"A CNN team saw migrants being dropped off, with some migrants wearing only T-shirts in the freezing weather. They were given blankets and put on another bus that went to a local church.... It’s not clear who is responsible for sending the migrants to the Naval Observatory, where the vice president’s residence is located, though CNN reported earlier this year that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott had sent buses of migrants north, including to a location outside Harris’ home."
I wonder, if Kamala Harris wanted to seize this occasion and make an impressive showing for herself, what could she do? I understand the response that is to do nothing and to deny her adversaries the power to require that she react to a circumstance that they created. But what if she wanted to say or do something... on Christmas? Kamala Harris is a Christian — a Baptist.
Media: It's not clear why so many illegal entrants are crossing our southern border.
We the loyal FBI-approved hack-D press ignore the FACT that Biden invited them.
In the first Democratic primary debate, Biden says when he’s president, illegal immigrants should “immediately surge to the border”
Promise - delivered.
The Invitation went out:
The whole quote:
Biden: "I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum they deserve to be heard, that's who we are, we are nation that says if you want to flee and you are fleeing oppression you should come."
Can anyone explain how that is not an invitation?
Kamala Harris’s actions on earth PROVE that she is no Christian.
She was also a law enforcement officer sworn to uphold the laws... doesn't the Rham Emanuel maxim apply here?
There is a crisis affording blue-team an opportunity to do things they thought they could not do before.
"For I was... in prison and you came to visit me."
Maybe Harris could visit the pre-trial Jan6 political prisoners held in DC jails?
"...deny her adversaries the power to require that she react to a circumstance that they created."
Well, isn't that exactly how people who organized these bus rides feel about having to react to policies put in place by Biden and his "Border Czar" Harris?
"Kamala Harris is a Christian — a Baptist." I thought her family celebrated Kwanzaa instead of Christmas.
This is not the first time the VP residence was the destination for our illegal guests. You mean our crackerjack trillion dollar federal government didn't have a plan for this? Count me as shocked.
(Should have sent them to a rolling blackout state - they would feel right at home.)
I get it, but it's a chickenshit move in that weather.
You are what you do regarding illegals. Harris does nothing. She is unsympathetic to illegals except as a political taking point. A cold, heartless person.
Merry Christmas, Kamala! A gift in the form of “an opportunity”, dealing with the results of your party’s “good intentions”.
Time to shine… speak your inane “personal truths” and a cackle or two.
In that context, several means "more than two but fewer than many."
Gee. You'd think a CNN team would have someone on it who can count better than that.
Kamala Harris is a Christian
Harris missed the boat on Christian kindness here. That said, those putting them on the buses and cheering this on don't have a lot of moral authority in this discussion either.
Everyone involved finds these human beings to be convenient political fodder for their ideological war. Quite the Christmas message from all.
“I get it, but it's a chickenshit move in that weather.”
Have you been paying the slightest attention to temps at the border for the last few days?
I fully supported the ride to Martha's Vineyard in the summer. Sending people, unprepared, to DC in winter is cruel (if that's what happened...CNN you know).
I wonder what religions Abbott or DeSantis are?
They found the mony to protect Ukraine, literally half a world away.
"I wonder, if Kamala Harris wanted to seize this occasion and make an impressive showing for herself...."
LOL. It would never occur to the woman to greet her visitors and invite them in out of the cold. Such an act would be seen by most Americans as heroic and selfless, especially on Christmas Eve. You'd think somebody in Dem campaign circles could have predicted this and planned accordingly so that Harris' act would get the maximum media exposure possible.
Ironically, I believe that under the same circumstances Trump would have absolutely leaned into such a stunt by an opposing Governor and used it to come out smelling like roses.
i dont really care anymore, but who is "they" in this comment
"a circumstance that they created"
indeed THEY did create it, thanks Kamal-toe
Harris could have gone out to the buses and welcome them to her home. Led them inside, given then food and warm drink. Then arranged for winter clothing to be delivered and small stocking-stuffers. Then, had the D.C. social service workers take them to local hotels/motels.
She only thing she would actually do is whine about how unfair Greg Abbot is to send these illegal aliens to her. Only, she'd never use "illegal alien", she'd call them "undocumented citizens."
Critter @ 11:56: “…A cold, heartless person.”
Nah…Christian charity requires us to interpret her silence and inaction as the product not of a malign and self-confident personality, but of a lost soul dogged by fear and confusion. For most of her life she has been socially promoted into positions for which she is obviously and hopelessly unqualified. She has never caught up with even the minimal demands of whatever office she’s been given, and by now is paralyzed by the (entirely reasonable) fear of screwing up. And if she were to forget herself and try to do anything notable, her staff is there to stall, impede and undo her boneheaded impulses. Which only adds to her frustration and despair.
