This weekend, the WSJ had an article about E-bikes and I wondered. . . .does Althouse still use her E-bike? Does she recommend them? I live in a semi-rural/suburban area and have often wondered if the investment would be worth it.
Althouse? Or other Althouse commenters? Any thoughts on E-bikes?
I got my wife an e-bike for Christmas and she loves it. Now she can keep up with me and even kicks my butt on the climbs, where the motor assists the most.
The music videos earlier today made me think about an album that I came across recently by a band called Smith from 1969. Their main singer was Gayle McCormick, whose performances made me think of Ann Wilson of Heart. Their biggest hit was a cover of "Baby, It's You" that was on the charts for 15 weeks and made it to #5. Here is a live version of the song on a television show:
Here is a music video of another Smith song featuring Gayle McCormick, from their second album in 1970. McCormick passed away in 2016 from lung cancer.
The Diary of a Wimpy Kid actor has been sentenced to life imprisonment for killing his mother.
I would have suggested better ways of overcoming his wimpiness.
I passed by a bookstore and the the store window included Hillary Mantel's The Assassination of Margaret Trudeau and I thought, that really looks worth reading.
Then I looked again and saw that the title was The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher and Other Stories. I decided to give it a pass.
I had a good friend, Bill P, who was at least 400-lbs. He was gregarious, he'd talk your head off, but he was the nicest man. He was the NAVAIR oversite guy for my portion of the P-8A's certification and he knew his stuff. One Christmas vacation he had a massive stroke and died. He was also about a month holder than me, he was born in August 1954 and I was born in September. He's still sorely missed.
A woman how brags on how she went from 150-lbs to 550-lbs and survived 4 heart attacks is a lunatic. She'll kick off one of these days from a heart attack or a stroke. Her family will miss her.
For those unfamiliar with the acronym “WPATH,” it stands for “World Professional Association for Transgender Health,” which this purported authority in the field of transgenderism updated its standards of care with the removal of minimum age guidelines on performing trans-affirming surgeries on minors.
But aside from the likes of screenshots from the UW Health website, in Dr. Gast’s own words, she details how the hospital is in the business of performing these treatments and surgeries on children, making said comments on a podcast that was previously featured on UW Health’s website.
"Despite UW Health seeming to be ostensibly proud of these services being offered to children, individuals responsible for handling the hospital’s website and YouTube page have since gone to great lengths to scrub any mention of these services following Libs of TikTok spreading the news of such practices.Furthermore, whilst the web links still appear in Google search results, UW Health has also removed any mention of Dr. Gast from their website (as evidenced by the below graphics showing the links originally went to Dr. Gast’s online bio)."
Kathryn51 said... This weekend, the WSJ had an article about E-bikes and I wondered. . . .does Althouse still use her E-bike? Does she recommend them? I live in a semi-rural/suburban area and have often wondered if the investment would be worth it.
Althouse? Or other Althouse commenters? Any thoughts on E-bikes?
I was recently at a bicycle shop that had ebikes in stock. There are two kinds- the kinds that assist when you're pedaling and the ones that propel themselves even if you're not. He only sells the assist kind- you have to pedal, and the motor helps you along.
He says that they're ideal for older people who want to keep going but just don't have that edge to get up those steep hills anymore. Seels a lot to us old geezers (I'm 67) and they all seem happy when they come back.
And his other happy cusomers? Married couple that like to ride together, but one is much faster then the other. The weker partner get the ebike and when they're riding together- they're riding together.
I'm considering one for next summer. For my wife. A little late in the season to buy one now.
For those keeping score at home, since Joe Biden was installed as President in the fake election of 2020, the stock market has lost $7.6 trillion.
Your 401k is down an average of -26%, so you won't be retiring any time soon.
Gas that you need to get to work is double the price what it was when Trump was removed.
Lead Democrat idiot Joe Biden says we need more immigration because businesses need workers. Meanwhile, noted Indian Elizabeth Warren (allegedly a "woman" whatever that means) is warning that millions will be unemployed by the Fed raising interest rates so fast.
So ... which is it? Do companies need employees? Or are millions going to be laid off? According to Democrats both things.
So yeah, elections have consequences. Vote them all out or enjoy your poverty.
We wanted to talk politely when Barack Obama broke every campaign promise he had made. We were told to shut up.
