"... said Russell Riley, a presidential historian at the University of Virginia Miller Center. 'Every time some outrage erupts from that body, it will remind the American people of Donald Trump and that this is still the party of Donald Trump,' Riley said. 'The noisy and unruly behavior in the House will be perpetual reminders that the party prefers to make noise rather than govern.'"
Writes Toluse Olorunnipa, in "Hitting back at Trump, Biden gears up for more clashes with GOPAs Biden prepares his reelection bid, some Democrats see an advantage in highlighting volatile remarks by Republicans" (WaPo).
"In the weeks since the election... the White House’s eagerness to call out antidemocratic messages has intensified. It has been fueled in part by the tone and agenda of the newly empowered House Republicans, who have announced plans for actions such as impeaching Biden’s Cabinet members, investigating his son Hunter, blocking spending bills and holding up debt limit increases, all of which the president’s team contends will be unpopular with centrist voters. White House officials deny this is an electoral strategy, saying Biden is doing more naming and shaming in part because there has been a troubling increase in harmful and shameful rhetoric."
Some rhetoric is harmful and shameful, and some rhetoric is utterly harmless, because it's purely decorative, and no one seriously considers believing it or because there's nothing, really, to believe given some phrase like "in part" that drains all meaning from it — e.g., "Biden is doing more naming and shaming in part because there has been a troubling increase in harmful and shameful rhetoric."
AND: If X does "more naming and shaming" because of the "increase in harmful and shameful rhetoric" isn't that a self-perpetuating dynamic? I'm visualizing a hamster wheel. Must run. Cannot stop. Naming and shaming. Naming and shaming....
७३ टिप्पण्या:
Republicans are often their own worst enemy.
I'm surprised about the lack of pushback on the Biden administration now that the Twitter files have been exposed. Remember all those 'incendiary' views accusing the administration of enabling and coordinating government agencies to target their political opponents? Some very high ranking officials should be punished- severely.
The apathy is disturbing...
It is fair and it is right to demand Alinskyites live by their own set of rules...
I expect adult supervision from Kevin McCarthy. He will figure out how to use Dems in conservative districts to get some decent bills passed. The libtards need to learn to play offense rather than defend against the radical right minority whom is being margarinized as we speak. This op-ed is the perfect example of fighting the last war rather than acting on the new sitrep.
Um, Biden’s devil speech last August puts him in a strange place from which to lament harmful and shameful rhetoric.
"Biden is doing more naming and shaming in part because there has been a troubling increase in harmful and shameful rhetoric."
Instead I would suggest the Biden administration highlight the calm and soothing rhetoric of cutting off teenage breasts and penises, sponsoring drag shows to elementary students, and inviting several hundred thousand future voters from central and south America. A sure fire winner!
the key is rioting. Rioting is good. Their words.
Outrage the emotion and outrage the event are two different things.
It's the public that rewards dysfunction in its various forms by tuning in to be sold to advertisers, in sufficient numbers to pay the bills.
If there's an anti-Democratic message, just change the big D to a small d and call it harmful and shameful.
What's surprising?
…that general public isn’t collectively disturbed. I would have thought both sides would fear a gestapo. I guess we’re all politicians now…
What is so outrageous and partisan about wanting to investigate Hunter Biden's laptop? It is outrageous and partisan to not want to investigate it.
Combined with the release of the Twitter files, latest being COVID censorship, this is going to be interesting. Plus you have DeSantis going after Pfizer and Moderna for all the "vaccine" lies and damage. DeSantis has to walk a fine line.
Anyone who has been paying attention knows this dynamic is nothing new. It is the working class MAGA section of the GOP vs the uni-party. I can't even imagine selling your soul to the uni-party.
This all is most simply explained is the Mark Twain line..."It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled."
Although there is some balance. People who took the first two mRNA shots in 2021 were fooled. MANY dropped out of mRNA participation as booster rates plummeted. But the people still getting boosters...holy cow. Now when I see someone outside wearing a mask, I can't help but think mental illness.
Let's not forget...there are still frothing totalitarians demanding compliance. Sean Penn for example...saying it's time to send the "unvaccinated" to jail.
2023 is going to be ugly. Happy New Year.
Governing is probably impossible considering the ideological makeup of the Washington bureaucracy. About the best that can be hoped for is reform.
