"... should she lose the down-to-wire Colorado House race against Adam Frisch. Bardella made the suggestion on set with MSNBC host Joy Reid, who responded with a blaring cackle. 'What’s the meaning if Lauren Boebert, the second most popular QAnon congressperson in MAGA, what if she loses?' Reid asked 'I guess there might be a gain for OnlyFans if [Boebert loses],' Bardella responded.... Bardella followed in line with frequent MSNBC guest Elie Mystal, the goofy-looking man who uses racial slurs to refer to Hershel Walker. On Wednesday, Mystal tweeted the following message before quickly deleting it: 'Is… Lauren Boebert still losing? I guess this is the lucky day of the next OnlyFans star Ted Cruz thinks should be a Congressperson.'"
From "Joy Reid Blasts Her Cackle [When] Sexist Guest Tells Rep. Lauren Boebert to Join OnlyFans" (Outkick). (I found that via this tweet from Glenn Greenwald.)
MSNBC's @JoyAnnReid: "What job will Lauren Boebert have if she loses?"@kurtbardella: "I guess it might be a gain for OnlyFans" pic.twitter.com/fVf5QZG6xa
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) November 10, 2022
According to Yahoo!entertainment — entertainment? — "DNC Adviser Apologizes For Suggesting Lauren Boebert's Next Job Should Be OnlyFans." But let's take a look at the text and context of that apology.
(Sorry my screen grab includes a "Tweet your reply" picture of me. I'm making my reply here!)The context is that someone is challenging him, for shaming the women who do pornography. So it's not and apology for demeaning Boebert.
Bardella replying at length to the tweet, "I can’t stand Boebert, but this sexism isn’t cute. There’s no shame to having an OnlyFans":
Bardella only apologizes for unwittingly smearing some other women — the ones who make money using OnlyFans. He wanted to insult Boebert, but he stumbled into a different feminist problem. He insulted her by saying she belonged in a line of work that other women perform, and that constituted an attack on those women.
So he smarmily saves them: "It is NEVER my intention to shame women. I apologize. Period."
Of course, that makes no sense. Does he think women never do anything that warrants shame? That's sexist too. Even if you mean to say — to bullshit — that there's no shame in doing porn and all the various other things that women have traditionally done out of economic need that are conventionally shamed, don't you think women have moved beyond that sphere and done the kinds of things — things men traditionally do — that are worthy of shame?
Or is shaming a form of expression that you eschew generally and wouldn't even apply to men, so that not only is it "NEVER [your] intention to shame women," it's also NEVER your intention to shame men? Here's a Psychology Today article by Bella DePaulo, "11 Reasons Never to Shame Anyone."
Bardella mouths what he seems to think feminism requires:
There is nothing wrong with consensual interactions on platforms like OnlyFans. Anyone suggesting otherwise in an effort to shame or judge really needs to examine their own perception of women and their autonomy.
So he's talking about himself. He's the "anyone." Has he really examined his perceptions of women? No! All he did was quickly respond to a woman who challenged him, who did his thinking for him. It just looks like he's alarmed by the criticism that came from a direction he didn't anticipate. He needs to appease women, but not because of any deep, sincere appreciation of the historical subordination of women. If he had that, he would not have made the stupid mistakes in the first place.
I say "mistakes," because there are 2 mistakes. First, the one he's talking about: He expressed contempt for the women who work on OnlyFans. And second, he chose to insult an individual woman, who tried to advance her career, by saying she ought to go humiliate herself in a particular way that subordinated women have traditionally experienced humiliation.
Finally, Bardella said something that truly riles me, that I take quite personally:
That said, I have zero appetite for the faux-outrage coming from the MAGA-ites because we all know they don’t give a rip about sexism, misogyny or equality. They are hypocrites of the first order. Just look at their standard-bearer.
The outrage is not just coming from MAGA-ites. I have kept my distance from Democrats — whom I'd always supported — ever since they closed ranks around Bill Clinton in the 1990s. I have put feminism above party politics, and I have zero appetite for Democrats excusing their offenses by saying the other side is worse.
