For the last few years we have missed putting out sweet water for hummingbirds, and I don't think we saw any. My wife saw one Monday or Tuesday and we hung a feeder out and have seen quite a few. Rather dull colors so far but good to see nonetheless. More flutterbys than I recall last year too.
As long as I can remember, there was a big Christian Science church building at the corner of Highland and Central near the campus here. It hadn't been used in some years and today I saw them begin the demolition. The much smaller, modest but spiffy new building a few blocks away is finished and the redevelopment of the UM area proceeds apace.
A lot of public and private money has been invested in making a few blocks of Highland into an actual student and yuppie strip for spending lots of money.
My cousin Jim lived a block west and we used to get Cherry Cokes for a nickel at a real soda fountain, and Chocolate Soldier drinks at the corner quick mart. Everything old, homey, and nostalgiafacient has been replaced except some of the 1920s-30s storefronts. Not that I'm complaining . . . I might even drop some dollars there in the future, and bore everyone with "how things yoosta wuz."
“Being bum-rushed off Martha’s Vineyard is of course giving those migrants a pretty good course in liberal hypocrisy. But let’s complete the lesson by giving them a peek at Chappaquiddick on the way out.”
I see Starbucks is closing up shop on Bourbon Street.
Do you think black people recognize how America is being re-segregated by the Democrats?
They're being given their own uh "safe spaces" .... while at the same time whitey is abandoning their neighborhoods ... also known as "hoods."
Welcome to Joe Biden's America.
Ya'll do know he was best friends with a Grand Kleagle of the Klu Klux Klan for 40 years, right? Even tricked Obama to give the eulogy at the KKK funeral .... hahahahahahaha.
Well, this is a story that will be buried. The Democrat Mayor of El Paso has sent 28….count ‘em ….28 buses of illegal immigrants to NYC. So, where’s the outrage? How come the MSM crowd is not clothed in sackcloth and ashes over this? If you’re going after DeSantis and Abbot you’ve got to go after your own kind. This will expose even more of their sanctimonious hypocrisy.
I wonder if young voters have put 2 and 2 together and realzied that when you vote for Democrats, you're voting against your own interests.
For example: Interest rates. Billionaire economist Ray Dialo predicts, with some track record to prove it, that the coming 75 basis point increase in the Fed funds rate will tank the economy.
You know how you can't afford to buy a house right now because home loan interest rates are topping 6% ... well, that's because you fucking voted stupid. Idiot. Fucking moron.
They want you poor. You need them if you're poor and homeless. Stop hitting yourself. Stupid. Stop hitting yourself.
Obama and supporters like to say, "there hasn't been one single scandal that you can point to during the Obama administration." But these reports of using the FBI for political purposes are the worst scandals since Watergate. And they are just like Watergate, where Nixon tried to use the CIA to convince the FBI not to investigate the Watergate break-in on the pretext that the break-ins were part of CIA operation (they were not).
Presumably the Obama misuse is not as bad as the Nixon misuse because we don't have Obama on tape saying "um huh" when a subordinate proposes "the way to handle this now is for us to have [CIA person] call [FBI director] and just say, “Stay the hell out of this…this is ah, business here we don’t want you to go any further on it.”
Read The Ink Black Heart by JK Rowling. If you read this book and go on being a Twitter tool it's because you are a fool. The book was the subject of a controversy because, supposedly, it insulted the trans community. I think it is a prolonged study of a virtual community, a Youtube/Gamer community. I say I think. As a mystery it belongs to the type in which the mystery is solved by a study of train schedules, not a favorite of mine. But it gives that old theme a new twist because the schedule relates to game moderating and time in chat rooms. Moreover, the detectives have to find out the true identity behind the various avatars but then work back to actions taken by the avatars for clues as to what each person has in their ink black heart. It was complex and like a Russian novel (I don't like them either) where every character has at least two names and there are a hundred characters. I wished I had the print book and an Excel spreadsheet. But I went on turning pages, i.e., flicking my Kindle, because the study of that particular community was so engrossing. There are things that happen in the comments in this blog which I have never understood but I do now. And things that happen in media coverage these days which I also now understand. The model for journalism these days is online bullying. Online bullying is a complex phenomenon to understand which you have to read a long book populated by many characters, all with two names, at least. But when you see it, you see that online bullying is pervasive as a model in our culture. It's in teaching, too. And yet it is debased and debasing. No one in it has core values they are living up to. That's one meaning of ink black heart, the title of this book.
