That's a relief. It's good to be emerging from this period of uncertainty about the balance of power.
If the Republican had won in Nevada, we'd have a repeat of 2020, spending weeks obsessed with Georgia, dependent on Georgia.
I see that Georgia has moved up the date of the runoff election, so it is the first week of December now. After the 2020 election, the runoff was in January. That's better, but it's also much better to not have control of the Senate depend on a runoff in one state.
The Democrats are massively constrained after the 2022 election, if, as it seems, Republicans do take control of the House. It's unlikely that there will be another Supreme Court opening before 2024, and if there is, the Supreme Court will only be put into more of a balance — 5-4 instead of 6-3.
OTOH, if Democrats maintain control of the House they will view it as a mandate and govern even more poorly. It wasn’t a mandate; the Republicans are winning the vote count for House seats by about 3.5 million.
Interesting stat from the Cook Political Report 2022 House election tracker (h/t to Powerline's 3WHH)
As of 12 Nov there were about 5% more votes cast for Republican House candidates than Democratic House candidates. The margin has been narrowing steadily as more races are called. It was over 6% on 10 Nov but probably won't drop below 4%.
Don’t expect the next two years to be boring, Althouse.
The most important thing is that the Republicans take something. Divided government will save us from 2 more years of wrack and ruin and possibly save us from the Republicans taking everything in 2024--which would bring its own form of excess. One-party rule is always bad, no matter which party.
Still, it would have been better for the country if the Republicans had taken congress as a whole. That's our best hope for the kind of gridlock that can stop the hairbrained schemes of the poorly educated short-sighted "reformers."
MartyH said...It wasn’t a mandate; the Republicans are winning the vote count for House seats by about 3.5 million.
One of the comparisons to pre-Civil War Spain that rings true is the Democrat's approach of treating any victory, no matter how slim the margin, as a mandate for sweeping radical restructuring of society with no regard to the near-majority that voted against it. Eventually they radicalize everyone.
However, Republicans are in no position to make the "we won the popular vote" argument given that they have (correctly) insisted for years that the popular vote doesn't matter where the election rules say it doesn't.
The Supreme Court needs balance between responsible and moron. Otherwise women revolt.
I don’t think having more 5-4 decisions would be a good thing for the Supreme Court. It could lead to delusions of grandeur in whoever becomes the “swing justice”, and to advocates tailoring their briefs to appeal to that Justice. People might get the idea that the Court’s decisions could flip back and forth depending on changes in a single Justice. Holdings of cases might be determined by the concurring opinions of one Justice.
‘The Democrats are massively constrained after the 2022 election…’
They’re so fired up that Joe is running again, so I’m not sure I agree with that assessment.
That's a relief to you? You like the last two years of what they served up? Well, good. You'll get even more coming. They're about to 'slow walk' extra boxes of ballots until they win the House as well.
Bend over America. You're about to get a large dose of what you voted for.
I could not be more disgusted than to watch boxes of mail-in ballots slow walked into election centers in key states- as was done in 2020 when laws were changed because of...Covid!- and the ballots being 'cured' as they say, by thousands of union employees on the phones. When half the country is still scratching their heads from 2020, this is done, not only in front of the world and the incurious press, but with smug smirks on their faces. As if they're holding up both hands and both middle fingers to all of us saying...(as Katie Hobbs knew when she declined even doing a debate), we got this. We had it before the election even took place.. In Nevada they just kept bringing in more ballots from Clarke County. Union approved ballots. They kept it up until they overtook a 30,000 person lead at the end of election day. Nice arrangement. If they had needed 50,000, I guarantee you they would have walked in 50,000.
You'd have to be numbheaded to not be an election denier in this country. Nothing about the last two elections makes any sense, yet seems to scream manipulation.
With Romney, Collins and Murkowski it wouldn't have mattered anyway. McConnell is just as happy with a little fiefdom as with a big one.
I think Republican control of the House turns on a number of yet-undecided California seats where current projections have them favoured to win. Given that it's California, I . . wouldn't be surprised if they wipe out on every single one with the last batches of ballots counted.
