Here's a screen grab of my search:
Here's some funny deadpan from the NYT article:
The president has long used his affinity for cars to burnish his workaday origins and, more recently, to conjure an aura of vitality despite being the oldest president in American history. In the run-up to the midterm elections next month — with control of Congress and the future of his agenda at stake — Mr. Biden is hoping his gearhead reputation will appeal to some parts of the Republican base.IN THE COMMENTS: Meade writes...
Joe Biden is unsafe at any age.
And here in person, Meade nudges me to show you a picture he took of a real-life Corvair (in Decorah, Iowa):

७९ टिप्पण्या:
Doesn't he play golf like a normal President?
Workaday? The only thing Biden has accomplished (besides the high-tech lynching thing) is to use the government to extract money via graft and traitorous activities.
I think that was preemptive against Hillary.
Gold chain… thick of neck… short of dick… pencil-necked Biden is 2 for 3 of the qualifications required of the Corvette owner.
His non-emissions controlled Corvette probably spewed out more pollution in that one run than my car does in a year. I’m sure that lots of Republicans will be impressed though.
The Republican base will be reminded that thanks to Biden's corruption, energy policies, and general malfeasance they can't afford to drive Corvettes... or even Kias.
Mr. Biden is hoping his bonehead reputation will appeal to some parts of the Republican base.
There, that's better.
I'm shocked that the secret service would allow our frail elderly president to drive at all, let alone at an absurd speed. How irresponsible are these people willing to be for no better reason than a PR stunt?
Blasting around in sports cars is not being a gearhead, Republican-style. That's more money than sense Democrat playboy crap.
Republican gearheads are the ones with their ball caps turned around (the only time that fashion statement is legit) restoring Detroit iron from the 1960s and 1970s in their garages.
The people with their hands on the puppet strings were hoping for an accident resulting in death. State funeral the day before the elections, red wave vanishes.
The Times writer seems annoyed. A Democratic president is acting like a deplorable.
As with 99.9% of Biden's PR stunts, this is tone deaf on several levels. As others note: (1) bad environmental role model, (2) safety of the very elderly Chief Executive / nuke button guy, and (3) throwing money away on expensive cars and gas when inflation is high and while others are suffering. I'm also wondering whether he was properly qualified/tested by any racing organization, as racing is technical and dangerous (contrast this stunt with his view of gun ownership requirements).
One could not make up a worse PR stunt than this. Was it another Babylon Bee prediction that came true?
I'm 90% sure that this didn't happen. I'm not sure what special effects they used to try to fool people into thinking that it did. Maybe a very realistic stunt double.
They do such in the movies, so I'm sure they can create a scene to make people think they are seeing President drive a car at over 100 mph.
Joe is a dick head not a “gear” head. I could do 120 in a rented Chrysler. Joey Babe is too proud of his low testosterone imposterness. Get away from me Joey, you are the guy in the janitor suit with a flag in the old Brando movie.
Biden flaunts his Burisma money for the taxpayers.
Mr. Biden is hoping his gearhead reputation will appeal to some parts of the Republican base.
More of the elitist stereotype that the Republican base consists of tooth-sucking hillbillies who bitterly cling to their guns and religion — and their gasoline powered cars. This reminds me of Obambi’s photo-op with a shotgun — except that his staff’s lack of firearms knowledge meant that people who know guns could clearly see that his barrel was ported to reduce recoil (so not exactly a manly man or experienced shooter).
A bunch of years ago I met an acquaintance driving the then-latest Z06 Corvette. Like me, he was a septuagenarian, so I teased him a little about driving a young man’s car. “Then why are old guys the only ones who can afford it?” was his riposte.
As a car guy myself, I’m not impressed. He’s still a doofus.
And my car is faster.
Mr. Biden is hoping his gearhead reputation will appeal to some parts of the Republican base.
after all, the guy Was a professional full time long haul trucker once (for 15 minutes).
Does Biden even HAVE a drivers license? HOW ?
"Gearhead?" Since when does a gearhead try to shut down the entire conventional powertrain business? The guy's a lyin', two-faced, pony soldier.
Wow! A remote control 'vette. It looks like he's really driving.
Wouldn't it be nice if our President had a few more gears left in his noggin; but he was never a gearhead, that's just the 'Joe from Scranton' refrain dug up from some dusty recess of his. Alas, at this point he's reduced to looking for an outlet to plug his Corvette in for re-charging. It's all the rage!
Joe's apparently safer in a car than on a bicycle . . . so imagine how safe he'd be flying a jet!
I remember when Obama said the Secret Service wouldn't let him drive a new Volt. But they let Mr. Delusion drive over 100 MPH?? Was Obama lying again??
Didn’t I read somewhere that Hillary had never driven a car?
Why hasn't Dr. Jill taken the car keys from this old geezer?
"Gearhead" does suggest that Biden has something other than a brain inside his head. He's already something like a walking Homer Simpson cartoon.