The Wall Street Corporations dumped 200 million dollars into the Desantis campaign and he set up with the big DC Republican consultants right before the raid on MAL.
It is most likely that Desantis's new handlers just told him to lay low. The plan was to remove Trump and set Desantis up to take over as the new Republican leader.
But the plan failed and Trump is more popular than ever.
One of the Money Men that set up a PAC has decided Desantis has to wait.
"John Thomas, founder and president of the political advertising and strategy group Thomas Partners Strategies — thinks it’s better for DeSantis to wait than to try to challenge Trump in 2024."
Now Desantis is going to have to attack Trump to displace him in 2024. And the small number of rich people that dumped more money into Desantis's campaign than any Governor in history are realizing that Desantis would break in the attempt.
"But there are two details which make this crime stand out.
First, Ursin was a Precinct 3 constable deputy. He was off duty at the time. At this point, we do not know if his murder was related to him being a law enforcement officer.
Second, both Taylor and Womack were out on bail, pending trials for other felonies. Murder, to be specific. Taylor had been charged with capital murder because he killed someone during a robbery. Womack was charged with a killing that occurred during a drug deal."
Remember when the Supreme Court justice was on a hunting trip and was found dead and no autopsy was done and his body was immediately cremated? Garland was supposed to get that seat.
Question for you legal historians out there. When did it become common for people charged with homicide to be allowed out on bail? Back in the days of my youth the rule was understood to be “no bail on a murder charge.”
@John Henry, if you stop by this thread, do you still reside in Puerto Rico? I see that Tropical Storm Fiona is headed towards that island with a good chance to achieve Category 1 hurricane before it gets there. Whether it’s a bad storm or a full on hurricane, I wish you luck.
Achilles (8:56pm): I think that last quotation is incompetently written. At least I hope it is. Grammatically, it should mean that one single person released on a felony bond has killed 180 other people since then, all by himsel. That's a Hell of a recidivist. If it means a bunch of different people released on felony bonds have killed 180 between them - which surely it must mean - it should read "killed by persons released on felony bonds", not "killed by a person released on a felony bond".
How many people on 28 busses? Seems about the same as our Syrians who arrived in droves, 1500, for example, sent to Farmville only to be re-bussed and sent to Wall St. Berlin. Same idea. Farmville to Berlin: "You want the immigrants, you take 'em," attitude. Since about 2015, many of those immigrants have gotten settled in the workplace following German language and skills training. Many mothers are accommodated with their children in the schooling system. And as Germany is struggling to pay pensions, these new employees help a lot in funding the pension system. Cycle forward to 2022. We've now gotten Ukrainians - with the home team cheering as many of the young women are educated with children. A Win-Win for Germany if they stay, except the influx might only be temporary, if the war ends and Ukraine can rebuild - can they? Rest assured, some Ukrainians will stay and will be Chefs in our kitchens, Teachers in our schools, Mechanical workers, Bus Drivers, Manufacturing workers, Medical workers, maybe even run for Office, someday. And their children, a gift for our future dynamic. If planned right, and everyone chips in, immigration may not be so daunting.
"This column has been devoted for 27 years to advocating clean energy and mitigating climate change. I'm still all in - all in- on those ends. But you can't will the ends unless you've also willed the means. And we demonstrably have not done that!... I can't repeat this enough: U. S. energy policy has to be the arsenal of democracy to defeat Putinism in Europe, by providing desperately needed oil and gas to our allies at reasonable prices so that Putin cannot blackmail them. It has to be the engine of economic growth that provides the cleanest and most affordable fossil fuel energy as we transition to a low-carbon economy."
He's willing to sell our resources at bargain prices to unappreciative customers while our citizens get more shortages, more brownouts/blackouts, and even higher prices for everything? What a guy.
