I'll never stop talking about this and don't care if it's annoying.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 14, 2022
This is a huge journalistic scandal: almost every major news outlet ratified an outright lie to manipulate the 2020 election and - to this day - not one of them, not one, has apologized, explained or retracted. pic.twitter.com/O6ooGGlWHz
I promise you: if you talk to @HuffPost's political reporters and editors, they really believe they're the good guys, fighting disinformation, etc. etc.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 14, 2022
Right before the election, they produced this Biden *campaign video* based an on outright CIA lie:👇pic.twitter.com/r7dRf9aH20
And let me add: it wasn't when NYT and WP finally "confirmed" the authenticity of the Hunter laptop did it become clear this was a CIA lie.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 14, 2022
It was clear from the start. This is what I said on Rogan's show on 10/29/20: the day before I quit The Intercept:pic.twitter.com/Fby4SGxvzV
१२४ टिप्पण्या:
Some might call it election interference.
Why don’t people wake up and understand that CNN, MSNBC, NYT and WaPo are all liars and Dem hacks?
Slavic Spring, eight years in progress, and labor and environmental arbitrage in the Sino stream.
Hunter Biden laptop about *Joe Biden's* business activities in Ukraine and China... almost every major news outlet ratified an outright lie to manipulate the 2020 election and
Oh, and he misspelled "JournoListic."
okay, Super Serious Question
Does ANYONE (any one, at all) think Jo Biden would have gotten his 81 million votes, if people had heard about the laptop?
Sure; hard core liberals, like Igna and gadfly would have voted for him..
And Sure; the millions (and millions) of fake (or dead) voters would still have voted for him..
But, does Anyone think that would have added up to more votes than Trump got*?
Trump got* Trump got More votes for reelection, than Any other President EVER did
"Deep contempt"
Millions are already there. They don't care. It's going to take more than a strongly worded letter. There have to be consequences.
Old Man Yells At Cloud.
More at 11.
Seriously, though, what is to be done? We The People need to be harshly treated for allowing corporate news manipulators to trick them into voting for people like Joe Biden.
Seeing how he's destroying the economic future of an entire generation, I'm filled with glee. The people who installed him, all 81 million of them (lol), deserve what they're getting good and hard. He'll probably goad Russia into using nuclear weapons against us.
Just as you allow a child to touch the stove to teach them there are some things they should not do, it is good that we as a nation have allowed Joe Biden to parade around as our Fake President, and built him a fake White House to sit in and produce his Hitleresque blood-red speeches.
We are children. And we need to learn what fire is.
Enjoy the coming fire.
The 51 US Intelligence officials who said in 2020 that Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation" are the same officials who had said in 2016 that Russian Intelligence had hacked Hillary Clinton's computer and stolen thousands of her e-mails and files.
Glenn is right.
The Biden's are corrupt - and the hack press, and the FBI are fine with it.
He is correct. We need to keep reminding people how corrupt they are, and how the media is Pravda. Until it is drummed into some thick headed holdouts, they will keep on lying and cheating the American people of the truth..
While the lock-step hivemind collective white left SCREAM at everyone *ELECTION DENIER... and RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION* - at every turn...
These same assholes have no problem with Biden family "Big Guy" corruption.
They are morally bankrupt.
Putin invaded Ukraine on Biden's watch.
In 2016, Trump-hating, high-ranking officials in the US Intelligence Community were sure that Russian Intelligence ...
* had stolen thousands of Hillary Clinton's e-mails and computer files
* intended to alter and release many such embarrassing files shortly before the US election
* was collaborating with members of Trump's campaign staff in this plot
Election Day came and went. It did not happen that any of Clinton's files were released to the public.
Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller and his staff of Trump-hating lawyers tried for two years to prove that any Trump supporters had collaborated with Russian Intelligence. No such proof was found.
This is what happens when our US Intelligence Community is managed by hysterical, Trump-hating, partisan hacks.
Laptop lapdog media.
I see a bumper sticker in my future: Glenn Greenwald did not hang himself.
I sure hope he doesn't stop talking about it - and it's not annoying. It's called journalism, and it's a good reminder that integrity of the highest importance is almost always independently-motivated. Another example: Admiral Mike Rogers. They deserve our respect.
"Glenn Greenwald will never stop talking about this and doesn't care if it's annoying."
Just like some of us deplorables here.
That is why we need a Federal position on disinformation. That is why we must allow big tech to determine what can and can not be included in messages. That is why we need criminal penalties for publishing things the powers that be consider misinformation.
After all, imagine what a better world this would be if the MSM/Democrat lies were allowed to remain unchallenged.
NEVER vote for the clowns that insist you shut up.
Blogger gilbar said...
Does ANYONE (any one, at all) think Jo Biden would have gotten his 81 million votes, if people had heard about the laptop?
Does ANYONE think Jo Biden got 81 Million legitimate, legal votes anyway? This guy was installed and we are all paying the price. So is the world. For the legitimate votes he received, does ANYONE this woke suburban college "educated" white women were going to resist their TDS and male hatred because Hunter smoked crack, fucked Russian hookers, and gave 10% to the Big Guy?
Come on. There are third trimester abortions to be performed, children's bodies to mutilate, public school teachers asses to kiss, blow job instruction books for third grade boys, and poison mRNA shots to push on everyone in the name of fake moral superiority.
Democrats pushed COVID fear and restriction to the limit in order to push the massive increase absentee ballots and the easily implemented fraud they provided. It stared with the Wisconsin April 7th state primaries in 2020. Democrats allowed unelected entities like the Wisconsin Election Commision to ignore and rewrite election laws.
When it comes to bullshit like "misinformation" only liberals are allowed to spread it. Same thing with their "crap-checkers" and anonymous "experts" who seem to conveniently say anything that supports their cause.
Fact-checkers are even now claiming Pfizer nor anyone else claimed the mRNA shots prevented the spread of COVID, after a Pfizer executive admitted to the EU that the "vaccines" were NEVER tested for prevention. Their supporters conveniently pretend not to remember and willingly change with every narrative flip and stretch.
It's all driven by hatred, arrogance, and a complete lack of self-awareness. Basically...we're fucked.
Greenwald is right. At the time, NPR posted something like, "Our listeners aren't interested in Hunter Biden's laptop."
We always knew that NYT, NPR and others were left-leaning. I had assumed that their bias would manifest in routine editorial decisions, but that they were essentially credible. The way that they handled the Hunter Biden coverage showed that, without a doubt, they are partisan reality-based propaganda.