I don't like the other side either, but you are worse, because you smugly assume you have a lock on women when all you are saying is Where will you go if you don't stay with us?
It's like something an abusive boyfriend would say.
७५ टिप्पण्या:
"There’s no shame to having an OnlyFans."
Let's get something straight. There IS shame in being a modern-day prostitute.
And that's just that.
There is no shame in being an ahole if you're a Democrat, that much is certain. This is why people hate Democrats. They're really just a horrid bunch of assholes.
I remember having my eyes opened to the cynical nature of political party loyalty when Clinton's female cabinet members like Madeline Albright and Donna Shalala stood outside the White House and expressed support for him when it was so obvious he was lying. Historically, Republicans would often resign when accused of sexual misconduct. Hmm, if Clinton had resigned. Al Gore would have been President and probably would have won the 2000 election. I wonder how he would have handled the military response to 9-11?
Could probably heat Europe for the winter with his level of gaslighting.
I'd never heard of Bardella before and hopefully I'll never hear from him again. The layers of dishonesty and double talk here should be the end of his strategist career. At least publicly.
He may be no worse than many others in politics, but having beclowned himself publicly should make him radioactive as far as cameras are concerned.
Kudos, Althouse.
Many men will drop to a knee for feminism because they are addicted to sex and will do anything for it. That includes paying money to stab or poison unwanted children. It also includes nine men writing Roe v. Wade to encourage a freer sexual society that would help men get laid more and more. If Harry Blackmun was too dumb to realize that, it's because Satan deluded his sorry ass.
Pregnancy makes women vulnerable (they now have another mouth to feed). Feminists are always talking about empowering women, like power is the most important thing in the world.
Abortion definitely frees you up for more sex. And you've gotten rid of a mouth to feed, so you now have more money. Power, sex, and money, that's all you need in this world. Right?
Pregnancy makes you vulnerable, but it also opens you up to love and makes you a far better person than you were. Love your baby, love your child, love your man. Love your family. I know this is old-fashioned 1940's shit. It's also true.
The pro-life movement is filled with women who had abortions they regret. These people are silenced by a media who pretend that these Republicans aren't "real" women. And the fucking Democrats then deconstructed human sexuality some more, and now they don't know what a woman is. Don't know what a woman is, don't know what a baby is, don't know what a person is.
You can denounce Jesus for his pronouns, but notice that he said Satan was male, too. He's the Father of Lies. Feminists should always call out men for their lies. But we have a duty and an obligation to call out women for their lies. And we have our own duties and obligations as fathers.
If you think pregnancy doesn't involve men, I don't know what the fuck to tell you. Stay awake in sex ed!
Is OnlyFans that well known? I’d never heard of it before (sounds like the name of a sports gambling app).
Bardella was a GOP staffer in his earlier career. He’s a Dem now.
This kind of casual misogyny (like casual bigotry) cuts across party lines. He’s a perfect example since he’s been both.
Good to see Joy Reid laugh along. Casual misogyny isn’t relegated to men.
A Democrat strategist makes a profoundly ignorant and insulting statement about a perceived political enemy, then makes an insincere apology ... sadly, that's dog bites man.
He appears to be attracted to Boebert. What conundrum for him.
It's like something an abusive boyfriend would say.”
Good one. That’s what Dem party leaders think of their voters.
You quickly apologize to women because they'll nag you forever if you don't.
A man just talks to somebody else if insulted. He doesn't keep nagging.
Feminism is nagging.
I recommend that Kurt Bardella appear in porn videos. For free! It would be a promotion from his current job as Democratic strategist and more beneficial to society.
I’m just here for the baptism of the brand spanking new #apologyGlennGreenwald tag.
Bardella is from the Italian for bordello.
“,,, he stumbled into a different feminist problem.”
Satan worship is very complicated and intellectual!
Takes a lifetime of study.
Seriously??? What do you expect from democrats?
Lower than whale shit.
Alternate Headline:
Democrat Strategist suffers painful burns after gaslighting himself in the foot.
You always supported Democrats? Still do, from where I sit. So tell me, Althouse, do.the Republican and right-of-center female commentators on your blog not tell anything about the real Republican attitudes towards women? Or will you continue to let the New York Times and the Washington Post tell you what to think about what Republicans think about women?