Since Joe Biden says election deniers are extremists. Me thinks Joe Biden needs to take a good long look at the extremists in his own party....Here they are. Is he REJECTING them, like he is telling people to REJECT people who KNOW that the 2020 election WAS actually stolen??
Bill Maher, on Real Time last night: “They don’t know what America is supposed to be because we stopped teaching history and stopped teaching civics. We teach bullshit.”
“Right now, the biggest human trafficker on the face of the planet is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. He has transported hundreds of thousands, millions of illegal aliens populating them now, putting many of them in Red states. He’s happy to put them in Red states where it’s not the rich peoples’ concerns, it’s the little peoples’ concerns. You know, all of the folks on Martha’s Vineyard happily voted for Joe Biden.” - Ted Cruz
She thinks this is Texas and Florida's problems, because she isn't a border state?? Well...NEITHER is Florida, where Joe Biden sent 70 planeloads of illegals. They didn't walk over the border to get there. Suck it up buttercup. YOU brag about being a sanctuary city. Act like one, or sit down and shut up.
People keep saying that the prosecution of Trump and the proposed prosecution of DeSantis are "banana republic" tactics? Who was pulling the strings in the banana republics?
Are you awake yet?? The liars keep coming up with new lies to divide us over and over again.
"The January 6th committee took a fake audio and combined it with a video of peaceful protesters walking inside the US Capitol and tried to push this lie on the American public."
We have more oil that Saudi Arabia, we are simply not allowed to recover it. When they say "reserves" they mean "politically viable" reserves. They just found another billion barrels in Wyoming in the past few weeks. It would be great to sell oil and gas to Europe at market prices were we allowed to recover our own oil.
Famously Macron tried to take Biden aside and explain to him that Europeans needed America to produce more oil or they were screwed, and Biden simply shrugged. He then gave that speech warning banks off of financing new projects.
The photos are often nice, but if you're going to take one (almost) every day, you might branch out. Remember the artist or artists who took a selfie everyday for years and years (long before "selfie" became a word) and chronicled the changes, or people who have photos of the same street scene down through the years. For me personally, there's more to notice in those series of photos.
I was in a care home and one woman had pictures of herself with her childhood sled on the door down through the years. A real life "Rosebud." Perhaps she didn't remember, but the photos did.
I was just reading some comments from a news site I commented on several weeks ago. And someone steted quite clearly that the only reason masks didn't work to stop the spread of covid is because of people like me who didn't wear them as ordered!
Let's see, we're well into the covidicoy, I have not worn a mask even around people I know had the dreaded covid, have not contraceted the dreaded covid myself with multiple exposures, and certain I haven't had the scary asymymptomatic covid because of multiple antibody tests courtesy of my blood donations that have failed to find any antibodies, and the weekly, still to this day because I'm an evil unvaccinated person, covid nose swabs that have failed to pick up any virus trace.
But my not wearing a mask is why all those obedient mask wearers who got the dreaded covid got it.
"Joe Biden is a foreign agent trying to destroy the United States and it's allies."
every country in the world has kompromat on Joe Biden. He's just a fuckup who has gotten in over his head and nobody will take the keys away from him; It's long past time. Harris couldn't be worse.
wendybar said... Bill Maher, on Real Time last night: “They don’t know what America is supposed to be because we stopped teaching history and stopped teaching civics. We teach bullshit.”
I know Bill Maher had excellent history techers- we attended the same high school. He was a year behind me, and somehow in our three years together in teh same school, either we never crossed paths or he was so unmemorable that I can't recall him. Only found out a few years back on a Facebook post from a classmate that he was a HS alumni. I wouldn't have run into him in earlier years because I moved into that school district for my sophomore year.
Having excellent history teachers doesn't mean the students will learn. For example, Bill Maher turned into a flaming liberal. Apparently the last few years have been teaching him lessons from real life- he seems to be turning away from being a reflexive liberal.
