Woods wrote:
I’m sure you’re not expecting a response, but I am willing to address your concerns. And you may be further surprised that I hear your point. Vulgarity is beneath all of us, if we truly wish to “hear” the “other side.”
Unfortunately for you, I don’t.
So blow me.
Woods is happy to pay $8 a month.
Need more of this...
Threshold Tweeting.
Funny. I suppose Gen George Patton would have be excommunicated too. In fact the entire Army, Navy, and USMC from non commissioned officers down will have to be discharged too. BAD WORDS are like Pool coming to River City. The church ladies Uber alles.
Unless you're an artist at it, vulgarities come from the Tourette's center of the brain, so are a sign of authenticity. Authenticity is beneath good people.
Any Liberal/leftist who complains about "vulgarity" from someone on the Center-right is ALWAYS insincere and acting in bad faith.
No exceptions. EVER.
Any moderate who complains about vulgarity on the Center-right is just a moron. There characters know they can shake their finger at those on the right, because most Rightwingers are polite. They don't do it to the liberal/Left because they tell the "pompous moderates" to go fuck themselves. However, in this case James Wood acts like a leftist.
Civility Bullshit.
The Democrats/Oligarchs are censoring, violently attacking and persecuting their political opponents. Firing them if they don't get an experimental mRNA shot they called a Vaccine that doesn't stop you from catching or transmitting the virus and is killing thousands of people.
They are not good people. They mailed in 20 million ballots and are persecuting and censoring people that ask questions.
Their demands for civility are complete garbage.
They are incompatible with a free society.
Fuck them.
Civility bullshit with collateral damage. Won't you think of the babies... Fetal-Babies... People of Pink?!
Fucking Hollywood assholes.
Jodete (sometimes you need another language)
That post is now deleted
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
Yup. Looked but gone.
Calls for civility from the left are on the increase lately. I wonder why.... not really. This falls under the category of fool me once, fool me twice.
I would vote for James Woods if he was younger and running for president.
Is this James H. Woods the Republican actor? I understand the impulse, but I’d rather he conveyed the same sentiment with less vulgarity. But yeah, it’s not as though people left of center are willing to engage with facts and logic and reason.
He's entertaining to follow on the twitser.
Who's fucking vulgar?
Not impressed. It is beneath mature adults. My rule of thumb is: can I say that in front of my grandchildren? It does not enhance your argument.
Mike (MJB Wolf): "Fucking Hollywood assholes."
James Woods is hilarious and interesting, probably because he is conservative and smart enough to get accepted to MIT. Though he did quit 1 semester short of graduating to shag after that acting bug.
Her timeline was pretty legit devoutly religious.
Lame deletion. I thought Elon would get rid of this hurt feelings bullshit.
It's early; I guess he might by and by. But actually, I think Elon is ultimately going to disappoint us.
Was he in Twitter jail? I'd forgotten all about him when he reappeared in my feed.
Bit of a low-information crank imo.
As with many people I know, this doesn't bother me anymore. A few years ago I would have considered it inappropriate. Not anymore. Not now. Not after the other side has revealed who they really are.
The Trump years tore the veil off. The other side is not "negotiating in good faith." These are deceptive, manipulative, hypocritical, and immoral people. They seem to have no conscience, and no humanity. But please, let us use good language. Wouldn't want to offend.
I wish we could have a more virtuous exchange of ideas. But the other side wants me cancelled, or repressed, or imprisoned, or dead. I don't think that's an exaggeration. They're not even quiet or discrete about it. They take pleasure when someone on our side dies.
So thank you for being on the front lines, and speaking for me, Mr. Woods.
Fun while it lasted.
Woods is right
The censorious Left not only doesn't want to "hear" us, they dont' want anyone else to be allowed to hear us, either.
So they can FOAD
Woods has a lot or 'your mom' comebacks...funny to me...
Tweets are blown in a current of air. #Chirp.. #ChirpChirp
I’m relieved to say that I thought it was funny even thinking it probable that he is a bug-eyed leftie. Turns out he’s not, and now it’s very funny.
- Krumhorn
get an experimental mRNA shot they called a Vaccine that doesn't stop you from catching or transmitting the virus and is killing thousands of people.
Non-sterilizing, persistent, ironically viral vector, with excess adverse events. A choice, plausibly. A therapeutic treatment, probably. A mandate, or face Democrat shame, labels, judgment... cancellation. Do it for yourself, maybe, baby. See you in ten years, if you're still viable.
It is definitely 'vulgarity bullshit'. Robert de Niro used his opportunity at the microphone on live national television to declare "Fuck Trump!" and received a standing ovation from the Radio City Music Hall audience at the Tony Awards.
I never tire of pointing out that the lefties are nasty little shits.
- Krumhorn
BAD WORDS are like Pool coming to River City.
