Musk is mocking the uncritical sanctity of pronoun declarations.
I don't know what crime he literally has in mind but lots of people think Fauci should be punished, as an opinion. Not mine, by the way. Fauci's power was not his fault.
What should be punished is uncritical acceptance of Fauci in the media. Fauci should just have been treated with suppressed giggles and no influence, for maintaining the primacy of his lane against other considerations, social and economic.
Well, it does seem that Fauci approved the donation of US Government money to China for the purpose of conducting gain-of-function research on viruses -- a donation that violated US law.
Wow. I think Fauci has been much more villain than hero since about April 2020, but I’d have settled for firing him, and having a lot more people see the harm he has done. And having the public health community curse his name for the trust he has cost for them.
I’m not sure what you prosecute him for - the grander the crime you could accuse him of, the less detailed the case for it. Even lying to Congress would be tough to prove legally. His denial that the NIH had supported gain-of-function research in Wuhan would have Bill Clinton for the precision required to make it technically true, as far as it went.
Maybe I’m taking Musk too seriously, but to me this is of a piece with all the other people on Twitter who basically want someone to go to prison for making them angry.
Gotta love Elon’s wit. The man expects reality to be communicated in a world built on deception of the people, by the criminals in government and for the criminals in government . The next shift will have to be be the mass attacks on The Donald flipping into mass of attacks on the Spaceman. Hope lots of paid off porn stars and images of tax evasion theories highlight the fake stories.
An eminently logical conclusion to have drawn from the self-dealing Fraudci's behavior, contradictions, bad advice, and his huge assist in the creation of the CCP virus in the first place. Voiced many times, in many places, not excluding your comments section.
The problem is not Fauci, the problem is the system that created and supported him, in government and in popular culture. My literal genius uncle named his dog Fauci for heaven’s sake. What do you do about those people? They’re still there, waiting to ruin your life and your kids’ lives with their pathetic addiction to being told they’re in danger and then humping the guy who says he can save them.
We have lost the ability to hold people accountable for their actions. Whether it be incompetence, blind partisanship, arrogance, willful ignorance, or criminal negligence, few ever see any consequences as long as they can claim to have meant well. Case in point is one Anthony Fauci who has managed to fail upwards for decades beginning with the initial AIDS/HIV handling to be literally the highest paid government employee.
Though it may be the least of his sins, the prosecutable crime is lying to congress. Not least, but not only, the denial that he was supporting gain of function research in China. Is it prosecutable that he told the American people that masks don’t work as a ruse to help him control the market for masks? It should be. How about his role in spreading the wet market lie when he knew a lab leak was the more likely scenario and that his lie delayed effective treatments for months, resulting in prolonging the pandemic, many billions of wasted dollars and damage to the economy, contributing to many thousands of unnecessary deaths?
There are many possible charges, some easier to make stick than others. If one sticks, it will most likely be another instance of Al Capone going to jail for tax evasion—it’s not the worst thing he did, but it was the one they could get him on.
None of us yet knows whether Fauci violated a criminal statute. What we do know is that the essence of his job was to inform himself of the relevant facts, to propose policies that maximized the well-being of the public, and to communicate those facts and recommendations as honestly and persuasively as possible.
Many of us do know that he failed miserably. His failure has taught us a great deal about our government, our experts, and the media. Despite all of the accoutrements of 21st Century cultural and technological advancement, we are still just as prone to folly, greed, and deception as the characters in Aesop's Fables.
I'd like to know if there were any back-channel communications between the CDC (not just Fauci but the whole team) and state boards of pharmacy and, oh yes,, restricting the use of hydroxychloroquine before its efficacy could be tested; and later on, ivermectin. It's as though they wanted people at risk to die. That would be prosecutable.
Rand Paul is right. Fauci had a hand in funding the gain of function research at the Wuhan lab where COVID was created, and then lied about it with that stupid wet market / bat soup story. All to cover his own ass and help push the Pfizer poison on a desperate, obedient population.
But his biggest crime is creating millions of lock-down, mask wearing, mRNA poison shot pushing Karens. The strongest concentration of these Karens are at public schools and universities. Although a certain personality trait made these Karens vulnerable to Fauci, their liberal self righteousness made them attack dogs for his bullshit...even willing to continue to push this shit on children.
"I don't know what crime he literally has in mind but lots of people think Fauci should be punished, as an opinion. Not mine, by the way. Fauci's power was not his fault."
Fauci's potential crime was in the creation of the virus and the covering it up.
I'm more shocked that he made a casual "pronouns" joke than that he expressed a desire to see F prosecuted (and without naming the crime or citing any evidence).
There is a recent Jordan Peterson podcast with Matt Ridley. Peterson sort of hijacks it into a philosophical discussion of "science" vs. "religion," but Ridley is very impressive.
He started out to write a piece about how the virus got from the wild bat into the wet market in Wuhan, with the idea of setting the record straight.
He ended up finding that the powers that be in public health--including Fauci and that guy with the evil villain name--Daskak?-put out the "wet market" tale when the evidence quite clearly pointed to an "altered" virus--in a city that just happened to be where the most advanced gain of function research was being done.
"without naming the crime or citing any evidence".
Because expressing agreement with a widely held opinion for which there is overwhelming evidence is not valid unless one presents the evidence then and there. Perhaps a "stated without evidence" MSM dismissal is in order.
Fauci was not forthcoming about the Wuhan Institute. I think there are probably very strong reasons that he was not. Whether he violated a specific criminal statute beyond lying to Congress I don't know.
I do know that sending money -- any money, for any alleged purpose -- was a horrendous decision that should be a career ender.
As for the pronouns thing, it is so stupid that it deserves to be mocked at every possible opportunity. Only an insane society perverts the plain meaning of words in order to cater to the mentally ill.
Did Fauci and Walensky accept bribes from Pfizer and Moderna to suppress information about low-cost, low-risk treatments for COVID-19 in favor of high-risk, ineffective vaccines? If a Democrat Congress can subpoena Trump’s tax returns surely a Republican Congress can do the same for them. Did they deliberately put American health and safety at risk just to get rid of Trump? Doxx them.
Fauci said in his recent deposition that he was "too busy running a multi-billion dollar agency" to remember small details, like if he read any studies refuting his narrative.
But apparently he wasn't too busy running the agency to make a thousand television appearances on CNN and MSNBC over the past 2 years to tout his magnificence.
Fauci is a living example of a bureaucrat whose only interest is his own career and, in his case, income. His actions remind me of Robert Gallo, who claimed falsely to have discovered the AIDS virus. His actions were revealed in a book titled "Science Fictions," which exposed his lying and his dishonesty in trying to steal the credit from the actual discoverers. He finally admitted his actions years later.
WASHINGTON — A controversial piece of scientific history will be officially rewritten this week, with the publication of an acknowledgment by Dr. Robert C. Gallo that the AIDS virus he claimed to have discovered in 1984 was in reality a virus sent to him from France the year before.
Gallo`s acknowledgment, in a letter to the British scientific journal Nature, follows by two weeks the publication, in the American journal Science, of a report from the Pasteur Institute in Paris showing that a virus discovered there in 1983 is a virtual genetic twin of the Gallo virus.
What I am curious about is how CDC people get named as co inventor on patents. I suspect a back door payoff to government scientists by pharmacy companies by this mechanism. Let’s see an article about Faucis income from patents and see if it is justified by personal involvement, as is required.