'The noisy and unruly behavior in the House will be perpetual reminders that the party prefers to make noise rather than govern.'"
The last time the government was in this particular political configuration the House passed hundreds of constructive and meaningful bills (go look it up). Democrats ignored them…
Lost me at "Presidential Historian".
Some Muslim somewhere will blow up a dozen or more people. The media will take the opportunity to point out how atypical it is for the overwhelming majority of Muslims to blow up people....Some Republican in the next Congress will say something wrong or dumb about gays or abortion and the medial will take the opportunity to point out how Republicans are the most pernicious vermin that ever crawled upon the face of the earth.
Dems are calling for Santos to resign over resume “embellishments”. Easy boys…..setting that as a bar will capture old Joe, the King of Embellishments.
giving... incendiary views outsize influence... said Russell Riley.
"And Russell, the... sound is 'incindiary'... Incendiary."
"Hey Man, don't stop there. I'm incendiary too, man!"
Consider the source. They might have written exactly the same story about the Democratic Party in 2018 and 2020. We all loved those mostly peaceful protests of 2020, huh? We all loved how people ran for their lives in and from San Francisco, NYC, Chicago, and Seattle. But a "beholden and extreme" congress dwelled on wealth redistribution and White Privilege and transgender rights...as they enforced [illegal?] vaccine requirements, attacked free speech, and labeled all honest COVID or election debate as misinformation...
Does the end with a whimper or a bang?
rehajm said...
I'm surprised about the lack of pushback on the Biden administration now that the Twitter files have been exposed.
What On Earth? Are you talking about? I've Seen NO reporting of any 'twitter files' on the WaPoo OR on the NYT
If There WAS Any Sort of badness going on.. My Newspapers would be telling me.. They AREN'T, So there ISN'T
Remember all those 'incendiary' views accusing the administration of enabling and coordinating government agencies to target their political opponents?
OH! you're talking about bizarre conspiracy theorys, and LIES!
As I SAID.. IF the admin and the media were in league.. I'm SURE i would have seen in in the papers
“Incendiary view” are probably reactions to things the democrats are doing or want to do.
Some GOP members see democrats setting fires in a crowded theater and some people become alarmed at those GOP members for yelling fire in a crowded theater. Not all GOP members adhere to the notions that if you see something you’re not supposed to say anything.
Ann is onto it, but who is capable of listening. Who wants to hear?
Our out differently, I am not inclined to support anyone from whichever party that is motivated by - whose actions are motivated by - making sure that their “party” wins. I support those who are motivated by lifting up all people - all fellow citizens, no matter whose idea it was, or which party gets the credit.. The levels of pride among us have gotten so severe that some perhaps many, would rather watch the country burn down than allow their politics opponents even one apparent victory. This is how nations fall and we better be aware of what causes it. It isn’t the ”what”. It’s the “why”. It isn’t the subject matter. It is the motive to ascend. It is pride - the motive to always put your opponent down and ascend above others.
Journalists still pretending that Biden needs a reelection strategy beyond ballot harvesting in AZ, GA, PA, WI and MI.
It is a "thin" GOP majority in the House.
It's also technically a "thin" Democrat majority in the Senate.
But uou know you really can't call the Democrat majority in the Senate "thin" when you have at least 18 turncoat RINOs ready to vote with Democrats whenever needed.
Senator Pierre Delecto might as well switch parties and make if official.
Remember, this is the stupid party that the totalitarian leftists are dealing with, any resistance that the stupid party displays to the totalitarian agenda, will be Alinskified. The old GOPe heads will be bought off. The security apparatus will be used against any resistance, elected officials or the citizenry, to quell any wrongthink. This is your new normal.
"the party prefers to make noise rather than govern.'"
Translation. Compromise and reach across the aisle and work with the saintly and enlightened Democrats.
All Republicans had to do to win the midterms decisively was STFU about federal abortion laws and say it was for each state to decide. And they couldn't do it.
With their near majority, House Democrat leaders will have little room to distance themselves from any of their members, giving lawmakers with incendiary views outsize influence.
Got to hand it to the Dems and Biden. They learned from the criminal Clintons.
Joe Biden has been bribed by foreign countries and he's attacking the people who have the gall to point that out? Unfuckingbelievable!
