"... to account for false or misleading statements repeated so often that they became a form of propaganda. A statement would get added to the list if it had earned a Three or Four Pinocchios rating and been repeated at least 20 times. By the end of the Trump presidency, 56 claims made by Trump had qualified. Now..."
Writes the Washington Post fact checker, Glenn Kessler in "A Bottomless Pinocchio for Biden — and other recent gaffes."
The 2022 elections are not until tomorrow, but already we see what's going to happen. Biden's about to get the bum's rush.
१११ टिप्पण्या:
Tell us, please, so we don't have to click through. Heh. Which lie did they pick as the Bottomless Pinocchio?
If Biden's lost the Blue Checks . . .
As the Regime loses control of what is allowed to be said in the public square they will be forced to be somewhat more honest.
But nobody buys that Kessler is anything but a propagandist at this point.
They made their play and they lost.
It will be interesting to see how many votes they try to mail in for the mid terms.
How many bottomless Pinocchio's did Trump receive for pointing out that the Russia Collusion narrative was a hoax fabricated by the Hillary campaign? How many would be retracted if the NYT had an ounce of integrity?
"Which lie did they pick as the Bottomless Pinocchio?"
I think the idea is that there are so many statements that it's just a hopeless abyss of falsehood — not any one thing in particular.
The "other recent gaffes" discussed in the article aren't the basis for the Bottomless Pinocchio (if I understand correctly). But they are about time spent with Xi, the student loan forgiveness, and the price of gas.
Althouse said...The 2022 elections are not until tomorrow, but already we see what's about to happen. Biden's about to get the bum's rush out the door.
The propagandists are calling out (or should we say "setting up") their installed puppet lying President. On a human level this is really sad. Although Joe Biden is evil, he is doing what he was assigned to do. Take the oath of office knowing he did not win the 2020 election.
His assignment was to bring the American people to its knees with inflation, crime, snuffing out the energy supply with green bullshit, pushing the poison "vaccine", and promoting the mutilation of children through the lie of being inclusive towards transgenderism. He fulfilled his assignment of vilifying half the country, and spreading the lie that your Trump voting, unvaccinated neighbor is a fascist and a threat to your life. And he has dutifully pushed "the survival of democracy is on the ballot" bullshit as told.
He was assigned to keep a proxy war going in Ukraine to keep the money laundering grift of his aristocratic comrades covered up and alive. Your did your job Joe. For that I salute you with one hand, and give you the middle finger with the other.
They will run him over with the bus. Turns out there really is no honor among thieves.
How many times did the NYT/WaPo label Trump's comments "Gaffes"? Not many. Instead they were labeled "LIES".
Someone's got to take the fall in the event a fall-person is needed. Such is life.
Liars and propagandists at the Wash Post handing out Pinocchio's. Rich irony. Funny how these aristocrats never award any to themselves. Here at the Althouse blog, discussing Wash Post lies is a theme.
Indeed. I wonder if hashtags like #BlameItOnBiden and #JoeHasGotToGo will start trending. There likely will be a need for convenient excuses in the coming days.
At the same time, even though I think tomorrow will be a good day for the GOP, I would not be surprised if the Dems do a little better than recent hype might suggest.
The spinners have been spinning for weeks. The news outlets have been pushing the bloodbath narrative long and hard enough that any "unexpected" Democrat wins will be spun as proof of the "underlying strength" of the Democratic message.
It's easier for the party to blame Biden than acknowledge the failure of their dreams, aspirations, and policies.
They're going to stick with "Everything's fine, we just have a messaging problem".
Biden's about to get the bum's rush.
A) He deserves it, but what they are doing to that man is elder abuse.
B) Who the Hell are they going to replace him with? Harris? Pelosi? Schumer? Manchin?
The Pelosi/Schumer/Biden/Clinton generation of Democrats have totally destroyed their farm team.
Who's the young up and coming force in the Democratic Party...Abrahms? Newsome? Lightfoot?
No one deserves a bum's rush more than Biden. He earned it.
to be fair.. The world travels at what? 1000 mph? (or whatever it is)
Jo Biden and his Chinese boss are both on the same earth...
