"... the campaign speeches by people like Kari Lake, the Republican candidate for governor in Arizona. G.O.P. candidates are telling a very clear class/culture/status war narrative in which common-sense Americans are being assaulted by elite progressives who let the homeless take over the streets, teach sex ed to 5-year-olds, manufacture fake news, run woke corporations, open the border and refuse to do anything about fentanyl deaths and the sorts of things that affect regular people. In other words, candidates like Lake wrap a dozen different issues into one coherent class war story. And it seems to be working. In late July she was trailing her opponent by seven points. Now she’s up by about half a point.
From "Why Republicans Are Surging" (NYT).
१२४ टिप्पण्या:
Kari Lake is absolutely correct.
So, what’s his point?
Kari Lake gives the same message as Trump.
No lies detected
"a very clear . . . narrative" - or maybe just reality and pointing out which political party made and contines to make that reality happen.
What is it about what she is campaigning on that isn't true?? Progressives are the extremists they cry about. They just need to look in the mirror.
And the very people who MADE this a class war, are now upset that some Republicans are using their tactics against them.
Elite Washington is realizing they are going to have to go full authoritarian to hold on to power.
“Deserves to be a marginalized and disgraced force in American life”
That’s why it’s ok to run them over in Christmas Parades.
David Brooks = Darrell Brooks
Sad part is Kari Lake is telling the truth and evil elitist cucks like David Brooks know it, but want those truths and the people who speak them “marginalized”. If liberal cowards like Brooks face these truths, their ivory tower lives and credentialed egos might be inconvenienced.
Easy for a shithead like him. He lives with NONE of the fallout.
Just like the hypocrites of Martha’s Vineyard.
Kari Lake is the epitome of the “Trumpified” GOP.
Just ask Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell
"In other words, candidates like Lake wrap a dozen different issues into one coherent class war story. And it seems to be working."
Perhaps it is working because it is correct.
One wonders what it will take to get someone like David Brooks to consider that perhaps these arguments resonate because there is a strong vein of truth running through them. Perhaps he'll have time to consider while tallying his golf scores at the club house; ideally before his 3rd martini.
I find Kari Lake an effective candidate because of her calm delivery of information and her demeanor of reasonableness. It's why even though I might have disagreed with some of what Tulsi Gabbard said, I appreciated her air of steadiness and steadfastness.
" . . .common-sense Americans are being assaulted by elite progressives who let the homeless take over the streets, teach sex ed to 5-year-olds, manufacture fake news, run woke corporations, open the border and refuse to do anything about fentanyl deaths and the sorts of things that affect regular people."
This! Brooks finally is being honest. Beware Hell freezing over!
"...Americans are being assaulted by elite progressives who let the homeless take over the streets, teach sex ed to 5-year-olds, manufacture fake news, run woke corporations, open the border and refuse to do anything about fentanyl deaths and the sorts of things that affect regular people...
...In other words, candidates like Lake wrap a dozen different issues into one coherent class war story. And it seems to be working."
Well...they notice the evidence of their senses, something that is clearly not possible from inside a bubble.
"(C)andidates like Lake wrap a dozen different issues into one coherent class war story. And it seems to be working."
Well, duh.
I'm more interested in why these Leftist columnists - and make no mistake about Brooks and his ilk - are inuring their audience to what I hope is a conservative landslide in November. These columns are appearing now for a reason, one calculated by his bosses.
David Brooks as become an elite progressive.
PS- Kari Lake is scaring the shit out of the Left from coast to coast. And she hasn't yet spent day 1 as Governor of AZ. Give her a about 4 months and we'll see the stories about her being the next Hitler.
David Brooks has become an elite progressive.
Maybe just because, the dogs Like the dogfood
David Brooks, formed in the mold of Bill Kristol, apparently doesn't appreciate the crease in Kari Lake's slacks. Biden made a large mistake when he labeled Lake a clean, articulate white girl.
I wonder if David Brooks is just sort of role-playing when he writes his column. I mean, could he really be that obtuse and out of touch? Or is he just being very, very careful. Maybe he has to walk on eggshells there at the Times these days. After all, look what happened to James Bennet and Bari Weiss. Their colleagues wished them into the cornfield.
What he means is that the class of people whose way of life has been destroyed by globalization needs to be further smeared and marginalized. Personally, I think that the propaganda campaign against the working class may have culminated, in the military sense of the term, spent its force in the advance, and heaven forfend!, a preference cascade seems to be happening.
I think it started with Biden's callous disregard for our fighting men and women and their sacrifices in Afghanistan, while he uses his son for a bag man. Biden is a trencherman at the trough of war graft, while he blithely leads us into WWIII, and the working classes, the ones who provide the cannon fodder traditionally, are sick of it.
They use race to try to keep the working class divided, and it's not working anymore. People of all colors can see what they are doing to the working classes.
In other words, candidates like Lake wrap a dozen different issues into one coherent class war story. And it seems to be working.
Or, as they say, “the truth hurts.”
candidates like [Kari] Lake wrap a dozen different issues into one coherent class war story
Now do Katie Hobbs.
David Brooks, NYT "Conservative", thinks its totally wrong and unfair for Republican politicians to run on the idea that the Democrats in charge of our government are horribly failing us on every issue that matters to people trying to live productive lives. (Not only failing, but actively seeking to make things worse).
Elitist opines that the truth is hurting his fellow country clubbers.
Is he making the argument that looking at things using common sense is wrong?
He seems to be twisting himself into a very complicated knot trying not to say the obvious.