And if I was Bardella I’d be careful about insulting a woman who shoots as well as Boebert is reputed to shoot. Just sayin’.
I'm sure that MSNBC is somewhere inside our cable package, but I have no idea where. And I have no interest in finding out.
On the other hand, a little project to enlighten their sponsors would be a fun.
there's No Shame, in being a democrat. This defines them
There is NO Shame in them. Look at the things they spout, without a drop of shame
Well, we won the election, didn't we?
It Ain't over, until we win!
It depends what the meaning of the word is is
He paid russian hookers to piss on a bed!!
He wants to put y'all Back in Chains!!
No Shame, not a drop. It's the definition of democrat
I think my dog is a feminist.
She was given up to the pound at 1 week. So the vets (all female) had to bottle feed her like a little baby.
I didn't know any of this when I adopted her. And then I discovered her pro-woman bias. I'd walk her on the streets and some girl would say, "Your puppy is so cute!" And she would wag her whole body. And I'd come home from work, and she would look up from my leather chair. "Oh, it's you."
I feed you every day! How about a lick? No licks for me. I have to get my licks from stranger dogs at Lucky Dog.
She also did not like the leash and peed in my bed. She is pretty much the roughest female relationship I ever had.
Finally we bonded over fetch. I was Coach. She was Olympic Athlete. And that worked. Until she tore her ACL. She picks up a tennis ball in her mouth and I'm all, "Your ACL is torn. The vet benched you for two months." And she's all, "I don't speak English."
By the way, prior to becoming a Republican Congresswoman Lauren Lauren Boebert successfully owned and operated a restaurant.
Democrat Strategist suffers painful burns after gaslighting himself in the foot.
@Bob Boyd, it burned the roof of his mouth.
Let’s not but let’s say we did.
A couple of thoughts:
Why was this slur "top of mind", as they like to say in the White House, for these two moral and intellectual low-lifes, Reid and Bardella? Could it be the curious case of Rachel Dolezal, who was recently--ahem--exposed as maintaining a OnlyFans presence?
Bardella and Reid fit right into the MSNBC freak show lineup. "Come see the people with no brains..."
One of your best.
If a Republican had directed such a remark at AOC, his career would be over. They'll probably let Bardella slide. You need the aggravating factor of being a Republican to make charges of sexism or racism stick. It was an ill considered joke, but the apology was creepier and more premeditated than the original insult....Weiner and Toobin could kill two birds with one stone if they appeared on Only Fans. I don't suppose their appearances would generate much revenue, but they would be personally liberating. Perhaps Louis CK could integrate some witty banter into his Only Fans appearance and develop a new form of stand up comedy. I think the Only Fans option as a second career has possibilities, but such an option should not be relegated strictly to women.
This is great. One of the lazy cliches of the left: for a woman to engage in politics anywhere on the right amounts to selling out, hence is adjacent to prostitution. There was a play in this vein about Margaret Thatcher called "Top Girls." Now investigate whether this is what the woke think about blacks who have already made it--in a world that is allegedly so racist, no black has a decent chance if she/he plays by the rules.
You may not like the Dilbert in color this weekend. Dilbert overhears two women talking--likely engineers. One says: I like it when men show emotion, it helps me learn who to avoid. She notices Dilbert and says he wasn't supposed to hear that. He says something like: well, it is a surprise, but it's still true that women are attracted to men with good character more than good looks, right? The woman says: this is going to sting.
Bardella forgot for a minute that he was speaking to people outside his bubble - who think exactly like he does.
This is something I've noticed in other contexts as well with the left. They insult people with insults they're supposed to think are good things. They're always accusing conservative men of being closeted homosexuals for instance. Conservative Christians rarely use that as an insult; it doesn't even register.
This has always been fascinating to me since I heard it happen in real life. A lefty friend insulted another who had wronged her by calling her a Butch lesbian. The insulted woman was not a feminine woman, but was married with kids. I remember thinking, "you're supposed to find nothing wrong with homosexual behavior yet it's your go-to insult. Why?" So interesting to me.
