२५ डिसेंबर, २०२२
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Did you travel plans work out okay? Are you snuggled up at home? Have you been up for hours... waiting for the others to get up and do Christmas... or just hanging out as you would on any other day?
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
७६ टिप्पण्या:
Merry Christmas!
Played for Methodist services last night. Playing for Catholic services this morning.
I spent most of the last year in the hospital, just getting out yesterday. My meds are all the family I have left
Just the wife and me today, snuggled up around the wood-burning stove with the dog and cat. Will have some of our favorite food and drink, take a walk in the snowy woods, read a book that is truly engaging me in my old age (East of the Mountains by David Guterson), and then watch part of the extended edition of Lord of the Rings (I think I'm the only person I know who hasn't watched this yet). Merry Christmas to Ann, Meade, and all the Althouse gang. You are part of my on-line family.
Up at 5:30, time for a shower and shave, grandkids up at 6:00. Hour later all the presents are open, now the grandkids are trying to figure out which gifts are the best.
We will do it all over again in about 8 hours when daughters family shows up for the family wide Christmas. The kids let us rotate being involved with their families Christmas Eve, Christmas morning festivities...we're pretty lucky in that way.
Merry Christmas! Family celebrated last week due to some travel plans, so just hanging.
Merry Christmas!!
Chores, Mass- Mom’s house &home.
chores :0)
Merry Christmas! Weather and a dementia-related crisis have kept this from being the Christmas I had planned, but I feel loved and full of love, and so I am content.
The kids are going to her side before us. They are a long drive. There is a road issue today, so they probably won't go until tomorrow. Will they want turkey again with us on the 29th?
We are hosting our daughter and her family with a pot roast dinner followed by Black Forest cake. Our oldest daughter and her husband in northern Illinois won’t be joining us in Kentucky due to the weather. Temps here in central KY today just above 10 degrees.
Merry Christmas to Ann and Meade and all the commenters and readers of this blog.
Up at 2am to check on the water pipes. It’s below freezing in a place not used to prolonged cold snaps. I did notice that the cookies we set out were half-eaten, and there were presents under the tree… A mini workout of a little peloton, free weights and walking the dogs on the beach are in order before dinner.
Merry Christmas to all Meadehousers.
Merry Christmas to Althouse, Meade, and all the commentors here at the Althouse blog. I have a blast here and appreciate it.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Meadhouse !!!
Thanks for an interesting read every day.
Merry Christmas to you, Ann & Meade. And Merry Christmas to all of your readers and commenters.
I'm watching our dog position herself directly between my wife, working out in the other room, and me here at the kitchen counter. The dog likes to lay in a spot where she can see both of us at one time, to keep an eye on us. And so our day will be spent quietly with each other, calling the grandkids later, all under the oversight of our dog. A nice, peaceful Christmas Day.
Up about 4:30 as usual. Wife up at 5:30–early. Child up at 7:30–also early. Did presents and then had breakfast. Now chilling a bit before getting rolling on Christmas dinner. Guests expected at 2:00. We chose not to bring the MIL over due to the complications of getting her in and out of the house in the cold and snow (she’s wheelchair-bound). It’s supposed to warm up in a few days and there will be a gap before the rains start. We’ll try to bring her in then.
Younger son and his family will stop by the wife’s parents after church, then bring the world’s smartest and prettiest granddaughter and their two parrots to stay with us for the rest of the week.
Older son had planned to join us with his family mid-morning, but his son (the world’s strongest, smartest, and handsomest grandson) came home from daycare with a gastroenteritis virus of some sort last Thursday, and upchucked on his mother who has since been mostly bedridden and unable to keep food down.. They’ll hold off on travel and come when they’re sure no one is contagious. So travel plans will only half work out.
Both babies were born just last summer and live far enough apart that today was to be the first meeting of the two cousins. Bummer that that has to be postponed.
And no, I am not at all biased about my grandkids. Why do you ask?
Second Son and his wife arrived safely at 4am. We're letting them get some rest before opening presents. The mull is on, as is the coffee. Another blessing: Third Son alone in a hotel while his house finishes repairs was rescued by his godfather to spend Christmas with their family. And his travel out of the Midwest happened before the storm hit.
To everyone whose Christmas is more complicated, God bless.
Lolling about for now, then a good dog walk, some hobby time, and, later, zoom call with sons, yummy filets and wine. Planning on taking a break from unpacking if we can stand the excess clutter.
Merry Christmas, Everyone!
Merry Christmas! We’re sitting up in bed, drinking coffee and listening to Dana Carvey and David Spade’s podcast tribute to Chris Farley. Funny stories!