But Lake *is* the "Trumpified GOP." Why should she be marginalized?
That quote of Brooks’ compilation of issues being articulated by Lake made me wonder if Brooks had taken a new job promoting Lake. Because his list was IMHO correct; would make the average voter support Lake.
But I think we know that Brooks doesn’t have that agenda; doesn’t have that awareness of what is really going on “out there in flyover country;” doesn’t have much self-knowledge at all. Odd blend, that one.
I said this months ago on these comment pages and now the idiot pundit class has finally begun to notice: Kari Lake has been one half of the number one news team in AZ for a long time. That builds up a lot of good will.
People trust her. When she quit Fox10 and told everyone why, it further endeared her to people of AZ. She's only saying what people feel already. She's no Ron Burgundy; she's a fantastic communicator. The DC playbook for taking her down by calling her crazy was always a bad idea. They're reaping what they sowed now.
Fighting with the publish comment button, not sure if my first one went through, but I want to add: the poor performance of Katie Hobbs and Mark Kelly debating/ not debating answering press questions only leads me to further engage with the stolen election narrative. Really? These two idiots won Statewide election? I'm skeptical.
Progressives are the extremists they cry about. They just need to look in the mirror.
They never have, and they never will.
"jp said...
David Brooks as become an elite progressive."
At birth.
The CDC requirement to immunize children with COVID-19 is going to cause an immediate problem.
This becomes a de facto requirement for your kids to go to school.
If the Regime sticks with this policy prepare for a backlash and a fall.
I'm crushing on Kari just like (almost) everyone else here.
I'm also old enough to remember when we were all crushing on Sarah P., then Nikki H.
Kari will fall back to earth like the rest, but for now, let's all enjoy again putting the lie to the leftists canard that conservatives want all women back in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, unless they're dying from a back-alley abortion.
And yes, the NYT column is a parody, no?
Their colleagues wished them into the cornfield.
Bob Boyd, shudder. I used to have nightmares about that story.
Now your invocation of it has caused me to consider whether there is any way out of the cultural purgatory we find ourselves in. Or are we just stuck in this Good Life, tending to our plastered-on smiles and trying not to piss off the embodiments of id all around us?
Democrats have an interesting
package to offer voters: economic
impoverishment, government
dependency, sexual perversion,
political indoctrination, cultural
shaming and ostracism, national
degradation. It's telling to see
what types of people find this
package appealing
General Flynn explains why he was targeted by the Deep State: "[They had to] get me out of the way because as the National Security Advisor, I had access to everything.... Had I stayed in that job, had I stayed in that role as the National Security Advisor, there would have been NO Mueller Investigation.... I would have stopped it.... and if you can pull the thread a little bit further, had I stayed in that position, we would have never had all this foolishness with COVID."
And THAT is the truth.
The senate starting to look promising for the GOP.
link to real clear polls
120 IQs sit in the front rows, 130+ sit in the back with the guys who get exactly as much out of the class, but for different reasons. There is a great meme I wish I could find with the IQ bell curve and the 90 IQ guy at the bottom saying “They fucking hate us,” the mid IQ Guy in the middle calls him a “conspiracy nut,” and demands a “source!”, then the high IQ guy says “They fucking hate you.”
The notion that David Brooks plays golf is pretty kooky. And a slur to golfers.
At least Brooks didn't describe Lake's speeches as "marked by what you might call pagan brutalism. There is not a hint of compassion, gentleness and mercy."
No, he concocted that gem for Ted Cruz 6 years ago.
120 IQs sit in the front rows, 130+ sit in the back with the guys who get exactly as much out of the class, but for different reasons. There is a great meme I wish I could find with the IQ bell curve and the 90 IQ guy at the bottom saying “They fucking hate us,” the mid IQ Guy in the middle calls him a “conspiracy nut,” and demands a “source!”, then the high IQ guy says “They fucking hate you.”
Excellent comments today. I especially liked "wished him into the cornfield".
Why marginalized and disgraced? Because arguing against the policies is a losing effort?
Here in Illinois we have crime out of control, terrible roads, gas taxes the second highest in the nation and schools run by the teachers unions. Our Governor has declared a state of emergency every couple of months since the beginning of the pandemic and one of his current priorities is to push transgenderism on 2nd graders as part of the official State Board of Education’s standard curriculum.
The author’s problem isn’t that Lake is lying. She’s not. His problem is that she’s telling the truth and that we are all so uncultured that we are listening.
You know why they're in an uproar? Because the message from Lake and Trump and others is attracting the raw materials in alarming numbers, the building blocks that Progressives thought they had locked in: Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, even some urban dwellers - the very backbone of the identity politics movement, embracing these dangerous messages with enthusiasm. The Progressives are being deserted by their own prospective Base, leaving them with angry suburban white people. And a 'Dead End' sign is looming. How do they admit they only appeal to angry white people, when their whole message demonizes them?
If lake wins, expect her to be on the short list for VP in 2024. Or, if she serves as Governor successfully and wins re-election in 2026, is considered as a viable choice for President in 2028.
The best description that I've read is that the country is ruled by the "front row kids:"
Excellent sketch. So, tryhards with no originality, talent, or genuine passion or even worse any ability to recognize those in others. I refuse to let these people run my life and I'm teaching my young adults to recognize and eclipse them. There's a lot of opportunity for original thinkers who work hard in this weird-ass, cracked-open world we are entering.
Trump & co are gonna step on the woke corrupt Democrats like bug in Mid-terms.. 17 days and counting.
