I'm reading the Encyclopedia Britannica entry on Jair Bolsonaro.
I don't really know where to jump in on this Bolsonaro uprising, but that sentence enchanted me — Eldorado, the rainforest, the intrusion of government (in the form of the licensing of dentists, displacing the father), prosthetics. I got distracted.
Now that I've got a post open though, I'll just pose the question that occurred to me. I'm not going to plod through the set up for this question, which I trust you'll get:
Do you think Donald "January 6th" Trump is envious of Jair "January 8th" Bolsonaro?
६१ टिप्पण्या:
Seriously? Is it Trump's fault Biden stole classified documents while he was vice president, also?
It’s early but I’m detecting a blog theme.
Word is they are survivable if you catch it early.
I just can't believe how many ignorant people in the USA don't care that the Deep State is spying on us, and faking elections that allow delusional old men to be President whilst they destroy America....and the media who pretend there is no crisis at the border when we are getting invaded. At least Brazilians fight for their country.
Sure he is.
And that just shows how whacked out Trump is. He should have anticipated all the Dem cheating in 2020 after his first week in office. How could he not have figured it out?
to some extent.. Yes, of course
to some other extent.. Of Course not
Do you think Donald "January 6th" Trump is envious of Jair "January 8th" Bolsonaro?
Only if it works.
And it will.
Lula is toast.
No, I trust you’ll understand why.
I think Jair "January 8th" Bolsonaro breathed new life into the myth of Donald "January 6th" Trump and the American left will try as hard as they can to pretend Jan 8th is just Jan 6th II and blame Trump for Brazil's troubles as well.
I don't see any reason to think Trump is envious. The rioters in Brazil will do no more to help Bolsonaro than the handful of miscreants at the Jan 6 protest did to help Trump.
"Do you think Donald "January 6th" Trump is envious of Jair "January 8th" Bolsonaro?"
Envious, no. It's a little soon to tell how this will play out. Will he find strategies he can emulate? Too soon to tell, but maybe. Brazil is more like Canada than it is like they'd, but the people there are passionate.
A little more delta house
The Brazilian insurrectionists are destroying the art, not just walking past it like a museumgoer.
The Brazilians are showing you what a real insurrection looks like, unlike the selfie-taking, strolling January 6th gulag residents of D.C. participated in.
However, the Brazilians are showing you what the future in the US is going to look like if we don't act to make voting the US trusted by all sides. We need in-person voting, 1 weekend, on paper, with photo ID, and dipping a finger in indelible ink.
Some stuff was broken in next door bolivia dozens have died
I think the Democrats are envious of the Chinese headlock regime the criminal Lula is busy setting up in Brazil. Scratch a Democrat and you will most often find the authoritarian beneath the fecal crust.
There’s no envy on Trumps end. Jan 6th was a Pelosi / FBI set up. Funny how we have these conversations based on assumptions that are nothing close to the truth. On Jan 6th, 2020 Mike Pence had the power to kick the corrupt electors back to the corrupt states (PA, GA, MI, WI, AZ). He was a coward and failed.
The people of Brazil, along with tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of American now leftists don’t really believe in verifiable, auditable elections. Their “victorious end” justify the means, even if it means voter fraud. This is how they believe “democracy” should be “protected”. It’s all bullshit.
But Brazil is Brazil. South America. Probably going to get a bit more heated and uglier down there. And the military seems to have a say so.
It’s really got nothing to do with Trump or Bolsonaro if you think about it. They know the elections are fraudulent. We know the elections are fraudulent. So do the people.
The only thing these two men refuse to do is publicly state, “Hey. Don’t sweat it. The elections are fine. Let’s move on”. If they do that, the lead everyone into the totalitarian hands of the left and the global elites based on a lie.
Even if you hate both these men… or which they would “go away” as Althouse does… it’s not good for you if they give up the fight. They go away, so does your voting franchise, which is already close to worthless.
If the art is anything like that architecture I’m with the Brazilian insurrectionists.
"The Brazilian insurrectionists are destroying the art, not just walking past it like a museumgoer."
I've been in that building several times. Nothing of value was lost.
Blogger Dave Begley said...He should have anticipated all the Dem cheating in 2020 after his first week in office.
He did see it. But he can't control elections in WI, AZ, PA, GA, and MI. He vocally warned everyone. The American people went along with absentee ballot abuse because of COVID brainwashing. Mike Pence failed in his constitutional duty to send the electors back to the fraudulent states listed.
The only people that have capitulated to the voter fraud are the new Never Trumpers like yourself. It's delusional to think it's not going to happen to DeSantis. You just saw it happen again in AZ.
Looks like the people of Brazil aren't capitulating like Americans.
Why would Trump be envious of the Brazilian uprising?