Althouse said...(and without naming the crime or citing any evidence)
Anybody that has been paying attention and resisting the covid propaganda and mRNA shots pushed by Democrats, Liberals, and Globalists seeking control of everyone's lives knows what this guy did. He is probably not the biggest criminal in all of it, but certainly the "expert" people hung their lives and reputations on.
Dark Helmet said...Fauci was not forthcoming about the Wuhan Institute. I think there are probably very strong reasons that he was not. Whether he violated a specific criminal statute beyond lying to Congress I don't know...I do know that sending money -- any money, for any alleged purpose -- was a horrendous decision that should be a career ender.
"Not forthcoming" there's a soft shoe. Funding mad scientist, unethical gain of function research and releasing a controlled pandemic on the world is a crime. And then to push ineffective damaging lock-downs, masks, and worst of all the poison mRNA shots and mandates is insanity. To do it to children is demonic.
If international and national laws cannot address these things, then our legal system is worthless.
Purposefully contaminating elderly care facilities by Democrat Governors to increase the COVID death numbers quickly in 2020 for political gain, and thin out the Medicare/Medicaid burden is also a crime. But liberals around the world and in the media seem perfectly fine with this.
How about for all these people we just jump straight to mass murder?? That's the crime.
Using COVID to permanently corrupt and change the American voting system should be another, but at this point our problems are not solvable at the ballot box. I've pretty much given up on that one.
Ann Althouse said... I'm more shocked that he made a casual "pronouns" joke than that he expressed a desire to see F prosecuted (and without naming the crime or citing any evidence).
I am more shocked that people don't recognize foreshadowing.
"Pronouns jokes are all over Twitter, though. Thinks like Username leave/me/alone; etc. Lots of people mock the pronouns fad."
Yes, but that's one more reason not to indulge in such jokes. They are very cheap and formulaic. Only a bad comedian would take the stage and utter things like: "My pronouns are Shut. The. Fuck. Up."
BUMBLE BEE said... Fauci killed more than Hitler or Mao? Discuss.
I don't think Covid itself killed that many people yet.
The lock downs have clearly killed more people than Covid.
I think the vaccines are actually doing all the heavy lifting right now. Humans are mostly immune to the virus. But the myocarditis/periocarditis and the blood clot outbreaks not so much.
Althouse: "Yes, but that's one more reason not to indulge in such jokes. They are very cheap and formulaic. Only a bad comedian would take the stage and utter things like: "My pronouns are Shut. The. Fuck. Up."'
True, but bad comedy is a feast to a starving human. In a famine, bad food is still food. Knowing the difference is a luxury good. Even those with ageusia must eat. I think the soul needs comedy like the corpus needs food. As always, I could be wrong.
Blogger Achilles said... BUMBLE BEE said... Fauci killed more than Hitler or Mao? Discuss.
I don't think Covid itself killed that many people yet.
Nobody knows the real number. It's all been a lie. There were political gains for Democrats and Globalists to push the number as high as possible. It expanded their power.
But it does seem reasonable that the elderly and other health vulnerable parts of the population did die in 2020 from the original strain. That was its purpose.
One of the simple truths Trump stated early on when he was pushing treatments like HCQ was that "There's a big difference between getting something and dying from it". For that he was vilified. After that it was game on. Fauci lying about HCQ and other treatments that could have saved a lot of lives is on his list of crimes. But MANY others in power are involved.
From there we got the HCQ is "dangerous", Ivermectin is "horse paste", and "this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated". Did you enjoy last years "winter of death" Biden predicted would be trust upon the lab rat resistors?
The narrative quickly changed from focus on COVID deaths to COVID cases. That kept the totalitarian dream alive. It helped push absentee voting...obediance to mandates "or else", and Nuremburg violating mRNA experimentation on the global population.
Let's never forget that the biggest "fanboys" of Fauci and all this bullshit was and is still the education establishment. Teachers Unions, University Phds and administrators, liberal school boards, and panicky Karen teachers willing to pollute children for personal gain, protection, and comfort.
I don't know if it changed the world, or just exposed what half of it really is.
And I'm guessing she wasnt a hard core coding genius.
So that would mean she was likely set up on the content moderation side...and censoring content that challenged Dr Franken-Fauci and the New Soviet Democraticals.
I suspect Elon has those "receipts" as well.
Hey, did you you know John Podesta's niece worked at Twitter as well?! What are the odds she was a coding wunderkind?
Twitter was literally the democraticals and deep staters "payoff" drop location.
Ann said - "That's like the essence of bad comedy."
Perhaps it's bad comedy - it's more like the Colbert-style comedy but coming from the non-Colbert masses. A defiant fist towards the Woke-Left Pronoun speech code Nazis.
I will not be compelled to comply with the Woke-left pronoun speech cod Nazis. No joke.
The push to invent new pronouns and insist others conform to your new words is arrogant and eminently mockable. Refusing to play word games is not anti-gay or anti-trans. I can’t even get black people around me to stop saying the N-word so how do these pronoun nazis expect me to partake in their word charade? No. I’m a nonparticipant in transmania.
My main theory about this tweet is that Fauci, through his daughter, was likely deeply involved in getting critics of the various government organizations' COVID policies, at the state and federal level, censored at Twitter and elsewhere; and that there was likely deep cooperation between the different social media companies in doing this. Also, that the nature of this cooperation changed the instant Trump was defeated- i.e. critics of vaccines went from being promoted on social media to being censored the moment Trump lost, and that many of the critics of the vaccines switched sides the moment Trump lost, too.
I think a just world would probably see Fauci and others hanging from a lamppost. The COVID virus is all but certain to have been a lab creation that was accidentally released at the Wuhan Institute- the evidence for this is pretty overwhelming. And some of the e-mails that have been forced out of the CDC and NIH from January and February of 2020 show that a number of the virologists in contact with Fauci and others at NIH and CDC realized this right from the start, only to turn on a dime within days with no additional evidence to proclaim this was impossible. The Twitter files probably won't help in this matter, and the Biden Administration will never investigate it anyway. The only real hope of getting this definitively answered is if the Chinese government decides it is no longer in their interest to cover this up, which isn't likely to happen. Fauci will likely die in his sleep, or if there is a God, die from blood clots in the lungs a day or two after getting a COVID vaccine booster.
I read this as a Fauci fan girl is mad that someone is attacking Fauci.
This is Musk playing the crowd. Foreshadowing. Everyone is now talking about what Twitter is going to release on another Government Bureaucrat Conspiring with a Giant corporation to censor dissent and attack enemies of the Regime.
What Fauci did was as bad as anything any of the Nazis did in Germany.
Fauci funded the research of a deadly pathogen in a foreign country that was against the law in the United States. He took taxpayer dollars from Americans and sent it to a lab in China where the virus was developed and released.
Then he destroyed documents and conspired with media and corporations not only to cover up his crimes and the blood on his hands but to destroy careers and ruin livelihoods.
And do not forget that Ann was on Fauci's side.
A lot of the people on this blog were attacking me and the few others that called this bullshit out from day one.
Ann even attacked us on a moral level.
There are still Fauci supporters here even knowing everything that has happened and the results of the lock down policies and forced vaccinations.
The thing about "Crimes Against Humanity" are that they aren't relly contained in written law.
He pushed universal masking knowing it was useless. He pushed mandating an experimental vaccine- which is a crime. That he didn't have the actual power to enact that is immaterial- he ws part of the power structure that fored it upon several segments of the population. He pushed treament with drugs that killed- and discouraged any other treatments as "unproven". just as the drugs he was pushing were.
