I'm seeing the puzzlement — or feigned puzzlement and eager seizure of an opportunity to remind us, once again, of Biden's history of nuzzling young girls.
As an older person, I recognize what went on in the old President's head. It's something that used to be very common in the generation that preceded Baby Boomers. There was this deeply embedded cultural norm of acting as if older women are not actually old. There were expressions like "A lady never reveals her age" and "A woman of a certain age" and lighthearted misstatements of age. It was considered rude even to imply that a woman is old.
Within that ethic, Biden's statement "We go back a long way" created an awkwardness that prompted a joke to undo the implication that he had called a woman old. He'd suggested that they were contemporaries. They'd worked together long ago, so she must be about as old as he is. He wanted to cancel the implication, and, long ago, he was about 30, so he made her as much younger as he could — a ludicrously young age 12.
७१ टिप्पण्या:
All that may be true, but he’s a goddamb sexual predator of any age he could get his slimey, commie paws on and he used his position in government to do it.
I would buy that excuse if he phrased in reverse, "I was 30, she was 12".
In another event, Elton John sang for Biden, afterwards Biden put his arm around Elton and announced to the crowd, "it's all his fault we are spending $6 billion for HIV and AIDS this month". Fault?
You can read minds now, too, eh Ann?
Don't you have a tag about that?
Nice try Ann.
Joe Biden is a creep constantly molesting children in public.
He is a known rapist.
He showered with his 6 year old daughter.
Joe Biden is not a normal person. He is clearly a deviant predator.
You are trying to show empathy. But you cannot do that without actually being "cruelly neutral." You are still interposing your own experience onto someone else who is not like you.
The most common mistake people make when trying to empathize is they use their own experience. This doesn't work when the person you are trying to get into the mind of is not like you.
In order to understand Biden you are going to have to read some books on what goes on in the mind of a sexual predator.
They'd worked together long ago, so she must be about as old as he is. He wanted to cancel the implication, and, long ago, he was about 30, so he made her as much younger as he could — a ludicrously young age 12.
That’s one interpretation. Another, given his inappropriate touching of female children when he was VP, is that he noticed her when he was 30 because she was 12.
You do realize, Ann, that Joe Biden is married to his children's babysitter. Right?
That his daughter wrote in her diary that her sexual hangups were down to showering with Daddy way past when it would be considered appropriate.
I'd like to see some evidence. Instead of relying on people reading his mind.
Who was this 12-year-old he was talking about? Notice how the media won't tell us. Does anyone have pictures of her sitting on Biden's lap when she was 12? And he was 30? Maybe.
Hmm, I see...
You probably can explain "dog-faced pony soldier" to us, too.
My hunch is that Biden is signaling that she was old enough to shower with.
The Trump standard is being strictly adhered to.
Literally, not seriously. Alinsky demands it.
Did we ever find out, WHO this young woman was? If so, the math is EASY
‘It’s shower time, Ashley!’
- Dark Brandon
Buckwheathikes said...
You can read minds now, too, eh Ann?
Ann is trying to do something positive.
Typically in these situations when someone is doing something you view as positive you give them constructive criticism.
Seriously, how come the media didn't interview her right after; so that she could have said...
"Jo was just being nice, i was actually 23 when i met him.."
Why DIDN'T Someone interview her? ANYONE?? ANYONE AT ALL???
I have a feeling that this post is causing many commenters here to be outraged that there might actually be a rational explanation to Biden’s comment. Biden may be old, he may be half senile, but even he IMO wouldn’t suggest he had a relationship with a 12 year old as a 30 year old. But the rightosphere is getting desperate to create stories they wish were true.
On the other hand stories about Trump we on the left suspected were true are being proven true everyday now.
I can understand why Biden said "We go back a long way. She was 12, I was 30."
Unless you change your name to Inga, you can't read minds, so you can't know Why he said..
OK, now do the age difference between Joe and his daughter--38 years, not 18.
I think he's a dirty old man, but in this instance I think Althouse is right.
Freudian Slip/ˌfroidēən ˈslip/ noun: an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings.
