So begins Donald Trump's written response to the January 6th Committee. Actually there's a heading before that paragraph, in all caps: "THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2020 WAS RIGGED AND STOLEN!"
Can we conclude — based on the literary style and the odd capitalization — that Trump wrote this letter himself?
ADDED: A crucial bit:
The Department of Defense timeline shows that National Guard troops could have easily been present at the Capitol before January 6th and that I fully authorized this recommendation and request. Following my authorization, the Department of Defense was surprised to receive a wholesale refusal, in writing, from D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and the Capitol Police, who do not report to me, but report to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. The law requires their authorization before any troop deployment could be utilized in Washington, D.C.
Why the failure to act or use this ready force? Had even a small percentage of National Guard or fencing been there, there would have been no problem, January 6th would have been just another date. I did my job long ahead of schedule. Some people call it good instinct, but the troops were ready to go. Nancy Pelosi and Muriel Bowser didn’t do their job, they didn’t like the look of soldiers, and sadly your Committee refuses to say anything about it, because if they did, it would be clear that I did everything correctly, and that is not what the Committee wants to see. You stated openly that Nancy Pelosi is off limits, there will be no discussions on this subject, yet she and the Mayor were responsible for this very bad decision not to bring in the troops. The troops were ready to go, and you refuse to even discuss this subject. Why?
१०८ टिप्पण्या:
It's a strong possibility. Although Donald Trump is certainly not the only American who believes that THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2020 WAS RIGGED AND STOLEN!
Has Pelosi every explained why the troops were refused?
81 million? Right.
Trump dictated it.
What we are going to find is that J6 was planned and coordinated.
By Nancy Pelosi, Bowser and the FBI.
I read his response and my first reaction to his opening paragraphs was surprise that he took this path. But then I remembered- this is Trump and this is what makes him who he is. Then I settled in to read through the rest and was glad to see he listed some of the items that bother me to this day, that I cannot shake, about the 2020 election. And I'm glad he had the balls to say, in this reply, what needs to see the light of day. That, and the photos of the crowd. Oh man. Biden didn't have that many people in total during his year long Lid Campaign.
Anyway- the media will cherry pick this letter for key phrases to use against him, but the main point remains:
All of the benchmarks that Trump DID hit do not add up to him losing, until you toss in all of the issues that will not go away. We cannot change it now. We're stuck with the crap the Democrats have unleashed, not only on us, but on the entire world. But it still needs to see the light of day. All of it.
And I don't expect it to be covered a whit by our 'Journalists', the least curious people in history.
“A Majority of people in our Country say that the Presidential Election of 2020 was determinatively dishonest”
Majority? I do not think he knows what that word means. Determinatively dishonest? There is no way Trump wrote that.
Original Mike said...
Has Pelosi every explained why the troops were refused?
Not yet.
Soon she will get to do it under oath.
It is a near certainty that will be after she resigns in December.
It is a high possibility her successor is ushered into the White House to replace the cabbages.
Just by way of no harm, here is a 4 minute 37 second supercut of demmies and newsmedia(BIRM) complaining that the 2016 election was not "legitimate" and "stolen"
But somehow the people who wonder about the 2020 election are the "deniers" and evil extremists.
Fuck the demmy fascists and all their allies
John Stop fascism, vote republican Henry
When you campaign to "drain the swamp" if elected you'd better have a faster drain than a kitchen funnel. And you better hope that rain and rivers don't continue to refill the swamp.
Trump naively thought that a den of predators, climbers, and psychopaths would instantly reform or wouldn't fight back.
“Has Pelosi every explained why the troops were refused?”
Why do people keep believing and even repeating this fiction? It did not happen.
Can we conclude — based on the literary style and the odd capitalization — that Trump wrote this letter himself?
Is there a reason why we should care?
What people need to understand is that this investigation is just a spoiler.
They are trying to flood the airwaves about lies and scandal so that when the real investigations start people tune out.
Left Bank of the Charles said...Majority? I do not think he knows what that word means
Perhaps he should have said "plurality"--another Trump lie daring his opponents to correct it.
I have to say, I'm liking this new tactic. It's time for the albatross to hang from Nancy Pelosi's neck for a while.
How did Radical Left Democrats utilize their Majority position in Congress to create the $48 Million Mueller Report? Robert Mueller was appointed by Trump appointee Rod Rosenstein, and the investigation was conducted while Republicans controlled the House and Senate. It was a Republican whitewash from beginning to end. A lot of people were fooled into thinking otherwise, to be sure. Mark Twain would be very proud of that whitewash.
And January 6th was staged. Nancy "just happened" to have a documentary film crew on hand to video inside and out. Her son in law was pictured WITH the Shaman. The Rotunda doors only open from the inside when a code is used. WHO authorized THAT Nancy?? WHY are they protecting Ray Epps?? WHY did they release known Antifa John Sullivan?? Everything the Democrats have done, stinks to high heavens. Why are we letting the liars get away with continuing to keep lying to us. When is enough, enough??