The 'class' warfare is a Democrat thing... been done for decades.
Brooks fails to understand that his opinion that one of the country's two major political parties must be marginalized and disgraced because orange man bad is an anti-American, un-American impulse and is the reason for Trump's enduring base of support.
Brooks does understand pants creases though!
The way I see it, Brooks — and most, if not all, of his readers — have been applauding the never-ending, ever-escalating culture wars for as long as the wars have been going on. Apparently it never crossed the underworked organs they call their brains that they could actually lose. And not just lose, but see their most egregious “victories” rolled back. Roe today, affirmative action tomorrow. I imagine gay marriage will survive, but if gay men think that it’s smart to provide cover for biological males to go waving their genitalia around in the women’s locker room then perhaps they need to get back in their closets. Lia Thomas is perfectly capable of fathering a child right there in the Penn swim team locker room, and don’t think the real women on that swim team don’t know it.
Back in 2016 Brooks vowed to go out into the American Heartland to understand what motivated people to vote for Trump. I doubt he got west of Newark.
A friend of mine is a HR manager and mother of a 15 year old daughter in a conservative suburb of Columbus, OH.
What she describes to be regarding her daughter and their school seems insane.
Kids in elementary begin picking their gender identity immediately. It’s a constant part of the education and now social structure. It’s perfectly normal for a kid claim they are gay one week and then a straight transgender the next. Then something else the third week.
She said that 40% of her daughters class identity as something different than cis-gendered and straight.
Some parents are send their kids for gender reassignment surgery and others are starting hormones. Transgender kids are the new Gucci bag.
My friend isn’t a right wing nut bag. She’s pro choice (with some late term restrictions). She’s been a big proponent of same sex marriage.
She’s voting straight Republican and will do so until this madness with kids ends.
‘The Trumpified G.O.P. deserves to be a marginalized and disgraced force in American life.’
It’s the pussified G.O.P. that is marginalized and disgraced. So sorry, Brooksie.
Brooks epitomizes the NPR chattering class and they are worried about what the talking points will be after November 8.
Popcorn futures are going through the roof.
President Trump pointed out repeatedly, "they dont hate me. They hate you, the voter. Eugene Robinson said Republican voters are tics, fleas, and bedbugs, parasitic blood suckers.
Democrats despise voters, all of them, of any stripe. Democrats hate the notion they are forced to stand for re-election.
"candidates like Lake wrap a dozen different issues into one coherent class war story"
Sorry for any repetition in the comments but: a story illustrated by Brooks' own disdain for the people he wants to marginalize.
2016 was an F-U election. The sentiment is still out there. But not enough people share it to win. Therefore, the "class war story" has to be presented nicely, so that nice women will consider voting GOP, and be amplified with kitchen-table issues, especially inflation and energy. Lake seems to be doing it well. It's getting harder for progs to tag people like her as MAGA extremists.
Mr Wibble's analysis of the "front row kids" is extremely useful.
The flip side is that (as kids) these were the ones who escaped consequences. Deputy pulls your car over and you and all your teen buddies smell of marijuana? When you're a Front Row kid you drive off with a warning. Paint initials on the city water tower, skip class, wear blackface, rape a pudgy girl at a frat party ...
The reason fake news stories about Lacrosse soccer players and Brett Kavanaugh catch on is that the front row kids all know, or WERE, similar offenders. It's GENERALLY true, never mind individual specifics. Sign up for a state "Air National Guard" Unit and play golf with a fat colonel one weekend per month. "We" all know somebody like that -- so Dan or George or any well born Yalie PROBABLY did the same, why wait on evidence?
"...wrap a dozen different issues into one ... story..." that those people are nuggin' futz.
Recall ancient pre-woke history, say 20 years ago, how do the following issues sound to you? Are ANY of them what you would have wanted?
- 2+ million illegals spread throughout the country in one year with no real effort or ability to assure their status as refugees.
- Leaving our people behind as we execute a disastrous withdrawal plan in Afghanistan.
- Trillions upon trillions of new spending capped by 1.9 trillion of money flowing into a bloated market in the name if fighting inflation.
- Many more trillions into an infrastructure bill that spends a minor amount on what is traditionally considered infrastructure
- Shutting down domestic energy production for the some day some how promise of renewables. Then going hat in hand begging some of the worlds worst to produce more.
- Defund police.. even as cities burn.
- Turning criminals, many violent, free with no-bail policies
- Weaponizing the IRS, DOJ and others against conservatives.
- Transgender issues front and center on military recruitment, elementary school programs and, well, every damn thing.
Whites are inherently racist and there is nothing you can do about it.... here's you payment due notice...
And on and on.
So, basically, Lake is running on issues.
Temujin says,
"PS- Kari Lake is scaring the shit out of the Left from coast to coast. And she hasn't yet spent day 1 as Governor of AZ. Give her a about 4 months and we'll see the stories about her being the next Hitler."
Temujin, you are an optimist. Those 4 months are actually now. From the Daily Beast, this headline, "Trump-Backed Arizona Governor Candidate Cozied Up to Hitler Fanboy, Report Says."
They can't help themselves, and they certainly can't wait four months.
“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”
With todays data set, it is beyond stupid to vaccinate by force, children and young adults.
My understanding of the CDC putting covid shots (they are not vaccines) on the list of 'approved' vaccinations, does not make them required, Flu shots are on the list, and individual schools make the decision. But since covid shots have transcended science and entered the realm of religious sacraments for leftists, it will probably be used as proof the administration is displaying the proper woke credentials, and the Admin staff are qualified to be considered for promotions.