We raised our voices with the Tea Party. Rather than hear us, the Left called us every vile name they could think of.
Now we're peacefully shouting with our MAGA megaphone. Is the left willing to talk yet? Nope. Instead, they've sent our "public servants" from the government to attack our freedom, prosperity, and civil liberties.
Hot off falsely claiming Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was bludgeoned to death by “insurrectionists” on January 6, 2021, Representative Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) last week identified another faux victim of Trump supporters: Ray Epps.
Kathryn. I had an ebike for about 3 years. It was pedal assist and I used it a lot in the spring and fall. I am near Philly so we have cold winters and hot summers and it wasn’t good for commuting then due to weather. It’s moderately hilly here and was great for hills. I used it for going to work and small weekend shopping trips. The battery was good for about 20 miles but most of my usage was a 10 mile round trip. I was about 65 years old when I used it.
I got rid of it this summer because we have a large road construction project a mile from our home and the resulting traffic was not bike friendly. The project will last for years.
I put a wicker basket on the front. My wife said I looked like Peter O’Toole in Mr. Chips.
They told me in 2016 if I voted for Donald Trump, we'd have a police state...
"FBI Conducts Dawn Raid on Home of Catholic Pro-Life Speaker
By Rita Li (Epoch Times)
September 25, 2022 Updated: September 26, 2022
The FBI reportedly arrested Catholic pro-life activist and author Mark Houck in a raid on his rural home early Friday morning.
Houck, 48, of Kintnersville, Pennsylvania, is the latest target of a string of Department of Justice-sponsored SWAT raids and arrests, as at least two dozen federal agents swarmed his property in Bucks County with around 15 vehicles at 7:05 a.m. on Sept. 23, reported LifeSite News.
“The kids were all just screaming,” Houck’s wife, Ryan-Marie, told the online news portal. “It was all just very scary and traumatic.”
The father of seven is also co-founder and president of The King’s Men, a nonprofit group that promotes healing for victims of pornography addiction. Houck drives two hours south to Philadelphia every Wednesday to sidewalk council for six to eight hours at two different abortion centers, according to his wife.
The wife described an incident in which her husband “shoved” a pro-abortion activist away from his 12-year-old son after the man kept hurling “crude… inappropriate and disgusting” comments at the Houcks and entered the son’s “personal space.” The man, who was not hurt, tried to sue Houck. Ryan-Marie told LifeSite that the violation charge was thrown out of the District Court in Philadelphia this summer, but was somehow picked up by the Justice Department.
The Justice Department, meanwhile, accused Houck of having twice assaulted a reproductive health care clinic escort, identified in an indictment as “B.L.,” in violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, which makes it a federal crime to use force with the intent to injure, intimidate, and interfere with anyone because that person is a provider of reproductive health care.
If convicted of the offenses, Houck faces up to a maximum of 11 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and fines of up to $350,000, according to a Sept. 23 press release.
Rifles The 25 to 30 fully armed officers kept pounding at the door and yelling despite Houck’s peaceful attempts to placate them.
“Please, I’m going to open the door, but, please, my children are in the home. I have seven babies in the house,” Houck said, according to his wife. When he opened the door, “they had big, huge rifles pointed at Mark and pointed at me and kind of pointed throughout the house,” Ryan-Marie Houck told LifeSite."
Depends on the environment, I suppose. In a semi-rural area where distances are longer and an e-bike will help you get some exercise and use the car less for short trips, that would be a good thing.
My own experience is in an urban area. As a motorized vehicle, they shouldn't be in the bike lane, but they are too slow to ride in traffic, so they wind up in the bike lane by default. Because they stop and start more slowly than a regular bicycle, but their top speed is generally higher, you wind up playing a dangerous and annoying game of leap frog with them when you have to share space.
Had a fantastic sunset swim at Walden Pond celebrating Rosh Hashanah with my Israeli BFF. We washed away all the bad juju from the last year. She called up photos from last year's Tashlikh swim and we were in wetsuits already. Looking forward to another sunset "skin swim" tonight at Walden. We expect to be in wetsuits by the coming weekend.
Narayanan said... "I am wondering if this warms any ones /cockles/ even if they can afford it?!
Boring Biden Brightens Back Better" Not mine. Here in the midwest we heat mostly with natural gas. Right now I'm glad I have a fireplace and enough dead trees in the little woods behind my house to last the winter. This winter. Biden Brings Back the 19th century.