Our hearts should go out to her, ruined as she is by a lifetime of affirmative action.
Rocketeer: apples and oranges.
If she's afraid she'll have to overlook it,
Besides, she knew the job was dangerous when she took it!
Well, the people on her staff did, for sure. They're gone now, so...
If our politicians cared about people they work this problem from the root cause. But these people are just pawns in a bigger game. Omlets and eggs, and the immigrants are the eggs.
Inga was quizzical: "I wonder what religions Abbott or DeSantis are?"
I suspect maybe a law abiding one. Is that your guess also?
"Kamala Harris is a Christian — a BaptistKamala Harris is a Christian — a Baptist."
Com'n, it's Christmas Day, not April Fool's Day.
Keep sending them to DC. Biden and Harris created this chaos so let them deal with it.
In the time of Jesus, there were no nation-states and no passports. People could freely move about. Today is different.
Abbot and DeSantis are against illegal immigration. You and Kamala arent.
Merry Christmas
Aren’t the biggest assholes in this story the CNN team that chose to spend their Christmas Eve hanging around Kamala’s house?
Definitive proof Greg Abbot is a despicable shit who is happy to treat human beings as cattle (or less than cattle). He may be a Catholic but he sure as fuck is no Christian.
"'Kamala Harris is a Christian — a Baptist.' I thought her family celebrated Kwanzaa instead of Christmas."
Classy that, using the racist card. You get an "F" for effort though: you missed your chance to make an insulting remark regarding her Indian heritage.
"I wonder, if Kamala Harris wanted to seize this occasion and make an impressive showing for herself, what could she do?"
Acknowledge the border crisis and pledge to fix it.
"Everyone involved finds these human beings to be convenient political fodder for their ideological war."
What about the migrants themselves, are they not involved? And how did they become involved?
I get it, but it's a chickenshit move in that weather.
Know where it's warmer? Where they came from.
Problem solved.
Don't want to be caught wearing a T-shirt in freezing weather?
Stay home and don't break the laws of the United States as your very first act upon entering.
This is not difficult...
And throwing in a bible verse is bullshit.
I doubt there are more than 2 or 3 practicing Christians in the entirety of the DC media.
But then again, those morons think the poem on the Statue of Liberty is actual US policy.
Alone, cold, exposed, raped at the border for immigration reform, the "burden" of evidence aborted in sanctuary states.
"'Kamala Harris is a Christian — a Baptist.' I thought her family celebrated Kwanzaa instead of Christmas."
Kwanzaa is a creation of diversity (e.g. racism) that treats people in color blocs (e.g. "people of color"). Harris subscribes to the Twilight faith, Pro-Choice ethical religion, liberal ideology common in Progressive sects.
How ‘bout someone, anyone, read the rest of the passage?
Jesus says, “Truly, I say to you, as you did to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” Matthew 25:40
Follow from there to Matthew 12:46-50 “Who is my mother and who are my brothers?…For whoever does the will of my Father in Heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
You might find this a hard saying, but Christian charity should prioritize brothers and sisters.
Frankly, I’m more than over putting up with non-Christians, anti-Christians telling Christians what they believe, frequently in error.
And Robert Cook, you dolt: Kamala herself said “Our Kwanzaa celebrations are some of my favorite childhood memories”. Racist dolt, that would be you.
"...deny her adversaries the power to require that she react to a circumstance that they created."
She created, supported, advocated... American citizens get pushed to the back of the bus, aborted in cold blood, kicked until they are no longer viable, sometimes cannibalized, sequestered for fair weather causes, directed to take a knee, beg, "donate".
That said, emigration reform to mitigate progress at both ends (e.g. sanctuary states) of the bridge and throughout (e.g. border).
It ought to give the bus-migrant death toll.
Aren’t the biggest assholes in this story the CNN team that chose to spend their Christmas Eve hanging around Kamala’s house?
What about a crew of reporters who watched and reported on what happened and apparently did nothing to help people they saw top be severely unprepared to deal with the cold? Maybe they were just hoping to get some close ups of hyperthermia?
Aren’t the biggest assholes in this story the CNN team that chose to spend their Christmas Eve hanging around Kamala’s house?
What about a crew of reporters who watched and reported on what happened and apparently did nothing to help people they saw top be severely unprepared to deal with the cold? Maybe they were just hoping to get some close ups of hyperthermia?
Abbott is foolish to do this now and not in October or November when it might have made a difference. He did do it in September, but that was old news by the time election day came around. Doing this now when it's freezing out even in DC, only hurts Abbott. Needless to say, the Biden administration also isn't filled with loving kindness towards the migrants and also treats them as pawns in the political game.