I'm up at 6:27 here in Oregon. Sleeping on the coach since I finally got the vid. Looking forward to a nice Christmas morning with my wife and 2 girls. My father passed 2 weeks ago, so it hasn't been a good December, but tomorrow is another day. Merry Christmas to all!
Oldest son away in another country for the first year. Younger son still here this year, but probably his last at home. Then Christmas will be over for me.
Merry Christmas to all. Thanks to Ann for this blog and the host of commenters that make it so interesting.
Seasoned Greetings from Chef Marcus.
The cold reached down here to South Florida. It was 40 when I awoke and I doubt that I will get my beach walk in today. As to those further north, stay warm and safe!
Hanging out until my son shows up at 11. Have a beef tenderloin ready to cook for dinner.
Can't wait for my present to myself to come next week...a whole pastrami from Katz's Deli along with a loaf of their Seedless Jewish Rye Bread and deli mustard.
We’re having one of our sons and our daughter and their spouses over for Christmas dinner. My love and admiration for my wife of 47 years grows every year. She amazes me.
Ron! Great to hear from you my friend. Good to hear you’re on the mend.
Ron- yay yay &yay!!!
And you’ve got a Motley Crue ;0)
To those Althouse lurkers and commentators who are celebrating Hanukkah, Chag Urim Sameach!
To the Christians, Merry Christmas!
To those of you who disdain these holidays, may you some day learn peace, charity, and tolerance, and the humility to know that you may not have all the answers.
@Ron, we may be a poor substitute for a family, but you do have us.
Ushered the nine pm service yesterreve. We and the Piskies were the only ones in some distance who hadn't canceled. Fr.Jared said he was coming if he had to ride a ton-ton. Good literary reference.
Did Christmas yesterday for one half of the family; older granddaughter had some parts in the evening's Christmas services. Scary but the two-plus usual hour drive took only three hours and no adventures.
Doing it again today, including a couple of single neighbors. Still cold and snowy but the wind is down some.
Got a relation doing first Christmas sans spouse. But she's doing music at the assisted living place where her husband was.
Two recent funerals with the Honors--can't take those any longer--have to be erased with Christmas carols.
I have a fire laid awaiting our guests. Perhaps our gracious hostess can give us some etymology on that verb.
Merry Christmas to all.
“My Election Case provided the world with evidence that proves our elections are run outside of the law,” Trumpist gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake claimed, falsely. “This Judge did not rule in our favor. However, for the sake of restoring faith and honesty in our elections, I will appeal his ruling.”
But she just might discover that hiring lawyers for an appeal might be difficult. Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson has given defendants in the case, Secretary of State Hobbs, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, and other county election officials, until 8 a.m. Monday to file for sanctions against Lake’s lawyers for bringing a suit that they say she never had any evidence to back up. The judge's inbox is likely full already.
A Festivus for the rest of us!
Will spend Christmas with my 88 y.o. mother who's still in her house, and brother and his family. Brother will be much happier if the Packers win their game today (what's with playing on Christmas?). Wife will cook a beef roast and I will be going over travel books for our upcoming Australia trip.
Merry Christmas to all!
Merry Christmas!!
Had festivities with my daughters last weekend and had lunch with my Mom last Wednesday because of the single-digit temps, so, I have nothing on the agenda today. Okay, maybe a Bloody Mary or two, but that could be peak excitement for the day. :)
Christmas in Florida this year. Unseasonably cold, but still warmer than back home in Maryland. I’ll go for a short walk later so I can justify prime rib and baked potatoes with strawberry cheesecake.
Temps here in central KY today just above 10 degrees.
It's a balmy 14° in Louisville. It's supposed to be 65° next Saturday.
Merry Christmas!
This is the first morning in a long time I'm not scurrying frantically in the kitchen. ah - what a great gift.
A few Christmases ago I made sack lunches for the homeless.That was a nice break from Christmas tradition. I like breaking traditions. Otherwise it's so...
Woke up at 4AM and watched the Mormon Tabernacle Choir on PBS. I never tire of that.
Fed 7 cats + Daphne the Ridgeback at 6:00, brought coffee to my bride in bed at 7:45, Exchanged gifts & Split a bottle of pink Champagne with the bride. 14 degrees outside.
Feeling mellow.
Check out the CBS Sunday Morning clip on YouTube of the Bocelli family singing “The Greatest Gift.”
Sitting waiting for church to start in the Palmer Park (Detroit) congregation of our faith. I’m here to play behind my daughter who will be singing a number. Wishing you all, and especially you Ann and Mead, a joyous Christmas. Let us make 2023 the year of a return to kindness and civility.
