I went to the windows browser settings (now on the left side) click on Privacy, Search and Services. On the page you will see something called "Tracking Prevention" and under that you will see "Exceptions".
In Exceptions I added the Althouse Blog URL. After continuing to get the Oops broken page... It appears the Althouse blog is not exceptional.
News online says that Vlad Putin survived an assassination attempt. Don’t know at this point whether it’s true, or an incident that superficially appeared to be an assassination attempt but wasn’t, or a faked assassination attempt to gin up sympathy with the Russian citizenry, or perhaps even completely fake news rendered plausible by the way the war in Ukraine is going. But it seems interesting to note nevertheless.
Just a wild guess, but I am thinking peace is not around the corner. Maybe the Bidas Touch™ administration could send the Nobel Peace Prize winning former president to negotiate a settlement. On the downside, with the alleged assassination attempt of The Vlad, he may not be in the mood.
Russia’s latest gambit seems to have been to destroy a dam, causing flooding, in an apparent attempt to wash away the pontoon bridges getting supplies to Ukrainian forces and to cut them off, I guess we will find out if it works. There is plenty of video of the flooding,
Why are we destabilizing Europe and risking WW3 over a dispute about a border dictated by Stalin, and Crimea, which Ukraine only annexed in the early nineties in defiance of a referendum of the people there?
"Kagan repeats warning that Supreme Court is damaging its legitimacy".
Maybe Roberts should just leak that the investigation into the leak of the draft Dobbs opinion is winding down and nobody is to blame. That's what passes for legitimacy in DC.
Maybe the Bidas Touch™ administration could send the Nobel Peace Prize winning former president to negotiate a settlement
The former Nobel is responsible for the World War Springs, including the Slavic Spring that progressed with a violent deposition of the democratically elected government, and eight years of military and paramilitary assaults, in progress, on half of the native population, including: grannies, mothers, and children.
Here's a question for the medical professionals here. Sitting in the doctor's office for a routine visit and eyeing all the posters promoting vaccines of various types, it came to mind that with all the precautions over the last two years, which I've mostly observed, i haven't had a regular cold for the duration.
What's the chance that without natural immunity to the common cold, as it's generally known, that even that may become my re virulent due to lower resistance? I don't know if any studies have been done about this, and I wonder if it does happen, is it yet another unintended consequence of the lockdowns?
This statement resonates because it evokes the Tara Reid testimony, the daughter showering, the Hunter impregnated prostitutes and widowed brother's wife getting on, the Dr. Jill bar owner's wife grabbing, the brother Beiden with all the government contracts.
[Althouse's blog is] exceptional for other things.
I was just talking with my husband about the blogs that brought me here, around two decades ago. Jane Galt (Megan, geez, what happened to you?), JustOneMinute, Belmont Club, Samizdata, NeoNeoCon (now like so many of us TheNewNeo), Powerline (where I have been permanently banned for saying "asshole" in the description of a rapist - I go there for the Week In Pictures and ignore them the rest of the time), ChicagoBoyz...
No idea why I'm feeling maudlin tonight. Maybe I should get my affairs in order.
Copy pasta to your browser 👉🏽 https://www.reddit.com/r/LouderWithCrowder/comments/xdr07u/disney_likes_money/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
So, are y'all still following A History of Rock Music in Five Hundred Songs?
It seems to me, to be becoming A History of Crap Music in Five Hundred Songs I don't know, maybe they ARE good songs, but not many of them seem like "Rock Music" i mean, "The Greenwood County Singers" ?? What the? Dean Martin’s recording of a song they wrote, “Memories are Made of This” ?? REALLY??
The Kate Bush 1985 song “Running Up That Hill (A Deal with God) is now in heavy top 40 rotation.
I remember hearing that song via a gay coworker in the early 90s. It just was not a pop song when it came out. It was considered alternative at that time. Now is a big hit.
Another example of the inscrutable world of popular music.
Denmark is not only not making the vaccination that doesn't work mandatory for EVERYONE under 50, in most cases, it's banning them. Only if someone is at great risk if they were to get the dreaded clovid will they receive the vaccine that doesn't work.
I still see no recommendations for Vitamin D supplements. Denmark isn't known for it's sunny days.
I recently read Andrew Roberts bio of King George III, "The Last King of America". George was apparently the first monarch to latch onto that dutiful and dignified pose. Prince Albert perfected the act, but George was the one who initiated it. It worked for "Farmer George". He was well liked by his subjects and that's no mean feat, given that he was fat, occasionally mad, and lost a significant chunk of the British Empire....Roberts made the point that contrary to the opinion of the American rebels George wasn't a tyrant. To the contrary, he was the very model of a constitutional monarch. Those measures that the colonists objected to had been passed by Parliament and the monarch had no option but to enforce them. Not that he had any objection to them, but he always acted within the limits of his office. He wanted to continue the war after Yorktown, but he bowed to pressure from his Cabinet and ended the conflict....He spent a lot of money on the pomp of his office but he himself lived modestly. He took a great deal of interest in managing his estate and wasn't above discussing the proper amount of manure to use on his crop with neighboring farmers. He treated his wife with affection and didn't cheat on her. The people in his service liked him, including his valet. If it was all an act, he was an excellent method actor....Washington was a better man, but the invidious comparison to make is the one between King George III and Louis XVI or, worse, him and Napoleon.
So I travelled from CNY to the Virginia Tidewater area for a 2 night one day stay for personal reasons. Had dinner ar Fuddruckers the seconnd night. Everyone has an opinion on which chain has the best hamburgers. If they don't think it's Fuddruckers, their opinion is just plain wrong. There's one in Norfolk and another in Virginia Beach. The counterperson at the Norfolk one asked ne if I had been to the new Virginia Beach location, having just opened in January. Since this was frst trip to the area since 1993- my answer was no.