Therefore; They HAVE traveled 17 (or 18) thousand miles together... We ALL have
Ah, we were waiting for Kessler to lower the boom to try to pretend he still has some credibility. He does not have any credibility, but at least he pretends real hard. I'm not sure who he is trying to fool. I suspect there is still someone out there that is buying what he's selling and is not a rank partisan, so it is not a complete waste of time. He needs some excuse to get paid.
If the Senate is not in Democratic control, it will be difficult to manage the fallout from bum-rushing Biden. And the key Senate races happen to be in states widely suspected of 2020 electoral shenanigans. Trouble ahead!
My favorite Biden lie was the one about being an all-American wing-back for Notre Dame and turning down the Heisman Trophy to highlight the Civil Rights movement and afterwards summitted Everest wearing nothing but a jock-strap and a love-locket given to him by Parisian flapper dancer Marie Curie. He's the one who told her that there was "something strange" about that glowing rock and that she needed to cover up her tits and take a closer look so he could win the Nobel smuggling genetically modified albino hissing cockroaches from Madagascar to culture platelets for sick Jamaican children suffering ulcerative-colitis.
Listen fats!
, but already we see what's going to happen. Biden's about to get the bum's rush.
Can I be the first to report the Harris did not kill herself? (noticed the FBI is wanting to seal the Seth Rich laptop until 2088).
... recent gaffes.
... recent lies.
Here's a short video from three years ago produced by WaPo showing Trump's "Bottomless Pinocchios."
At the very least, the ones about the the border wall, Mexican border laws and the Russia Hoax seem to have been vindicated with time. The rest tend to lean toward puffery, exaggeration and opinion.
Final thought: If it's truly a "Bottomless Pinocchio," shouldn't the cartoon character be shown with his pants dropped, using his erection instead of his nose?
Psychopaths will cooperate against a common enemy (i.e., Trump's promise of draining the swamp), but they are all natural competitors willing to slit each other's throats.
Biden was the "safe, white, old male" alternative to Trump and was their vehicle against Trump. But, the natural self-interests of the anti-Trump coalition are taking over. We've got the Congressional Black Caucus and Squad on one side (wealth redistribution per skin color) versus the Globalist Oligarchs and NATO-Neocons (shell game to preserve the status quo and siphon off profits to the oligarchs), versus the burn-down-the-economy-and-end-all-sexual-standards anarchists.
The establishment press (i.e., the issuers of Pinocchio awards) have long been the paid mouthpieces of the oligarchs, and recently became utterly naïve utopians who reacted to Trump's rudeness rather than his content.
Bye-bye Biden.
No, they picked out a silly one, that he travelled 17,000 miles with Xi, and gave him a pass on the others.
Glenn Kessler is becoming one of the leaders of The Washington Post's incipient campaign to get discredit and get rid of Joe Biden, who is dragging down the entire Democrat Party.
Things fall apart. Here's a milepost.
Someone has to take the blame. This is going to be a hell of a tough postelection narrative, if the trend is as it appears. Maybe run a few thousand AI scenarios and go with what sells in the writers room. You'd almost feel sorry for Biden if you hadn't been watching him your whole life. I still can't believe they went with THIS guy.
Or, we could all be wrong about everything. Time will tell. Some people will go about their day and not even notice.
We hear all the time about Trump's many "lies" but no one seems to list them. Biden's are pretty obvious.
Meanwhile, Glenn Kessler and The Washington Post will begin soon to publish a lot of articles about Gavin Newsom being an extraordinarily truthful politician.
Kessler says in the linked article:
"A statement would get added to the list if it had earned a Three or Four Pinocchios rating and been repeated at least 20 times." They counted up 56 such statements for Trump over the years and now Biden has crossed the threshold with “Folks, I spent a lot of time — more time with Xi Jinping than any other head of state. … I’ve traveled 17,000 miles with him.” Which he just repeated for the 21st time.
Sure, but Kessler didn't bother counting Biden's many falsehoods.
Post journalism is post-journalism.