Look, Althouse is most probably entirely correct. I exhibit the exact same behavior all the time. When a 40 something female colleague has a birthday, I ask her how it feels to be twenty-five.
What I object to is Althouse's constant willingness to grant Leftwingers the benefit of the doubt, while automatically assuming the worst of those on the Right.
Where was Sandmann's or Kavanagh's benefit of a doubt?
I’ll say it. Joe Biden is an international embarrassment. And the nuclear football is with him 24/7.
“Jilly. What’s that code again?”
Inga said: "Biden may be old, he may be half senile ....... But the rightosphere is getting desperate to create stories they wish were true."
May???? Sheeze, are you daft? The man is old. The man is senile.
Biden to Scott Pelley: "Watch me!" Well we are. The rightosphere doesn't have to create stories. Biden present them to us in living color.
Inga said...
On the other hand stories about Trump we on the left suspected were true are being proven true everyday now.
This is an example of having no self awareness.
Inga is really stupid and doesn't even understand how dumb this statement is. But people who bought into the Russian Collusion hoax were never that bright.
For people who are truly trying to learn empathy you have to first understand yourself and why you say things and believe things. The first thing you have to do is be able to assess your own motivations and paradigm of the world.
Self awareness is a key component to empathy.
Hey! You know what this means? It means Joe Biden can still do very simple arithmetic! Well I'm damn encouraged!
Sometimes, I get the feeling that Inga might have sat on on the lap of some older hair-sniffing real estate mogul for extended periods of tickletime. That would explain her confusion about many important things.
- Krumhorn
Joe Biden wrapped his arm around Elton John and said:
“It’s All His Fault We’re Spending $6 Billion on HIV and AIDS this Month”
Let us analyze why Joe Biden did this.
How gallant is it for President Biden to say someone is 18 years younger? Isn’t that the same as saying “this woman is in her sixties”?
That is an utter FAIL in attempting to excuse Creepy Joe. This is bragging about inappropriate behavior, or it is inappropriate remarks, or both.
Biden may be old, he may be half senile, but even he IMO wouldn’t suggest he had a relationship with a 12 year old as a 30 year old.
No, he was quite a bit older when he showered with his daughter. And a lot older when he swam naked in front of female USSS agents who were there on duty to protect the pervert.
There was an age when we could be kind enough to grant this plausible distinction. I could make the same mistake myself, but I'm not trying to be the POTUS. Those days are regrettably gone, at least for the foreseeable future.
The GOP is committed to pointing out that their opposition is in favor of adults having sex with kids. They are also pointing out that the Dem Party's strongest base is the education industry. They're not wrong when they point this out. The Democrats could have made this a lot harder to do if the education industry had practiced elementary hygiene regarding these matters but they did not, and the opportunity is just there to be picked up and used as a club.
Previously, the people in the GOP would have been too gentlemanly to point these things out. Those gentlemen have been retired to the sidelines to watch the current crop pick that club up and use it. It didn't have to be this way. You eventually hit a limit, and I think we can all see where that is. It makes so many other issues just fall away to the side as trivial. To fail to see this is denial. You will live with an asshole to keep people from diddling your kids. Especially when it is done within the arms of the protection of the state. Just read what people are saying in this thread about our President. That's not normal. This is why.
That explanation makes shockingly little sense.
So much for cruel neutrality.
[I'll stand corrected when I see similarly creative excuses for DJT.]
I chalk it up to senility and wishful thinking.
He's a total creep and always has been. How did he end up as POTUS?
On the other hand stories about Trump we on the left suspected were true are being proven true everyday now.
Gee Inga. You make mass delusion sound almost interesting.
“What I object to is Althouse's constant willingness to grant Leftwingers the benefit of the doubt, while automatically assuming the worst of those on the Right.”
Oh please. She has done just the opposite for years now. Especially during the Trump years.
“I’ll stand corrected when I see similarly creative excuses for DJT.”
Were you not reading Althouse for all four years of the Trump presidency? I used to call her the Trump whisperer (to myself).
Don't think I've seen AA make similar excuses for the Orange Man.
If Trump had said it - it would be proof he's a pedophile - and the walls would be closing in.
Inga - You buy and swallow whole every fake Russian conspiracy and every other leftist lie that comes down the pipe.