People who rely on NYT and NPR cannot be considered to be informed about current events.
Journalists have often been unreliable narrators to the events of their era, but they used to keep up a better front....To some extent, it's Trump's fault. If Jeb Bush had been running against Biden, Hunter's laptop would have been a story. The NYT did, after all, report on Whitewater when Republican candidates were more mainstream. The reporters have gotten the idea in their head that Trump is some kind of updated version of Hitler and that it is the primary responsibility of all decent journalists to keep him from power....Maybe they've always been in the tank for Democrats. It was widely known by reporters and media figures in Washington and Hollywood that JFK was a sex hound, but, to the rest of the country, JFK was considered to be a good family man with a charmed marriage. That was the story they gave the American public.... I don't know if they would give Richard Nixon the same leeway for his sins. It's difficult to imagine Richard Nixon getting carnal with Marilyn Monroe, but he had other character flaws and they were widely reported.....Maybe this is all for the better. Now we know enough to know that reporters don't know much and don't report honestly on what they do know. Reporters and their pieties have gone the way of Catholic priests and their Magdalene laundries.
Politicians and newsies fail to remember that public opinion is not a pipeline, it’s like an avalanche. You don’t get immediate negative feedback, the public is silent for a while, then small rocks start to tumble, then the whole hillside caves.
They don’t realize that their foolish ploys are actually well seen by everyone. It just takes a while for enough people to get stirred up about it. Then your reputation is in the trash for a decade.
Cognitive dissonance:
Greenwald is one of the few remaining dogged political reporters.
Greenwald is an antisemite who never saw a criticism of Israel he couldn't endorse.
Quod erat demonstrandum.
Quod erat demonstrandum.
Quod erat demonstrandum #2
The timeline is a bit murky. The Trump FBI subpoenaed the laptop in December 2019. The New York Post was given a copy of the laptop contents that was made before that. There is some reporting that Rudy Giuliani didn’t get a copy of the laptop files until September 2020, although that’s a bit sketchy. If the Trump team had it earlier, it’s on them for the story not being developed sooner. They also botched their effort to get it published in the Wall Street Journal, which would have had more credibility than the New York Post.
Here’s the big irony. The computer repair shop owner got the laptop in April 2019, before the Trump impeachment over Trump’s attempt to extort Ukraine President Zelenskyy. Indeed, he had it a full month before Zelenskyy took office. He has said he was afraid to come forward because of the right-wing conspiracy theory that Seth Rich was murdered for hacking the DNC computer system. But for that conspiracy theory, he might have come forward sooner.
I’m sure though that that won’t be covered in the Hunter Biden laptop hearings McCarthy will be holding if he becomes Speaker.
The alphabet-networks are nothing but propaganda outlets for the Democrat, I mean Fascist, Party. When you watch Don Lemon talking, just imagine it's really Hank Johnson spewing his fantasies about Guam tipping over. Same for Jake Tapper: it's really Jerry Nadler, but a slimmer version of Nadler. Joy Reid is channeling Maxine Waters.
81 million votes is not necessarily the same as 81 million legal voters
"This is why I say - and I mean - that these corporate news outlets and their employees deserve your deep contempt."
They've had mine for years now and I suspect I'm not alone.
Anyone who watched Tony Bobulinski's interview with Tucker Carlson before the election knew it was true. Anyone who read the NY Posts rundown on the laptop knew it was true. Anyone who's ever listened to John Brennan or James Clapper tell you 'the truth' knows they were lying.
It really isn't hard. What's hard is pretending that a thing is not what it is. A is A, no matter what angle you might be viewing it from.
Again - Biden just bribed and threatened The Saudi government to produce more oil before the election.
Impeach Crook Biden.
Another thing that bears repeating indefinitely: Hunter Biden never denied it was his laptop.
Left Bank refers to the “Trump FBI.” Now there’s an oxymoron.
Wait -- lying liars lie and --- do WHAT?!
Next you'll be saying Epstein didn't kill himself.
Oh my, he seems to suggest the CIA interfered in an election by creating disinformation that was promulgated by the Democrats and a willing media to affect the outcome of the 2020 election. We should have a Congressional investigation of this matter and let the evidence speak for itself.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
The timeline is a bit murky.
Remember Left Bank supported CENSORSHIP in this situation.
Left Bank supported Censorship of the truth.
Now it is "murky."
These people are fascist assholes. They need to be shipped to China one way so they can live with the rules they want to impose on others.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Again - Biden just bribed and threatened The Saudi government to produce more oil before the election.
Impeach Crook Biden.
He will resign soon.
The question is will they go with Kamala Harris or go with whoever replaces Nancy Pelosi after she resigns as house speaker.
I am curious how they would get Kamala to resign.
Biden just bribed and threatened The Saudi government to produce more oil before the election.
Impeach Crook Biden.
Domestic burdens. Iranian funding. Saudi bribes. Democrats would at the drop of a fetus.
What I find annoying is not someone calling attention to the fact that left-wingers continue to push forward lies which have been disproven but, rather, those annoying jerks and institutions who continue to push those disproven lies as if they are true. Which they’re not.
Joe did not get 81 million legit votes, even including the anti-Trump votes. Obama got 63 million. Who would ever believe Joe beat O by almost 20 million votes? It’s just not plausible.
Joe maybe got 50 million, then a few thousand electioneers decided they should each vote thousands of times, instead of the one the rest of us did. Pure election thievery.
If the laptop had been legitimately reported, the sandbagging operation would look even more obvious than it already does.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Again - Biden just bribed and threatened The Saudi government to produce more oil before the election.
Impeach Crook Biden.
Clarification: Biden is perfectly fine with the production cuts. Just not before the elections.
The Biden's are corrupt - and the hack press, and the FBI are fine with it.
There are a lot of people who seem to be very comfortable with Democrat corruption. Bad as Biden is, he’s pretty penny-ante next to corruptocrat Hillary. It’s just that Biden brags (or at any rate bragged) about his corruption and he’s pretty clumsy about covering it up. Yet lots of people voted for both of them.
Not that all Republicans are pure as a North Woods snow, but most Republican politicians are aware that even the smallest hint of corruption will result in battalions of news people camped outside their front door 24/7 and harassing their kids as they try to get to school. So the one-sided coverage tends to keep the other side, at least, quite a bit more honest.
Left Bank of the Charles said...I’m sure though that that won’t be covered in the Hunter Biden laptop hearings McCarthy will be holding if he becomes Speaker.
