"The reliably impolitic Mr. Trump delights in diminishing candidates aching for his benediction, especially one who once asserted that he was unfit for office — who once, in fact, wondered whether he might be America’s Hitler — but who, since entering politics, has demonstrated fervent fealty. 'The best president of my lifetime,' Mr. Vance has maintained. Still, the kisses-my-ass tag has followed Mr. Vance like a yippy dog ever since, with [Tim] Ryan gleefully invoking it again in their second debate last week. When Mr. Vance maintained that Mr. Trump’s comment was a 'joke; that riffed on what he called without explication a 'false; New York Times article — about the reluctance of some Republicans to have the former president campaign for them — one of the moderators sought clarification. 'So I get this straight,' said Bertram de Souza, a local journalist. 'When the former president said, "J.D. is kissing my ass because he wants my support," you took that as a joke?' 'I know the president very well, and he was joking about a New York Times story,' Mr. Vance said. 'That’s all he was doing. I didn’t take offense to it.'"
I'm highlighting the ass-kiss references in the NYT article "J.D. Vance’s Ambition Comes at a Price in ‘Hillbilly’ Terms/The Republican Senate candidate changed his tune on Donald Trump and now has his endorsement, but a remark by the former president about Vance’s fealty is dogging him in Ohio."
As you can infer, there is NYT instruction on what "hillbilly terms" are. For example, they found a 52-year-old man with a perfect name — Rodney Muterspaw — to say: "That’s just not the Middletown way.... If someone calls you out like that, there’s going to be a very candid, not-so-nice response. I’m sure you’d hear some four-letter words there."
There's also this quote from Vance, from last year, before he got the Trump endorsement: "My intuition with Trump — it’s interesting... I think that he gets a certain kick out of people kissing his ass. But I also think he thinks that people who kiss his ass all the time are weak."
So does that mean that according to the Vance of last year, the Vance of this year is, in Trump's estimation, weak? Well, he doesn't kiss Trump's ass "all the time," does he? Did what was precisely instrumental toward getting something he wanted. I'm no expert on "hillbilly terms," but is it some code of honor where your supposed to get openly belligerent at someone who gets a dig in when he's giving you what you want?
१०५ टिप्पण्या:
Tim Ryan has spent the last several weeks self-imploding. Vance has picked up support just by not overreacting.
So when Kamala actually kisses a real ass to get ahead, she's just being 'powerful.'
Empirical question: is kissing Trump's ass actually a net benefit for GOP candidates, in Ohio or elsewhere? May help with base turnout, but turn off nice GOP Orange-Man-Bad women. So, net gain?
Trump won Ohio twice. Vance is a politician. Ryan is a politician. The NY Times is a politician.
Yes, it looks more and more like mature, responsible "New Trump" isn't going to be a thing.
It also looks like Old Trump or Current Trump or Real Trump wasn't much of a threat to anyone's democracy.
Too much self-sabotage.
Yawn...another nonevent except for NYT's readers.
Trump is a crashing boor whose value is confronting and exposing the left and the deep state. When his ego compels him to disparage potential allies he looks like a traditional Republican cannibal and sets a bad example for Trumpers.
They don't have a majority yet and ought not to behave like they do.
Ohio is going be decided like the discussion of Pennsylvania yesterday. Do you vote for a republican putz like Vance or do you want an another Elizabeth Warren clone? Not much more to my decision than that.
The best observation of Trump remains how his enemies take him literally but not seriously, while his supporters do the opposite.
So we're, like, 12 days out, and this is all they have? "Something, something, Trump, something"?
Weak cheese.
The obvious hit on Vance is that he didn't understand, couldn't read, Trump.
NYT blurs the line with quotes.
Who said what?
Important issues. Very important to the future of the nation. Almost as important as abortion.
NYT indulges pride and prejudice while braying and kissing Ass.
Sounds like his opposition is following a rather predictable attack trajectory, having run out of ideas based on voting record, policy positions, and social issues, they're now moving to trying out the personal attacks, trying to demean. These trajectories can have a hard landing.