Trump's national guard lie has been refuted many times, including under oath on July 26 by then Acting DoD Sec'y Miller to the Jan 6 Committee. As the WSJ just editorialzed, the Committee has exposed Trump
and cemented his legacy on the aftermath to the 2020 election for history.
Majority? I do not think he knows what that word means. Determinatively dishonest? There is no way Trump wrote that.
Left Bank,
You do yourself and your fellow travelers a disservice by pretending that Trump is dumb and you are much smarter. It is childish and only displays your ignorance and arrogance. Or as a good friend of mine used to say, "You are arrogant in your ignorance".
Chyron today on Fox claims Nancy Pelosi--the truly wicked witch of the west--said she intends to "punch out Trump". Nothing says silly like an 80 plus year old female politician butching it up with boxing talk.
There is certainly a plausible case that Nancy, Muriel Bowser and provocateurs from the Feebleminded Boys Institution set January 6 up. Because death takes us all in the end, at some point in the future Nancy will go to meet her Maker--and it won't be pretty when she arrives. The old shape note hymn "A Beautiful Life" says that at the end of life, one must go "to meet the deeds that I have done". Considering all of the slimy things that Ms. Nancy has done, that meeting is going to be painful.
As for personal vendettas in politics--see Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney et al--that usually winds up in tears. Ask Nury Martinec the ex President of the Los Angeles City Council--and as of a day or two ago, the ex member of the City Council. Politicians will play silly children's games forgetting that what goes around eventually comes around. A GOP majority next January may appoint a "bipartisan" committee to investigate the January 6 committee.
Why didn't Liz Cheney subpoena the DC Mayor and the Speaker? And Ray Epps?
A completely fake and biased investigation.
People walked in the Capitol building, stood there and took photos and left the building without incident - and their lives have been ruined. Some even committed suicide over it. The radical Pro-Antifa Nazi left are fine with it.
Meanwhile - Radical Leftists like Fetterman let murderers our of prison.
The writing is a little clumsy - and it's too bad he didn't have a lawyer clean it up - but it's right on target.
F U Liz Cheney.
I agree with everything he says but the issues that will win elections now are crime, education, inflation, immigration, war and our soon to be seen recession.
Unlike some here, I think the media will cover this in great detail because it takes away from everything above. Once again, this election should be about D failures. It should not be about Trump.
Right now he needs to shut the fuck up and financially support R candidates in tough states. If he wants justice, he needs a landslide R House and R Senate.
The hard working Americans he mentions are worried about food, gas and heating bills and not getting stabbed on the subway anymore. He's way down on their list.
I don’t see how a Great President gets an election stolen from him and is a absolutely unable to do anything about it, even though his party controls one house of Congress and the federal judiciary. I do see how that could happen to a Very Mediocre President.
What Trump doesn't get about the election is what Jim Garrison didn't get about the assassination. When you're through the looking glass, people, it's not just that down is up and up is down, it's that it's impossible to say anything with any certainty or to say anything that will convince everyone.
Reports now that Pelosi's daughter was at Nancy's Fort McNair command center on January 6th shooting documentary footage. Why that day? Nancy's son-in-law, a Dutch journalist, was shooting footage on the Capitol grounds. No word on when he will be indicted and held for trial.
Trump certainly wrote the letter, but look at his appendix.
I want to see the "experts" on CNN and MSNBC debunk all those facts.
The remarkable thing is that the Dems told Molly Ball of Time magazine that they DID rig the election.
Readering: "Trump's national guard lie has been refuted many times.." If you look at every single one of those refutations, they all say that "President Trump did not order the National Guard..". Of course he had no power to order the National Guard in DC to do anything. That's the point. Do people like Readering know they are repeating a subtle but huge lie? Probably.
Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki warned the media that if the 2022 elections were a referendum on Joe Biden and his policies, they would certainly lose.
So here's your nice shiny object to chase like a cat to a laser.
Meanwhile, Biden and Quato are going to meet in Philadelphia, but the media isn't going to cover it because he's so unpopular and you can't show a stroke victim meeting with a man in the late stages of dementia.
Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki warned the media that if the 2022 elections were a referendum on Joe Biden and his policies, they would certainly lose.
So here's your nice shiny object to chase like a cat to a laser.
Meanwhile, Biden and Quato are going to meet in Philadelphia, but the media isn't going to cover it because he's so unpopular and you can't show a stroke victim meeting with a man in the late stages of dementia.
Trump tells the truth. Just came out at the Durham Trump-Russia trial that the FBI offered Steele $1 million to prove his Pee-Pee dossier was true. Rather odd behavior for an agency that could have simply INVESTIGATED it themselves. Also just came out that the Russian source of the Dossier (working for Hillary in DC) that Steele used lied to the FBI and made up sources. FBI just accepted his statements. Too good to check.