Buckwheathikes said.. Yeah. I lost a shitton on my 401K. When I retired nearly two years ago I might have had enough. Now I'll have to get back in the job market. At least I have salable skills. So much for the new shotgun.
I apologize here on the current front page for not separating my contempt for nazi propaganda from the poster, Dr Weevil, who is not a nazi, repeating it. The nazis are masters of propaganda and it's easy to fall prey to it. That doesn't make a person a nazi. In the futue I will couch my objections more carefully.
So both natural gas pipelines out of Russia have been likely destroyed, If those pipes fill with seawater, it's not going to be repaired. Russia is building a pipeline to China, and that is where the gas will go. Those blaming the Russians for destroying their own multi-billion dollar investment, cutting off future options, when they own and control the whole thing and could simply flick a switch, are too simple-minded to engage in debate.
Germany probably suspects the US. Certainly the Ukrainians are highly motivated to do it, but could they? Maybe they could drop explosives over the side of a boat. Whoever did it, it's a fact on the ground. Germany has been withholding weapons from the Ukraine, and making noises about buying Russian gas, so, mostly likely, this is somebody burning Germany's birdges behind it.
If the US were serious about boosting energy production, it would look like a plot to shift manufacturing from Germany to our shores. I think it's the Ukrainians, who are also still trying to melt down a nuclear power plant under Russian control, to bring NATO into the war.
BTW, it doesn't matter if the Russian's are Nazis too, as bizarre a thought that that is, because it's not our war and Russia is not asking us for weapons. If it's nazis fighting nazis, it's plainly none of our business who wins.
So, it appears that the owners of the New York Times don't want to pay their employees a living wage.
They've offered a 4% raise for 2 years, then only 2% after that. While their President, Joe "Idiot" Biden, runs 9% inflation.
Meaning that the NY Times wants their employees to accept a fucking pay CUT? Why would their union ever agree to that? Unless the union is working with management to fuck over NY Times employees? The union isn't even calling for a strike. What good is a union that never strikes?
Wake up sheeple! The 1% elite is screwing you over.
So, it appears that the owners of the New York Times don't want to pay their employees a living wage.
They've offered a 4% raise for 2 years, then only 2% after that. While their President, Joe "Idiot" Biden, runs 9% inflation.
Meaning that the NY Times wants their employees to accept a fucking pay CUT? Why would their union ever agree to that? Unless the union is working with management to fuck over NY Times employees? The union isn't even calling for a strike. What good is a union that never strikes?
Wake up sheeple! The 1% elite is screwing you over.
When you are the MESSIAH of the left, you can do whatever you park for 2 hours in a handicapped parking space to eat Sushi with your daughters or this.....
If you saw that Philly WaWa ransack, I doubt it's uncommon. I was there in June and client insisted us WI visitors had to experience lunch at WaWa. Witnessed my first catfight at a convenience store that day. Burly male security guard just stood there en mask with big eyes. Rest of store carried on per norm. Surreal.
The scope of the war has just widened. They are trying to get Russia to take the bait and attack NATO. If Russia loses conventionally, it will go nuclear, it's not even a serious question.
In re the developing story on the Nordstream pipeline: It was Russia, trying to turn the Germans against the Ukes.
The Ukes would not have done it, considering the pipelines that run through their territory from Russia to the rest of Europe remain operating at normal capacity. If they wanted to damage pipelines, the Ukes wouldn't have to do it underwater on a pipeline that isn't currently moving gas.
What? You didn't know there were other pipelines carrying Russian gas through Ukraine?
Who destroyed their own leverage over Germany, their own investment of tens of billions of euros. Germany was making Zelensky angry by holding back weapons and making noises about buying Russian gas.
Since Joe Biden threatened to do it, it's a matter of public record that US ships operating in the area turned off their tracking transponders this summer, A US warship was in the vicinity while it happened, and Victoria Nuland also threatened destruction of the pipeline. How would the Russians have managed it undetected?
This attack was a message to Europeans that there would be no going back to cheap Russian gas. Your link only addresses NS-1, BTW, NS-2 was beginning to flow again.
Nope, not at all. Now that the only pipelines to Germany run through Belarus and Ukraine, Russia would have concentrated their leverage for a negotiated settlement (accepting your idea that somehow Putin only wants a little piece of Donbas, not complete control over the Ukes as he and his lackeys have announced multiple times in public over multiple years). And Russia will blame the Ukes, and people such as yourself who are way out over their skis pretending to know something about this conflict will believe.