Merry Christmas to Ann, Meade, and all the commenters. Thank you for keeping me sane, and entertained, as the rest of the world goes off the rails.
Merry Christmas Anne and Meade. Happy new year as well. Choral singing for us at least night's Christmas eve service along with singing silent night with lit candles. An eclectic service musically with an organ, piano, hand bells, choir and praise band. Grandkids here tomorrow for Christmas. Balmy weather in LA today. As a daily reader of your blog, I will pray for another great year of blogging for you Anne in 2023.
Merry Sniffnas.
I got y'all a present
Hurry - the FBI are buying up all the surplus.
Snuggled for three days now. We're about to indulge in It's "A Wonderful Life". Baby backs go in soon. Christmas picnic this year! Super warm Dutch Harbor Hoodie is stuck up in Ernest's Memphis depot for now. Brrrr!
Mmmm... roast tenderloin of beef, gratin dauphinois. Plenty of red wine. Mrs. Hawkeye is making rolls per Grandma's recipe. Bro-in-law is bringing a bottle of fine Scotch. I love Christmas dinner!
Our children and grandchildren are all with their in-laws. Mother passed away a couple months ago and this is the first Christmas in decades not spent gathering at her house.
So, for the first time in 45 years, it is just hubby and me for Christmas Day. I'm kinda enjoying it. It's been miserably cold the past three days so just sitting in the warm house enjoying the quiet and drinking my coffee is quite a relaxing way to spend Christmas.
Snuggled. Mass yesterday. Presents yesterday. Someone else will cook today for the first time in many years...
Let me add my own wishes for a very merry Christmas for all the Althouse commentariat, even those of other political persuasions. And special thanks to Ann and Meade for providing this haven for free discourse.
We spent last evening at my son's Christmas Eve party and will go back this morning. Since his kids are all teenagers (one is now 20) we don't have to be there until 10. The 20 year old has to drive her boyfriend to the airport this morning. They are both U of Alabama students and he is on the football team.
Lots of family last night. Even saw my other son's two daughters who we last saw three years ago. Tomorrow we go home to Tucson, hoping the traffic is not too bad.
Marry Christmas to all, especially the Meades.
Just back from first Christmas mass in three years and shocked by how small the attendance still is.
Slow and easy for us. For once my wife isn't running around like a headless chicken over food prep--son is cooking a big ham and stodge meal at his place and then bringing it over here.
She has already baked all the cookies, and did I mention the killer fudge we (I'm essential for muscle) made Wednesday?
My brother will be here, and we have some hope that her brother who lives nearby, his girlfriend and daughter may drop in later too.
We had round-robin family visits at three or four houses every Christmas for decades, and now six people in one place is a crowd.
Best to ALL y'all!
Merry Christmas to Ann and Meade and all the commenters here. Thick cold fog here in northern California but warm and happy by the fire with my family.
I did notice that the cookies we set out were half-eaten…
Probably mice.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
I'm home alone......going to clean the house.
My brother is coming up to clean out the storage unit. I ask how much stuff is left in it. He says "Not much." I ask how much. He says it's half empty. I ask how much of the stuff in there is mine. He says maybe 18 boxes. Yikes! I don't have room for all that.
Merry Christmas anyway.
Merry Christmas to all. Kids are coming here today.
With Daughters family in Tampa. And baby it’s cold outside. But plenty of fuel/food to spoil our diets in time for New Years eve( Go Dawgs).
Merry Christmas to Chez Althouse and all who frequent this blog. Stay safe and warm!
Dr. K., who is your daughter’s BF playing on Bama’s FB team?
And a Joyful Christmas and Holy New Year to all.
There is something to be said for not rushing around making sure everything goes in the oven or on the stove at the appropriate time, all the gifts are wrapped and ready, and none of the little family squabbles blow up into a major argument. I could get use to spending Christmas Day like this.
Merry Christmas to all!
Let's see what we can assemble for Christmas dinner from the contributions of the Althouse commenters...
beef roast (several)
pot roast
prime rib
filets and wine
a big ham
Baby backs
baked potatoes
gratin dauphinois
Homemade rolls
a Bloody Mary or two
a bottle of pink Champagne
Red wine
Killer fudge
Black Forest cake
Mull, coffee
Good menu! I'll have some of everything.
Dig in, everyone. New Year's resolutions are still a week away...
Dallas is slowly warming up from sub-freezing temps: day is bright and sunny.
I’d planned a last-minute trip to Seattle to see my much-loved daughter and her family, including 4 of my favorite grandchildren punkins’, but the weather there canceled my flight.