The last 2 years had a lot of phony senate debate: Manchin stopped a lot of nonsense and then Sinema stepped in when he was overwhelmed. Schumer absolutely must have been in on this or directing it, as his core Wall St. supporters are not at all hard left. They are all capitalists, and most are functional centrists.
Let Biden and the Squad yell and scream and feel good over empty, broken legislation all the want. The senate has secret ways.
The main issue today is excessive spending (i.e., inflation bit back). Biden's utopian executive orders and silly agency rules are losing in court one after another -- implementation was never a priority. They were needed to keep the gullible CBC and Squad and Karens and activists happy by "doing something."
The establishment bit back at Trump and populists in 2018, 2020, and 2022. Election outcomes were driven by Soros' and Bloomberg's teams of quantitative analysts, their billions of dollars, and sympathetic university academics. This has been the left wing's modus operandi to gain/maintain control since the 1960s at minimum.
What Temujin said @ 6:31 AM
Amen. Well said.
To listen to the press refer to people like us as "election deniers" is beyond infuriating. Where are the journalists who would ask the obvious questions: Where did this box of ballots come from? Where was it stored? What was the chain of custody? How were these ballots verified? Are there any duplicate ballots? Is there any quality control for this process? Etc.
I'm not a "denier" of the 2020 election regarding the actual day. It was the months of lead-up to the election, the rules that were changed (sometimes by judges rather than legislatures), the obvious manipulations with Covid as an excuse, alongside the various cover-ups by the press and tech companies, that make me question the result. Although election day itself, and the days following, had the usual shenanigans.
And here we are again, on the state level. The same BS. The same alliance between the Democrats and the press. The same last minute result where the Republican loses by just the necessary margin. The same boxes. The same smirks. The same accusation of being a denier if you ask a single question.
Screw these people.
tim maguire said...
However, Republicans are in no position to make the "we won the popular vote" argument given that they have (correctly) insisted for years that the popular vote doesn't matter where the election rules say it doesn't.
An accumulated popular vote has much more direct connection to the House than either the Senate or the Presidency. House districts are supposed to be roughly similar in population.
It is still effective to ask Democrats why they don't think it matters, especially if the House breaks to even narrower Democrat control, as well as an argument against the claim that gerrymandering favors Republicans.
I was genuinely shocked to read this; I thought the Republican was well ahead.
In Nevada they just kept bringing in more ballots from Clarke County. Union approved ballots. They kept it up until they overtook a 30,000 person lead at the end of election day. Nice arrangement. If they had needed 50,000, I guarantee you they would have walked in 50,000.
Oh. Right.
You'd have to be numbheaded to not be an election denier in this country. Nothing about the last two elections makes any sense, yet seems to scream manipulation.
In broad daylight, no less. They're not even trying to hide it anymore.
However, Republicans are in no position to make the "we won the popular vote" argument given that they have (correctly) insisted for years that the popular vote doesn't matter where the election rules say it doesn't.
Is there any Congressional election that isn't ultimately decided by the popular vote? This is an honest person - I don't know how each of the 50 states' federal Congressional elections works. If there are such that are decided in some other fashion, then yeah, Republicans would be dumb to make the Democrat argument that we should win those because we won the popular vote there.
Or are you saying that Republicans shouldn't argue that winning the popular vote nationally should mean we win certain state elections? Of course that's self-evident, but is any Republican making that argument?
We're watching The Offer these days... Somehow I've never seen The Godfather, the making of which is the subject of the series (and it's an amazing, terrible, very well done story), but I understand that the books/movies end with the Corleone family moving to Las Vegas and establishing themselves as the ruling power there. If I've got this right, then I am even more wearily unsurprised about this result in Nevada. As has been observed above, we'll never be able to tell for certain that these tens of thousands of late-arriving and "cured" ballots were legitimately cast and recorded, and it wouldn't matter anyway, because the result would be what whoever controls the casino industry wants it to be, by whatever means necessary.
Yeah it's so fucked up that they are actually counting the votes. The only way we can get the correct people in office is to disenfranchise the others. It's what Jebus wants.
if they get to 51, then Biden can be told that he decided to retire
if they STAY at 50, they Can NOT move Harris out of her tiebreaker role
6-3 is fair and balanced.