Post-journalism is the genteel institutional face of the flight from truth. The New York Times, for example, published literally thousands of articles that found Trump and his inner circle culpable of criminal collusion with Russian agents to subvert the 2016 election. Detestation of Trump, rampant in the Times newsroom, was superimposed on objective reality. After the Mueller Report found the collusion story to be wholly devoid of content, there was no soul-searching, no sense that the Times had incurred a journalistic disaster. In fact, it had enjoyed a post-journalistic triumph. Millions had crossed into the paywalled garden to be reassured of Trump’s guilt: here was validation by dissemination.
None of this would have shocked Walter Lippmann, who understood that, unlike hard reality, the news exists in a constructed world that can be altered to seduce the reader.
It's like a switch was flicked, isn't it? Suddenly Biden is no longer treated like a Democrat.
I expect someone here will say what the lie was that was repeated 20 times, but I bet it's not "Democracy is on the ballot"
I think that the style guideline for the term "fact checker" should be that it is always written inside ironic quotation marks.
The 2022 elections are not until tomorrow, but already we see what's going to happen. Biden's about to get the bum's rush.
Biden will be out before he can be impeached. The discovery and forced coverage of his obvious corruption is going to be too much. The networks will not be able to "not" cover it anymore.
Do the Dems go with Harris? She has been hidden from the public for months now.
Do they try to install a new speaker of the House and make them both resign after Nancy resigns?
The next couple of months are going to be a blast.
It looks to me like they have decided to go with Kamala for the next 2 years even though she is the only person in the administration less popular than Biden.
President Asterisk has been in the office since January of 2021, and they're just now doing this.
Tell me again how journalists don't choose sides. I need a good laugh.
Ann Althouse said...I think the idea is that there are so many statements that it's just a hopeless abyss of falsehood — not any one thing in particular.
It seems to me that somebody prominent--like the president--will inevitably rack up a lot of Pinocchios eventually. The category makes the most sense if (in line with how it's described here), it applies to a single lie repeatedly pushed--the Big Lie, as the kids like to say.
The GOP approach for awhile after losing was to claim that We Have to Get Better at Messaging. The Messiah Messenger Approach.
When a majority soundly rejects your policies, then it’s the policies they reject.
Biden pushed Dem policies. So the Dems need to change policies and they need candidates who didn’t push the failed policies.
Jettisoning Biden won’t cut it.
Remember, if president trump resumes his presidency before January, he can't run in 24.
If Brandon is going under the bus it has to be in the next 50 days.
Kamala will succeed so the demmies can claim 1st woman presidency. She'll resign in a week or less.
John stop fascism vote republican Henry
"No one is above the law" should be in the dictionary as the primary illustration of such.
Mary McCarthy's formulation was so much more elegant: "every word she writes is a lie, including 'and' and 'the'. As with Lillian Hellman, so it is with Brandon.
hopeless abyss of falsehood - I would like to nominate this as a new tag. Applies to so many politicians. It’s brilliant.
I will also point out that if Biden is Impeached it will bring up the Hunter Biden Laptop scandal again.
The collusion between big tech, the government, and the media that form most of the Regime will be impossible to be hidden.
Pure political theatre. Interesting. It’s like admitting he’s no longer useful. Unironically it also the same exact reason that Big Media and the Democrats turned on Trump after loving him and celebrating him and gladly hanging out with him to get donations they all turned as one against Trump and demanded ritual denouncing of him to make clear: This man is no longer useful to the party; shun him.
Democrats being mind numbed robots do as they’re told until new instructions are issued. Now that the “about face” command comes out they will act accordingly. Watch. See it right here.
She was sued for that.
There is the difference between palin who was disturbingly right and was denied the office and harris who is criminally wrong all of the time and tarnishes it every day
I think the Dem's realize that Harris is weak and want a open primary therefor they wouldn't want to put her in as POTUS, allowing her to run in 2024 unopposed.
Biden will stay in as a lame duck. The GOPe will have power so all he has to do is use his veto pen.
Let's hope he doesn't get us into a war.
His copyright just expired, and poor Pinocchio is already having to run around bottomless.