"Since Joe Biden threatened to do it, it's a matter of public record that US ships operating in the area turned off their tracking transponders this summer, A US warship was in the vicinity while it happened, and Victoria Nuland also threatened destruction of the pipeline."
Joe Biden also promised to be a uniter, not divider. Maybe you should distrust your sources, as you are always telling everyone else to do.
"How would the Russians have managed it undetected?" How could anyone have managed it undetected? That will all wait to be seen.
"Why wouldn't the Ukes have wanted monopoly control over Russian gas into Europe?" Because Germany would force them to keep it on, much as they have up to this point. The Ukes promised early on not to sabotage the pipelines in their territory and they have kept that promise. The fastest way to have their allies turn on them would be to turn off the gas.
Which is why Russia would destroy a pipeline (if it is destroyed, that is) that is not in use -- and blame the Ukes. Just like they blame the Ukes for the Russian seizure of Crimea, just like they blame the Ukes for the impasse in Donbas. Just like you blame the Ukes for everything related to the war.
"This attack was a message to Europeans that there would be no going back to cheap Russian gas. Your link only addresses NS-1, BTW, NS-2 was beginning to flow again."
The link was from before NS2 was close to being online, so duh, of course it only addresses the NS1 and the other existing pipelines -- which was my point: There are other pipelines, they run through Belarus and Ukraine (and the Black Sea but they don't move gas to western Europe directly). By damaging the non-operational NS1 and keeping NS2 offline (as it is, it's not moving gas at this time, being down for "unplanned maintenance"), and making all gas run through Belarus and Ukraine, Russia has Ukraine in a pincers with Germany on the other side.
Oh? A tweet? We're going to start believing tweets as a source of reliable information now?
As you like to point out, we don't know what we don't know yet. But most of the pro-Russian crap you've posted has been clearly shown to be Russian propaganda. At this point, it's clear that despite the idiocy of the Western press they are still more believable than the Russian talking points you like to spew.
"Is this only being reported on zerohedge? Weird."
They have to come up with a story that both blames Russia, and explains away the threats of Biden and Nuland to do whatever it takes to end the pipeline.
Washington Post has a story blaming Russia already, but we know that rag is a clearinghouse for security state disinformation.
"On one level, the idea that the US would do this is nuts"
That's what I would have said a couple of years ago, but the lies have become way too transparent.
“Who destroyed their own leverage over Germany, their own investment of tens of billions of euros.”
This is not the end of the pipelines by any means. They can be repaired in a month or so, it will cost some money, but the cost of replacing a kilometer of holed pipe is not a great deal compared to the profit of running the line. You can bet people will be watching more closely now though.
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This weekend, the WSJ had an article about E-bikes and I wondered. . . .does Althouse still use her E-bike? Does she recommend them? I live in a semi-rural/suburban area and have often wondered if the investment would be worth it.
Althouse? Or other Althouse commenters? Any thoughts on E-bikes?
I know, Biden didn't mean to say what he said sounded like.
No WaPo Pinocchios.
The accidental racist.
That could literally happen to Joe Biden.
Could this be real?
It could be a hoax.
I got my wife an e-bike for Christmas and she loves it. Now she can keep up with me and even kicks my butt on the climbs, where the motor assists the most.
The music videos earlier today made me think about an album that I came across recently by a band called Smith from 1969. Their main singer was Gayle McCormick, whose performances made me think of Ann Wilson of Heart. Their biggest hit was a cover of "Baby, It's You" that was on the charts for 15 weeks and made it to #5. Here is a live version of the song on a television show:
Smith - Baby, It's You
Here is a music video of another Smith song featuring Gayle McCormick, from their second album in 1970. McCormick passed away in 2016 from lung cancer.
Smith - What Am I Gonna Do
The Diary of a Wimpy Kid actor has been sentenced to life imprisonment for killing his mother.
I would have suggested better ways of overcoming his wimpiness.
I passed by a bookstore and the the store window included Hillary Mantel's The Assassination of Margaret Trudeau and I thought, that really looks worth reading.
Then I looked again and saw that the title was The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher and Other Stories. I decided to give it a pass.
