"I thought the marginalized were supposed to have a voice. It’s very difficult to understand how demoralized people are, and certainly many young men are in that category. And you get these casual insults: 'These incels.' What does that mean? Well, these men, they don’t know how to make themselves attractive to women, who are very picky. And good for them — women, be picky. That’s your gift, man. Demand high standards from your men. Fair enough. But all these men who are alienated, they’re lonesome, and they don’t want to do, and everyone piles abuse on them."
Said Jordan Peterson, quoted in "Jordan Peterson Gets Emotional After Olivia Wilde Says Chris Pine’s ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ Villain Was Based on Him/The author appeared to fight back tears when asked about Wilde calling him a 'pseudo-intellectual hero to the incel community.'" (Hollywood Reporter).
७१ टिप्पण्या:
Late stage Yin, early stage Yang.
We remain a species with two biological sexes in a never ending symbiosis and never ending war of the sexes.
But, each generation must rediscover that fire burns, ice freezes, gravity pulls you down, and you can't breathe underwater.
“Pseudo Intellectual”
Someone with all the educational credentials, knows all the big words, knows how to use them, (and when) yet still chooses to embrace thought patterns that that run counter to established norms.
Olivia Wilde doesn't know a pseudo-intellectual from her own ass, but then nobody can see his own ass in a mirror.
... women, be picky. That’s your gift, man.
He's not doing himself any favors with this attempt at a defense. Because the average woman is eventually going to have to settle. Better to settle early with a diamond-in-the-rough while your ability to pick is at its highest.
Progressivism: Moving from looking down on one group to looking down on another, and feeling superior for having done so.
Maybe he's lying (although that does not seem to be his style--headfirst truth and damn the consequences is more like it), but Peterson has said that he has neen told by at least one young man that he was contemplating a Columbine-style shooting, but Peterson's approach saved him (and the intended victims)., and turned his life around.
That's not nothing, man! Like, it's a BIG DEAL!
Peterson is genuinely trying to address the pathologies of marginalized and disaffected young men. Is that a bad thing?
Olivia Wilde, much to her surprise, was punching down.
What is Wilde the hero of?
If you've read the transcript of the conversation between Olivia Wilde and her writers, from whence her ignorant Peterson/pseudo-intellectual comment sprang, you will know that matters of intellectuality are something that Olivia Wilde definitely should not approach.
The Mendacity-Stream Media are saying that Olivia Wilde hurt little Jordan's fee-fees with her scathing criticism. But it is obvious watching the clip that what Peterson is getting emotional about is his recollections of some of the many damaged young men he has attempted to counsel. He makes it fairly clear that after what he has been through, Olivia Wilde isn't a pimple on his ass.
Most of my life pseudo-intellectual meant a person who tried to impress others by using vocabulary typical of intellectuals but who did not understand what these words mean. By that standard, Olivia Wilde is a pseudo-intellectual for she clearly does not know what “pseudo-intellectual” means.
I suspect, though, that she moves in circles where people routinely refer to Jordan Peterson that way.
I remember that it also used to be considered wrong to dismiss groups of people as irredeemable based on generalizations about them, like say, incels or rednecks.
We'll be a lot better off when all actors have been replaced by CGI.
I’ve never, in the past, based my movie viewing choices on the likability of those involved. But that has started to change…I won’t see this movie simply because of Wilde’s comments, which reveals much about the movie itself. And I find her silly. (I saw Booksmart…didn’t like it as much as critics did.) I’m not the likely audience for “Bros” either (heck, I don’t like sex scenes in Hetero rom-coms beyond some kissing), but I certainly wouldn’t go now that Eichner has lashed out against pretty much everyone that sees movies. I don’t understand the thinking that movie folks have about insulting their audience….like it won’t have an impact.
You may not agree with what Peterson says, but he is undeniably smarter than most...
Not many people will watch that movie.
So he accepts that he is an incel hero?
“The author appeared to fight back tears when asked about Wilde calling him a 'pseudo-intellectual hero to the incel community.'”