Anthony said...
"No one is above the law" should be in the dictionary as the primary illustration of such.
11/7/22, 10:37 AM
THIS^^^ How many times have we heard Obama, Hillary and Biden say that, when THEY are all above the law??
How do they get Joe out?
I say 25th Amendment with Pete leading the way. It will show what a tough guy he is. A man of action!
Well, at least a 25th amendment attempt to remove a stubborn, resisting, angry President would be interesting to watch.
Eventually that would require a two-thirds vote in both houses. I don't see that happening unless he gets considerably worse.
I'm with those who almost feel sorry for him.
Biden has been so brazenly, cheerfully full of it for so long, it must hurt to be called out by his allies this late in the game.
"Now Biden has earned his own bottomless Pinocchio"? Now? Only the cutesy designation was lagging. He earned it in the 80s. And he'd be happy to compare IQs with you.
Will the Dems actually replace him? I see a number of issues.
It means Harris gets a boost in any discussion of 2024 which will not sit well with the other Democrats who might want to run. Yes, I know people constantly point to Agnew getting ejected before Nixon but IIRC Agnew was dead to rights guilty of taking bribes. Other than just being an abysmally bad and typically hypocritical politician I know of no scandals that could eject Harris.
Unless the replacement is accomplished before 3 January 2023 then the incoming and likely Republican Congress must approve the Democrat's VP pick. That's not an insurmountable problem as nothing says the incumbent VP must be on the ticket in 2024. FDR swapped VPs a couple of times, and Ford ran with Dole in 1976 instead of Rockefeller. Somewhat more of a problem is that if the Dems want Harris to have a shot at two terms they have to wait until after 20 January 2023 to replace Biden, which does make the VP confirmation problematic.
If I put on a tinfoil hat I can envision a scenario where Biden announces in late December that he is stepping down at the end of January 2023 "in order to allow an orderly transition" to Harris, and the lame duck Democrat-controlled Congress attempts to pre-confirm a replacement VP.
Otherwise I think there is just going to be a lot of grumping and groaning about Biden but in the end nothing is going to happen.
Mike Sylwester said...
...Joe Biden, who is dragging down the entire Democrat Party.
Correction: the entire Democrat party is dragging down the entire Democrat party.
Ann @ 9:56: "...hopeless abyss of falsehood..."
Pure poetry, thanks.
Yellow journalism is alive and well!
Biden's about to get the bum's rush.
Which begs the question, who will take his place? Kamala is not electable and possibly worse than Biden if she was in office. On the other hand, if you throw her overboard for a white male, that will divide the base and reduce the critical Black vote.
Will Hillary sit up in her coffin? That's too much to hope for.
Michelle Obama?
I would be interested to hear some thoughts on who the Dems could run if they don't run Biden and why.
Blogger Achilles said...
Biden will be out before he can be impeached. The discovery and forced coverage of his obvious corruption is going to be too much. The networks will not be able to "not" cover it anymore.
This is plausible. And even if the Dems don't force him to resign, the chance that he is mortally wounded (politically) is pretty high, all good reasons Rs should be very wary about impeaching him unless the charge is so clear that conviction in the senate is assured. When your opponent is self-destructing, don't intervene.
RideSpaceMountain @ 10:06: "My favorite Biden lie was the one about being an all-American wing-back for Notre Dame and turning down the Heisman Trophy to highlight the Civil Rights movement and afterwards summitted Everest wearing nothing but a jock-strap and a love-locket given to him by Parisian flapper dancer Marie Curie. He's the one who told her that there was "something strange" about that glowing rock and that she needed to cover up her tits and take a closer look so he could win the Nobel smuggling genetically modified albino hissing cockroaches from Madagascar to culture platelets for sick Jamaican children suffering ulcerative-colitis.
Listen fats!"
Dude. That is some amazing riff. Thanks: I guess.
If we have President Kackles Kamala, which I think will happen, who will be her VP? It's an appointed slot. It's a D problem because President K will expect to be the defacto nominee in 2024 so she won't want a potential contender as a VP.
