversations, and did McCarthy make specific concessions?
Strange days.
Why isn't it Scalise?
He seemed primed for the post until the Bernie Bro tried to assassinate him. Are Steve's capacities not up to the demands of the job?
Remember that Bernie Bro? Remember a lefty trying to kill 20 Republican congressmen? Remember the guy trying to maim or kill Rand Paul? Modern Democrats, both.
Just an aside to this story.
One of the most important skills for the speaker to have is the ability to count votes. That McCarthy didn't know how his members would vote ahead of the actual vote tells me he doesn't have the necessary skills to be speaker. Or, he is so arrogant that he assumed he was a shoe in and didn't need to do the work to secure the votes ahead of time. Either one shows he is unqualified for the job.
And I don't care who Trump supports.
Dumb move. That makes 4 for him in the last 30 days:
1) The MAGA - The Gathering fantasy card game announcement
2) His personal log-jammin Republican gay pride event
3) Throwing the pro-life wing under the bus by blaming them for the mid-terms
4) Endorsing McCarthy is endorsing 'business as usual'
At this rate he appears to be trying...hard...to throw any serious candidacy out the window.
What was the point of opposing McCarthy with no plan for another Speaker? Futile political gestures are the other side’s MO not ours. The whole process is indicative of a caucus divided against itself. I’m frustrated that the opportunity to actually lead is being wasted on pointless procedural BS.
“He will do a great job and maybe even a great job” sounds half hearted.
Gaetz & Co. have 20 votes, have alienated 200 colleagues of the same caucus, and no other candidate has come forward with any support worth mentioning. Just what do the 20 expect to accomplish besides elevating their "Never Kevin" profiles?
Just goes to show there isn't a "Trump Cult" when people who like what Trump has done can disagree with him about this. I don't want Kevin McCarthy no matter WHAT Trump or any other idiot Republican calling us enemies want. THEY have a problem and it isn't us. It is their caving to, and letting Democrats get away with everything.
They should listen to him.
Major advantage to selecting scalise is speaker is that it will force conversations about how a Democrat tried to kill him and numerous colleagues. Take control of the narrative.
If it isn't Kevin -then who?
The speaker takes all the slings and arrows. Not everyone is going to be up for the job.
After the lame duck sellout, I just don’t care.
Blogger wendybar said...
Just goes to show there isn't a "Trump Cult" when people who like what Trump has done can disagree with him about this. I don't want Kevin McCarthy no matter WHAT Trump or any other idiot Republican calling us enemies want.
You are absolutely correct. There are no sheep in the Tea Party / MAGA movement.
I would bet the large majority of heathen "unvaccinated" are Trump voters, and Trump still touts that as one of his major accomplishments. However, he is opposed to mandates, and believes military personnel who where kicked our for refusing the mRNA shot be reinstated.
I'm not a McCarthy fan, but I guess we will see...
That the dissenters didn't have a champion to take up the torch (they were hoping Scalise or Jordan would step up to challenge McCarthy) leaves them in a no-man's land.
It isn't going to matter a great deal, though- the majority is so slim that the Democrats are going to retake the House at some point in the next 12 months- the DoJ is no doubt right now closely examining exactly which House Republicans on whom they can put a grand jury investigation and force resignations to eliminate that 4 member majority- George Santos was just first in line.
I like Trump for what he did while President, but lately? Not so much.
Two sides can play the Susan Collins/Lisa Murkowski role. Notice how they are loved and campaigned for by McCarthy and McConnell. Embrace the suck.
"Just what do the 20 expect to accomplish besides elevating their "Never Kevin" profiles?"
Pour encourager les autres.
Personally, I stand with the 20 in the house rather than the 20 in the senate who voted for the Omnibus bill. The GOPe is mighty proud of Mitch today, as he stands with Joe Biden to rub the Omnibus trillion dollar spending bill in our faces, yet they want us to back off and let them continue to bankrupt America because they aren't "fringe"?? Proud to be fringe. These people would have caved to the British.
Kevin McCarthy has already lost the speakership once to Republicans, and could be losing it to Republicans a second time. But unlike Nancy Pelosi, he hasn’t yet held the speakership.