He probably has a crush on her, as many of us do. Like many attractive women, she’s easy on the eyes but hard on the ears.
Piers Morgan is exploiting an obviously mentally ill man who uses publicity to self medicate himself. Of all the people in the world to cry over and he picks disgusting unsatisfactory gamer dweeb pussies who can't finger out how to get a piece of pussy.
These are the real men drawn to Trump.
Has being a man or male ever been so problematic? And yet, the literary world says that they've heard enough from men, and that men don't have a future unless they can exploit some racial, or ethnic, or sexual orientation, or gender identity angle. I'm not sure how much of a future men do have in literature, or how much of a future literature itself has. People aren't reading much serious literature anymore, especially men.
Olivia Wilde is really Olivia Cockburn, from a family of (real? pseudo? quasi?) intellectuals, but she may have done better at cheerleading than at her schoolwork. Laura Flanders is also connected to the complicated Clan Cockburn.
I'd bet my left nut Olivia Wilde could not tell us WHY she thinks Peterson is a pseudo-intellectual.
Nice cheekbones are not brains.
Well: if Hollywood Reporter offers us its characterization of what somebody might be feeling in a TV conversation about a Mean Girls comment that was reportedly said about that somebody... DAMN. That is rock-solid information from the most discriminating source and worth a great deal of our respect. Because, I mean, what if Jordan Peterson WERE fighting back tears? Can you even imagine? OMG, what a sick burn that would be!
Seriously: this kind of trash is IMHO not worth our time. Of course it's not my blog. The Professora keeps an open door and finds insight in all kinds of places. So, whatever. But one take-away for me is that this nasty Wilde woman is not to be encouraged in her poisonous drive-by smears of people she clearly doesn't understand or care about.
My middle daughter was a lefty and Bernie voter when I sent her Peterson's book. That was 6 or 7 years ago. I wondered if she would read it or make some snarky reply. A few days later she called me to thank me. She loved it. She had a boy friend at the time. Since then she has married him and had a daughter who 3 last August. She has told me that her entire life has changed since she became a mother. The daughter is bright and pretty, which helps. Her husband is a sculptor and has been quite successful, enough that she is able to stay home with her daughter. She called me recently to ask me to look out for his next book.
We don't talk politics but she has told me that she will avoid the "vaccine" for her daughter and will home school her.
Her husband's parents had despaired of every having grandchildren as he was in his 30s and his brother is gay. They are ecstatic with this little girl.
Reduced to tears of laughter, they meant to say.
She seems nice
Was she channeling George Wallace?
There is a type of woman who goes for glamour and has contempt for men she feels are not worthy of her. Crush them to earth. Let not a single one escape. Someday she will be less attractive and will be discarded, but she will still not understand.
Jordan Peterson is a godsend. From Canada of all places.
Its set in the 50s sure whatever
...Wilde called Peterson “this insane man” who is a “pseudo-intellectual hero to the incel community...”
Wilde seems to be counting on people interested in her interview not knowing who Peterson is?
Hollywood Reporter can’t understand how difficult it must be for Hollyweird people to understand and feel empathy for a good man like Peterson, given the sorts of perversion, sexual abuse, sexual assault that are performed as a part of “normal”, everyday life in their business.
"Pseudo-intellectual" was one of those terms thrown about a lot in college in the mid 60s. At some point around '68 I recall a stoned observation that it while no one was all that sure what it meant, anyone using it was probably one for sure.
I assumed that everyone else figured that out too, and that was why I stopped hearing it over the last 50 years.
Olivia Wilde is a piece of shit that should be shipped to Afghanistan so she can be with "real" men.
I guess people like Ms Wilde, sitting on her high horse, can’t deign to see others as individuals with unique issues and sometimes deep demons. Everyone must be bucketed, you see, in order that her brain not have to stretch too hard to find any empathy for them as human beings. Worse, she denigrates those who are simply trying to help those human beings.
