Politico reports on what's in a new book ("The Fight of His Life," by Chris Whipple).
[W]ord got back to [Biden] that second gentleman DOUGLAS EMHOFF had been complaining about Harris’ policy portfolio — which her allies felt was hurting her politically....
“[Biden] hadn’t asked Harris to do anything he hadn’t done as vice president — and she’d begged him for the voting rights assignment.”...
Well, why wasn't Harris given what she wanted? Why didn't they try to help her build her reputation? If they thought she was a "work in progress," why didn't they help her progress? Did Biden make her Vice President to impede her progress?
The book doesn't sound terribly enlightening. We're told it "features extensive interviews with Biden’s current chief of staff, RON KLAIN, whom he credits with 'patient, nose-to-the-grindstone stewardship.'" We're told the "interviews with top senior staff were done on deep background, with quote approval."
And Biden and Harris only agreed to answer questions submitted in writing. (Whipple wrote that Harris declined to answer a question he sent about “turmoil and morale problems among your staff going back to your time as California attorney general,” and a question asking about her worst day as vice president.)
There's some material about Afghanistan, best summed up in this sentence: "The book includes several on-the-record interviews with top officials pointing fingers at one another over the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan."
ADDED: Was Harris not given what she wanted? As noted above, she wanted the voting rights assignment and she got it. Was Emhoff complaining about that part of the portfolio or something else? The Politico article does not help at all and I wonder what the book has to say. Is the book a hit job on Harris?
I think the Democrats do have a huge problem looking forward to the 2024 campaign. If Biden does not run, the heir apparent is Harris, but she, in all likelihood, will be a poor candidate. Does Biden have to run simply to keep her from stumbling into the nomination (the way he stumbled into the nomination)?
९१ टिप्पण्या:
Harris has an extensive history of ....well, nothing really. That is her portfolio. Nothing.
It is painfully obvious, Harris is the poster child for Affimative Action. Awarding positions well outside their ken.
Change my mind.
If Obama thought Joe could do it, Harris has no room to complain. Seems like she couldn't clear a very low bar.
Should the POTUS spend time holding his veep's hand? In what professional environment does that ever happen? He's not her freakin mentor.
That's what you get when you pick somebody for her gender and color, not their qualifications
You bought her cant send her back
More like a piece of work. Or just a piece…..
Harris is not actually a poster child for affirmative action. She's a poster child for sleeping her way to the top. She had an affair/relationship with SF mayor Willie Brown while he was married (see "fact check" below). Ever wonder why Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, and Willie Brown (etc.) never received attention in the 1990s before Monica Lewinsky?
Kamala draws attention to that era and makes Democrats seem just as bad as Trump or worse (yes, obviously true). Their later focus on race and gender is to transform Kamala into a champion, but it merely covers up for what really happened.
It says something when the poster boy for incompetence declares you incompetent, and he's not wrong.
I mean, seriously, when someone reaches this level we are well past the point of handholding. Either you can do the job or you can't. Kamala is part of an easily identifiable archetype: a politician who is good at climbing the political ladder but has no other skills that would make her good at anything useful. She's even more remarkable given she has poor communication skills; charisma is the go to skill set for empty suits.
iowan2 said...
Harris is the poster child for Affimative Action. Awarding positions well outside their ken.
Change my mind.
Well Apparently; she did a Pretty good job, being a Cock Sucking Whore.
My impression from the leaks surrounding Biden's VP selection process, which the MSM helpfully spun as through and wide-ranging, was actually an attempt to find any plausible candidate other than Harris after Biden backed himself into a corner by announcing his primary qualifications were melanin and genitals (seems to a theme in his appointments.)
Biden capitulated to the Taliban without consulting our allies, and pulled the rug out from under NATO. Biden capitulated, and it was noticed in foreign capitals. Trump and NATO had put conditions on withdrawal on the Taliban, Biden said waiting for the Taliban to comply was a recipe for staying there forever, so he folded our hand and threw in our cards. C A P I T U L A T E D. Just like he did with the status of forces agreement with Iraq, and with the negotiations over the Spratly Islands with China. In both of those cases, his family members walked away with billion$ though.
