It is a truism of American politics that money swills around the top candidates to an alarming degree. And it is also true, and inevitable, that many candidates trust their family members above anyone else to deal with money and other perks that can come their way. Yet even by these standards, the Biden emails showed a family involved in far from normal influence-trading.
For example, Hunter Biden had sat for years on the board of a Ukrainian energy company called Burisma. Why Hunter Biden sat on that board and was so well remunerated for it — around $50,000 a month — was hardly a secret. Hunter has no expertise in the energy sector, nor in anything much else. But proximity to the former vice-president — at the time possibly the next president — brought irresistible cash advantages. (As it did for Joe’s brother, James. He and Hunter signed a deal in 2017 with a Chinese energy conglomerate, CEFC, which paid $4.8 million over 14 months to entities controlled by the two Bidens.)
Hunter’s laptop included messages from Burisma executives going back to 2014, asking Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence to convey a message”. Other emails described how a “provisional agreement” between Hunter and CEFC would include 10 per cent of equity held back by Hunter for “the big guy”. Who was “the big guy”? It was possible to guess. Elsewhere in the laptop, in January 2019, Hunter could be found sending an angry text to his daughter Naomi, scolding her for having no idea what demeaning things he said he had had to do to support his family. But, he told her: “Don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.” People had imagined that Hunter was using Joe. But no, it appeared that Joe was using his son to make money. If ever there were questions to be asked of a candidate here were some....
७२ टिप्पण्या:
The hack-D press easily complied with the lie that all of the Biden's corruption was a "Russian disinformation plot"
FBI(D) also complicit in allowing this family to live above the law.
Cool. Hopefully it spells the end of Biden's reelection campaign.
Maybe a more moderate take on the Biden swamp than say that presented by Miranda Devine of the New York Post. That said, it's still a swamp of influence peddling.
Sad that you have to go to a foreign publication for honest reporting on the corrupt Biden family. Looks like the demos are gearing up to put good old Joe out to pasture.
When I saw the laptop covered recently at a non-political site I was surprised how few people in the comments had heard of this. They thought it was a recent story. Leave the poor, loser son alone, was their take. They had no idea it had been around before the election, or that it had ramifications about Biden's current foreign policy.
Two plus years too late but perhaps there will be an accounting. Maybe even the 51 intelligence "experts" who opined on the accuracy of the laptop (Russian disinformation and all that) will have the balls to admit they were simply stooges doing he bidding of the Biden family. One can dream!!
The left are so protected by a corrupt FBI and corrupt American leftist-loyalist press - that Old crook Joe will be the nominee for 2024. Loyal democrats across the land still buy the "Russian disinformation" lie. Any lie will do - the hivemind obey.
Biden will face Trump in 2024. The fix is in. And, as planned, Trump will lose.
It wouldn't have changed how women voted. The question is always whether he seems to mean well.
And he's rich besides.
"a “provisional agreement” between Hunter and CEFC would include 10 per cent of equity held back by Hunter for “the big guy”. Who was “the big guy”? It was possible to guess."
Not for our resident dullard..
"People had imagined that Hunter was using Joe. But no, it appeared that Joe was using his son to make money."
No one with half a brain* thought Hunter was the boss. It was and always has been Joe. Only the left would suggest, grudgingly, that it was Hunter...because then they could say 'Joe Biden is running for President, not Hunter.'
* too much brain for our resident dullard.
Shameless Twitter employees willing to break laws: "BUT WE STOPPED TRUMP, MAN!"
Blogger Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
FBI(D) also complicit in allowing this family to live above the law.
Why isn't the FBI interested in investigating itself? They don't deserve anyone's trust until they come clean.
"Who was “the big guy”? "
Mainstream Andrea Mitchell, PBS, Joy Behar, Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, CNN, NBC, NYT, WaPo press are drilling to the bottom to find out who that "Bid guy" is. (you betcha) More than likely - the hack-D press will reveal, again, that all this obvious corruption by the Biden family is just a *mirage created by Putin.*
I wonder what Ron De Santis thinks of all this? If he sides with GOPe and the other uni-party members, we'll know that he's a total fake. This story is an intersting litmus test. Thank you, Elon Musk.
Murray is a gay conservative who hangs out with Orban, and the Times is a Murdoch paper. Murray is also a frequent guest on Fox News.
Tripleplus wrongthink! This article won’t change many minds.
It would be more impressive to see the Guardian or the Suddeutsche Zeitung carry a story like this.Then the dam might be cracking.
But there is hope: Graham Norton does a weekly senile-Biden joke these days….
Douglas Murray is a gem.
It always amazes me how people like Musk and Murray can quickly grasp American history and our Constitution. Some people born in foreign countries love America more than Leftists.
For the Left, it is all about money and power.
Peter Sweizter (sp) says the Bidens were paid $31 million. But what about Bitcoin?
