Spotted at PA Trump rally
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) September 3, 2022
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Spotted at PA Trump rally
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) September 3, 2022
५० टिप्पण्या:
Man...that takes serious dedication to be out in that weather in the full hasidic regalia.
If there is one thing I like about jews, it's the hats. Those hats are bitchin. Hugo Boss wishes he could've come up with some heavy headgear like that on a good day. That's a fact.
I'm with the Rabbi.
"Election fraud deniers." It's a sound byte in the making.
Washington is playing Kent State in Seattle. The kick-off is 7:30PM.
I am constantly reminded why I gave up the Huskies season's tickets.
Orthodox Jews are every bit as Republican as Evangelical Christians. This isn't a surprise to anyone who's been paying attention.
Near me in Silver Spring, there's a Reform Jewish synagogue on the way to one of my favorite delis. It has a big sign out front that says "Reproductive Freedom is a Jewish Value". Every time I drive by I mutter: "Somebody needs to tell that to the rabbinic tradition, 'cause that ain't how they saw it!".
The aggressive legal maneuverings against Trump only re-enforce my belief that there was something rotten with that election.
Ann Coulter says the same crowd follows Trump to the rallies much like the caravans of Deadheads.
Wilkes-Barre (pronounced Barry) adjoins Biden's birthplace of Scranton.
Looks like the Chosen People don't like the chosen president : )
'Washington is playing Kent State in Seattle. The kick-off is 7:30PM.'
Does Washington have any National Guard members on their team?
Too soon?
He's not wrong.
I wonder whether the recent reincarnation of the Third Reich is what caused him to make himself heard.
What is it that you people like so much about the Hasidic Jews? Their reliance on government handouts? Their subjugation of women? When the government checks don't cover it they send their women out to work menial jobs while they sit around drink coffee smoke cigarettes and read the talmud as they Rock back and forth. Maybe it's the settlements in Palestinian territories that you guys like that helps to provoke and promote the perpetual violence in that region.
Do 60+ court rulings striking down that sentiment get to have rallies, too? That’s certainly some context that could stand to be posted along with the uncritical snapshot of their posters.
I guess indulging the miseducation of the commenters must be more exciting than explaining to them why working to disregard 60+ court rulings on the matter only serves the cause of insurrection. A republic without a judiciary or at least litigated election claims accountable to it. What a world.
It’s funny to see fans of German philosophers complaining about how not all Jews were as corrupted by the uptight celibate clique running Europe and Rome to endorse their nonsensical “personhood at conception” canard. Apparently Numbers 5:11 - 31 and Exodus 21:22 - 23 got it all wrong, as did the numerous oral rulings expounding upon them.
Nope, those aren’t the relevant arguments. It’s all up to the whims of black-hatted nerdy, hermit cowboy look-a likes who must forever dress in the way that they feel best emulates 16th century Polish nobility. And especially if it agrees with what their Vatican overlords tell them. Apparently there’s a hierarchy to defer to.
I hope those attending the Trump rally are keeping their wits about them. There are likely a lot of FBI infiltrators with orders to incite some violence to help The Party.
Road House Rules: Be nice, Be nice, walk them to the door. And it is always a long way from the time to not be nice.
Blogger Howard said...
What is it that you people like so much about the Hasidic Jews? Their reliance on government handouts? Their subjugation of women? When the government checks don't cover it they send their women out to work menial jobs while they sit around drink coffee smoke cigarettes and read the talmud as they Rock back and forth. Maybe it's the settlements in Palestinian territories that you guys like that helps to provoke and promote the perpetual violence in that region.
Howard explaning why Democrats hate Jews. Thanks, Howard.
'Maybe it's the settlements in Palestinian territories that you guys like that helps to provoke and promote the perpetual violence in that region.'
This is the one I like the best...
"What is it that you people like so much about the Hasidic Jews? Their reliance on government handouts? Their subjugation of women? When the government checks don't cover it they send their women out to work menial jobs while they sit around drink coffee smoke cigarettes..."
Now do Muslims. Make sure you leave your home address.
But you won't, because you won't insult people who will fight back or kill you for insulting their religion.
Squatting President Joe Biden says that man is a danger to America's soul. I'm guessing Squatting Joe knows how it feels when your soul is at risk. He is the sloughed-off husk of a practicing Catholic.