We could go on. He's as guilty as any guard in the gulag, or interrogator in Lubynaka, or Chinese police who welded people into their apartments where they subsequently burned to death.
Is the issue here in this post really the bad comedy Musk uses that may offend the sensibilities of some, or the crimes that Fauci committed against mankind? Or even what Musk has seen behind the corrupt Twitter curtain that soon will be released...
"Well besides that Mrs. Lincoln, did you enjoy the play?"
Bad comedy can and should be forgiven. Fauci should not. To do so requires a lot of hand wringing.
Bad comedy or not, some of us fondly remember elephant jokes, knock knock jokes, and dead lawyer jokes. In a formulaic world, comedy can also be formulaic. Plus, stand-up is largely in the delivery. A really skilled comic can make you laugh at things you wouldn't usually find funny. I doubt we've hit peak pronoun joke yet.
Musk is right about Fauci. If ever anybody deserved to be publicly humiliated it's Fauci, but Fauci has no shame and no conscience. Elon does seem too attached to tweeting, though. He's like an alcoholic who bought a liquor store or a pothead who's making his dispensary's profits go up in smoke.
The Chinese who are making your kids do stupid things on TikTok aren't getting caught up in the madness themselves, and it's said that Silicon Valley moguls keep their kids away from devices and the internet. Elon take heed.
Whelp, someone needs to fill the vacuum left by the soon to be vanquished cult leader. Throwing red meat to the proudly ignorant, Musk is ham fisted as hell but the audience for this shit is beyond gullible, so it’s mostly working for him.
TeaBagHag: "Musk is ham fisted as hell but the audience for this shit is beyond gullible, so it’s mostly working for him."
Tell us more about the proven russia collusion, the "verified dossier", how the "vaccines" stop transmission and how men can become women simply by wishing it were so.
We "gullible" "ignoramuses" need some addition guidance in these areas.
Yep, Teabaghag. All of the non-gullible should just completely ignore anything negative about Saint Fauci. Because questioning the integrity of a saint is cult-like behaviour.
Achilles: "Fauci funded the research of a deadly pathogen in a foreign country that was against the law in the United States. He took taxpayer dollars from Americans and sent it to a lab in China where the virus was developed and released."
We should start further upstream.
Gain of function research was banned under the obama regime, and for good reason.
So what did that weasel Fauci do in the first few days of the Trump admin?
Fauci the weasel pushed thru the paperwork to reauthorize gain of function research and then pushed funding thru his operational cutouts, like EcoHealth, to restart the gain of function work at the Wuhan lab.
Which is where the virus originated and I would submit that until proven otherwise, we should make our operating assumption the virus was released on purpose.
yikes indeed. yikes to the businesses closed, the lives ruined, the repression of any dissent to Fauci orthodoxy. Fauci has been a well paid failure since AIDS. so yeah, let us be upset at what Musk says. And ignore the giant cluster fuck that Fauci helped to create, support and continue. Because 'mean' words are more important than criminal deeds.
It's obvious that Fauci was wrong about quite a lot. I don't think that it is proven, at least not as this time, that his mistakes were motivated by malice or a wish for enrichment. Lighten up people. Mao, Hitler--they set a pretty high bar for super villains. Fauci is not a super villain in their weight category. He is perhaps a bureaucrat who made some mistakes and got vainglorious by his favorable press coverage .....I think much of the respect and veneration that the media treats him with is unwarranted. As is the contempt and disdain with which some here treat him.....Fauci has a likable persona. If he had a prior wish for world domination he kept it under wraps for eighty years....Is it possible to advance a moderate opinion about Fauci? Is it possible that Fauci's mistakes were encompassed in good intentions?
Help me with this conundrum: Trump proceeded at breakneck speed to supply a vaccine for coronavius. The vaccine and its ill effects are all due to Fauci.....Serious question. If the vaccine is flawed and was rushed too soon to the market, isn't Trump to some extent responsible?
People on the left have way too much respect for science and the science establishment. The so called science of phrenology was founded by the world's foremost neurologist. During the Crimean War, the British medical establishment resisted the introduction of chloroform into amputation operations. They felt that the pain and shock that the patient underwent was part of the healing process...I wish people on the left were as skeptical about an appeal to science as they are about an appeal to scriptures.
William said... Help me with this conundrum: Trump proceeded at breakneck speed to supply a vaccine for coronavius. The vaccine and its ill effects are all due to Fauci.....Serious question. If the vaccine is flawed and was rushed too soon to the market, isn't Trump to some extent responsible?
He is.
But you must remember at the time that support for finding a vaccine quickly was around 99.999%.
So we are all responsible including Trump.
But what we have to separate out here are the people that acted in good faith and the people that acted in bad faith.
And at that time nobody knew about the illegal gain of function funding outside of the criminals that did it.
At the time we did not know that Pfizer and Moderna were fabricating safety research.
We all thought we were in this together. But some people were obviously corrupt and evil.
There is an easy delineation to make here and you are dishonest if you do not address that.
Revered Hostess, there is *no* level of mockery that is excessive or inappropriate regarding "preferred pronouns."
Consider ..the hubris, the astonishing lack of humility, the arrogance, of requesting *every* other English speaking person on the *planet* adjust to your peculiar distortion of long established linguistic communication practice; ..that "preferred pronouns" by nature and intent confound and confuse visible reality (e.g. beard=male=he/him/his; boobs=female=she/her/hers). ..that "preferred pronouns" are an offense against the very concept of civil society; ..that in practice "preferred pronouns" more accurately means "remember and use these specific words referring to me or I curse you to all manner of ruination by society while I stand back and gleefully gloat;" ..the *cowardice* of inciting others perform hostile acts on your behalf, while you stand by and gloat.
Drago said...we should make our operating assumption, the virus was released on purpose".
The virus was released on purpose. Perfectly timed. When they reopened the Wuhan Wet Market in April of 2020, that alone should have told everyone the bat-soup story was bullshit. What did they do? Clean it up real quick? The proximity of the lab to a wet market provided plausible deniability for Fauci and the WHO. Unless of course you did enough research to learn that there are really no bats in Wuhan, and they were imported to the lab from a Chinese province 800 to 1000 miles away for experimentation. These details don't matter to liberals and their sheep.
While the Wet Market continued doing business...the United States kept restricting the ability to do business...and live...and laugh...and learn.
A biological weapon is not meant to blow everything up like conventional and nuclear bombs. They are meant to bring a population to its obedient knees and still leave the infrastructure in tact. It worked beautifully in the US as the education establishment had been weakening inquisitive deductive reasoning skills of Americans for at least two generations.
Nobody wants to nuke middle America. You still need the farmland and the resources, and you still need a working population to harvest the fields and dig the ditches. This is what is probably keeping nukes out of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The natural resources in both countries are too valuable. And let's please not pretend the current globalist leadership cares about any people.
Is it possible that Fauci's mistakes were encompassed in good intentions?
No. Not a chance.
Not when he parades his sorry ass out onto a baseball field - wearing a mask - to throw out a first pitch ... only later to be caught maskless sitting between two people.