Biden is the man most responsible for the state of the world today. "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up." - Barrack Obama
If Harris had it in her to be POTUS, she would be POTUS already.
iowan2 ... Harris has an extensive history of depending on/using powerful men to advance her career.
Yet another man, a white man, failing to position Kamala for success. Why go to all this trouble trying to fill a portfolio when spending a couple of bucks at Dicks for kneepads is all you need.
Fools and knaves occupy the high offices of government, the universities, the "C" suites of business, and the medical establishment.
Have a happy Christmas, everyone.
When I hear someone labelled as a work in progress that is a heartbeat away from being the Commander-in-Chief, I shudder. Of course, looking at the current occupant does give any comfort either. Having said, it no wonder we are circling the drain.
As an aside, enjoy the decline lefties from the Biden/ Harris plan. FedEx just reported a decline in revenue .... during the Christmas season. Wut?
Oh, she's built her reputation, alright.
Infighting. If Harris was placed in the VP spot to become president when Biden got pushed aside, avoiding the messiness of courting voters (which she'd already demonstrated she couldn't do), then she is public enemy #1 to the Biden team.
If he's out the moment she's ready, then they will do whatever they have to to make sure she's never ready.
Enigma said...
She had an affair/relationship with SF mayor Willie Brown while he was married (see "fact check" below).
That is just about, the Coolest "Fact Check" i've ever read.
People 'claim' that a '29 year old' Harris was dating a '60 year old' 'married' Brown.
To REFUTE this; reuters points out that:
the '29 year old' Harris, is NOT 29.. Although she was when they were dating.
the '60 year old' Brown, is NOT 60... Although he was when they were dating.
the 'married' Brown was NOT married.. Well, he WAS married.. But he didn't FEEL married.
Don't Believe ME! Go to the Fact Check, and check it out!!
If they gave VP Harris the "voting rights" assignment she'd have fucked up voter fraud the Democrats and GOPe have now baked into the system.
So instead they gave her the border because they wanted that to remain fucked up.
It was a well executed plan. Funny she doesn't realize she is just there to fill in an intersectionality hole.
"I think the Democrats do have a huge problem looking forward to the 2024 campaign." I think that the 2022 elections shows that the Democrats do not have a huge problem. A certain fraction of the electorate votes for Democrats, the rest vote for Republicans. Beyond that, it doesn't matter. Biden won because anyone could have won. I don't know if he got a single vote for himself.
Harris is a "work in progress" (though any progress is hard to detect), while Biden is a work in regress.
Biden and Harris are, without a doubt, the two stupidest people ever elected to high office in this nation. They are a couple of unaccomplished, incompetent, mendacious, third-rate back-bench politicians who have never produced anything of value or had an independent thought in their lives. In a parliamentary system they would never be allowed to speak. In my lifetime we have gone from Eisenhower to these dolts. How much lower can we go?
kamala harris
on a wing and a prayer
there is no there there
When have the Democrats ever chosen a woman for a job because she was the most qualified person? When did they ever choose a woman who would have been chosen if she were a man with the same qualifications? They do it deliberately to perpetuate the idea women aren't qualified for high-powered positions. Democrats have never been the party for women. They are the party that uses women. The most unqualified and incompetent Democrats who make it in politics are black women. There's a long list of them. Maxine Waters, Stacey Abrams, Sheila Jackson Lee, Frederica Wilson, Kamala Harris. . . And every one of them is a joke.
kamala harris
no deposit no return
way past sell-by date
Geez guys, I was trying to keep it out of the gutter...it belongs in the gutter...but still...
A work in process and a piece of work his party habitually rejected and left for dead long ago…
Ha, the Dems don't have to worry about running competent politicians anymore. They solved that with Biden.
My guess is that "work in progress" is a euphemism bosses use to describe useless employees. The implication to outsiders may be, "This is a person who could become something if we help her." But it really means, "This is a person who isn't going to measure up in a reasonable amount of time." Because they are bosses and not friends they don't reach out to help them. If the employees don't shape up and if the bosses can fire them, they eventually do.
Harris had a relationship with Willie Brown who was separated from his wife for years. He rewarded her with jobs she wouldn't otherwise have gotten. Brown didn't divorce his wife and went on to see other women. Do we really know anything about other relationships Harris may have had, let alone what Harris and Brown were up to in the bedroom?