J6 is the same fraud. FBI assets involved in the riot remain hidden. No release of thousands of feet of Capital hill camera footage. Can't be released. Very hush, hush. Part of the grand investigation, dontchaknow. When they "investigated" Lt Byrd for murdering Ashli Babbitt, they didn't even question him! Just gave him a thank you, and a medal.
We need to be clear, Biden is going to indict Trump and try to imprison him. Garland will make up some charge and get a biased DC jury to convict. And the DC Republicans will silently cheer.
Original Mike asked: "Has Pelosi ever explained why the troops were refused?"
No, but they do have her on videotape threatening physical violence against the sitting President of the United States of America ... violence she said she would be happily willing to go to jail for.
When Trump gets back into office, he needs to hang her for this treason. I will happily hold the rope for him.
Original Mike asked: "Has Pelosi ever explained why the troops were refused?"
No, but they do have her on videotape threatening physical violence against the sitting President of the United States of America ... violence she said she would be happily willing to go to jail for.
When Trump gets back into office, he needs to hang her for this treason. I will happily hold the rope for him.
"Right now he needs to shut the fuck up and financially support R candidates in tough states."
This is in response to the subpoena of Trump that the committee issued yesterday.
One could hardly expect Trump or anyone else to shut the fuck up in this situation.
Thank God we've got at least one guy who fights back.
Thanks for setting me straight, Inga.
I saw this today and thought of you. I really did.
It's the picture.
"Incredibly, it seems that pictures showing the size of the event were perhaps cancelled, scrubbed, deleted..."
The posted photos were from Jan 6? All I've ever seen were the 'forward troops' taking-over-the country pix. How is it possible to withhold photos these days, when every human being is Bob Capa 24/7? So "...cancelled, scrubbed, deleted..." just doesn't make sense.
What remains is the crucial matter: No National Guard.
Inga at 12:20 PM
... Why do people keep believing and even repeating this fiction? It did not happen.
Inga, thanks for your link to that Politifact article.
From the Politifact article:
""The president, Miller recalled, asked how many troops the Pentagon planned to turn out the following day. "We’re like, ‘We’re going to provide any National Guard support that the District requests,’" Miller responded. "And (Trump) goes, ‘You’re going to need 10,000 people.’ No, I’m not talking bullshit. He said that. And we’re like, ‘Maybe. But you know, someone’s going to have to ask for it.’" At that point Miller remembered the president telling him, "‘You do what you need to do. You do what you need to do.’ He said, ‘You’re going to need 10,000.’ That’s what he said. Swear to God."" (Bold added)
Sounds like he told Miller what needed to be done. And Miller is covering his ass.
From the article: "Before the attack, Miller had signaled opposition to stationing the military outside the Capitol, according to the Defense Department’s inspector general report."
I'm sure he did "signal opposition": I get the feeling he did more than signal.
I am Laslo.
I wonder if democrats and liberals have realized yet that whether he gets elected again or not, Trump is gonna punch them in the face nearly every day for the rest of his life.
And, I'm gonna enjoy every bit of it. He is going to be their destructor.
I agree with everything he says but the issues that will win elections now are crime, education, inflation, immigration, war and our soon to be seen recession.
This is the typical loser Republican reaction. "Why we need to stop talking about XYZ, and start talking about abc" . EXCEPT "we" (aka the Republicans) don't control the narrative. The MSM does. And they're in the tank for the DNC, and they'll talk about whatever they wish. The only choice Republicans have is too keep silent or respond.
And why is it the D's can talk jan 6th AND all the other issues, but Trump can't? More loser Republican behavior. "We" can only do one thing at a time, while the D's can multitask. Laughable.
I'm getting so tired of the constant Republican failure to defend people on their own side. And when they do defend its usually in this dumb defensive way: "Well, I don't agree with TRump (or whoever) on everything BUT.." Or "Trump (or whoever) is a flawed man BUT.." When do the D's EVER disavow or put in these qualifiers? NEVER. Putting in this weak defensive crap may make Republicans feel good (Gee, I hope they don't think I'm one of THOSE people) but it never works. NEVER. The D's and Liberals aren't going to give you credit for seeing the flaws on your side. NEVER.
Democrats have fucked up so badly, tragically and stupidly. They blundered us to the edge of a global nuclear genocide.
Time for them to admit they sabotaged the election and plead with Trump to return to office. I’m kidding, but I’m not.
There’s nothing to “prove” in terms of the sabotage of the election. It was done right in front of us. I observed it. Democrats were proud of themselves for doing it. Asking us to prove what we experienced and saw is another propaganda tactic.
They fucked up. They thought Trump was the idiot. It’s them.
Trump was the only sane adult in the room. He tried to prevent the CIA looting of Ukraine and the ensuing war.