In a perfect D world, they prearrange a way to get President K to resign in late 2023. If they know they can do that, then VP Newsom might be in the cards. He moves up to President when she resigns and is the nominee in 2024 as "a new generation".
The lever to get Biden to bow out for health reasons is an investigation into Hunter if he doesn't leave office. Do the R's let that just happen without an investigation if they have all of Congress?
The lever to get President K to bow out is ?????? It can't be the Supreme Court if the R's have the Senate.
(1) Biden is forced to resign before Christmas
(2) Harris is forced to resign before New Years Day
(3) Nancy Pelosi, next in line, is still Speaker of the House until January 3rd no matter what happens tomorrow.
So how does it happen? I think the Dems would love impeachment, maybe followed by Biden's resignation "to spare the country trauma." But that could take a long time. So, do they threaten to 25th him to force him out (with a big bag of money) and then just muddy the waters and rely on the press to pin it on Republicans?
@John Henry, there is no Constitutional mechanism for Donald Trump to become President prior to Inauguration Day 2025.
Biden gets the bum's rush - women and children hardest hit. (Well, Jill and Hunter, anyway.)
The problem with the soon-to-be bum rushing is it's a minor bum that's about to be rushed. What about the major bums -- Glenn Kessler, for instance -- who merrily filled a bottomless pit of Pinocchios of their own getting the minor bum elected, particularly that Tiger-tank-sized Pinocchio that Kessler didn't award to that "all the earmarks of Russian disinformation" claim.
In the universe of fact-checking and Pinnochio awarding, there ought to be a governing principle of proportions. Not all lies are equal. Lies are like achievements -- some are consequential, and some are not. No one should get too excited by scoring a hole-in-one at the local Putt-Putt (does anyone play Putt-Putt anymore?) That's not the same as a hole-in-one on the Carnoustie Links. The same goes for lies.
If the Deep State wants Biden to resign it will simply whisper to him that the focus of its investigation has shifted from Hunter to his father, and that there's an easy way and a hard way: Leave now and keep your grifted millions, or fight and have your family name destroyed. Biden will be gone in 48 hours.
I was told it would be a frog walking.
@John Henry, there is no Constitutional mechanism for Donald Trump to become President prior to Inauguration Day 2025.
There is one: Republicans name Trump Speaker of the House in January and somehow convince Biden and Harris to resign on the same day. Given the hell our economy is about to face it could be a smart move for Democrats.
"Biden's about to get the bum's rush."
Have been seeing that a lot lately and considered it wishful thinking.
Seeing it here gives it more weight.
None of this would have shocked Walter Lippmann, who understood that, unlike hard reality, the news exists in a constructed world that can be altered to seduce the reader.
The handmade tale.
The WaPoo is the champion holder of the bottomless Pinocio.
Trump says that was most beautiful sunset ever.
Four Pinocchios because Trump has not seen every sunset.
Biden says same thing, possibly true but unable to verify.
Ann Althouse said...I think the idea is that there are so many statements that it's just a hopeless abyss of falsehood — not any one thing in particular.
So basically a bottomless collection of bottomless Pinocchio's?
Blogger RideSpaceMountain said...
My favorite Biden lie was the one about being an all-American wing-back for Notre Dame and turning down the Heisman Trophy to highlight the Civil Rights movement and afterwards summitted Everest wearing nothing but a jock-strap and a love-locket given to him by Parisian flapper dancer Marie Curie. He's the one who told her that there was "something strange" about that glowing rock and that she needed to cover up her tits and take a closer look so he could win the Nobel smuggling genetically modified albino hissing cockroaches from Madagascar to culture platelets for sick Jamaican children suffering ulcerative-colitis.
Inga said...
(Space Mountain), I may have zero proof that (it) happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen. As I said it's classified info and we are not privy to it. Be patient. Not every thing gets leaked.
5/12/17, 3:29 PM
Our host mentions a "hopeless abyss" of falsehood--making it difficult to determine just which thing (or things) led to the award of a "Bottomless Pinnochio".