She begged for the “voting rights assignment”? WTF. What voting rights?
Well, why wasn't Harris given what she wanted? Why didn't they try to help her build her reputation? If they thought she was a "work in progress," why didn't they help her progress? Did Biden make her Vice President to impede her progress?
Your job as Vice President isn't to do what you want to do.
It is to do what you are needed and told to do. It is a shitty job.
But Women do want to do shitty jobs.
They want to do what they want to do.
That is why women take easy jobs that pay less and men take shitty jobs that pay more.
It would take a special woman to do a good job as Vice President.
That is not what Kamala Harris is.
She must have a talented mouth to overcome here obvious mental limitations. I haven't seen Harris do a single competent thing in her entire political career.
If they thought she was a "work in progress," why didn't they help her progress? Did Biden make her Vice President to impede her progress?
What?! The vice presidency is an internship? A training program?
You choose a vice presidential candidate for what they can bring to the ticket. That's it. It's totally a one-way street - if that person is eager for the job, you owe that person nothing.
If that person doesn't want the job, and you need what that person can bring, then you may have to make some promises. But is anyone claiming Harris didn't want, with every fiber of her being, to be VP?
I can't stand her. She reminds me of me in high school debate, using cheap rhetorical tricks and talking over my opponents to score points. (Gahrie herein can attest; we were opponents, and I was obnoxious.) I don't think she's smart enough to do otherwise - she comes across as that woman who makes professional demands on the basis of her being a woman ("As the only woman [or only woman/person of color, as needed] at this level of management, I think it's appropriate that my opinion carry more weight than those of all the rest of you" with absolutely no merit argument presented) but who will stand ostentatiously at a door, waiting for male colleagues to open it for her, and sees no cognitive dissonance.
But my husband thinks she's doing great, by Democrat lights. She's bringing exactly what Biden's handlers wanted her to bring: she gave squishy Democrat (that is, suburban whose kids are or were in public school) women of my age and maybe 10-15 years younger a reason to vote for yet another old white guy even though there were women with much better resumes in the primary, she got black Americans to overlook the "clean and articulate" thing, she provides a more believable fashionista vibe that Jill absolutely can't and that the culture media spent 8+ years trying to convince us that Michelle did, in service of cementing the younger-woman and gay vote who might, in their secret hearts, think Melania was beautiful and graceful... and she never, ever says anything substantive (or, most of the time, anything comprehensible), so she can't be hoist by her own petard in the way Biden regularly is.
I see my husband's point, but it disgusts and appalls me that this is the state of affairs in our country. I wasn't a big Pence fan either, but at least he had a record of executive experience.
Biden put Harris in charge of the border situation. Almost two years later, she hasn't even bothered to visit the border and see what's going on. He also put her in charge of space issues. All that signifies is that space isn't a priority in this administration. So, Harris's allies are saying that she isn't being put in charge of things that will help her politically. What things would that be, precisely? What are her competencies, other that sleeping her way to the top?
It seems Harris's primary interest is in doing nothing while hoping that Biden dies or is removed from office.
i wonder what Kamalas husband thinks about the AMERICANS in El Paso.
Willie Brown says, "I can help".
"owan2 said...
"It is painfully obvious, Harris is the poster child for Affimative Action."
How ironic is it that someone descended from South Asians and Haitians should be the American poster-child for Affirmative Action -- a form of reparations to descendants of American slaves.
Here is another view of Harris: it seems pretty sexist and racist making Harris the quintessential poster child for federally enforced discriminatory hiring practices aka Affirmative Action quotas. Of course, the appointment was pure!y political so Harris has been oppressed by her boss in the assignment of meaningful tasks, making her look like an incompetent fool (not a stretch). Remember when presidential candidates were vetted to eliminate those with unsavoury pasts? Joe picked her for the liability that she is to get everyone riled up...proving what a bunch of sexist racists we all are (look at the comments). Harris is pure political theater...the magicians assistant...look at her while Joe performs the slight of hand. She is the pretty girl prop. I pity those young women who have fallen under the virtue signaling spell of women like Harris, AOC & Abrahms...its not about your character, its about the color of your skin and your tribal identity politics. RIP MLK Jr.