Biden began his U.S. Senate career at age 30. He is a rich man who wasn't born rich.
I guess if you really don't want to know too much about how that happened, you can chalk it up to patient, sound investing over the years, plus the books he and Jill have written. (We could all think of one, I'd guess, since they sold widely enough to make the Bidens rich.)
Tony Bobulinski told us all this before the election and it wasn't enough to make the news media have any interest in the laptop story. What has changed since then?
"By Any Means Necessary" is shared by young and old alike.
"Righteousness exalteth a nation..." according to the scriptural proverb.
The basic problem is that there is a great and widespread dearth of basic honesty, especially among our nation's leadership. As a result there will be no consequences of this mortal crime.
Only when our nation returns to God and allows Him back in, will we see any reversal of these situations. I am not at all optimistic.
At some point even leftists will have to come to the realization that being a politician on the left does not mean they are a saint, just because spout the liberal talking points. Sometimes they are spouting the liberal talking points because it lets them do shady things without consequence (SBF, anyone?)
At some point those in the center will have to realize that the fact that all the major institutions work in concert to protect corruption and the only way to bring accountability back to government is to send every leftist politician packing. If you knowingly elect people who are given a free pass, you are then responsible for what they do. Only you can hold them accountable.
I wonder what Ron De Santis thinks of all this? If he sides with GOPe and the other uni-party members, we'll know that he's a total fake.
What do you mean "sides with"?
Are you anticipating that DeSantis thinks Biden family corruption doesn't exist?
If the tiny 3 candidate majority in the house means anything - hopefully they will investigate the Bidens. Doubtful because I do agree they are a weak & cowardly clown show. That said, They are probably terrified that the FBI and the Deep state will soon destroy their lives, too.
I am not optimistic having seen this play before. We are already in the "this is old news" phase for those that even acknowledge the information.
I have a brother that still thinks Trump and Russian collusion was what led to the 2016 results.
There is none so blind as those who refuse to open their eyes.
The absolute worst thing about all of this from the Democrat/media perspective is that, once again, Trump was right.
I wonder what Ron De Santis thinks of all this? If he sides with GOPe and the other uni-party members, we'll know that he's a total fake.
DeSantis is already in the grasp of failed politician Paul Ryan. DeSantis is making the right enemies, but his choice of confidants is worrying. DeSantis in not Trump. He cant fill three huge venues over a 10 day period and talk for 2 hours. I fear DeSantis has already sold his soul for campaign cash. Most of that cash rests in the control of GOPe.
If Tony Bobolinski had the goods on any R - the media would be all over it.
The secrets of Hunter Biden’s laptop spell trouble for Joe
Naah. It didn't before, it won't now.
The secrets of Hunter Biden’s laptop spell trouble for Joe
Naah. It didn't before, it won't now.
The secrets of Hunter Biden’s laptop spell trouble for Joe
Naah. It didn't before, it won't now.
The secrets of Hunter Biden’s laptop spell trouble for Joe
Naah. It didn't before, it won't now.
The secrets of Hunter Biden’s laptop spell trouble for Joe
Naah. It didn't before, it won't now.
The secrets of Hunter Biden’s laptop spell trouble for Joe
Naah. It didn't before, it won't now.
The secrets of Hunter Biden’s laptop spell trouble for Joe
Naah. It didn't before, it won't now.
The secrets of Hunter Biden’s laptop spell trouble for Joe
Naah. It didn't before, it won't now.
The secrets of Hunter Biden’s laptop spell trouble for Joe
Naah. It didn't before, it won't now.
The secrets of Hunter Biden’s laptop spell trouble for Joe
Naah. It didn't before, it won't now.
Joe Biden is an honest politician. Once he's been bought, he stays bought. The Brittany Griner exchange is a prime example. He gets credit with the alphabet-mafia for getting her released and at the same time benefits his Russian paymasters by releasing their prime arms dealer.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
What do you mean "sides with"?
I mean will he treat the whole thing as a nothing burger. His test is that if he does, he proves that he's a Florida-level politician; if he steps up and says there is something to the Biden corruption, then he risks being viewed as Trumpian. Plus as you say, what does the FBI have on him.
Archie Bunker
DeSantis is already in the grasp of failed politician Paul Ryan. DeSantis is making the right enemies, but his choice of confidants is worrying. DeSantis in not Trump. He cant fill three huge venues over a 10 day period and talk for 2 hours. I fear DeSantis has already sold his soul for campaign cash. Most of that cash rests in the control of GOPe.
To look the other way in view of what seems like obvious corruption worth investigating rather than putting to rest--this spells moral failure. Right now I'm betting that De Santis will overlook the Bidens' specific graft lest it open a more general wound in DC.
In my view this is a perfect time for an Independent (or an independent Dem--if such a thing exists--to step forward.