On this thread and threads elsewhere I see people saying we should condemn Musk for tweeting his pronouns as “Prosecute/Fauci”. Why, Fraudci is receiving death threats! He was receiving them. He should be in fear for his life. Were a mob to drag him out of of his house, strip him naked and shave all the hair off his body, then hang him on a street post with his family forced to watch, I’d consider it justice done. After all he’s responsible for threats to my life. As a scientist he knows damn well that unvaccinated persons, in a world where vaccination’s actually vaccinate, are no threat to the vaccinated. I’m certain a careful perusal of Althouse comments would find some demanding us evil unvaccinated be locked up in concentration camps. Dictators Cuomo and Hochul actually drew up plans for it. Come to think of it, mobs going after them wouldn’t terribly upset me either.
The legal system as constructed is unable to bring justice on any of these people. In fact many judges themselves are guilty of allowing the petit dictators to force vaccinations upon the unwilling due to some nonexistent public health clause in the constitution that suspends civil rights. And hey, it’s their choice anyway! No one is forcing them, they’re simply losing their jobs and livelihoods! No big deal now, is that?
And I will mention my thoughts are mild compared to Karl Denninger and others.
Lighten Up - No. Direct Covid-19 mortality is not the real cost. Delayed diagnosis of cardiac and cancer diseases, blood clots, myocardia events and childhood lockdown damage are going to be a slow motion train wreck progressing into the next decade. World wide mustard gas attack.
"Help me with this conundrum: Trump proceeded at breakneck speed to supply a vaccine for coronavius. The vaccine and its ill effects are all due to Fauci.....Serious question. If the vaccine is flawed and was rushed too soon to the market, isn't Trump to some extent responsible?"
Well, I don't see too many people laying the poor quality of the vaccines at Fauci's feet- we are laying the vaccine mandates at his feet- a policy he clearly supported vocally. I don't know what Trump would have done had he been re-elected, but someone would actually have to give evidence to convince me that Trump would have supported the vaccine mandates give down on high from the executive branch. The rest of the corrupted US government approval process that has recommended these shitty vaccines for children aren't Fauci's fault- they are fault of the people in the FDA and the Biden Administration. And Pfizer and Moderna are at fault for their shitty trials, both of which were immediately broken open to, I believe, make sure no one ever had clean data demonstrating the fraud.
"Boo-fucking-who" is not what you said when there was a threat against a right wing Supreme Court Judge just a few months ago.
It's nice to know you also approve of Libs of TikTok getting doxxed on Twitter. Bari Weiss made a big deal about that in her Twitter files story and it's interesting to see your side tell us that her story is overblown after making the biggest deal of it for a week.
"It's obvious that Fauci was wrong about quite a lot. I don't think that it is proven, at least not as this time, that his mistakes were motivated by malice or a wish for enrichment. Lighten up people. Mao, Hitler--they set a pretty high bar for super villains. Fauci is not a super villain in their weight category."
He approved the funding Eco-Health used to perform gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute. If it can be shown that research is responsible for COVID-19 and its progeny of today, then that work, those who conceived it, performed it, and funded it have killed 6.5 million people as of today (and on their own damned terms), with another 6.5 million likely to die over the next decade at a conservative estimate. Sure, intent matters some, but results matter more.
1. Any byline with pronouns is not too precious to mock. It's way overdue. 2. I will say it reminds me how the 'peace sign' was used to say 'We're simpatico.'
Plagues have been around forever. Humanity has generally blamed plagues on witches, Jews, and the improper observance of God's laws. The cure for plagues was increased piety and the burning of witches and, where they were available, Jews. I believe early in the coronavirus plague they tried to blame Hassidic Jews because they had a few outdoor celebrations, but that never really caught on. There was no move for increased piety, but there was a move for increased observance of quarantine strictures. This was supposed to be in deference to the science which is the God of our time. So far as witches go, there is no plausible evidence that Hillary had anything to do with this disease. So that leaves Fauci. Sadly, he is not a woman and not a Jew, but you have to work with what you got. Let the demonization continue. We will never really be safe from disease and death until we rid ourselves of such evil gnomes as Fauci. Then we can go on to live in health and prosperity.
"Boo-fucking-who" is not what you said when there was a threat against a right wing Supreme Court Judge just a few months ago.
Yeah. Because alleged death threats against a life-long bureaucrat who destroyed people's lives with his lies is the exact, same thing as someone actually showing up outside the home of a member of SCOTUS with the intent to assassinate him and two others.
Again, go run your mouth to someone whose life was destroyed by Fauci and his lies. Defend him to them. Not me.
"But you must remember at the time that support for finding a vaccine quickly was around 99.999%.
"So we are all responsible including Trump"
Not quite. Plenty of us were of the opinion that finding a vaccine candidate in record time was just fine. But we were also completely aware that you can't speed up long-term testing. That Trump went along with that bullshit is all on him.
I doubt Fauci wanted to kill people or take over the world, but self-interest, appeasing and satisfying powerful corporations, vanity, protecting and increasing his budgets, and saving his own ass were such powerful motivators that it's hard to talk about "good intentions" or use that as a defense for him.
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Dr Fraudci should be in jail
Musk is mocking the uncritical sanctity of pronoun declarations.
I don't know what crime he literally has in mind but lots of people think Fauci should be punished, as an opinion. Not mine, by the way. Fauci's power was not his fault.
What should be punished is uncritical acceptance of Fauci in the media. Fauci should just have been treated with suppressed giggles and no influence, for maintaining the primacy of his lane against other considerations, social and economic.
Well, it does seem that Fauci approved the donation of US Government money to China for the purpose of conducting gain-of-function research on viruses -- a donation that violated US law.
Great, an actual human being?
Wow. I think Fauci has been much more villain than hero since about April 2020, but I’d have settled for firing him, and having a lot more people see the harm he has done. And having the public health community curse his name for the trust he has cost for them.
I’m not sure what you prosecute him for - the grander the crime you could accuse him of, the less detailed the case for it. Even lying to Congress would be tough to prove legally. His denial that the NIH had supported gain-of-function research in Wuhan would have Bill Clinton for the precision required to make it technically true, as far as it went.
Maybe I’m taking Musk too seriously, but to me this is of a piece with all the other people on Twitter who basically want someone to go to prison for making them angry.
AMEN!! Finally. Time to get rid of the lies and the propaganda. I am loving Elon Musk. We finally have truth on our side.
Gotta love Elon’s wit. The man expects reality to be communicated in a world built on deception of the people, by the criminals in government and for the criminals in government . The next shift will have to be be the mass attacks on The Donald flipping into mass of attacks on the Spaceman. Hope lots of paid off porn stars and images of tax evasion theories highlight the fake stories.
He is the Rick Astley if Twitter trolls.
No doubt he's found a font of Fauci tweets.
It’s my party, says Elon!
An eminently logical conclusion to have drawn from the self-dealing Fraudci's behavior, contradictions, bad advice, and his huge assist in the creation of the CCP virus in the first place. Voiced many times, in many places, not excluding your comments section.
My pronouns are prosecute Joe and Hunter.
How about lying to Congress while under oath.
The problem is not Fauci, the problem is the system that created and supported him, in government and in popular culture. My literal genius uncle named his dog Fauci for heaven’s sake. What do you do about those people? They’re still there, waiting to ruin your life and your kids’ lives with their pathetic addiction to being told they’re in danger and then humping the guy who says he can save them.
We have lost the ability to hold people accountable for their actions. Whether it be incompetence, blind partisanship, arrogance, willful ignorance, or criminal negligence, few ever see any consequences as long as they can claim to have meant well. Case in point is one Anthony Fauci who has managed to fail upwards for decades beginning with the initial AIDS/HIV handling to be literally the highest paid government employee.