Its the end of the world as we know it. The race war has begun in earnest.
I'm starting to think this is all part of a grand strategy to populate elected positions with Zaphod Beeblebroxes, buffoons who are there solely to distract from the people who are really pulling the strings. I suppose it's similar to the old days of hereditary monarchies with court functionaries engaging in intrigues to put pliable dopes on the throne. These days they can do that with mail-in voting.
I'll bet Willie Brown can define what a woman is.
My guess is that "work in progress" is a euphemism bosses use to describe useless employees.
@Lurker21, nope. The euphemism is “hiring mistake.” And both Harris and Biden are exactly that.
Anthony said...
"...buffoons who are there solely to distract from the people who are really pulling the strings."
Quite so. There are probably not 10 people in the country who believe that Joe Biden or Kamala Harris are actually in charge of anything.
She's a piece of work all right, but I don't get the "progress" part.
Not a work in progress implying improvement. More a disaster in progress.
Were I Kamala Harris, I would be having a long, loud discussion with my husband as to why he is talking to anyone, but me, about the subject.
Larry J said...So, Harris's allies are saying that she isn't being put in charge of things that will help her politically. What things would that be, precisely? What are her competencies, other that sleeping her way to the top?
human trafficking / sex workers?
'Well, why wasn't Harris given what she wanted? Why didn't they try to help her build her reputation?'
Because she's dumb?
Even dumber than Joe?
The simple answer is usually the best...
Given that Biden is a senile old fool, and obviously NOT in charge, why would Harris be any worse? As for her being a "weak candidate", the Democrats and the Left leaning Independents will vote for ANYONE with (D) after their name. If she's nominated the "Machine" will go into action and she'll get at least 46% of the vote, and probably be elected.
Harris might be an improvement, she can't be any worse.
Biden selected Harris solely because of her race and her sex. Mission accomplished. There's nothing else for her to do.
Biden lied about only running for one term. He always intended to run again. As his VP, Harris offered Dem voters a black woman in position to step into the Presidency in only 4 years. This gave many Dems a great rational to vote for Biden's first term. He used her to get a first term. Now he will use her as a justification to run for his 2nd term.
Anthony said...
I'm starting to think this is all part of a grand strategy to populate elected positions with Zaphod Beeblebroxes, buffoons who are there solely to distract from the people who are really pulling the strings.
I agree except "the people pulling the strings" are also incompetent. In World War II, Roosevelt quickly realized his New Dealers could not get anything done and he brought in Republican business men, like Donald Nelson, and Julius Krug, and William Knudson. None of them were academics and all had run large industries.
The Harvard grad students running the Biden junta are worthless and wioll result in very bad things soon.
In 2024, a lot of Biden supporters would vote for Harris, secure in the knowledge that Ron Klain would continue his competent leadership for a second term.
Joe "bathe with babes in arms" Biden complains about Kamala "take a knee" Harris. #SheProgresssed
Harris will only be president if Biden quits, is forced out, or dies before 2024. If Biden runs again, his handlers might even replace her on the ticket with someone like the empty suit, but smarter than Harris, Newsom- if Newsom doesn't beat Biden in the primaries.
And, please, let's stop pretending Biden is even aware of Harris' actions or complaints- he doesn't know where he is half the time.
None of this really matters. The Democrats have cracked the code. Any vegetable they put up for office will get elected. People are pointing out their flaws like it's still important.
I wonder what Obama had to say about his VP? Oh wait, we know.
"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f*ck things up"
Looks matter.
Once Biden was committed to a black female, Harris was a lock.
On substance and capabilities, I think Val Demings (former police chief, member of Congress) from Florida and Cheri Beasley (former Chief Justice of North Carolina Supreme Court) were better choices.
"Well, why wasn't Harris given what she wanted? Why didn't they try to help her build her reputation? If they thought she was a "work in progress," why didn't they help her progress?"
Perhaps because, upon even minimal reflection, people realized she's an empty pants suit. Not even capable of reading a prepared speech, nodding and leaving the stage. And she's a nasty little bitch to boot.
"owan2 said...
"It is painfully obvious, Harris is the poster child for Affimative Action."