Why would it? Can you explain why you feel it’s relevant?
The letter is pure propaganda, and the authors knew it. They leveraged the credibility of the intelligence agencies they had worked for in order to deliberately mislead the American people.
The tell is this sentence, in plain text, buried halfway down the first page:
"We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case."
If they really wanted to emphasize the fact that they had no evidence, this would have been a simple declarative sentence right after they introduced who they were:
We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails are genuine or not, and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement.
As to the actual content, it is ephemeral. It contradicts the timeline, which had been verified at the time. They cite anonymously sourced news stories. This is a common technique: plant a story and then cite it as evidence.
Finally, the letter was hastily written: My English teacher would have dropped me a full grade if I had authored this jumble of a run-on sentence: "Such an operation would be consistent with Russian objectives, as outlined publicly and recently by the Intelligence Community, to create political chaos in the United States and to deepen political divisions here, but also to undermine the candidacy of former Vice President Biden and
thereby help the candidacy of President Trump.
Goebbels stands in awe.
Glenn Greenwald is a fucking idiot and liar. Doesn't he know 51, count them 51, top security experts of the US security services wrote a letter signed by all that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian "disinformation". You know that word coined by the Russian KGB in 1950, dezinformatsiya.
Just kidding about Greenwald, actually the US security professionals are paid to be professional liars lie and incompetents. they have been incompetent and wrong from everything from protecting JFK and Bobby to Tet to the fall of the USSR and Berlin Wall to etc.....
They protect the Deep State's rice bowl and that is all. They should be dismantled.
Another incoherent comment by left bank.
Seeing how he's destroying the economic future of an entire generation, I'm filled with glee. The people who installed him, all 81 million of them (lol), deserve what they're getting good and hard. He'll probably goad Russia into using nuclear weapons against us.
I might feel the same way if I lived on a different planet. The Democrats didn't use to be this crazy. Sure, LBJ is still the worst president in history but Clinton was OK, if a little bit more crooked than most. The country was still coasting on the Reagan economy but Clinton looked teachable after the 1994 election. In 1992, I was a Perot voter until he has his meltdown. In 2000, I didn't care if Gore won as I was not impressed with Bush. Obama was pretty weird but, like millions, I thought he would be good for race relations. Boy was that a mistake ! The craziness began with Obama and the whole global warming scam. Even Obama did not go as far as the people running Biden. This will not end well even if the GOP takes both houses of Congress. If Trump had been elected in 2020, maybe he could have fended off the reckoning but now it is probably too late to avoid economic collapse. I just hope it holds off until I am gone. I worry about my grandchildren, though.
In fairness to Althouse mainstream press. How are they supposed to stay in the right side of history if they don’t publish what the people in the right side of history tell them to publish.
I mean, it not like laptops, documents and paper trails are going to survive a nukular strike anyway.
Why worry about it?
We’re all going to get a clean start after Armageddon.
"Contempt" sounds harsh and mean. It's also 110% appropriate.
The Bidens are stupid. They didn’t invent this method of corruption and aren’t close to its biggest beneficiaries. They got caught.
The Bushes, the Clintons, the Obamas are the top of the pyramid. Pelosi and McConnell are just below.
The Bidens are mid-level.
Our leaders are dumb. They should never have cut the Bidens in on their schemes.
Who will watch the waters?
He's right. The only way for the media to begin to regain credibility is to admit they were either knowing participants in this deception or outright dupes. And that's just a first step. Next they need to start digging into the team Biden's corruption. Finally, they need to dig into the collusion of the "Intelligence Community" and its efforts to engage in a coup against the American people.
The timeline was provided by the laptop repair shop owner. That is the only timeline provided from the beginning by one person, so nothing murky about it. The murky timeline is the FBI's by first claiming the laptop to be a hoax, then the information from the laptop to be Russian disinformation, to later having to admit it did exist, and then admitting the data was legitimate. When someone provides you that much disinformation, you ignore them. Remove the fraudulent FBI's claims, and the timeline is clear and consistent.
Glenn Greenwald... what a douche. Does any thinking human being still listen to him?
Vicki from Pasadena
“Remember Left Bank supported CENSORSHIP in this situation.“
I support the press being free not to print a story being pressed on them by minions of the President of the United States.
Let’s look back at what might have gone differently in the unraveling of the Very Mediocre Presidency. Trump could have not fired Comey in the way that he did or at least cooperated with the Mueller whitewash set in motion by his appointees Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein, bringing that episode to a quicker conclusion without muddying it up with the appearance of obstruction. He might have sent someone more competent than Giuliani to Ukraine to gather information on Hunter Biden’s business dealings and not have resorted to the desperate play of pressuring the President of Ukraine to start an investigation he could have conducted himself. He might have handled the Covid pandemic in a competent and professional way, earning the respect of the nation and garnering a solid majority in the 2020 election. He might not have gone into full election denial mode after the election costing the Republicans one or two Senate seats in Georgia and the Senate majority.
Awww… poor Glenn Greenwald. Lamenting that the tabloidization of political news is of so little interest (annoying, even) to most sane people.
Did anyone care about Trump’s sons Udai and Qusai’s shady dealings? Or even Trump’s? Apparently not.
Well, the news is a business model - and they learned to discard reporting that no one cares about, as they should. Greenwald’s useful idiocy OTOH is little more than a self-righteousness/feigned outrage model.
If Greewald were actually concerned about political corruption he’d never appear on a right-wing media outlet again, whether foreign-owned (FOX) or the others. Citizens United has had consequences, even if he’s ok with the political money corruption that defines the right. Just cause they find it natural doesn’t mean he should, as much as he pretends to care about it on the left.
I worry about my grandchildren, though
You shouldn’t. If you don’t care whether they can avoid enough fires, flooding and droughts to keep the soil sustainable enough to grow food, then you shouldn’t care whether they live or die, either.
I mean, NASA, NOAA, and the rest of America and the world does, though. But apparently that’s because they don’t have access to some specialized, privileged understanding of physics that was sold by Big Oil to convince the right wing to believe that the atmosphere and its greenhouse effect aren’t what keep earth 60 degrees warmer than space. Or even way warmer than 30,000 feet up in an airplane.
Nope, some on the right even believe climate itself is a hoax and that weather patterns are controlled by the government. Hope you find these delusions to be enjoyable! (Your kids will hate them though, and hate you for being gullible enough to have believed and voted for them).
Left Bank blames Trump for the media lying about Hunter's laptop.
How do you manage to feed yourself?