Facebook has enabled me to keep up with many in HS who before Facebook I would know nothing abput almost 50 years later. The conservtives from back then still have the same political views- like me. The liberals? I can see several over them over the last few years of Facebook postings turn more conservative. Especially those that married and stayed that way and have children. Like me. Seems that having children and subsequently grandchildren has an effect on your political views, especially if it's you and your spouse as the exocnomic unit taking care of them, not you and The State. AFAIK, none of my HS classmates are welfare cases. But I've worked with many single moms- and they're all liberal. Because The State is providing for them, not a supportive husband. But I understand it's not really The State- it's me and my wife and other stable married couples paying taxes that are providing for them. Not fair at all to my children now, is it? Good intentions seem to always produce bad results when administered by faceless bureaucarts. Moynihan warned that Aid to Widows and Orphans was not the same as aid to all single mothers. He was correct.
Bill Maher is turning more conservative without the driving force of children and grandchildren. I have to wonder what's driving this turn.
He was the wunderkind when he arrived as Washington's head football coach from USC. He had some success on the field, but he couldn't keep his dick out of the co-eds, and was escorted to the door. His wife, and family left him.
He was hired shortly thereafter as USC's head coach. He fell into the bottle at USC, and was fired.
My father always told me those are self-inflicted problems, and you won't get a third chance. It seems that Daddy was wrong about this.
Please use the comments forum to respond to the post. Don't fight with each other. Be substantive... or interesting... or funny. Comments should go up immediately... unless you're commenting on a post older than 2 days. Then you have to wait for us to moderate you through. It's also possible to get shunted into spam by the machine. We try to keep an eye on that and release the miscaught good stuff. We do delete some comments, but not for viewpoint... for bad faith.
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For the last few years we have missed putting out sweet water for hummingbirds, and I don't think we saw any. My wife saw one Monday or Tuesday and we hung a feeder out and have seen quite a few. Rather dull colors so far but good to see nonetheless. More flutterbys than I recall last year too.
As long as I can remember, there was a big Christian Science church building at the corner
of Highland and Central near the campus here. It hadn't been used in some years and today I saw them begin the demolition. The much smaller, modest but spiffy new building a few blocks away is finished and the redevelopment of the UM area proceeds apace.
A lot of public and private money has been invested in making a few blocks of Highland into an actual student and yuppie strip for spending lots of money.
My cousin Jim lived a block west and we used to get Cherry Cokes for a nickel at a real soda fountain, and Chocolate Soldier drinks at the corner quick mart. Everything old, homey, and nostalgiafacient has been replaced except some of the 1920s-30s storefronts. Not that I'm complaining . . . I might even drop some dollars there in the future, and bore everyone with "how things yoosta wuz."
This one left a mark…
“Being bum-rushed off Martha’s Vineyard is of course giving those migrants a pretty good course in liberal hypocrisy. But let’s complete the lesson by giving them a peek at Chappaquiddick on the way out.”
—- Ann Coulter
I see Starbucks is closing up shop on Bourbon Street.
Do you think black people recognize how America is being re-segregated by the Democrats?
They're being given their own uh "safe spaces" .... while at the same time whitey is abandoning their neighborhoods ... also known as "hoods."
Welcome to Joe Biden's America.
Ya'll do know he was best friends with a Grand Kleagle of the Klu Klux Klan for 40 years, right? Even tricked Obama to give the eulogy at the KKK funeral .... hahahahahahaha.
Well, this is a story that will be buried.
The Democrat Mayor of El Paso has sent 28….count ‘em ….28 buses of illegal immigrants to NYC. So, where’s the outrage? How come the MSM crowd is not clothed in sackcloth and ashes over this? If you’re going after DeSantis and Abbot you’ve got to go after your own kind.
This will expose even more of their sanctimonious hypocrisy.
I wonder if young voters have put 2 and 2 together and realzied that when you vote for Democrats, you're voting against your own interests.
For example: Interest rates. Billionaire economist Ray Dialo predicts, with some track record to prove it, that the coming 75 basis point increase in the Fed funds rate will tank the economy.
You know how you can't afford to buy a house right now because home loan interest rates are topping 6% ... well, that's because you fucking voted stupid. Idiot. Fucking moron.
They want you poor. You need them if you're poor and homeless. Stop hitting yourself. Stupid. Stop hitting yourself.
Go see Prof van Creveld's post "The Curious Life of Violette Morris" at his blog "As I Please." Do it soon.
