"Some right-leaning Jews don’t want to cut into an allyship with the Christian Right and its support for Israel (even if it contains characters like, say, Marjorie Taylor Greene, who once claimed that wildfires in California may have been started by a space laser connected to the Rothschilds).... For younger Jews especially, calling out antisemitism has felt like an outdated habit.... It has been easy to self-soothe by telling ourselves we live in a golden age of ease, because compared to so many other ages, filled as they are with pogroms and expulsions and mass murder, we do.... But this year... the hatred is hitting them where they live — on cultural feeds, playlists, favorite brands, phones.... Now, seeing uncoded antisemitism emerge in usually anodyne pop-culture settings — places like basketball news conferences and Hollywood interviews — another deep cut emerges. We once had a media ecosystem in which obvious antisemitism could end a career.... But today it can be the beginning of a new phase of exposure, the start of a conversation that will contain both denunciation and approval... the dissolving line between a world in which it is not permissible to say hateful things... and one in which people just go ahead and say it.... Finding the humor in the hate isn’t, in the end, so much help at all."
Writes Mireille Silcoff, in "Laughing at Kanye Doesn’t Help/My people have always turned our haters into humor. It still breaks my heart when antisemitism starts trending" (NYT).
४७ टिप्पण्या:
Diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry).
Ann: so glad you are reading this stuff and sparing me the nausea and worse that I would incur by doing so. But even this ellipsis-laden extract is deeply disorienting. What is she trying to say? That it's OK to make antisemitic jokes? That it's not? That she is powerless to prevent it? That she needs to truckle to idiots and hate mongers in order to feel enlightened or just to survive?
In our house the book of the day is "The Unanswered Letter" which explores the plight of Jews in Europe as Hitler rose to power, co-opted and bullied the bureaucracies and the military, steamrolled the opposition in and out of Germany, and did his considerable best to annihilate an entire people. It is a must-read and a powerful reminder of how vicious and unkillable this kind of racism can be.
How, in the face of such reality, anybody can dither and equivocate, is quite beyond me.
"Never forget, the Jews never did nothing to nobody, they have absolutely no power or influence in the United States or anywhere else, they’re just as good Christians as any other church-going American, and anyone who is less than entirely enthusiastic about not living under their totally benign and selfless not-influence is full of hate for absolutely no reason whatsoever."
- Vox Day
Jews have lived like Christians and voted like blacks for a century. It is coming to bite them now.
This isn't new. These attitudes have been around since Jesse Jackson got away with saying "Himey Town" during the 1988 Presidential Campaign.
Of course left wing Jewish people have to tread lightly here. Because the anti-Semitism is coming from a political ally.
Intersectionality is a delicate balance.
Given the constant whining of other victim groups about how marginalized, othered and oppressed they are, one can help them out and give them cover by whining "antisemitism" whenever possible.
“Jews are like everyone else, only more so.” ... attributed to Mark Twain.
We know today that white people are responsible for all the evil in the world. Jews are white, so anti-semitism is okay.
I've heard that assertion about Greene so many times I went to the hated Snopes to see what they have to say: "Greene did not explicitly state that 'Jewish lasers' caused the fires." Which in plain speak is, she did not say it at all. It's no surprise to find the same people who fell for and spread the Russia Collusion conspiracy theory and the Perfect Phone Call conspiracy theory are the same assholes spreading false stories about Greene. I don't know her and have ignored most things said about her because my default mode for media consumption is skepticism.
But seeing as how their is a tag for her here at Althouse blog I decided to look into it. The lady is kooky and says weird shit. So I guess she's the GOP equivalent to Hank Johnson or Sheila Jackson Lee. When you have a body as large as Congress we can't help but have a few strange ones, but I don't find her any more remarkable than the others. She's certainly sharper than Feinstein and less toxic than the Squad, who's nearly group-wide antisemitism just skates by the media watchdogs routinely. Of course the progressive jew riter cited isn't going to criticize a fellow traveler like Omar or Talib.
So many little myths in continual motion amongst progressives so they can feel better about themselves compared to those icky republicans: MTG and space lasers, Trump and fine people, the Southern Strategy, the Big Switch, the White Supremacy Scare, Diebold voting machines (only when convenient of course), structural racism, kids in cages (again, with handy on/off switch democrats in power can use), the Willie Horton ad, and it never ends.
