I used a screenshot because I wanted you to experience the absurdity of the picture of an actual cat litter box. Surely, if there were a litter box for a human being it would need to be proportional, and I think a third grader is about 6 times as large as a cat. I don't know the urine output of a child versus a cat, but, seriously, you're going to need a bigger box. But if it is a hoax — and Wikipedia assures me it is a hoax — then there is no box and that's the whole point.
I was going to make a joke using the phrase "Schrödinger's cat box," but the Wikipedia entry "Schrödinger's cat" was a real rat hole.
५३ टिप्पण्या:
The objection to the reports presumes kids are using the litter boxes for elimination.
How about this? The kids know how easy it is to get Authority to do stupid stuff when presented with the potential of being seen to offend a member of an Accredited Victim Group?
Good that it’s a hoax, but the fact that it seems so plausible says something about education in the era of Joe Biden.
I went skimming through that wiki article and almost every citation is hearsay, “people are saying that.” The very few people listed who did spread the “hoax” were obscure politicians who quickly retracted. There’s not much “there” there.
So, schools are not supposed to affirm a child's body preference? I wish they'd make up their mind.
Politifact will help you build a literal box.
Next thing, you'll be telling me people are making sex videos to support election campaigns.
Hard pass.
what was it, that LBJ said about litterboxes, and making people DENY them?
My nephew's wife teaches middle school math in a small town near Milwaukee and she has a girl in one of her classes who identifies as a furry and she says that a teacher just has to accept what the girl wants to be. The girl wears a cat collar and makes cat noises to communicate.
it would need to be proportional
That was my first thought. It would have to be huge, a BFLB. And the custodians would be coming and going with wheelbarrows to handle the kiddy litter. The school would need a loading dock.
But still, what if a kid insisted? What would they tell him or her? No, you can't follow your true nature?
Maybe they could introduce the kid to the Kitty Whiz Transfer System.
I can testify that this system actually works. I had an all-black Manx years ago named Loki. I taught Loki to use the toilet with this product. I was single at the time and my cat actually had it's own bathroom. True story.
Althouse providing multiple mental images for the he feverous Trumpster spank bank.
Sex-correlated attributes? Trans-social. Trans-species. It's like holding a pride parade and excluding the lions, lionesses, and their unPlanned cubs playing in gay revelry.
That cat won’t hunt.
That's the factchecker's M.O. Find something absurd and disprove it, or just assert that it isn't true, leaving larger questions unanswered. Can we get a factcheck on whether some kids do identify as animals or furries and are recognized as such by schools? Even that avoids the larger question of what schools are doing to children with regard to gender, but it would at least show that the factcheckers had done a little fact checking.
Wikipedia informs me that my home computer is banned from making changes to articles. I don't recall trying to make any changes since the last ban, so I wonder if they just extend banishments when the original term ends.
I googled it and found so many recent denials coming from various parts of the country and from various media that it reminded me of Christine O'Donnell (another great contribution from Delaware) announcing "I am not a witch".
Seems to me that when it's so plausible that you need the national press to go on a high alert fact check campaign for you, that the damage has already been done. People believe that our kids, the gender dysphoria rage, our wokeness, our silly Trans rules, our schools are all so out of control that yeah, they believe a kid's parents demanded their kid, who was a furry, have a litter box to pee.
That it actually happened or not is barely even important. That the public believes at this point that it could have happened, tells you how far things have gone.
Some here seem upset that it’s a hoax. They’re ready to argue that it’s real… for sure. Soon they will be calling those of us that think it’s a hoax kitty litter box deniers.
On the topic of excrement and back.. black holes... whores h/t NAACP:
Hoh Hoh Looking Up The Pooper Eh?
The study marks the first time colonoscopies have been compared head-to-head to no cancer screening in a randomized trial. The study found only meager benefits for the group of people invited to get the procedure: an 18% lower risk of getting colorectal cancer, and no significant reduction in the risk of cancer death. It was published Sunday in The New England Journal of Medicine.
Take a knee, beg, and feel positively... perhaps not.
I don't recall trying to make any changes since the last ban, ...
#NoJudgment #NoLabels
so I wonder if they just extend banishments when the original term ends.
Equitable and inclusive.