It’s what is needed to counter the far left’s capture of the country.
Howard said...
Yeah it's so fucked up that they are actually counting the votes.
Not votes, ballots.
Re the Supreme Court, who would be the next Justice to leave? If health alone is a consideration, it might be Sotomayor. And if Biden replaced her, it wouldn’t change much.
Howard said...
Yeah it's so fucked up that they are actually counting the votes.
Christopher B said: Not votes, ballots.
Not ballots, putatively mailed-in ballots from... places.
Why, Howard, is it so hard to understand why this new system that generates many tens of thousands of late-arriving, unverifiable ballots might lead to suspicion and doubt among a populace that, throughout literally all of American history prior to this, has cast its vote in person on a single day? Does your side truly not see the at least potential problems it creates?
I have to think that you do see, but love the result, and so are cool with it. Power corrupts and all that. We tried to have a system where the voice of the people and the voice of the States would be checks on power, but... power corrupts.
The ballot curing business they do in Nevada is crazy. The Culinary union gets involved. What crazy third world voting systems we have.
What Temujin said @ 6:31. And what Andrew said @ 7:03. And what R Mc said @ 7:20.
I am just a ditto head today. But seriously? I have lost the last few fragile strands of any trust and respect for the electoral process; certainly in any version or aspect of that process under the control of the Dems.
Call me if they ever drop the mail-in ballot game. That without more is proof of fraud.
So, what changes at the federal level?
Democrats will keep whining that the republicans are fascists, and want to kill grandma and the children (oh, wait, not the children) but something, something. Republicans will do nothing, but when they speak up, it will be taken without any context and prove the democrats talking points. There are no independents or conservatives, there is just The Government.
Someone said something like “ fascism is a single party government, but the Americans have to go one better and have two parties”.
I never understood why Republicans were so encouraged about the Senate map this year. Except for Arizona, Democrats were defending all Blue States. We even had to defend Blue Pennsylvania, which would have been hard even if Oz was not such a disaster. It would also help if Republicans in Arizona stopped insulting John McCain before elections.
I knew they’d get a Democrat win if they just counted long enough.
It is awkward that their inevitable victory has taken so long.
Isn't that strange? The Republican leads. The count is delayed. The unions (or 2000 mules) step in to "help out" and, voilá, the Democrat surges ahead.
Bananas anyone?
A conservative center, moderate middle, or divergent balance. At least we are no longer overtly ruled at The Twilight Fringe.
The world is laughing at us.
"In Italy we are able to have uncontested elections – even by a left party adopting “Fascist alert!” as the leading slogan – because strict in person vote, on paper, in a precisely designated site is mandatory; not only we have to show an identity document (usually the “Carta d’Identità ”, which the town office issues to citizens in a very short time, everybody has it), but we also have a personal electoral-card stamped by an official at the polling station each time we vote. The exceptions are minimal and cannot impact the outcome by design."
Jamie write: "Why, Howard, is it so hard to understand ...?"
Why would you think he doesn't understand?
It's like all who say the FBI rank and file are good, honest people. The corruption is at the top. The FBI rank and file enable the corruption by tolerating and enforcing it. They are not good,honest people.
The lefty rank and file not only tolerate Democrat corruption, like Howard, they defend it.
With paper ballots, purple thumbs, and voter ID democrats would never break 200 in the House or 45 in the senate.
This joke only continues because the GOPe regime toadies are supporting this.
There is a reason Mitch and the GOPe gang immediately attacked Trump. They sabotaged this election and they are obviously on the other side. They have been from the beginning.
The next step is for Trump supporters/TEA party and Bernie supporters who are both being cast out by the globalists in DC to find not so much common ground as common hatred. This is happening in every country in the world right now.
Look at what is happening in Brazil right now. The globalist obviously rigged that election too and installed a globalist tool.
Trump was polite compared to what comes next just like the TEA party was polite compared to Trump.
Owen said...
What Temujin said @ 6:31. And what Andrew said @ 7:03. And what R Mc said @ 7:20.