Ann uses her brain, and doesn't give in to the obvious BS like you do.
Whatever, it’s found money because it’s another reminder that he is a pervert.
Ann I agree the explanation is possible, but I don't see Biden having the ability to make the pivot to saying that on the fly.
If this mindreading exercise were serious, it would be a ludicrous failure. But I think it was intended only to stir up lots of comments and get us all talking. And boy howdy, did it ever! Well done.
"It was considered rude even to imply that a woman is old."
OK, but it would have also been considered rude to imply that a child is having a relationship with an unrelated adult man, too, and yet Biden went there.
Biden was just babbling like the demented old hack and perv he has been since the age of 30, in that folksy empathetic schtick that some people love.
The whole Biden clan are trash, beneath the empathy of intelligent people.
I just found it incomprehensible. I didn’t see anything inappropriate about it, it just didn’t make sense to me. Is it per se inappropriate for a 30-year-old to know a 12-year-old? Of course not. I’m mid-50’s and I know a bunch of teenage girls. So what?
A lot of people are probably not understanding what really happened there- this was a scripted interaction between the Biden and the "young" lady in the audience. It was supposed to make you think Biden is on the ball with his memory intact rather than suffering from Alzheimers. Biden just fucked it up by going off script.
How long do you think it will be before the Left makes a cause out of the rights of 12 year olds to have sex with 30 year olds?
There aren't that many perversions left for the Left to champion to make themselves feel good about themselves.
"...Biden's history of nuzzling young girls."
And taking showers with them.
Want to see the puppy in my van?
Yeah, that might have worked if Joe Biden didn't have a long, video history of being handsy will girls about 12 or so.
We are to forgive him because he's old and men of his generation got handsy will young girls, totally innocent, and spoke racially inappropriately and found common cause with segregationists.
What it reveals is a man who has refused to adapt to the times when young women had body autonomy to the point of refusing men grabbing their chins or sniffing their hair.
Or should be give Joe Biden the George HW Bush excuse of being close to death, losing faculties, and so apt to give into the youthful memories of grabbing a young woman's behind as was made for him?
Nope. If you're going to reference a more genteel time, the phrase is that a woman is 27. "I was 30 and she was a lovely 27, as she still is to this day." :smile:
Making a grown woman 12, the age of budding breasts and first menstruation, is creepy. You know this, Althouse, so you are probably trolling us.
Blogger Jersey Fled said...
How long do you think it will be before the Left makes a cause out of the rights of 12 year olds to have sex with 30 year olds?
Oh, it's here now. right here.
This is it. This is the end game of these queer theorists and gender ideologues: the sexualization of children. It was always going to end up here. This is what all these drag queen story hours mean, and these "family-friendly drag shows". It's all about sexualizing children and grooming them to become prey for pedophiles -- sorry, "Minor-Attracted Persons."
Spain today, Bidenstan next.
Who is 'Pedo Pete'?
It's a question nobody in the media will ask...
How old was "Dr. Jill"--when Gropy Joe first met her as his wife and children's baby sitter? That may explain "She was 12--I was 30".
Having never posted here despite my finding this a blog a pertinent set of viewpoints and pulse of a segment of the USA, I did find a reason to post today.
I've not seen any viewpoint and explanation point to what was a more common aspect in my day when an older man would refer to a woman as "girl" and emphasize his superiority of intellect by implication. Further to refer the age difference and emphasize that the girl is prepubescent (12 yr old) has implications that her sexuality is also viewed as inferior to his own stature.
Lets' not make excuses any more that don't reflect what is a demeaning comment.
Poor old Joe. Forget to include the part where she swore she was eighteen.
Joe Biden’s Old Man Filter Goes Haywire Again: “Biden with his arm around Elton John: ‘It’s all his fault we are spending $6 billion in tax payer dollars on HIV and AIDS this month.’”
ElSid says:
Having never posted here despite my finding this a blog a pertinent set of viewpoints and pulse of a segment of the USA, I did find a reason to post today.