"How ironic is it that someone descended from South Asians and Haitians should be the American poster-child for Affirmative Action -- a form of reparations to descendants of American slaves."
Harris' father is Jamacan, he has stated that his family at one time owned 5 or 6 plantations during the time Jamaca practised slavery.
You all can puzzle over Kamala and Joe. I'm just trying to fathom Doug Emhoff.
Is he dumb too? Does he just like that light brown stuff? Cackling ninnies? What on earth?
Harris seemed perfectly competent in her prior jobs, DA, AG, Senator. I agree she made a poor presidential candidate, but so had Biden in his 2 prior attempts. Everyone agrees that VP is a problematic job, unless you have had vast experience in comparison to the president, as Cheney had. Should something happen to Biden, there's no telling how Harris will do, as was the case with TR, silent Cal, Truman, and LBJ. Everyone apparently knew FDR didn't have much time in 44, yet they still did nothing to prepare his third veep. Looks to me that the same ticket is running in 24 and we'll just have to see if they are both returned to the West Wing.
"I think the Democrats do have a huge problem looking forward to the 2024 campaign"
Why? The Dems have a near lock on the Electoral College, Biden and Fetterman proved that Dems will vote even for incapacitated people, and the Althouses of America will stay on the sideline if the GOP alternative is too uncouth for their taste.
this is old news..
But HOW MANY VP's became President.. On their Own merits (not inheriting the job)??
Let's See...
George HW Bush (one term Wonder)
Richard M Nixon (on his 2nd try.. Which resulted in 1st a HUGE landslide.. Then Impeachment)
{now we have to think harder.. i wanted to say Taft.. but NOPE!}
Martin Van Buren (one term Wonder)
Thomas Jefferson (not sure That one counts?)
John Adams (this one DOES count.. I think; but.. (one term Wonder))
So... Other than Inheriting the position through death of the President..
The Only Cock Sucking Whores (oops! i meant: VP's) to get elected in their Own Right (after the the 12th Amendment), were Van Buren, Nixon (sorta), and Poppa Bush.. 3, in over 200 years.
The Fact of the matter is: The Vice Presidency isn't worth a pail of warm spit...
Cum to Think about it... Kamela seems PERFECT for the job!!
"Biden selected Harris solely because of her race and her sex. Mission accomplished. There's nothing else for her to do."
Impossible Biden selected her for her sex. He doesn't like them that old.
Beth Mott-Stenerson, PhD said... "Joe picked her for the liability that she is to get everyone riled up...proving what a bunch of sexist racists we all are (look at the comments)."
It's not sexist or racist to hear Joe Biden say he was going to pick a woman of color. HE said that. HE did that. It is not sexist or racist to point it out. A lot of his picks, were only picked because of the gender, the sexuality or the color of the candidate. THAT way he could claim he was the FIRST !!!!! Diversity rules even if they don't know how to do the job!! Yay!!
Biden/Fetty 2023!!
(Kamala blows)
I think the Democrats do have a huge problem looking forward to the 2024 campaign.
They do, but not because of Harris. And not because of Republican machinations.
Despite the mainstream narrative, Biden is a weak President. Contrast with someone like Obama who as a strong President. Biden can only achieve what everybody in his party wants already.
Given that he's a weak President, it opens the field to others in the Democratic party. Is it Newsom? J.B. Pritzker? Or Stacey Abrams?
These are all candidates who who have little to lose going up against a weak Biden (and by extension Harris) and everything to gain.
But there is one candidate that is waiting in the wings that absolutely has nothing to lose. It's do or die time for this candidates life long dream. She can't wait another 4 years. Her previous attempt was thwarted despite it being a foregone conclusion that she would win.
Hillary Clinton will run rings around Biden in any primary.
A work in progress: keep women affordable, available, and taxable, and mitigate the forward-looking risk that underage girls pose when carrying the "burden" of evidence, planned at twilight, sequestered in darkness.
Blogger Readering said...
Harris seemed perfectly competent in her prior jobs, DA, AG, Senator
I see you are an expert on Kamala. She was always an affirmative action office holder. Willie put her on her first political jobs. After that, she glided along on the Democrat CA machine that requires only obedience, not competence. He brief foray into the Democrat primary showed her talents.