Still, I’m home with hubby, two sons, lovely (pregnant) daughter-in-law and my youngest grandchild punkin’, so I am blessed in every way. The ham smells marvelous, my late mother-in-law’s corn is prepped, baking potatoes popped in the oven: dinner will be ready soon!
Merry Christmas to all, God’s blessings to you.
Hitting Beach #69 in Kona today.
Merry Christmas to you and Meade.
Many years ago now, my wife had been dead for a few years, then our cat passed and it was just me. I remember writing here for some reason that I was just gonna hold on till my dad passed and then I would kill myself. I never mentioned it to my family or any of my friends. It just popped out that day. Seemed perfectly logical. Mrs. Meade here, pointed out that I had worth and that she hoped I, a complete nobody (She didn’t say that) would struggle through. Everything would be ok!
So today, I’m dropping notes from the Big Island with my crazy (To be honest, in a few ways mebbe) beautiful California beach girl who’s gonna move to Gulf Shores with me next week to make jewelry. I have new perfect teeth, my hairs is longer and better than Fabio’s, I’ve done two GHSA baseball state championships, and out of nowhere a few years ago I’m making more money than I ever did before and traveling all over the country. I think everything just might work out. Thanks for those kind words that day Anne. I’m sure they helped. Maholo ya’ll.
Oh, and Traditional Guy…Woof!
Merry Christmas everyone!
And happy Hanukkah too!
Ordinary day. I hate the rush and frenzy of Christmas - just going to the grocery store this time of year is a Mad Max Thunderdome event. Even if I need something, I wait until January to order/procure. I am as materialistic as the next American, but the desperate materialism of this time of year - I can do without.
My gift to everyone else is to refrain from participating thus giving the entire Christmas Machine a bit more capacity for those that partake.
Merry Christmas to Ann and Meade.
The weather has finally warmed and the ice is melting. The roads are still icy and there's still considerable snow around. The Snoqualmie River is at Phase 2 flood status, minor flooding in low lying areas. We're located 200-ft above the river, so no risk of flooding here.
Dinner will be home-made lasagna and ceasar salad.
'Just back from first Christmas mass in three years and shocked by how small the attendance still is.'
Had a couple of hundred folks outdoors yesterday...
We have gotten our coffee and our daughter and company are off to whence they came. So, everything is fine in the land of Rcocean. I'm currently groovying on Doris Day's Christmas Album while the wife is enjoying her Dr. No/Yellow Peril music.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Not sure why, I find myself thinking about Jesus. Not the asserted Son of God, but the carpenter, you know, the guy. To be honest, the narrative is way more interesting and impressive of he really wasn't the Son of God.
How the heck did he pull it off? Humble beginnings. No social media or PR. Just some really unconventional for the time advice. And suddenly, lots of guys start sorta blogging it all for him, and throngs start following him.
Imagine. This guy gets killed for saying really nice things, and still forgiving his enemies. Not only that... I'll skip the yada-yada... but then pretty much the entire planet re-orients the calendar based on his birthday and for thousands of years celebrated it as the biggest and happiest birthday party ever!
Jesus, what a guy. I'm thinking seriously that sometimes even a carpenter, just a guy, can change the world for better for thousands of years.
Merry Christmas to you and Meade, Ann!
Wife and other kids at the oldest kid's lake house. I'm home with youngest "child", he's early 30's. Came home sick last night and is laid out in bed.
Getting up really early tomorrow to move/dispose of things to make room in a second house we own so my just divorced sister-in-law can move in.
But I am blessed. The lights are on, there's a buck or two in the bank. The pantry is full and I have der friends and family to connect with. The S-I-L is finally done with a terrible husband and seems happy for the first time in a long while. My wife will be home this evening with pictures, stories left overs (!), and gifts from the family. Our boy will celebrate with us if he's up to it. If not, Christmas is tomorrow... or the next day.
One family gathering down, one to go. Then we deliver presents to a relative, and then come home and crash! I should work Monday, but that might not happen.
This is my message in a bottle to the Althouse crew. I never know if anyone sees my posts or not. Our beloved boxer dog developed cancer and died in November, within 2 weeks of being diagnosed and within 1 month of any symptoms. This was a cloud over my Christmas but no one spoke about it. Otherwise we had a normal family Christmas/Hanukkah here in Austin--gifts and food. I enjoyed interacting with visiting family dogs from Georgia. I increased my gift amounts by 50% because of inflation. I am fortunate enough to do that.
Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night.
Planned to spend Christmas and Christmas Eve with family in Chicago until Amtrak canceled my train. Instead eating leftovers and, well, reading/commenting on the Internet.
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