The NGOs are part of the problem, aiding and abetting the invasion of our country by about five million illegal aliens since Biden took office. They are getting taxpayer dollars to do it. God only knows how many more will come across our border illegally over the next two years.
Kamala could give them all blow jobs. Use your talents to benefit others.
Cook drops the F bomb describing someone's Christianity. Irony not lost.
It is apparent our Commie-Pinko friends are not troubled by those migrants who are raped, trafficked or starved while making trek. But send them to Kamel's palatial residence and they clutch their pearls.
@inga, as Catholic Christians, Abbott and desantis may be familiar with church teaching on Immigration. From the Catechism: “political authorities, for the sake of the common good for which they are responsible, may make the exercise of the right to immigrate subject to various juridical conditions, especially with regard to the immigrants’ duties toward their country of adoption. Immigrants are obliged to respect with gratitude the material and spiritual heritage of the country that receives them, to obey its laws and to assist in carrying civic burdens” (par. 2241)
Alas, many of our bishops seem to have forgotten that charity, properly ordered, imposes a responsibility upon the recipient. Re-spon-si-bil-I-ty. Say it slowly, to refamiliarize yourself with this extinct locution.
And the immigrants were coming illegally to Texas, where it is cold as Kamala's heart right now. It's been cold everywhere in the country right now except southern California.
Cookie is perfectly happy with people pouring across in US-Mexico border, but he regards their retransportation to DC and New York City as polluting those environments with worthless mouths to feed.
I will write again that every country in Central America has a US Embassy where asylum claims can be made. Just every single one.
The compassion from the left begins once the migrants step on US soil .... and not one minute before. If the lefties were truly compassionate they would be inside the Mexican border feeding, housing and educating these Colombians, Peruvians, Argentinians, Ecuadorians and maybe a few Mexicans.
These are asylum seekers going through a legal process.
DC has been coordinating for months to receive this people and give them proper accommodation.
Abbot bypassed that process to drop these people off in freezing weather in an unprepared location without coats as a *prank*.
Those of you celebrating this need to take a look in the mirror. This is unnecessary vicious cruelty for the sake of scoring political points. You guys have gotten so obsessed with cheering on your Dear Leaders and hating immigrants that you're failing at basic adulting.
Mike said: "Those of you celebrating this need to take a look in the mirror. This is unnecessary vicious cruelty for the sake of scoring political points. You guys have gotten so obsessed with cheering on your Dear Leaders and hating immigrants that you're failing at basic adulting."
Please share with us how many illegal migrants you are housing Mike. Can you take more?
This is unnecessary vicious cruelty for the sake of scoring political points.
Yeah, Mike, we get it. Only Democrats are allowed to — encouraged to? — engage in vicious cruelty for the sake of scoring political points. We could ask Secoriea Turner about it, but thanks to some vicious cruelty on the part of the left to score political points she was murdered s few years back at the age of 8.
At the time of Christ’s birth there were no passports. Dave Begley got that right. Illiteracy was the rule, not the exception. People could not move freely about. For one thing- travel was dangerous in most of the world of about 200 million people. But not so much in the more organized nation-states such as the Roman Empire that Jesus was born into, albeit in an unruly border province barely under Roman control. And why were Mary and Joseph in Nazareth anyway? Because they had been ordered to travel there to be counted. By the government of the time. The Han Empire was roughly 200 years old at the time.
Rome had borders. Small numbers of people were crossing them constantly. A few thousand at one time would have resulted in the Legions acting to repulse an invasion.
The only widely travelled people were sailors, both merchant and Navies (of sorts) and VIPs, government officials of some sort, and entertainers. And few travelled outside the world they knew. The Roman and Han empires ruled within their borders and for the most part kept outsiders out. Merchant ships flew flags to identify where they were from and generally entered known ports where trade was a way of life.
Nomadic tribes ruled somewhat outside the established empires. The “civilized” nations didn’t want nomads on their borders and would repulse attempts by them to “freely travel” into their territories.
An individual could wander off and travel elsewhere without authorities much caring or knowing unless they were being hunted down as they left. Could. The odds are those that did have no descendants alive today. Enter a new town, no relatives, no clan or tribe members in it. Yeah, not conducive to long term success.
“ deny her adversaries the power to require that she react to a circumstance that they created.”
Democrats and RINOs have been creating that situation for the South for decades with absolutely no cares about it has effected the poor and blacks in the south. Or how it vastly increased violent crime and drug addiction in the south. Wisconsinites don’t have anymore right to an opinion on that than men do on abortion.
There is no way completely un-vetted undocumented illegals from south of the border are going to be invited into the VP’s residence. Of course not.
They’ll be placed back on the street to run amuck and generally be a burden to normal law abiding taxpayers.