The center of Boebert's district is Montrose, a place I have recently visit many times. A lot of residents who have fled California. Result? California turns more blue, rural Colorado turns less red.
The center of Boebert's district is Montrose, a place I have recently visit many times. A lot of residents who have fled California. Result? California turns more blue, rural Colorado turns less red.
Big Mike said...
prior to becoming a Republican Congresswoman Lauren Lauren Boebert successfully owned and operated a restaurant.
Can Anyone think of ANY democrat, that EVER had a real job prior to politics?
@ Big Mike
Tag this Era of That’s Not Funny.
The set up for this joke was a reference to the Shooters Grill that Lauren Boebert formerly owned having to close this past summer when the landlord wouldn’t renew the lease. The name Shooters invokes the well-known Hooters restaurant chain, as well as the name of the town in which it was located, Rifle, Colorado.
The performance art at Shooters was that waitresses worked tables with guns strapped to their hips. This is a form of Second Amendment porn - a genre that relies on sexy poses with firearms rather than nudity. I imagine one can find Second Amendment porn with nudity too, but it’s not essential to the genre. Some of Lauren Boebert’s political ads also fall into this genre.
Short version:
Crapping on women is FINE!
As long as they're not Democrats.
The fake apology pretends the obvious insult isn't obvious.
Okay, fine--I'll accept that there's no shame in participation in "only fans". The insult, is that Boebert's only option is only fans, which is one half insult--there are a huge variety of other jobs she could do and one half a compliment--she's very attractive and could make money on only fans.
Once you see that none of the scolds believes anything at all about what they scream, they lose all power. Ridicule and laugh at them until they disappear.
“Sorry, not sorry” would seem to warrant consideration for a tag.
The left are allowed as much hate-filled misogyny and racism as necessary.
Note also - since the Dems did pretty well - we are hearing their endless Hillary-Maddow screeching about the Russians.
Well, if Bardella finds himself out of clients because of his big mouth, there is the world of gay porn waiting for him. Maybe Howard can give him some tips on how to break into the business.
Big Mike said...
By the way, prior to becoming a Republican Congresswoman Lauren Lauren Boebert successfully owned and operated a restaurant.
After these comments hit the news, I looked up the restaurant's current status. Apparently it survived COVID lockdowns, but is now closed when new owner refused to renew her lease.
Daily Beast: The Daily Beast reported in June that “a person familiar with the arrangement said the property manager felt he had a ‘moral’ imperative to close the business, and had planned to lease the space to another restaurant,” but this has not been confirmed.
Other links said the owner wanted to sell building to Broebert and her husband but they declined.
Either sex workers are strong, independent women or they are being exploited by the sexist, misogynistic patriarchy.
Choose one...
Stacey Abrams will never have to worry about being the butt of that particular joke.
Just look at their standard-bearer.
Wow coming from the party led by a child-sniffing showers-with-teen-daughter alleged rapist this is a strong take. Democrats saying republican women are either prudes or whores is SOP.
Bardella is from the Italian for bordello.
That's interesting!
I don't speak Italian. But in Spanish the different vowels are for masculine and feminine words.
If "o" is masculine, then a bordello would be a whorehouse for men to visit.
If "a" is feminine, then a Bardella would be a whorehouse for women to visit.
What Big Mike said. Boebert was a business owner. She got into politics because she was tired of the unconstitutional efforts' regulators tried to destroy her business. That's because part of his business gimmick was the carry a firearm on her hip, which was entirely legal. Boebert epitomizes Democracy, in which the people tired of their government voted in a Representative that supported their views. Whether she maintains the role or not does not detract from the reasons she got there.
He probably thinks he's being clever for the ladies of his tribe, drawing that fine, dehumanizing distinction in the non-apology. But he would be exactly the kind of cowardly creep that would frequent something voyeuristic like 'only fans', timidly preferring not to risk something face-to-face.