Oh, we got trouble
Right here in River City,
With a capital T,
And that rhymes with V
And stands for...{quarter rest}
I'm happy to learn that Mr. Woods has deleted the "blow me" comment, howsoever richly deserved it was. Like most conservatives, the better angels of his nature have prevailed. Democrats, however, have none to prevail over their assaults and batteries, assassination attempts, criminal exploitation of the Justice Department, graft, bribery, censorship, ballot harvesting, child abuse, and thug-coddling proforma catch-and-release law enforcement policies, let alone the occasional f* you-laced Tweet. I reckon they sent their better angels backing the day Bill Clinton soiled the White House vestibule with his filthy Ozark hillbilly feet and they've been lost ever since.
Perhaps if we put a MISSING! Democrats' Better Angels notice on milk cartons... yes, almond milk, too, you weenies.
Unfortunately for him, actually.
A comedian.
That was funny!
I just came her to say "I am not a fookin' drink! I am a Scot!"
The funny part of it is that every one of us can picture James Woods saying this to some guy.
I don't understand why 'conservatives' are presumed to be users or glorifiers of 'vulgarity'; perhaps this is due to some vague subconscious cultural memory of life on the mythic frontier homestead. Don't use it in public, don't type it onto the Internet. It's not that difficult a challenge. It's a short step from the thoughtless use of it to the thoughtless blasphemy that is heard every day (I don't myself hear it every day but...) and from thoughtless blasphemy to intentional blasphemy is perhaps the next step. It was formerly the case that people were sufficiently well in control of themselves that they could, while maybe using this or that profanity or vulgarity in certain familiar or friendly contexts, none the less refrain from it in polite society.
Oh, I'm fully aware that many who comment here see its use as a sign of authenticity or believe it to be a meaningless verbal tic et cetera and so on. My unguarded reaction to that sort of argument is, 'grow up'.
The problem with "blow me" as an insult
I ought to start a blog, Ask the Insult Specialist
is that if the guy you're insulting is gay, he might say yes. And now you're in a fucking gay man incident, and you are trying to get out of that shit with your pride intact. Good luck with that!
Mr. Woods, assuming that his victim is straight and thus insulting him with the invitation to sodomy, forgetting we are in the 21st century now, that shit can backfire motherfucker!
My book will sell for $9.99 as soon as I write that damn thing.
So many years ago I was reading a book by a famous black conservative, might have been Thomas Sowell. Might have been another famous black conservative, I can't keep them straight to be honest. Anyway, he was talking about African-American culture, and in one of those chapters, you know who was to blame for the bad parts of African-American culture?
Can you guess?
The fookin' Scotch-Irish!
So I read that and I was like, "Thanks a lot, bitch!" That's a book I didn't buy. Hopefully I'm making this shit up and it's not true.
Anyway, today I decided to google Dr. Naismith, who invented the game of basketball. Many people feel basketball is a bad habit for black people -- I am not one of those people, go Heels -- and sure enough, the damn son of a bitch comes from Scotland!
Fook me!
"Maybe a little blow..."
-- Obama h/t NYT
"Maybe a little blow..."
- Obama h/t NYT c/o Google
The war on drugs?
I understand the impulse, but I’d rather he conveyed the same sentiment with less vulgarity.
If he hadn't phrased it as he did (the response, I didn't get to see the original tweet), it would not have gained the traction that it did (and wouldn't be nearly as funny). Same as with Trump - I know a lot of people, including some frequent commenters herein, who say that they liked his policies but wish he could have been less vulgar in the campaign, but absent the Trump vulgarity, he would never have been elected President.
"So blow me."
No more vulgar than...
"Democrat Congressman says families should eat Chef Boyardee"
I want to talk to you about a terrible disease I have. This is serious. You've probably heard of this disease. It's called White Man Disease.
I know we have Whiteness studies now, in our finest Ivy League universities, so I hope they are getting to work on finding a cure for White Man Disease.
There was a wonderful documentary made about this horrible disease. And I know it's not like cancer or AIDS or COVID-19 or one of those awful medical conditions. Basically you can't jump. I don't know what the fuck it is, ankles or something. Knees? What the hell is it? What's going on?
Nobody knows.
So if you want to pay for some scientific research, you can help fund this at oystermanproductions@gmail.com. PayPal, Visa, it's all good. (I haven't been to work today, oops). And maybe one day we can find a cure for White Man Disease.
Mugsy Bogues, who is 5 foot 3, says he can dunk a basketball. I am 6 foot 2 and I cannot dunk a basketball. So obviously this is a horrific medical condition and something is wrong with me.
The other possibility is that Mugsy is lying off his ass. You can't dunk over me, motherfucker! I say that with confidence even though I did not make it to the NBA. Because I have the White Man Disease. If you send me a check, maybe we can fix that shit. With Science. Meanwhile, Mugsy, I still got a foot on your ass and big long Sam Perkins arms so you will feel my rejection.
Unfortunately, I cannot dunk over Mugsy Bogues, either. So that one-on-one contest would be a rather sad, no-dunk basketball game. (We could do it for charity, Mugsy, call me!)