Though it may be the least of his sins, the prosecutable crime is lying to congress. Not least, but not only, the denial that he was supporting gain of function research in China. Is it prosecutable that he told the American people that masks don’t work as a ruse to help him control the market for masks? It should be. How about his role in spreading the wet market lie when he knew a lab leak was the more likely scenario and that his lie delayed effective treatments for months, resulting in prolonging the pandemic, many billions of wasted dollars and damage to the economy, contributing to many thousands of unnecessary deaths?
There are many possible charges, some easier to make stick than others. If one sticks, it will most likely be another instance of Al Capone going to jail for tax evasion—it’s not the worst thing he did, but it was the one they could get him on.
None of us yet knows whether Fauci violated a criminal statute. What we do know is that the essence of his job was to inform himself of the relevant facts, to propose policies that maximized the well-being of the public, and to communicate those facts and recommendations as honestly and persuasively as possible.
Many of us do know that he failed miserably. His failure has taught us a great deal about our government, our experts, and the media. Despite all of the accoutrements of 21st Century cultural and technological advancement, we are still just as prone to folly, greed, and deception as the characters in Aesop's Fables.
But will enough of us learn the lessons?
Fauci killed more than Hitler or Mao? Discuss.
Rand Paul asked Fauci... over and over and over... if he made income/royalties off of the sale of the vaccines.
Over and over and over... Fauci refused to answer. Pretty basic "yes or no" will do.
Lost Pants - indeed.
I live in a very lefty town and just about everyone around here goes to the Church of Fauci.
Do it in a red state...
I'd like to know if there were any back-channel communications between the CDC (not just Fauci but the whole team) and state boards of pharmacy and, oh yes,, restricting the use of hydroxychloroquine before its efficacy could be tested; and later on, ivermectin. It's as though they wanted people at risk to die. That would be prosecutable.
Rand Paul is right. Fauci had a hand in funding the gain of function research at the Wuhan lab where COVID was created, and then lied about it with that stupid wet market / bat soup story. All to cover his own ass and help push the Pfizer poison on a desperate, obedient population.
But his biggest crime is creating millions of lock-down, mask wearing, mRNA poison shot pushing Karens. The strongest concentration of these Karens are at public schools and universities. Although a certain personality trait made these Karens vulnerable to Fauci, their liberal self righteousness made them attack dogs for his bullshit...even willing to continue to push this shit on children.
People on the spectrum, such as Elon, have a strong sense of fairness. He’s calling out the bullshit each day, and he has the receipts.
Which part is scary? Finding out Fauci is a criminal liar, or finding out you fell for, and helped implement and push his bullshit?
Every “vaccinated” liberal in America is more afraid of the latter. Watch for the double downs. Especially from those most vested.
"I don't know what crime he literally has in mind but lots of people think Fauci should be punished, as an opinion. Not mine, by the way. Fauci's power was not his fault."
Fauci's potential crime was in the creation of the virus and the covering it up.
Gain of function. yes -
The US tax payer paid for the planned-demic.
The Planned-demic got Biden and the global authoritarian elite installed.
Prove me wrong.
you say "Yikes"
I say "Huzzah"
I'm more shocked that he made a casual "pronouns" joke than that he expressed a desire to see F prosecuted (and without naming the crime or citing any evidence).
There is a recent Jordan Peterson podcast with Matt Ridley. Peterson sort of hijacks it into a philosophical discussion of "science" vs. "religion," but Ridley is very impressive.
He started out to write a piece about how the virus got from the wild bat into the wet market in Wuhan, with the idea of setting the record straight.
He ended up finding that the powers that be in public health--including Fauci and that guy with the evil villain name--Daskak?-put out the "wet market" tale when the evidence quite clearly pointed to an "altered" virus--in a city that just happened to be where the most advanced gain of function research was being done.
Pronouns jokes are all over Twitter, though. Thinks like Username leave/me/alone; etc. Lots of people mock the pronouns fad.
Prepare to be shocked some more, Prof.
"without naming the crime or citing any evidence".
Because expressing agreement with a widely held opinion for which there is overwhelming evidence is not valid unless one presents the evidence then and there. Perhaps a "stated without evidence" MSM dismissal is in order.
The best recourse to the pronoun nonsense is to mock it.
Fauci's a goblin.
Change my mind.
Not very shocking on the Musk scale.
Fauci was not forthcoming about the Wuhan Institute. I think there are probably very strong reasons that he was not. Whether he violated a specific criminal statute beyond lying to Congress I don't know.
I do know that sending money -- any money, for any alleged purpose -- was a horrendous decision that should be a career ender.
As for the pronouns thing, it is so stupid that it deserves to be mocked at every possible opportunity. Only an insane society perverts the plain meaning of words in order to cater to the mentally ill.
Did Fauci and Walensky accept bribes from Pfizer and Moderna to suppress information about low-cost, low-risk treatments for COVID-19 in favor of high-risk, ineffective vaccines? If a Democrat Congress can subpoena Trump’s tax returns surely a Republican Congress can do the same for them. Did they deliberately put American health and safety at risk just to get rid of Trump? Doxx them.
Fauci said in his recent deposition that he was "too busy running a multi-billion dollar agency" to remember small details, like if he read any studies refuting his narrative.
But apparently he wasn't too busy running the agency to make a thousand television appearances on CNN and MSNBC over the past 2 years to tout his magnificence.
I'm more shocked that he made a casual "pronouns" joke
These two pronouns walk into a bar.
The first pronoun says to the bartender, "He'll have a beer."
The bartender says, "Okay and what about him?"
Fauci is a living example of a bureaucrat whose only interest is his own career and, in his case, income. His actions remind me of Robert Gallo, who claimed falsely to have discovered the AIDS virus. His actions were revealed in a book titled "Science Fictions," which exposed his lying and his dishonesty in trying to steal the credit from the actual discoverers. He finally admitted his actions years later.
WASHINGTON — A controversial piece of scientific history will be officially rewritten this week, with the publication of an acknowledgment by Dr. Robert C. Gallo that the AIDS virus he claimed to have discovered in 1984 was in reality a virus sent to him from France the year before.
Gallo`s acknowledgment, in a letter to the British scientific journal Nature, follows by two weeks the publication, in the American journal Science, of a report from the Pasteur Institute in Paris showing that a virus discovered there in 1983 is a virtual genetic twin of the Gallo virus.
I doubt Fauci will ever admit his crimes.
What I am curious about is how CDC people get named as co inventor on patents. I suspect a back door payoff to government scientists by pharmacy companies by this mechanism. Let’s see an article about Faucis income from patents and see if it is justified by personal involvement, as is required.
I agree, Bumble Bee. A ton of deaths and a ton of damage to our worlds’ societies. All while sitting atop a pedestal. It’s sociopathic evil.
Althouse said...(and without naming the crime or citing any evidence)
Anybody that has been paying attention and resisting the covid propaganda and mRNA shots pushed by Democrats, Liberals, and Globalists seeking control of everyone's lives knows what this guy did. He is probably not the biggest criminal in all of it, but certainly the "expert" people hung their lives and reputations on.
Dark Helmet said...Fauci was not forthcoming about the Wuhan Institute. I think there are probably very strong reasons that he was not. Whether he violated a specific criminal statute beyond lying to Congress I don't know...I do know that sending money -- any money, for any alleged purpose -- was a horrendous decision that should be a career ender.
"Not forthcoming" there's a soft shoe. Funding mad scientist, unethical gain of function research and releasing a controlled pandemic on the world is a crime. And then to push ineffective damaging lock-downs, masks, and worst of all the poison mRNA shots and mandates is insanity. To do it to children is demonic.