This rumor (conspiracy theory?) has been making the rounds here though, so far, a specific school has never been mentioned. But just the fact that it’s being denied is enough for me to entertain its possibility. Remember the denials that CRT was being taught or that a boy dressed as a girl had sexually assaulted two female students in girl’s rooms?
My toilet-trained cat Loki just disappeared one day.
I should've quit when I was ahead, but it wasn't enough for me that my cat could use the toilet. I wanted to push the envelope and teach him to flush it too, so I taped a sardine to the flush handle.
When I got home from work, the sardine was gone and so was Loki.
I hope Loki just ran away, but...
The BFLB would only work for kids who identify as cats. What if the kid thinks he's a horse? Do they hang a sack under his ass like they do in parades? Does the janitor have follow him around with a flat-nosed shovel?
Accommodating furries is going to be tough on the custodial staff, I can see that right now. There's gonna be retention problems.
Ann, you should check into when this hit the Waunakee District in spring. Vicki McKenna ran pretty hard with it while the district hoped that ignoring the uproar would make it go away.
Ann, I think your reasoning is all wrong. A litter box for humans obviously doesn't need to be any larger than a toilet, right? And 300-pound adults use the same, standard toilet bowls that 30-pound toddlers use, not ones that are 10 times larger. (Sorry for the visual.)
Keep in mind that, when cats use litter boxes, they stand completely inside the box to relieve themselves. Even human being who imagine they are feline are probably not going to use the litter in exactly the same way.
All you have to do is start cataloging the number of things over the last number of years that have gone from “that’s absurd”
To let’s have a parade and celebrate.
Here's an example of attempting to change, not affirm, feline identity.
"Every chance he gets he tries to dig, squat and bury. I had to move all my potted plants off the floor."
I read a lot of conservative news sites and have never once run into "litter boxes in bathrooms".
Why is this even in wikipedia? If it's not a 'thing' then it shouldn't be there, as there are no 'facts' associated with it. Right?
Or, is wikipedia now trying to control a narrative? Shocked, I tell you!
Do they have to provide a handicap accessible, ADA compliant litter box?
>The litter boxes in schools hoax is an urban myth in North America<
The idea of trannies being recruited by schools to lasciviously perform in drag for kindergarteners was probably considered an urban myth for awhile after its first few occurrences in North America, too. So I don't know that this WP article tells us all that much.
Does there need to be a toilet paper roll or do they put one leg behind their head?
The Rogan clip that I watched had Joe relating the story as told by a local acquaintance of his, in the Austin area. It wasn't related as if it was something his researchers had picked up online. So either his acquaintance was embellishing, or Joe was making it up. Who should I give the benefit of the doubt? Wiki or Joe? Who has the more trustworthy brand, however imperfect? I place Wiki a couple of steps up from Twitter on the 'public integrity' scale, so..... thanks for the story, Joe.
"...the fact that it seems so plausible says something about education in the era of Joe Biden."
Seems plausible to who? Rhetorical question: the usual suspects--MAGA doofuses.
Two years ago, I would be 100% sure this was a hoax, but after two years of seeing one conspiracy theory about left wing depredations after another end up being true, I now rate this particular one as 50/50.
Yes, you are not thinking outside the box. The furries would use a regular box but only use it ceremonially. Probably use for, ahem, number two, and just one carefully aimed specimen. It fulfills the emotive need yet bows to practicality. This is what I suspect anyway.
Last night, I watched Joe Rogan's show with Tulsi Gabbard. Joe said that a friend is a teacher, and told him about a student at her school who requested and was furnished with a litter box because the girl identifies as a cat. Joe didn't mention it, but presumably, he could ascertain the school district and building where this happened.
I trust Rogan more than I trust Wikipedia.
Fact checkers spend too much time checking jokes. If people are not picking up on the jokes, maybe we need to discuss our educational system and how it has failed.
While I suspect that the actual presence of a litter box in a public school bathroom is a gross exaggeration; I'd be willing to stake $10 that the possibility that one might be needed has been discussed at numerous faculty and school board meetings in the Bluer states.
“ Joe said that a friend is a teacher, and told him about a student at her school who requested and was furnished with a litter box because the girl identifies as a cat.”
I heard that too but you’ve got to admit it’s in exactly the form that characterizes an urban legend.