"This will expose even more of their sanctimonious hypocrisy."
Even more of? Do they have anything else?
Obama and supporters like to say, "there hasn't been one single scandal that you can point to during the Obama administration." But these reports of using the FBI for political purposes are the worst scandals since Watergate. And they are just like Watergate, where Nixon tried to use the CIA to convince the FBI not to investigate the Watergate break-in on the pretext that the break-ins were part of CIA operation (they were not).
Presumably the Obama misuse is not as bad as the Nixon misuse because we don't have Obama on tape saying "um huh" when a subordinate proposes "the way to handle this now is for us to have [CIA person] call [FBI director] and just say, “Stay the hell out of this…this is ah, business here we don’t want you to go any further on it.”
What am I missing here?
Read The Ink Black Heart by JK Rowling. If you read this book and go on being a Twitter tool it's because you are a fool.
The book was the subject of a controversy because, supposedly, it insulted the trans community. I think it is a prolonged study of a virtual community, a Youtube/Gamer community. I say I think.
As a mystery it belongs to the type in which the mystery is solved by a study of train schedules, not a favorite of mine. But it gives that old theme a new twist because the schedule relates to game moderating and time in chat rooms. Moreover, the detectives have to find out the true identity behind the various avatars but then work back to actions taken by the avatars for clues as to what each person has in their ink black heart. It was complex and like a Russian novel (I don't like them either) where every character has at least two names and there are a hundred characters. I wished I had the print book and an Excel spreadsheet.
But I went on turning pages, i.e., flicking my Kindle, because the study of that particular community was so engrossing. There are things that happen in the comments in this blog which I have never understood but I do now. And things that happen in media coverage these days which I also now understand. The model for journalism these days is online bullying. Online bullying is a complex phenomenon to understand which you have to read a long book populated by many characters, all with two names, at least. But when you see it, you see that online bullying is pervasive as a model in our culture. It's in teaching, too. And yet it is debased and debasing. No one in it has core values they are living up to. That's one meaning of ink black heart, the title of this book.
If you dismissed the movie JFK when it came out, watch it again and imagine it's about Donald Trump and Ukraine instead of JFK and Viet Nam.
So what is Desantis going to do now?
The Wall Street Corporations dumped 200 million dollars into the Desantis campaign and he set up with the big DC Republican consultants right before the raid on MAL.
It is most likely that Desantis's new handlers just told him to lay low. The plan was to remove Trump and set Desantis up to take over as the new Republican leader.
But the plan failed and Trump is more popular than ever.
One of the Money Men that set up a PAC has decided Desantis has to wait.
"John Thomas, founder and president of the political advertising and strategy group Thomas Partners Strategies — thinks it’s better for DeSantis to wait than to try to challenge Trump in 2024."
Now Desantis is going to have to attack Trump to displace him in 2024. And the small number of rich people that dumped more money into Desantis's campaign than any Governor in history are realizing that Desantis would break in the attempt.
"But there are two details which make this crime stand out.
First, Ursin was a Precinct 3 constable deputy. He was off duty at the time. At this point, we do not know if his murder was related to him being a law enforcement officer.
Second, both Taylor and Womack were out on bail, pending trials for other felonies. Murder, to be specific. Taylor had been charged with capital murder because he killed someone during a robbery. Womack was charged with a killing that occurred during a drug deal."
According to Houston Crime Stoppers, 180 individuals in Harris County have been killed by a person released on a felony bond since 2018.
Remember when the Supreme Court justice was on a hunting trip and was found dead and no autopsy was done and his body was immediately cremated? Garland was supposed to get that seat.
Question for you legal historians out there. When did it become common for people charged with homicide to be allowed out on bail? Back in the days of my youth the rule was understood to be “no bail on a murder charge.”
@John Henry, if you stop by this thread, do you still reside in Puerto Rico? I see that Tropical Storm Fiona is headed towards that island with a good chance to achieve Category 1 hurricane before it gets there. Whether it’s a bad storm or a full on hurricane, I wish you luck.