Seriously, if the Laptop From Hell had been news like NBCs grab ‘‘em by the pussy tape” it would have changed nothing. The Counters of the Vote would simply have added more Biden votes until he got enuff. And every court challenge would have been thrown out of every Court on No Standing crap. What 2020 taught us was that 90% of the DC DeepState , the Congress and the SCOTUS were in on it. And the ChiCom cash and ChiCom bio weapon rules us.
Greenwald has been the MVP the last 3 years.
"And the ChiCom cash and ChiCom bio weapon rules us."
You should be reading the investigation that Rasmussen Reports polling company has conducted regarding Chinese influence over our election poll workers.
Communist China absolutely altered the vote tallies in the 2020 election to Joe Biden's benefit.
Our security agencies know it, which is why Joe Biden isn't allowed in the White House (they literally built him a fake White House to operate in.) He's literally a fake President.
"And the ChiCom cash and ChiCom bio weapon rules us."
You should be reading the investigation that Rasmussen Reports polling company has conducted regarding Chinese influence over our election poll workers.
Communist China absolutely altered the vote tallies in the 2020 election to Joe Biden's benefit.
Our security agencies know it, which is why Joe Biden isn't allowed in the White House (they literally built him a fake White House to operate in.) He's literally a fake President.
Respectfully, I really don't understand how anyone couldn't see Obama for what he was, a radical race hustler whose entire shtick on the 2008 campaign trail was about turning his white grandmother into some sort of Klan bogeywoman because she was afraid of being mugged on her way to work, as he sat at the feet of the most dangerous social revolutionaries our country has ever produced, people no different from Charles Manson but for their success in lighting the fires of extreme racial animosity in generations of young people.
He tried to insert an actual Maoist into the Department of Education, and when I tried to explain this to my nice, mainstream, Democrat voting parents, they thought I had lost my mind. They didn't believe the behavior I witnessed in higher education. It was a respected institution! It was the big step up! It was their only dream for us, because they couldn't afford to go to college themselves.
If they were alive today, I like to think they would have caught on by now, but I still can't see how reasonable people couldn't connect the dots back then.
The writing was on the wall in 2008. Maybe it was just easier to see it because I was immersed in the same worlds of academia and "social justice nonprofits" as Obama himself, where he and his ilk had already scorched the earth and made their intentions very clear. Maybe watching successive generations of mayors in Atlanta commit the same old destructive racial mau mauing of a Sharpton while finessing the external optics offered the necessary lens through which to see what the coming Obama ideology would do to -- and take from -- the entire country.
But I think the people to blame the most are the cowards on our side who understood perfectly well what was about to happen and imagined they could both weather it and profit from it if only they pirouetted as normal and kept their traps shut.
They don't think that anymore. So go all revolutions. At some point, you can't eat silk purses, or schaudefraude.
They wouldnt have suppressed it if they didnt think it would have an impact
“Left Bank blames Trump for the media lying about Hunter's laptop.”
It’s not their job to do Trump’s job.
And it only took 17 members of the IC to approve Hillary's sale of our uranium to Russia.
Jim at said... How do you feed yourself?
My bet would be... Sippy Cup
hpudding said...
The Murdochs are US citizens. Where is your evidence that Fox is foreign owned? Please provide that info.
Climate change is a religion, not science. The models have to be constantly normalized. That's alchemy,not chemistry. You are entitled to your religious views but you are not entitled to impose them on others. The rest of your comments is just leftist idiocy.
It is funny to see the Althouse lefty trolls going after Glenn Greenwald who is an honest lefty.
What does that say about our trolls sense of honesty?
The Counters of the Vote would simply have added more Biden votes until he got enuff.
In 2026 Putin hacked our voting machines to elect Trump (two-thirds of Democrats believe that). In 2020 the Ghost of Hugo Chavez conspired with China to hack our voting machines to elect Biden (two-thirds of Republicans believe that).
You’re in good company.
It all fits in, probably with those Hollywood helper's staging...
Everything goes one way.
hpudding said...
I worry about my grandchildren, though
You shouldn’t. If you don’t care whether they can avoid enough fires, flooding and droughts to keep the soil sustainable enough to grow food, then you shouldn’t care whether they live or die, either.
Well, it's a cinch you never took Physics, or Math.
I did and I know the global warming scan is bullshit.
Blogger victoria said...
Glenn Greenwald... what a douche. Does any thinking human being still listen to him?
Vicki from Pasadena
The lefty idiots are all weighing in. Greenwald, like Matt Taibbi and Bary Weisss are leftists who got sick of the lies. Even Tulsi Gabbard, who was a Bernie supporter, is getting sick of the insanity nof your party.
Wake up and read something honest for a change,
Little Biden lived large on access.
big tech suppressed that.
Yeah maybe no but Trump.
"Communist China absolutely altered the vote tallies in the 2020 election to Joe Biden's benefit."
Hahaha! The lunacy (and/or stupidity) metastasizes to mind-killing malignancy! (Not that indications of this haven't already long been evident--and continue to be, with accelerating intensity--on most of the threads on this blog.)
“It’s not their job to do Trump’s job.”
He love love loves that dirty water. No, it isn’t. But tell us what YOU think the job of a journAlist is.
as for dominion, the questions of it's flaws were noted in the spring release of kill chain, aired on hbo, and a frontline report, a month before the election,
Hpudding doesn't understand Pudding Head Joementia's suppression of domestic energy is going to vastly increase the numbers of folks who don't give a shit what guvmint gravy train riding, groupthink agencies think about Global Cooling/Warming and Climate Chane/Weirding/Stasis.
But China applauds it.
We'll also be able to get a preview via the greater zealots in UK and Europe.
The only people likely (also ready, willing, and able) to hack our voting machines are the Organs working in conjunction with local D officials.
Left Bank observes that it's not the media's job to do Trump's job. That's very true, which raises the question, what does that have to do with the reality of the laptop and everything contained in it? Whose job is it to investigate matters of public importance?
I'll check back later to see what the answer could be.
Obama was more of a conventional politician than whoever is running Biden. He recognized that his bread and butter was needling the right. And he's still doing it even in retirement, but "the fundamental transformation" of America was just so much hot air. Democrats are more serious about it now. For a lot of people the foreign guy with the foreign name and presumably the foreign birth and foreign religion had to be more of a threat than good old Scranton Joe, but it's not true.
Here we are two years later and we still don't have any clear answers as to how much Hunter got and for what and how much of that (10%?) he kicked up to Biden. If "investigative reporters" really existed, wouldn't they have been all over that by now?