"NYT blurs the line with quotes. Who said what?"
Yeah, some editing was needed there. Sometimes you can't just use pronouns the way you would in casual speech. You have to go back to the names.
Vance is running in my state, so I read Hillbilly Elegy to get some sense of the guy. Vance is obviously smart, but seems like an opportunist lacking firm principles. He has risen from desperate circumstances, and does seem to have an authentic fondness for and is protective of, Americans born into poverty.
I get the sense that Vance would fall in with Mitt Romney and establishment Republicans if that was a winning strategy. Whatever one thinks of Trump, he obviously has some practical talents. It appears that Trump knows what kind of guy Vance is, so is punishing Vance for his earlier uncharitable comments.
Any election is a choice between the available candidates. I will vote for Vance, and hope that incentives motivate him to be a good senator.
He wanted Trump's backing and abuse from Trump is always a risk for those seeking his backing (just ask Chris Christie). Were it me, I'd play the "mean tweets" card--Trump was a good president, but he's also a blowhard. A responsible adult puts up with the bullying because what's at stake is too important to walk away from because mean tweets make you uncomfortable.
As someone who will vote for Vance although I don't particularly like him, I am becoming cautiously optimistic. Up until recently it looked like Ryan was running away with it.
But this is an example of Trump being typically provocative. Self-control is just not in the cards. He makes people jump through hoops for him, and forces them to pay a price for his favor. He's a narcissist. But Vance would be nowhere without Trump's endorsement to begin with. No one cares that Vance wrote a book.
What a farce. Vance is leading and will win. Biden's performence is dogging Tim Ryan in Ohio, but the NYT can't face the truth.
'Sometimes you can't just use pronouns the way you would in casual speech.'
Even then it can be confusing, re: "Her cock and balls..."
The NYT loved JD's book before he ran for office. Now the NYT hates him.
JD Vance will kick Tim Ryan's ass. A total beatdown.
"NYT blurs the line with quotes. Who said what?"
They also have an earned reputation for quoting without quotes, and a peculiar affinity to bray to Ass. Caveat emptor.
However, Lisa "Snowplow" Murkowski is kissing Mitch McConnel's ass, pledging her vote for him for Senate leader in exchange for his monetary support. But Blake Masters who did NOT kiss the ugly old Turtle's ass had all Senate Republican dollars withdrawn from his race againt the tiny astronut Kelly. Same with Connecticut. Strong conservative getting too close to defetaing Maggie Hassan so McConnel pulls funding from that race.
GOPe follows a reliable trajectory. McConnel just wants to be minority leader. Why is that? I wonder about that (cough cough) Chinese cash he gets rom his in-laws. Think that matters?
This is the type of story you produce when the current Regime is failing at everything they are doing and your readers are fucking idiots.
Anything in the NYT's about the Diesel shortage the Biden Regime has created?
That is causing real emergencies right now.
Ack. Not CT but NH is where McConnel pulled funds today. Same reasons tho.
Given you 3-percenters dutifully suck Trump's dick all the time, merely kissing his ass is relatively macho.
This is really confusing. First, did Trump really say that? I don't trust the NYTs. I'd have to read the source to know its true. Second, this is just par for the course. People like Sasse and Romney either asked for, or accepted without any pushback, Trump's endorsement. And also refrained from attacking him WHILE RUNNING FOR ELECTION.
Of course, the minute both of them got elected, they turned on Trump and trashed him. I expect Vance to do the same. Nevertrumper's don't change their spots, they just lie during the campaign.
I'm no expert on "hillbilly terms," but is it some code of honor where your supposed to get openly belligerent at someone who gets a dig in when he's giving you what you want?
Yes, and it ain't just 'hillbilly', because no alpha wants to be seen as rewarding a mere sycophant, and no one asking for a favor wants to appear to be one. Not saying it doesn't happen or people don't get fooled, sometimes willingly, but there is supposed to be an exchange. If you're kissing the king's ring, he is supposed to get some reflected glory out of the deal.
When Vance wins I doubt that the NY Times will report that this reconciliation with Trump had anything to do with the victory.