I just watched the full interview by Piers Morgan of Jordan Peterson. IMHO it's worth watching. The "emotional bit" comes in the last few minutes but again IMHO I think it helpful to watch the whole thing to get the emotional and intellectual "arc" of the conversation and its denouement. Some thoughts:
(1) a near-hour of intense free-ranging conversation about Big Stuff can tap anybody.
(2) the vicious quality of Wilde's cheap shot --about people she doesn't have a clue about, people who are hurting badly, people FOR WHOM PETERSON HAS TRIED TO BRING HELP-- really is the impetus for his genuine emotion. If I were he, and were asked to respond to Morgan's query about Wilde's cruel and careless remark, I would be hard pressed to keep my temper as well as he did. (3) What is going on in (2), I think, is not just tears of compassion for God knows how many lost young men he has met and spoken with and perhaps counseled; not just indignation that Wilde writes them off to please her nasty little ego; but something more like rage. How DARE she say such things? How DARE she dispense her cheap smear, trivializing so much suffering?
Something like that is going on, and the Hollywood gossip sheet could care less.
That the Cultural Left so vilifies as anodyne a thinker as Prof. Jordan Peterson shows just how far they have strayed from the intellectual history of the West. Peterson would have not that long ago have been seen for what he is --- a psychology professor coming out of the broad stream of Jungian thought --- and seen as a "liberal".
My conspiracy theory as to what really drives the Left insane about Peterson: he's the foremost disseminator of Solzhenitsyn to the masses now, and Peterson constantly reminds his audiences that Marxist-Leninist regimes murdered about 100 million of their own citizens. He often raises the important question of why isn't this a better known fact, and a source of great moral outrage. It's like the death toll of the Nazi death camps (11 million total, 6 million Jews, 5 million "Other ethnic groups"), except 9 times over, and nobody says a word. Why is that?
This is not an issue the modern left wants discussed.
Plenty of people calling other men betas here over the years, yet now are upset about this?
Might as well have it both ways as the host won't call people on it.
"The author appeared to fight back tears when asked about Wilde calling him a 'pseudo-intellectual hero to the incel community.'"
Peterson's problem is that he is a touchy-feely therapist and free-associating intellectual while actually playing the role of culture warrior. He's pretty tough but needs to toughen up. No more self-pitying drug stories. No more raspy whines. No more shooting-the-breeze freelancing. No more message-I-care therapeutic slow curveballs to progs. No more tears. JP: it is your fate to be a warrior. So fight.
Howard said: "Piers Morgan is exploiting an obviously mentally ill man who uses publicity to self medicate himself."
You continue to embarrass Howard. I have watched numerous Jordan Peterson interviews, some with hostile interviewers. He is without the smartest clinical psychologist I have heard speak. The hostile interviewers were left gasping for air.
Wilde is what you get when you take comfortable and in certain circles well known Leftists coupled with very attractive looks: a very pretty ( albeit aging) woman of no discernable intelligence but who can read a script reasonably well from a pedigree British Leftist background. Nothing surprising there. If she wasn't so attractive no one would have ever noticed her.
The audience of the Hollywood Reporter is a closed industry circle jerk. Aside from action films and superheroes Hollywood forgot what Louie B Mayer said "if you want to send a message, call Western Union". There is a niche market for films like this and their budgets need to reflect that reality if Hollywood expects to just break even with these films. Christian themed films will not on Hollywood's radar do make money which is a core requirement to stay in business over the long run.
Wasn't there recently on this blog a thread discussing whether a "non hottie" could write convincingly in the voice of a "hottie"? Conversely, can a person with the face and body of Olivia Wilde really understand those who are unattractive and undesirable, who will always be so, and who know that they are? Shouldn't we want to help these despised, and isn't that what Peterson tries to do, to the scorn of Ms Wilde?
"...women, be picky. That’s your gift, man."
He's not doing himself any favors with this attempt at a defense.
I doubt that he's trying to do himself any favors, and it's not a defense, much less an "attempt" at one. It's part of his - correct, I think - understanding of how human society works. Women choose; men compete to be chosen. Women have to invest more in reproduction, so we naturally want to make the effort count: we don't just want good genes, we want good and faithful partners who will take care of the needful while we can't. Government is a lousy substitute, which is one way in which Peterson, normally left-leaning or liberal, ended up driven into the arms of conservatives.