I am just a ditto head today. But seriously? I have lost the last few fragile strands of any trust and respect for the electoral process; certainly in any version or aspect of that process under the control of the Dems.
Call me if they ever drop the mail-in ballot game. That without more is proof of fraud.
Do you think McConnell is concerned with this?
Do you think that it is only democrats involved?
wendybar said...
The world is laughing at us.
No. This is happening all over the world.
The WEF and the globalist money set are trying to destroy the middle and working class all over the world.
From one perspective it doesn't matter whether elections are won by fraudulent means.
What matters is whether elections are conducted a manner which give the appearance that something funny is going on. We, as citizens of a body politic, should have similar levels of concern that governance by either party was honestly procured and without any room for doubt.
They do it in other countries - one day for voting, you vote in person after previously registered, bring ID and get your thumb indelibly marked. You have reliable persons, agreeable to all, counting the votes and reporting the results quickly and efficiently. Any absentee ballots - and they should be as limited as possible - must arrive before election day.
Howard claims to believe this system, used worldwide, results in disenfranchisement.
"The exceptions are minimal and cannot impact the outcome by design."
How can any amount of votes not affect the outcome?
Go ahead and institute the Italian system. I am sure that excluding anyone in retirement homes and the military from mail in ballots will go over well.
It's hilarious that Republicans blame the rules every single election. Do you guys need participation trophies when you lose?
I also await you walking back all these comments if for some reason Kari Lake squeezes it out and wins via late ballots.
You remind me of Act 10 people when Waukesha produced those mysterious late votes.
I don’t agree that adding another Brown or Sotomayor or Kagan to the SCOTUS will in any way provide balance. The democrats are hell bent on maximizing chaos and disorder as they have been since before Trump: extending the non-urgent “COVID emergency” again, DAs who won’t prosecute, energy policy that reduces energy supply, crazy climate rules no one can follow like net-zero, teaching children to hate each other based on skin color, converting the military to a trans daycare service, cashless bail applied indiscriminately, governance by fiat and executive order, mail-in fraud ballots and procedures that disenfranchise honest 1M1V citizens, an open border and lavish benefits to keep the immigration issue at a fast simmer, monetary policy that devalues the dollar and denies recessionary signals while repeatedly promising the do-nothing policy is working, treating China and Russia with servile obeisance while demonizing MAGA voters over and over continuing the tradition of Obama and Clinton who reserved their anger and hatred for Republicans not ISIS or Al Queda or Putin or Xi or biscuit head over in NoKo.
None of that is boring or normal. Trump and Musk are normal compared to what Democrats are doing to America. Look upon the hellscape of California. That’s what Althouse is wishing for the rest of America.
'...the Supreme Court will only be put into more of a balance — 5-4 instead of 6-3.'
Why does there have to be a 'balance?'
Either the constitution says what it says or you can make shit up.
If there are no rapists in my neighborhood, should I hope that my next new neighbor is a rapist for the sake of balance?
Levi Starks said, "It is awkward that their inevitable victory has taken so long."
No, it's not. They won, so they are free to wash, rinse, repeat.
I think it was Yancey Ward who suggested the Republicans start playing the same games until the Democrats "come to the table." I'd be concerned we end up with shootings in that situation, basically "gang wars" between Republican and Democrat election workers.
A majority of Americans voted to reject the paranoid, QAnon adjacent, anti democracy, candidates that your leader Trump pushed forward. Now you reap what you sowed.
Weird how they slow-count when they need the D to win.
Lefty Mark is amused.
It's hilarious that Republicans blame the rules every single election. Do you guys need participation trophies when you lose?
I also await you walking back all these comments if for some reason Kari Lake squeezes it out and wins via late ballots.
I am amused at how every one of these long counts of ballots always end with Democrats winning. Kari Lake could be an exception as the voting machines "QUIT" in Republican districts on election day. How convenient. In Nevada, the lights and cameras were turned off in the rooms where ballots were counted. When they came back on, Laxalt lost. Funny how that happens.
George W Bush was the last Republican to win an election with a long count.
Inga, you and your buddies say that every Republican is paranoid and anti-Democracy. The people voted for them. They didn't just get nominated on Trump's say so.