'Given you 3-percenters dutifully suck Trump's dick all the time, merely kissing his ass is relatively macho.'
Howard hates it when others move in on his territory...
Most of us on here realize that if anyone's an expert on sucking dick, it's Howard.
What's really dogging Vance is that he (like 99% of other politicians) didn't have the self-control or judgement to moderate his position on Trump back when he didn't need anything from him.
If he simply didn't go overboard with criticism in the first place, he wouldn't be in the position of having to suck up.
It's almost as if Trump and McConnell want the R's to lose.
Howard said...
Given you 3-percenters dutifully suck Trump's dick all the time, merely kissing his ass is relatively macho.
Howard is the low self esteem bully he pretends we all are.
I am actually trending towards showing sympathy to him. If I had to guess I would say he was abused when he was young, or was taken advantage of by an older man. The split personality thing leads this direction.
That or he is meade playing a character/sockpuppet.
I know some including a handful in the policy-think tank world, and even frog Twitter luminaries, who are all in on Vance (and Masters). Masters strikes me as more promising and doesn’t trigger my disgust as politicians besides DeSantis do. But Vance, I don’t know—how can you trust someone who endorsed Evan McMullin. He seems very likely to disappoint, although maybe Thiel-bucks will keep him in line.
MikeDC said...
What's really dogging Vance is that he (like 99% of other politicians) didn't have the self-control or judgement to moderate his position on Trump back when he didn't need anything from him.
If he simply didn't go overboard with criticism in the first place, he wouldn't be in the position of having to suck up.
I don't expect much from Vance for this reason.
I hope to be surprised.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
"J.D. is kissing my ass because he wants my support,"
If Trump really said that - this is why I don't think Trump is on his game anymore. This is just epic fail for communication. It doesn't not help Trump, Vance, or people who like Trump's policies - but recoil and his immature manner. Like me.
It isn't immature.
It is honest.
If someone was bashing you and then they came begging for your help later you would at least be thinking the same thing.
Everyone is thinking the same thing. Vance is kissing Trump's ass because he needs him.
Trump isn't the immature one here. He is just speaking the truth.
Vance is the one that fucked up.
"The NYT loved JD's book before he ran for office. Now the NYT hates him."
Did the New York Times love JD's book or did a particular reviewer (likely not a staff employee of the Times) love the book? There is a distinction, you know. (Or do you?)
No more posts about private body parts, please. It makes for a most unedifying set of responses.
I would think that someone who didn't think highly of you but was won over after seeing you work is more of a recommendation to your skills than someone who was a supporter all along.
Trump's rudeness is irrelvant. I don't want him as a friend.
Bob Woodward knows that you can't read Trump and understand his intent; you must hear him.
I suspect Trump was joking. I also suspect Trump took a mischievous pleasure in skewering a former NeverTrumper, and that everyone in the audience understood and delighted in both meanings.
Given NYT's record on truthful statements about Trump since at least as early as 2015, one would have to have been literally marinating one's brain in Gell-Mann amnesia-inducing fluids to take the quote at face value.
Every stand-up comedian on earth (even the lousy ones) know how easy it is to "make it sound like something Trump would say" because Trump is an open book, and has also been a highly visible public figure on a consistent message for at least 30-40 years, so the record is vast.
But hey, let's just assume the NYT is being the honest broker with the allegations and "quotes" in its latest hitpiece on the Orange Man. Maybe they'll win a Pulitzer for this one, too.
Even if he did say it verbatim, though, it's pretty obviously an off-the-cuff quip that Vance wisely doesn't take seriously/take offense about. Vance would seem like a childish buffoon if he starting whining about that. But the likelihood any of it happened is at best 50/50 given the source. Sad but true, and puh-leeze with the "paper of record" happy horseshit - thinking that that still pertains only shows how old and out of touch one is.
Trump may be honest, but he won't get my vote in the 2024 primary. He has hurt the Republican candidates in 2020 (see Georgia run-off) and 2022.
I suppose it would be gauche to note that Vance kissed Obama’s ass in his book.