Still in defense of clueless, senescent, plagiarizing, bumbling Bozo Biden, you have to remember that "It's not a lie if you believe it." And who knows what beliefs rumble around inside that vast airy cavity known as Slow Joe's brain? And who knows whether scranton Joe's mouth is ever connected to that brain?
The flocking patterns of Democrat party journalists is amazing to watch.
From a news report:
When one [journalist] changes direction or speed, each of the other birds in the flock responds to the change, and they do so nearly simultaneously regardless of the size of the flock. In essence, information moves across the flock very quickly and with nearly no degradation. The researchers describe it as a high signal-to-noise ratio.
This scale-free correlation allows [journalists] to greatly enhance what the researchers call “effective perceptive range,” which is another way of saying that a [journalist] on one side of the flock can respond to what others are sensing all the way across the flock—a huge benefit for a [journalist] trying to avoid a [truth].
Democrats will have an impossible time getting a new VP through the Senate since that will required 51 votes. Harris will no longer be VP, so she can't break the tie. She can't break the tie before she assumes the Presidency because there won't be a vacancy in the VP office so there's no office to fill.
Democrats are screwed.
The bottomless pinnochio thing is silly. Keep with the story, where the result of Pinnochio's descent into lies and naughtiness is that he and his friends are turned into donkeys.
Tom T. said...
His copyright just expired, and poor Pinocchio is already having to run around bottomless.
Pinocchio can wear a wooden barrel!
Or is that too cannibalistic for a wooden puppet?
4-star Pinocchio stories are the Paul Pelosi attack story. We're to believe that a MAGA-Man attacked Paul to kidnap Nancy. The result was to be the total damnation of MAGA-World and all of the independent voters would then vote Democrat. But, they can't keep their stories straight. The stories are changing faster than Joe Biden can eat an ice cream cone.
Now, we're told that the Democrat D.A. want to minimize the evidence shown to the public. That smells of coverup. The most likely story is this was a setup to garner sympathy for Nancy and the Democrats.
I don't see Kamala resigning or being impeached. She might be prevailed upon not to run in 2024, but what would motivate her to do so? If she's challenged by Newsom, would that reinvigorate the party or tear it apart? Probably the latter. If they weren't from the same state, it would be easier for them to run together.
"Bum's rush." It's fun to revive old slang. Maybe we can make the 2020s roar by bringing back 1920s slang.
If Republicans sweep to power in both houses, then Joe's agenda is pretty much toast on most fronts, depending on the actual majorities. It will be interesting to see what happens to the Ukraine funding and the Fed policy. But if Republicans are smart on this 'Joe' issue they'll keep Joe front & center and in front of the camera as a daily reminder to voters of what some of them asked for, and also (if done correctly) as a reminder and rebuke of what the Democrats propped up in front of the USA in 2020.
Republican voters are going to have to be without mercy on their representation if they start waffling like the GOPe when it comes to Ukraine war funding.
The 2022 elections are not until tomorrow, but already we see what's going to happen. Biden's about to get the bum's rush
Biden's brain is degrading ever more rapidly. He'll probably pass Fetterman by Thanksgiving.
So the "Biden Team's" problem is not that they're all getting the bum's rush, the problem is that Biden is not going to be able to go into public and say multiple coherent sentences.
Right now their desperate hope is that eh won't completely and publicly fall apart before the end of this session of Congress.
Because if he does fail publicly, and Harris has to take over, the Dems lose their tie-breaking Senate vote
The VP will replaced next session, when the GOP will have a big enough margin in the Senate that the VP's tie breaking vote won't matter any more
Republican voters are going to have to be without mercy on their representation if they start waffling like the GOPe when it comes to Ukraine war funding.
Oh, I will be "without mercy" on any Putin stooge who wants to help America's enemy Putin conquer Ukraine, and re-start the Russian Empire
Does WAPO get Bottomless Pinocchio's for all THEIR lying about the fake Russian Collusion??/ The hiding of Hunter Bidens Lap Top??? Any of the proof that is out there proving what scumbags the Bidens are, and how they are using Joe's position to make millions for themselves??? Or are they going to close their eyes once again, and call it Russian disinformation as usual??