Endlessly investigating Trump didn't cost the Democrats any popularity, but having hearings about Hunter's laptop or the border mess will be unpopular with "centrist voters"? That could be true, but it doesn't say much for centrist voters, or for the country.
Endlessly investigating Trump didn't cost the Democrats any popularity, but having hearings about Hunter's laptop or the border mess will be unpopular with "centrist voters"? That could be true, but it doesn't say much for centrist voters, or for the country.
The academics have long since shunned intellectual offerings in favor of partisan trash.
"The noisy and unruly behavior in the House will be perpetual reminders that the party prefers to make noise rather than govern." Really? Is this your professional opinion, Mr. Historian?
What is the measure of successful governance? Inflation? Energy dependence? Open borders? An armed bureaucracy? Unbridled spending?
It reminds me of an old riddle. Q. How many Democrats does it take to solve a problem? A. Nobody knows. It's never happened.
Anyone who did not complain when Nancy Pelosi’s response to her razor thin majority in the current Congress was to turn policy over to the extreme leftists has standing to complain if McCarthy has to move right to accommodate his right wing. That includes Joe Biden, that includes journalists writing for the New York Times or the Washington Post of any other far left of center bird cage liner, and that includes teleprompter readers bloviating on CNN or MSNBC (or Fox News, for that matter), that even includes our blog hostess.
I don’t remember Pelosi having these issues.
As I posted on the overnight thread....
"The script is sickeningly familiar by now, isn’t it? Establishment Republicans -- led throughout the ’22 elections and in their aftermath by the notorious Kentucky senator-for-life Mitch McConnell -- betrayed their party’s base, which is staunchly conservative, increasingly in an America First sorta way.
Yes, lest one is confused because of all the serial betrayals, we’re referring to the gross obscenity called the “$1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill.” For true-blue conservatives, the brazen middle-finger thrust rudely into their faces by McConnell and seventeen other Senate go-alongs should be an act of war. Political war, that is."
"The inevitable counter to this call for war is “But if we split the party, it’ll help the Democrats win in ’24!” spats?
Isn’t the party already spilt, de facto? Yes. RINOs are the minority, among whom are the McConnells, McCarthys, and Ryans who climb the greasy poles to leadership positions. The tail wags the dog.
What is a “unified” Republican Party accomplishing, anyway? In 2023, will Mitch work for or scheme against conservative House initiatives? What did Mitch and Paul Ryan do when the GOP controlled Congress, 2017-19? Stymie Trump’s border measures, for one."
Ginning up phony outrage over something said by a republican works a lot better if you have a system in place for suppressing public awareness and discussion of things democrats do and say that warrant actual outrage. Thanks to Musk and the GOP takeover of the house, that system is in trouble. It may take a while to play out in full, but word is getting out to more and more people about the conspiracy between the government and big tech to rig elections and stifle dissent.
Quayle wrote: "The levels of pride among us have gotten so severe that some perhaps many, would rather watch the country burn down than allow their politics opponents even one apparent victory."
Pride? Democrats and their cultists are corrupt and are intent on destroying the nation - intentionally or unintentionally. Opposing them is a moral obligation for the sake of our progeny and the nation.
Count that as pride if you wish. I call it rational behavior based on observable facts.
"White House’s eagerness to call out antidemocratic messages has intensified."
code for "The Nazi regime's eagerness to call out messages that are anti-Germany, has intensified."
Fyi, real Men with adequate testosterone and flat stomachs don't fetishize gossip nor drive forward looking in the rear view mirror.
You fellas act like you're auditioning for a spot at the table on The View.
Incendiary views such as...
>Covid vaccines did not do much- if anything. And in fact, might be harming people.
>Time to investigate the pharma companies.
>Time to investigate Fauci for his 'donations' to the development of the covid virus, for lying about it, and for teaching us about pangolins for no apparent reason.
>The Border has been overrun and we must do something about it now.
>Hunter's laptop, what it contains, what it means, and what it means that the entire government tied at the hip to corporate media- have hidden all of this with the goal being...???
>Biden is corrupt.
I'm loaded with incendiary views. I'm hoping there are a handful of others in Washington loaded up as well.
Blogger Howard said...