If international and national laws cannot address these things, then our legal system is worthless.
Purposefully contaminating elderly care facilities by Democrat Governors to increase the COVID death numbers quickly in 2020 for political gain, and thin out the Medicare/Medicaid burden is also a crime. But liberals around the world and in the media seem perfectly fine with this.
How about for all these people we just jump straight to mass murder?? That's the crime.
Using COVID to permanently corrupt and change the American voting system should be another, but at this point our problems are not solvable at the ballot box. I've pretty much given up on that one.
The people what push this pronoun shit are a bane on our nation.
Ann Althouse said...
I'm more shocked that he made a casual "pronouns" joke than that he expressed a desire to see F prosecuted (and without naming the crime or citing any evidence).
I am more shocked that people don't recognize foreshadowing.
"Pronouns jokes are all over Twitter, though. Thinks like Username leave/me/alone; etc. Lots of people mock the pronouns fad."
Yes, but that's one more reason not to indulge in such jokes. They are very cheap and formulaic. Only a bad comedian would take the stage and utter things like: "My pronouns are Shut. The. Fuck. Up."
That's like the essence of bad comedy.
BUMBLE BEE said...
Fauci killed more than Hitler or Mao? Discuss.
I don't think Covid itself killed that many people yet.
The lock downs have clearly killed more people than Covid.
I think the vaccines are actually doing all the heavy lifting right now. Humans are mostly immune to the virus. But the myocarditis/periocarditis and the blood clot outbreaks not so much.
Althouse: "Yes, but that's one more reason not to indulge in such jokes. They are very cheap and formulaic. Only a bad comedian would take the stage and utter things like: "My pronouns are Shut. The. Fuck. Up."'
Take my wife...please!
That's like the essence of bad comedy.
True, but bad comedy is a feast to a starving human. In a famine, bad food is still food. Knowing the difference is a luxury good. Even those with ageusia must eat. I think the soul needs comedy like the corpus needs food. As always, I could be wrong.
Blogger Achilles said...
BUMBLE BEE said...
Fauci killed more than Hitler or Mao? Discuss.
I don't think Covid itself killed that many people yet.
Nobody knows the real number. It's all been a lie. There were political gains for Democrats and Globalists to push the number as high as possible. It expanded their power.
But it does seem reasonable that the elderly and other health vulnerable parts of the population did die in 2020 from the original strain. That was its purpose.
One of the simple truths Trump stated early on when he was pushing treatments like HCQ was that "There's a big difference between getting something and dying from it". For that he was vilified. After that it was game on. Fauci lying about HCQ and other treatments that could have saved a lot of lives is on his list of crimes. But MANY others in power are involved.
From there we got the HCQ is "dangerous", Ivermectin is "horse paste", and "this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated". Did you enjoy last years "winter of death" Biden predicted would be trust upon the lab rat resistors?
The narrative quickly changed from focus on COVID deaths to COVID cases. That kept the totalitarian dream alive. It helped push absentee voting...obediance to mandates "or else", and Nuremburg violating mRNA experimentation on the global population.
Let's never forget that the biggest "fanboys" of Fauci and all this bullshit was and is still the education establishment. Teachers Unions, University Phds and administrators, liberal school boards, and panicky Karen teachers willing to pollute children for personal gain, protection, and comfort.
I don't know if it changed the world, or just exposed what half of it really is.
"without naming the crime or citing any evidence"
Now do the Washington Post and the NY Times.
Fauci's daughter worked at Twitter.
And I'm guessing she wasnt a hard core coding genius.
So that would mean she was likely set up on the content moderation side...and censoring content that challenged Dr Franken-Fauci and the New Soviet Democraticals.
I suspect Elon has those "receipts" as well.
Hey, did you you know John Podesta's niece worked at Twitter as well?! What are the odds she was a coding wunderkind?
Twitter was literally the democraticals and deep staters "payoff" drop location.
"My pronouns are Shut. The. Fuck. Up."
Ann said - "That's like the essence of bad comedy."
Perhaps it's bad comedy - it's more like the Colbert-style comedy but coming from the non-Colbert masses. A defiant fist towards the Woke-Left Pronoun speech code Nazis.
I will not be compelled to comply with the Woke-left pronoun speech cod Nazis. No joke.
I wonder what kind of communications he's seen between Fauci/CDC and Twitter.
'I'm more shocked that he made a casual "pronouns" joke...'
Pronouns are joked about because the current obsession with them are absurd.
It's called mocking...
That's like the essence of bad comedy.
The pronoun fad is the essence of bad comedy.
300+ genders is the essence of bad comedy.
Drag queen reading hour is...
But not ha-ha comedy.
The push to invent new pronouns and insist others conform to your new words is arrogant and eminently mockable. Refusing to play word games is not anti-gay or anti-trans. I can’t even get black people around me to stop saying the N-word so how do these pronoun nazis expect me to partake in their word charade? No. I’m a nonparticipant in transmania.
It’s lIke:: What part of X don’t you understand?
It’s not smart
I like to think there's at least one pretty good pronoun joke out there.
It's out there...somewhere...I know it is...probably buried deep in an obscure comment thread on some occasionally ribald internet blog.
"Refusing to play word games" and openly mocking are two different things.
Non-Christians say happy holidays, they don't do what Musk is here and say 'Jesus is bullshit and so is Santa'.
My main theory about this tweet is that Fauci, through his daughter, was likely deeply involved in getting critics of the various government organizations' COVID policies, at the state and federal level, censored at Twitter and elsewhere; and that there was likely deep cooperation between the different social media companies in doing this. Also, that the nature of this cooperation changed the instant Trump was defeated- i.e. critics of vaccines went from being promoted on social media to being censored the moment Trump lost, and that many of the critics of the vaccines switched sides the moment Trump lost, too.
I think a just world would probably see Fauci and others hanging from a lamppost. The COVID virus is all but certain to have been a lab creation that was accidentally released at the Wuhan Institute- the evidence for this is pretty overwhelming. And some of the e-mails that have been forced out of the CDC and NIH from January and February of 2020 show that a number of the virologists in contact with Fauci and others at NIH and CDC realized this right from the start, only to turn on a dime within days with no additional evidence to proclaim this was impossible. The Twitter files probably won't help in this matter, and the Biden Administration will never investigate it anyway. The only real hope of getting this definitively answered is if the Chinese government decides it is no longer in their interest to cover this up, which isn't likely to happen. Fauci will likely die in his sleep, or if there is a God, die from blood clots in the lungs a day or two after getting a COVID vaccine booster.
Ann Althouse said...
That's like the essence of bad comedy.
I read this as a Fauci fan girl is mad that someone is attacking Fauci.
This is Musk playing the crowd. Foreshadowing. Everyone is now talking about what Twitter is going to release on another Government Bureaucrat Conspiring with a Giant corporation to censor dissent and attack enemies of the Regime.
What Fauci did was as bad as anything any of the Nazis did in Germany.
Fauci funded the research of a deadly pathogen in a foreign country that was against the law in the United States. He took taxpayer dollars from Americans and sent it to a lab in China where the virus was developed and released.
Then he destroyed documents and conspired with media and corporations not only to cover up his crimes and the blood on his hands but to destroy careers and ruin livelihoods.
And do not forget that Ann was on Fauci's side.
A lot of the people on this blog were attacking me and the few others that called this bullshit out from day one.