Here comes the campaign to force Sotomayor out, like they did to Breyer.
LOL fucking out loud. The Republicans are not going to win the House either. All of the seats the need to win are under the counting control of the Democrats. They are likely to top out at 216 seats. It will take a miracle for the GOP to win the House right now.
Also, if the Democrats do end up with a 51-49 edge in the Senate and retain the House, they will just pack the court like they promised to do when they won the 2020 election. So, they won't need to wait for an opening.
I've never card if the R's get control of the Senate. The house is the more important situation.
Even if R's had won control with 51 or 52 votes, it would have meant nothing. McConnell has no policies he wants to pass except tax cuts for the rich, and 50 or 49 votes is suffient for a filibuster. Further, McConnell's shtick is cut deals with the Demcorats in return for favors for big business. He has no desire to stop extreme leftists from getting on the SCOTUS or in Joe Biden's cabinet.
Even, worse if McConnell had 51 votes, you'd have had, Mitt Romney and Susan collins constantly grandstanding and threatening to join the Democrats and pass whatever.
There was a complete lack of positive, unified message from the DC Republicans. WHy, specifically we were supposed to care about Mitch becoming majority leader was never made clear. What SPECICALLY was Mitch and Senate R's going to do that would make life better for average Americans? It wasn't helped by McConnnell, getting in fights with Trump, and having ZERO ability to win votes by speaking in public.
Basically, their whole campaign was "Vote for us, we don't like Joe Biden". McConnell sent millions to Alaska to help Lisa Murky defeat a Republican while starving the Nevada and Arz candidates of cash. If that wasn't bad enough, he pour millions at the last moment in Dr. Oz's campaign - which never had a chance.
It has been hilarious watching the GOP leadership having to stand by and do or say nothing while the Democrats in Nevada sodomized Adam Laxalt the two days. They couldn't say or do anything because to do so would have required them to become election "deniers", and that can't be done because they have to blame Trump for not winning control of the Senate and almost certainly not winning control of the House.
The GOP leadership is like a man who has handcuffed himself to a chair, and is being forced to watch his wife raped by another man. The GOP leadership needs to resign today to retain any dignity of any sort. Even poor old Adam Laxalt was forced to apologize for not winning his race, and the Democrats in Nevada and D.C. are laughing their asses off right now at this sorry spectacle of an opposition party.
Wendy is right - the world is laughing at us.
Recall the Antifa(D) BLM riots that caused billions in damage. Arson and destruction - all because the Hack-D press made sure to inflame everyone over George Floyd. Then the Soros left opened up the prison doors, got rid of bail, and installed pro-crime democrats with his big money all over the nation.
The world laughs at our immature ridiculousness. Our self-loathing insanity.
NO - Trump is no longer the answer - because he is no longer helping. It is all about him now - and not US.
WE really are on our own. The corrupt left have won.
Say hello to Crook Biden-type corruption. They will pack the courts, they will continue to turn the US into Chicago.
It will be interesting, in the next few months, watching the Republicans walk back from insanity. Seemed like such a dandy strategy for the last 7 years, but all great things come to an end.
How though, do you unwind from it's OK to batter your way into the capitol and shit the floor, and all the other contortions?
"Go ahead and institute the Italian system. I am sure that excluding anyone in retirement homes and the military from mail in ballots will go over well."
Apparently, the abject buffoon who actually wrote this out loud above believes that before Covid, no one in retirement homes and the military were ever able to vote.
What a fistulated dumbass.
How though, do you unwind from it's OK to batter your way into the capitol and shit the floor, and all the other contortions?
11/13/22, 12:21 PM
the difference is we were trying NOT to be San francisco, (shit capitol of the world) but now we are all going to be forced to. Thanks to Progressive cheating, and stupid republicans like Mitch the Bitch.
The world isn't laughing at us, it's afraid of us. Insane death-cult governments treat their citizens with this sort of derisively insulting to the intelligence disrespect, and encourage the sorts of street violence we've seen in the past few years.