"Do 60+ court rulings striking down that sentiment get to have rallies, too?"
Yes, Puddy-Tat, if your 60+ rulings denying standing to present evidence wish to have a rally, by all means scrape 'em up and toss 'em together. 60+! 60+! 60+!
The basic problem is this. Yes, the election was stolen, but this is not the first time in the history of the Republic. The elections of 1876 and 1960 were also stolen, but there is no provision in the Constitution for a do-over. None. End of story. Joe Biden is President of the United States until he dies, resigns, is removed via one of the mechanisms in the 25th Amendment (in all of the cases he will be replaced not by Donald Trump, but by someone manifestly less competent than he is), or someone else is sworn in on Inauguration Day 2025. Not that these cheats don’t have consequences. The back room deal that put Rutherford B. Hayes into the White House meant the end of Reconstruction and the attendant rise of Jim Crow laws. On the whole JFK was a pretty good president, but his administration did get us sucked into Vietnam, and we did come very close to nuclear war with the old Soviet Union. Joe Biden has given us inflation such as we haven’t seen since Carter’s era, ridiculously high energy prices, and Americans left behind after the botched Afghanistan bug-out.
Instead of endlessly protesting the election, Republicans should be supporting efforts to prevent election frsud and getting non-RINO Republicans elected to Congress. And setting up to utterly humiliate the Democrats in 2024. Trump’s efforts to rid us of the likes of Liz Cheney are good, but he needs to stop whining about 3020 and start focusing on revenge.
And cue the anti-Semites on the left in three, two, one ...
And especially if it agrees with what their Vatican overlords tell them.
You mean, the Hasidic Jews are answering to Vatican overlords? And I'll bet you're the kinda guy who makes fun of Q-Anon folks for their crazy-ass conspiracy theories, right?
It’s all up to the whims of black-hatted nerdy, hermit cowboy look-a likes who must forever dress in the way that they feel best emulates 16th century Polish nobility.
No, asshole, that's what the rabbinic tradition says going back to its earliest days and texts. Is this what you think of the Rabbinic Jewish legal, moral, and religious tradition that spans over 2000 years, and is one of the crowning glories of Western Civ? That it's "black-hatted, hermit cowboy look-alikes"?
Antisemitism takes many forms. One form, prominent even among many Jews (and if you don't believe Jews can be antisemitic, go read Karl Marx's, the grandson of rabbis on both sides, On the Jewish Question) is the denigration of anyone who actually, you know, believes in what the Rabbinic tradition actually says.
Blogger hpudding said..."Do 60+ court rulings striking down that sentiment get to have rallies, too? That’s certainly some context that could stand to be posted along with the uncritical snapshot of their posters."
Look into the reasons on which all of those rulings were based. And if, after having done so you still think you have a point, well, you can't fix stupid.
Personally I respect how Nixon reacted when the Democrats stole the 1960 election, more than I do the Democrats' failed attempt to steal the 2000 election with a selective "re-count" in Florida Democrat counties, or their response to their loss in 2016 (whining of course, misuse of federal law enforcement before and after the election, a special counsel investigation, two -- count them, TWO!!! -- failed impeachments). But that's just me.
Instead of endlessly protesting the election, Republicans should be supporting efforts to prevent election frsud and getting non-RINO Republicans elected to Congress. And setting up to utterly humiliate the Democrats in 2024. Trump’s efforts to rid us of the likes of Liz Cheney are good, but he needs to stop whining about 3020 and start focusing on revenge.
I agree with this. One problem with this is that nobody trusts most Republicans given the examples of Mitch McConnell and many others, like Romney and Ryan. I hope it works out so the insane left is gone in 2025.
DOJ's May 11 subpoena covered all government records in Trump’s possession, not just those that had come from the White House and not just those that were in Florida. Now we know why.
None of the boxes seized by the FBI include press clippings that postdate November 2020.
Over the last month, FBI Agents have cataloged 1673 clippings, dating back to October 1995, that were stored in every box containing government documents. Trump left the White House on January 20, 2021. So where are the government records created in December 2020 and January 2021? Trump obviously has them or has destroyed them.
If Trump is such a horrible person, why are the Democrats so afraid of him?