“You do yourself and your fellow travelers a disservice by pretending that Trump is dumb and you are much smarter.”
He is the one claiming that we outsmarted him.
Inga, Politifact is about as non-partisan as the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Cite a CREDIBLE source.
Every swing state, (and more), had so many anomalies, whose hearings into, were squashed by the Soros gang of S.O.Ss. Thus proving the investment quality of his Secretary of State initiative. Big dividends. Biggest winner - CCP.
Nice try trolls. Anybody have the patience to explain what an anomaly is for them. Perhaps using "obvious anomalies on your Income Tax Form vs IRS", could help here.
Inga said...“Has Pelosi every explained why the troops were refused?”
Why do people keep believing and even repeating this fiction? It did not happen.
Trump has dropped the issue squarely in the Jan 6 committee's lap. So if it's not true, you can finally get a better source than politifact.
I agree with Jefferson's Revenge. Trump is playing right into the Democrat' plan. The election is less than a month away, and every single day the news is always about Trump. For Republicans to win, the election must be about the economy, crime, illegal immigration, and school choice. But every time Trump ramps things up with another of his missives, he makes sure that the news cycle is always going to be about him. What he needs to understand is that if he is going to get his justifiable revenge, he will need to have the Republicans regain control of the House and Senate. And that won't happen if the election is all about Trump.
Inga said...
“Has Pelosi every explained why the troops were refused?”
Why do people keep believing and even repeating this fiction? It did not happen.
Inga and readering are firm believers in the Russia Hoax.
"Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired." J Swift.
Right now he needs to shut the fuck up and financially support R candidates in tough states. If he wants justice, he needs a landslide R House and R Senate.
"Majority? I do not think he knows what that word means."
Sounds like you don't know the meaning of majority, either, Charlie.
I would criticize Trump on Jan. 6 and today by saying he should have accepted defeat with "quiet dignity and grace" (Young Frankenstein, one of my favorite movies). Mollie Hemingway and others have made the case that the election was rigged--not that theft can be proved, but that the Democrats made sure they had new opportunities for fraud. The statesmanlike thing to do would be to propose a study--who knows, maybe by Congress--of how to ensure the delivery of slates of Electors by states is consistent. 2020 wasn't the only rigged election, probably not the worst; 2016, remarkably, was probably among the freeest and fairest elections.
During Trump's presidency, time and time again, I thought he was down for the count. But then he would keep fighting, and prove he could outsmart his enemies (or at least shock them by refusing to surrender).
And he's still doing it. That written statement is exactly why he has the support of so many. He refuses to throw in the towel, or play nicely. He doesn't concede their whole charade. As usual, I find it exhilarating. No one else, not even DeSantis, can confront them so effectively. He will not stop fighting. For that, he earns my respect.
Igna has linked to Politifarce. Case closed. lol
Trump said "some people".
You know what that means...
Trump has a new marottes 🤦🏽♂️
Trump can do no wrong now.
The hatred of Trump has poisoned the soul of the democrats.
To the point where they can't even slow it down, take it easy, until after the midterms.
Only blind hatred can bypass self-preservation political instincts.
By-golly the democrats have always shown tremendous political instincts.
When it comes to Trump, however. They can't help themselves. Trump is the democrats marottes.
It had previously been decided that Trump could not Federalize the National Guard, i.e., place it under Federal or Presidential control, and then use it for law enforcement purposes. Trump had called The National Guard up during the George Floyd riots in August 2020 and the Dems were outraged and presented an interpretation of the Posse Comitatus Act which banned such use. So by January 4, 2021 it was accepted that only the Mayor of DC could call up the National Guard which she did not do. Trump is saying he asked for the call up as he had asked in August and was denied because since then it had been established that the only authority able to call up the National Guard for law enforcement was the Mayor of DC. And Trump is saying that Pelosi nixed the call up - it was Bowser's call but apparently she deferred to Pelosi. No surprise there. Pelosi said, "no." No surprise there because the Dems opposed the National Guard in August.
At least it seems to me that this reconciles various statements by filling in omissions in historical understanding. Yu ahe to look at August to see that Trump could ask for the National Guard in January but he could not call it up, though he thought it would be needed, The situation established in August isn't acknowledged by the J6 committee. Point is: the left had control of calling up the Guard and when Trump wanted them called up he could only ask and they refused.
Past History of National Guard in DC or If the left didn't have double standards they'd have no standards at all. Example 10,000.
"President Donald Trump recently took the drastic step of sending thousands of National Guard troops to Washington, D.C. They were not sent to repel a foreign attack on the nation's capital but to mobilize against American citizens peacefully protesting the senseless killing of George Floyd."
"The Posse Comitatus Act bans the use of National Guard units for law enforcement only when they are federalized, meaning they are brought under the command and control of the president. When National Guard units are operating in so-called hybrid status — serving federal missions funded with federal dollars but under state governors' command and control — they are not subject to the act and therefore are able to perform law enforcement functions, like searches and arrests."
