২৮ নভেম্বর, ২০২২

"Many are now referring to the protest to as 'white paper revolution,' 'blank sheet revolution' or “A4 revolution.'"

The London Times reports, in "China protests: Clashes in Shanghai over Covid lockdowns/Protesters demanded President Xi’s removal." 

On the campus of Peking University in the capital, whose students led the Tiananmen protests in 1989, a swelling crowd gathered to face down the security guards, then began to sing the left-wing anthem The Internationale.

At Tsinghua University in Beijing some students took part in silent protests and held up blank pieces of paper, while others loudly called for: “Democracy, rule of law, and freedom of expression!”...

Footage showed people gathering and chanting “Freedom! We want freedom!” under Sitong Bridge, where Peng Lifa was arrested after unfurling a banner last month....

The Chinese government has blamed “forces with ulterior motives” for linking a deadly fire in the western Xinjiang province to its strict Covid measures....

[T]he English-language edition of the Global Times, a Communist Party newspaper... quoted an academic at Shanghai’s Fudan University, saying: “Due to ideological differences, it has become almost an instinct of Western countries and media to criticise communist governments with an aim to subvert the latter with colour revolutions.”...

Chinese social media appeared to be devoid of any news about the rallies....

৩১টি মন্তব্য:

Humperdink বলেছেন...

I just watched a Chinese expat on Fox News this morning. What an inspiring message she gave. She indicated the protesters are shouting "Give me liberty or give me death". Not sure where I heard that phrase before *cough*. I know for sure it wasn't on a college campus.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Once again the white paper is used while the colored paper remains on the shelf.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

I hope they move on to origami. The Japanese are miles ahead there though.

Start with water bombs and cootie-catchers.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

" ..... the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries.” (The World Economic Forum’s leader, Klaus Schwab)

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

Many Chinese hate their repressive government. They are taking action. Many Americans hate their repressive government. Will we catch up to the Chinese?

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

The Chinese people would be a lot freer if the US wasn't on the sidelines licking its chops over every protest, trying to turn it into a regime change that lands "jelly side up" for us. This stance empowers the hard-liners, which is probably part of our long-term strategy too.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

“ “Democracy, rule of law, and freedom of expression!”.

Hey, we want that too! And fair elections.

Kate বলেছেন...

Is it wrong I'm immediately suspicious the neocons have become bored with Ukraine?

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I hear complaints about how the ChiComs are spamming hashtags to prevent protesters from organizing. Where were these people when Twitter was banning Biden regime opponents, or "fortifying his election," or when the Canadian Truckers were having their savings extrajudicially confiscated by banks?

I can't wait to hear Biden's take, or Justin Trudeau's take for that matter.

Temujin বলেছেন...

Interestingly, the Biden Administration seems to be taking the same approach to the Paper Revolution as the Obama Administration did during the Iranian Green Movement.

Really, it's not surprising. Especially when Joe has money tied up in his Chinese relationship.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Biden has taken too much money in bribes from the Chinese regime to ever support anything like this.

But we know which side of this struggle the Biden Regime and his supporters are.

We see what they are doing right here in the US.

Howard বলেছেন...

This is a direct result of the Biden policy of banning high-end chips in China and funding new chip manufacturing in the United States to make America great again.

Apparently he's willing to take that China money but he's also willing to fuck 'em in the ass as well. You should be happy Achilles... Biden does enjoy swallowing Saudi sausage just like your lord and savior Donald kushner Trump

Mrs. Bear বলেছেন...

Unfortunately, I currently have no reason to doubt that the Commies will cheerfully massacre as many subjects as they need to in order to cow the others.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

I hated doing layouts for foreign print.

Fucking A4...always messed up my margins...

Rusty বলেছেন...

“Due to ideological differences, it has become almost an instinct of Western countries and media to criticise communist governments with an aim to subvert the latter with colour revolutions.”..
Hehe. Not criticizing, dude. Just choosing sides. But I do like how you can interpret your failure as somehow my fault.
Ed Bagley.
Spot on.

Drago বলেছেন...

Howard: "This is a direct result of the Biden policy of banning high-end chips in China and funding new chip manufacturing in the United States to make America great again."


You really aren't even trying anymore, are you? This is particularly clear given your groomer-enabling Groomer Denialism on the other thread.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

There was a video of Hunter and a Chinese child on that laptop from his trip to China on Air Force Two, he went as “chaperone” for his niece who also, fuck it, it’s too gross, but it’s not just investments that the ChiComs hold over the Biden family.

I doubt that Epstein was the only intelligence “badger game” type operation using children in the whole wide world.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Does this mean the Canadian truckers were exposing their own Red Chinese puppet tyrant. Trudeau instituted the Credit Score threat of non-personing anti communist truckers and Biden/Obama cheered him on.

The American workers want their lives back. But Biden immediately Shutting down oil and gas production equals destroying a this country the fastest way possible…and preening as if that controls the thermostats as global cooling rolls along.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

how soon will it be replaced with blank sheet >>> US Constitution

Rocco বলেছেন...