America is too powerful for that, and without an electorate empowered to stop an increasingly unhinged government, the world fears when that sort of crazy will be turned outwards. We're the only ones who have used nuclear weapons against civilian populations, as the rest of the world is quick to remember.
Jan 6th was a combination of Trump loyalists losing their minds, and FBI informants inflaming the crowd. I guess we are to memory-hole the FACT that John Sullivan, a known Antifa, is the boy who broke the first glass windows at the Capitol. Trump's supporters walked right into a trap - but they do hold responsibility for doing so.
Jan 6th is the gift that keeps on giving. The democrxatic left have turned it into a joyous holiday celebration.
I'm grateful for the commenters here. You all help me stay sane.
I was thinking about my job, since I have to do some work this afternoon. In a nutshell, I negotiate contracts and budgets. I won't go into more detail, in case the thought police crack down on this blog someday.
When I am done with a contract, I insert the final budget, and do a thorough QC review of my own work. Then, I send it to a company portal, where a second QC process is completed. After that, the final contract is sent to the parties for signature. Then I upload the final, executed contract to our company's online system (through a protected VPN), where a THIRD QC is completed. Once in awhile, that third QC finds something that was missed, in which case I fix the issue and send a new version for signature, or create an amendment that remedies the problem. That amendment will go through the same three QCs as the original contract. And at each step of the process, I am accountable to my general manager, my team lead, and representatives of the parties to the contract. Every single step, I have to document in our company's data entry system, where several eyes can see the location and progress of the contract.
You can guess my point. My company does a far better job of oversight and quality control for these contracts than our government does with our votes and ballots. It's absolutely disgraceful that a country such as ours cannot provide an efficient, trustworthy, and reliable system of voting. There's no reason it should take so long, or have so many open questions attached. Every person who casts their ballot should know that it is protected, and will be registered without last-minute complications. We should know who won each race by the next morning. Boxes of ballots being counted for days afterwards, with no accountability, is utterly inexcusable. As someone said above, the world is laughing.
"George W Bush was the last Republican to win an election with a long count."
Actually, GWB won Florida from the get-go. The Democrat Party tried to steal it through a partisan-controlled, drawn out, rigged RECOUNT.
Involving the Service Employees International Union in the Nevada election will always disadvantage Republicans in Nevada.
Active imagination there, jim.
Yancey Ward said...
It has been hilarious watching the GOP leadership having to stand by and do or say nothing while the Democrats in Nevada sodomized Adam Laxalt the two days.
What has the GOP leadership done that makes you think they wanted Laxalt to win?
They gave him no money, no support
They called him a low quality candidate.
They spent all the money they could have used on Laxalt on smearing Tsibaka in Alaska.
At some point you will have to admit that Doucey, McConnell and the rest of those shitheads are just on the other side.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
NO - Trump is no longer the answer - because he is no longer helping. It is all about him now - and not US.
WE really are on our own. The corrupt left have won.
Say hello to Crook Biden-type corruption. They will pack the courts, they will continue to turn the US into Chicago.
Mitch thanks you for your contribution. You are a good loyal supporter of the GOPe. You know exactly who to blame for Mitch's betrayals and failures.
Inga: "A majority of Americans voted to reject the paranoid, QAnon adjacent, anti democracy, candidates that your leader Trump pushed forward. Now you reap what you sowed."
A "majority of Americans" did no such thing. See if you can identify all the ways your statement is false.
This should be fun.
Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "NO - Trump is no longer the answer..."
All you have to do is get a sufficient number of republican primary voters to agree with you.
Blogger Inga said...
A majority of Americans voted to reject the paranoid, QAnon adjacent, anti democracy, candidates that your leader Trump pushed forward. Now you reap what you sowed.
Inga, how's your heating oil bill? You will certainly enjoy the triumph of the Luddite generation now in control. Wind and Solar will bring great comfort to WI. To the politcians.
Blogger jim said...
It will be interesting, in the next few months, watching the Republicans walk back from insanity. Seemed like such a dandy strategy for the last 7 years, but all great things come to an end.
How though, do you unwind from it's OK to batter your way into the capitol and shit the floor, and all the other contortions?