Achilles (8:56pm):
I think that last quotation is incompetently written. At least I hope it is. Grammatically, it should mean that one single person released on a felony bond has killed 180 other people since then, all by himsel. That's a Hell of a recidivist.
If it means a bunch of different people released on felony bonds have killed 180 between them - which surely it must mean - it should read "killed by persons released on felony bonds", not "killed by a person released on a felony bond".
How many people on 28 busses? Seems about the same as our Syrians who arrived in droves, 1500, for example, sent to Farmville only to be re-bussed and sent to Wall St. Berlin. Same idea. Farmville to Berlin: "You want the immigrants, you take 'em," attitude. Since about 2015, many of those immigrants have gotten settled in the workplace following German language and skills training. Many mothers are accommodated with their children in the schooling system. And as Germany is struggling to pay pensions, these new employees help a lot in funding the pension system. Cycle forward to 2022. We've now gotten Ukrainians - with the home team cheering as many of the young women are educated with children. A Win-Win for Germany if they stay, except the influx might only be temporary, if the war ends and Ukraine can rebuild - can they? Rest assured, some Ukrainians will stay and will be Chefs in our kitchens, Teachers in our schools, Mechanical workers, Bus Drivers, Manufacturing workers, Medical workers, maybe even run for Office, someday. And their children, a gift for our future dynamic. If planned right, and everyone chips in, immigration may not be so daunting.
Sez Thomas Friedman (quoted in a local paper):
"This column has been devoted for 27 years to advocating clean energy and mitigating climate change. I'm still all in - all in- on those ends. But you can't will the ends unless you've also willed the means. And we demonstrably have not done that!... I can't repeat this enough: U. S. energy policy has to be the arsenal of democracy to defeat Putinism in Europe, by providing desperately needed oil and gas to our allies at reasonable prices so that Putin cannot blackmail them. It has to be the engine of economic growth that provides the cleanest and most affordable fossil fuel energy as we transition to a low-carbon economy."
He's willing to sell our resources at bargain prices to unappreciative customers while our citizens get more shortages, more brownouts/blackouts, and even higher prices for everything? What a guy.
Since Joe Biden says election deniers are extremists. Me thinks Joe Biden needs to take a good long look at the extremists in his own party....Here they are. Is he REJECTING them, like he is telling people to REJECT people who KNOW that the 2020 election WAS actually stolen??
Bill Maher, on Real Time last night: “They don’t know what America is supposed to be because we stopped teaching history and stopped teaching civics. We teach bullshit.”
The latest news beep, China gets oil from Russia and redistributes back to Europe. hmm.
Dr Weevil said...
Achilles (8:56pm):
so, there were 180 murder cases, with multiple perpetrators (killed by persons?)
how about: in 180 murder cases, the killer was someone that had been released on felony bonds
no matter how you slice it, it's potentially confusnig
“Right now, the biggest human trafficker on the face of the planet is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. He has transported hundreds of thousands, millions of illegal aliens populating them now, putting many of them in Red states. He’s happy to put them in Red states where it’s not the rich peoples’ concerns, it’s the little peoples’ concerns. You know, all of the folks on Martha’s Vineyard happily voted for Joe Biden.” - Ted Cruz
"We can be heroes, just for one day"
Martha's Vineyard Official Anthem.
She thinks this is Texas and Florida's problems, because she isn't a border state??
Well...NEITHER is Florida, where Joe Biden sent 70 planeloads of illegals.
They didn't walk over the border to get there. Suck it up buttercup.
YOU brag about being a sanctuary city. Act like one, or sit down and shut up.
People keep saying that the prosecution of Trump and the proposed prosecution of DeSantis are "banana republic" tactics? Who was pulling the strings in the banana republics?
Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
China enjoys cheap energy and is making billions selling Russian Natural Gas and Oil.
The only people that are paying more for Gas and Oil are Americans and Europeans.
Joe Biden is a foreign agent trying to destroy the United States and it's allies.
Anyone that supports Joe Biden is a traitor.
Are you awake yet?? The liars keep coming up with new lies to divide us over and over again.
"The January 6th committee took a fake audio and combined it with a video of peaceful protesters walking inside the US Capitol and tried to push this lie on the American public."