But anyway, some observations.
The most common political sign across 4 states traversed, NY, PA, WV, and VA were pro-Trump signs. Some left over from 2020 and still displayed, but far more new ones then my last trip to WV a few months back. And as I entered into PA, draped across one of the bridges on I-99 (US-15) were huge Mastriano signs with a crowd on the bridge cheering and waving to passing cars and looking like they were havine a good time. I saw Mastriano signs all over the state- and din't see a single Shapiro sign, Makes me wonder- polling shows Shapiro with 55% of the vote, but all the enthusiasm seems to be for Mastriano...
The really noticable signs were in VA's 10th CD. The supposedly racist Republicans according to all MSM reporters among 11 candidates selected Hung Cao, a not very Anglo-Saxon name. A USNA graduate. Going through the back roads, there were a crapload of signs supporting him, including several 4' X 8' hand painted plywood signs saying "Farmers for Hung Cao", all on, well, farms and pastureland. His Ballotpedia questionnaire answers make me want to vote for him: https://ballotpedia.org/Hung_Cao#Campaign_themes Apparently VA 10 is a swing district this year. I saw no signs for his opponent at all.
There were a few other signs in other places for other candidates, but not enough to make any candidate stand out in my mind. Hung Cao, Mastriano, and Trump- who isn't running in 2022.
Oh, in my travels around CNY- lots and lots of Zeldin signs. I have yet to see a sign for Dictator Hochul, the woman who effectivel banned Civil and Revolutionary War Battle reenactments to stop gun violence in the cities.muskets being so common there....
"Powerline (where I have been permanently banned for saying "asshole" in the description of a rapist - I go there for the Week In Pictures and ignore them the rest of the time), ChicagoBoyz..."
I arrived here via Instapundit. I've also been banned from Powerline. I appended the initials "FJB" to the end of a rant back in July. Two days later, in "This Week in Pictures", there was a meme using the same initials pictured on a gas pump. Hypocrisy at it's best. Powerline writers are some of the "principled conservatives(TM)" who are taking the path of NRO. They still have faith in our government structures. They still believed in the Russia collusion Clinton conspiracy way past the time it they should have realized it was all a farce. They still believe we can vote our way out of this mess. I no longer believe we can.
Gilbar said So, are y'all still following A History of Rock Music in Five Hundred Songs? Check this fella, Rick Beato! https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYXJ0MTkuY29tL3NlYW4tY2Fycm9sbHMtbWluZHNjYXBl/episode/Z2lkOi8vYXJ0MTktZXBpc29kZS1sb2NhdG9yL1YwL211WGdPSWtPT3dnTW8zeWxpeDdYQXRKY0ctY3YxcUlVMXBwa2MwdXlTZHM He's deep into music and shares his joy! Good for the heart.
If these subpoenas were so necessary to the investigation, why did DOJ/FBI wait a year and half until we are in the thick of the runup to the midterms?
The BEST Governor in the country, just sent illegals where they belong...to Marthas Vineyard. Let the left deal with what THEY want. Biden opened the border. Now it is time for the left to take care of his mess.
What on earth is going on? https://www.byucougarchronicle.org/post/exclusive-racist-comments-at-byu-volleyball-game-never-happened-sources-suggest?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
"I don't know, maybe they ARE good songs, but not many of them seem like "Rock Music" i mean, "The Greenwood County Singers" ?? What the? Dean Martin’s recording of a song they wrote, “Memories are Made of This” ?? REALLY??"
What? Are you listening to playlists collecting songs *discussed* on the show? I suggest you listen to the podcast and understand how those songs were used in discussing the song that was the song discussed on the show, such as "For What It's Worth" and "MacArthur Park." The new episode is on "Heroes and Villains." You sound like you don't understand the kind of analysis Hickey is going for — let alone appreciate the stunning depth. Get with it or don't but don't disparage something great while displaying this kind of ignorance. It's unfair.
Gospace- you must have been driving through Central PA. I am in the Philly suburbs and there are no Mastriano signs at all. None. We are a D county (used to be R 20 years ago). The only signs I see are Shapiro. The PA battleground is simple. The Rs win central PA and the D’s win the cities. The Rs only win the state if they can get close to 50% in the suburbs and fund a way to minimize fraud in the cities.
Based on signs I think Oz has a shot. While there are a lot of Shapiro signs for Governor, there are very few houses that also have Fetterman signs. I think if the polling is bad, they will try to replace Fetterman for “health” reasons.
Illegals sent to the Naval Observatory in DC this morning, where Border Czar Kamala Harris who claims the border is closed lives. Some were questioned, and asked if the border was closed and they said it is WIDE OPEN. Kamala isn't doing her job. She should be fired.
The Telegraph reveals that the newly-appointed UK Health secretary Therese Coffey 'tells health workers to stop using Oxford comma' presumably in a tribute to the late Queen.
"The bill has also raised concerns from legal experts, citing the First Amendment and free speech as their main issues.