"When you campaign to "drain the swamp" if elected you'd better have a faster drain than a kitchen funnel."
It was his main failure.
The first civil war happened because the Democratic Party refused to accept the election of a Republican president. It's becoming more and more likely that a second civil war will start for the same reason.
why call it odd capitalization?
I would call astute :
'2020" is not significant since it is only the first of many PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS THAT WILL BE RIGGED AND STOLEN.
Wait until you hear what Durham finds.
Trump is 100% right on his arguments.
It was all to 'get Trump' from day one.
And anyone who does not see this is just willfully ignorant or 'acting dumb'.
And yes, he wrote it.
Jefferson's Revenge -
Trump mocked Rubio once, and all of Trump's male minions think that it's wise to defeat Rubio.
That's how stupid the Man-love for Trump is.
I'm pro-Trump, too.
Someone is running ads against a Congressional candidate near me that claims Jan 6 caused the death of 5 police officers. I don't think it's the opposing candidate.
Trumpworld--Just when I thought I was out, THEY PULL ME BACK IN.
Hunter Biden's tax payer-funded Hooker: "Trump mocked Rubio once, and all of Trump's male minions think that it's wise to defeat Rubio."
That seems like a "reasoned" hot take.....
"I agree with Jefferson's Revenge. Trump is playing right into the Democrat' plan"
Yeah, the way to win is to not fight. Let the D's hoist themselves on their own petard. Eventually, people will look at your losing with grace and quiet dignity, and proclaim: "I say, I like the cut of his jib" and support you.
It worked for Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney. And Jeb Bush and Bob Dole. Winners all.
Personally, I don't understand why Trump lost in 2020. He only had to destroy the Deep state during his 1st term with almost no allies in DC, the entire FBI/CIA and MSM against him, and "smart Republicans" telling him to tone it down and turn the other cheek. Course the man was never very bright. If only I could've advised him.
Beasts of England: "Igna has linked to Politifarce. Case closed. lol"
To this very day, Inga believes Russia Collusion actually happened, that the pee tape exists, and the hoax dossier was "proven true".
Inga also insinuated Melania was a prostitute and that Trump and Ivanka had an incestuous relationship.
That's who Inga is.
I can't believe anyone still believes a Politifact "fact check". They are highly partisan operatives and have been demonstrably wrong on many "facts".
Their fact check let out a lot of relevant information.
Two questions for the "National Guard deniers" like Inga and Readering.
1.) Why is there a letter on record dated January 5th from DC Mayor Muriel Bowser addressed to the AG, Secretary of the Army, and the Secretary of Defense NOT to send any assistance? (Who could she possibly be referring to?)
2.) I just saw video today of Pelosi and Shumer calling Democrat governors to send in the National Guard. How could they possibly do that if Trump was the only one that could call in the National Guard?
The stupidity of the average DC Republican is beyond belief. Senator Lee refused to support Trump in 2016, why who cared if Hillary was POTUS! He voted for 3rd Party candidate Egg McMuffin. A fine man. A fine Republican. Unlike Trump.
Now, Senator Lee is going on TV begging for campaign donations and support. Seems that Egg McMuffin - a fine man - with the support of the D party and Mitt Romney might defeat him, and take his Senate Seat. Sads. Well, at least if Senator Lee loses, he can show some grace and dignity. And that's all that matters isn't it?
"Right now he needs to shut the fuck up and financially support R candidates in tough states. If he wants justice, he needs a landslide R House and R Senate."
Oh sure. Trump should just "shut the f*** up" while he is being publicly accused of rape, leading an armed insurrection to overthrow the government, being set up by the DOJ/FBI for Sham-peachment number 3, having the corrupted AG of NY attack all of his businesses, etc.
Yes indeed, Trump should just "shut the f*** up".
You know what? Here's my suggestion: you should just "shut the f*** up" and do more to help republican candidates. Because Trump has been working overtime to assist and fund republican candidates.
But hey, I get it. Its always so much nicer when republicans accept the non-stop abuse heaped on them from democraticals with stoic silence and perhaps, maybe even beg for forgiveness.
With any luck Romney would begin to "like" Trump! And would'nt that just be the best?!
"When you campaign to "drain the swamp" if elected you'd better have a faster drain than a kitchen funnel."
Sebastian: "It was his main failure."
Oh, is this the part where we again pretend Trump wasn't being fought tooth and nail and being undermined behind the scenes by the entirety of the Republican leadership?
That's right. It's Trump's main failure.
Ooh, I know! Maybe he should have leaned even more on McConnell and Ryan and the RNC to staff up..........yeah. That's the ticket.