HBTPFH: "The Gaetz crowd should just hand it to the democrat."
Another typically uninformed comment from you, so it must be a day ending in "y".
And particularly ironic given the concerns of the "rebels" that McCarthy will not commit to really investigating the dems/deep staters nor commit to the process changes necessary to stop GOPe/dem "ram thru" legislation.
Further, there is fear, well founded, that McCarthy along with his weird guru Luntz will pull a Paul Ryan and actively sabotage any investigation into their allies on the left.
But that's right HBTPFH, its the NON-McConnell/McCarthy types that are helping the dems...(wink wink).
Btw, enjoy todays McConnell/Biden celebration in Kentucky of their Dem/GOPe budget victory!
We should start a pool to see how long it will take for HBTPFH to blame shift the budget sellout by McConnell onto Trump voters, just to keep it interesting.
Yancey Ward's read seems right to me.
Trump did a great service by wrecking the R establishment back in '16, and what he set in motion may end up allowing the Ds to wreck themselves too--if he could stay out of the limelight.
drago - fuck off
Yancey- Agree.
Can't handle the truth Hooker?
Blogger Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
"The Gaetz crowd should just hand it to the democrat."
They will if they hand it to McCarthy.
HBTPFH: "drago - fuck off"
Still, I must refuse.
It's important that you GOPe suckups be reminded of your role in delivering victory after victory to your democratical allies.
What’s with all the capital letters?
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
The Gaetz crowd should just hand it to the democrat.
They are trying to keep it out of McCarthy's hands.
McCarthy for all intents and purposes is a democrat. How many continuing resolutions has McCarthy pushed through?
The Republicans in DC are just trying to give the power to democrats. Mitch McConnell is celebrating with Biden today.
It is starting to look like we just need to scrap the Republican party altogether and it looks like Trump is going to have to go with them.
It is just too corrupt to turn around.
Kevin is the Zelensky, the relatively new guy. You can hate him if you want, but Mitch is the Putin, the old, more corrupt tyrant, the greater nuisance who should have been rejected first. With Mitch still around and the Democrats still controlling the Senate, it doesn't really matter which Republican is Speaker (so long as it's not somebody who embarrasses the party too much).
What the children refuse to accept that there are only two choices, McCarthy or Democrat Jeffries. That's it. You don't like it? Too damn bad. Grow up. Those are your choices.
At this point, the hold-outs are nothing more than extortionists. And those 200 will be damned before they will reward extortionists.
Now Joker Chip Roy has nominated a token - a token because as a second-term member, he is not a serious person to be speaker. And Roy would not have nominated any other sophomore, but for the fact that the guy is black.
One of the most important skills for the speaker to have is the ability to count votes. That McCarthy didn't know how his members would vote ahead of the actual vote tells me he doesn't have the necessary skills to be speaker.
I think that’s really more the role of the whip, but point taken.
Wince - according to Rep Mike Garcia, McCarthy has held fourteen separate meetings with the 19 since the election, and made 22 specific concessions. It's pretty clear at this point that rules concessions aren't what they're after.
Tucker Carlson last night, made a pretty good compromise suggestion for McCarthy.
Release ALL the j6 records and appoint a "Church Committee" in the House to review the actions of the FBI. Other wise this stalemate will continue.
Mark: "What the children refuse to accept that there are only two choices, McCarthy or Democrat Jeffries. That's it. You don't like it? Too damn bad. Grow up. Those are your choices."
There's this weird idea going around that in a constitutional republic each elected representative represents the will of their voters and attempt to do what is best for the nation.
For some odd reason, the GOPe cats somehow think they are deserving of an automatic assumption of leadership position so that they can better sell out the republican base.
Gee, I don't know if I'm completely comfortable with that any longer.
Not to worry, I'm sure Frank Luntz and the other GOPe sellouts and their big globalist backers will be working closely with their democratical allies to deliver victory for the GOPe-ers.
So buck up! Things are looking great for you guys!
Gravel: "Wince - according to Rep Mike Garcia, McCarthy has held fourteen separate meetings with the 19 since the election, and made 22 specific concessions."
And yet that is not what others are saying.