“Hahaha! The lunacy (and/or stupidity) metastasizes to mind-killing malignancy! (Not that indications of this haven't already long been evident--and continue to be, with accelerating intensity--on most of the threads on this blog.)”
Indeed. It’s gotten so bad that it almost makes me think that the majority of conservative commenters here are democrats trying to make conservatives look crazy.
Robert Cook said...
"Communist China absolutely altered the vote tallies in the 2020 election to Joe Biden's benefit."
Hahaha! The lunacy (and/or stupidity) metastasizes to mind-killing malignancy!
So mean to Klobuchar and Warren's concerns over electro-vote machinations.
Poor Glenn Greenwald remembers a long ago time when journalists spoke truth to power and regarded their mission as comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable. Today's journalists speak bullshit to the working class and afflict the afflicted while comforting the comfortable.
Well, it's a cinch you never took Physics, or Math.
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Besides being not only factually wrong (let alone a misuse of the word “cinch”) this nonsensical appeal to authority ignores the fact that Carl Sagan, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, James Hansen and countless other experts took way more math and physics than this curmudgeon ever did. And they seem to understand that adding heat-trapping gases to the same atmosphere that is made 60 degrees warmer than space by them, is and will continue trapping more heat beyond what is compatible with a planet whose inhabitants are looking to minimize fires, droughts, floods and other threats to civilization and basic agricultural needs.
I did and I know the global warming scan is bullshit.
More evidence-free appeals to authority. You talk just the way a flat-earther would. Or an election denier. Or that senator who rejected global warming on the basis of Noah’s ark.
Anyways, if you’re wrong it’s good to know that your confidence won’t provide any comfort to grandchildren forced to live with the disaster of what you were so proud to be so wrong about.
a radical race hustler whose entire shtick on the 2008 campaign trail was about turning his white grandmother into some sort of Klan bogeywoman
What an active imagination and lack of proportion the right-wing has. Klanswoman? Jesus. Someone either didn’t listen to a thing Obama said or just felt such a need to pull such bizarre labels out of nowhere because of how desperate the right wing was in 2008 to convince anyone that they were capable of or credible on anything.
Obama calling his grandmama a Klan member? How extensive and paranoid a fantasy life does someone have to live to come up with some BS like that.
walter said...
"Hpudding doesn't understand ......."
The understatement of the year.
The 18th century called. They want their physics curriculum back.
It’s funny. Some people might care that they’re not taking risks with whether their grandchildren belong to a generation that can still grow food and survive.
And then some other people just care about declaring how smart they are to the internet.
Think about what a vast difference in values that represents. I know which grandparent I’d be better off with.
cubanbob said...
Climate change is a religion, not science. The models have to be constantly normalized. That's alchemy,not chemistry. You are entitled to your religious views but you are not entitled to impose them on others. The rest of your comments is just leftist idiocy.
It bears repeating again and again: computer climate models are NOT experiments. They all come freighted with assumptions re the relative values and contributions of different aspects of the Earth's atmosphere, oceans and land areas.
THEY ALL ASSUME that the values they give to the "knowns" are valid. THEY ALL ASSUME there are no "unknowns."
That's why none of them, now numbering 50 or more, agree with each other. Instead the technoids posing as scientists go back to tweak their models in an attempt to make them agree. They are not offering real-world DATA.
They fail.
The satellite and ocean buoy data available since 1979 or so FALSIFY them.
Here: have a look.
Those dots at the low end of the graph represent actual data.
On top of that there is NO EVIDENCE that any of the changes we've seen in atmospheric temperature etc. are unprecedented. Nothing. ZIP. The Earth's been warming up since the end of the last Ice Age, with ups and downs along the way long before industrial societies arose.
Ask yourself: did humans cause the Ice Age? What did humans do to end it?
Ask yourself: did humans cause the Ice Age? What did humans do to end it?
It is in fact a cinch (I don't get why hpudding thinks that prior usage by another commenter was incorrect; it's not) that the Earth's climate will be both warmer and colder than it is today, regardless of cause. The big question is, what do we do about it?
Do we destroy the developed world's economy and sentence the developing world to dung cooking fires when they can get food and famine when they can't in a vain attempt to hold back a tide that absolutely, inexorably will keep on coming? Or do we put our efforts toward adaptation?
That every climate change "solution" put forth ends up advancing the cause of globalist socialism seems to undermine the stated premise that its adherents are motivated solely by "following the science." Nuclear power, anyone? GMOs?
victoria said...
Glenn Greenwald... what a douche. Does any thinking human being still listen to him?
Vicki from Pasadena
Wow. Never have I ever read such a comprehensively researched and eloquently stated refutation. I an convinced.
Said nobody.
hpudding said...
"The 18th century called. They want their physics curriculum back.
It’s funny. Some people might care that they’re not taking risks with whether their grandchildren belong to a generation that can still grow food and survive.
And then some other people just care about declaring how smart they are to the internet.
Think about what a vast difference in values that represents. I know which grandparent I’d be better off with."
The question then becomes. Would they want to waste their time with you? You have no skills that would make you valuable in a survival situation. And in that kind of situation teaching someone in order to bring them up to speed is a waste of time and resources.
Everything you use in modern western society uses oil. Everything.
Hpudding: after receiving extremely positive press the first time he told his sob story about how his white grandmother was a racist because she once said she feared being mugged as she waited for the bus to go to work, Obama embellished the story in his stump speeches throughout 2008. He literally called her a racist again and again and again, after she raised him and sacrificed to pay for (safer) private school and college and worldwide vacations he took with his coke-addled, wealthy Pakistani pals at their families' plantations, another fact he concealed because these people had serfs they basically enslaved, not the image he wanted.
In reality, Obama's grandmother wasn't just raising and supporting Obama but also his absent mom and his creepy louche communist white grandfather. In reality, she worked long days and took public transportation to keep him in an elite private school while Obama and gramps hung out with the communist pornographer Frank Marshal Davis. In reality, both Obamas have now misrepresented in memoirs how long they relied on this "racist" grandmother's money, for example to buy their first pricey mansion in Chicago.
Obama exploited this woman's reasonable fears of real crime and smeared her character all the way into the White House. It's America's ur-text: no, he didn't literally call her a klansman and I did not say that: he Mayella Ewelled her. His racial smears divided the nation and destroyed the police, making the streets even more unsafe for grandmothers and other living things.