“The bill is likely to be struck down as unconstitutional at substantial taxpayer expense. The censorial consequences should trigger the highest level of constitutional scrutiny, but the undue burdens and lack of consumer benefit ensures it won’t survive even lower levels of scrutiny,” Santa Clara University School of Law professor Eric Goldman wrote in a blog post. “As my blog post mentions, there are several other bases for constitutional challenges.”
our professor incorrectly says (about me)... You sound like you don't understand the kind of analysis Hickey is going for —
NO, i understand it; i just don't think the music has much to do with Rock. MacArthur Park might very well be a song.. It Sure As HELL ain't a Rock song
I mentioned that we had COVID in the house last week, here is the report for anybody interested (tl;dr: everybody's fine)
Of the four of us who live in somewhat close proximity, one had a bad cold last week, had more symptoms and tested for COVID, came out positive, went on Paxlovid, so we all tested, over the next two days, two more positive tests, though no symptoms yet, still they went on Paxlovid. The one who went on it after having symptoms got pretty sick , but not hospital worthy, for about six days, the two who went on Paxlovid (one is immune suppressed) were kind of sick like the flu for a day or two, first day the worst. I have not tested positive or felt any symptoms despite indoors exposure to all three, including riding in cars.
The immune suppressed one tested positive and was sick for two days about a month ago, and I had symptoms at that time that were extremely minor, including a bizarre but short term lost of taste that I am still not sure about, though I tested negative. I am the only one who didn't get the fourth shot, BTW. I am also the one who "carelessly" goes for hamburgers at bars and reads in crowded coffeeshops and does most of the shopping.
My theory is that, like the common cold, it's better to be exposed to it on a regular basis to top up your immune system, or you build a debt that you will pay with a more severe case. But I have no medical training of any kind, I just think George Carlin was right. Of course I could get a bad case today, who knows? I have been caring for one of the persons who was ill.
i AM very curious to see how he treats Punk Rock, my guess is that he'll treat The Ramones the exact same way he treated Chuck Berry and Chess Records.. Skip right on by.
jamie said: "Powerline ... where I have been permanently banned for saying "asshole" in the description of a rapist ...""
cfs said: "arrived here via Instapundit. I've also been banned from Powerline."
Glad I'm not alone. I was permanently banned for relentlessly mocking Mirengoff for being a Jonah Goldberg clone. Mirengoff subsequently left with his tail between his legs. I never used profanity, so it mystified me. Pretty thinned skin people over there. I have applied for reinstatement but to no avail.
jamie said: "Powerline ... where I have been permanently banned for saying "asshole" in the description of a rapist ..."" Me too. Naturally.
Hey! Has anybody noticed that there's going to be a railroad strike? No shit. Railroads across the country are gonna close down. Republicans in congress tried to stop it, but were out voted by the Biden junta. Food and energy move by rail. Among other useful things. The usual suspect will claim victory.
"WASHINGTON — After an around-the-clock negotiating effort, President Joe Biden said early Thursday morning that railway companies and laborers had reached a tentative agreement that will improve worker pay and keep trains running."
"The deal gives the union members an immediate 14% raise with back pay dating back to 2020, and raises totaling 24% during the five-year life of the contract, that runs from 2020 through 2024. It also gives them cash bonuses of $1,000 a year.
Few other details of the deal have so far been made public. But the statement from Biden indicated that the major sticking point -- involving work rules and scheduling issues -- that had brought the country within a day of its first national rail strike in 30 years had been addressed in the unions' favor."
"Why are we destabilizing Europe and risking WW3 over a dispute about a border dictated by Stalin, and Crimea, which Ukraine only annexed in the early nineties in defiance of a referendum of the people there?" Tim, tim tim tim tim. You irascible old cock. Because there's graft to be made! You don't honestly believe all the military crap we're sending over there is worth billions, do you?
Tim, I'm glad to hear you are all OK. I have a neighbor who has MS and has lost part of lung and is terribly afraid of Covid. I know how people in that situation feel, the wearying fear, and I hope you all feel somewhat less afraid though still very cautious.
So much truth in this article. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/alan-dershowitz-fbi-raids-bidens-political-opponents-leftwing-mccarthyism-dangerous-right-wing-mccarthyism-video/
" You don't honestly believe all the military crap we're sending over there is worth billions, do you?"
The Ukrainians have fought the Russians very effectively, driving them out of Kiev and then Kharkiv. If they just used rifles or maybe slingshots, then they are an amazing army. In the latest episode, the Kremlin ordered the Luhansk militia which was serving on the border between Luhansk and Kharkiv to redeploy to Donestk which is to the south of Luhansk. Militias are not supposed to be deployed outside their territorial boundaries. As the Luhansk militia passed through a Luhansk city, it is said that their women surrounded the buses and their soldiers to prevent the deployment. This is a video depicting the confrontation. Of course I have no way of knowing whether it is real. I am in complete sympathy with the doubts many feel about this war. But I overcome them because I feel sure that the Ukrainians do not want to be absorbed into Russia and are willing to fight and die to prevent this. And I can see that their resistance has exposed Putin's plan to regain by aggression all the Czars had at the same time as it has exposed the great weakness in Putin's plan: the Russian young people do not want to fight for Putin's glory and his Empire. The second greatest weakness is related to the first: this not your grandfather's Red Army, chomping across Europe to Berlin. This is an Army divided and weakened by corruption, by theft and by low morale in many units. Aggression against the Ukraine has alarmed Europeans so that they are working to strengthen NATO. Also, the exposure of Russian weaknesses has also encouraged Europeans to think they could possibly resist Russia. The Finns and Swedes have joined. Even if you were right - that this special operation was being opposed by America for unworthy motives - in a multi-polar world American reasons are not the sole true reasons that explain the Ukraine. And actually, inside America there are varied reasons for anything that happens. In this case, many want a free Ukraine.
tim in vermont said... I mentioned that we had COVID in the house last week, here is the report for anybody interested
So you've done everything the government directs- including taking Paxlovid which suppresses the virus, but doesn't kill it, often, but not always, leading to a huge rebound case.