A post-apocalyptic apology? The fallout from Biden-closet must have great momentum to warrant TLT's proactive intervention to direct a handmade tale.
Chickelit - Are all the other governors expected to come out full force against Biden?
@RMc: You can stop now. You've made your point.
Our government is now so corrupt that Joe, Inc will skate from any consequences. What happened to Trump when he threatened this cartel will keep any honest man out of politics before the crash cleans house. I like DeSantis but I fear he is getting into bed with the cartel. Eisenhower was probably the last honest man to be president before Trump.
Will all the other governors from all 50 states come out against Biden on this?
I mean - if DeSantis is expected to, they all should.
It’ll do no such thing.
Prove me wrong.
It seems that the Brits are the only journalists with balls.
Not sure what we get from Hunter’s endeavors. At least with Billy Carter we got a collectible beer can.
chickelit said...
Shameless Twitter employees willing to break laws: "BUT WE STOPPED TRUMP, MAN!"
You say that, like it's a bad thing...
The other governors of all 50 states are not chasing the Republican nomination. I'd say that anyone seeking to run against Biden is obliged to address this obvious corruption. Why are you being deliberately obtuse?
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Will all the other governors from all 50 states come out against Biden on this?
I mean - if DeSantis is expected to, they all should.
If he doesn't demand investigations of Biden and the GOPe corruption in Ukraine he is corrupt too and just plans on partaking himself.
Trump was impeached for trying to investigate Ukraine. Trump was impeached by Democrats and Republicans.
Silence is indicative. Simple math.
Desantis is awash with corporate cash and he is not talking about nationalist economic policy much.
He hasn't spoken out about the FBI raid on Trump.
Desantis is looking like a disappointment.
chickelit said...
To look the other way in view of what seems like obvious corruption worth investigating rather than putting to rest--this spells moral failure. Right now I'm betting that De Santis will overlook the Bidens' specific graft lest it open a more general wound in DC.
In my view this is a perfect time for an Independent (or an independent Dem--if such a thing exists--to step forward.
The next leader of the working class revolt after Trump is not going to be chosen because of anything ideological.
The next leader is going to be chosen because they are against the corruption in DC. The only way you will beat Trump in the Republican primary is to come out harder against DC than he does.
Ideologues like April overlook corruption in their ranks. But most people in the country are not particularly interested in politics. It is when they see blatant corruption and unfairness that anger builds.
Right now Americans are watching corrupt politicians in both parties get rich while the economy and their economic situations are collapsing.
The next two years are going to see the rise of people who are not politicians who will be increasingly vitriolic against the corruption in DC and in corrupt places like Maricopa County.
They will tend to be more leftist than Trump is.
Many will wish they had treated Trump better because they will not like what replaces him. And the longer the pendulum swings towards corruption the harsher the backlash and correction will be.
Suppressing the information about JOE Biden on Hunter Biden's laptop won Joe Biden the presidency.
In my view this is a perfect time for an Independent (or an independent Dem--if such a thing exists--to step forward.
Sounds good on paper. Virtually impossible to implement. An independent has no way to staff the administrative bureaucracy. The was a failing of Trump. He was forced to appoint people recommended by the DC swamp. The Chris Christy's of world. Trump did not have 100 people loyal to him.
Right now DC is being run by Obama. Because he still has people loyal to him in the bureaucracy. Obama worked hard getting HIS people civil service jobs. The undersecretaries, and deputies that actually do the daily work. The Cabinet level positions are at the mercy of those civil servants. DC swampies know that. Presidents work to shift the that power balance, but its tough.
Will all the other governors from all 50 states come out against Biden on this?
I mean - if DeSantis is expected to, they all should.
DeSantis is likely to run for president, so it seems a relevant question. Are all 50 governors likely to run for President?
Further, outside of Wisconsin no one gives a shit what Tony Evers thinks.
None of this is 'news'. It's been sitting there, staring at everyone, bright lights flashing next to it. Tucker Carlson is the only national media person to interview Tony Bobulinski...twice. The FBI was going to, then ran away and pretended he did not exist. "Lalalala....I can't hear you...Lalalalala." The first interview was prior to the election. And, like the laptop, it was either ignored or poo-poohed as old news. So yeah, at this point it is old news to those of us who actually paid attention to it when it was news.
It was, perhaps the most important story of the last 50 years. Now that most important story has shifted. Now the story is how the press, journalists, the most 'heralded' names in media, along with government entities, our DoJ, FBI, CIA, State Dept. and others worked to unrail a Presidential election, to spy on a Presidential campaign, to censor a sitting President, and to openly lie about it to it's citizens and the world. Nothing much to see here, huh?
Also how these same people knew that the then Vice President was using his son, his brother, their partners, and his office to sell access to the United States Government. And we're not talking 'friends' who were doing the buying of the President.