We once had a media ecosystem in which obvious...
NYT is a parody account.
"anti-Black racism, issues around Zionism are more weighty"
Lefty Jews chose a new faith. But their comrades despise them. The people who don't despise them are deplorable.
For good progs, it's better to be vilified by PC allies than to be embraced by uncouth yahoos. Keeping the faith, sacrificing for the cause.
I'll wait until the Reverend (/sarc) Sharpton informs me on this topic.
How about Jessie?
Or Ilhan?
Seems like a large segment of the woke are still asleep.
"anti-Black"? People of Black? African-American? Musk?
Hutu? Tutsi? Xhosa? Zulu? Kenyan elite? Kenyan deplorables?
Lose your ethical religion.
Given the constant whining...
Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter was fully funded before the next Fentanyl overdose. Problems created in solutions are for-profitable and forward-looking.
I started noticing anti-Semitism on the rise when the left started embracing the Palestinians and their “cause” against Israel. The left seems to consider the Palestinians more worthy of their attention than Jewish people despite the terrorism that they have inflicted on Israel. Hell, the Palestinians have as part of their charter the destruction of Israel. Plus, many Jewish people are caucasian, which makes it ok to heap hate on them in this day and age just because if their skin color. I just don’t understand why Jews are still wedded to the Dems as a voting block unless the group has “Stockholm Syndrome”. But then again, one could say the same thing about black Americans as a group. Hispanics are starting to break free of the Dems now that they are waking up that they are being played by the Left.
Liberalism is a blight on my Jewish community.
Anyone can prioritize their preferences regarding activism, subjectively.
Objectively, genocidal treatment of Jews follows antisemitism like a rabid dog.
Prioritize your activism subjectively, all you want, but be prepared to go full scale Atticus Finch on the rabid dog of antisemitism at all times, lest you end up bit.
How it looks to different people in different, self-enclosed bubbles, different worlds.
What the current reality is, is undiscovered, and maybe impossible to discover.
In the US, as Jews continue to intermarry the issues will subside. The melting pot.
"White Privilege" has been deployed over the last 10 years to stoke animosity against one racial group, based upon their supposed disproportionate share of political power, wealth and income compared to Democrat-favored minority groups. Who could have foreseen that that charged racist analytic tool could be deployed against Jews? (Well, actually anyone with a passing awareness of 19th and 20th Century European antisemitism, but whatever.)
I am a right-leaning Jew, and I have a strong opinion on this: That is not the kind of antisemitism that Jews should worry about. Ask Ye's help in stopping attacks in Brooklyn. That's what's important, and I don't have any reason to think that he supports that.
I'm one of the few people on earth who know about this but in the immediate aftermath of WWII lots of people got uprooted from their homelands, put in boxcars, and forcibly resettled. Poles, Ukrainians, Germans, Hungarians, lots of Lets--millions and millions of women, children, and old men. ( Able bodied men had all been drafted into the army or work brigades.) Many perished in the resettlement--mostly the very young and the very old. The mortality rate was five to ten percent.... Palestinians are definitely not now and were not then the most upon people on earth. As grievances go, they're nowhere in the same territory as the Jews. The Poles, Ukrainians, and even the Germans were far more screwed over than the Palestinians.
Like so much in the NYT's, this leaves me speechless. Its like someone is living in bizzaro world and writes about it as if its the real world.
To repeat: A massively powerful jewish organization, the ADL, along with some powerful and wealthy Jews in the "Entertainment Industry" and the NBA, decided they didn't like some tweets made by an black NBA player and a famous black rapper-shoe salesman. THey then proceeded to force these two individuals to publically apologize and donate $$ to Jewish organizations. When neither man did this to their satisfaction, they destroyed their careers and in Ye's case his businesses.
This isn't about poor Jews and pogroms - its about wealthy powerful groups and people using their econcomic clout to destroy and censor anyone they don't like.
THe ADL is not a victim. Rob Emanuel's brother -who writes Op-eds in the Financial Times - is not a victim. The commissioner of the NBA is not the victim. The man who cancelled 4 sold out Ye concerts because he didn't like Ye selling 'White lives matter" T-shirts is not a victim. Powerful people given space to write in the NYT's aren't victims.