I've not seen any viewpoint and explanation point to what was a more common aspect in my day when an older man would refer to a woman as "girl" and emphasize his superiority of intellect by implication. Further to refer the age difference and emphasize that the girl is prepubescent (12 yr old) has implications that her sexuality is also viewed as inferior to his own stature.
Lets' not make excuses any more that don't reflect what is a demeaning comment.
“Biden, who appeared at Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Hampton, Virginia, on Friday, stopped his remarks to turn his attention to mention the way a “little lady” was dressed.
“I’m especially honored to share the stage with Brittney and Jordan and Nathan and Margaret Katherine,” Biden said. “I love those barrettes in your hair, man. I tell you what — and look at her, she looks like she's 19 years old, sitting there with her, like a little lady with her legs crossed.”
The girl appeared to be around the age of an elementary school child, according to the New York Post. She was there with her parents and two older brothers.”
When there is one incident I will listen to your lawyerly hypothesis. When there is a pattern, including Tara Reid, I think the excuses become strained and thin. There was another incident about him saying something to a young girl in a hotel lobby but I am not going to look it up.
is that he noticed her when he was 30 because she was 12.
But don't you dare point that out. It upsets some people who'd rather defend his behavior, and then claim laws preventing it are abusive.
Jill Biden was not Joe Biden's teenage babysitter. As a woman in her 20s, she babysat for his kids after his first wife's death -- or that's what she told her husband. He filed for divorce when he realized Jill and Joe were having an affair.
I can't believe Biden, even with dementia, is joking about a sexual relationship with a 12-year-old girl.
Joanne Jacobs said...
Jill Biden was not Joe Biden's teenage babysitter. As a woman in her 20s, she babysat for his kids after his first wife's death -- or that's what she told her husband
BUT; BEFORE that; when he was 1st running for the Senate, Dr. Jill's 1st husband was one of Jo's BIG cash cows.. It's Inconceivable that they didn't meet back then; But Jo says he met her "on a blind date", after Jo's 1st wife committed suicide by truck (because of the babysitter)
That suicide story sounds like it's the next factoid people will start spreading. I've already heard it elsewhere. Sometimes, accidents happen, people. If you want a better, more likely untruth to spread, why not say that Hunter or one of the other kids was acting up and distracted Nelia?
Biden likes to exaggerate things. He's on record as saying that he started in Congress 180 or 720 years ago. Maybe he's not sure himself anymore, but you can't take these things as true.
Joe's memories remind me of Frankie Valli's songs.
Carried your books from school
Playing make-believe you're married to me
You were fifth grade, I was sixty
When we came to be
Frankie is still around, a decade older than Joe, and probably has more of his faculties than Joe. I would have voted for him if he ran.
It's something that used to be very common in the generation that preceded Baby Boomers. There was this deeply embedded cultural norm of acting as if older women are not actually old
This is not pre-Baby Boomer etiquette, it's quite general - tempered these days by the fear that any allusion to a woman's outside-her-career-persona might send you to the cancel dungeon.
Just as these days people are the sex (or "gender) that they'd like to be, women have always regarded age as a matter of choice, not a matter of fact. After all, statistics show that 87.64% of all women spend a great deal of effort, and money, from the age of 12, trying to look like they're 23. And once they reach 23, they spend the next 20 years or so spending even more effort and money trying to stay looking like they're 23. And after this, when 23 is no longer within plausible range, they aim for for a 15 year undershoot.
No one in history ever got a date by being honest about how old he thinks his target really is. Unless he honestly thinks she's 23.
Nah. The old goat nuzzled her or not, but in his mind's eye, he did.
He's a creep, and he has been one for a long time.
OK Boomer....
Biden benefiting from Althouse's unrequited love for Barry Soetero. /sticks fingers down own throat
He's a total creep and always has been. How did he end up as POTUS?
Ooh! Ooh! I know this one! / Waving hands frantically
Freudian Slip/ˌfroidēən ˈslip/ noun: an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings.
Freudian slip - when you say one thing and mean your mother.
Never make excuses for people you don't know.
Sunday morning 69.
My first girlfriend was when I was in fifth grade. She was in sixth, but she had cooties and I had to break it off. (H/t K&P)
This is a ridiculous explanation of what Biden said and why! Are you serious??
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