Do you think all of this started yesterday? The lies and omissions regarding political grifts and no-show jobs and the depth of the Obamas' involvement with domestic terrorists who openly admit to trying to foment race war have all been documented now. It was also available but suppressed by the media in 2008, as Racist Grandma played better on the campaign trail than the b.s. Unite America stuff that had propelled Obama past Hillary in the primaries. But you know that.
We all note the leftist commenters have NOTHING to say about Biden family corruption.
Achilles said
"he will resign soon"
Why on earth do you think that? No way crook Biden resigns. His liar crook life goes to his grave.
Ask yourself: did humans cause the Ice Age?
Nope, the current ice age, the Quarternary, began over 2.5 million years ago, before humans existed.
What did humans do to end it?
Nothing, because it hasn't ended. We are in an interglacial, the fifth of the Quarternary I believe. For the last twenty years, climate alarmists have started insisting that the Holocene isn't an interglacial, but instead marks the end of the Quarternary, but they provide no evidence for the change in definition.
Hear!! Hear!! Tina Trent @ 10/16/22, 8:12 AM. Apparently hpudding only watches CNN where they worship his Messiah Obama.
hpudding, you've been around here long enough to know that Tina Tent does not say things lightly nor without backup. Don't make yourself a fool by throwing punches at strawmen.
The question then becomes. Would they want to waste their time with you?
As a grandparent? I’d think I’d have the self esteem to not need to make kids into “little friends” of mine, since being a mentor is more important. Needing children to like you as an old man kind of shows that you never grew up and aren’t worth listening to as an adult. Your childhood must have been quite a sad and sorry one.
You have no skills that would make you valuable in a survival situation.
Haha. Really?
Even if that were true, enough “survivalists” would still want to revive as much civilization as they could and therefore be happy to make use of our socially and intellectually superior skills as they attempted to rebuild what we could. It’s not like the only survivalists left would be the antisocial Ted Kaczynski types like you, those who’d want to keep everything burnt down so they can live in a lean-to and never build or be a part of something better.
And in that kind of situation teaching someone in order to bring them up to speed is a waste of time and resources.
Even the smallest groups of people have leaders, and they would pick off the greedy little anti-social loners like you quicker than you could say “ALL MINE!” Either that or they would banish you out of their territory to a place where you can glory in.your primitive lifestyle just as much as before. And miss out completely on what comes next.
Everything you use in modern western society uses oil. Everything.
Except for food. How warped a perspective must someone have to forget how much arable land is needed to feed the “oil users?” Yep, the survivors would quickly realize how little use they have for someone this stupid.
Anyway, the issue is burning oil - not turning it into as much plastic as it takes to clog the oceans and the human endocrine system: A newer business model to which the oil companies are learning to adapt quite well, incidentally.
@hpudding, if you want to do appeals to authority, I’m a mathematician with somewhere between 15 and 30 stochastic models built during my career, depending on whether you wish to include Monte Carlo simulations and/or “back of the envelope” engineering calculations. I assure you that global climate change models are bunk.
I find it interesting that hpudding includes James Hansen among his pantheon of experts. When the observed data does not fit the model, a competent scientist adjusts the model. Hansen boasts that he has NOAA adjust the data, instead. Absolutely backwards.
But the thing that’s hidden in all bullshit iswhy we’re supposed to care about “anthropogenic climate change,”. After all, we know from the archeological evidence that it was warmer a thousand years ago than it is today in the northern hemisphere (and apparently no one is looking in the southern). Hidden in all the fuss is the notion that there is a “tipping point” beyond which the atmosphere runs away in a neverending cycle of warmer and warmer and ever warmer until life as we know it is extinguished. Michael Mann’s “hockey stick” graph.
Except that Mann’s hockey stick was mathematically refuted almost immediately, and more recently it has been shown that Mann’s software has a unique way of dealing with data that doesn’t fit the model — the data is ignored. Again, not the way real science is supposed to work.
Hear!! Hear!! Tina Trent @ 10/16/22, 8:12 AM. Apparently hpudding only watches CNN where they worship his Messiah Obama.
You don’t need to watch CNN (recently bought by a right-winger) to avoid Obama Derangement Syndrome. Actually most people aren’t affflicted by that, except those who worship Trump as some weird kind of King David. Or as Drumpf himself said, “the chosen one.”
As for the rest of Tina’s screed, if I were inclined to find wisdom on Obama and whomever he “smeared,” I doubt it would be from someone as attached to writing about (smearing?) “creepy louche communist pornographers.”
Or maybe I would allow for that kind of boilerplate, but not from someone as inclined to defend the “creepy louche communist pornographers” running the RCC. What’s next? A rant on the Illuminati? Freemasons? Cosmopolitans?
I can recognize a conspiratorial-minded defamatory rabbit hole when I see one. Even at a mile away. Obama’s character is head and shoulders above anyone ever given to us by the right, and that’s before you throw in Herschel Walker, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Mark Foley, Dennis Hastert, Larry Craig, the Jan 6th election deniers, or any other Repub looking to assassinate not only his grandmother’s “character” but her basic access to Medicare.
Give me a break.
Tina Trent - knocks it out of the park.
History is real.
Democrat lies are real.
But the thing that’s hidden in all bullshit iswhy we’re supposed to care about “anthropogenic climate change,”.
Because we like growing food to eat and survive and that becomes harder the higher you push global temps. Ditto with avoiding more fires, droughts and floods as are obviously occurring to even the most detached/sociopathic observer from their bubble.
Mathematics is a useless exercise in closed-loop, endless theorizing unless it can accept that no data set is perfect and that any statistical model will have as many caveats as can be imagined. Nevertheless a mathematician has no explanation for why the earth is 60 degrees warmer than space. Only a physicist can overcome a mathematician’s uselessness and collect enough data to say it’s because of the greenhouse effect, the same one that AGW is intensifying. The physicist comes up with explanations that make the most sense, not to pretend that there will never be more data, or that only a utopian, closed set, infinitely complete Goedelian model of absolute knowledge is the only standard that can be applied. If that was the case then science could never even be satisfied with gravity, as thermodynamics predicts the possibility that a ball could theoretically spontaneously fly upward in violation of observable phenomenon just because we can’t know for sure that all the atoms in it might one day be aligned to move in that direction.
And that’s about the same likelihood that AGW is not a huge problem.
But for normal people looking to avoid food catastrophes, decimated coastlines, property burnt to the ground and more food insecure refugees looking to flood into developed nations, they accept that it’s enough knowledge to act on - even if it can’t satisfy some sociopath’s utopian standard for exactly which numbers line up right according to his arbitrary definition on a piece of paper.