This sounds like jim1234. Insanity is in the eye of the beholder. You obviously prefer $6 ga, inflation at 10% or more, more useless wars and maybe even a nuclear war, replacing the population with peasants and terrorists from all over the world, kids being indoctrinated in transgender, illiterate population, especially blacks, Chinese hegemony plus rich politicians.
I expect an economic collapse in the next two years so we will see how your side works out. You guys did a good job on the J6 simulation but Democrats are very good at fakery.
Democrats in Clark County, NV have a well funded and effective absentee ballot curing operation coordinated by the culinary union. It’s the whipped cream on top of the absentee ballot harvesting. They work so much better together.
Harry Reid’s Nevada legacy is alive and well. From the grave, this great man has saved democracy.
Andrew -thanks for that. Spot on.
Indeed - why is every crucial election being slow-walked in the vote count? Every. one. And every one of these slow-walks garners (sorry) a d-vote. Well - they let NV have the governor for some reason. and no - I'm not saying there is vote fraud everywhere. Just enough where they need it. Funny - recall how confident Old Crook Joe was before the election.
Meanwhile Florida - a large and populated state - just showed everyone how it is done.
Shame on every politician (even including Trump) for letting the left "Chicago" the vote system. What an embarrassment.
Shame on every politician (even including Trump)for letting the left “Chicago” the vote system.
Even though Trump sounded the alarm on Democrat absentee voter fraud and ballot harvesting prior to the 2020 election, those abandoning ship are going to blame him for this too.
Trump didn’t do enough about it, other than scream it from the mountaintops. Classic.
He probably made Putin invade Ukraine as well.
Next we’ll find out Trump actually founded FTX and its original intent was to fund the gain of function research at the Wuhan lab which made COVID and massive absentee voting possible. 4D Chess.
It has worked beyond the establishment’s wildest dreams. The peasant revolt is over. The peasants have surrendered.
It would be weird/comic/tragic/disgusting if Laxalt lost by the exact number of votes as relatives who refused to support him.
I'm glad I won't be going to their family Thanksgiving.
I understand that the books/movies end with the Corleone family moving to Las Vegas and establishing themselves as the ruling power there.
The rumor, and it's only a rumor, is that one of the minor political characters in Part II was based on Harry Reid.
Yeah it's so fucked up that they are actually counting the votes.
They're actually counting the 'votes' right up to the point when the Democrat takes the lead. And then, miraculously, they're done counting.
It's the exact, same thing that happened in the Gregoire/Rossi race in 2004. Count. Not enough. Find some ballots. Count some more. Still not enough. Oh, here's another box. Count again. Bam! The D takes the lead. The counting stops.
You're fine with it because it's your assholes doing it. But karma's a bitch, boy. Remember that.
Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "Shame on every politician (even including Trump) for letting the left "Chicago" the vote system. What an embarrassment."
Since you had already written "every politician" how telling you still decided to namecheck Trump and Trump alone despite the establishment pols being orders of magnitude more culpable and for much longer.
I suppose that's the way its going to be from here on out.
What a fantastic development for the GOPe-er sellouts. A perpetual Get Out Of Jail Free card.
Biden/Fetty 2023!!!
“But karma's a bitch, boy. Remember that.”
What Jim at doesn’t realize because he’s stupid, is that karma is getting him and his fellow Trumpists as we speak. His red wave was barely a trickle. Jim at doesn’t realize that he and the extremists he supports are going to have an increasingly hard time winning elections going forward. A majority of American apparently reject Jim at and his fellow loons.
Trump endorses "Strong and fealess" McCarthy!!!
When captain god-head complains, yet does nothing... You shalt still worship the billionaire idol.
No thanks.
It's tough to compete with brain dead Dems who vote for brain injured Dems.Throw in some "election" irregularities that tilt one way and it's groovy for team Brain Dead.
And oh,
Haether Heyer!!!
Assuming Warnock wins, does this mean they can kill the filibuster even without Sinema and Manchin?
..."the Democrat's (sic)approach of treating any victory, no matter how slim the margin, as a mandate for sweeping radical restructuring of society with no regard to the near-majority that voted against it."
You say this, and yet, it never happens.
"Eventually they radicalize everyone."
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