How often has Biden driven his own car over public roads during the past few decades? And doesn't "Biden + cars" just make people think how much fuel prices have gone up under his reign?
There was more authenticity in Trump when he didn't get a dog. He didn't pretend to be the "common man". Joe's I'm from Scranton and look at me drive a Corvette really fast on a straight road is pretty lame.
I'll do it for ya, BULLSHIT!
"Biden hits 45 in the left lane with the blinker going" I'll believe.
I agree with ga6. I can believe they were hoping for some sort of accident, then suddenly we have a tragic death of a "beloved president* doing what he loved" and of course we have to pass all these new laws that ensure his legacy continues.
Years ago SNL portrayed Biden washing his 60s muscle car on a Saturday; as I recall,T-shirt with sleeves rolled up, maybe a pack of cigarettes somewhere if not one in mouth, tight jeans, some tough talk about the cars and the babes or something. Obama's Veep but to some extent the anti-Obama, intended to capture what was not yet called the Trump vote. The career of this stupid bastard seems to confirm that politics is the ground under the canopy of the forest, and it catches whatever can't last up higher.
Let's go, Brandon!
If Brandon had crashed and been killed, the general consensus would have been a completely unsympathetic, "That stupid fucker."
How irresponsible are these people willing to be for no better reason than a PR stunt?
@tim maquire, that question is why I had originally assumed the story to be fake. Had anything hone wrong with the car there would have been a man nearly 80 years old trying to control a skidding car at 118 mph.
Biden is to gearhead as Trump is to billionaire.
@Lloyd, I believe that was The Onion
"Mr. Biden is hoping his gearhead reputation will appeal to some parts of the Republican base."
If there was any doubt that this guy is totally demented, it's gone.
Just another Tuesday commute for me back in the day...
Biden is now a climate terrorist.
"Didn’t I read somewhere that Hillary had never driven a car?"
She said in 2014 she hadn't driven since 1996.
Thank God they didn't ask him to step up to a podium.
FYI he was driving at a Secret Service training facility, first in a old pick-up converted to electric and then "racing" in his Corvette on a huge rectangular piece of asphalt akin to a mall parking lot without the light poles, etc. All he did was drive in straight line and stop before he ran out of pavement. He did appear to be in command of his facilities (as compared to those times where he gets lost leaving the stage) so I doubt he was in any danger. Joe appeared to enjoying himself as it's probably the first time he's been allowed to drive in quite some time.
Joe Biden's driving a pick-up truck! Now he's driving a Corvette really fast! That will really make him relatable to Republicans! Yeah, sure it will.
A real gear head would have the 427, not the 327.
Driving a car does not make someone a gear head. Fixing and maintaining a car yourself makes someone a gear head. Wrenching a car for fun makes someone a gear head.
Biden is a fake man. Everything he does reeks of pseudo masculinity. The fake sports experiences, the laughable tough guy persona, the c’mon man speech. All lies and fake.
I grew up in the 60’s in a tough city neighborhood. Biden was the suburban “tough guy” who folded whenever he got into a real fight. He’s been coddled his whole life. He’s a shell of a man.
"tim maguire said...
I'm shocked that the secret service would allow our frail elderly president to drive at all, let alone at an absurd speed."
Have they forgotten the bike thing? The fucker crashed standing still.
CNBC aired the original Biden-Powell drag race from 2016 just before this new episode. The difference in Joe’s cognitive ability is striking. And in the 2015 episode, which I never saw until this past week, Joe tells a brand new (to me) origin story for that beautiful ’67 ‘Vette. Did his father really take two old cars in trade and “gift” this car to Joe as a wedding present? Or is this the ‘Vette that Jill’s husband gave her? Because her first husband filed for divorce after seeing “his local Congressman” driving his wife’s car around their tiny Delaware town. Joe says it’s the only one he’s ever owned. One tell was Colin Powell (he raced his 2015 Corvette against Joe in the 2016 episode but in the new one his son races it against Joe) shouting “let’s race for pink slips” and Joe agrees but then says “he lost the registration a long time ago.”
Say what? The perfectly preserved Sting Ray style classic car is not registered? But he drives it “all the time”? Uh huh. I’d like to hear which of these origin stories is true.
I'm a gearhead and I watched the video. There's so much here to unpack, but also to give some latitude to "it's staged for TV" as well.
1. My first reaction was that going 118mph in a straight line on a closed course is no big deal and totally safe. I'm sorry for anyone who feels otherwise, but you have to consider that millions of germans/europeans do that speed daily as part of commuting and not on straight roads and with lots of traffic.
That being said, then I watched the video and remembered this is a 55 year old car doing this. No modern traction control, ABS, stability control. That isn't dangerous, but it's not exactly safe either.
2. It drives me nuts that in his drag race video his hands are together at the top of the steering wheel when starting a manual transmission no less. That's not real.