“Half a point”
Now that there’s a razor thin margin.
Politics as usual have become such a shitshow -- or we've become aware of they're being a shitshow -- that it's hard to justify marginalizing and disgracing Trump. The truth is that our emperors have no clothes.
If you can see through and hate Trump, if his mouth and his ego get him into trouble, that makes him tolerable and survivable. It's the ones you don't see through, but just blindly follow, that are the problem. Don't be fixated on Trump's show and miss the bigger machinations politicians put us through.
In the Trump era we had a window into what the government was doing and the opportunity to question and debate. Today, the government and the media are intent on closing the window and ending the debate and Brooks is doing his part in that effort.
"Front row kids" are what upper middle class parents want and mass produce now, and there's more of a support structure for them. In the old days in a more egalitarian America, if you sat in the front of the class and waved your hand to attract the teacher's attention every time she asked a question you were likely to be ostracized, and things could go downhill from there.
David Brooks's problem with Kari Lake and other similar politicians and their supporters is that they don't read David Brooks.
The best description that I've read is that the country is ruled by the "front row kids
That comes from Chris Arnade. I'm a fan. Arnade a good writer, an original thinker and an excellent photographer.
For more on his ideas about front row and back row America read this:
Here's interview of Arnade.
He wrote a book called, Dignity: Seeking Respect In Back Row America
Honestly, I stopped reading after David Brooks says." I doubt that he's bad anything substantive to say since he went fan-girl about Obama's trouser crease.
"... elite progressives who let the homeless take over the streets, teach sex ed to 5-year-olds, manufacture fake news, run woke corporations, open the border and refuse to do anything about fentanyl deaths ..."
Brooks is on the right track, but he hasn't been paying attention to what his new friends do for fun. Try "release murderers into the streets to murder again, teach sexual perversions to 3-year-olds, manufacture toxic lies, impose sex, race and insanity discrimination on employers, import foreign criminals to commit the crimes Americans won't commit, and sell us out to the Chi-Coms who are pumping the poisons fentanyl and methamphetamine into the veins of our nation." Oh, never mind, Brooksie. Go back to fucking that popsie the Times bought for you. The one you dumped your wife for. You despicable sack of lies.
"The Trumpified GOP needs to be a marginalized and disgraced force in American life. "
Wow - What a Clintonian thing to say about half the nation.
Brooks can pound sand and blow it out his leftist loyalist Corruption supporting @$$ Ho.
Republicans are surging… like a rapist’s erection.
Like sharks circling a drowning victim they see an opportunity - for themselves. As usual.
The victims never seem to learn from what the sharks did last time.
Kari Lake is superior to Trump because she does not descend into childish name-calling.
She is truly gifted with articulate clear speech - and yes - she speaks for many.
Lake does not represent the elite progressive radical pro-crime pro-lie-left - where Brooks resides.
Brooks doesn’t seem capable of following his own logic. Or he can, but doesn’t want his social circle to think he’s flipped. The peer pressure must be immense for him.
Republicans are surging… like a rapist’s erection.
My goodness. Maybe lay off the coffee.
JAORE @ 9:19: Excellent list. I plan to steal that.
hpudding: "Republicans are surging… like a rapist’s erection."
Team Groomer sounds very very angry that parents are rejecting the sexualization of their young children by hpudding-like freakazoids.
Not a surprise.
How does that lefty axiom to parents go again hpudding?
Oh, that's right: "They are not your children"
Spoiler: parents disagree.
And I can't wait for what hpudding and the rest of Team Child Mutilation comes up with next to sway more voters.
hpudding - LOL.
The real rapists are the corrupt pro-crime pro-illegal immigration racial progressive left - tax-raping Biden supporting pro-KGB-FBI corrupt Merrick left.
The Ds have slowly and then suddenly turned into the party of elitist snobs.
And 'liberals' in general who where the original 'question authority' crowd now worship at the altar of huge business and the intelligence services.
They went from 'Don't trust anyone over thirty' to kissing CIA, FBI, and NSA ass whenever possible.
'Give her a about 4 months and we'll see the stories about her being the next Hitler.'
Or president...
Puddin'. If only you hadn't voted for Biden. None of this would be neccessary.
Bob Boyd at 7:31am nails it.
Brooks is writing a subtle "I told you so" column he can refer back to later. Its focus is on effective GOP messages rather than on failed Dem policies that caused these messes. Moreover Brooks gives liberal NYT readers a reason to feel good about themselves and scorn their opponents even after a loss. Nicely done, David, you may have saved your own sorry ass along the way!
Somebody put a small window in Brooks' silo. Nevertheless, he echoes the Biden mantra, "We choose [our] truth over facts.
It has become nearly impossible to understand the blindness of Democrats. The elites live in a bubble, but the rank and file step in the shit on big city sidewalks, go to the supermarkets and gas stations, are the victims of crime and are pushed aside by illegals. Now, as Democrat pols change direction and enhance their lies about the state of the nation, their voting records and their policy positions, the morons will fall back into line.
And did you know that Kari Lake wants Arizona to secede and to end Social Security and Medicare? Dumbass Democrats know that.
I have had decades to watch the dumbing down of America, but it is no less heartbreaking.
David Brooks saying that the Trumpified GOP needs to be disgraced and marginalized reminds me of Mel Brooks saying "We've gotta protect our phony-baloney jobs, gentlemen! We must do something about this immediately! Immediately! Immediately!" More than anything it's his own position and the interests and preconceptions of his readers that he's worried about, not the welfare of the nation as a whole.