As my company's mandatory Diversity Training has taught me, I'm supposed to respect Kanye's "lived experience."
Is she trying to tell us that Hollywood is not run by Jews? Is she trying to tell us that over half the owners of NBA teams are not Jews? Nah. That would be stupid, and Jews aren't stupid. So what's she trying to sell us? And where's the price sticker? What does it say?
They shy away because they don't wish to become unprotected targets in the era of cancel culture. That doesn't mean that they don't scratch their heads (as I do) as to why their friends, family and other coreligionists tolerate the haters in their political group, which is the source of almost all the bigotry in this country.
They shy away because they don't wish to become unprotected targets in the era of cancel culture. That doesn't mean that they don't scratch their heads (as I do) as to why their friends, family and other coreligionists tolerate the haters in their political group, which is the source of almost all the bigotry in this country.
Anti-Semitism is just one of many things that only recently were regarded by most as disgusting, revolting, ignorant, hateful and useless. Here are some others.
>Drag Queen story hours for...Kids!
>Massive numbers of gender surgery (penile inversions, mastectomies, and more for Kids!
>Never before seen numbers of young people, mostly women, claiming to be trans.
>The pejorative use and open hate and discrimination of white people. Actually getting bonus points for spewing white hate on TV, radio, books. Instead of properly calling racism when it shows itself, these promoters of hate get jobs at famous Universities, Corporations, and in the White House.
>The regular dismantling of traditional religions, particularly Christianity, and the promotion of secular religions mixed with Marxism. Tradition religions are railed against, secular Marxism is praised as the highest good. This is a 180 degree turnaround from only a few years ago. The results are in every street in every city in the country.
>The acceptance of 'small crimes' and the idea of no cash bail.
>The acceptance of censorship, led by our Journalist class which, only a generation ago was praising itself for speaking truth to power.
There are many more examples of things we used to think of as horrid or ridiculous that are now the new standard. I remember about 10 or so years ago when Roger Waters, formerly of Pink Floyd, started floating his anti-Semitic pig over his stage. I remember waiting for the outrage from most of civilization. It did not come. It did not happen. Instead, rock stars started boycotting Israel in solidarity with...with what? Hate?
I knew we were again heading into the 'bad cycle'.
Who are the antisemites in today’s America? Democrats in general, and black Democrats in particular are the biggest component. In fact, most blacks whether they’re Democrats or not. Muslim-Americans like Ilhan Omar. Also a much, much smaller number of poor, rural whites who probably never met a Jew in their lives but other people tell them that they should blame the Jews for their poverty, and they fall for it.
But, yeah, young Democrats don’t even bother to try to disguise their antisemitism as anti-Zionism anymore, and this is quite recent. The hatred is palpable, and perplexing. Did those Gen-Z Democrat h8ers get bad grades from Jewish university professors? Were they taught their hatred in college programs that we Republicans label “grievance studies”?
But my sympathy is limited. If I was Jewish I don’t think I’d be giving my campaign contributions and votes to a party that supports people who are openly antisemitic. Of course, that’s me snd I’ve always been a cantankerous critter who ignores the groupthink.
Any mention of the Reverend Al Sharpton in this article?
"I just don’t understand why Jews are still wedded to the Dems as a voting block"
Maybe you should ask some then, instead of filling in your own guesses.
Jews have lived like Christians and voted like blacks for a century. It is coming to bite them now.
Right, like America has one party for the Christians and another party for the pagan darkies: Do you have any idea how dopey you sound?
Anti-Semitism is just one of many things that only recently were regarded by most as disgusting, revolting, ignorant, hateful and useless. Here are some others.
It's a baby... a fetal-baby... it was a baby. Never mind. It's a girl... never mind. It's an unidentified carbon cutout. Generation-C[hoice]
"I just don’t understand why Jews are still wedded to the Dems as a voting block"
Social progress, redistributive change, DIE (Diversity, Inequity, and Exclusion), and the wicked solution.
Jews have lived like Christians and voted like blacks for a century. It is coming to bite them now.
In the majority, yes. However, it's a mistake of "1619 Project" proportions to exercise liberal license and indulge diversity [dogma] (e.g. color bloc).