Ann even attacked us on a moral level.
There are still Fauci supporters here even knowing everything that has happened and the results of the lock down policies and forced vaccinations.
Ann Althouse said...
It’s lIke:: What part of X don’t you understand?
It’s not smart
Fauci is a murderer and a criminal.
You need to look at yourself and why you are reacting this way.
Cruel Neutrality starts with the self.
The thing about "Crimes Against Humanity" are that they aren't relly contained in written law.
He pushed universal masking knowing it was useless.
He pushed mandating an experimental vaccine- which is a crime. That he didn't have the actual power to enact that is immaterial- he ws part of the power structure that fored it upon several segments of the population.
He pushed treament with drugs that killed- and discouraged any other treatments as "unproven". just as the drugs he was pushing were.
We could go on. He's as guilty as any guard in the gulag, or interrogator in Lubynaka, or Chinese police who welded people into their apartments where they subsequently burned to death.
Is the issue here in this post really the bad comedy Musk uses that may offend the sensibilities of some, or the crimes that Fauci committed against mankind? Or even what Musk has seen behind the corrupt Twitter curtain that soon will be released...
"Well besides that Mrs. Lincoln, did you enjoy the play?"
Bad comedy can and should be forgiven. Fauci should not. To do so requires a lot of hand wringing.
I'd bet that all the twitter bans of those who disagareed with Fauci were in fact put there due to Fauci asking for them.
There are no "Bad Jokes".
There are jokes you find funny and those you don't.
Jokes aren't moral actors.
Bad comedy or not, some of us fondly remember elephant jokes, knock knock jokes, and dead lawyer jokes. In a formulaic world, comedy can also be formulaic. Plus, stand-up is largely in the delivery. A really skilled comic can make you laugh at things you wouldn't usually find funny. I doubt we've hit peak pronoun joke yet.
Musk is right about Fauci. If ever anybody deserved to be publicly humiliated it's Fauci, but Fauci has no shame and no conscience. Elon does seem too attached to tweeting, though. He's like an alcoholic who bought a liquor store or a pothead who's making his dispensary's profits go up in smoke.
The Chinese who are making your kids do stupid things on TikTok aren't getting caught up in the madness themselves, and it's said that Silicon Valley moguls keep their kids away from devices and the internet. Elon take heed.
This is Musk idea of a test drive off the beaten path.
Whelp, someone needs to fill the vacuum left by the soon to be vanquished cult leader.
Throwing red meat to the proudly ignorant, Musk is ham fisted as hell but the audience for this shit is beyond gullible, so it’s mostly working for him.
Fauci and family have faced death threats, and Elon pours on gasoline.
And you folks cheer him and his brownshirts on.
TeaBagHag: "Musk is ham fisted as hell but the audience for this shit is beyond gullible, so it’s mostly working for him."
Tell us more about the proven russia collusion, the "verified dossier", how the "vaccines" stop transmission and how men can become women simply by wishing it were so.
We "gullible" "ignoramuses" need some addition guidance in these areas.
The pronoun thing is just the vehicle--like "Knock, knock" is the setup for the knock knock joke.
Nobody says: "you're using knock knock jokes? How lame."
Maybe they should, but the "bad joke" criticism completely misses the point.
Yep, Teabaghag. All of the non-gullible should just completely ignore anything negative about Saint Fauci. Because questioning the integrity of a saint is cult-like behaviour.
Got it.
Achilles: "Fauci funded the research of a deadly pathogen in a foreign country that was against the law in the United States. He took taxpayer dollars from Americans and sent it to a lab in China where the virus was developed and released."
We should start further upstream.
Gain of function research was banned under the obama regime, and for good reason.
So what did that weasel Fauci do in the first few days of the Trump admin?
Fauci the weasel pushed thru the paperwork to reauthorize gain of function research and then pushed funding thru his operational cutouts, like EcoHealth, to restart the gain of function work at the Wuhan lab.
Which is where the virus originated and I would submit that until proven otherwise, we should make our operating assumption the virus was released on purpose.
yikes indeed. yikes to the businesses closed, the lives ruined, the repression of any dissent to Fauci orthodoxy. Fauci has been a well paid failure since AIDS.
so yeah, let us be upset at what Musk says. And ignore the giant cluster fuck that Fauci helped to create, support and continue.
Because 'mean' words are more important than criminal deeds.
It's obvious that Fauci was wrong about quite a lot. I don't think that it is proven, at least not as this time, that his mistakes were motivated by malice or a wish for enrichment. Lighten up people. Mao, Hitler--they set a pretty high bar for super villains. Fauci is not a super villain in their weight category.
He is perhaps a bureaucrat who made some mistakes and got vainglorious by his favorable press coverage .....I think much of the respect and veneration that the media treats him with is unwarranted. As is the contempt and disdain with which some here treat him.....Fauci has a likable persona. If he had a prior wish for world domination he kept it under wraps for eighty years....Is it possible to advance a moderate opinion about Fauci? Is it possible that Fauci's mistakes were encompassed in good intentions?
Help me with this conundrum: Trump proceeded at breakneck speed to supply a vaccine for coronavius. The vaccine and its ill effects are all due to Fauci.....Serious question. If the vaccine is flawed and was rushed too soon to the market, isn't Trump to some extent responsible?
People on the left have way too much respect for science and the science establishment. The so called science of phrenology was founded by the world's foremost neurologist. During the Crimean War, the British medical establishment resisted the introduction of chloroform into amputation operations. They felt that the pain and shock that the patient underwent was part of the healing process...I wish people on the left were as skeptical about an appeal to science as they are about an appeal to scriptures.
Search on "Anthony Fauci home office". All you need to know about this man can be seen in the pictures on the wall and shelves.
William said...
Help me with this conundrum: Trump proceeded at breakneck speed to supply a vaccine for coronavius. The vaccine and its ill effects are all due to Fauci.....Serious question. If the vaccine is flawed and was rushed too soon to the market, isn't Trump to some extent responsible?
He is.
But you must remember at the time that support for finding a vaccine quickly was around 99.999%.
So we are all responsible including Trump.
But what we have to separate out here are the people that acted in good faith and the people that acted in bad faith.
And at that time nobody knew about the illegal gain of function funding outside of the criminals that did it.
At the time we did not know that Pfizer and Moderna were fabricating safety research.
We all thought we were in this together. But some people were obviously corrupt and evil.
There is an easy delineation to make here and you are dishonest if you do not address that.
A nonsterilizing, viral vector Vaxxx not for granny nor yourself. It's a cookbook.
If the vaccine is flawed and was rushed too soon to the market, isn't Trump to some extent responsible?
Injuries proportional to handmade tales, pressure campaigns, denial of treatments, and mandates.
A.A.: "...casual "pronouns" joke...."
Revered Hostess, there is *no* level of mockery that is excessive or inappropriate regarding "preferred pronouns."
..the hubris, the astonishing lack of humility, the arrogance, of requesting *every* other English speaking person on the *planet* adjust to your peculiar distortion of long established linguistic communication practice;
..that "preferred pronouns" by nature and intent confound and confuse visible reality (e.g. beard=male=he/him/his; boobs=female=she/her/hers).
..that "preferred pronouns" are an offense against the very concept of civil society;
..that in practice "preferred pronouns" more accurately means "remember and use these specific words referring to me or I curse you to all manner of ruination by society while I stand back and gleefully gloat;"
..the *cowardice* of inciting others perform hostile acts on your behalf, while you stand by and gloat.