So while the media was all atwitter (if I can say that) about a fiction that said Donald Trump was having Russian whores pee on him, Joe Biden's son was actually doing so. Well...maybe they weren't Russian. But Hunter was so fully compromised that Joe being involved in these payouts is grounds, certainly for impeachment, if not for prison.
What is so unbelievably bizarre is to watch the still ongoing denials from those who see as their life's job to carry the water for The Narrative Makers. The comments on social media and in the highfalutin halls of the NY Times or WaPo or NBC News is enough to make you want to call for someone to come and help them. These are seriously damaged people. And they entirely own all of our media.
That's a problem.
Will someone please give RMc a light slap on the head?
His eyes are stuck.
I still can't believe Trump was impeached for the Biden's corruption with Burisma and Ukraine. What a gutsy play by the Dems!
BFD! Everybody has known all that for a while now.
The significance is that control over the DOJ is crucial. Consequently, Republicans cannot be allowed to regain the Presidency or a veto-proof Congress, no matter how much blantant election cheating is required.
“Joe Biden is an honest politician. Once he's been bought, he stays bought. The Brittany Griner exchange is a prime example. He gets credit with the alphabet-mafia for getting her released and at the same time benefits his Russian paymasters by releasing their prime arms dealer.”
I disagree about FJB having been bought by the Ruskies. That was Crooked Hillary Clinton. But he does stay bought - his known paymasters are Ukraine and the PRC. Why are we involved in Ukraine right now anyway? Why are we shipping them arms strategically essential to our own defense? Why are we trying so hard to beat Russia, when it weakens the $dollar$ by pushing energy purchases away from using it, thus increasing the costs of borrowing by the Treasury AND increasing the money supply, driving up inflation, and causing all sorts of financial problems around the world. Europe is going to be cold and dark this winter, as a result. Best money the Ukrainians ever spent, already more than returned to them by the US government, run by the politician whose family they bribed.
If the FBI or DoJ won't investigate then there's nothing that can be done.
I doubt another Republican will ever win the White House again. And, I fully expect mail in voting in every state Democrats win, so those states will be forever Democrat.
Twitter undoubtedly helped Biden by burying the story, but I wonder whether it really would have gotten that far into the public consciousness even without the ban. The Clinton Foundation story never got through to voters.
People who voted for Hillary voted for Joe and they'd vote for him again. There's no getting through to the people with the "Honesty * Decency * Integrity * Biden 2020" banner on their front porch.
Our government is for sale and voters don't care. It's bipartisan. Mitch is on the take too, if only through his wife's family fortune, though it probably goes deeper.
Twitter undoubtedly helped Biden by burying the story, but would it really have gotten through to voters without the ban? The Clinton Foundation story didn't get through. People who voted for Hillary voted for Joe and they'd vote for him again. Our government is for sale and most voters don't care. It's bipartisan. Mitch is on the take too, if only through his wife's family fortune, though it may go deeper than that.
In my view this is a perfect time for an Independent (or an independent Dem--if such a thing exists--to step forward.
Sounds good on paper. Virtually impossible to implement. An independent has no way to staff the administrative bureaucracy. The was a failing of Trump. He was forced to appoint people recommended by the DC swamp. The Chris Christy's of world. Trump did not have 100 people loyal to him.
Exactly. which is why we are doomed until the whole dirty facade collapses.
"[Trump] was forced to appoint people recommended by the DC swamp."
He was "forced" to do no such thing. Any sane view of the swamp would consider recommendations coming from the insiders as a insurmountable reason to NOT appoint that person.
I keep seeing people compare Hunter Biden to Jared Kushner, who has scored a two billion dollar deal with Saudi Arabia. It's a little mind-boggling, given that Kushner has a credible claim for a Nobel Peace Prize, for brokering the Abraham Accords with several nations - directed by Saudi Arabia. Along with a lot of experience helping run a billion-dollar empire, and a President's team as well.
I have literally never heard anyone claim that Hunter Biden did anything to earn his money aside from provide access to Joe Biden.
But no analogy is perfect!
Achilles said...
Desantis is looking like a disappointment.
Yep. And the Dems don't have anybody either. I wonder who Obama favors--he seems to be in charge. It can't be Kamala--even he must realize that she had a good chance and muffed it.
Curious how Mac the tech guy, after unable to get Hunter to pick up, couldn't get Feds to take computer initially.
What explains that?
There were polls re the Hunter laptop/Bidengate where enough voters would have changed their vote.
chickelit said...
Achilles said...
Desantis is looking like a disappointment.
Yep. And the Dems don't have anybody either. I wonder who Obama favors--he seems to be in charge. It can't be Kamala--even he must realize that she had a good chance and muffed it.
Michelle just released a book.
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