But hey, you can trust McCarthy. Would he lie to you just to gain power?
Perish the thought.
Cannibalism in The Stupid Party continues undeterred by victory.
Release ALL the j6 records and appoint a "Church Committee" in the House to review the actions of the FBI. Other wise this stalemate will continue.
Q: if a D house can jail J6 people can R house release them?
Mark: "Now Joker Chip Roy has nominated a token - a token because as a second-term member, he is not a serious person to be speaker."
Byron Donalds is no token. And regardless of how many terms he has served, if you haven't listened closely to what he has to say about this or anything else for that matter, then you are just playing in the legacy media rhetorical sandbox and using their language no less.
Can you imagine ANY supposed republican referring to any republican House member who happens to be black as a "token" for any reason?
I shouldn't be surprised though. So many republicans have completely internalized the language and the frameworks of the establishment/left.
Turns out multiple ballots common before the Civil War. 13 of first 36 Congresses. Not common since. Coincidence?
Impressive that Gaetz and Co got 20 votes. That should protect them from retribution when this is over. Of course McCarthy made a joke of retribution when he crawled to MAL after J6. He probably wishes he had made the trip to the DA's office instead to see what he could do to encourage Gaetz's indictment for trafficking.
Trump is still writing his own "Truths" without an editor. By my count, Sam Rayburn, the longest-serving Speaker, lost control of the House twice, once in 1946 and then again in 1952. He was widely regarded as the glue who kept Northern and Southern Democrats together, so with the two breaks he was Speaker from 1940 to 1961. Rayburn was in Congress from 1913, when he was 30 until he died as Speaker in 1961.
I wouldn't be too hard on Trump, though. For all the talk about the permanent government being the nation's institutional memory, I wonder how many politicians or reporters really could spot his mistake. And for all the complaints, this is how democracy is supposed to work -- argument, dissent, disagreement.
I’ve commented before that, for all the good he did as President, I question Donald Trump’s general political acumen. This does not cause me to change my opinion. Endorsing McCarthy is a worthless move. Working the phones to peel people away from Gaetz may be too much like real work for the old geezer.
Catturd ™
If only Kevin McCarthy fought as hard against Democrats during his career than he's fighting his fellow Republicans, right now.
Very telling that he won't budge an inch to Conservatives - but we all know he'll fold like a cheap tent to the Democrats if he gets Speaker.
Republicans didn't win the House. A coalition of the two groups on the right banded together to claim that prize. And now that coalition is fracturing.
So perhaps the Dems truly did win the House.
What the 20 are now accomplishing is to make that fracture deep and personal, guaranteeing that the Dems will always easily get enough crossover R votes to legislate as they wish.
Great plan.
Readering: "Impressive that Gaetz and Co got 20 votes. That should protect them from retribution when this is over."
Au contraire.
All 20 of these republicans have already been threatened explicitly that they will be cut off from republican donor cash and will be primaried by the republican party apparatus itself.
That sort of thing is a large part of what this is all about.
One of the key commitments the group of 20 has been looking for is a promise by McCarthy to not meddle in primaries.
McCarthy, like McConnell, will never agree to that because McCarthy, like McConnell, believes the party itself should determine who the "acceptable" candidates are and the grassroots just needs to shut up and keep sending their cash to the DC lobbyists.
And why wouldn't the "Mc-losers" think this way? Just look how they are defended even by supposed conservative republicans on blogs like Althouse, even after shivving the republican base over and over again and then taunting us with appearances with Biden to celebrate the Biden plan on this very day!
If I was McCarthy or McConnell or McDaniel, I would think I was free and clear to keep the unaccountable and globalist DC lobbyist train running as well. The republican base have long been far too "respectable" and "harumph-avoiding" to push back.
McCarthy might still win. It's possible. There are rumors that Luntz is already telling McCarthy to cut some deals with Luntz' democratical pals to "seal the 218 deal". However, McCarthy knows that doing that, despite how much he wants to just to tell the republican base to "stick it" like McConnell does every day, would be a bridge too far even for some of his squishy "respectable republican" base members.
But the day and the week remains young and we will see what comes of this.
