२६ सप्टेंबर, २०२२
"At least 13 people were killed, including nine children, when a gunman wearing a T-shirt with a red swastika, opened fire on Monday in a school..."
"... in the central Russian city of Izhevsk, Russia’s Investigative Committee reported. The gunman, reportedly armed with two weapons, also killed himself.... Two pistols near his body had braided cords with the words Columbine, Dylan and Eric, a reference to the 1999 Columbine school massacre.... Putin has insisted that the war in Ukraine is intended to eliminate 'Nazis' from eastern Ukraine.... Russia, however, has long had far-right, neo-Nazi elements within its own population.... School shootings in Russia are relatively rare in comparison with the United States but may be becoming more common, with three mass shootings at educational institutions since May last year.
Just over a year ago, an 18-year-old university student, Timur Bekmansurov, killed six people and wounded 47 at Perm State University.
In May last year, Ilnaz Galyaviev, 21, killed nine people at a school in Kazan, Tatarstan, including seven children.
In 2018, a fourth-year student at Kerch Polytechnic College, Vladimir Roslyakov, killed 21 people and injured 67 in Russia’s worst school shooting...."
५१ टिप्पण्या:
The news template is
domestic: 13 people killed, including 9 children
foreign: 13 people killed, including 9 Americans
I don't think there's any interest in Russian children.
I’ve been assured such school shootings are the exclusively American. And he didn’t use the FBI’s favorite weapon the AR-15? Quite strange.
The world may not be interested in the war being waged on young men across the globe, but the war being waged on young men across the globe is interested in the world.
This has the feel of an FSB false flag operation. Putin needs either a distraction, or worse, if they (try to) tie it to Ukraine, and excuse to escalate. For the children.
The school shootings in CO in 1999 were not politicized as "far right" back then. They were 2 troubled teens on a mission of insanity and revenge.
When Christian imagery and beliefs dominate, hateful people adopt satanic/demonic themes. In those regions and times where NAZIs are most known hateful people adopt a NAZI theme. There are all sorts of regional and race-based themes.
Mass shooters combine lack of empathy for others plus narcissism / self-aggrandizement. The media has given them an avenue to fame (success). Change the news coverage and/or popularize friendly and positive gun role models for these events to diminish.
but may be becoming more common
this is what passes, for "news reporting" now... 'may be'
"Russia’s Investigative Committee reported"
Ah, I see. So, we can believe Russia state media then?
This isn't the Washington Post reporting its own knowledge. They do not have a reporter on scene in this allegedly affected community. No employee of the Washington Post has independently verified what the Russian state media is telling them; they're merely repeating what they've been told.
During a war.
In which we are a participant by proxy. A war that we are paying to fund, using Ukranian men as our cannon fodder against a lasting enemy; one guilty, we are told, of manipulating our elections.
This is how much of a joke the US media has become. They'll print any press release they're handed by anyone, without independently verifying that information; even if that information is being handed to them by an enemy that the United States is currently at war with.
Remember - all these bad things are the fault of the far right radial right fascist right - right here in the USA. Probably MAGA, in fact.
Please let the media gaslighting wash over you as you feel the hate surge thru your unquestioning receptors.
At some point this will become either Trump's fault or the fault of white people in the US. Or both.
Just like the new Italian government is "far right".
But were there 300+ Izhevsk police officers standing around doing nothing while the shooter killed kids? Obviously the Russians need to send their people to Uvalde, Texas, to find out how to do school shootings right.
Look, those Ruskies have school shooters too. You're no better than us, Putin! Haha.
Utterly pathetic. Are Wapo readers so dumb they lap up this constant anti-Russian hate from the MSM, or do they have the self-awarness to understand they're being propagandized?
The world wonders.
If only the shooter had worn a red hammer/sickle it would all been OK. I suppose.
Jefferson's Revenge said...
At some point this will become either Trump's fault or the fault of white people in the US. Or both.
Just like the new Italian government is "far right".
Anyone who opposes the globalists are nazis.
The people who support the globalists don’t even know what they are supporting.
"I’ve been assured such school shootings are the exclusively American."
No, you haven't.
However, the mass shootings we are concerned with are the ones that occur in our country, in our schools and our public places,in the places where we live.
Did the cops wait an hour before going after the killer?
Sad, if true. I suspect the shooting did happen, but not so confident about the suggested motivation. Odd that a gunman in Russia idolized school shooters in the US from decades ago and also wore symbology from a war half a century before the referenced US school shooting. Did the gunman also carry a blue and yellow flag? Maybe a MAGA hat? FJB shirt?
Either an unhappy Ukrainian Nazi or a psy-op, no way to tell
The Parkland Shooter had swastikas everywhere, but I don't think he was actually a Nazi. I think it was just about hating people.
Remember when the Buffalo shooter was wearing a Ukrainian Black Sun emblem and his manifesto was heavily cribbed from a New Zealand mass shooter who trained with Azov? But I am certain that it could not be that, even though they are known to recruit white supremacists on the internet.