I am wondering if this warms any ones /cockles/ even if they can afford it?!
Boring Biden Brightens Back Better
I had a good friend, Bill P, who was at least 400-lbs. He was gregarious, he'd talk your head off, but he was the nicest man. He was the NAVAIR oversite guy for my portion of the P-8A's certification and he knew his stuff. One Christmas vacation he had a massive stroke and died. He was also about a month holder than me, he was born in August 1954 and I was born in September. He's still sorely missed.
A woman how brags on how she went from 150-lbs to 550-lbs and survived 4 heart attacks is a lunatic. She'll kick off one of these days from a heart attack or a stroke. Her family will miss her.
Re ebikes.
What's your goal? For fun, economy transpo or gauging fitness achievement?
For those unfamiliar with the acronym “WPATH,” it stands for “World Professional Association for Transgender Health,” which this purported authority in the field of transgenderism updated its standards of care with the removal of minimum age guidelines on performing trans-affirming surgeries on minors.
But aside from the likes of screenshots from the UW Health website, in Dr. Gast’s own words, she details how the hospital is in the business of performing these treatments and surgeries on children, making said comments on a podcast that was previously featured on UW Health’s website.
"Despite UW Health seeming to be ostensibly proud of these services being offered to children, individuals responsible for handling the hospital’s website and YouTube page have since gone to great lengths to scrub any mention of these services following Libs of TikTok spreading the news of such practices.Furthermore, whilst the web links still appear in Google search results, UW Health has also removed any mention of Dr. Gast from their website (as evidenced by the below graphics showing the links originally went to Dr. Gast’s online bio)."
Kathryn51 said...
This weekend, the WSJ had an article about E-bikes and I wondered. . . .does Althouse still use her E-bike? Does she recommend them? I live in a semi-rural/suburban area and have often wondered if the investment would be worth it.
Althouse? Or other Althouse commenters? Any thoughts on E-bikes?
I was recently at a bicycle shop that had ebikes in stock. There are two kinds- the kinds that assist when you're pedaling and the ones that propel themselves even if you're not. He only sells the assist kind- you have to pedal, and the motor helps you along.
He says that they're ideal for older people who want to keep going but just don't have that edge to get up those steep hills anymore. Seels a lot to us old geezers (I'm 67) and they all seem happy when they come back.
And his other happy cusomers? Married couple that like to ride together, but one is much faster then the other. The weker partner get the ebike and when they're riding together- they're riding together.
I'm considering one for next summer. For my wife. A little late in the season to buy one now.
For those keeping score at home, since Joe Biden was installed as President in the fake election of 2020, the stock market has lost $7.6 trillion.
Your 401k is down an average of -26%, so you won't be retiring any time soon.
Gas that you need to get to work is double the price what it was when Trump was removed.
Lead Democrat idiot Joe Biden says we need more immigration because businesses need workers. Meanwhile, noted Indian Elizabeth Warren (allegedly a "woman" whatever that means) is warning that millions will be unemployed by the Fed raising interest rates so fast.
So ... which is it? Do companies need employees? Or are millions going to be laid off? According to Democrats both things.
So yeah, elections have consequences. Vote them all out or enjoy your poverty.
We wanted to talk politely when Barack Obama broke every campaign promise he had made. We were told to shut up.
We raised our voices with the Tea Party. Rather than hear us, the Left called us every vile name they could think of.
Now we're peacefully shouting with our MAGA megaphone. Is the left willing to talk yet? Nope. Instead, they've sent our "public servants" from the government to attack our freedom, prosperity, and civil liberties.
Hot off falsely claiming Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was bludgeoned to death by “insurrectionists” on January 6, 2021, Representative Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) last week identified another faux victim of Trump supporters: Ray Epps.
Kathryn. I had an ebike for about 3 years. It was pedal assist and I used it a lot in the spring and fall. I am near Philly so we have cold winters and hot summers and it wasn’t good for commuting then due to weather. It’s moderately hilly here and was great for hills. I used it for going to work and small weekend shopping trips. The battery was good for about 20 miles but most of my usage was a 10 mile round trip. I was about 65 years old when I used it.
I got rid of it this summer because we have a large road construction project a mile from our home and the resulting traffic was not bike friendly. The project will last for years.
I put a wicker basket on the front. My wife said I looked like Peter O’Toole in Mr. Chips.