John Fund (on Kevin McCarthy): "He doesn’t believe in much. He’s not a policy guy. There’s no ideological core there. In fact, his mentor Bill Thomas Chair of the Ways and Means Committee, said I’m really disappointed in Kevin. It looks like he doesn’t believe in anything anymore except his own ambition."
This is why McCarthy won't commit to a republican budget group budget proposal that would balance the budget in 7 years. This is why McCarthy won't commit to changes to legislation processes that would disallow the ramrodding of democratical legislation thru the House with half republicans joining democraticals. This is why McCarthy won't commit to not meddling in primaries.
My assumption is that everything McCarthy does is geared towards a post-congressional career reward a la Paul Ryan with his roommate Luntz leading the way for McCarthy with all of Luntz far left corporate sponsors.
Not the recipe for success in "stopping the democratical agenda"....especially when 80% of that democratical agenda is McCarthy's agenda too.
---Now Joker Chip Roy has nominated a token - a token because as a second-term member, he is not a serious person to be speaker. And Roy would not have nominated any other sophomore, but for the fact that the guy is black.
That's all the liberals can ever see, a person's skin color. Look no further for that systemic racism you project onto everyone else.
This wouldn't be happening if the Senate had put up a fight for McConnell's Majority Leader, if the omnibus hadn't passed, or if changes happened at the RNC.
McCarthy should be lashing out at McConnell, not Gaetz.
Blogger Mark said...
What the children refuse to accept that there are only two choices, McCarthy or Democrat Jeffries. That's it. You don't like it? Too damn bad. Grow up. Those are your choices.
At this point, the hold-outs are nothing more than extortionists. And those 200 will be damned before they will reward extortionists.
Lefty Mark is all in with McCarthy. Not a mystery. He'd actually prefer Hakeem.
Hey, you don't know me, but you don't like me
You say you care less how I feel
But how many of you that sit and judge me
Ever walked the streets of Bakersfield?
Gravel said...
Wince - according to Rep Mike Garcia, McCarthy has held fourteen separate meetings with the 19 since the election, and made 22 specific concessions. It's pretty clear at this point that rules concessions aren't what they're after.
"“I have been working for months behind the scenes to create unity,” Boebert told “Special Report” host Bret Baier. “Just last night two colleagues and myself walked into Kevin McCarthy’s office and presented him a very common sense proposal, a deal that got him 218 votes, the gavel on the first ballot and he smugly rejected that.”
“It was very common-sense things like putting forward a border security bill. Putting forward a term limits bill. Having a measure in place where any member of Congress who offers an amendment to reduce the federal debt, well, that’s made in order,” Boebert continued.”
“Boebert disputed claims from other Republicans that the opposition to McCarthy was “petty.”
“I don’t think a secure border is petty. I don’t think a term limits bill being brought to the floor, not demanding to pass, but brought to the floor so we actually have an option to vote on that is petty,” Boebert said, adding that McCarthy failed to demonstrate a commitment to securing the border or balancing the federal budget.”"
McCarthy is just a democrat.
Clown-car dumpster fire.
I think what the 20 Republican hold outs have done is great. As Wendybar notes, it proves they are not merely interested in just backing their guy whether it is McCarthy or Trump. I don’t disagree with Yancey Ward, but for the others just thinking the 20 are wrong for opposing McCarthy; how do you just back McCarthy, when this is his record (via David Horowitz):
“Every single major budget bill that passed under McCarthy’s leadership as floor leader of the last GOP House, which was when the GOP controlled the trifecta and commanded full stewardship over the policies, was passed with more Democrat support than Republican support.”
When we had the WH, House, and Senate; McCarthy couldn’t work a deal that had more Republican approval than Democrat. I understand why you think he is better than Jeffries, but what has McCarthy actually done that makes him better? One of the initial concessions the 20 pushed from McCarthy is creating a new Church Committee. On McCarthy’s side, he promised to vacate the 87,000 new IRS agents, but just last month he voted to fully fund the IRS in the big Omnibus spending bill that didn’t require his vote. Without the Senate or Presidency, and the IRS fully funded; how serious is McCarthy’s “day 1” plan when he’s already sold us out?