Kamala should ask her speech writer to wax eloquent on the matter.
At this time of year, people often talk about how Mary and Joseph couldn't find a room at the inn and thus they are like the illegal immigrants. This reasoning amazes me. Joseph was looking for a room to PAY for. He wasn't asking for a free room at the inn. Kamala Harris is under no obligation to give a room in her house. Why don't these immigrants act like Mary and Joseph who were OBEYING the census law to travel so they could be counted. Why don't the illegal immigrants pay for their rooms, etc? Act like Mary and Joseph. Don't trash the properties you cross. Don't rob or kill.
Trump was right, build the wall to guide people safely, work with foreign governments to realize emigration reform, close the sanctuary states where the "burden" of evidence is aborted, cannibalized, sequestered in darkness. Biden/Harris need to reverse course to effect progress.
"What about a crew of reporters who watched and reported on what happened and apparently did nothing to help people they saw top be severely unprepared to deal with the cold? Maybe they were just hoping to get some close ups of hyperthermia?"
The late, great Sam Kinison:
"I’m like anyone else on this planet — I’m very moved by world hunger. I see the same commercials, with those little kids, starving, and very depressed. I watch those kids and I go, ‘Fuck, I know the film crew could give this kid a sandwich!’ There’s a director five feet away going, ‘DON’T FEED HIM YET! GET THAT SANDWICH OUTTA HERE! IT DOESN’T WORK UNLESS HE LOOKS HUNGRY!!!’ "
It might actually be colder in Eagle Pass Texas than it is in Washington D.C. tonight.
"Inga said...
I wonder what religions Abbott or DeSantis are?"
They are Christian, not leftwing radical apologists like you.
Attention Kompassionate Keyboard Krusaders: the City of El Paso awaits you. Relieve some of their burden. Please arrive with an empty minivan. With maybe a baby car seat or two, baby food, diapers, bottled water. Display your virtue beyond words.
I'm not celebrating the arrival of any illegal immigrant, because I've seen the product of those efforts - and they are organized efforts - as the millions have streamed across the border which a few short months ago had been effectively closed to illegal trafficking.
No, I'm not celebrating the deposit of illegals at the Vice President's compound. But by the same token, I do recognize the symmetry of ensuring that she is directly rewarded with the fruits of her very own policy efforts. Or are some of us pretending that this is not intentional policy-making, or that the VP should be held harmless and kept protected from her participation in policy choices? Here, pull the other finger.
They’re illegal aliens, they shouldn’t be here and she promotes them being here. Seems fair to me.
“Rocketeer: apples and oranges.”
18 degrees is the same whether you’re in Eagle Pass, TX or Washington, DC.
If the governors of FL and TX were able to fly the border jumpers to Guantanamo they would be more comfortable.
Pretty funny how the immigration law expert commentatators here call these immigrants "illegal", when they have broken no laws and have not been charged with breaking any laws. Details .. details.
No one could think less of VPOTUS than I do, but this whole “she’s not a Christian because she didn’t do X” is bogus. It’s a game anyone can play.
Really, Ann. Donald Trump says he's a Christian, and cheated on all 3 of his wives...not to mention all the bad stuff he did Pre Post and during his presidency. Those Those are Christians saying they are burning the Koran, banning books and restricting women's reproductive rights. If everyone who says they are a Christian actually lived up to their "Christian" values, they wouldn't do all that bad, bad stuff.
And that wyhyole thing was theater,plain and simple. Greg Abbott is such a bad governor, he has to do something.It's just something evil.
Vicki From Pasadena
The quote from Jesus specifically said he meant “the least of these my brothers.” That means the Jews.
Vicki from Pasadena said the following with a presumed straight: "Those are Christians saying they are burning the Koran, banning books and restricting women's reproductive rights."
I must admit, as a Bible believing Christian, I have not seen a Koran, let alone burn one. I have not seen one torched ever. Banning books? One must presume you are referring to Florida banning age inappropriate books for elementary students. I am on board with that. Killing babies? Gimme a break. Please remain in California.
Democrats are only Christian when they need to be...
I wonder, if Kamala Harris wanted to seize this occasion and make an impressive showing for herself, what could she do?
Getting back to Althouse’s original question, once upon a time a politician sufficiently politically astute to have risen to the Vice Presidency would have recognized a political opportunity when it landed on his doorstep. The VP would have invited the immigrants in (I trust the residence has a sufficiently large room somewhere). Alert the residence staff to make coffee and cocoa, maybe bake several dozen cookies. Alert someone on her regular office staff no matter what the hour to call FEMA for blankets, etc. CNN is right there and ready and willing — eager! — to play your warmth and generosity big in the news media.