Doctor Mott-Stenerson, Harris could redeem herself from all this mistreatment if she didn’t sound like a halfwit every time she opens her mouth.
That's what happens when you pick someone because of their exterior glitz and not their personal strengths. Harris started her career by "servicing" Willie Brown. That is her chief talent: sucking up. Her interior strength is like a house of cards: one minor gust of wind, and it all comes tumbling down.
Biden got what he deserves with her pick. No sympathy. But, he's always been a racist. Why should his pick for VP be any different.
"Well Apparently; she did a Pretty good job, being a Cock Sucking Whore."
What makes her a whore? That she (presumably) sucks cock? Does this make the person who sucks your cock a whore?
"What makes her a whore? That she (presumably) sucks cock? Does this make the person who sucks your cock a whore?"
Depends on what you will pay
Many prefer diamonds
For a roll in the hay
Some cost many dollars
Some only a few cents
Others still prefer favors
That make them Vice Presidents
I guess a "work in progress" is a "hiring mistake" that you can't correct.
Saying that Harris or Biden was a "perfectly competent" Senator says more about Senators than it does about Harris or Biden.
We can probably take the fact that Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson could form coherent and meaningful sentences without needless repetition and didn't break into laughter whenever they were asked halfway difficult questions as indications that they wouldn't be completely incompetent presidents. Has Kamala Harris given grounds for such hope?
In a way the vice presidency has always been an "affirmative action" job. Presidential candidates have always needed non-threatening mediocrities who could attract voters from one or another voting group. So if Harris took the job away from someone else, it's not certain that that person would have been much more competent.
Why did Trump pick Pence for VP? "He said nice things about me." No longer holds for 24. And when he watches the parade pass him by I bet he will say some very un-nice things.
Guys it's called ticket balancing. Most presidential candidates do it, Bill Clinton being the famous exception.
Hey, Howard- has Robert called you a whore?
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"Well Apparently; she did a Pretty good job, being a Cock Sucking Whore."
What makes her a whore? That she (presumably) sucks cock? Does this make the person who sucks your cock a whore?
You must be blind not to see what sucking cock got her. Of course her skin color helped.
"Work in progress" or "Piece of work"?
Does this make the person who sucks your cock a whore?
No. But I'm the age Willy Brown was then. And I know damn well that the only 29-year-old woman who would suck my cock, is a whore.
Does this make the person who sucks your cock a whore?
No, but being the same age as Willy Brown was during the period in question, I know that the only 29-year-old women who would ... ahem ... service me, are in fact prostitutes.
Someone help Cookie out.
"What makes her a whore? That she (presumably) sucks cock? Does this make the person who sucks your cock a whore?"
Good question, Cookie. There's two schools of thought on that. Some would maintain that you are only a whore if you get paid for sex. But then, that shades off into getting any sort of benefit for sex, and who isn't a whore? Then there's the view that it is not the mercenary aspect per se, but rather that being a whore is a matter of promiscuity, along with the idea that, if you're doing it for a living, you're probably doing quite a bit of it.
I'm not really satisfied with either of those views. But note the use of the past tense. I think, in this case, the implication is that Kamala Harris would never have amounted to a hill of beans if she had not come to Willie Brown's attention, and contrived to maintain that attention for a good, long while. I don't know why everyone seems so certain she did it by sucking his cock. I guess it's hard to believe anyone could stand to spend much time around her if she kept emitting that hideous cackle.
You shall know them by their obsessions.
Readering said...
You shall know them by their obsessions.
Russia! Russia! Russia!
(and hookers peeing on beds)
Re: Larry J:
Biden put Harris in charge of the border situation. Almost two years later, she hasn't even bothered to visit the border and see what's going on.
I believe her team has tried to redefine "border situation" to mean only the "root causes" of the border situation (viz. that other countries are poor and we are not, and for some unfortunate countries, tht they have even higher rates of violent crime than we have). She hasn't done anything about these root causes, but there's not much she can do, since they're sovereign countries and the levers we can move are oretty far removed from the underlying problems.
The trillion dollar war machine Democrat + Sell-out R's (21 of them) contains funding for other nations border security.
The trillion dollar war machine Democrat + Sell-out R's (21 of them) contains funding for other nations border security.
Ready from day one to be a work in progress.
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