His thesis seemed to be: those rednecks can’t really help it that they are crazy and stupid and not sophisticated like the Yalies; so cut them some slack.
Cook: Did the New York Times love JD's book or did a particular reviewer (likely not a staff employee of the Times) love the book? There is a distinction, you know. (Or do you?)
Not much of one, really. If the NYT does not like you, you won't appear on their best seller lists, even when you have a national best seller. You won't even get reviewed. So- whether it's a NYT employee or not, it has the NYT fingerprints and approvals all over it.
No- they liked JD Vance very much before they hated him.
but a remark by the former president about Vance’s fealty is dogging him in Ohio.
Trump won Ohio by over 8% in 2020.
So, do tell lefty lunatics, just how it is that Vance being "tied to Trump" hurts him in this election, other than in the NYT's delusional world?
Robert Cook said...
Did the New York Times love JD's book or did a particular reviewer (likely not a staff employee of the Times) love the book? There is a distinction, you know. (Or do you?)
Yeah, because we all know how the NYT is constantly publishing positive book reviews about books the editors hate.
Seriously, cookie?
I still hate typeing
typos from me -
"J.D. is kissing my ass because he wants my support,"
If Trump really said that - this is why I don't think Trump is on his game anymore. This is just epic fail for communication. It does NOT help Trump, Vance, or people who like Trump's policies - but recoil at his immature manner. Like me.
Achilles - - JD Vance was critical of Trump a long time ago.
The idea that anyone who was ever critical of master king Trump (kiss his ring) must be trashed henceforth - is a lefty move. A self-absorbed EGO move.
It's bad for Trump's business. YOU of all people should get that.
No Chillies - your blind adoration of Trump is what is f*cked up here.
Trump is pissing on everyone's legs and telling them it's raining.
"Trump is just being honest"
Hot garbage.
All sorts of R's who were critical of delicate Trump - came around to support him. Do they all deserve to be trashed? Does our nation belong in the leftist totalitarian toilet due to the fact there was past disobedience to king Trump?
This hot garbage thinking is just the opposite side of the McConnell/Pelosi coin.
veni vidi vici said...
Given NYT's record on truthful statements about Trump since at least as early as 2015, one would have to have been literally marinating one's brain in Gell-Mann amnesia-inducing fluids to take the quote at face value.
If that is an accurate quote and not out of context in some serious way, This is a big problem for Trump. If true, there will be more such quotes ad we will see what happens.
If someone was bashing you and then they came begging for your help later you would at least be thinking the same thing.
Everyone is thinking the same thing. Vance is kissing Trump's ass because he needs him.
Trump isn't the immature one here. He is just speaking the truth.
No, IF that quote is accurate, Trump violated a serious rule in politics. There are no friends in politics. Harry Truman said it best. "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog."
Stop all the caterwauling.
Vance will win handily in Ohio. Vance really did want Trump's support. Vance really did kiss Trump's arse a few times to make up for the attacks against Trump that I believe Vance now regrets, and not just for political reasons.
Trump supports Vance in his race and I suspect, gut feeling only, Vance really will come thru on policy/votes in the Senate and all will be right with the world.
Lots of other real battles going on out there as the legacy media continue to try and stir up fissures in the republican firmament.
If I were you HBTPFH, I'd spend more time complaining about how McConnell and his crew have been actively sabotaging republican candidates across the nation because they dared to question McConnell's positions and leadership.
And don't get me started again on the role McConnell and the rest of those slimes played in the hoax collusion lies and attempting to get Trump removed from office. So yeah, Trump is rather bitter about how the entire GOPe conspired with and worked with the national security state/democraticals/media to have Trump framed and convicted of a crime! Gee, how unreasonable! How "delicate"! Why can't Trump just let bygones be bygones after the this crew went after not just him but his entire family and wanted/wants to throw all his children in jail as well.
Why can't Trump just turn the other cheek, is that the question?
Every complaint about Trump can be raised 10x against McConnell and the GOPe, and McConnell is the very jackass who sent $10M+ to Murkowski to trash the republican Senate candidate AND attack the republican House candidate.