This is why the Democrats want open borders, and why Joe Biden keeps flying illegals in the middle of the night into Republican states...
We have more oil that Saudi Arabia, we are simply not allowed to recover it. When they say "reserves" they mean "politically viable" reserves. They just found another billion barrels in Wyoming in the past few weeks. It would be great to sell oil and gas to Europe at market prices were we allowed to recover our own oil.
Famously Macron tried to take Biden aside and explain to him that Europeans needed America to produce more oil or they were screwed, and Biden simply shrugged. He then gave that speech warning banks off of financing new projects.
The photos are often nice, but if you're going to take one (almost) every day, you might branch out. Remember the artist or artists who took a selfie everyday for years and years (long before "selfie" became a word) and chronicled the changes, or people who have photos of the same street scene down through the years. For me personally, there's more to notice in those series of photos.
I was in a care home and one woman had pictures of herself with her childhood sled on the door down through the years. A real life "Rosebud." Perhaps she didn't remember, but the photos did.
I was just reading some comments from a news site I commented on several weeks ago. And someone steted quite clearly that the only reason masks didn't work to stop the spread of covid is because of people like me who didn't wear them as ordered!
Let's see, we're well into the covidicoy, I have not worn a mask even around people I know had the dreaded covid, have not contraceted the dreaded covid myself with multiple exposures, and certain I haven't had the scary asymymptomatic covid because of multiple antibody tests courtesy of my blood donations that have failed to find any antibodies, and the weekly, still to this day because I'm an evil unvaccinated person, covid nose swabs that have failed to pick up any virus trace.
But my not wearing a mask is why all those obedient mask wearers who got the dreaded covid got it.
"Joe Biden is a foreign agent trying to destroy the United States and it's allies."
every country in the world has kompromat on Joe Biden. He's just a fuckup who has gotten in over his head and nobody will take the keys away from him; It's long past time. Harris couldn't be worse.
Keystone XL would have come in handy right about now.
wendybar said...
Bill Maher, on Real Time last night: “They don’t know what America is supposed to be because we stopped teaching history and stopped teaching civics. We teach bullshit.”
I know Bill Maher had excellent history techers- we attended the same high school. He was a year behind me, and somehow in our three years together in teh same school, either we never crossed paths or he was so unmemorable that I can't recall him. Only found out a few years back on a Facebook post from a classmate that he was a HS alumni. I wouldn't have run into him in earlier years because I moved into that school district for my sophomore year.
Having excellent history teachers doesn't mean the students will learn. For example, Bill Maher turned into a flaming liberal. Apparently the last few years have been teaching him lessons from real life- he seems to be turning away from being a reflexive liberal.
Facebook has enabled me to keep up with many in HS who before Facebook I would know nothing abput almost 50 years later. The conservtives from back then still have the same political views- like me. The liberals? I can see several over them over the last few years of Facebook postings turn more conservative. Especially those that married and stayed that way and have children. Like me. Seems that having children and subsequently grandchildren has an effect on your political views, especially if it's you and your spouse as the exocnomic unit taking care of them, not you and The State. AFAIK, none of my HS classmates are welfare cases. But I've worked with many single moms- and they're all liberal. Because The State is providing for them, not a supportive husband. But I understand it's not really The State- it's me and my wife and other stable married couples paying taxes that are providing for them. Not fair at all to my children now, is it? Good intentions seem to always produce bad results when administered by faceless bureaucarts. Moynihan warned that Aid to Widows and Orphans was not the same as aid to all single mothers. He was correct.
Bill Maher is turning more conservative without the driving force of children and grandchildren. I have to wonder what's driving this turn.
I was stunned to see the Steve Sarkisian is the head coach at Texas.
He was the wunderkind when he arrived as Washington's head football coach from USC. He had some success on the field, but he couldn't keep his dick out of the co-eds, and was escorted to the door. His wife, and family left him.
He was hired shortly thereafter as USC's head coach. He fell into the bottle at USC, and was fired.
My father always told me those are self-inflicted problems, and you won't get a third chance. It seems that Daddy was wrong about this.
Five stars for the picture.😊
Harris couldn't be worse.
Wanna bet?
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