Diversity, Inequity, and Exclusion (DIE) exercised through liberal license under the progressive Pro-Choice ethical religion. #HateLovesAbortion
Reefer, right?
The Ukraine is making Russian soldiers cannon fodder and they are happy to do it using our weapons and intelligence. We're finally backing the right horse and you people are upset because Joe Biden will own the victory against The Putin Trump axle.
None of these shootings seem to be related to the war in Ukraine.
However, many Ukrainian children have been killed in that war. It might happen that some Ukrainians will get revenge by massacring Russian children.
Why don't they just shoot themselves first.
School shootings in Russia are relatively rare in comparison with the United States ...
US population 322 and some odd million.
Russia population: 146 million.
Right off the bat, you'd expect school shootings to be about 2.2 times more common in the US than Russia.
The WaPo journalist and editor prove once again that progs are congenitally immune to even the most basic statistical concepts.
What's funny is that our Party aligned press has been transparently lying to us for at least six years, but we are supposed to believe that they are being straight with us now, and it's only the Russian press we shouldn't trust.
Whatever, we have backed the bear into a corner, and averring knowingly to each other that their soldiers won't launch the nukes, but ours will, or that their nukes won't go off, but ours will is pretty foolhardy. Not to mention that we have a senile old cold warrior at the apex of the chain of command.
BTW, is't it weird that US law forbid giving weapons to Azov on the grounds that they were Nazis, law since suspended, and not because the Nazis have changed their stripes, but we are supposed to simply believe that "There have never been Nazis in Ukraine..." It's right out of Orwell.
Has the Washington Post reported on the Ukrainian shelling of civilians in Donbas" 16 killed over the weekend when a bus was hit by an artillery shell. The shelling is to prove to the civilians that "Russia can't protect them." Kind of an odd take for an army trying to take back its own country.
Can you imagine, for example, if the US was trying to take Boston back from the Russians, the US Army randomly shelling civilians in that city to prove that "the Russians could not protect them"? I mean think about that.
The real problem with accepting what logic and history tells us about this war is that it requires us to accept that some really evil people have gained control of our foreign policy.
Cook is simply an apologist for the security state that is pushing this war. It's laughable really, which is why US socialists are the laughingstock of socialists worldwide. They see what we see, the utter contradiction between actions and rhetoric, and purported values.
Anyone who thinks Russians would have to go to Ukraine to find actual Nazis has not been paying attention. As this Twitter thread demonstrates, there are far more of them, and they are far more socially accepted, in Russia. Scroll down for the Nazi's press conference with Putin, the Oswald Mosley t-shirts, the Putin youth group poster blatantly plagiarized from the Hitlerjugend poster, and the fact that the National Socialist Russian Workers Party, flying the original German Nazi flag, has now merged with one of the largest parties in Russia, the Liberal (!) Democratic (!!) Party of Russia. Then come back here and talk about Ukrainian Nazis, if you want to look like a liar and a fool.
"None of these shootings seem to be related to the war in Ukraine."
Maybe not, but some are related to Ukrainian nazis. That is well established. The fascists marching at Charlottesville, chanting "blood and soil" bore a remarkable similarity to similar fascists marching in Kiev, who flew. the same flags, and chanted the same thing, in Ukrainian, though, or maybe it was German.
that some Ukrainians will get revenge by massacring Russian children.
Left of Kiev will take revenge on Ukrainians and Russians. Right of Kiev will take revenge on national and transnational socialists. All's fair in lust and abortion.
"I’ve been assured such school shootings are the exclusively American."
Cook: "No, you haven't."
Here're my receipts, Asshole:
"...what struck me was these kinds of mass shootings rarely happen anywhere else in the world." Joe Biden 5/24/2022
"That is why we have so many shootings and other Western countries don't. If mental illness were the simple cause, you’d see mass shootings happening all over the developed world." Chuck Schumer 5/25/2022
All the Democrats say similar things all the time. These two took me 3 minutes to find. Stop gaslighting people Cookie.
Howard is still trying to make the mythical Pee Tape come true.
But Putin does thank you and your New Soviet Democraticals for single-handedly completely funding the entirety of his military operation against Ukraine with your "kill off western energy" policies.
Thanks comrade!
And also thanks for the billions you guys funneled and continue to funnel at record pace to your Iranian islamic supremacist allies who turn right around and give that cash to Putin and your ChiCom allies for additional armaments and accelerated nuke development!
Seriously, it's like you took every lunatic lefty idea for half a century and shoved them all into an 18 month period of time.
And now you're cutting off the genitalia of the adolescents that survived your abortion gauntlet. All for "fun" and profit.
Because of course you are.
Robert Cook: "No, you haven't."
Yes, we have. Repeatedly.
In the same way you and your marxist pals claim slavery was invented by the US in 1619.
It was in all the papers, don't you know.
But I don't expect you to keep up with that given its a full time gig just to run around and pretend there has never been a "real" communist government in history. I mean, that's alot of work right there!