But yeah, lets all sit around and talk about Trump and talk about how unfit he is for office.
Just slap a "We Need More Romney's!" bumpersticker on your cars and be done with it.
Kevin: "So we're, like, 12 days out, and this is all they have? "Something, something, Trump, something"?"
The lefties know it will always spool up the "respectable republicans".
If I were JD Vance, I would have said “Mr President, while we’re making jokes, I’m just happy for you to comb-over to my side and support me hair and now.” It neutralizes Trump’s domination jab without alienating Trump. Trump laughs and every one laughs and Vance remains his own man. Of course, Vance chose to keep on kissing Trump’s ass and that’s unfortunate. Trump like spunk and he squashes weakness.
Yeah, lets give the NYT's the benefit of the doubt. Its not like they've been lying and making shit up about Trump for 6 years!
And of course, even if did say it, we don't have the context. Was he joking? Being ironic? Who cares!
Did Trump endorse Vance? Yes. Did Mitch McConnell? Did Trump go to Ohio and stage a rally for him? Yes. Did he give Vance Money? Yes. Did Mitch McConnell?
Judas Priest. The Left has total control of the media, and has for a long time. People can allow themselves to be manipulated over nonsense, or they can refuse to do so.
We've already reached peak Republican stupidity when they gave up the Session seat in 2017 because Roy Moore, may or may not have kissed a 17 y/o girl in 1987! Meanwhile, ted kennedy leaves a women to die, and the D's and the media said "no problemo".
Do Republicans want power or not? From the way they act, I don't think they do. Guess everything's Jake and its all just a game.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Achilles - - JD Vance was critical of Trump a long time ago.
The idea that anyone who was ever critical of master king Trump (kiss his ring) must be trashed henceforth - is a lefty move. A self-absorbed EGO move.
It's bad for Trump's business. YOU of all people should get that.
“I think most people are not very ideological, and Trump, while I find him loathsome, touches a legitimate nerve,”
Apparently the word demagogue has been thrown around a bit too. I am still looking for more quotes.
If you trash someone like that and then come back later and ask for their help you should damn well expect to catch some shit for it. Loathsome is pretty strong.
On the other hand public humiliation is a cold cup of coffee. But Trump did have the courtesy to say it to Vance's face as opposed to what Vance did.
I am not saying I would do what Trump did exactly.
But this "I support Trump but I am a better person than him" is the actual Hot garbage.
Trump has done more for this country than you have. You are not a better person than him. Neither is Vance and you all need to stop saying that stupid shit.
Drago said...
Why can't Trump just turn the other cheek, is that the question?
Every complaint about Trump can be raised 10x against McConnell and the GOPe, and McConnell is the very jackass who sent $10M+ to Murkowski to trash the republican Senate candidate AND attack the republican House candidate.
But yeah, lets all sit around and talk about Trump and talk about how unfit he is for office.
Just slap a "We Need More Romney's!" bumpersticker on your cars and be done with it.
I have been patiently waiting for an opportunity to bring up Mitch McConnell.
He is worse than Schumer, or Pelosi, or Biden or even McCain or Romney. What he is doing right now is pretty much the lowest of the low.
I will not support the Republican party until he is removed from it.
McConnell is a traitor.
rcocean said...
Do Republicans want power or not? From the way they act, I don't think they do. Guess everything's Jake and its all just a game.
I think McConell has made it pretty clear where he stands.
He is #1 on the list as far as I am concerned.
The most important thing we must do to save this Country is remove McConell from the Republican party.
Trump has outlived his usefulness. He is now a loser.
Trump - the EGO inside of an old man who didn't see clearly what the left had in store for him. That his loyalists still kiss his ring is ---- sad.
“Howard hates it when others move in on his territory...”
Who… Mr. Chrome?
McConnell, Romney and Trump can all ride off on the old-man sunset EGO express. Bye. They are all different flavs of old man turd.
The time is for Tudor Dixon, Kari Lake, Tulsi Gabbard, & Heidi Ganahl.