They told me in 2016 if I voted for Donald Trump, we'd have a police state...
"FBI Conducts Dawn Raid on Home of Catholic Pro-Life Speaker
By Rita Li (Epoch Times)
September 25, 2022 Updated: September 26, 2022
The FBI reportedly arrested Catholic pro-life activist and author Mark Houck in a raid on his rural home early Friday morning.
Houck, 48, of Kintnersville, Pennsylvania, is the latest target of a string of Department of Justice-sponsored SWAT raids and arrests, as at least two dozen federal agents swarmed his property in Bucks County with around 15 vehicles at 7:05 a.m. on Sept. 23, reported LifeSite News.
“The kids were all just screaming,” Houck’s wife, Ryan-Marie, told the online news portal. “It was all just very scary and traumatic.”
The father of seven is also co-founder and president of The King’s Men, a nonprofit group that promotes healing for victims of pornography addiction. Houck drives two hours south to Philadelphia every Wednesday to sidewalk council for six to eight hours at two different abortion centers, according to his wife.
The wife described an incident in which her husband “shoved” a pro-abortion activist away from his 12-year-old son after the man kept hurling “crude… inappropriate and disgusting” comments at the Houcks and entered the son’s “personal space.” The man, who was not hurt, tried to sue Houck. Ryan-Marie told LifeSite that the violation charge was thrown out of the District Court in Philadelphia this summer, but was somehow picked up by the Justice Department.
The Justice Department, meanwhile, accused Houck of having twice assaulted a reproductive health care clinic escort, identified in an indictment as “B.L.,” in violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, which makes it a federal crime to use force with the intent to injure, intimidate, and interfere with anyone because that person is a provider of reproductive health care.
If convicted of the offenses, Houck faces up to a maximum of 11 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and fines of up to $350,000, according to a Sept. 23 press release.
The 25 to 30 fully armed officers kept pounding at the door and yelling despite Houck’s peaceful attempts to placate them.
“Please, I’m going to open the door, but, please, my children are in the home. I have seven babies in the house,” Houck said, according to his wife. When he opened the door, “they had big, huge rifles pointed at Mark and pointed at me and kind of pointed throughout the house,” Ryan-Marie Houck told LifeSite."
Kathryn51 said...Any thoughts on E-bikes?
Depends on the environment, I suppose. In a semi-rural area where distances are longer and an e-bike will help you get some exercise and use the car less for short trips, that would be a good thing.
My own experience is in an urban area. As a motorized vehicle, they shouldn't be in the bike lane, but they are too slow to ride in traffic, so they wind up in the bike lane by default. Because they stop and start more slowly than a regular bicycle, but their top speed is generally higher, you wind up playing a dangerous and annoying game of leap frog with them when you have to share space.
Had a fantastic sunset swim at Walden Pond celebrating Rosh Hashanah with my Israeli BFF. We washed away all the bad juju from the last year. She called up photos from last year's Tashlikh swim and we were in wetsuits already. Looking forward to another sunset "skin swim" tonight at Walden. We expect to be in wetsuits by the coming weekend.
No Bad Days.
Narayanan said...
"I am wondering if this warms any ones /cockles/ even if they can afford it?!
Boring Biden Brightens Back Better"
Not mine. Here in the midwest we heat mostly with natural gas. Right now I'm glad I have a fireplace and enough dead trees in the little woods behind my house to last the winter. This winter. Biden Brings Back the 19th century.
Buckwheathikes said..
Yeah. I lost a shitton on my 401K. When I retired nearly two years ago I might have had enough. Now I'll have to get back in the job market. At least I have salable skills.
So much for the new shotgun.
I apologize here on the current front page for not separating my contempt for nazi propaganda from the poster, Dr Weevil, who is not a nazi, repeating it. The nazis are masters of propaganda and it's easy to fall prey to it. That doesn't make a person a nazi. In the futue I will couch my objections more carefully.
So both natural gas pipelines out of Russia have been likely destroyed, If those pipes fill with seawater, it's not going to be repaired. Russia is building a pipeline to China, and that is where the gas will go. Those blaming the Russians for destroying their own multi-billion dollar investment, cutting off future options, when they own and control the whole thing and could simply flick a switch, are too simple-minded to engage in debate.