No, asshole, that's what the rabbinic tradition says going back to its earliest days and texts.
It says “asshole?” Or is that just how papal supremacists speak?
Anyway, go back and find that “earliest text” quote about dressing in all black with fur hats.
Is this what you think of the Rabbinic Jewish legal, moral, and religious tradition that spans over 2000 years, and is one of the crowning glories of Western Civ? That it's "black-hatted, hermit cowboy look-alikes"?
Hahah. It’s what I think of cloistered cultists of all sorts. Of course the papist in you would demand that cloistered Hasidic communities be designated “true Jews,” because that’s what papists have seen as their prerogative to do throughout Europe from Constantine through Pius XII - alternating from paternalistic “protectors” (against for example Crusader and other European atrocities inspired by them) to denunciators telling Jews where to live, what to wear, how to display their accursed inferiority to the papal system and so on.
But I tend to have more respect for the much more vibrant, lively, heterodox and intellectually meaningful achievements of the Sephardic culture that flourished before papism drove that out as well. There’s no Ashkenazi rabbinic “dynasty” that really compares to Maimonides or his Iberian cohorts. Perhaps that must be what you might hate about them - the way they flourished free from the depredations of the inevitable Inquisition, with all its torture, Torquemada and generally uptight ways.
Antisemitism takes many forms. One form, prominent even among many Jews (and if you don't believe Jews can be antisemitic, go read Karl Marx's, the grandson of rabbis on both sides, On the Jewish Question) is the denigration of anyone who actually, you know, believes in what the Rabbinic tradition actually says.
Anyone who claims a single (“the”) rabbinic tradition is just a papist imposing his silly idea of a one-law on a tradition better characterized by disputation, decentralized authority and a multiplicity of interpretations. Perhaps what you envision worked better when kings and popes needed “chief rabbis” as mediators between their theocratic despotism and a subservient Jewish community, but was otherwise unnatural then and totally unnecessary in a modern, liberal, emancipated state of affairs.
But if you prefer to think that there is “one right way” to do all things Jewish, you could start with the prominent anti-Zionism among religious Jews in the early 20th century. Not only would you be enforcing a (not “the!”) powerful orthodox tradition by demanding Jews renounce their secular nationhood - (a stance shared by the theocratic government of Iran and even smaller orthodox cults) - but you could reinforce their inferiority to the nations of Christendom and Dar al Islam. A truly coherent, unifying position, endorsed by many religious Jews a hundred years ago even if, after all, isn’t that where anti-Semitism generally originates? The successor empires of Christianity and Islam declaring their superiority to the national, ancestral faith of the Jews and imposing that superiority ruthlessly?
Luckily, Hegelian doesn’t declare his superiority to Jews. Just his authority over whatever single creed and practice he dictates that they should believe and follow.
That guy holding the sign, I’m a little suspicious of him.
If nothing else, his piety should direct him to uphold the ancient biblical tradition of counting properly, as in Numbers (ironically!) 1:1 - 3 and Numbers 26:1 - 4.
Maybe he follows Trump though because Trump at least understands the importance of counting. Like when he told the Georgia SOS, “I just want to find 11,780 votes!” ;-)
Somehow Trump knew exactly how much he needed to win, and this guy with the sign apparently respects that fact.
I however respect people who can do their counting on their own, honestly and accurately. As do all of us who read the Book of Numbers.
I like those guys. When my brothers and I were little they would give us candy. It was a great neighborhood.
Does Washington have any National Guard members on their team?
You're going to smoke a turd in purgatory!!
Howard said...
Ann Coulter says the same crowd follows Trump to the rallies much like the caravans of Deadheads.
I think Ann C. is off the mark here. Every area he goes to has plenty of local support.
But the main reason I reply is because this weekend is the 40th anniversary of the US Festival in San Berdu CA: a 3-day event that was somehow spiritually to replicate the Woodstock vibe, and the Dead were part of it, along with new MTV-type stars, currently hot stuff, etc.
I wish I could post pictures here. The grounds opened on Wed, a couple days before the first day on Fri. I was among the first there, because I was on a 3-month 'sabbatical' road trip of the west, playing out my inner Kerouac, Guthrie et al, which was planned to include the US festival. And then the Deadheads arrived, with their busses and tents and an organizational professionalism that was stunning. I was impressed. And as it was, because the reason I could take on a trip like that is because I was laid off from a steel mill in Ohio, some of them treated me like an exotic creature, a real representative of a the Rust Belt depression that they'd heard about. I was 20-something. It was cool.