So, aside from what the government has told you- what has everyone been doing to stay healthy? Is everyone supplementing with Vitamin D? Have they tested their Vitamin D blood levels to see if they're in the 50 ng/ml range? Daily vitamin C? Quercetin? Zinc? Daily multi? No particular anti-covid benefits from that, but good for ovarall health. Now being confirmed by - STUDIES! After decades of the government saying taking a multi is a waste of money... BTW- I take all mine in capsule form. I'm convinced, for reasons, the contents of a capsule are more likely to end up digested and in your body then a pill.
Jefferson's Revenge said... Gospace- you must have been driving through Central PA
Entering PA on I-99 from NY and leaving the state on I-70 to MD to US 522 pretty much defines Central PA. I keep forgetting I pass through a small stretch of MD on the trip. Don't recall ever seeing political signs on that small stretch. The PA welcome center/rest stop on I-99 as you enter from NY is quite possibly the best welcome center on the entire interstate system. And I've been to many. Obviously not all (yet), but many.
An OTC drug in use by millions globally, annually, over decades, to treat infections.
That said, aside from planned parent/hood, and individuals with severe metabolic disorders, Vitamin D deficiency is the primary indicator of disease progression in over 99% of cases.
wildswan said... I'm not questioning the bravery or the improvisational skills of the Ukrainian soldier. That goes without question. What I am questioning is the altruism of our political class that never offers any favors unless they benefit. So yes. Billions have been promised to Ukraine with the unstated understanding,("we don't talk to nobody what nobody sent") that a portion of those billions is going to stick to the hands of our political betters. I grew up in Chicago. I know how this works.
Covid: I read that resistance to the common cold is correlated with resistance to covid, which makes sense, but I'm afraid I can't find the article to link it. I don't get colds (more than a sniffle) or the flu, so I feel pretty safe.
If some clever young person produced a podcast entitled "A History of Rock and Roll in Fifty or a Hundred Songs" I'd probably watch it.
IIRC I wandered into Althouse from Instapundit about 2012 or so but didn't comment and wasn't here long. Checked back in 2018 and found it congenial. I still check Insty, and have some presence on ChicagoBoyz but those are the only two others I follow among the discussion blogs. During the most recent of Prof's withdrawals I sought relief at a few other blogs but there's no place like 'house.
My wife and I tested ourselves last Friday before going to dinner at some old friends'. The gummint-supplied Made in China quick hometest (now 17.99 at Kroger). Still negative.
I have low-grade chronic allergic rhinitis and usually have some sort of sinus crud but neither my wife nor I have felt anything as bad as a cold since early 2020(?) when she thinks in retrospect that she may have had an early version of Covid.
My wife has had two boosters and will probably get any new ones. I stopped after my second Pfizer shot in August '21 and am unlikely to get any more.
Next week, tornadoes are possible in the Midwest and parts of the Great Plains.
Fortunately, there is a brand new tornado warning system announced Tuesday. The great thing about it is that it will wake you up in the middle of the night but ONLY if you are in the path of the tornado and ONLY for tornadoes and winds stronger than 80 mph. No shrieking weather radio in the middle of the night for 1" hail across town.
More info here: http://www.mikesmithenterprisesblog.com/2022/09/tornadoes-possible-early-next-week.html
Anecdote: I live in a heavily M.D. populated portion of town. When Covid news broke I came across some recommendations about Vidamin D and Zinc supplements for defensive care. I rushed out to every pharmacy and other resource for these products. Shelves were barren. I had to take comfort that My daily vitamin supplement provided %100 MDR of both. M.D. friend says he's had it three times now, (scrupulously documented), no hospitalization and each time milder.
Right-wing extremist Mike Flynn, pardoned by Trump for doing espionage, said at the event with Republican Senate nominee Dan Bolduc:
“Jesus, how could somebody stand there and just allow these people [Waffen SS] to do that to them? And then knowing what they knew [ride to labor camp], how could they get on that train? I would have rather attacked that machine gun nest [German MG42 is shoulder-fired]. Knowing what I know today, I would never get on that train.”
Unless, of course, the conductor spoke Russian or Turkish.
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६९ टिप्पण्या:
I thought I had the Oops figured out.
I went to the windows browser settings (now on the left side) click on Privacy, Search and Services. On the page you will see something called "Tracking Prevention" and under that you will see "Exceptions".
In Exceptions I added the Althouse Blog URL. After continuing to get the Oops broken page... It appears the Althouse blog is not exceptional.
Norm died one year ago today.
His death meant more to me that the Queens.
I'm not saying that to be mean.
News online says that Vlad Putin survived an assassination attempt. Don’t know at this point whether it’s true, or an incident that superficially appeared to be an assassination attempt but wasn’t, or a faked assassination attempt to gin up sympathy with the Russian citizenry, or perhaps even completely fake news rendered plausible by the way the war in Ukraine is going. But it seems interesting to note nevertheless.
Headline: Kagan repeats warning that Supreme Court is damaging its legitimacy
Is appointing a black woman just because she's a black woman included in that warning?
Probably not.
Btw. Should I update my iPhone to the new operating system, or should I wait a few days?
".. It appears the Althouse blog is not exceptional."
It's exceptional for other things.
"Is appointing a black woman just because she's a black woman included in that warning?"
Are you sure she's a woman?
Ukraine proposes a security pact. Russian responds with the threat of nuclear war.
Just a wild guess, but I am thinking peace is not around the corner. Maybe the Bidas Touch™ administration could send the Nobel Peace Prize winning former president to negotiate a settlement. On the downside, with the alleged assassination attempt of The Vlad, he may not be in the mood.