Brooks wants to be an institutionalist and a defender of democratic norms. What he misses is that the institutions are already corrupt and his side is no great defender of the norms. There will always be some fraud and sham in institutions, but the way to control the corruption is to challenge the institutions, not to act as though nothing is wrong with them.
I'm going to give pudding's surging erection (is that what erections do?) a good leaving alone, but if what we're headed for is divided government, is that so terrible? It worked a lot better than the unified government we've had under the Democrats.
Forgive me, but (1) I actually read the whole article, and (2) I also read a good portion of the following 3,200+ comments in the NYT, so I can't go along with some of the knee-jerk snark about Brooks' cluelessness, elitism, and/or trouser-crease fetish. This is actually a pretty objective analysis of why the Red Wave is happening. And his closing paragraph reads like it could be a deadly accurate summation (and Republican ad material) by a captured conservative journalist operating behind enemy lines. (Not necessarily saying it is.)
But what's even more telling are the comments. If you've ever browsed through NYT comments, they're shocking...for the sheer number and open fearlessness of those who agree with Brooks' summation. I forced myself to read several hundred just to make sure I wasn't reacting to a small sample. No. As a Seinfeld episode famously said, "they're real, and they're spectacular."
Some kind of wave is really happening.
I organized my closet the other day and found a lot of t-shirts I'd not worn for a while
One, 14 years old now says
My wife has told me that I can wear it outside the house, even in the yard. She likes Palin but is scared people will think me a trumpista. (I am, she just thinks it puts me in physical /political danger)
I'm mulling whether I should get a similar shirt made for Kari lake.
has a nice ring, doncha think?
John stop fascism vote republican Henry
hpudding: "The victims never seem to learn from what the sharks did last time."
No kidding, hpud. Those low gas and food prices, high minority employment, the geopolitical stability, the thriving economy, temporary resurgence of the military, etc., should have been a lesson to everybody.
Were so much better off now, aren't we? Thank God for kiddy groomers, shit on the sidewalks, bodies in the streets, looted drug stores, inflated food and gas prices, lying mediaswine, burgeoning debt, impending recession. It would be so foolish to give that up!
Republicans are surging… like a rapist’s erection.
My goodness. Maybe lay off the coffee.
I'm convinced hpudding is a bot, and not even a very convincing one.
Blogger hpudding said...
Republicans are surging… like a rapist’s erection.
This guy needs help, or medication. We've watched this troll descend into lunacy in the few weeks he has posted here. His opinions are juvenile and mostly consist of ad hominem nonsense.
Its incredible that even though Nov 2016 was 6 years ago, people like David Brooks still haven't given a coherent, specific reason why the "trumpified GOP" is "disgraceful" and "needs to be destroyed/marginalized".
The Never-trumpers and the crazy Libtards, breathe fire and insults, but when you try to pin them down as to EXACTLY what POLICIES make them hate and despise Trump and his followers, they bob and weave,and change the subject.
As for Lake, I hope she wins. But given the corrupt Arizona Election machinery, I expect a close loss.
If there is anyone in America more deserving of being punched out in the street, or car-jacked at gun-point, it is David Brooks.
“Team Groomer” is an interesting accusation to erupt from the mouths of the party that gave America child molesting wrestling coach Dennis Hastert (House Speaker), congressional pedophile Mark Foley, and Jeffery Epstein’s huge admirer, Don Trump. Trump, who called Epstein a “terrific guy” while acknowledging that he “likes beautiful women as much as I do, and some are on the younger side.” The same guy who wanted to date his own daughter.
So it’s obvious the projection that’s going on when the Troll Party of Pedophilia has to start its 2022 campaign by demonizing transsexual or gay teachers and students or their families. But they’re not the first conservatives to do this. Hitler famously scapegoated the same sexual “deviants” by making them wear pink triangles and incarcerating and torturing them in concentration camps. They know this kind of sexual hysteria runs deep, and they have a long history of engaging it. And of course, the conservative narrative about elites gaining power by drinking the blood of babies hearkens back to the blood libels that they’d rally their nationalistic crusaders to march on Jerusalem with.
So it’s possible Drago can’t help it when he and his party does this. After a thousand years or so it must be in the blood.
What it does for America is another story. Sexual hysteria and anti-semitism helps the right win elections, but that’s when they stop caring. Just like they do after the fetuses they’ve forced ten-year old raped girls to gestate are born. After birth and after winning office, the American people are nothing to them.
World ends, Republicans pounce.
“The flip side is that (as kids) these were the ones who escaped consequences. Deputy pulls your car over and you and all your teen buddies smell of marijuana? When you're a Front Row kid you drive off with a warning. Paint initials on the city water tower, skip class, wear blackface, rape a pudgy girl at a frat party ... “
I was a front seater, esp in Law School. I was commuting an hour or so each way, and working 40 hours a week the whole time. Plus, after a couple weeks of volunteering answers in class, I would inevitably get to the point where I controlled when I was called on by the profs, and thus only needed to brief some of the cases for class. So, I sat in the front row, and asked a lot of questions, in order to stay awake, and alienated much of the rest of the class. Or, so I was told by a large Hispanic female self appointed class leader. Their problem, not mine. I told her that they could speak up too in class, the class would probably be better, and they would learn more. Sitting in the middle and avoiding opening their mouths in class was no way to learn to be an advocate. I might have suggested that they would do better going for an accounting degree, where keeping their heads down was more useful.