FWIW, I had an alcoholic housemate years ago who occasionally would stumble to the litter box when he had too much to drink late at night and the bathroom was a little too much of a hike. Kitty litter can be amazingly absorbent. Of course, the cats were pissed off.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"...the fact that it seems so plausible says something about education in the era of Joe Biden."
Seems plausible to who? Rhetorical question: the usual suspects--MAGA doofuses.
Meanwhile Cook and Inga believe that Biden got 81 million votes.
In the immortal words of Robin Williams - "If they can't take a fuck joke 'em."
Josephbleau said...
The furries would use a regular box but only use it ceremonially.
YES! did y'all Notice, that NO ONE denied that there were litter boxes? All their 'denials' were about how impractical it would be to Regularly use one.
Did a student Ask for one? not denied
Did a student Ask GET one? not denied
It's cake!
I work in an elementary school as a reading Title 1 Associate. Upon conversing with the woman who is in charge of the copier, (making booklets, any projects for teachers, laminating jobs e.g, )she mentioned her daughter is in a math class of eight students. All seven other than her daughter have and have been supported in the district to be furries, cats and dogs. They wear costumes, leashes, collars, and meow and bark. This is middle school sixth grade. Her daughter is uncomfortable in the class. Her parents approached both the teacher and the principal. Both discounted her daughter's feelings. Her daughter continues to text her mom repeatedly in this class telling her how she just does not like being in this class. Their thinking? Your daughter is doing fine academically. What I wonder is perhaps given her distress, and doing fine, how might she do in another classroom without that stress? Excell?
@Cookie, here’s the problem for you. For this business about litter boxes in the rest rooms to truly be a hoax, there must NO school ANYWHERE where this has happened. That’s because if there’s one or more schools that have stupidly put a litter box in a rest room then it manifestly IS NOT a hoax. And as others have pointed out upthread, there are way too many times in the past six to ten years where supposed “ridiculous hoaxes” turned out, sadly, to be very, very real.
Wrap your mind around that, doofus.
Ok Big Mike, then prove the existence of one.
Why is the idea that a school would permit a litter box for Furries because they feel like a cat anymore absurd than a school allowing a biological male to use the girls's bathroom/locker room because they feel like a girl?
@Mark, no, you prove the existence of zero. Cookie will help you.
Does anyone know what "good journaistic practice" requires a reporter to do before labeling a report as a "hoax"? Not "a possible hoax" "reportedly a hoax" "called a hoax by officials", but a plain unvarnished "hoax"? Does it have to come from Hunter Biden's laptop, or is it enough if Trump or somebody wearing a MAGA hat repeats it?
Personally I find it implausible that public schools are allowing mentally ill children to attend school as "furries". But that's apparently not a "hoax".
When I was in grade school, I had a classmate who was completely mad about horses, to the extent that she cantered around the playground rather than run, and neighed her responses in conversation. It was absolutely annoying. By junior high she had outgrown it, and was a normal girl again, albeit with a horse of her own to manage.
But, if these children decide to identify as furries, they need to start sitting on the floor in class. Cats and dogs do not belong on the furniture. Sitting at a desk is for humans. Act like an animal get treated as an animal.
@Gahrie, in nearby Loudoun County, Virginia, biological males don’t use girls’ bathrooms because they feel like a girl. They use the girls’ bathrooms so they can feel up a girl. Also rape her.
Fun take on this article, Althouse--thanks!
And anyone who believed the original story has kitty-litter where there brains should be.
At my alma mater, Texas A&M, the cadet freshman are kept in their dorm rooms during certain hours daily for study periods, so they can pass their classes. During these few hours every day they cannot be harassed by the upperclass cadets, as long as they remain quiet in their dorm rooms, studying. Should they venture into the hallways, say to visit the hall toilet, they are subject to the Inquisition-like attention of any upperclassman who feels like oppressing them.
The problem of having to pee during study hours is generally solved, at least by the male freshman cadets (one of whom I was, and am, related to by fatherhood) by using the sink in their dorm room to void their full bladders. What the female freshman cadets do, and what they all do if they have to void their bowels, deponent knoweth not.
I don't think this has ever been discussed or approved or disapproved by the school administration, although a lot of them were freshman cadets once, too.
Somehow I think A&M could handle furries, if only by assigning their care to the Veterinary students.
With Schrodinger's cat box the kids would simultaneously be in it and not in it.
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