I drive a white A4. Bought it used. My wife hated it at first - she called any luxury brand vehicle a "pretentious car". Good to see it's a symbol of something better now.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"Honk Honk! Honk! Just talk to us!" - Truckers
"No!" - Trudeau

Of course Biden is not going to come down on the ChiComs, he encouraged Trudeau to crack down hard on the Truckers. We still have non-violent demonstrators rotting in DC jails.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Biggest holders of kompromat on Joe Biden: Ukraine, China.

n.n বলেছেন...

[catastrophic] [anthropogenic] climate change. Go paperless.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

It's not a revolution until it overthrows the government. Then it's a revolution.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

They US wants to get rid of the ChiComs, but keep their tight controls on the population through social credit scores and de-banking, Canadian style and PayPal style, "dissidents" and probably disabling the vehicles of protesters in the future based on analysis of their social media posts.

Who could have imagined the doublethink that goes into the name "Pay Pal," is that what we will call our digital overlord? "Pal"?

John henry বলেছেন...

So how many people have died of KungFlu in China?

My go to for stats since the beginning has been Worldometer. Has anyone got anything better?

Right now, Worldometer says 4 (count 'em, 4) people per million have died of Kung flu in china all time. Comparable numbers for the world are about 800 and for the US over 3,000.

I am sure that China is under reporting just as I am sure that we are over reporting. Even allowing for that, an 800 times difference is pretty impressive. I would have expected it to be the opposite given better access to care in the US and less dense population.

How has China managed to keep the numbers so low? I doubt that their strict lockdowns have much to do with it. I doubt that the lockdowns are even anywhere near as strict as they would like us to believe.

I was OK with the way we did lockdowns in the US initially (nothing like China claims to do) because we did not know what was happening. By April I was fairly vocal here and elsewhere against the lockdowns having realized that the whole panicdemic response was a scam.

Effinay apparently thinks I am in favor of Chinese style lockdowns. Farthest thing from my mind. I treated and recommended everyone else live their lives normally. I ignored Kung Flu and it ignored me.

So any thoughts on why such an enormous discrepancy in numbers? I'm not convinced that it was an engineered virus to attack Americans and pass Han Chinese by. On the other hand, I'm not convinced that it was not.

China has no compunctions about murdering hundreds of millions of its citizens over the centuries. Chinese life has always been very cheap to Chinese rulers and continues to be cheap today. I doubt that would stop them if they thought they could get away with nobbling the US.

And, if it were true? And if our Govt knew about it? Either Trump of Biden would basically be forced to nuke Bejing or something equally nasty. Are we up for that? Perhaps better just to pretend it is all a lamentable accident.

John Henry

stlcdr বলেছেন...

'A4 Revolution'...Confused look in American.

(having lived with Letter for so long, I find it hard to go back to A4...it's like its trying to be Legal, but falls short).

wildswan বলেছেন...

John Henry
In the vast majority of cases in this country Covid killed older people with major systemic health problems. And in most of the rest of the cases Covid killed younger people with major systemic problems. Yet Fauci was able to close down the country to protect healthy younger people and children who were not in danger because he directed attention away from the presence of co-morbidities.
The Chinese are undercounting deaths from Covid using a reverse strategy to that of Fauci They are directing attention to the co-morbidities and listing them as cause of death. Why is this hard to see? The World Meter is not designed to catch the presence or absence of co-morbidities. But you can visit the site of the Milwaukee Medical Examiner Public Data and see the truth.
It's two different ways to shut down a country and why they want to shut down countries is what is hard to understand. I suppose it's money in some way.

Dave বলেছেন...

"You really aren't even trying anymore, are you? This is particularly clear given your groomer-enabling Groomer Denialism on the other thread."

Lol, Drago. You are so....what is the word...ah yes...cruel.

Dave বলেছেন...

The day they announced lockdowns in Colorado is the day I started traveling. I have been to TN, SC, DC, Germany, Netherlands, Taiwan, and now I am in Cebu.

Every time I go somewhere new and spend time around a lot of people, I get sick for a day or two.

I knew that all the mask wearing and lockdowns would do nothing for Covid (because I read smarter people than myself), but on my very own, I deduced that there would be a huge rebound of cold and flu after normality returned. I expected THAT to be the next emergency.

In health class we learned that a vaccine was a dead or weakened form of a virus injected into the host to produce an immunological response. They called it "inoculation", and as the great health expert George Carlin instructed, by being exposed daily we are continually inoculated against disease causing agents. The lockdowns and the masking have limited our exposure and left many of us with much less defense against infections agents.

Not me though. I go unmasked wherever possible and put my mouth on the lips of beautiful women. There are always risks; I weigh them carefully. No more than 110 pounds. Unless taller. Then more risk is acceptable.

Candide বলেছেন...

Just a bunch of Science Deniers.

By latest US standards, anyone protesting the Government harassment of people in the name of ‘public safety’ is a Science Denier.

And yet, Chinese protesters are presented somewhat sympathetically in US media. At least nobody states their assertions are “false” or “without evidence”.