Speaking of possible liars and their autobiographies, Wilt Chamberlain claims that he slept with 20,000 women in the course of his life. Now, I don't want to be modest. But he's got me beat. Anyway, Wilt, I have a suggestion for the title of your next autobiography...
I Have Impregnated 9 Women and They All Have Houses Now So Call Me Mr. Mormon and I Am Way More Morman Than Mitt Romney Who Only Has One Wife Ha Ha Ha
And I know what you are going to say, Wilt (if you were still alive). Something like...
"I thought I was bragging and the motherfucker turned it on me."
That's right. How To Insult People in 12 Easy Lessons. $9.99 as soon as I write it.
Ah well--sometimes someone puts a verbal burr under your saddle blanket and you pop off.
Bring the smelling salts!
Speaking of vulgarity, I was channel-surfing the other day and came across the movie "Grease," which I have never seen. I watched a few minutes, the young bucks in the convertible outside the girls' house, and the sassy friend exchanging a lot of middle-school innuendo with Travolta et. al.
And I thought, they used to show that crap at my son's preschool and afterschool on special occasions. Church-affiliated outfits both. Maybe they had a kiddie version.
Nah. Most of them bitches and hos probably thought it was fine.
[Blogger is a bitch and a ho]
I've read worse tweets than that. That was funny.
I remember from years ago, reading that fuck was the seventh most used word in the streets. Having been there in 1999, I heard it often enough to not doubt the frequency claimed.
Andrew said...
As with many people I know, this doesn't bother me anymore. A few years ago I would have considered it inappropriate. Not anymore. Not now. Not after the other side has revealed who they really are.
The Trump years tore the veil off. The other side is not "negotiating in good faith." These are deceptive, manipulative, hypocritical, and immoral people. They seem to have no conscience, and no humanity. But please, let us use good language. Wouldn't want to offend.
I wish we could have a more virtuous exchange of ideas. But the other side wants me cancelled, or repressed, or imprisoned, or dead. I don't think that's an exaggeration. They're not even quiet or discrete about it. They take pleasure when someone on our side dies.
So thank you for being on the front lines, and speaking for me, Mr. Woods.
11/8/22, 1:10 PM
Are you single?
I listen to the occasional (read: frequent) leftist complaint about the latest rightist outrage (election denial, Musk, the border, energy prices, political violence in the streets, etc. etc. ad infinitum) and am happy to be able, 99% of the time, to say "Just following precedent, as exemplified by [pick any example] as approved by senior politicians and pundits, such as [pick any example]"
I mean, is it my fault that the examples and promoting persons I chose often (100% of the time) annoy the shit out of the leftist complainer? Am I responsible for history? I say not.
Mel Brooks said:"People accuse me of being vulgar. That's bullshit."
"Blow me" is the ultimate dismissive insult. For people with periods, "eat me" is probably the closest equivalent...but doesn't have the same "umph" because many people might say...well...ok. Blow me is more invasive. Now your servant is your master.
It tops "go fuck yourself" by far which is really gender neutral.
Used in perfect context here by Mr. Woods. Bravo!
Set-up and punchline. The man can write an effective joke. And his delivery, as someone mentioned, is so impeccable I can hear it. Woods was an interesting follow when I had a twitter feed.
Black Rednecks and White Liberals
not his best
I guess I could sue some rappers for stealing my culture.
Anybody want to litigate that shit?
I'm retired.
And FJB.
Andrew said...
Are you single?
11/8/22, 3:51 PM
Happily married for 32 years!!Haha!!
Disney is trying for yet another cash grab by doing a live-action Hercules, based on the now-classic and James-Woods-starring animated feature. Spoiler: it will suck and it will suck with olympian strength.
Is this better or worse than calling someone's mouth "Putin's cock holster"?
Damn! Well, he's a lucky man.
@Fred Drinkwater,
I like that idea.
"Robert de Niro used his opportunity at the microphone on live national television to declare "Fuck Trump!" and received a standing ovation from the Radio City Music Hall audience at the Tony Awards."
That's different. He's a Democrat, so that sort of thing is okay. Because literally Hitler, you know.
He should have said "I bet you have a purdy mouth."
OK, I laughed a little at "blow me."
In Defense of Self-Censorship
Journalist ethics say that we do not "shadow edit" or "delete tweets," and the work of every journalist should stay up on the internet forever, to be mocked forever.
Since I have no ethics, I delete my shit all the time.
("That one makes me look crazy! Fuck!")
It's called "covering up" or "pretending we are perfect" or "hide our flaws" or "bury the bodies."
I use the last one ("bury the bodies") to remind our media ethicists that they have been hiding the bodies for 40 years.
And We the People have been using abortion to hide our sins from the world.
So, hypocrites, try to be honest. But if you're going to yell at other people for their hypocrisy, you have to be honest yourself!
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