3. The idea that that old corvette kept up with a new one is.....ludricrous.
If I was President, I would have some fun enjoying cars on video. But probably not drag racing my $150k vette at a period of high fuel prices, environmental concern, and high inflation.
Joe Biden is unsafe at any age.
"Meade said...
Joe Biden is unsafe at any age."
What's really funny is that leftists think their sycophants will fall for the lie that Joe wears a hard hat. This is a guy who hasn't worked a normal job of any kind in over 50 years. This kind of person, whether D or R, is a parasite on society. And they say Republicans cater to low intelligence voters.
'I remember when Obama said the Secret Service wouldn't let him drive a new Volt. But they let Mr. Delusion drive over 100 MPH??'
They were hoping he'd would solve a lot of problems for a lot of people.
Howard said...
Biden is to gearhead as Trump is to billionaire
Except pedjt is a billionaire* and Biden is no gearhead
*9 times over according to his 2015,never questioned, campaign finance statement to FEC
John stop fascism vote republican Henry
Well, that settles it. I was sitting on the fence, but now I'm going to vote for Fetterman, and I don't even live in PA. This should really change the momentum of the race and put the Dems over the top.
Someone needs to tell the NYT that there is nothing "workaday" about a convertible 1967 Corvette, especially in 2022.
Seeing the results of his administrations past two years I think he should be driving a Pinto with Firestones.
(historical references)
Good to see a well maintained Corvair. I drove a '65 when I was in high school.
Hmmm. The Republican base that chanted "Let's go Brandon" and "Fuck Joe Biden" at sporting events all over the country, that put Biden "I did that" stickers on gas pumps, that is turning to credit card debt to pay daily living expenses, that watched the debacle of the Afghanistan withdrawal, that is seeing their retirement accounts being decimated, that is watching trans weirdos being feted as heroes, etc., ad nauseam...
THAT Republican base is supposed to forget all of that because of this silly stunt?
A couple of my high school buds had 4 speed Corvair Monza Spyders. A fully awesome vehicle that could, and did, magical things. Nice capture Meade!
Glory Days.
"THAT Republican base is supposed to forget all of that because of this silly stunt?"
They think we're as stupid as Joe Biden. Can you blame 'em? They are.
I can only assume he was driving towards Chinese Money.
This was it.
A 'gearhead' doesn't have an old car he keeps in storage for months at a time and then drives it a couple miles to impress a lady. Though I suppose if you're a NYT "reporter" or reader, you probably think a gearhead is anyone who can drive a stick.
Did Kamala, feeling lucky, get him to do this?
Nice pic. My older brother bought a beat up Corvair Spyder while in high school, then spent a summer tearing down the engine and rebuilding it. What a car. I bet he wishes he had held onto it.
Some Corvair Spiders were supercharged. One of the country's largest Corvair junk yards was where the Middleton exchange is now.
Mine was a 62 with a push button transmission.
I sold two Corvairs last year for $500. One had a motor in the backseat. I only paid $90 for the pair so I didn't feel too hard done by.
Meade should send the photos to Curbside Classic. They have a blog and a flickr group,
I'd like to know who at the WH besides Joe and Kamala thought that stunt was a good idea. The Secret Service should have had a hissy fit.
Thanks for the memories, Meade. I took (and passed) my driver test in my boyfriend's Corvair. He loved that car.
Yeah. When I think 'gearhead reputation,' the image of some dude who's been in the US Senate for 50 years immediately springs to mind.
Aura of vitality: is that like-
Wiff of desperation…
I see absolutely no aura.
, Corvair with V12 Jaguar engine
OK, gear head...
My hubby and I watched that clip of the "drag race" over and over. I'm baffled because there is something that doesn't seem quite right about the way Biden is sitting in the car in the middle of the race. (If that's when they filmed it.) He looks like a mannequin. Powell looks joyful; animated. Biden...stiff. That's no way to enjoy a drag race. Heck, I show a lot more emotion driving my son's Corvette convertible. Don't judge me; I always forget the year but it's early 2000s stick shift. (I'm a Mustang convertible girl.)
Are aftermarket seat belts req'd for tags?
"Mr. Biden is hoping his gearhead reputation will appeal to some parts of the Republican base."
Does this guy know he's not up for re-election next month?
I'm old enough to remember that Joe was the guy who took the train.
Did I imagine that?
Also, if you are going 118 MPH, and you slow down to 110, that is zero MPH.
So no big deal.
“Some Corvair Spiders were supercharged.”
I think they were turbocharged, Rusty. 180 hp in that trim.
@Iman, both. Paxton made an aftermarket centrifugal supercharger for mounting on a Corvair flat 6 by sufficiently skilled mechanics, but Wikipedia confirms that Chevy made and offered as an option a turbocharged version of the flat 6 that produced 180 hp (vice 140 for the normally aspirated engine).
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