Without checking if Trump has commented, I think Trump would want the Brazilian people to have free and fair elections and hopes nobody gets hurt or much damage is done. Otherwise, he'd let Brazil handle it's own business.
I hesitate to comment on Brazilian politics, of which I Know Nuttin. BUT I did read about Lulas election when the trouble first started….the military and seemingly a majority of the populace siding with Bolsonaro, claiming a fraudulent election. This seems like one of those scenarios in which those staking their positions from a Jan 6 comparison will be proven wrong. 100% wrong. Just a hunch.
There have been 70 days of protests the lefty procurators has threatened the children of the pdotesters
The regime serves china bolsonaro barely survived the stabbling by a crazy lefty then covid two years later the man is steve austin
Ann Althouse said...
The Brazilian insurrectionists are destroying the art, not just walking past it like a museumgoer.
yep, and considering how hard the state clamped down on the Jan6th "Insurrection"..
Last time, no one brought weapons.. And they were STILL sent to prison..
do You think it probable, that they will stay inside the velvet ropes next time?
“The Brazilian insurrectionists are destroying the art, not just walking past it like a museumgoer.”
There’s your first clue that the Jan 6 folks weren’t insurrectionists. Well done.
Yes, let's discuss "the number of angels that can dance on a pin" while our global overlords water-cannon every Yellow Vest protester in Europe, sneer and shrug at sri lankans starving from their pie-in-the-sky climate edicts, silence all conversations that don't serve their majesties, and literally conspire to smudge, fudge and override any honest vote of citizens anywhere in the "free" world
400 years of darkness a'comin while we blather here.
I find the idea of self-taught dentistry fascinating.
I'm staying away from Brazil
John Henry
The Brazilian insurrectionists are destroying the art, not just walking past it like a museumgoer.
1/10/23, 8:30 AM
The media are reporting it as if it were the same a 1/6 - both bad and possibly treasonous. I don't know. Brazil seems worse, but perhaps they are both similar and neither was as bad as is being reported.
If the Leftists would commit to fair elections and stop cheating, they wouldn't have to worry.
Do you think Donald "January 6th" Trump is envious of Jair "January 8th" Bolsonaro?
"Do you think Donald "January 6th" Trump is envious of Jair "January 8th" Bolsonaro?
Only if it works.
And it will.
Lula is toast."
Lol, to quote my wife (who's Brazilian), "I hope they shoot him". I hope so too. I'm a lucky man.
I think Canadian protests were too polite. Seen at a Tim Horton's somewhere in Canadian flyover country.
The Left and Globalists: “Hey, no fair, you’re not allowed to have an insurrection over our fraudulent vote coup de’tat. You’re not even allowed to question it. That’s not the way the game is played! Times up! Pencils down! We win, you lose.”
New Never Trump DeSantis supporters and the "cruelly neutral": “Ok…let’s just move on then. I’m sure you’ll never do it again.”
Althouse said...
"The Brazilian insurrectionists are destroying the art, not just walking past it like a museumgoer."
Some say that Lulu is the one "envious" of Biden, altered the playbook, and took the Reichstag thing to the next level.
@TuckerCarlson discussing the “Reichstag fire” that was Jan 8th riot & how it served a key purpose for the @alexandre @LulaOficial @FlavioDino regime: to end the protest movement of Brazil’s free people & clamp down w/a burgeoning gulag state. Two have died today at their hands.
Wait a minute... Is saying you are with the Brazilian insurrectionist probable cause for an FBI raid?
If Trump is envious just think how Sidney ‘Release the Kraken’ Powell must feel.
All the critics of voters protesting elections had zero problems of high value statues being destroyed during BLM statue wars.
The New York Times says Bolsonaro is claiming fraud without evidence, conclusively proving that Lula sole the election.
Whoops...the link to my Flickr photo of a Canadian protest car vanished from my post. Trying again:
Dave Begley said...
Sure he is.
And that just shows how whacked out Trump is. He should have anticipated all the Dem cheating in 2020 after his first week in office. How could he not have figured it out?
He did.
Cowardly never-trumpers like you refused to support him and constantly bite his ankles while supporting McConnell and Pence.
It was Republicans in Arizona, Wisconsin, Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania that betrayed us.
The fact that you attack Trump and not Pence betrays what you are really about.
Madtown guy
Isn't using an apostrophe with Hortons francophobic?
John Henry
We are "led" by idiots.
Lula is clearly worse for the US than Bolsonaro. While previously in office, he preferred to align with China and Russia, and is now promising to push ahead with BRICS, which has become a vehicle for Russia and China to counter US financial hegemony. Brazil and Russia are about to ink an important trade deal now that Lula is officially in office.
From what should be the American perspective, Lula is a problem. Brazil is a big and important country in the Western hemisphere, with a great deal of influence over the rest of South America. Having them move from the American camp to the Russian camp should be viewed as a catastrophe, opening the door for both Russia and China to forge ties with other countries in America’s backyard.