But these days politicians are highly scripted, and seem to be unable to recognize opportunities unless there’s a teleprompter in front of them, and an aide whispering (electronically) into their ear.
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.
The federal government is in contempt of "the People" and "our [unPlanned] Posterity"... so, they abort burdens/citizens, deny civil rights, indulge a conception of democratic/dictatorial character, and offer religious/ethical sanction of human rites performed to relieve "burdens" including evidence of immigration reform affecting underage girls who are treated privately as collateral damage in sanctuary states. All this, and redistributive change through shared responsibility processed through progressive penalty, prices, and availability.
"Greg Abbott is such a bad governor, he has to do something. It's just something evil."
Vicki From Pasadena
Ain't federalism grand! You don't have to live under our Governor, and we don't have to live under yours.
Interestingly, though, the price to hire a small U-Haul truck from Los Angeles to Austin on February 1 is $3,553. To hire the same truck in the other direction is $1,280. Your neighbors are speaking loud and clear. Californians are flocking to live under the governance structure of our terrible Governor. Thank God you are not listening.
Kamala Harris and Barack Obama are good looking people. If we poll which is smarter, I wonder who would win?
Blogger jim5301 said...
Pretty funny how the immigration law expert commentatators here call these immigrants "illegal", when they have broken no laws and have not been charged with breaking any laws. Details .. details.
Vicky, the dullard and Cook the atheist are all experts in being Christians. jim 1234 is an ignoramus on immigration law. Of course they have broken laws.
Lefty Vicky flunks theology. Those Those are Christians saying they are burning the Koran, banning books and restricting women's reproductive rights. If everyone who says they are a Christian actually lived up to their "Christian" values, they wouldn't do all that bad, bad stuff.
Abortion is a sacrament to Christian expert Vicky.
I am on the record here paving the path of "migrants" to the welcoming arms of Inga.
Air mattresses, S'mores, Trump pinatas and a rape tree.
"Federal immigration law uses the term “illegal alien.” For example, 8 U.S.C. §1365 is a provision that deals with a reimbursement program the federal government has for states that are incarcerating illegal aliens. Its very title refers to “illegal aliens,” and that term is used in the statute itself, which defines an illegal alien as anyone “who is in the United States unlawfully.”
“Alien”—rather than “immigrant”—is the correct legal term, since “alien” is defined in 8 U.S.C. §1101 (a)(3) as “any person not a citizen or national of the United States.”
The Supreme Court, which has decided numerous cases involving federal immigration law, also uses the correct, precise legal term of “illegal alien.”
In 2015, U.S. District Court Judge Andrew Hanen pointed this out in his decision granting an injunction against the implementation of President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents, the so-called DAPA program.
As Hanen said in a footnote:
The Court also understands that there is a certain segment of the population that finds the phrase ‘illegal alien’ offensive. The court uses this term because it is the term used by the Supreme Court in its latest pronouncement pertaining to this area of the law. See Arizona v. U.S., 132 S. Ct. 2492 (2012).
Hanen was, of course, correct in his assessment. The Supreme Court used the term “illegal alien” not only in that case, but in numerous prior decisions, some of which are cited in Arizona v. U.S.
Under federal law, any individual in this country who is not a citizen is an alien. And any alien who is here without permission is here illegally. End of story.
Trying to recall the circumstances of the Christ child's coming into this world....
"The quote from Jesus specifically said he meant “the least of these my brothers.” That means the Jews."
The part I've quoted has a link, so anyone can easily read the rest. Since you offered an interpretation of the rest, I will quote it:
“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’"
If you think Jesus meant "specifically" the Jews in the sense of the Jews and not other people who fit the description....
Puffery at best, outright lying more likely.
It’s a 2-day bus ride from Texas to DC. They did not spend that time freezing. It’s possible the reporter saw someone who took pff their coat or blanket for a moment for some reason, but it was not as portrayed.
Jesus considered everyone his brother. Just as, when he referred to God as his father, he considered God everyone’s father.
We’re all in this together.
Walter, Michael K, others ...
They are not here illegally. They have applied for asylium pursuant to the laws of the U.S. They have the right to have their asylum claims heard and decided by an immigration judge. They can only apply for asylum if they are in the U.S. or at the border. Can't apply for asylum at a U.S. embassy in a foreign counrty.
What law have they broken Walter? You're good at legal research. Give me a cite.
You may not like the law, but there is a legal way to change laws in this country.
FYI, their odds of having their asylum claim granted not surprisingly is much higher in Northern cities than in Texas. So the end resulkt of Abbott's action is that more immigrants will be allowed to remain in the U.S., and this will of course lead to more immigrants seeking asylum.