Reality check - some people find Trump loathsome.
Get over it.
“Trump has outlived his usefulness. He is now a loser.”
Unfortunately we are all losers including the Ukrainians and Russians - those alive and those recently died. We would be in much better shape as a nation with Trump at the helm. In two years we will fix the mistakes of the past. Trump 2024.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "McConnell, Romney and Trump can all ride off on the old-man sunset EGO express. Bye. They are all different flavs of old man turd."
Trump isnt going anywhere, so stamp your feet harder. It should help.
And your comment about Trump being just like McConnell and Romney only confirms what I have long said: the GOPe-ers would blame Trump for all the crap they've pulled for the last 60 years, and along comes HBTPFH to nail that one down.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Trump - the EGO inside of an old man who didn't see clearly what the left had in store for him. That his loyalists still kiss his ring is ---- sad."
"the left"!
No dummy. The entire GOPe....so yeah, if you lump the GOPe in with "the left" then I suppose you could be right.
And now you get to blame Trump for everything your heroes did.
Congrats. Murkowski appreciates your support.
Michael: "Trump has outlived his usefulness. He is now a loser."
Then you should have zero difficulty in defeating him at the ballot box.
But lets not kid ourselves, you guys just want your democratical/establishment allies to take him out by corrupted legal proceedings instead.
HBTPFH: "The time is for Tudor Dixon, Kari Lake, Tulsi Gabbard, & Heidi Ganahl."
You have already shown you will abandon any conservative who actually pushes back against the dems/GOPe.
Lake, Dixon, Gabbard and Ganahl are just about 500 dems/media/GOPe smears away from you begging to move on from them to the next "viable" candidate.
The most important thing we must do to save this Country is remove McConell from the Republican party.
Yup. He donated a Senate seat to the Democrats rather than support Moe Brooks in Alabama.
He has abandoned good candidates like Bolduc in NH.
He is much happier as minority leader.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Reality check - some people find Trump loathsome.
Get over it."
Reality check: thats par for the course in politics.
Or didnt you know that?
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Reality check - some people find Trump loathsome.
Get over it.
What do you think people who fight your fights for you while you do nothing? And then you bitch about the people fighting for you?
I remember that feeling.
We aren't taking advice from the 2012 Romney supporters who are now Desantis supporters.
Trump has done more for this country than you. You are not better than him.
I find your feelings in this matter loathsome.
If Trump is on the ballot in 2024, I will be happy to vote for him.
DeSantis has one serious weakness that Trump does not have. He is not a rich man who can ignore the possibilities for graft. That doesn't say much for 2022 politicians but it is true. Trump did this for the country and it cost him millions. He is a bit crude but he has done what he promised and that is rare.
Achillies - You worhsip your god - Trump.
Have fun.
Ego Trump is not the way forward. GOPe + Trump = the same shit show.
Drago and Achilles
Trump is too old and walked into every trap set for him - on day one.
Sure - he did some good things. None of it stuck - because the corrupt left beat him.
I want better. You're stuck in the past. No matter how many times you repeat
'GOPe' and trash everyone and anyone not your holy ass-kiss-needing EGO maniac. This is about the USA and its inhabitants. With Trump - it's about Trump and his ego.
People like DeSantis because he fights... and wins. Trump whines and trashes and slimes, and makes it all about Trump. Trump calls people immature names while his male supporters jerk-off.
Equating Romney and DeSantis is pure horse shit and you know it.
said..."But lets not kid ourselves, you guys just want your democratical/establishment allies to take him out by corrupted legal proceedings instead."
Horseshit. You and Achilles are the same bad faith twins. Liars.
That's the point tho, right?
Trash anyone and everyone NOT Trump. That tactic will certainly same America from the democraticals and the GOPe.
"You have already shown you will abandon any conservative who actually pushes back against the dems/GOPe."
More horseshit.
WTF? By criticizing your precious Trump? Get over yourself.
What conservative have I abandoned? Do name this person.
Drago and Achilles would like to see even Trump-backed candidates lose. Because PURITY.