Humility. What a concept!
To the point.
Fauci and family have faced death threats, and Elon pours on gasoline.
Tell that to the millions of lives and livelihoods Fauci and his lies destroyed.
To them, prison's too good for him.
Drago said...we should make our operating assumption, the virus was released on purpose".
The virus was released on purpose. Perfectly timed. When they reopened the Wuhan Wet Market in April of 2020, that alone should have told everyone the bat-soup story was bullshit. What did they do? Clean it up real quick? The proximity of the lab to a wet market provided plausible deniability for Fauci and the WHO. Unless of course you did enough research to learn that there are really no bats in Wuhan, and they were imported to the lab from a Chinese province 800 to 1000 miles away for experimentation. These details don't matter to liberals and their sheep.
While the Wet Market continued doing business...the United States kept restricting the ability to do business...and live...and laugh...and learn.
A biological weapon is not meant to blow everything up like conventional and nuclear bombs. They are meant to bring a population to its obedient knees and still leave the infrastructure in tact. It worked beautifully in the US as the education establishment had been weakening inquisitive deductive reasoning skills of Americans for at least two generations.
Nobody wants to nuke middle America. You still need the farmland and the resources, and you still need a working population to harvest the fields and dig the ditches. This is what is probably keeping nukes out of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The natural resources in both countries are too valuable. And let's please not pretend the current globalist leadership cares about any people.
Is it possible that Fauci's mistakes were encompassed in good intentions?
No. Not a chance.
Not when he parades his sorry ass out onto a baseball field - wearing a mask - to throw out a first pitch ... only later to be caught maskless sitting between two people.
That's not a mistake.
“ What Fauci did was as bad as anything any of the Nazis did in Germany. ”- King of the loonies.
Ladies and gentleman we have a winner!
On this thread and threads elsewhere I see people saying we should condemn Musk for tweeting his pronouns as “Prosecute/Fauci”. Why, Fraudci is receiving death threats! He was receiving them. He should be in fear for his life. Were a mob to drag him out of of his house, strip him naked and shave all the hair off his body, then hang him on a street post with his family forced to watch, I’d consider it justice done. After all he’s responsible for threats to my life. As a scientist he knows damn well that unvaccinated persons, in a world where vaccination’s actually vaccinate, are no threat to the vaccinated. I’m certain a careful perusal of Althouse comments would find some demanding us evil unvaccinated be locked up in concentration camps. Dictators Cuomo and Hochul actually drew up plans for it. Come to think of it, mobs going after them wouldn’t terribly upset me either.
The legal system as constructed is unable to bring justice on any of these people. In fact many judges themselves are guilty of allowing the petit dictators to force vaccinations upon the unwilling due to some nonexistent public health clause in the constitution that suspends civil rights. And hey, it’s their choice anyway! No one is forcing them, they’re simply losing their jobs and livelihoods! No big deal now, is that?
And I will mention my thoughts are mild compared to Karl Denninger and others.
Lighten Up - No. Direct Covid-19 mortality is not the real cost. Delayed diagnosis of cardiac and cancer diseases, blood clots, myocardia events and childhood lockdown damage are going to be a slow motion train wreck progressing into the next decade. World wide mustard gas attack.
Tea Bag gets a nut on misery. Figures!
"If the vaccine is flawed and was rushed too soon to the market, isn't Trump to some extent responsible?"
For believing the people who say they're the experts? Sure.
Weren't the experts supposed to know what they're doing? And if they weren't, why weren't they saying that?
William asked:
"Help me with this conundrum: Trump proceeded at breakneck speed to supply a vaccine for coronavius. The vaccine and its ill effects are all due to Fauci.....Serious question. If the vaccine is flawed and was rushed too soon to the market, isn't Trump to some extent responsible?"
Well, I don't see too many people laying the poor quality of the vaccines at Fauci's feet- we are laying the vaccine mandates at his feet- a policy he clearly supported vocally. I don't know what Trump would have done had he been re-elected, but someone would actually have to give evidence to convince me that Trump would have supported the vaccine mandates give down on high from the executive branch. The rest of the corrupted US government approval process that has recommended these shitty vaccines for children aren't Fauci's fault- they are fault of the people in the FDA and the Biden Administration. And Pfizer and Moderna are at fault for their shitty trials, both of which were immediately broken open to, I believe, make sure no one ever had clean data demonstrating the fraud.
"Boo-fucking-who" is not what you said when there was a threat against a right wing Supreme Court Judge just a few months ago.
It's nice to know you also approve of Libs of TikTok getting doxxed on Twitter. Bari Weiss made a big deal about that in her Twitter files story and it's interesting to see your side tell us that her story is overblown after making the biggest deal of it for a week.
William wrote:
"It's obvious that Fauci was wrong about quite a lot. I don't think that it is proven, at least not as this time, that his mistakes were motivated by malice or a wish for enrichment. Lighten up people. Mao, Hitler--they set a pretty high bar for super villains. Fauci is not a super villain in their weight category."
He approved the funding Eco-Health used to perform gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute. If it can be shown that research is responsible for COVID-19 and its progeny of today, then that work, those who conceived it, performed it, and funded it have killed 6.5 million people as of today (and on their own damned terms), with another 6.5 million likely to die over the next decade at a conservative estimate. Sure, intent matters some, but results matter more.
1. Any byline with pronouns is not too precious to mock. It's way overdue.
2. I will say it reminds me how the 'peace sign' was used to say 'We're simpatico.'
Plagues have been around forever. Humanity has generally blamed plagues on witches, Jews, and the improper observance of God's laws. The cure for plagues was increased piety and the burning of witches and, where they were available, Jews. I believe early in the coronavirus plague they tried to blame Hassidic Jews because they had a few outdoor celebrations, but that never really caught on. There was no move for increased piety, but there was a move for increased observance of quarantine strictures. This was supposed to be in deference to the science which is the God of our time. So far as witches go, there is no plausible evidence that Hillary had anything to do with this disease. So that leaves Fauci. Sadly, he is not a woman and not a Jew, but you have to work with what you got. Let the demonization continue. We will never really be safe from disease and death until we rid ourselves of such evil gnomes as Fauci. Then we can go on to live in health and prosperity.
Musk just tweeted: "As for Fauci, he lied to congress and funded gain of function research that killed millions of people. Not awesome imo"
This has to be a hard pill to swallow for Fauci defenders and disciples.
Musk says he will release information on COVID censorship at twitter as well.
"Boo-fucking-who" is not what you said when there was a threat against a right wing Supreme Court Judge just a few months ago.
Yeah. Because alleged death threats against a life-long bureaucrat who destroyed people's lives with his lies is the exact, same thing as someone actually showing up outside the home of a member of SCOTUS with the intent to assassinate him and two others.
Again, go run your mouth to someone whose life was destroyed by Fauci and his lies. Defend him to them. Not me.
See if you come back with all your teeth.
"He is.
"But you must remember at the time that support for finding a vaccine quickly was around 99.999%.
"So we are all responsible including Trump"
Not quite. Plenty of us were of the opinion that finding a vaccine candidate in record time was just fine. But we were also completely aware that you can't speed up long-term testing. That Trump went along with that bullshit is all on him.
I doubt Fauci wanted to kill people or take over the world, but self-interest, appeasing and satisfying powerful corporations, vanity, protecting and increasing his budgets, and saving his own ass were such powerful motivators that it's hard to talk about "good intentions" or use that as a defense for him.
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