A lot of the poison in our culture goes unchecked because we don't believe in settling things in manly ways anymore. Sometimes direct confrontational messages work really well to remind men that there are other men who object. It's a powerful check on arrogance. Mike Tyson said 'Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth.' He was right: Remember Harry Reid's abrupt change in attitude and outlook once he had a black eye? He had a plan too, but plans can change.
"The name Shooters invokes the well-known Hooters restaurant chain, as well as the name of the town in which it was located, Rifle, Colorado."--LBOTC
Also, any normal human being knows that there is a class of drinks called--wait for it--SHOOTERS!
Imagine that! A bar and grill with a clever name that has nothing to do with Hooters! Lawsy sakes!
Left Bank, you need to get out more. Covid is over, but you can still wear your mask.
"Stacey Abrams will never have to worry about being the butt of that particular joke."
Written, obviously, by someone who has never seen any OnlyFans video. Believe me, out there somewhere are many paying someones who would eagerly pay to see Abrams on an OnlyFans. Fetishes are almost uncountable, and many are incomprehensible to most of us.
@Left Bank. To the left, everything is porn .... or wishes it were so. Just like racism, to the prisms of the left, everything is porn.
The eternal gift of Donald Trump is that Democrats now feel justified in showing us who they really are. We get glimpses through social media and conservative websites where the leftmedia cannot cover for them.
That they unabashedly wish harm and degradation on non-Democrats offers insight to thoughtful observers about the future under their reign.
Left bank shows us how a leftist rationalizes such insults. Also I believe Boebert has won. Her opponent was a Democrat hero. Blackmailed into a corrupt action because the beneficiary had a video of him having sex in a storage unit.
I remember thinking, "you're supposed to find nothing wrong with homosexual behavior yet it's your go-to insult. Why?" So interesting to me.
I have noticed that, too. Howard is always making such comments.
I think that this whole kerfuffle is so interesting. Republicans were silent when their comrades, including Donnie Trump JR, made fun of a 82 year-old man being attacked with a hammer and they're up in arms because a left wing pundit, who does not even hold public office, makes a really stupid comment. Get a grip, righties. Faux hysteria does not become you all.
Vicki from Pasadena
Sad thing is not that he is a sexist. I expect male feminists to be that as it tends to be a fairly common issue.
It's that he seemed to be totally oblivious to it. It shows that he absolutely does not take it seriously.
Well, given that prior to this Boebert was a small business woman, perhaps it is an indication that another restaurant or whatever is not possible give that Colorado is going Blue and the Democrats have thousands of petty functionaries who will use their regulatory approval processes to harass and abuse her once she's out of Congress. Since the 1930s, Democrats, and Republicans, have worked tirelessly to undermine the ideas of Magna Carta and make government bureaucrats masters and enslave the "unconnected". Municipal politics writ large.
In such an environment of petty functionary harassment, women have had to enter into the sex trade to survive.
There wouldna been a dimes worth of difference in Al Gore’s response to 9-11.
Mr. Boebert would be fully correct to look Kurt Bardella up and curb stomp that faggot’s ass. As long as we’re throwing around obscene insults and all.
Of course I’m sure Lauren could take care of that herself.
The left are allowed as much hate-filled misogyny and racism as necessary.
Note also - since the Dems did pretty well - WHERE did their endless Hillary-Maddow screeching about the Russians go?
"Has he really examined his perceptions of women? No!"
Why should he? The only thing that matters is whether his perception fit prog rules. As soon as a prog called him out, he adjusted. Of course, the actual insult of an actual GOP woman is just fine. It was a correct "perception."
"That said, I have zero appetite for the faux-outrage coming from the MAGA-ites because we all know they don’t give a rip about sexism, misogyny or equality."
IOW, insulting GOP women is just fine. They have it coming. The right deserves contempt.
"I have zero appetite for Democrats excusing their offenses by saying the other side is worse."
Which is very nice of you, but many nice women still do have that appetite.
"you smugly assume you have a lock on women"
On single women, the assumption is correct. In many places, Dems can afford to be smug.
"It's like something an abusive boyfriend would say."
As long as the boyfriend is cool and pro-abortion, and not orange, it's all good.