Maybe you should ask some then, instead of filling in your own guesses.
You’ll get an earful about Republicans and the goyim. Especially the goyim. I shut down one of these diatribes by remarking that the person to whom I was speaking could be being herded into cattle cars by his local Democrat precinct chairman and he’d still be bitching about the Republicans. Risked a friendship of sorts, but my tolerance for bullshit can be low sometimes.
"Greene did not explicitly state that 'Jewish lasers' caused the fires." Which in plain speak is, she did not say it at all.
Greene’s statement is easily found if you have google and seven seconds to spare. She attributed the devastating California Camp Fire to mysterious technology imposed upon us by the evil machinations of “Rothschild, Inc,” which anyone older than twelve knows is how crazy people say “Our Hebrew Overlords.” Why minimize it?
And in Ukraine a jew gets a parking ticket on Stephan Bandera Street. Slava ukraini. Not.
"I just don’t understand why Jews are still wedded to the Dems as a voting block"
Maybe you should ask some then, instead of filling in your own guesses.
Actually, that doesn't work as well as you might think. The reasons for Jewish support of the Democrats is much more inchoate than you might think.
Norman Podhoretz wrote a book on this topic, and there was a very interesting symposium in Commentary on it.
What I found most interesting is there is really no agreement among these Jewish commentators as to what is the root cause of Jewish support for liberalism, and I found their explanations to be ultimately unconvincing.
"Jews have lived like Christians and voted like blacks for a century. It is coming to bite them now."
What does this even mean?
I urge Althouse readers to listen to Dave Chappelle's opening monologue from SNL from a week-or-so ago.
It is a perfect accompaniment to the this post.
There's just something about the Jews that pisses God off. Some would attribute it to their not keeping the Sabbath sufficiently holy, but neither would I discount that a lot of them don't keep kosher kitchens. Who really knows? It's not for us to question God's will.....Anti-Semitism is like a dry river bed. It just lies there flat and dusty for years on end. Then, when the heavens break open, that's where the flood water goes. The Jews used to consider Germany the most hospitable European country for Jews. Jews are not reliable witnesses when it comes to observing anti-Semitism.
The most recent information I have is that Kanye West hasn't assaulted or killed any Jews, nor has he incited any anti-Jewish violence. I wouldn't expect him to, either. His rantings are, as are those of Marjorie Taylor Greene, just ignorance being voiced publicly. I'm not quite sure about Jesse Jackson of "Hymietown" infamy. On the other hand, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama are out and out Jew haters. Sharpton, at least, incited a couple of pogroms. Wright (ab)used his church pulpit to spout his Jew hatred. And Obama? If I attended Klan meetings for twenty years, would it be reasonable to assume I had at least some anti-black animus. So his membership and attendance in Wright's church is prima facie evidence of his anti-Jewish bigotry. Mireille Silcoff doesn't understand the difference between real bigots and ignoramuses. So says this Jew.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"Jews have lived like Christians and voted like blacks for a century. It is coming to bite them now."
What does this even mean?
I'll try to explain it to you, difficult as that may be to a communist. That came from a quote by someone else. I can't recall who. Jews have lived like white Protestants who are usually conservative until the last 25 years. I was a member of the Young Men's Jewish Council since they had a basketball court and the YMCA did not.
But, unlike their lifestyle, they vote for the left, like blacks. It has been a puzzle for those who think about such things. I am not one who talks about the Jews who were Bolsheviks, but it is interesting now that blacks and the left have turned on them.
I first became aware of black antisemitism when I was a child. From my nursemaid.
“Jews have lived like Christians and voted like blacks for a century. It is coming to bite them now.”
I blame this bigotry on senility.
“Jews have lived like Christians and voted like blacks for a century. It is coming to bite them now.”
Um ... you should have stuck with the "Episcopalians" and "Puerto Ricans" of the original quote.
Some types of free speech are freer with lefties than others.
"There's just something about the Jews that pisses God off. Some would attribute it to their not keeping the Sabbath sufficiently holy ...."
A more likely explanation is the Jews' breach of the Mosaic Covenant, although God is clearly with modern Israelis in their Muslim wars despite Israel's secularism.
There may be a message for the American diaspora in that.
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