Drago and Achilles are anti Keri Lake... and anti-all the other Trump backed candidates.
No one is good enough in the eyes of the Lord... er.. they mean... the eyes of The Glorious name-calling King Master Super TRUMP!
Because even Trump-backed candidates are evil GOPe spies or something.
"You are not better than him." -
I'm not better than your holy living god on earth? Color me shocked.
I find Trump's fealty tro the jabs he released loathsome.
But any vote will be based on lesser of two evils.
Can Trump pivot?
Well..he was a bit anti-vax until he owned rollout of medical tyranny.
Trump already won a lot. His success exposed a lot of asses, removed the blinders from a lot of voters and has given some patriot politicians more room to fight for their principles. You're rarely ever going to have a total win. You can't trust everyone who wants to ride his coattails. But that's not unique to Trump.
If you like the Kari Lakes of the world, and you like a world where she can win, you should show some appreciation for Trump. Imagine a world where Hillary is wrapping up her second term.
The NYT wants you to focus on this stupid shit. That should be enough to tell you that it's not in your best interest to do so.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Drago and Achilles would like to see even Trump-backed candidates lose. Because PURITY."
Sure buddy. Uh huh. Name one. Shouldn't be hard.
HBTPFH: "More horseshit.
WTF? By criticizing your precious Trump? Get over yourself."
Trump isn't my "precious". He is a candidate with flaws that most effectively articulated and fought for positions I support.
Not complicated.
I was originally a Walker guy (outsider, populist Governor of a key swing state, interesting energy and track record in WI) but I left when Walker bought into the DC paradigm hook line and sinker (George Will's wife hired onto his staff) and immediately disappeared from relevance due to all the "smart insider" advice.
I moved to Cruz reluctantly because I was not convinced Trump would actually push for conservative/populist policies though Cruz was never going to garner a working majority in a general election.
Once Trump won the primary, I voted for him in the general and sat back and watched Trump fight for things I believed in, often with zero help as the GOPe was too busy helping the coup-sters.
And now I simply refuse to just toss Trump away because of his obvious flaws after Trump was the one that "went over the wall" into the political machine gun fire and got bloodied.
Again, not complicated.
HBTPFH: "Horseshit. You and Achilles are the same bad faith twins. Liars."
Sure pal. Whatever you say.
I'll say it again: the dems know that if they make any republican's life miserable enough long enough with their lies and narratives, you guys will adios that dude/gal eventually.
I'll believe you mean what you say when you spend 90% of your time attacking McConnell and his crew and the crap they have pulled all election season on candidates across the board that didn't belly up to his trough.
But I suspect you won't. I suspect you will always focus 99% of your criticism on Trump instead of where the criticism most belongs, including blaming Trump for crap the GOPe-ers pull.
So, we'll see.
But let's face it, you are 2 steps away from gadfly status.
HBTPFH: "People like DeSantis because he fights... and wins. Trump whines and trashes and slimes, and makes it all about Trump. Trump calls people immature names while his male supporters jerk-off."
Yes, DeSantis has been fighting.....in the narrow alleyways of CRT, state economic policy, immigration, etc.
Kudos to him.
But here's the question you keep avoiding like the plague: If DeSantis would "give us all of Trump's policies without the Trump drama", and no one is arguing there isn't "Trump drama", then why have the Wall Streeters and billionaires who opposed ALL of Trump's economic, immigration, ChiCom and Foreign relations policies so enthusiastic about DeSantis that they have already dropped an estimated $250M on his (DeSantis) campaign?
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Achillies - You worhsip your god - Trump."
Spoken like a rabid MSNBC hostess.
Trump, for better or worse, has been the pivotal player (and who could have guessed that?) in evolving the republican party to what can be a long term strongly multi-ethnic working class/middle class party.
The squishy karen-type suburban women should generally not be the focus of republican policy delivery as it just means staying GOPe-democratical-lite with a "manage the inevitable decline" mentality.
DeSantis thus far has not shown any real power outside of Florida in terms of that necessary coalition needed to win in the industrial heartland which is where the political war is now. Will DeSantis get there?