McCarthy may be a “good” enough Speaker and better than Pelosi or Jeffries, but he offers less to the GOP voter than the 20 Republicans opposing him. He’ll likely still win, because no one else wants the job that can get the votes either, but I’m happy he’s going in without the total confidence of his conference. He doesn’t deserve it.
whereas some political parties are lock step in line. North Korea, China, Russia, Nazi Germany. US democrats/rinos. I have more.
Birches said...
This wouldn't be happening if the Senate had put up a fight for McConnell's Majority Leader, if the omnibus hadn't passed, or if changes happened at the RNC.
McCarthy should be lashing out at McConnell, not Gaetz.
1/4/23, 2:08 PM
What Leland said @ 2:41pm
So the Republican party is acting like two parties in a parliamentary system wrangling over the terms of a coalition government. Well, good. It beats the Democrats acting like Caligula's horse.
What the children refuse to accept that there are only two choices, McCarthy or Democrat Jeffries.
When the two choices are opposite sides of the same coin, don't be surprised if some people start looking for a different currency.
What the 20 are now accomplishing is to make that fracture deep and personal, guaranteeing that the Dems will always easily get enough crossover R votes to legislate as they wish.
And that's different from what's already been happening, how?
The biggest and best piece of evidence to show that McCarthy is a bad choice for Speaker is the fact that not only did this happen, it continues to happen.
We need a real Hail Mary pass at this point, and I will remind everyone that the Speaker does not have to be a member of Congress.
McConnell is in the Senate - not the house.
Pure idiocy from the Trump Humpers.
If he is speaker or not - it will probably amount to jack. That the house R's didn't have this figured out ahead of time tells me they are inept and lazy.... and it falls on all of them.
In Boring Tired News: Trump Humpers to blame Romney (a senator) McCain (a dead senator) and McConnell (a senator) for the HOUSE Republican Cluster-F. Same as it ever was.
John Rich🇺🇸
Jan 3
If Kevin McCarthy wants to win Speaker, he needs to immediately rush in some Dominion voting machines for the next round of voting.
Lefty Mark is all in with McCarthy.
Do you mean Lefty Mark 1 (the original) or Lefty Mark 2 (the conservative)?
Dumb ass.
Are Hunters ho and Dan Crenshaw the same person?? Keep on bashing the constituency that will stay home in 2024. At this point, what difference would it make. You are on the SAME side as Joe Biden and Kamala. Embrace the suck.
Regarding Donald Trump’s endorsement, my favorite gun-toting Congresswoman, Lauren Boebert, had this to say:
“I think it actually needs to be reversed. The president needs to tell Kevin McCarthy that, ‘Sir, you do not have the votes, and it’s time to withdraw.'”
I think she’s right.
Trump humping morons? Isn't Trump backing McCarthy?
Leland -thank you for that reminder. ugh - a cluster-F all around.
HBTPFH: "In Boring Tired News: Trump Humpers to blame Romney (a senator) McCain (a dead senator) and McConnell (a senator) for the HOUSE Republican Cluster-F. Same as it ever was."
Yes dummy, the Senate republicans forced the omnibus budget deal thru as fast as they could to purposely avoid having the House republicans stop them dead in their tracks.
And, naturally, no one mentioned McCain so I'm not sure why you've thrown that one up at this time other than you are desperate to distract readers from your continuous McConnell-tarding.
In which case, you've failed.
And the only reason anyone might have mentioned the Senate GOPe captured opposition is because McCarthy is perfectly emblematic of their mentality.
Earnest Prole: "Clown-car dumpster fire."
That perfectly describes your boy Raffensberger's attempts to turn GA into a ranked choice voting democratical paradise.
HBTPFH: "McConnell is in the Senate - not the house."
The Senate. Yeah, that's where your GOPe-er stud muffins worked with the dems to bypass a future republican house to advance the far left Biden agenda.
bobby: "What the 20 are now accomplishing is to make that fracture deep and personal, guaranteeing that the Dems will always easily get enough crossover R votes to legislate as they wish.
Great plan."
Uh, where have you been for the last 20 years? Did you just wake up?
HBTPFH: "In Boring Tired News: Trump Humpers to blame Romney (a senator) McCain (a dead senator) and McConnell (a senator) for the HOUSE Republican Cluster-F. Same as it ever was."