Give up on Hansen and start attacking Sagan and Tyson if you hate atmospheric science so much and think the numbers don’t add up enough to explain why the planet is already 60 degrees warmer than space at only 300 - 400 ppm CO2, and why you think it’s a great idea to drive it up further to risk what happens next.
I realize I’ve probably disadvantaged you though by citing human factors that most people care about. But if reducing humans to numbers excites you, here’s a stat: Workplace productivity improves by up to 60% at lower CO2 concentrations. So keep advocating for suffocating America and impeding the flow of human oxygen exchange in the brain, if it makes you feel better. I’m sure you’ll find a way to work out a perfect model for why suffocation is a good thing.
But the thing that’s hidden in all bullshit iswhy we’re supposed to care about “anthropogenic climate change,”.
Because we like growing food to eat and survive and that becomes harder the higher you push global temps. Ditto with avoiding more fires, droughts and floods as are obviously occurring to even the most detached/sociopathic observer from their bubble.
Mathematics is a useless exercise in closed-loop, endless theorizing unless it can accept that no data set is perfect and that any statistical model will have as many caveats as can be imagined. Nevertheless a mathematician has no explanation for why the earth is 60 degrees warmer than space. Only a physicist can overcome a mathematician’s uselessness and collect enough data to say it’s because of the greenhouse effect, the same one that AGW is intensifying. The physicist comes up with explanations that make the most sense, not to pretend that there will never be more data, or that only a utopian, closed set, infinitely complete Goedelian model of absolute knowledge is the only standard that can be applied. If that was the case then science could never even be satisfied with gravity, as thermodynamics predicts the possibility that a ball could theoretically spontaneously fly upward in violation of observable phenomenon just because we can’t know for sure that all the atoms in it might one day be aligned to move in that direction.
And that’s about the same likelihood that AGW is not a huge problem.
But for normal people looking to avoid food catastrophes, decimated coastlines, property burnt to the ground and more food insecure refugees looking to flood into developed nations, they accept that it’s enough knowledge to act on - even if it can’t satisfy some sociopath’s utopian standard for exactly which numbers line up right according to his arbitrary definition on a piece of paper.
Give up on Hansen and start attacking Sagan and Tyson if you hate atmospheric science so much and think the numbers don’t add up enough to explain why the planet is already 60 degrees warmer than space at only 300 - 400 ppm CO2, and why you think it’s a great idea to drive it up further to risk what happens next.
I realize I’ve probably disadvantaged you though by citing human factors that most people care about. But if reducing humans to numbers excites you, here’s a stat: Workplace productivity improves by up to 60% at lower CO2 concentrations. So keep advocating for suffocating America and impeding the flow of human oxygen exchange in the brain, if it makes you feel better. I’m sure you’ll find a way to work out a perfect model for why suffocation is a good thing.
It is funny to see the Althouse lefty trolls going after Glenn Greenwald who is an honest lefty.
Yes, indeed. They're all here (well, not gadfly, yet, but everyone else): Robert Cook, Inga, Left Bank of the Charles, Vicki from Pasadena, hpudding. What is it about Greenwald that sends everyone into such a tizzy? Including the last two people on that list, who have posted very little recently. (I don't read every thread here myself, so please do take that with a grain of salt.)
I think it's obvious: Greenwald is an apostate. Worse even than a "born conservative" is one who used to be on the "correct" side but has defected. Cf. also Bari Weiss, Naomi Wolf . . .
"here’s a stat: Workplace productivity improves by up to 60% at lower CO2 concentrations. "
It’s not their job to do Trump’s job.
It's not Trump's job to do theirs.
You've got it completely backasswards. Seriously. Think about what you're saying.
Don't tell me it's 'science that must be trusted', when the scientist won't share his data and won't disclose his methodology. Mann is still hiding behind his sanctimony. ALthough ordered by the courts, he will not disclose how he constructed his 'hockey stick' and it therefore is not science. He's had his defamation case thrown out of Canadian court and has been ordered to pay the defense their legal cost. So far he hasn't done that, either.
Scientific conclusions that are kept protected from the Scientific Method (debate and scrutiny of method and data) is no science. It's rhetoric. One has only to read the latest from the IPCC to understand that they are now using 'storylines and narratives' - their words - to advance climate agenda policy. They are no longer depending on data. Instead, they are using the extreme predictions from their models (rather than presenting the whole range of modeled outcomes) to scare politicians and policy-makers into putting climate controls into legislation. They've admitted as much - in print.
There is a strong inverse correlation between the volume and insanity of hpudding's rantings and New Soviet Democratical poll numbers.
It was just a few months back during the fake polls-Dems Are Coming Back!-Summer swoon that hpudding was on Althouse asserting quite authoritatively that the republican party was all but dead. Again.
Now? Not so much.
Further, far left billionaires have already admitted under oath they fund trolls to infest conservative/independent/neutral social media sites.
Jim at (to Left Bank): "You've got it completely backasswards. Seriously. Think about what you're saying."
It never ceases to amaze me how many conservative/republican posters STILL, despite everything, assume logic and reasoning will work with "honest" lefty opposition.
Jim at, Left Bank HAS thought about what he is saying. He knows he has it "backasswards".
He doesn't care. That's the point.
"Yes, indeed. They're all here (well, not gadfly, yet, but everyone else): Robert Cook, Inga, Left Bank of the Charles, Vicki from Pasadena, hpudding. What is it about Greenwald that sends everyone into such a tizzy?"
Very sloppy and indiscriminate round up on your part. How can one trust anything you say is not similarly bankrupt of accuracy and intellectual honesty? I didn't say anything about Greenwald, who doesn't send me into a tizzy, though I do not necessarily agree with everything he says. (I was reading and admiring Greenwald way back when he only had his low-traffic personal blog Unclaimed Territory, well before he was hired by prominent sites such as SALON and journalistic organs like the GUARDIAN in the UK.) I responded to a crackpot comment offered by one of the commenters here, (and pointed out that such crackpottery is rapidly becoming the norm from many commenters on most of the comment threads here).
Gotta wonder what C02 levels the mask wearing imposed on countless kids at school.
Maybe pudding is wearing one while typing away at a coffee shop.
Well wouldn’t you know it! As if on cue, along comes walter to proclaim even the science of basic respiration to be DUBIOUS!
Such is the profundity of right-wing ignorance.