But then, the last time I got away with anything from the law was when I was just 16, and in court for letting my under aged next door neighbor drive my car. Cops had a good laugh watching us try to swap places when pulled over. In any case, I had met the judge several times at social functions at our house. He wanted to dismiss as a favor to my father. My father wanted jail time. After some back and forth, the judge won, dismissing on a technicality. Learned later, after LS, that he had had the power to amend the charges. Since I turned 50 or so though, I have been able to sweet talk the young city attorneyettes into dropping charges based on my age and years of legal experience. I find, more and more, that younger women love older men because, I think, we aren’t a threat to them.
Then there is my partner, who, at 65, has never gotten a ticket in her life for her lead foot. Asked her if she ever let the girls peek out when pulled over by male cops. Nope. Never needed to. She would just wiggle her butt a bit uncomfortably, and mention that she was in a hurry because she had to pee. Bad. No self respecting guy would ever cause a good looking woman to pee herself in front of him by being an ass. A fat ugly one, maybe. But she was a former model, so no. She has gone through life with rules being for everyone else. Just two weeks ago, at Trump’s namesake hotel in Las Vegas, he drove by and stopped for a couple minutes (he actually went up to their private floor via the garage). She was on a walker, but head of hotel security made sure she was in the front row. When we had to rush her to the ER during our stay there, the ambulance driver told me that he had never experienced before someone having her doctor on speed dial, willing to take my call at 1 am, yelling at him (he wanted her at the hospital by his house, where he was doing surgery the next day). Oh, and she never spoke up in class, was put in Special Ed for awhile for refusing to talk, and even failed Deportment by refusing to answer attendance, when the teacher refused to pronounce her name correctly (he changed his tune after her father, a Golden Gloves boxer, offered him an attitude adjustment).
It used to really bother me that it seemed like the rules were applied more harshly for me, and not at all for people like her. She tells me that I am just too abrasive for many. And when I get pulled over for speeding, I let her do the talking. She still does the pee thing, and it still works. I just wish that I had been in town when she got to see Trump up close a couple weeks ago (son in law was with her instead, and I was away at my 50th college reunion).
I live and vote in Arizona. Based on what I see and hear, Kari Lake will win by a large margin. Then Biden and who's left of the Progressives will have another media savvy governor sniping at them.
Saying nothing of substance is a bad strategy in a year when problems are legion and the opponents are pointing out the obvious. Brooks sure is dumb for an alleged conservative.
Desperate plea to protect his invites on the cocktal party circuit as the token PBS "Republican".
'Trumpified' is a good word to use. Republicans have been Trumpified, and Democrats have been Trumpified. Trump has been a catalyst, that is, a substance that remains unchanged itself but changes what it comes in contact with. Republicans are more combative, and Democrats more authoritarian, as a result of the Trumpification process.
"In late July she was trailing her opponent by seven points. Now she’s up by about half a point."
Maybe this is just wishful thinking on my part, but I doubt very much the spread between Kari Lake and Katie Hobbs is only half a point. My guess is that when the votes are counted the margin will be closer to ten points, with Lake taking the "day of" tally 2-1. Even the usual vote fraud attempts won't be able to overcome that landslide.
Last night inChicago at a racquet sports banquet 250 men and women stood and proudly sang the Star Spangled Banner a capella. What their college aged children and grandchildren would do I cannot say, but American love of country still lives even in ChicagoI I wish Brooks had been there. He might have been confused.
Hope springs eternal... I suspect there will be many angry and disappointed voters after this election. In some cases several days after the election. Counting votes can be so time consuming these days.
I have a friend who has written for various publications for over 40 years and is a friend of David Brooks from the old days on the National Review and the Weekly Standard. My friend, no fan of Trump, has never succumbed to the heavy bombing that all writers on the right endure that leads to their ultimate "moderation". He is still pretty right-wing.
He had lunch with Brooks a year after Brooks took the job with NYT. Brooks said that no one could believe how far to the left the NYT and its readers are. Gail Collind said he was hired to be "the kind of conservative writer that wouldn't make [NYT] readers shriek and throw the paper out the window." Brooks never was a movement conservative, so his way forward at NYT has been to emphasize a centerest critique of the GOP and some of the absurdities that pop up on the right. (It is a target-rich environment. Think of Ted Cruz's drive to get the government to shut down by not increasing the debt ceiling--to what end? Think of the process that got Trump the nomination in 2016--Jeb! and 15 others. Was Sarah Palin much more than a beautiful, rustic populist whose views were shaped by local politics in Alaska?, etc.)
I don't read NYT, but I very much appreciate planetgeo's comment at 11:12. The excerpt that Althouse published contains a ritual dismissal of Trump, but then a cogent, coherent summary of what is going on with Kari Lake. If any NYT reader, however deranged, wants to look back at what happened in the 2022 election, Brooks has told them why and how.
Jeffery Epstein’s huge admirer, Don Trump. Trump, who called Epstein a “terrific guy” while acknowledging that he “likes beautiful women as much as I do, and some are on the younger side.” The same guy who wanted to date his own daughter.
I see pudding has not gotten any help or meds for his psychosis. Trump threw Epstein out of Mar a Lago. Your attempts to comment interestingly, if that is what you are doing, have failed. Get help.
"Republicans are surging… like a rapist’s erection.
Like sharks circling a drowning victim they see an opportunity - for themselves. As usual.