Russia’s latest gambit seems to have been to destroy a dam, causing flooding, in an apparent attempt to wash away the pontoon bridges getting supplies to Ukrainian forces and to cut them off, I guess we will find out if it works. There is plenty of video of the flooding,
Why are we destabilizing Europe and risking WW3 over a dispute about a border dictated by Stalin, and Crimea, which Ukraine only annexed in the early nineties in defiance of a referendum of the people there?
"Kagan repeats warning that Supreme Court is damaging its legitimacy".
Maybe Roberts should just leak that the investigation into the leak of the draft Dobbs opinion is winding down and nobody is to blame. That's what passes for legitimacy in DC.
Maybe the Bidas Touch™ administration could send the Nobel Peace Prize winning former president to negotiate a settlement
The former Nobel is responsible for the World War Springs, including the Slavic Spring that progressed with a violent deposition of the democratically elected government, and eight years of military and paramilitary assaults, in progress, on half of the native population, including: grannies, mothers, and children.
"Btw. Should I update my iPhone to the new operating system, or should I wait a few days?"
You could check with the FBI. I'm sure they'd know.
Here's a question for the medical professionals here. Sitting in the doctor's office for a routine visit and eyeing all the posters promoting vaccines of various types, it came to mind that with all the precautions over the last two years, which I've mostly observed, i haven't had a regular cold for the duration.
What's the chance that without natural immunity to the common cold, as it's generally known, that even that may become my re virulent due to lower resistance? I don't know if any studies have been done about this, and I wonder if it does happen, is it yet another unintended consequence of the lockdowns?
Kagan repeats warning that Supreme Court is damaging its legitimacy
How can she bear to work there! She should resign immediately.
"Maybe the Bidas Touch™"
This statement resonates because it evokes the Tara Reid testimony, the daughter showering, the Hunter impregnated prostitutes and widowed brother's wife getting on, the Dr. Jill bar owner's wife grabbing, the brother Beiden with all the government contracts.
The man with the Beiden touch.
[Althouse's blog is] exceptional for other things.
I was just talking with my husband about the blogs that brought me here, around two decades ago. Jane Galt (Megan, geez, what happened to you?), JustOneMinute, Belmont Club, Samizdata, NeoNeoCon (now like so many of us TheNewNeo), Powerline (where I have been permanently banned for saying "asshole" in the description of a rapist - I go there for the Week In Pictures and ignore them the rest of the time), ChicagoBoyz...
No idea why I'm feeling maudlin tonight. Maybe I should get my affairs in order.
The little mermaid is whatever you say it is…
Copy pasta to your browser 👉🏽 https://www.reddit.com/r/LouderWithCrowder/comments/xdr07u/disney_likes_money/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
Has there been an Altparse of doofus Mandela Barnes?
Us there any argument for that slacker over Ron Johnson?
So, are y'all still following A History of Rock Music in Five Hundred Songs?
It seems to me, to be becoming A History of Crap Music in Five Hundred Songs
I don't know, maybe they ARE good songs, but not many of them seem like "Rock Music"
i mean, "The Greenwood County Singers" ?? What the?
Dean Martin’s recording of a song they wrote, “Memories are Made of This” ??
Small Dead Animals appears totally dead…
I hope is not permanent. It was a lifeline during Canadian truckers protests.
The Kate Bush 1985 song “Running Up That Hill (A Deal with God) is now in heavy top 40 rotation.
I remember hearing that song via a gay coworker in the early 90s. It just was not a pop song when it came out. It was considered alternative at that time. Now is a big hit.
Another example of the inscrutable world of popular music.
Facebook is down..
So very meta.
Denmark is not only not making the vaccination that doesn't work mandatory for EVERYONE under 50, in most cases, it's banning them. Only if someone is at great risk if they were to get the dreaded clovid will they receive the vaccine that doesn't work.
I still see no recommendations for Vitamin D supplements. Denmark isn't known for it's sunny days.
I recently read Andrew Roberts bio of King George III, "The Last King of America". George was apparently the first monarch to latch onto that dutiful and dignified pose. Prince Albert perfected the act, but George was the one who initiated it. It worked for "Farmer George". He was well liked by his subjects and that's no mean feat, given that he was fat, occasionally mad, and lost a significant chunk of the British Empire....Roberts made the point that contrary to the opinion of the American rebels George wasn't a tyrant. To the contrary, he was the very model of a constitutional monarch. Those measures that the colonists objected to had been passed by Parliament and the monarch had no option but to enforce them. Not that he had any objection to them, but he always acted within the limits of his office. He wanted to continue the war after Yorktown, but he bowed to pressure from his Cabinet and ended the conflict....He spent a lot of money on the pomp of his office but he himself lived modestly. He took a great deal of interest in managing his estate and wasn't above discussing the proper amount of manure to use on his crop with neighboring farmers. He treated his wife with affection and didn't cheat on her. The people in his service liked him, including his valet. If it was all an act, he was an excellent method actor....Washington was a better man, but the invidious comparison to make is the one between King George III and Louis XVI or, worse, him and Napoleon.
"Headline: Kagan repeats warning that Supreme Court is damaging its legitimacy"
I thought the next Kagan headline would be "Ok, yes I'm a lesbian, Duh."
Here it comes... the utopian elite are destroying everything.