But I wish I could post a pic. Their tents and busses were arrayed in a way that would make any military detachment proud.
So Ann Coulter is wrong. Nothing in common.
Dark Cheddar heads?
Howard said...
What is it that you people like so much about the Hasidic Jews?
Bolt cutters.
Semper Fudd!!
A disrespectful response to my question about an accusation has caused me to interpret the comment I responded to as empty shit-stirring. I'm taking out the accusation and the response along with my response and everything else that responded to it. The person responsible for this ugly waste of time will in the future be considered a troll. I'm not going to delete him all the time, just letting him know I have a presumption against him. He can make an effort to improve his reputation and still comment, but he needs to establish that he's not in bad faith (i.e., not trying to wreck this forum).
I took the accusation seriously and allowed the ugliness to appear on this blog for hours. That's my commitment to the openness of this forum, but the failure to engage seriously is proof to me that this was never intended as serious debate, but distraction and waste of time (at best).
For what it’s worth, Wisconsin won the game 38-0.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
Ah. Baby-bathwater. Not offended.
Repeating "papist, papist, papist" is pretty trollish too. Ditto the lonely guys who whine about women voting. But we all have our problems.
I didn't see the earlier exchange.
Much as I hate to agree with Howard, I do have a hard time coalitioning with a community that violates a good bit of their purported conservatism when they intentionally plan their families and communities around forcing outsiders to support them through welfare and other taxpayer bennies. It's an issue in NYC and upstate NY (and, for that matter, Israel). But far, far, far more leftists do that, from Sharpton's NAN minions to Somali refugees to Cliver/Piven acolytes and multigenerational practitioners.
About religion, that's their business, not mine. But so long as we agree on the most salient political issues, we are allies. And they're not evangelizing me to denounce my ... Papism.
If it serves the cause, we coalition. Doesn't happen often, but this is a case where it does, not least because of the many admirable features of their orthodoxy, which few outsiders are ever lucky enough to witness.
Look into the reasons on which all of those rulings were based. And if, after having done so you still think you have a point, well, you can't fix stupid.
The point is that the judiciary’s place in over-ruling his tantrums is respected. Even Mitch McConnell knows that. And they weren’t all decided on matters of standing anyway, not that that would matter. In fact, it would kind of be the point, especially for a vexatious litigant like Trump whose own lawyer Giuliani got disbarred for admitting in court that he had no case and only came there to prove that he was willing to back up his lies told for public consumption/media spectacle for the sake of giving them the “respectability” provided by a formal court appearance.
But if you think that doesn’t matter, then you can’t fix insurrectionism.
Nice attempt to troll, though.
Look into the reasons on which all of those rulings were based. And if, after having done so you still think you have a point, well, you can't fix stupid.
The point is that the judiciary’s place in over-ruling his tantrums is respected. Even Mitch McConnell knows that. And they weren’t all decided on matters of standing anyway, not that that would matter. In fact, it would kind of be the point, especially for a vexatious litigant like Trump whose own lawyer Giuliani got disbarred for admitting in court that he had no case and only came there to prove that he was willing to back up his lies told for public consumption/media spectacle for the sake of giving them the “respectability” provided by a formal court appearance.
But if you think that doesn’t matter, then you can’t fix insurrectionism.
Nice attempt to troll, though.
Ralph L said...
"Wilkes-Barre (pronounced Barry) adjoins Biden's birthplace of Scranton."
Scranton renamed a stretch of road 'President Joe Biden, Jr. Expressway' (President Biden Expressway for posting on signage). It's all of 0.65 miles long. Used to be the Central Scranton Expressway. Rather a short road to honor a native son.
Oh yeah, besides the antisemites, you also got the batshit crazy conspiracy theorists chiming in: " There are likely a lot of FBI infiltrators with orders to incite some violence to help The Party."
Ray Epps has entered the chat
And they're not evangelizing me to denounce my ... Papism.
@Tina Trent, nope, there‘s this guy Francis who’s trying to do that.