WaPo and "fact checker" should never appear together. Because we know there are no, "fact checkers" at the WaPO. The nations high school newspaper of record only hires leftist activists. Leftist activists cannot be " fact checkers".
Reference the appointed VP slot- yes the House and Senate need to approve the nominee but it will be political suicide to leave a VP slot open on a partisan vote. That's a very bad look politically.
Who the Hell are they going to replace him with? Harris? Pelosi? Schumer? Manchin?
SNL's skit on that very point is hysterical.
(I love when she slaps the "Kamala?" kid!)
mezzrow said...
"Things fall apart. Here's a milepost."
I was just thinking about the Yeats poem this references. But that reads "Things fall apart, the Centre cannot hold."
The Left falling apart would probably strengthen our society. I mean, a few lines later Yeats wrote: "The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity."
Pretty fair prophetic warning of extreme Wokesterism.
The first time I ever heard the term "fact-checker" I was leery. Nothing has changed.
If they come out with a fact check site on fact check sites I'd still not give a tutti-patootie.
@John Henry, there is no Constitutional mechanism for Donald Trump to become President prior to Inauguration Day 2025.
Big Mike.
small comment.
The spinners have been spinning for weeks. The news outlets have been pushing the bloodbath narrative long and hard enough that any "unexpected" Democrat wins will be spun as proof of the "underlying strength" of the Democratic message.
Yep. Any D win - however minor - will be trumpeted endlessly. Barely hanging on in heavy blue areas will be evidence the red wave was exaggerated.
And you know what? That's fine by me. The less they learn from this potential drubbing, the better.
B) Who the Hell are they going to replace him with? Harris? Pelosi? Schumer? Manchin?
I don't think the D's have a realistic option to remove Biden and replace him with anyone else but Harris. They might want to, but they would rightly believe it would be the irreaparable fracturing of the party to do so. If Biden resigns, we're stuck with Harris. Sure, Pelosi is number two in line behind VPOTUS, and she's just cagey enough to consider it, but I don't think she could pull it off without support from the upper echelons and I doubt seriously there would be enough of it to make the idea stick.
Speaker of the House does not have to be a Representative. Donald Trump could be elected as Speaker. If both Harris and Biden leave, then Trump could become acting President. See Democrat heads explode if that happens.
“Oh, I will be "without mercy" on any Putin stooge who wants to help America's enemy Putin conquer Ukraine, and re-start the Russian Empire”.
Get yourself and your family over there fighting or get fucked asshole. This ain’t either/or, it is America spilling blood and treasure for people like Joe Biden and Liz Cheney. It’s 2022. I’ve been watching this shit since 1980 and I’m over it.
Thanks St Croix, I missed that.
For those of you hoping/wishing for Biden to get the boot, be careful what you wish for. "Whoever replaces him can't be as bad as Biden" you say. Are you so sure of that?
Big Mike,
Yes, there is a constitutional method for pedjt to become president this week.
Two in fact
One:Harris resigns or succeeds to the presidency. This leaves the vice-presidency open. Pedjt gets nominated and confirmed as Vp. Harris leaves the presidency via resignation, impeachment or 25A.
Vp trump becomes president trump again.
Alternately: pedjt is elected speaker of tge house. Harris then Brandon resign. Speaker Trump becomes president.
Unlikely? Perhaps. Though I can hypothesize some reasons the demmies might go along with it. That is a separate issue though.
It is certainly constitutional and legal. Unless you care to explain why not.
John stop fascism vote republican Henry
"The 2022 elections are not until tomorrow, but already we see what's going to happen. Biden's about to get the bum's rush."
We'll see...after the counting's done. You never count your votes, while you're sitting at the table ...
WaPo commenters wouldn't care if Biden was proven senile.
Kessler and his ilk will soon be needing bottomless mimosas to ease their distress and pain.
... there'll be time enough for countin', when the stealin's done...
Greg: "Oh, I will be "without mercy" on any Putin stooge who wants to help America's enemy Putin conquer Ukraine, and re-start the Russian Empire"
You' better get your head screwed on tighter and recognize that 90% of our entire force projection focus had better be on the ChiCom threat and PDQ. The russkis aren't going anywhere with a GDP 3/4 that of Italy.