Trump's main failure? He gave the GOPe some benefit of the doubt. And now all the folks sitting in the cheap seats are tossing ALL of their criticism at Trump because that makes sense.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "I'm pro-Trump, too."
"pro-Trump" in the same way Trump was and is pro-Rubio.
Unknown: "The media have been given their orders: TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP MARCIA MARCIA MARCIA RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA"
According to the gang at Althouse, that's all Trump's fault now too! As well as everything the GOPe has done for the last 50 years.
What a great break for the GOPe-ers! They can lay off everything they've pulled for decades onto Trump and man, will some audiences gobble that right up!
Inga believes Polifact. Isn’t she just precious?
"When you campaign to "drain the swamp" if elected you'd better have a faster drain than a kitchen funnel."
It was his main failure."
Yea, OK. When I was a Plant Manager and came back from vacation some of my dept heads would say, "well, Joe did not do very well without your supervision." I said, well then, why didn't you help him?
Trump had a right to expect help from the Republicans in government who could have advised him. The entrenched Repubs did him in out of jealousy. They thought that they were elites and would take their ball home if they were not the boss.
You get the idea that corrupt enrichment is more important than making the US better for its people. How could THAT be true, huh?
“Wait until you hear what Durham finds.”
Yeah, they’re all being held on barges until there’s room at GTMO.
was riding in my car today; looking at leaves, and watching folk cut their beans..
And listened to a little NPR.
According to NPR,
the idea that there were ANY shenanigans in the 2020 election, is BASELESS
But! calling the mostly peaceful protests on Jan 6th an Insurrection, is GOSPEL
(they didn't actually Use the word 'Gospel', they just kept calling it an Insurrection)
Now, i ask you? Which is MORE BASELESS? 2020 election shenanigans? or the Jan 6th "Insurrection"
"He is the one claiming that we outsmarted him."
What's this "we" shit, white man.
"WASHINGTON (TND) — A Capitol Police timeline of the days and weeks surrounding Jan. 6 shows former President Donald Trump’s Department of Defense (DOD) offered the National Guard’s assistance in the days leading up to the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol, validating claims from Trump administration officials that were said to be false by liberal fact-checkers.
What we also know is that President Trump wanted to make sure that the people that came, that there was a safe environment for that kind of assembly,” former President Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told Fox News’s Sean Hannity.
And I’ve said that publicly before — the 10,000 National Guard troops that he wanted to make sure that everything was safe and secure," Meadows said. "Obviously having those National Guards available, actually the reason they were able to respond when they did, was because President Trump had actually put them on alert.
Liberal “fact-checkers” like The Washington Post and PolitiFact argued the claim about National Guard assistance coming from Meadows and other top Trump administration officials was false, but an official timeline of the events leading up to Jan. 6 apparently shows differently.
According to the timeline, a DOD official reached out to Capitol Police Deputy Chief Sean Gallagher four days before the attack on the U.S. Capitol to inquire about whether Capitol Police anticipated they would request National Guard troops be deployed to prepare for Jan. 6."
“Carol Corbin (DOD) texts USCP Deputy Chief Sean Gallagher, Protective Service Bureau, to determine whether USCP is considering a request for National Guard soldiers for January 6, 2021 event,” the timeline reads in an entry listed for Saturday, Jan. 2, 2021.
The next morning, the timeline indicates, “Gallagher replies to DOD via text that a request for National Guard support not forthcoming at this time after consultation with COP Sund.”"
"The Capitol Police timeline shows what we have been saying for the last year — that DOD support via the National Guard was refused by the House and Senate sergeant at arms, who report to Pelosi,” said Patel. “Now we have it in their own writing, days before Jan. 6. And despite the FBI warning of potential for serious disturbance, no perimeter was established, no agents put on the street, and no fence put up."
Yeah, Trump definitely wrote that or dictated it.
"Why do people keep believing and even repeating this fiction? It did not happen."
Right after the dumb remark about punching out Trump, Pelosi says "I've been waiting for this - breaching of the Capitol".
That odd bit of specificity suggests Trump's recollection of Pelosi rebuffing his offer of additional security to ballast the Capitol Police on the 6th is not without some truth. Her remarks (which are on video filmed by her own daughter and released by the J6 Cmte idiots who had the genius idea that the clip would *help* their credibility) are highly suspect.
1. Trump: "Following my authorization, the Department of Defense was surprised to receive a wholesale refusal, in writing, from D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and the Capitol Police, who do not report to me, but report to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi."
2. Politifact: "There is no evidence that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi denied such an authorization"
If you can't see the hand waving by Politifact to manufacture a "false" outcome, you are too dumb to vote.
All those Democrats used to like "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" - well, here you go...
How did a handful of lightly armed civilians "take over" the capital of the United States? Exactly who was asleep at the switch?
Still no answer.
Anyone who believes a word that Trump says is too dumb to vote.
He gave the GOPe some benefit of the doubt.