Too bad I was otherwise occupied with real world responsibilities to check this thread again until just now. I would really have liked to have seen the ugliness that continued for hours.
I hope you all don't think I continued to "stir shit" after I made three comments (one of which was not deleted) all directly addressing directly the original Post.
I'll admit my second post was obnoxious, but that was because Ann responded to my initial post with a one word response and started a quote from my initial post in the middle of a word. I really was baffled by "where?" Because my initial comment was obviously predictive, since it was in the first batch that went through moderation.
But belatedly I will give you a where. Look at the first post by hpudding. And even I didn't expect the anti-Catholic sentiment.
"Too bad I was otherwise occupied with real world responsibilities to check this thread again until just now. I would really have liked to have seen the ugliness that continued for hours."
The ugliness was 100% YOU, which I left up overnight. YOU introduced an UGLY and unsupported allegation and I took it seriously, engaged with you and got nothing but a flippant answer. You absolutely did not deserve the decency I extended to you and left up for hours.
You still don't understand.
How dare you make the insinuation against me and against the commenters here with NO ground and NO response when told to back it up.
Look in a mirror, you loser. The ugliness is YOU.
And I suspect that you were operating on projection. That YOU looked at a photograph of Jews and thought ugly thoughts and ascribed them to others.
"But belatedly I will give you a where. Look at the first post by hpudding. And even I didn't expect the anti-Catholic sentiment."
Oh, bullshit.
First, flesh it out with quotes from hpudding and an analysis of why it deserves the accusation you made. I tried to read it and I don't even know what it means.
Then after you've done that, admit that it's not enough support the accusation that YOU MADE which is that I had to have known in putting up that photograph that it would unleash a lot of anti-semitic comments. HOW could I have thought that way? What justifies that repulsive accusation?
You think you can just gesture at one obscure comment and you've justified yourself. That is so off, so insufficient. How dare you!
You are again wasting my time. You need to put up big time.
"Because my initial comment was obviously predictive...."
So you just guessed that people would be anti-Semitic and you decided to ascribe to me the intent to make that happen, and then IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
Do you not see how ugly you are?
You have hatred in YOU. And you dumped it here. Have some self-awareness. It's absolutely disgusting, and it is exactly the kind of thing people use these days to cancel people. You waft an accusation. Despicable!
"So you just guessed that people would be anti-Semitic and you decided to ascribe to me the intent to make that happen, and then IT DIDN'T HAPPEN."
I'll have to take your word that "IT DIDN'T HAPPEN" But apparently it got real ugly without any further input by me.
I was not the only who made such a prediction (see helodrvr1 at 7:41). Of course he predicted an onslaught of antisemitism from the left, which you didn't object to.
And I didn't ascribe intent to you. If I thought you intentionally encouraged anti-Semitic comments, I would have called you anti-Semitic,which I don't think you are are. I just think you have blinders on about how hateful some of your commenters are.
And then you accuse me of antisemitism and then have the gall to claim that su h accusations lead to canceling.
I don't know why you said "you have hatred in YOU" (emphasis in the original). Choosing to spell "you" in all caps might make someone reach a reasonable assumption that in my original post I accused you of having hatred in you, which of course I didnt.
For the record, I don't have hatred for anyone currently posting on this blog, I don't know them well enough (although I am sure if I actually had to spend time with some of them I would quickly grow to hate them).
If you want discuss hatred on this blog, let's have that discussion. I have never wished anyone dead, accused total strangers of being pedophiles and groomers,advocated mass imprisonment and/or outright mass murder of people I disagree with politically. All of which are regular features of this blog (not by you, but in the comments).
I have called people despicable, assholes, disgusting. But apparently such accusations are permitted.
So go ahead and ban me, you will be doing me a favor, I waste too much time arguing with the despicable and disgusting people you have attracted to your blog.
"I don't see this comment, and I haven't noticed it or responded to it. Your guess that I just "didn't object to" it because it's not on the left is incorrect."
I published that comment and I published your comment. I gave you the extra dignity of my engagement with the direct attack on me that you made. I could have just moderated your comment out, but I put it up and I responded to you. You seem to think that meant you received lower regard. Really, I can't even remember the last time a commenter showed me this kind of disrespect — this ungratefulness for the forum.
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