Mike of Snoqualmie said...
If both Harris and Biden leave, then Trump could become acting President.
When Vp Tyler became president on Harrisons death there was some question about whether he was acting president or actual president. He took the position that he was actual president but every time a death occurred esp Lincoln, the question came up again.
It was finally resolved with 25A.
25A doesn't address the speaker, though.
Would a Speaker Trump become an "acting president" or an actual president?
And if acting, would it count against his eligibility to serve another full term in 2025?
"Major conflict with China “is coming,” U.S. Strategic Command's chief warns outright."
Well, when the "major conflict with China" comes, we'll be focused on Ukraine.
More good news for the ChiComs and with the Ukraine trends we see here in the US, its going to be more good news for the ChiComs everyday....forever.
Trump is not going to be made VP or SOTH, any more than he's going to become a supreme court justice, by constitutional and legal methods or otherwise.
Neither his ego nor his many enemies in DC will allow it.
‘Biden's about to get the bum's rush.’
Will Dr. Biden be forced to return her dress fabrics to the White House drapes?
I can remember the "rebuke" the democratic party got in 2010 post Obamacare but it was a mere blip on their screen as they never learned anything from that and were proved right the republicans would never roll it back.
Same with tomorrow's "red wave". The democratic crap pushed through without 1 republican vote will never be rolled back so it's hard to get too excited about anything.
Wake me up when the republican majority dismantles the FBI, impeaches Garland or does anything meaningful about pushing back on green/communist destruction of the energy industry. Zzzzzz
"Otherwise I think there is just going to be a lot of grumping and groaning about Biden but in the end nothing is going to happen."
What Christopher B said. The democrats will just grind it out with a dementia riddled president because the cost to replace him and the internal damage to the party would be too great. Not because it's the right thing to do for the nation but because it's the best way to hold on to power for the next 2 years.
The whiffs of accountability we have been seeing lately have more to do with the media's imploding relevance and distancing from the disaster that is the Biden administration.Not even their democratic readership believes the spin any more.
I like Big Mike's take, Pelosi by Jan3.
First bet they would replace Biden by Oct 2021, but kamala proved thoroughly disabled at every place and podium.
Since then it was a puzzle, but when "They" suddenly flew Pelosi off to Taiwan, I thought it might be to polish up the old gal's foreign policy credentials for the public, to get her in there between the election and jan 3.
Ejection from an area or establishment, classically via being picked up by the seat of your pants and the back of your shirt.
who dares will grab FJB nappies deserve Medal of Honor
Just in time, Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio will be arriving in theaters in a couple weeks..."a darker version of the classic children's fairy tale of a wooden puppet that transforms into a real living president."
Would a Speaker Trump become an "acting president" or an actual president?
He would become the president.
And if acting, would it count against his eligibility to serve another full term in 2025?
Yes it would, but it doesn't matter because the president is allowed to serve a total of ten years...two years or less of the president he is replacing, plus two full terms of his own.
Jefferson's Revenge said...
Reference the appointed VP slot- yes the House and Senate need to approve the nominee but it will be political suicide to leave a VP slot open on a partisan vote. That's a very bad look politically.
Giving the Democrats a tie-breaking vote is not just a bad look, it's an insane move
Go be a loser somewhere else, no one's buying that shit here
donald said...
Me: “Oh, I will be "without mercy" on any Putin stooge who wants to help America's enemy Putin conquer Ukraine, and re-start the Russian Empire”.
Get yourself and your family over there fighting or get fucked asshole. This ain’t either/or, it is America spilling blood and treasure for people like Joe Biden and Liz Cheney. It’s 2022. I’ve been watching this shit since 1980 and I’m over it.
Thank you for establishing your'e a complete shit for brains liar.
The US is spending treasure, not blood.
including my treasure, because I pay taxes, too.
So fuck off, you stooge for a slaver.
Putin is America's enemy, because he chose to be America's enemy. None of us forced him into it
Stop denying everyone else agency, you pathetic loser
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