Not if his heavy hitter financial backers have their say, and they represent 94% of DeSantis' contributions.
McConnell and Trump both use sabotage to slime and smear - for reasons.
The Trump Twins are OK with it.
Hey Trump-twins Drago and Achilles -
You should hop on the Tim Ryan(D) express. Anti-GOPe! all they way, buddy.
JD Vance = Not Pure enough for Trump Humpers.
Grovel at Trumps feet - and kiss his ass.
Drago - Trump is inarticulate and he walks into every trap set for him. No one is good enough for Trump. He has ruined what he created. It's no longer about the nation - it's about Trump and his EGO.
I despise the corrupt let, but this country needs a real fighter to take on and beat the corrupt left - not an old inarticulate name-calling purity-testing loyalty-testing fake saint - demanding ass-kissing and ring-kissing at every turn and sabotaging slam-dunks. That's for lazy boring soap opera men.
Not complicated.
Drago - Do you have actual proof that the Chi Coms are supporting DeSantis? Because that sounds like more horseshit.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Drago - Do you have actual proof that the Chi Coms are supporting DeSantis? Because that sounds like more horseshit."
Well, since you made that up I suppose it does sound like horses*** , given you authored it.
I suggest you go back and read much, much more slowly and then you'll see more clearly what I wrote.
Fyi, I support JD Vance, as I written time and time again. You probably missed that because you're you.
If Trump is all those things you say you guys at GOPe/Team Dem central should have no difficulty picking him off in the primaries and then you can once again make the world safe for Hunter Biden's ChiCom profits.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Drago - Do you have actual proof that the Chi Coms are supporting DeSantis?"
As a general rule, I usually dont provide "evidence" for claims I never made.
I hope this bit of insight better enables you to navigate the wilds of "teh interwebs".
Good luck and hang in there tiger! I hear there is another couple million heading Murkowski's way thanks to all of you non-deplorable syntactically correct decent and respectable republicans.
Drago said
" then why have the Wall Streeters and billionaires who opposed ALL of Trump's economic, immigration, ChiCom and Foreign relations policies so enthusiastic about DeSantis that they have already dropped an estimated $250M on his (DeSantis) campaign?"
You just accused DeSantis of Chi Com + Wall Street, support.
Got some proof?
Drago said ...
"If Trump is all those things you say you guys at GOPe/Team Dem central should have no difficulty picking him off in the primaries and then you can once again make the world safe for Hunter Biden's ChiCom profits.
Horseshit. Nothing but horseshit.
Trump is no different that your dreaded GOPe - Sabotage and Trump+Chi Com lab virus gave us Biden.
HBTPFH: "Trump is no different that your dreaded GOPe"
Trump is the precise polar opposite of the GOPe, as any 5 year old would recognize...yet you dont.
One noticeable difference between Trump and the GOPe: HBTPFH spends 99.987% of his time attacking Trump.
HBTPFH: "You just accused DeSantis of Chi Com + Wall Street, support.
Got some proof?"
So, you're just going to keep pushing that moronic lie claiming I claimed the ChiComs are funding DeSantis, aren't you?
Not surprising really. Thats a typical GOPe type move that fools no one...but I'm sure it looks great on you!
As to the Wall Street cashola for DeSantis over Trump which I DID mention, you'd have to be blind, or HBTPFH, to not see it, particularly since its been going on for quite some time now:
"Wall Street Helps Ron DeSantis Amass a Hefty War Chest for 2022"
Wall Street opens its checkbook for Ron DeSantis
Now, if you want to argue DeSantis has no choice but to grovel before the Wall Streeters and big money donors who expect favors for their favors, given his personal financial situation, hey, we all get it. That's a somewhat defensible position and not entirely out of bounds.
If you want to further argue that DeSantis has his head and heart in the right place and will stand up to the globalists who fund him, go for it.
But the facts on the ground are the facts and only a fool would blind themselves to them and their potential implications.
If you still support DeSantis after doing so, then mazel tov and we'll all see how it turns out.
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