It is too bad that the law professor for some reason never, or hardly ever, corrects you folks on the law. In my opinion she has a moral duty to ensure that her blog is not chocked full of disinformation and misinformation.
Readering said...
"Trying to recall the circumstances of the Christ child's coming into this world...."
His parents were ordered by their emperor to go the place of their birth. The village of Bethlehem. You see. They were obeying Roman law.
jim5301 said...
Walter, Michael K, others ...
"They are not here illegally."
Just stop it OK. The people you run with might be just dumb enough to believe your horseshit.
I see a lot of civility bullshit directed here at the people who are the tip of the spear of this invasion. 2 million a year coming through your state.
I would like to see texas drop back from federal lands, cede them to Mexico, build its own wall and actually defend it. The federal government is now a cartel of human traffickers.
Blogger jim5301 said...
Pretty funny how the immigration law expert commentatators here call these immigrants "illegal", when they have broken no laws and have not been charged with breaking any laws. Details .. details.
You know who else has not been charged with breaking any laws? Donald Trump
It's refreshing to see someone admit that he has the same right to a presumption of innocence as each of us supposedly has.
As to:
They are not here illegally. They have applied for asylium pursuant to the laws of the U.S.
Interesting choice of words. WHEN they have applied for asylum, it is correct. If the government takes "a" name and flies them to Jacksonville (or some other city) in the middle of the night or dumps them out on the streets of ElPaso because the shelters are already at 5X capacity, does that mean they have completed their application for asylum? And what it they never show for the hearings on their application for asylum?
"Cook drops the F bomb describing someone's Christianity. Irony not lost."
What's the irony?
"And Robert Cook, you dolt: Kamala herself said “Our Kwanzaa celebrations are some of my favorite childhood memories”. Racist dolt, that would be you."
Kwanzaa is a secular cultural celebration. It is not religious and does not replace any actual religious faiths the celebrants may hold. Kamala Harris grew up in the Baptist Church, and she was sworn into office using her family's Bible. (She also attended a Hindu temple, as her mother was Hindu.)
Perhaps the poster was earnestly surprised, but he was responding to another commenter's statement that Harris was Baptist. Rather than check it himself, he made the knee jerk comment, which, in context, seemed racist to me. I'm still not so sure it wasn't just a nasty (racist) quip, but I will grant that I may have misread his intent. On that speculation, I will retract and apologize for my assertion of racism.
True that Trump has not been charged with breaking any laws. And that is somehow relevant to whether these migrants have been charged with breaking the law? How do you figure?
It is my understanding they have properly applied for asylum. Do you have any information to the contrary? You are the ones saying they broke the law, so I would think you would have some EVIDENCE of that.
If they never show for the hearing, well then they have broken the law. So that's a reason to call them "illegals" now? You probably are okay with thought crimes as well.
"Inga said...
'I wonder what religions Abbott or DeSantis are?'
"They are Christian...."
Based on their callous treatment of human beings seeking better lives, sending them to destinations unknown and with no one at the destinations expecting or prepared for them, simply to make cheap (and grotesque) political theater, they are not Christians, no matter their claims or pretense otherwise. They are among the many who call Christ's name but who will not by him be recognized.
It will reach below freezing temperatures in much of Texas and the rest of the US today. What coverage will CNN and the other leftmediaswine give to the ill-clothed homeless Americans in Democrat cities, including many veterans, facing that weather?
And: "Kamala Harris is a Christian — a Baptist." Do tell! Bwahahaha!
How great to start Boxing Day with a lecture from Vicky of Never Neverland on Christian values! LOL!
! Humperdink, my name is spelled in my signature, what idiot can't get that right? 2. there is a group of "Christians" in Florida who, gleefully, burned the Koran when Cheeto was President. 3. Sacraments are a Catholic thing, which some right wing Christians abhor.
and, finally, on a bad day, living in California is about 1000 times better than living in judgemental nasty Texas. People leaving California to go to Texas. Bye. Don't come back. We don't want you.
Vicki from Pasadena
Kieran 'Driveby' Eleison
Replying to
El Paso, same night, 23 degrees. Main difference is there were thousands of other migrants on the streets in El Paso and no place to put them. Maybe fix the border problem.
Blogger Gojuplyr831@gmail.com said...
“Aren’t the biggest assholes in this story the CNN team…”
You can say that again!
Hilarious reading the devout Democratics whine and ignore reality.
Joe and his handlers opened the southern border, they all vilify Immigration and Customs officers, they all ignore the law, they all fail to fund the border or obey the laws regarding immigration.
Joe invited the surge. He got the surge. over 2 million and counting.
Overwhelming the system is what corrupt democrats do best.
Kamala is the same "Christian" who openly funded the release of BLM and Antifa arsonists and vandals.