Of course, our corrupt media is cheering the ascent of Lula over Bolsonaro.
I'm not going to plod through the set up for this question, which I trust you'll get:
I don't get it. Sorry. (Shame. Feelings of inadequacy.)
It was Republicans in Arizona, Wisconsin, Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania that betrayed us.
Wait, I was reliably promised the election was stolen by the Red Chinese and the Ghost of Hugo Chavez.
The fact that you attack Trump and not Pence betrays what you are really about.
Republicans betrayed Trump in Arizona, Wisconsin, Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania, but it’s Pence’s fault because he failed to unilaterally declare Trump President?
In a word, dopey.
Earnest Prole said...
In a word, dopey.
We know how stupid you are Prole.
Only stupid people think 81 million people voted for Joe Biden.
But you make it clear just how stupid you are with every one of these posts.
Unless you are the author himself, you should link the original.
"The New York Times says Bolsonaro is claiming fraud without evidence, conclusively proving that Lula sole the election."
Most outlets are even worse- most claim Bolsonaro and his supporters are making false allegations of election fraud.
What happened in Brasilia was "a more real insurrection" than what happened in Washington two years ago, but that doesn't mean that it was a very real or serious insurrection by South American standards.
It is true that the Brazilian rioters came to the capital looking for violent action. They weren't waved into the building after a rally. Some even thought when the military showed up that it was on their side. But I think we ought to just go back to calling these things "riots" or even "disturbances."
BRICS. That's bad for America. But it seems like the kind of comeuppance we (or our political elites) deserve. Maybe if our rulers (or we) have to work harder not to lose friends and allies, not throw power around (and away) so carelessly, it might work out better for us.
The way I explain it all to myself is to say, as William Manchester said of the British who stood up to Hitler led by Churchill. 'They were Churchill's people but before that they were Chamberlain's people.' The people who cheered the Munich agreement in 1938 stood up to the London Blitz in 1940. They did not become brave, they always were brave. The difference was in their understanding of what was going on. In 1938 they thought they could decide on whether to have war or peace. In 1940 the knew they, could only decide on whether to surrender or not. In 1938 they supported peace; in 1940 they supported 'No surrender.'
Due to media throttling, suppression and muting, many in this country think they can choose between between being 'divisive like the right' or being unifying in the sense of shutting up the right. On the right, we know already we can only choose to overcome the opponents of democracy, free speech and free elections or be overcome by the hidden autocracy, that a house divided against itself cannot stand. There will never be another Churchill but I sincerely believe 'his soul goes marching on.'
50 Shades of Egyptian Spring... Ukraine, etc.
It was Republicans in Arizona, Wisconsin, Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania that betrayed us.
Hey, lets not forget the judiciary entirely abandoning their duties!
Trump lost…. his sparkle after people could 🧐 his tax returns.
However, the Brazilians are showing you what the future in the US is going to look like if we don't act to make voting the US trusted by all sides. We need in-person voting, 1 weekend, on paper, with photo ID, and dipping a finger in indelible ink.
I fear that the end result of this Deep State coup is going to be economic collapse and something much worse than Trump. I expect similar attempts, probably successful, to happen to DeSantis.
Republicans betrayed Trump in Arizona, Wisconsin, Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania, but it’s Pence’s fault because he failed to unilaterally declare Trump President?
So, when the lights went out in Georgia that was black Republicans toting those boxes of ballots into the counting room ? I grant you AZ as those were McCain Republicans which means not Republicans at all.
Do you think Biden and Democrats are envious of Lulu and Brazilian Supreme Court's ability to censor citizens?
“Republicans betrayed Trump in Arizona, Wisconsin, Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania, but it’s Pence’s fault because he failed to unilaterally declare Trump President?”
Trump says all rules, regulations and articles of the constitution can be terminated, so his dopey followers think a VP can declare who won a presidential election.
“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”
Americans lack standing to petition their government. In a Democracy, there is no expectation of integrity through auditing. Dissenters will be judged, labeled, sequestered, and/or aborted.
Do you think Donald "January 6th" Trump is envious of Jair "January 8th" Bolsonaro?
How did Trump find out Bolsonaro's hands are bigger than his?
Who leaked it to Trump?
Americans lack standing to petition their government. In a Democracy, there is no expectation of integrity through auditing. Dissenters will be judged, labeled, sequestered, and/or aborted.
John henry said...
"Madtown guy
Isn't using an apostrophe with Hortons francophobic?"
My error, but if anything it's more of an affront to Canadian/British orthography.
the American left will try as hard as they can to pretend Jan 8th is just Jan 6th II and blame Trump for Brazil's troubles as well.
They already are.
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