So I travelled from CNY to the Virginia Tidewater area for a 2 night one day stay for personal reasons. Had dinner ar Fuddruckers the seconnd night. Everyone has an opinion on which chain has the best hamburgers. If they don't think it's Fuddruckers, their opinion is just plain wrong. There's one in Norfolk and another in Virginia Beach. The counterperson at the Norfolk one asked ne if I had been to the new Virginia Beach location, having just opened in January. Since this was frst trip to the area since 1993- my answer was no.
But anyway, some observations.
The most common political sign across 4 states traversed, NY, PA, WV, and VA were pro-Trump signs. Some left over from 2020 and still displayed, but far more new ones then my last trip to WV a few months back. And as I entered into PA, draped across one of the bridges on I-99 (US-15) were huge Mastriano signs with a crowd on the bridge cheering and waving to passing cars and looking like they were havine a good time. I saw Mastriano signs all over the state- and din't see a single Shapiro sign, Makes me wonder- polling shows Shapiro with 55% of the vote, but all the enthusiasm seems to be for Mastriano...
The really noticable signs were in VA's 10th CD. The supposedly racist Republicans according to all MSM reporters among 11 candidates selected Hung Cao, a not very Anglo-Saxon name. A USNA graduate. Going through the back roads, there were a crapload of signs supporting him, including several 4' X 8' hand painted plywood signs saying "Farmers for Hung Cao", all on, well, farms and pastureland. His Ballotpedia questionnaire answers make me want to vote for him: https://ballotpedia.org/Hung_Cao#Campaign_themes Apparently VA 10 is a swing district this year. I saw no signs for his opponent at all.
There were a few other signs in other places for other candidates, but not enough to make any candidate stand out in my mind. Hung Cao, Mastriano, and Trump- who isn't running in 2022.
Oh, in my travels around CNY- lots and lots of Zeldin signs. I have yet to see a sign for Dictator Hochul, the woman who effectivel banned Civil and Revolutionary War Battle reenactments to stop gun violence in the cities.muskets being so common there....
"Powerline (where I have been permanently banned for saying "asshole" in the description of a rapist - I go there for the Week In Pictures and ignore them the rest of the time), ChicagoBoyz..."
I arrived here via Instapundit. I've also been banned from Powerline. I appended the initials "FJB" to the end of a rant back in July. Two days later, in "This Week in Pictures", there was a meme using the same initials pictured on a gas pump. Hypocrisy at it's best. Powerline writers are some of the "principled conservatives(TM)" who are taking the path of NRO. They still have faith in our government structures. They still believed in the Russia collusion Clinton conspiracy way past the time it they should have realized it was all a farce. They still believe we can vote our way out of this mess. I no longer believe we can.
Gilbar said So, are y'all still following A History of Rock Music in Five Hundred Songs?
Check this fella, Rick Beato!
He's deep into music and shares his joy! Good for the heart.
Some COMMON SENSE in an upside down Country.....
If these subpoenas were so necessary to the investigation, why did DOJ/FBI wait a year and half until we are in the thick of the runup to the midterms?
The BEST Governor in the country, just sent illegals where they belong...to Marthas Vineyard. Let the left deal with what THEY want. Biden opened the border. Now it is time for the left to take care of his mess.
What on earth is going on?
"I don't know, maybe they ARE good songs, but not many of them seem like "Rock Music"
i mean, "The Greenwood County Singers" ?? What the?
Dean Martin’s recording of a song they wrote, “Memories are Made of This” ??
What? Are you listening to playlists collecting songs *discussed* on the show? I suggest you listen to the podcast and understand how those songs were used in discussing the song that was the song discussed on the show, such as "For What It's Worth" and "MacArthur Park." The new episode is on "Heroes and Villains." You sound like you don't understand the kind of analysis Hickey is going for — let alone appreciate the stunning depth. Get with it or don't but don't disparage something great while displaying this kind of ignorance. It's unfair.
Gospace- you must have been driving through Central PA. I am in the Philly suburbs and there are no Mastriano signs at all. None. We are a D county (used to be R 20 years ago). The only signs I see are Shapiro. The PA battleground is simple. The Rs win central PA and the D’s win the cities. The Rs only win the state if they can get close to 50% in the suburbs and fund a way to minimize fraud in the cities.
Based on signs I think Oz has a shot. While there are a lot of Shapiro signs for Governor, there are very few houses that also have Fetterman signs. I think if the polling is bad, they will try to replace Fetterman for “health” reasons.
Illegals sent to the Naval Observatory in DC this morning, where Border Czar Kamala Harris who claims the border is closed lives. Some were questioned, and asked if the border was closed and they said it is WIDE OPEN. Kamala isn't doing her job. She should be fired.
The Telegraph reveals that the newly-appointed UK Health secretary
Therese Coffey 'tells health workers to stop using Oxford comma'
presumably in a tribute to the late Queen.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has signed into law a social media transparency measure that he says protects residents from hate and disinformation posts spread through social media platforms.
"The bill has also raised concerns from legal experts, citing the First Amendment and free speech as their main issues.
“The bill is likely to be struck down as unconstitutional at substantial taxpayer expense. The censorial consequences should trigger the highest level of constitutional scrutiny, but the undue burdens and lack of consumer benefit ensures it won’t survive even lower levels of scrutiny,” Santa Clara University School of Law professor Eric Goldman wrote in a blog post. “As my blog post mentions, there are several other bases for constitutional challenges.”
Better link to Jordan Peterson
More evidence that Hilary is a fraud, a crook and a liar - and all of it OK'ed by the hack press and the FBI
our professor incorrectly says (about me)...
You sound like you don't understand the kind of analysis Hickey is going for —
NO, i understand it; i just don't think the music has much to do with Rock.