Lawlessness is the name of the game with your corrupt democrat party - Vicki from Assadena.
vicki...Good. stay in your shit filled state. We don't want YOU. Maybe we should send YOU all the illegals
The lesson here and elsewhere is that decision makers who decide to overwhelm existing humanitarian resources need to feel what they are doing unto others. I see nothing wrong with that. “Leaders” like Harris and several pious posers here need to grasp this simple concept instead of curling their lips at “deplorables.”
Rusty @7:43am on a roll…
Some require a gentle spanking to get their shit straight. Job done, good sir!
It’s the Little Old Biddy From Pasadena.
What's wrong with burning copies of the koran? Or any book? As a free speech matter? For that matter, for all the hoopla I never did actually see the atrocity performed. Is there a link someone could provide to the purported event?
The primary cause of the mass immigration across what used to be a real international border is the gigantic Everybody Welcome! signs put out by the Chaos Wing of the Permawar Uniparty. With, let's see, callous disregard for the immigrants' safety on the road and inadequate provision for their well-being at destinations not expecting or prepared for them.
But it's all good in Jesus's eyes (ask any atheist).
NPR just did a story on the snowdrifts of Buffalo. Not much on hungry, freezing immigrants in public spaces all over Texas and other locales.
chickelit 11:05 - THAT!
It's OK for Democrats to overwhelm El Paso, and other border towns, and also secretly move illegal entrants around the nation in the dead of night (for the past 2 years) - via airplanes. But if a popular R governor moves some democrat party allowed illegal entrants around - the left lose their collective liar minds. Oh the horror!
hundreds of illegal entrants were mysteriously dropped in Denver a few weeks ago. Denver's democrat mayor said openly that "Denver is overwhelmed." Our openly hostile to Christians governor Polis(D) - asked if churches would help.
Democrats insist there is no southern border problem.
So - where do the horrible R governors get the illegal entrants?
Wendy, Wendy Wendy, I'd rather be in a "shit state" than be in Texas,a state run so badly that, when the power grid freezes and millions of customers are out of power, your Secretary of State and your crappy, runaway, Senator (Ted Cruz) cares more about taking away women's rights than saving the lives of their citizens who already exist. Don't worry, Californians will change the landscape of Texas, and all for the good, because i haven't met a Texan that's worth talking to or relating to.
Vicki From Pasadena.
Kamala is the same "Christian" who openly funded the release of BLM and Antifa arsonists and vandals
Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter invading neighborhoods, intimidating children. [Anti]fascist insurrectionists in the streets, mobbing drivers and pedestrians. No Democrat "heroes" to abort them. Harris is a secularist in a Progressive sect that adheres to the Pro-Choice ethical religion with liberal ideology.
It’s a 2-day bus ride from Texas to DC. They did not spend that time freezing. It’s possible the reporter saw someone who took pff their coat or blanket for a moment for some reason, but it was not as portrayed.
A handmade tale? Plausible... and probable.
victoria/ Vicky from Pasadena/ said: " Humperdink, my name is spelled in my signature, what idiot can't get that right? 2. there is a group of "Christians" in Florida who, gleefully, burned the Koran when Cheeto was President. 3. Sacraments are a Catholic thing, which some right wing Christians abhor.."
1) Pick a name, any name and stick to it.
2) Burning Korans in Florida. Are you saying this is a regular occurrence? I would think not. When was this occur? A one time event? Was this a response to the Charlie Hebdo attack?
3) Abortion is a Catholic sacrament? Tell the Pope.
4) Enjoy your blackouts in Newsomeville.
jim5301 @ 6:56: "In my opinion she has a moral duty to ensure that her blog is not chocked full of disinformation and misinformation."
I hope that statement is sarcastic.
“ They can only apply for asylum if they are in the U.S. or at the border. Can't apply for asylum at a U.S. embassy in a foreign counrty. ”
As a Russian Jew who knows a lot of Jews who came to the USA as refugees during the time of the Soviet Union, I am telling you this claim is utterly and completely false. You can apply for a refugee status in any, and I repeat any U.S. embassy.
They’re illegal aliens who have committed fraud by pleading asylum. I’ll give a pass to the children who were raped and dragged across the border by their parents or the thugs posing as parents.
Refugees and Asylum
Refugee status is a form of protection that may be granted to people who meet the definition of refugee and who are of special humanitarian concern to the United States. Refugees are generally people outside of their country who are unable or unwilling to return home because they fear serious harm. For a legal definition of refugee, see section 101(a)(42) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
You may seek a referral for refugee status only from outside of the United States. For more information about refugees, see the Refugees section.
Asylum status is a form of protection available to people who:
Meet the definition of refugee
Are already in the United States
Are seeking admission at a port of entry
You may apply for asylum in the United States regardless of your country of origin or your current immigration status. For more information about asylum status, see the Asylum section.