Germany probably suspects the US. Certainly the Ukrainians are highly motivated to do it, but could they? Maybe they could drop explosives over the side of a boat. Whoever did it, it's a fact on the ground. Germany has been withholding weapons from the Ukraine, and making noises about buying Russian gas, so, mostly likely, this is somebody burning Germany's birdges behind it.
If the US were serious about boosting energy production, it would look like a plot to shift manufacturing from Germany to our shores. I think it's the Ukrainians, who are also still trying to melt down a nuclear power plant under Russian control, to bring NATO into the war.
BTW, it doesn't matter if the Russian's are Nazis too, as bizarre a thought that that is, because it's not our war and Russia is not asking us for weapons. If it's nazis fighting nazis, it's plainly none of our business who wins.
Biden threaten to shut down now destroyed pipelines under German and Russian control and brags that we have the means to do it.
An act of war against Germany.
tim in vermont said...
So both natural gas pipelines out of Russia have been likely destroyed,
holly Sh*t! i did NOT realize this. You'd it'd be front page stuff!
The Nord Stream pipeline which supplies Russian gas throughout Europe has suffered 'unprecedented' damage and is now leaking into the Baltic Sea near Sweden and Denmark, sparking concerns over foul play.
Sweden's Maritime Authority issued a warning about two leaks in the Nord Stream 1 pipeline last night, shortly after a leak on the nearby Nord Stream 2 pipeline was discovered..
Mental Note: Go LONG on europian sweaters and blankets, along with food, and graveyards
Any thoughts on E-bikes?
I probably already said this, but timing is everything.
People laughed at mopeds.
Now they all want E-bikes.
But beware. The coming generation of I-bikes may make humanity obsolete.
Any thoughts on E-bikes?
I probably already said this, but timing is everything.
People laughed at mopeds.
Now they all want E-bikes.
But beware. The coming generation of I-bikes may make humanity obsolete.
So, it appears that the owners of the New York Times don't want to pay their employees a living wage.
They've offered a 4% raise for 2 years, then only 2% after that. While their President, Joe "Idiot" Biden, runs 9% inflation.
Meaning that the NY Times wants their employees to accept a fucking pay CUT? Why would their union ever agree to that? Unless the union is working with management to fuck over NY Times employees? The union isn't even calling for a strike. What good is a union that never strikes?
Wake up sheeple! The 1% elite is screwing you over.
So, it appears that the owners of the New York Times don't want to pay their employees a living wage.
They've offered a 4% raise for 2 years, then only 2% after that. While their President, Joe "Idiot" Biden, runs 9% inflation.
Meaning that the NY Times wants their employees to accept a fucking pay CUT? Why would their union ever agree to that? Unless the union is working with management to fuck over NY Times employees? The union isn't even calling for a strike. What good is a union that never strikes?
Wake up sheeple! The 1% elite is screwing you over.
Are you telling me that Democrats are nazis?
That makes sense.
Here's youtube competing with tiktok
Russel Brand on Joe - LOL.
Joe still makes the Swetniks swoon.
When you are the MESSIAH of the left, you can do whatever you park for 2 hours in a handicapped parking space to eat Sushi with your daughters or this.....
Fetterman(D) had a tattoo removed that said something like:
"I will hurt you"
LOL - The tattoo speaks truth about what he wants to do to his constituents.
Fetterman(D) had a tattoo removed that said something like:
"I will hurt you"
LOL - The tattoo speaks truth about what he wants to do to his constituents.
Cold kills more people than heat, year after year.
If you saw that Philly WaWa ransack, I doubt it's uncommon. I was there in June and client insisted us WI visitors had to experience lunch at WaWa.
Witnessed my first catfight at a convenience store that day. Burly male security guard just stood there en mask with big eyes. Rest of store carried on per norm. Surreal.
The scope of the war has just widened. They are trying to get Russia to take the bait and attack NATO. If Russia loses conventionally, it will go nuclear, it's not even a serious question.
In re the developing story on the Nordstream pipeline: It was Russia, trying to turn the Germans against the Ukes.
The Ukes would not have done it, considering the pipelines that run through their territory from Russia to the rest of Europe remain operating at normal capacity. If they wanted to damage pipelines, the Ukes wouldn't have to do it underwater on a pipeline that isn't currently moving gas.
What? You didn't know there were other pipelines carrying Russian gas through Ukraine?