Fyi, real Men with adequate testosterone and flat stomachs don't fetishize gossip nor drive forward looking in the rear view mirror.
You fellas act like you're auditioning for a spot at the table on The View.
Howard always assures us that he has lots of testosterone. Is this called "projection?
Now when I see someone outside wearing a mask, I can't help but think mental illness.
I see that as a way to identify Democrats, but you do have a point.
I notice they say “antidemocratic” right up front yet give no examples for their baseless lying accusations.
Michael K said...
Blogger Howard said...
Fyi, real Men with adequate testosterone and flat stomachs don't fetishize gossip nor drive forward looking in the rear view mirror.
You fellas act like you're auditioning for a spot at the table on The View.
Howard always assures us that he has lots of testosterone. Is this called "projection?
12/27/22, 9:34 AM
I think "Howard" is REALLY Whoopie Goldberg.
... giving lawmakers with incendiary views outsize influence...
You mean like The Squad? You know, were pretty clear the "anti-democratic" means anything against the Democrats wishes and desires.
"Combined with the release of the Twitter files, latest being COVID censorship, this is going to be interesting."
If a tree falls in a forest and the WaPo (and friends) don't report it:
Never happened
Is disproven
Falsely reported
And yet the tree is laying on the ground.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden claims he has more important things to do, than to go to the border which a crisis HE created. The important thing he is doing this week, is a vacation in the Virin Islands. Tell me again how much he cares about the illegals that are freezing in Texas and the women and children being raped and trafficked. Americans are getting dumber. How else do you explain people who believe the lies of this administration??
Russell Riley is the author of "Inside the Clinton White House: An Oral History."
For reals.
Republicans - anti democratic
AOC - brave woman of color.
The media is really trash.
THIS is why government sucks. They lie, they steal and they spend all of our money as fast as their greedy little hands get it from us. I am so sick of hearing how they abuse the money they steal from us, to give back to their cronies as payment. They have NO IDEA what the fuck they are doing...except bankrupting us as fast as they can.
What you say about me, Doc Mike, may or may not be true. However, you male Trumpies abscessed with Hillary Hunter and Covid are soap opera addicted Yentas. It a unrefuted science fact that is caused by a sedimentary lifestyle, man titties and low free Testosterone.
You people should actually pay attention to Joe Rogan podcast and his guests whom show the path of diet, exercise and the manly arts that produces enough Vitamin T to build lean body mass, promote deep restful sleep, foster a positive mental outlook, maintain a healthy sex drive and creates an aversion to conspiracy ideation.
Howard seems to think that the proper course of action is to never, ever hold a Democrat accountable for anything.
Including mass murder, as it appears the Biden administration has been doing with their Covid stuff.
But that's par for the course for Inga, Howard, etc. "How dare anyone ever, ever question or hold a Democrat accountable!"
Seriously: when is it ever appropriate for Republicans to investigate anything, Howard? Is there a time when that is the appropriate thing to do, or is it always beyond the pale?
Did I just imagine that Third Reich speech in Philly? The January 6 nonsense? The two impeachments? The Mar a Lago raid? Up until now everything's been just a perfect example of polite political discourse?
Hey Wendybar--you may take comfort in knowing that those Greenwich beneficiaries have actually paid the taxes that financed the program. Sounds like the program was overfunded, and they are trying to get rid of the excess. Sandy was what--7, 8 years ago?
It's often quite astonishing just how defensive and over-compensating Howard's adolescent screeds are....that is, when he isn't hallucinating and awarding himself some sort of bizarre "elite" status by mere virtue of his moving to within 20 miles of MIT.
You can usually tell what kind of day Howard is having by how much name-dropping/location-dropping/institution-dropping and projection-attacks he engages in to make up for his own lack of accomplishment.
We've all known one or two Howard's in our lives.
It's often quite astonishing just how defensive and over-compensating Howard's adolescent screeds are....that is, when he isn't hallucinating and awarding himself some sort of bizarre "elite" status by mere virtue of his moving to within 20 miles of MIT.
You can usually tell what kind of day Howard is having by how much name-dropping/location-dropping/institution-dropping and projection-attacks he engages in to make up for his own lack of accomplishment.
We've all known one or two Howard's in our lives.