Is Texas really more judgmental than California? If you compare similar communities, I'd suspect those in California are more judgmental, except when we are talking about the smallest and most rural localities.
I love how we let the word out to people all around the world that they need only cross the border and claim to be seeking asylum to make their illegally coming to the country magically legal. That apparently also goes for people who sneak in so well that they don't get a chance to claim asylum. What a country!
Biden and his vile, hateful, evil administration told these people to come. They believed his and the lefts lies. They are not asylum seekers, they are looking for a free ride. A other lib promise and lie. The biden administration made no preparations for these people because they don't care. So, these people should be allowed to enjoy the consequences of their foolish choices.
It's dismaying to see how many people on blog comment threads (or acting from governor's offices) bray about their own righteousness even as they gleefully flaunt their appalling inhumanity and sadistic hatred for those they deem beneath contempt, including, but not limited to, desperate migrants, the homeless, and the poor. (Some of these morally stunted people even claim and may even believe themselves to be Christians (or at least morally superior people!)
wendybar said...
"vicki...Good. stay in your shit filled state. We don't want YOU. Maybe we should send YOU all the illegals."
Oh. Believe me they have their share. To the point where California, the richest state, has the highest rate of poverty in the US.
Inman. You are obviously a genius. ;-)
Cookie is vying for the next busload right to his Manhattan abode. Because he's no sadist!!
NO way!
What is wrong with burning a copy of the koran (or other text considered sacred or divinely-inspired)? Wrong, not uncivil or inadvisable or illegal as the case may be. Wrong.
What is specifically Un-Christian about burning korans etc.?
What is Christian, or humane, about spreading false hope to desperate poor people, and imposing the burden of their care on people who were not consulted at either the local, state, or national level?
The millions here and on the way are pawns in cynical political machinations here and abroad; that much has been obvious for years. What's new is the realization that we are too.
It wasn't any warmer in Texas, and resources in Texas were not more readily available. If the problem is you do not want illegal immigrants in sub-freezing weather, then the plan is to stop illegal immigrants from overwhelming the border. But that does not serve the goals of the Biden administration, whatever those goals happen to be. I'm sure those goals do not care about the fate of the illegal immigrants, the people living on the border, or the country in general.
I suppose Kamala could play the Baptist card, but that would require (a) for her to know what she was talking about and (b) be able to communicate that knowledge without fumbling, neither of which seem likely.
Blogger jim5301 said...
True that Trump has not been charged with breaking any laws. And that is somehow relevant to whether these migrants have been charged with breaking the law? How do you figure?
Reread what I said previously. I COMMENDED you for stating that those not charged with a crime should not be treated as if they had been.
It is my understanding they have properly applied for asylum.
Do you have any evidence of that or are you simply assuming it to be true? I would happily review your evidence if you would provide it.
Question: Do you assume ALL people crossing the border are applying for asylum properly or only those who have interacted with US border agents?
If they never show for the hearing, well then they have broken the law.
Do you support deportation efforts for those people you agree have broken the law?
You probably are okay with thought crimes as well.
That comment speaks for itself.
""It is my understanding they have properly applied for asylum.'
"Do you have any evidence of that or are you simply assuming it to be true? I would happily review your evidence if you would provide it."
If they had not applied for asylum, they would have been placed into detention--as are hundreds of thousands and up to a million persons each year who try to cross the border--rather than placed on buses and sent further into the US mainland, whence they could easily scatter and disappear. (That would demonstrate that not only is Abbot a despicable shit and fake-Christian--which he has grandiosely and proudly shown--but also stupid beyond belief by aiding and abetting the illegal immigrants' success in getting into the country.)
If they had not applied for asylum, they would have been placed into detention--as are hundreds of thousands and up to a million persons each year who try to cross the border--rather than placed on buses and sent further into the US mainland, whence they could easily scatter and disappear.
So that's one vote for every single border crosser (estimated at 10,000 a day currently for closer to 4 million per year) competing the hours of paperwork required to apply for asylum before leaving on either a flight of the US Government or flight chartered by the governors of Arizona (previously), Texas or Florida.
"So that's one vote for every single border crosser (estimated at 10,000 a day currently for closer to 4 million per year) competing the hours of paperwork required to apply for asylum before leaving on either a flight of the US Government or flight chartered by the governors of Arizona (previously), Texas or Florida."
The majority of immigrants trying to cross the Southern border--most being turned away or caught and detained--are not asylum seekers.
(As for those trying to cross the Northern border, the Canadians don't want Americans fleeing the Lower 48 any more than Americans don't want those fleeing from their troubled nations south of the border.)
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