As Alan Grayson said, anyone who doubts that high CO2 is bad is welcome to tie a plastic bag around his head.
Or better yet, running the family car in a closed garage for several hours might equally prove the point.
Take one for the team! Think of how proud Exxon Mobil would be to see one of its most credulous right-wing fanboys willing to prove how healthy it feels for them to breathe high CO2 levels for an extended period.
And these are the same people talking about how they know so much more than the science on how to maintain a healthily sustainable environment and planet. You can’t make this stuff up!
What is it about Greenwald that sends everyone into such a tizzy?
He’s a self-righteous phony grifter who gets off more on fake outrage concern trolling the most insignificant left-wing infractions while pretending out-and-out disinformation-spewing fascists like Tucker Carlson aren’t the bigger problem. Any lack of left-wing ultra-clean purity sends him into more of a tizzy than outright right-wing depravity.
But for the right wing I realize that’s a feature instead of a bug. A virtue rather than a character defect.
So he gets along well with them. Their warped priorities and evil intentions suit him.
Ever live in a neighborhood where there's one dog that barks just to hear himself bark?
Gotta wonder what C02 levels the mask wearing imposed on countless kids at school.
As much as it “imposes” on surgeons and nurses who wear them all day long - I.e. none.
You are a case study of just how much nonsense a typical con doesn’t have a clue about and likes to make up.
And make up your mind on how benign CO2 is or is not. The plastic bag over the head experiment awaits you.
Dearest pudding for brains.
I'm a respiration denier!!!
That's it!
You sooooo smart.
Me so ashamed....
Ever live in a neighborhood where there's one dog that barks just to hear himself bark?
Too much information and correction is harmful to the fragile right-wing mind. Self-reinforcing information bubbles make for much safer spaces. Cue the Tucker Carlson/OAN echo chamber and start posting the trigger warnings, snowflake.
Ever hear the proverb that it's the hut cur that yelps?
Oh, good Lord. hpudding is trying to throw Kurt Gödel at me (don't forget the umlaut, Bozo!). Yes, any reasonably competent mathematician knows Gödel's theorems, but Gödel's theorems refer to statements in systems of logic that cannot be proved within that system of logic. It has nothing to do with observational errors in collecting data. You don't get it, but that's okay. Not that many non-mathematicians do. (For the record, I love diagonalization arguments.) Oh, and by the way, mathematics has an answer for observational errors when collecting data. It has to do with the Normal Distribution. I'll let you go do the research.
Let me simplify it so that even a dumb shit like you can grasp it. The point of a mathematical model, whether used to model an atmospheric phenomenon or couched as a physical law, is to be able not only to understand that which has been observed, but to be able to make predictions. If it cannot be used to make predictions, if its predictions cannot be falsified, then it is useless. If it can be used to make predictions, but the predictions do not match the real world, then the model is broken and must be replaced with one that does match the real world observations. Period.
The same models that in 1987 predicted that we had only ten years to save the world are trotted out every so many years to assert that we only have (sometimes ten, lately twelve) years to save the world. Essentially the same models. Well, it's 25 years after the first deadline, and we're still here a quarter century later. A quarter century from now we'll still be here whether we make any changes or not. The temps may be a bit warmer, but longer growing seasons in the upper latitudes certainly won't hurt crop development. The only thing that could do that is if we eliminate all CO2 -- or don't they teach the carbon cycle anymore?
No, I'm not going to "give up on Hansen." What he's doing is a mockery of what science is supposed to be. As for Sagan, he's dead, and as for Tyson, his doctorate is in astrophysics and not atmospheric science. And Tyson is a science popularizer, not a scientist per se.
Now go curl up in a corner and suck your thumb and cry.
"longer growing seasons in the upper latitudes certainly won't hurt crop development."
But cultish restrictions on tools that disallow ag at scale will. Poor hit first, but..nice ESG scores!
I give all that up to 60% approval.
"(Greenwald is) a self-righteous phony grifter who gets off more on fake outrage concern trolling the most insignificant left-wing infractions while pretending out-and-out disinformation-spewing fascists like Tucker Carlson aren’t the bigger problem. Any lack of left-wing ultra-clean purity sends him into more of a tizzy than outright right-wing depravity."
All this is why I have not been following Greenwald for a while...after years of good work in taking the government to task for its manifold offenses, (and helping get Snowden's revelations broadly disseminated), Greenwald has become more and more self-serving and ego-driven.
Note we'll how none of Greenwald's critics here have attempted to actually refute his claims about the Lickspittle Media(TM) and Hunter's laptop.
That omission, to me, speaks volumes.
It's hard to out-Left Robert, but the hpudster manages.
There’s so much in last night’s comment by B Mike that’s wrong but as I’ve learned, you can’t reason someone out of something they never had the capacity to reason themselves into. Suffice it to say that no matter how many lives or billions more we lose to fires, hurricanes and droughts, B Mike’s hatred of humanity will compel him to sit down in front of those conflagrations and demand that his lack of any explanation or action be respected, and he will not stop until everything we know about the greenhouse effect is rejected. He is as ideologically wedded to that outcome as he is to believing that top marginal tax cuts reduce the deficit and nothing can remove these parasitical thoughts from his brain. They are as fixed in there as two pieces of metal welded together, and as terminal as a prion disease.
Astronomy and infrared chemistry can rot, for all he cares. 60 degrees warmer on earth than space (and warming), and no explanation? Not his problem! These explanations were not cleared by the Prima Donna in Central Casting, stuck as he is on a spectrum somewhere between Republican, robot, and retrograde.
One silver lining however is seeing how prone to miscalculation a mind as gripped by fanaticism as his evidently is. So motivated he is to prove his brilliance that he forgets that pushing all agriculture to further northern latitudes means farming would eventually only be possible in two countries: Canada and Russia! One of which is an aggressively tyrannical and belligerent nuclear petro-state currently attempting to crush the European NATO defense. What a future that would be! I guess he can add geography and politics to all the subjects he can’t comprehend, but no matter. If he doesn’t care about the fires, flooding and droughts ruining countless American lives then why should you expect him to care about leaving 50%+ of the world’s food production capacity in the tender hands of Vladimir Putin!
Yes, pudding. Offshore your imagined remedies to China and India while decimating the Euro, then US population.
Tell us how that worked out.
hpudding wants poor people to freeze to death in the dark but he asserts that I’m the person who has a hatred of humanity? Oh my!
I have no idea where he (she? it?) gets his junk science but it can’t be from anyone with a three digit IQ.
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