As a novice to the machinations of government he had no choice in the matter. He didn't have a ready made cabinet of trusted advisors and he made some bad appointments such as Sessions based upon early support. My assumption is that he learned a lot during his four years in office and will have had four more in a somewhat less stressful environment to rally like minded people around him.
He isn't stupid. He's aware he needs the support of Congress if he is President in 2024. The 2024 Senate races will be more favorable than the midterms for Republicans because of the states in play, and after another two years of the Fric and Frac show the voters will be sick of the Dems.
But I'm not sure why anyone would want the job. The USA and the world will be in a failure cascade by 2024. Food shortages, crushing debt, competing tribes, a massive increase in unassimilated people, rampant crime and on. Globally it will be far worse. Widescale starvation, energy shortages, war, a total breakdown of civil society in some areas, a nuclear armed Iran, and an understanding by world leaders that USA policy has a lifespan of 4 years.
Whatever you say - Biden swetnik.
@Pillage Idiot, 4:26pm: Thank you for that link. I actually was taken in by Inga, though I have to say there was a little voice in the back of my head saying "you fool, how many times are you going down this road?".
Blogger Inga said...
Anyone who believes a word that Trump says is too dumb to vote.
Spoken by an expert on dumb voters. I wonder why Inga keeps saying/writing these stupid things ?
Mayor Bowser delivers a letter addressed to the Acting Attorney General, A/SD, and
SECARMY confirming that there are no additional support requirements from the D.C.
so, THERE YOU HAVE IT!! Nancy Pelosi did NOT refuse troops! Her Minions did!
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Anyone who believes a word that Trump says is too dumb to vote."
Our resident doltard Inga STILL believes literally every single hoax and lie pushed by the New Soviet Democraticals against Trump for the last 7 years.
Ask her about any one of them!
Russia collusion? All true says Inga.
Hoax dossier? Completely proven says Inga.
Melania was an escort/prostitute? Yep says Inga.
Trump had an incestuous affair with his daughter Ivanka? Yep says Inga.
Trump secretly communicated with Putin via his secret server and Alfa Bank? Yep says Inga.
Trump laundered billions of dollars for Putin? Absolutely says Inga.
This list contains hundreds of line items, and Inga believes every single one.
Without exception.
“Anyone who believes a word that Trump says is too dumb to vote.”
I can’t believe an American would say that. All people are allowed to vote. Only a nazi would say that the mentally handicapped are not allowed to vote. Inga is promoting eugenics where the people claimed to be not smart are excluded from having a voice in government. The elites should dictate who can vote. This is disgusting.
Trump had 4 years in the Presidency to learn how to deal with the opposition. He failed. He didn't even learn how to deal with his own ostensible Republican party. He's now had 2 more years out of office to show he's developed the necessary perspective. I see no evidence that he's learned. The best thing that Trump has done since the 2020 election is to make the Democrats and their media allies show their true colors; but even that accomplishment is undermined by his constant promotion of his own ego. It's time for those of us who supported Trump's policies (or most of them) to rally around a different flag in 2024.
Besides that, everyone knows you're not allowed to say those words out loud, let alone writing them in all caps, so he must be stupid. Right, Althouse?
Anyone who believes a word that Trump says is too dumb to vote.
This comes from obviously the dumbest person who comments on this blog.
In other words, Inga needs the Democrat mind hive because she has no ability to think logically and independently.
This is the voter that Democrats are counting on, folks.
Anyone who believes a word that Trump says is too dumb to vote.
Ok, now you're not even trying.
Inga said...
Anyone who believes a word that Trump says is too dumb to vote.
Inga is the last person that should toss about the word 'dumb' so freely.
The politicfact check does no say what you think it says. All it says, is Pelosi did not deny the NG.
But as several have pointed out, the NG was denied, in writing.
Now If I would be the type to use a word like 'dumb' I might apply to a person that would believe the The head of Capital Police would make a decision, on his own, about security on Jan 6.
We know from experience during the 2020 summer of love, mostly peaceful riots, arson, looting, murder, and rape, The DC Mayor controls the City. The Capitol Police and the Capital Architect, control the Capital Grounds. Trump wanted to, but lacked the constitutional power to call up the NG, when the rioting thugs showed up in DC.
The Speaker of the House, and the Majority leader of the Senate are responsible for security of the Capital complex, on a rotating basis. Pelosi was in charge for this session of Congress. The Next Session of congress will be the Senate Majority leader.
When the "fact checker" claims Pelosi did not turn down the NG, that would be technically Correct, because the official response would come from the Capital Police. But a person would be dumb, if they would believe such a decision was not first cleared through the Speaker.
Once you understand the power structure, it becomes painfully clear, the 'fact check' was just to fool the dumb people.
To solve the mystery of who is in charge of the capital, all you have to do is learn who hires and fires the head of the Capital Police, and Capital Architect. (Hint: Its not the Executive Branch, its not the Judaical Branch)
Inga said...