Peterson always encourages women to ask men to step up, and men to, you know, step up. Society benefits thereby.
"So he accepts that he is an incel hero?"
I would say he is bemused by the idea. "Sure, why not?". He is certainly a hero to a great many people who have been helped by his (rather pedestrian) books, and his personal example. If a lot of those people are (or, perhaps with his help, were) "incels", so what?
So I guess that transcript featuring Wilde that Althouse posted a few days ago was not fake. I thought it had to be fake at first. Who is that stupid?
I have a great deal of respect for Jordan. I do not agree with everything he says, but most of it he is precisely on target. And he is an intellectual, of the old school, who has read widely, studied deeply, and actually understands as well as anyone ever has the difficult study of the human mind.
Olivia Wilde is a trained parrot, spouting words others have written, and has little to no understanding of herself let alone others, and has done no serious study or even casual reading, and is so shallow a serious thought would leave her comatose.
robother (2:14pm):
"college in the mid 60s"? That fits with my recollection. When I was in high school (1967-71) it was already a joke to call someone else a 'pseudointellectual' while mispronouncing the word the way a pseudo-intellectual would.
You could either pronounce the P ('puh-soo-do') or make the diphthong UE instead of EU ('sway-do' as if the 'pseud-' were 'suede'). As I recall, no one went so far as to combine both errors and say 'puh-sway-do': that would have been 'overegging the pudding', as a Britannophile pseudointellectual might put it.
"Better to settle early with a diamond-in-the-rough"
This right here. Back in the ore-counterculture era a plain girl would set her sights on a plain boy in school and have his future locked down well before graduation.
Boom, marriage. He goes to work at the mill and she starts having babies. Born are swept ahead into adulthood.
Those guys would be incels nowadays. The girls ...
Jordan Peterson seems to me to belong to a small group of people who can be very easily portrayed (and often are) as total jerks, if you select the worst and most embarrassing things they've said and done, but have in fact said and done far more good than bad, by at least 3:1. This group also includes Scott Adams, Elon Musk, Giorgia Meloni, and of course Donald J. Trump, whose ratio is more like 9:1.
Anyone care to propose other members of this exclusive group? And a collective name? The Great and Worthy Assholes Club is a little too crude.
An early episode of "She-Hulk" had the star speculating at great length if Captain America was a virgin as if he was an incel. She complains that she attracts men who want She-Hulk, yet displays herself that way on Tinder to get a fuck boi (who, when she runs off to fight, stays behind waiting for her, reading feminist literature).
One episode ends with her twerking as She-Hulk with someone called Megan thee Stallion.
All this, from a show produced solely by women.
If they don't want to be treated like how Jack Nicholson described them ("I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability."), then perhaps they shouldn't act like he's right.
I wonder who Olivia Wilde believes is a true intellectual.
Well, other than Beto O'Rourke and Greta Thunberg, of course.
Howard beclowned himself. If you've listened to Peterson at any length you would know he can go on for an hour, or two unpacking thoughts and then detangling a recursive thread without fail.
So he accepts that he is an incel hero?
He acknowledged that he has treated them, and if that makes him a hero to them, what is it to you? Come on readering, let your mask slip more.
Peterson too often sounds like he's about to crack up, IMO.
Wilde is and shall (may, can) remain a mystery to me.
I appreciate the way that Megyn Kelly bashed Wilde over this movie: link
Just for the record I was the one who introduced this blog to Joe Rogan podcast and Jordan Peterson. I'm a big fan of Jordan Peterson before he got famous and mentally ill. You should go watch his early lectures at Harvard and his later ones at University of Toronto or whatever. He's an outstanding teacher and deterministic thinker.