The victims never seem to learn from what the sharks did last time."
hpudding appears to be channelling the Penn swim team's locker room with Lia Thomas in the tank. What could go wrong, eh hpudding?
Other than a lazy slander what does “Trumpified GOP” mean? Secure border? No wars? energy independence? What are the horrible attributes he imagines? Ah, yes. Racist. homophobic. Islamaphobic. Mean tweeters.
Eugene Robinson said Republican voters are tics, fleas, and bedbugs, parasitic blood suckers.
Actually, that was Michael Steele. You know, the guy who was actually Chair of the RNC one time.
He's worse than a POS.
"The Ds have slowly and then suddenly turned into the party of elitist snobs.
And 'liberals' in general who where the original 'question authority' crowd now worship at the altar of huge business and the intelligence services.
They went from 'Don't trust anyone over thirty' to kissing CIA, FBI, and NSA ass whenever possible."
I suspect that what you'd actually find, were one able to tease out the truth from the hiring records, is that "the "D's"" that you're referring to have come to support the institutions in direct proportion to how thoroughly they've infiltrated them and suborned them.
Not that either the FBI or CIA were ever bastions of rectitude. Remember who founded the FBI and who ran it for fifty-plus years (!?!?!?!?!), a record for any like government agency through multiple different administrations. Remember who founded the CIA and its predecessors, where they recruited from, and what they got up to.
Both the elites and the institutions they infest have been on the opposite side of the general public since day one. What's changed is that a.) they've grown increasingly arrogant and less shy about displaying that fact, and b.) they've also grown increasingly incompetent, such that the rubes are now noticing.
A parasite is only effective so long as it doesn't kill its host, or that host never notices it. This is a lesson that the elites of these United States have failed to learn, and they will be paying for it.
Is David Brooks' nom de plume 'Ruy Teixeira?'
RonF said...If lake wins, expect her to be on the short list for VP in 2024
Not with Trump. She's clearly anti jab. Trump is still bragging about it.
To me, the interesting part (the ONLY interesting part) of Brooks' commentary is the claim that Republicans have cobbled together a bunch of disparate issues to attack Democrats. He says that Republicans claim that "elite progressives . . . let the homeless take over the streets, teach sex ed to 5-year-olds, manufacture fake news, run woke corporations, open the border and refuse to do anything about fentanyl deaths and the sorts of things that affect regular people."
But those issues aren't "cobbled together" -- they are ALL issues that the Left promotes. And Republicans would be right to make the Democrats "own" them. I wish the Republicans would do so.
I spent most of my life as a disaapointed Republican voter, sometimes because the Republicans failed to persuade the voters that their policies should be supported, but too often because the Republicans thought the way to win elections was to promote watered-down versions of Democratic policies. I don't think Trump's approach to this issue was the right one, but at least he highlighted the issue.
hpudding: "“Team Groomer” is an interesting accusation to erupt from the mouths of the party..."
Incorrecto dumbkopf.
It erupted from the mouths of 93% of parents who have had quite enough of your Team Groomer, chemical castration, drag shows for 6 year olds and pro-child mutilation activities.
Please, please do not cease with your hilarious and pathetic gaslighting lies which are fooling literally no one and are driving even squishy suburban karen types into the republican fold for Nov.
May every lie hpudding is pitching be given the national megaphone treatment! Gov Youngkin is particularly grateful.
As are we.
Thank you hpudding. Never change amigo. We are counting on you.
hombre (to hpudding): "Were so much better off now, aren't we? Thank God for kiddy groomers, shit on the sidewalks, bodies in the streets, looted drug stores, inflated food and gas prices, lying mediaswine, burgeoning debt, impending recession. It would be so foolish to give that up!"
It is immensely amusing watching hpudding attempt a blog-wide Jedi mind trick where he/she/xe tells all and sundry that "these aren't real issues you've been looking at" while waving his/her/xer's hands around!
Republicans are surging… like a rapist’s erection.
Rapist? Like that teenaged male in Loudoun County who was allowed to use the girls’ rest rooms because he wore a dress to high school and raped a girl in one of those rest rooms? As part of the coverup lefty school board and administration sent this teenaged biological male to a different high school, where he did it again. That’s what you mean by rape, right? Or do you mean rape and murder, like what happened to Eliza Fletcher in Memphis?
High inflation, high crime, high energy costs, their daughters forced to share rest rooms and locker rooms with horny biological males — it isn’t the Republicans who are raping the poor and middle class.
Coming soon: Lake is ‘worse than Trump because she is “reasonable” and “effective at getting the trains running”’
It’s never been about Trump. or Bush. Or McCain. It is about the globalist move back to serfdom (a blend of corporate and gentry based).
An efffective defense against that raises the alarm. The DC Elite want the conservative defense to be he Washington Generals to the progressive Globtrotters (there is an uncomfortable crossover in terms with Generals -> Conservative / war liberals and Globetrotters -> Progressive Elite, no? And the expected roles of both …)
I wonder if puffin went to school with inga? I'm getting the same urban public school social studies vibe.
common-sense Americans are being assaulted by elite progressives who let the homeless take over the streets, teach sex ed to 5-year-olds, manufacture fake news, run woke corporations, open the border and refuse to do anything about fentanyl deaths and the sorts of things that affect regular people. In other words, candidates like Lake wrap a dozen different issues into one coherent class war story. And it seems to be working
From "Why Republicans Are Surging" (NYT).
Well, every single thing she says there is true, and when called on it the Left doubles down on it.