Kurt Bardella was a Lincoln Project member, Democrats pretending to be anti-Trump Republicans being pais big $ by the left. Also a grooming organization for older men to meet younger men.
Kurt is also a jounalist that was so offended by Trump's "grab their pussys" comment. Kurt is a hipocrite, he'll say any thing for leftist money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
Joy Reid is an example of why the Ivy League should abandon racial prefferences.
Then there's my ex-senator Claire McCaskill, She is as big political toad as Hillary. Imagine a set of heavy brass toad bookends. On one side a large toad with Claire McCaskill's face, on the opposite Hillary's.
People of Female. Diversity breeds adversity.
The Pro-Choice ethical religion denies the dignity and agency of both women and men, and reduces human life to negotiable commodities with diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry).
I could have sworn I read Mortadella... yum.
I am reminded of when Peter Fonda tweeted that Trump's Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen "is a lying gash that should be put in a cage and poked at by passerby. The gash should be pilloried in Lafayette Square naked and whipped by passerby while being filmed for posterity."
As I recall, even some on the Left felt that was not entirely appropriate.
"Imagine a set of heavy brass toad bookends."
I like that idea.
"On one side a large toad with Claire McCaskill's face, on the opposite Hillary's."
I don't like that idea.
Vicki dumps a load.
Republicans were silent when their comrades, including Donnie Trump JR, made fun of a 82 year-old man being attacked with a hammer
Especially by a friend who was there at 2 AM, and in his underware. Vicki, your comments are a comedy diversion.
@ Vicki from Pasadena
Ever considered commenting on other topics? Because politics ain't your thing.
I mean, it's somewhat interesting to have you always provide the stupidest take, but it's not a good look.
Just trying to help.
“Believe me, out there somewhere are many paying someones who would eagerly pay to see Abrams on an OnlyFans.”
“Abrams on an Only Fan”? This would fall to a very ronery Only Fan and would most likely result in a fatality.
yes many people still live in their own little cave inundated with false info especially the old ones
DePape told police officers that he went to the home to take Nancy Pelosi hostage, according to the affidavit, and that he viewed her as a “‘leader of the pack’ of lies told by the Democratic Party.”
Separately, the affidavit makes clear that DePape was wearing clothing at the time.
“Officers removed a cell phone, cash, clipper cards, and an unidentified card from DEPAPE’s right shorts pocket,” the document reads.
A local news outlet reported the baseless claim that DePape was in his underwear, but it later corrected its story.
Pelosi, meanwhile, was asleep in his bed on the second floor of the home when DePape entered and woke him up, according to officials.
“Mr. Pelosi, who was sleeping, was wearing a loose fitting pajama shirt and boxer shorts,” Jenkins, the district attorney,
you gotta get in the real world its the 21st century!
I think this is a good address for Cancel Culture. He deserves to be punished for that. Everyone should agree, on both sides.
MGT was in construction.
Fooking capitalists, these R gals.
I know this is probably not worth my time, but here goes:
DePape told police officers that he went to the home to take Nancy Pelosi hostage
How did he get there, DD45? He's a homeless dude living in a bus on someone's yard 20 miles away in Berkeley. And he just happens to break into the high-end condo of #3 in line.
How did he get there? And if you don't know, wouldn't you think that would be something law enforcement would ask? And include in their report?
Answer that, and we can go from there.
Pop quiz, Vicki:
Which Republican candidate was recently attacked by a knife-wielding assailant?
How many Republican Legislators were shot by a Bernie obsessive and what were their injuries?
How many broken ribs did Rand Paul suffer when attacked by his angry Democrat neighbor?
Who was the last President to be shot?
Name the three latest Democrat Presidents who pardoned or released terrorists who murdered or tried to murder Congressmen, police, and civilians.
Pop quiz, Vicki:
Which Republican candidate was recently attacked by a knife-wielding assailant?
How many Republican Legislators were shot by a Bernie obsessive and what were their injuries?
How many broken ribs did Rand Paul suffer when attacked by his angry Democrat neighbor?
Who was the last President to be shot?
Name the three latest Democrat Presidents who pardoned or released terrorists who murdered or tried to murder Congressmen, police, and civilians.
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