The democratic/dictatorial duality? There is a reason why the federal government was selected to provided a republican form of government under a constitution that mitigated authoritarian progress.
AOC - brave woman of color.
Diversity (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry), not limited to racism, sexism, ageism (e.g. wicked solution), political congruence ("=") or selective exclusion (e.g. "Respect for Marriage Act").
A family of lions. A pride parade is a procession of lions, lionesses, and their [unPlanned] cubs playing in gay abandon.
Democrats and their cultists
Twilight faith, Ethical religion, liberal ideology, mortal gods and goddesses braying to take a knee, beg, "donate".
Blogger Howard said...
What you say about me, Doc Mike, may or may not be true. However, you male Trumpies abscessed with Hillary Hunter and Covid are soap opera addicted Yentas. It a unrefuted science fact that is caused by a sedimentary lifestyle, man titties and low free Testosterone.
If that were true Democrats would have been wiped out. I guess Howard is all in with the "Science" of Biden/Fauci.
Vance: Knock yourself out prosecuting every elected democrat for all I care. Personally, I like gridlock and that strategy will be a republican failure. McCarthy and Rhonda Santas know this and are trying to string some wins together. In the real world where results in concrete and steel count, it's a loser to look back and use up political capital on investigations and revenge. The Dems would still control Congress if they didn't focus on persecuting Donald Trump.
One of the externalities of the Trump cult is the depth which his Cucks/marks have been infantilized. So, we get it, Vance. You can't control your needs for vengeance. Isn't that what the good book instructs, be cruel and hate your enemies because God gives the self-righteous the power to seek vengeance. I believe that's in Deuterium 32. Jo Bob says check it out.
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
The thing about “incendiary” is that it sounds like a specific thing, referring to something life threatening. But unlike gas stations, where they have clearly spelled out instructions as to what could cause an “incendiary” situation, media writers use the term “incendiary” to do anything other than elucidate their narratives.
It’s how the term “defend our democracy” it’s being used today.
So 1984.
Temujin said...
Incendiary views such as...
>Covid vaccines did not do much- if anything. And in fact, might be harming people.
>Time to investigate the pharma companies.
>Time to investigate Fauci for his 'donations' to the development of the covid virus, for lying about it, and for teaching us about pangolins for no apparent reason.
>The Border has been overrun and we must do something about it now.
>Hunter's laptop, what it contains, what it means, and what it means that the entire government tied at the hip to corporate media- have hidden all of this with the goal being...???
>Biden is corrupt.
I'm loaded with incendiary views. I'm hoping there are a handful of others in Washington loaded up as well.
There's a few more I could add to tht list, but the list is a really good start.
I think "Howard" is REALLY Whoopie Goldberg.
I don't think so, but a testosterone measuring contest between the two would be interesting.
It's good to know that people here have figured out his massive use of projection as well as his puerile insecurities.
Diversity (e.g. racism) breeds adversity. Lose your ethical religion.
Wicked solution, political congruence ("="), albinophobia, transgender conversion therapy, coups without borders, shared responsibility through progressive prices, world war springs, social progress, social justice, Maoist-era "heroes", etc.
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
Demos-cracy, too. Ideally, the former along with its dictatorial couplet, and not the latter in Jews, Zulu, Hutu/Tutsi with social progress, native South Africans, Ukrainians, Russians, Americans, deplorables, babies, etc.
Strange: It seems like only yesterday it was an article of faith here that Democrats now possess the power to fix any American election, so I was expecting vigorous discussion of the elaborate scheme to destroy the Republican Party forever by allowing them a tiny House majority just this once. Instead it's all mumbling and grumbling as though your heart just ain't in it.
Howard, if it is really he, gave us two marvelous typos (?) in one comment: The Republicans are "abcessed" about various topics, and the delicious "sedimentary lifestyle." I'm more igneous, myself.
Well the Rs' - majority is 222 - 213. I think that was approximately the same for D's in 2021. Didn't hear much about a thin majority back in 2021. Just more B.S. from the Media and Liberals.
222-213 IN 2021 for D's, Difference= Pelosi compared to spineless McCarthy.(MAYBE). BIG DIFFERENCE. you'll see circus comin to town.
Those aren't typos Michelle. He does that intentionally because he believes it is cute, and he lives to draw attention to himself.
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