The fact that David Brooks wants this "marginalized" tells us a lot about Brooks, none of it good.
The fact that voters, now that they're starting to pay attention (no one with a life pays attention to politics over the Summer, which is the Dems always "surge" in the Summer polls), are supporting this shows that a significant portion of the American voters are still sane.
Note: the whole "Don't say Gay" fight was because the Left was upset at a Florida law making it illegal for "teachers" to discuss sex with Kindergarteners, which is to say "teach sex ed to 5-year-olds".
You claim I'm being unfair, that it did more than that?
Yes, ti does do more than that. but none of the people screaming about "Don't Say Gay" said "of course that part is fine and reasonable, but this part is not."
They attacked the whole thing.
Because they really do want to "teach sex ed to 5-year-olds".
hpudding said...
“Team Groomer” is an interesting accusation to erupt from the mouths of the party that gave America child molesting wrestling coach Dennis Hastert (House Speaker), congressional pedophile Mark Foley, and Jeffery Epstein’s huge admirer, Don Trump.
Does the name "Barney Frank" ring any bells? How about "Chris Dodd", or "Ted Kennedy"?
Note, all groups have bad people in them. It's what the group does when the bad people are found out that distinguishes them.
No one on the Right celebrates Hastert or Foley. Their crimes, once known, disqualified them.
That is not true about Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, or Ted Kennedy, all of how were lionized by the Left AFTER their crimes came out.
Trump banned Epstein from Mar a Lago after he abused some of the staff there, before he was prosecuted for any crimes.
Bill Clinton rode to Pedo Island in the Lolita Express. As did many other Democrats.
Because the Left always projects their actual crimes on the other side
Increasingly I'm convinced the reason the Left went completely insane is because Trump exposed the American communist revolution which has been happening slowly for decades. They've been winning and making progress. Trump didn't stop it, at most he slowed it down for four years. But the revolution started going after children, and parents are starting to rise up.
One struggles to see the difference between Trump and Lake.
Incorrecto dumbkopf.
It erupted from the mouths of 93% of parents who have had quite enough of your Team Groomer, chemical castration, drag shows for 6 year olds and pro-child mutilation activities.
Please, please do not cease with your hilarious and pathetic gaslighting lies which are fooling literally no one and are driving even squishy suburban karen types into the republican fold for Nov.,
I see you are quite proud of how successful you believe your efforts to manipulate the public will be. You don’t argue the points, just whether they will be believed by a public you’ve lied to. That’s as outright a concession of the dishonesty of your argument as anything. Argumentum ad populam and nothing more.
So the rest of what you say doesn’t need to be addressed either, as you clearly just like inflammatory language for the manipulation value it holds for your audience, which isn’t me. (And it probably isn’t voters, either). Just yourself. A campaign as solitary as masturbation.
If you really believe transgender teachers, students or their families are the threat that you pretend them to be, just admit it and start passing out the pink triangles already - or at least proposing to ban them from class.
But you don’t, no sooner than you’d believe anything you say. It’s all just for rhetorical effect. You need someone to demonize, even if you realize a more effective demonization and scapegoating of these transgender people (I.e. banning them from classrooms) would expose you as a real kook, rather than someone who poses as a kook for votes.
Interesting how Greg the Class Traitor confuses the serious criminality of Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert with a number of far less serious misdeeds by a few other politicians who’ve repaid any debt to society. Republicans really do think laws exist only for others and that crimes are things that that any member of their party should be able to commit whenever they feel like it.
hpudding said...
Interesting how Greg the Class Traitor confuses the serious criminality of Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert with a number of far less serious misdeeds by a few other politicians who’ve repaid any debt to society
Ted Kennedy killed a woman.
And spent the next 30+ years being lionized by the Left.
Youwant to talk "serious criminality"? The Democrats are always going to have the lead on that one
It’s not surprising that someone from a party as lawless as the Republicans would apply “criminality” to an act that not only lacked any sentencing, findings of guilt or even a trial, but one for which a grand jury didn’t even indict.
Laura Bush killed a boy. Bet you weren’t even aware of that - (and obviously wouldn’t care). Is that “serious criminality?”
Kennedy has more than repaid any debts to society, and I’d daresay Laura Bush probably has as well. And we can see that for what it is because Democrats believe in redemption. Repubs just believe in corruption.
BTW, what’s with Republicans like Hastert and Jim Jordan and child sex abuse involving wrestling teams? They seem to have a real thing for young, muscle-bound boys, locked in close, tight poses with one another. Jealously snuffing out the potential of promising young Americans in order to selfishly cater to their own sick needs, instead. Is it a metaphor for how they live life and approach politics generally?
Even Jerry Sandusky’s patron and protector, conservative Republican Joe Paterno, seemed to fit this pattern.
hpudding said...
It’s not surprising that someone from a party as lawless as the Republicans would apply “criminality” to an act that not only lacked any sentencing, findings of guilt or even a trial, but one for which a grand jury didn’t even indict.
So, for puddinghead, if the system is so corrupt that they let you get away with it, it's not a crime.
Laura Bush killed a boy. Bet you weren’t even aware of that
Nope. And I still am not. Because I've never heard of this before, and you provide no links.
Kennedy has more than repaid any debts to society
No, he hasn't. That would involve him being tried and convicted of his crime, and then serving an ordinary sentence in jail.
But for puddinghead, pushing left wing politics "repays any debts to society".
Which claim pretty much entirely and completely makes my case that Leftists are amoral scum for whom politics and power are the only things that matter.
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