"Anyone who believes a word that Trump says is too dumb to vote."
Says the one who supports the party that actively solicits votes from mentally disabled people by way of county ARC ("Association of Retarded Citizens - a name that should be retired, by the way) organizations. I've attended meetings due to our daughter's connection to the local chapter, and they're not shy about promoting one party over any other. We all know which party that is.
"Only a nazi would say that the mentally handicapped are not allowed to vote."
If the mentally handicapped were not allowed to vote, the Democrats would never win another election.
I am convinced that the whole J6 “insurrection” was a setup from Day 1, and the investigation is just as bogus. So, what we now are seeing are the timing issues. In 3 months, the Republicans will control at least the House. Maybe massively. A lot of the loopholes utilized in 2020 to cheat their way to victory for the Dems have been closed. Maybe more importantly, the House seats in the cities where the ballot cheating was rampant are always super safe Dem seats. They are going to have a hard time stealing very many other seats. That means that the will of the people is likely to triumph throughout most of the rest of the country, and the Dems there have esp weak hands to play, having squandered $Trillions$ lining their pockets, and those of their cronies, resulting in a crashing economy combined with rampant inflation, etc. You can’t spend your way out of either a crash or, esp, inflation. Just doesn’t work. And the Dems running for re-election voted for it.
So, on the Dems’ point of view, they have less than a month now to get whatever benefit they can out of their sham J6 investigation, and after that, they can expect to be the ones investigated. Worse, early voting has started in places, and that is going to accelerate as we near the elections. On the Republican side, the goal should be to muck and slow everything up, until they get control, and turn the tables on the Dems. And that is what I think Trump is doing here.
Inga wrote: "Anyone who believes a word that Trump says is too dumb to vote.
Inga proposes IQ tests and voting licenses.
Jim Crow much?
Scratch a Democrat, you find the Klansman.
("Association of Retarded Citizens - a name that should be retired, by the way)
And replaced with what? Retarded itself was adopted to remove the stigma associated with earlier terms used to describe the retarded. Retarded was the approved, scientific, stigma-free term.
Over time, retarded has become stigmatized by association with the people it describes. Whatever term you use to replace it will eventually become stigmatized too. Education started using the term special education years ago, so now the kids call each other special. Every comic out there has a short bus joke. Why? Because that's the bus the retarded and handicapped ride on.
Early in this thread I suggested that Trump should stop talking about himself and start supporting candidates on issues that voters and citizens actually care about like crimes, education, inflation and others. I suggested that for Trump to get justice the Rs need landslides in the house and a clear Senate majority. Some supported my statement and some did not.
Those who were not supportive called me a loser. Well I call you a fool. While I understand your concerns about squishy Rs, the way to eliminate squishy Rs is with a massive mandate from the electorate. You get a Romney in a 50-50 Senate. Romney is meaninglessness in a 55-45 Senate.
You are fighting a battle on terrain that the enemy has prepared. They have you sighted in. Based upon the issues that are important to your fellow citizens this should be a landslide. In many states it’s still a squeaker, at best. That’s because it’s hard to talk about the issues when both the D’s and Trump want to talk about something else.
Beyond the tactical stupidity of your “plans” for winning, there is also a strategic stupidity. Any political movement that has only one person as it’s leader is doomed. If you believe that only Trump can get you to the promised land you’ve already lost. Fools.
Gahrie said...
"And replaced with what? Retarded itself was adopted to remove the stigma associated with earlier terms used to describe the retarded. Retarded was the approved, scientific, stigma-free term."
Like many other euphemisms, it gradually derogates into a loaded word (ever hear the term 'rightard'?). I'm going by the message on T-shirts prevalent at Special Olympics games saying we should ban the 'R' word. Any replacement for it is likely to degrade too, but it's outlived its usefulness.
My main point is that organizations like ARC aren't shy about their partisanship, and are happy to enroll people who are easily convinced to cast an uninformed vote for their favorite candidate.
“In your heart you know he’s right” comes to mind.
("Association of Retarded Citizens - a name that should be retired, by the way)
Retarded or aborted development? Perhaps aborted is the better choice.
Thank you Jefferson's Revenge.
The 'Trump is our only savior and tru luv and u must worship him or else' man-love crowd - they are the flip side of Joy Behar.
and again- I voted for Trump twice and wish he were pres now and know he was treated unfairly by the hacks and liars on the left.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Thank you Jefferson's Revenge.
The 'Trump is our only savior and tru luv and u must worship him or else' man-love crowd - they are the flip side of Joy Behar."
Yeah, keep telling yourself that is the argument being made.
You get your ass handed to you on this thread for promoting a lie, and this is your response:
Anyone who believes a word that Trump says is too dumb to vote.
Yeah. We're the dumb ones.
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