Have you read maps of meaning, humperdinck? The evidence you site is the least interesting part of Jordan Peterson's resume.
retail lawyer: "So I guess that transcript featuring Wilde that Althouse posted a few days ago was not fake. I thought it had to be fake at first. Who is that stupid?"
Have you not seen the posts by Howard, readering, Inga, gadfly et al?
Dumb Lefty Mark: "Plenty of people calling other men betas here over the years, yet now are upset about this?"
Uh, wrong. Again. For obvious reasons.
But Dumb Lefty's are gonna go "dumb lefty" just about 100% of the time.
anonymous: "Howard beclowned himself."
It's all gone to he** for Howard and his mini-me gadfly so each day is a new experiment in gaslighting, projection and stray voltage.
Howard: "Just for the record I was the one who introduced this blog to Joe Rogan podcast and Jordan Peterson."
No, you were not.
But Biden fanboys are expected to pull a few "Bidens".
Let me guess, you also confronted "cornpop" AND you were married to...Morgan Fairchild! Yeah, that's the ticket!
Choices were made. No women were rape... rape-raped. No girls carried a "burden" in darkness. No babies were aborted. Progressive liberals dismayed.
#Judgment, #TooManyLabels, and #Condescension. #InDecent #HateLovesAbortion
She was hawt on the oc until she spoke.
Of course everyone has seen posts by those clowns. Unlike the case with Jordan Peterson, though, we don't know if they are real!
I remember Spatula and 1 or 2 others questioning the quotation of Olivia Wilde. I'm buying the idea it was all a made up parody. Does someone have a recording? It was just too perfectly obtuse. After all she went to Andover. That's some kind of endorsement. I don't like anything about her but I am skeptical she can't even protect herself. Doubt she is that big a fool.
Bill Peschel, preach, brother.
If they don't want to be treated like how Jack Nicholson described them ("I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability."), then perhaps they shouldn't act like he's right.
And I say this As A Woman tm.
Howard said...
Just for the record I was the one who introduced this blog to Joe Rogan podcast and Jordan Peterson. I'm a big fan of Jordan Peterson before he got famous and mentally ill.
This is probably the most embarrassingly lame post Howard has made so far.
When reality is painful the stupid just make shit up.
Tell me when Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson were first linked to on this blog. You people are merely bandwagon Cucks whom are jealous of early adopters. As far as I know, Ann Althouse has never refuted these claims that I have dutifully pointed out over these last several years. Everyone knows Drago drags up quotes from years ago to confront hypocrisy all the time. He's like that future Ex-Wife Harpy whom never forgets any slight, no matter how insignificant...yet he has never been able to document his objections to this point.
I will apologize if anyone can prove me wrong and promise to be sweetness and light for a whole month.
Poor pathetic Foghorn Leghorn Howard.
So bereft of any real accomplishments in his life that he spends all day everyday at Althouse gaslighting and projecting and pulling "Biden's" left and right...or should I say left and lefter?
Lets see if we can baby step the increasingly unhinged Foghorn Leghorn Howard thru this:
Howie, you made a ridiculous claim to puff yourself up. So, self-proclaimed college boy who moved to Boston and now claims "smartness" via geo proximity alone, prove your point. State your evidence and the basis for your claim.
Do not fall into the Inga-logic fail abyss of demanding others "prove a negative"....
...that would be a sign of a real dolt..
..oops! Too late! Thats exactly what you did!
Gee Howie, have'ntyou stood close enough to an actual smart person long enough to pick up on that yet? Come on man! You're in Boston! Ask somebody smart what you should do!
And yes, I know perfectly well how much you New Soviet Democraticals despise having people remember what you have said in the past as it blows up your day to day 180-degree reverso-chango gaslighting.
Tough tiddlywinks there Overseer Howard.
Liv is on a downward arc, from her Italian prince to Jason Sudeikis to teen idol Harry Styles. Do I see Pete Davidson on deck, warming up, and batting clean up?
Really, he went on Piers Morgan to cry? The man (Morgan) has about as much credibility as my cat. he is a whiny baby who was "wronged" by Meghan Markle and can't get over it.
Vicki from Pasadena
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