MacArthur Park might very well be a song.. It Sure As HELL ain't a Rock song
I mentioned that we had COVID in the house last week, here is the report for anybody interested (tl;dr: everybody's fine)
Of the four of us who live in somewhat close proximity, one had a bad cold last week, had more symptoms and tested for COVID, came out positive, went on Paxlovid, so we all tested, over the next two days, two more positive tests, though no symptoms yet, still they went on Paxlovid. The one who went on it after having symptoms got pretty sick , but not hospital worthy, for about six days, the two who went on Paxlovid (one is immune suppressed) were kind of sick like the flu for a day or two, first day the worst. I have not tested positive or felt any symptoms despite indoors exposure to all three, including riding in cars.
The immune suppressed one tested positive and was sick for two days about a month ago, and I had symptoms at that time that were extremely minor, including a bizarre but short term lost of taste that I am still not sure about, though I tested negative. I am the only one who didn't get the fourth shot, BTW. I am also the one who "carelessly" goes for hamburgers at bars and reads in crowded coffeeshops and does most of the shopping.
My theory is that, like the common cold, it's better to be exposed to it on a regular basis to top up your immune system, or you build a debt that you will pay with a more severe case. But I have no medical training of any kind, I just think George Carlin was right. Of course I could get a bad case today, who knows? I have been caring for one of the persons who was ill.
i AM very curious to see how he treats Punk Rock, my guess is that he'll treat The Ramones the exact same way he treated Chuck Berry and Chess Records.. Skip right on by.
jamie said: "Powerline ... where I have been permanently banned for saying "asshole" in the description of a rapist ...""
cfs said: "arrived here via Instapundit. I've also been banned from Powerline."
Glad I'm not alone. I was permanently banned for relentlessly mocking Mirengoff for being a Jonah Goldberg clone. Mirengoff subsequently left with his tail between his legs. I never used profanity, so it mystified me. Pretty thinned skin people over there. I have applied for reinstatement but to no avail.
Paraphrasing noted statesman George Carlin: "It's a big club and we ain't in it."
jamie said: "Powerline ... where I have been permanently banned for saying "asshole" in the description of a rapist ...""
Me too. Naturally.
Hey! Has anybody noticed that there's going to be a railroad strike? No shit. Railroads across the country are gonna close down. Republicans in congress tried to stop it, but were out voted by the Biden junta. Food and energy move by rail. Among other useful things. The usual suspect will claim victory.
Bernie Sanders Blocks Republican Bid to Avert Rail Strike in Senate (Bloomberg)
But ...
Biden says tentative union labor agreement reached, averting railroad strike
"WASHINGTON — After an around-the-clock negotiating effort, President Joe Biden said early Thursday morning that railway companies and laborers had reached a tentative agreement that will improve worker pay and keep trains running."
The details, from CNN:
Railroad strike averted after marathon talks reach tentative deal
"The deal gives the union members an immediate 14% raise with back pay dating back to 2020, and raises totaling 24% during the five-year life of the contract, that runs from 2020 through 2024. It also gives them cash bonuses of $1,000 a year.
Few other details of the deal have so far been made public. But the statement from Biden indicated that the major sticking point -- involving work rules and scheduling issues -- that had brought the country within a day of its first national rail strike in 30 years had been addressed in the unions' favor."
"Why are we destabilizing Europe and risking WW3 over a dispute about a border dictated by Stalin, and Crimea, which Ukraine only annexed in the early nineties in defiance of a referendum of the people there?"
Tim, tim tim tim tim. You irascible old cock. Because there's graft to be made! You don't honestly believe all the military crap we're sending over there is worth billions, do you?
Tim, I'm glad to hear you are all OK. I have a neighbor who has MS and has lost part of lung and is terribly afraid of Covid. I know how people in that situation feel, the wearying fear, and I hope you all feel somewhat less afraid though still very cautious.
So much truth in this article. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/alan-dershowitz-fbi-raids-bidens-political-opponents-leftwing-mccarthyism-dangerous-right-wing-mccarthyism-video/
" You don't honestly believe all the military crap we're sending over there is worth billions, do you?"
The Ukrainians have fought the Russians very effectively, driving them out of Kiev and then Kharkiv. If they just used rifles or maybe slingshots, then they are an amazing army.
In the latest episode, the Kremlin ordered the Luhansk militia which was serving on the border between Luhansk and Kharkiv to redeploy to Donestk which is to the south of Luhansk. Militias are not supposed to be deployed outside their territorial boundaries. As the Luhansk militia passed through a Luhansk city, it is said that their women surrounded the buses and their soldiers to prevent the deployment. This is a video depicting the confrontation.
Of course I have no way of knowing whether it is real. I am in complete sympathy with the doubts many feel about this war. But I overcome them because I feel sure that the Ukrainians do not want to be absorbed into Russia and are willing to fight and die to prevent this. And I can see that their resistance has exposed Putin's plan to regain by aggression all the Czars had at the same time as it has exposed the great weakness in Putin's plan: the Russian young people do not want to fight for Putin's glory and his Empire. The second greatest weakness is related to the first: this not your grandfather's Red Army, chomping across Europe to Berlin. This is an Army divided and weakened by corruption, by theft and by low morale in many units. Aggression against the Ukraine has alarmed Europeans so that they are working to strengthen NATO. Also, the exposure of Russian weaknesses has also encouraged Europeans to think they could possibly resist Russia. The Finns and Swedes have joined.
Even if you were right - that this special operation was being opposed by America for unworthy motives - in a multi-polar world American reasons are not the sole true reasons that explain the Ukraine. And actually, inside America there are varied reasons for anything that happens. In this case, many want a free Ukraine.