I have to admit, your fiction is as dumb as your "factual" representations.
Republicans are a sad bunch of losers. Trump led them down the rabbit hole and then they got lost.
Leland quotes others: "“Every single major budget bill that passed under McCarthy’s leadership as floor leader of the last GOP House, which was when the GOP controlled the trifecta and commanded full stewardship over the policies, was passed with more Democrat support than Republican support.”
But try and get these GOPe suckups at Althouse blog to think critically about things like that (with the exception of HBTPFH, who is hopeless at this point).
After a decade + of being in republican leadership, Kevin McCarthy has always sought out a way to bring more democraticals on board than republicans.
Every time.
Just like Luntz prefers.
I for don't want Kevin McCarthy to be Speaker. But the GOP Rep I got to vote for is voting for McCarthy (Glenn Grothman - Wisconsin 6th District). Even Waukesha County has GOPe. Better that the alternative than a WI Dem by a long shot.
Point is, these 20 holdouts on McCarthy being led by Matt Gaetz, are holding out for a lot more GOP voters that just the 20 districts they represent.
Hold the line. Freedom Caucus. Good job. Doesn't matter what Trump says.
as McCarthy gets 6 attempts to overturn his non-election.
does Trump gain vicarious pleasure satisfaction out of this?
I think this group is trying to test the hypothesis that there is no such thing as bad publicity.
They are the vanguard of a party that seems to believe that wishing (or praying) for things makes them happen. Believing something makes it true. And the best way to get things done is to stop everything.
So naturally they are going to blow their own brains out and then look around expecting applause.
Gahrie said...
... and I will remind everyone that the Speaker does not have to be a member of Congress.
Professora === please edumacate
Gahrie == >> r u sure?
This is provided by the United States Constitution, as per Article I, Section 2.
per Qualification item 3 uses 'state they are to represent' [but vague as to which election is being referenced]
● At least twenty-five years old
● Citizen of the United States for the previous seven years
● An inhabitant of the State they are to represent at the time of the election.
“Lefty Mark is all in with McCarthy.”
“Do you mean Lefty Mark 1 (the original) or Lefty Mark 2 (the conservative)?
Dumb ass.”
Doc is easily confused.
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Republicans are a sad bunch of losers."
How is it the New Soviet Democraticals lost to this "sad bunch of losers"?
And doesn't the New Soviet Democraticals losing to this "sad bunch of losers" make the New Soviet Democraticals the saddest bunch of loser-y losing losers?
Note: I realize basic logic is not Inga's strong suit....or even moderately weak suit....or even the weakest of weak suit.
Birches (to HBTPFH): "Trump humping morons? Isn't Trump backing McCarthy?"
She's on a roll. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Trump supports a squish McConnell sell-out. hahahahaha. Almost as bad as Trump supporting McConnell himself. Is that next? Will Trump's man-love for the McConnell-tard shake the faith of the Ever Trumper? Never!
Inga, it always amuses me when these 'brilliant' minds struggle with understanding there is more than one Mark and has been for a decade.
It's really interesting seeing the furious efforts by the Legacy Corporate Mainstream Media to put the efforts of the 20+ into the worst possible light. They're diabolical attention seekers after clicks and likes! No wait - they're terribly misguided and it will all end in disaster once we're past this awkwardness, nobody will caucus with them. No wait - they're terrorists! (this from their own colleague, in pirate mufti). No wait....
Why doesn't it become a logical outcome that McCarthy stands down and someone else stands forward and another vote is taken? Steve Scalise? I bet he would pass muster, and there are other credible candidates as well. If someone says the 20+ are being unreasonable, then tell me why McCarthy isn't? It's not like he won the primary and is the only candidate possible.....
Someone needs to get a lettuce setup like the UK media did for Liz Truss, as McCarthy might be outlasted much the same.
That perfectly describes your boy Raffensberger's attempts to turn GA into a ranked choice voting democratical paradise.