From 9-12
"It was Russia"
Who destroyed their own leverage over Germany, their own investment of tens of billions of euros. Germany was making Zelensky angry by holding back weapons and making noises about buying Russian gas.
Since Joe Biden threatened to do it, it's a matter of public record that US ships operating in the area turned off their tracking transponders this summer, A US warship was in the vicinity while it happened, and Victoria Nuland also threatened destruction of the pipeline. How would the Russians have managed it undetected?
Why wouldn't the Ukes have wanted monopoly control over Russian gas into Europe?
This attack was a message to Europeans that there would be no going back to cheap Russian gas. Your link only addresses NS-1, BTW, NS-2 was beginning to flow again.
It was Russia.... LOL. Let's see if the State Department deletes the above incriminating tweet.
"Who destroyed their own leverage over Germany"
Nope, not at all. Now that the only pipelines to Germany run through Belarus and Ukraine, Russia would have concentrated their leverage for a negotiated settlement (accepting your idea that somehow Putin only wants a little piece of Donbas, not complete control over the Ukes as he and his lackeys have announced multiple times in public over multiple years). And Russia will blame the Ukes, and people such as yourself who are way out over their skis pretending to know something about this conflict will believe.
"Since Joe Biden threatened to do it, it's a matter of public record that US ships operating in the area turned off their tracking transponders this summer, A US warship was in the vicinity while it happened, and Victoria Nuland also threatened destruction of the pipeline."
Joe Biden also promised to be a uniter, not divider. Maybe you should distrust your sources, as you are always telling everyone else to do.
"How would the Russians have managed it undetected?" How could anyone have managed it undetected? That will all wait to be seen.
"Why wouldn't the Ukes have wanted monopoly control over Russian gas into Europe?" Because Germany would force them to keep it on, much as they have up to this point. The Ukes promised early on not to sabotage the pipelines in their territory and they have kept that promise. The fastest way to have their allies turn on them would be to turn off the gas.
Which is why Russia would destroy a pipeline (if it is destroyed, that is) that is not in use -- and blame the Ukes. Just like they blame the Ukes for the Russian seizure of Crimea, just like they blame the Ukes for the impasse in Donbas. Just like you blame the Ukes for everything related to the war.
"This attack was a message to Europeans that there would be no going back to cheap Russian gas. Your link only addresses NS-1, BTW, NS-2 was beginning to flow again."
The link was from before NS2 was close to being online, so duh, of course it only addresses the NS1 and the other existing pipelines -- which was my point: There are other pipelines, they run through Belarus and Ukraine (and the Black Sea but they don't move gas to western Europe directly). By damaging the non-operational NS1 and keeping NS2 offline (as it is, it's not moving gas at this time, being down for "unplanned maintenance"), and making all gas run through Belarus and Ukraine, Russia has Ukraine in a pincers with Germany on the other side.
Oh? A tweet? We're going to start believing tweets as a source of reliable information now?
As you like to point out, we don't know what we don't know yet. But most of the pro-Russian crap you've posted has been clearly shown to be Russian propaganda. At this point, it's clear that despite the idiocy of the Western press they are still more believable than the Russian talking points you like to spew.
"Victoria Nuland also threatened destruction of the pipeline."
link please
Ah, I see tim has already posted a link (hey, I read sequentially).
On one level, the idea that the US would do this is nuts. But, OTOH, what the hell were Nuland and Biden talking about?
Is this only being reported on zerohedge? Weird.
"Oh? A tweet? We're going to start believing tweets as a source of reliable information now?"
I agree that the US State Department is not a reliable source.
"Is this only being reported on zerohedge? Weird."
They have to come up with a story that both blames Russia, and explains away the threats of Biden and Nuland to do whatever it takes to end the pipeline.
Washington Post has a story blaming Russia already, but we know that rag is a clearinghouse for security state disinformation.
"On one level, the idea that the US would do this is nuts"
That's what I would have said a couple of years ago, but the lies have become way too transparent.
Tim in vermont: "It was Russia.... LOL. Let's see if the State Department deletes the above incriminating tweet."
Before they're done they will be accusing Trump.
“Who destroyed their own leverage over Germany, their own investment of tens of billions of euros.”
This is not the end of the pipelines by any means. They can be repaired in a month or so, it will cost some money, but the cost of replacing a kilometer of holed pipe is not a great deal compared to the profit of running the line. You can bet people will be watching more closely now though.
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