Think I left off my comment above the address of this video of women in Luhansk, Ukraine opposing the Luhansk militia's illegal transport to Donetsk
https://t.me/Bratchuk_Sergey/18679 -
tim in vermont said...
I mentioned that we had COVID in the house last week, here is the report for anybody interested
So you've done everything the government directs- including taking Paxlovid which suppresses the virus, but doesn't kill it, often, but not always, leading to a huge rebound case.
So, aside from what the government has told you- what has everyone been doing to stay healthy? Is everyone supplementing with Vitamin D? Have they tested their Vitamin D blood levels to see if they're in the 50 ng/ml range? Daily vitamin C? Quercetin? Zinc? Daily multi? No particular anti-covid benefits from that, but good for ovarall health. Now being confirmed by - STUDIES! After decades of the government saying taking a multi is a waste of money... BTW- I take all mine in capsule form. I'm convinced, for reasons, the contents of a capsule are more likely to end up digested and in your body then a pill.
Jefferson's Revenge said...
Gospace- you must have been driving through Central PA
Entering PA on I-99 from NY and leaving the state on I-70 to MD to US 522 pretty much defines Central PA. I keep forgetting I pass through a small stretch of MD on the trip. Don't recall ever seeing political signs on that small stretch. The PA welcome center/rest stop on I-99 as you enter from NY is quite possibly the best welcome center on the entire interstate system. And I've been to many. Obviously not all (yet), but many.
If I saw a sign that said "Farmers for Hung Cao" I would start laughing.
Regular Use of Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID-19 Led Up to a 92% Reduction in COVID-19 Mortality Rate in a Dose-Response Manner: Results of a Prospective Observational Study of a Strictly Controlled Population of 88,012 Subjects
via You Can't Cite Studies... if they find the "wrong" things.
An OTC drug in use by millions globally, annually, over decades, to treat infections.
That said, aside from planned parent/hood, and individuals with severe metabolic disorders, Vitamin D deficiency is the primary indicator of disease progression in over 99% of cases.
I may have spoken too soon re my COVID status. I will check in when I feel better.
wildswan said...
I'm not questioning the bravery or the improvisational skills of the Ukrainian soldier. That goes without question. What I am questioning is the altruism of our political class that never offers any favors unless they benefit. So yes. Billions have been promised to Ukraine with the unstated understanding,("we don't talk to nobody what nobody sent") that a portion of those billions is going to stick to the hands of our political betters. I grew up in Chicago. I know how this works.
In summer 2020 I drove through rural WI and saw almost only signs for Trump. FWIW
Covid: I read that resistance to the common cold is correlated with resistance to covid, which makes sense, but I'm afraid I can't find the article to link it. I don't get colds (more than a sniffle) or the flu, so I feel pretty safe.
If some clever young person produced a podcast entitled "A History of Rock and Roll in Fifty or a Hundred Songs" I'd probably watch it.
IIRC I wandered into Althouse from Instapundit about 2012 or so but didn't comment and wasn't here long. Checked back in 2018 and found it congenial. I still check Insty, and have some presence on ChicagoBoyz but those are the only two others I follow among the discussion blogs.
During the most recent of Prof's withdrawals I sought relief at a few other blogs but there's no place like 'house.
My wife and I tested ourselves last Friday before going to dinner at some old friends'. The gummint-supplied Made in China quick hometest (now 17.99 at Kroger). Still negative.
I have low-grade chronic allergic rhinitis and usually have some sort of sinus crud but neither my wife nor I have felt anything as bad as a cold since early 2020(?) when she thinks in retrospect that she may have had an early version of Covid.
My wife has had two boosters and will probably get any new ones. I stopped after my second Pfizer shot in August '21 and am unlikely to get any more.
Too many of our experts and top people, aren't.
Next week, tornadoes are possible in the Midwest and parts of the Great Plains.
Fortunately, there is a brand new tornado warning system announced Tuesday. The great thing about it is that it will wake you up in the middle of the night but ONLY if you are in the path of the tornado and ONLY for tornadoes and winds stronger than 80 mph. No shrieking weather radio in the middle of the night for 1" hail across town.
More info here: http://www.mikesmithenterprisesblog.com/2022/09/tornadoes-possible-early-next-week.html
Anecdote: I live in a heavily M.D. populated portion of town. When Covid news broke I came across some recommendations about Vidamin D and Zinc supplements for defensive care. I rushed out to every pharmacy and other resource for these products. Shelves were barren. I had to take comfort that My daily vitamin supplement provided %100 MDR of both. M.D. friend says he's had it three times now, (scrupulously documented), no hospitalization and each time milder.
False alarm 🙃 it was something else and I assumed COVID since everyone around me has it. As for vitamin D, I always have a tan so I trust sunshine.
Right-wing extremist Mike Flynn, pardoned by Trump for doing espionage, said at the event with Republican Senate nominee Dan Bolduc:
“Jesus, how could somebody stand there and just allow these people [Waffen SS] to do that to them? And then knowing what they knew [ride to labor camp], how could they get on that train? I would have rather attacked that machine gun nest [German MG42 is shoulder-fired]. Knowing what I know today, I would never get on that train.”
Unless, of course, the conductor spoke Russian or Turkish.
I’m at the beach this week so apologies in advance for triple or possibly quadruple posting. It was important, damn it. Also, you suck, Blogger!
Don’t tell Hollywood but the #1 chess player in the world just lost to an American teenager.
They say, maybe he cheated!
(With what, Google? Like that fucking software knows anything. Do the same move three times in a row!)
What was the jab status of those involved?
Gadfly. Bound and determined to the comintern alive.
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