As a California independent I don’t have a strong opinion on how Georgia structures its elections, but I do know a clown-car dumpster fire when I see one. When the nation’s most MAGA-fervent representatives openly diss Trump’s endorsement of McCarthy on the floor of Congress, it’s pretty clear Republicans are headed for a disaster every bit as awful as when Trump discouraged Georgia Republicans from voting in the 2020 Georgia Senate runoff, thereby handing the Senate to Democrats and guaranteeing we would add trillions of dollars to our deficit.
Gusty Winds said...
I for don't want Kevin McCarthy to be Speaker. But the GOP Rep I got to vote for is voting for McCarthy (Glenn Grothman - Wisconsin 6th District). Even Waukesha County has GOPe. Better that the alternative than a WI Dem by a long shot.
Point is, these 20 holdouts on McCarthy being led by Matt Gaetz, are holding out for a lot more GOP voters that just the 20 districts they represent.
Hold the line. Freedom Caucus. Good job. Doesn't matter what Trump says.
1/4/23, 5:56 PM
Gahrie == >> r u sure?
This is provided by the United States Constitution, as per Article I, Section 2.
per Qualification item 3 uses 'state they are to represent' [but vague as to which election is being referenced]
● At least twenty-five years old
● Citizen of the United States for the previous seven years
● An inhabitant of the State they are to represent at the time of the election.
I'm sure. I teach Government.
Those are the qualifications to be a Representative. No where does Constitution state that the Speaker must be a member of the House of Representatives.
Ya hate to see it...
"I'm sure. I teach Government.
Well, would you mind a little side trip to the Capitol, because there's about 535 people there in dire need of a refresher course.
Earnest Prole: "As a California independent I don’t have a strong opinion on how Georgia structures its elections,..."
Of course not, since the supposed "republicans" who are enabling the corrupted democratical election actions in GA are not Trump nor his supporters. (Once again the BUT TRUMP Get Out Of Jail Free Card makes an appearance)
Earnest Prole: ".. but I do know a clown-car dumpster fire when I see one."
The only dumpster fire I've seen recently is the $1.7T monstrosity that the GOPe-ers and their dem allies shoved thru under the wire to avoid having a GOP controlled House put a stop to some of the most egregious democratical/fascist (more $$$ to oppress political opponents) overreach.
Earnest Prole: "When the nation’s most MAGA-fervent representatives openly diss Trump’s endorsement of McCarthy on the floor of Congress, it’s pretty clear Republicans are headed for a disaster every bit as awful as when Trump discouraged Georgia Republicans from voting in the 2020 Georgia Senate runoff, thereby handing the Senate to Democrats and guaranteeing we would add trillions of dollars to our deficit."
So let me see if I've got your argument down correctly: Trump is responsible for the 2020 GA Senate loss because he "discouraged" republicans from voting (and goodness knows those sheep can't think for themselves or see whats happening on the ground and react all on their own) AND Trump supporters are at fault in the election of the next House Speaker because they refuse to follow Trump's encouragement to support McCarthy.
Gee, suddenly the sheep appear not so sbeepish.....or, obviously, Earnest Proles "analysis" of these situations remains fatally flawed.
Well, as was said in The Princess Bride, "Truly you have a dizzying intellect", so I'm comfortable with the "fatally flawed" assessment.
Exit observation: Earnest Prole has yet to criticize McConnell et al for publicly trashing and sabotaging republican candidates in 2022 or for funding and supporting attacks against those republicans.
This fundamental inconsistency sure makes the falsely premised Trump/2020 criticism even more hollow, if that was possible.
HBTPFH: "Trump supports a squish McConnell sell-out. hahahahaha. Almost as bad as Trump supporting McConnell himself. Is that next? Will Trump's man-love for the McConnell-tard shake the faith of the Ever Trumper? Never!"
Your moronic and moebius strip-like transparently false assumptions and "hot takes" inevitably lead to postings such as the above which completely collapses upon itself.
Again. As expected.
As with Earnest Prole's "cogent" analysis, those "Ever Trumper's"/"Trump Humpers" follow every Trump directive....except for all the one's they don't...which only somehow "proves" the "Trump Humpers" will always follow Trump...except for all the times they won't...which only "proves".....(continue self-refuting downward rhetorical spiral and be sure to pat self on back).
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