Who is feeding you this nonsense, Dr Weevil?
But Nato's military encirclement has accelerated, along with US-orchestrated attacks on ethnic Russians in Ukraine. If Putin can be provoked into coming to their aid, his pre-ordained "pariah" role will justify a Nato-run guerrilla war that is likely to spill into Russia itself.. - The Guardian 2014
Like the ruins of Iraq and Afghanistan, Ukraine has been turned into a CIA theme park – run personally by CIA director John Brennan in Kiev, with dozens of "special units" from the CIA and FBI setting up a "security structure" that oversees savage attacks on those who opposed the February coup. Watch the videos, read the eye-witness reports from the massacre in Odessa this month. Bussed fascist thugs burned the trade union headquarters, killing 41 people trapped inside. Watch the police standing by.
A doctor described trying to rescue people, "but I was stopped by pro-Ukrainian Nazi radicals. One of them pushed me away rudely, promising that soon me and other Jews of Odessa are going to meet the same fate. What occurred yesterday didn't even take place during the fascist occupation in my town in world war two. I wonder, why the whole world is keeping silent." [see footnote]
Prosecution of this long-planned war was behind both impeachments, and why Tump was not allowed to present any evidence or testimony not pre-approved by those involved in this war's planning. And yet I see MAGA faithful lapping up trransparent lies.
I was reliably informed by my "political betters" that mass school shootings--or mass shootings in general only occurred in the United States. Was that claim "disinformation" from our gun control lobby? Probably.
BTW, Ukrainians are shameless about creating bullshit evidence for whatever they are pushing. Look at the fabricated "Black Ledger" that was "leaked" to the New York Times in August of 2016 and decapitated the Tump campaign leadership. Thanks God that it resulted in bringing on Kellyanne Conway, who got Trump elected.
Did you know that the Ukrainian who passed the fabricated ledger to the Times is shown on White House logs to have met with Biden, Vindman, and "the whistleblower" in the White House basement prior to this bald faced election interference?
That guy with the SS tattoo is not even the same guy with Putin. Russia's national identity is formed around having defeated the Nazis who caused horrific casualties in their invasion of Russia. It doesn't even make any sense for Putin to tolerate nazis. Defeat of the Nazi invasion is at the heart of Russia's national myth, and they celebrate victory over the Nazis in "The Great Patriotic War" every year. But one thing that Nazis believe is that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will come to believe it, and lies take a lot more effort to disprove than to tell.
"Cook is simply an apologist for the security state that is pushing this war."
Hmmm...non-sequitur much? I have no idea what you are nattering about.
It's a lot easier to swallow the Biden Administration's line on Ukraine if you only started following the story in February of this year.
Here're my receipts, Asshole:
"...what struck me was these kinds of mass shootings rarely happen anywhere else in the world." Joe Biden 5/24/2022
"That is why we have so many shootings and other Western countries don't. If mental illness were the simple cause, you’d see mass shootings happening all over the developed world." Chuck Schumer 5/25/2022
The potboiler statements of a couple of Democratic politicians supposedly "informed (you) that school shootings are exclusively American?" That's on you, dude.
Oh, look. 'time in vermont' has finally lowered himself to address me with a question. But he hasn't apologized for calling me a Nazi, so he's still a coprophagic swine who deserves the contempt of every decent person.
And he's still making accusations without providing any way to check them. Did the Ukrainian army blow up a bus, killing 16 civilians? How can we find out whether that is true? He provides no link, no name of a town, no date, absolutely no clue by which anyone could check whether such a thing happened, and if it did, who did it, whether the people on the bus were in fact civilians, or anything else at all. (The Russian army has been stealing and using civilian vehicles for months, since losing most of their trucks to Ukrainian fire or their own incompetence. If it was a civilian bus loaded with Russian soldiers, it was a legitimate target.)
We do know that the Russians have been firing highly inaccurate ballistic missiles every night at all the larger cities in Ukraine for months, killing civilians and destroying apartment houses, schools, sometimes hospitals when they get lucky. 'tim in vermont' has no objection to murdering civilians by the hundreds, as long as they're Ukrainians.
After all, they're all 'Nazis', which they may be, according to t.i.v.'s idiosyncratic (=stupid) definition. If I'm a Nazi, then people who broadly agree with me must be Nazis, too, right? So all center-right moderates must be Nazis! Q.E.D.
I've been commenting here for probably closer to 20 than to 10 years, and my total number of comments must be somewhere around 10,000. It would be very easy to prove I'm a Nazi from my own words. Will 'tim in vermont' even try to do that? Or will he just keep lying? I know which way I would bet.
"Yes, we have. Repeatedly.
"In the same way you and your marxist pals claim slavery was invented by the US in 1619."
Nope, not true. But we must be concerned with our own failings and bad acts and how they still are pernicious aspects of our society today. To do otherwise would be like griping about the wife-beater in the next block when your own father is a wife- and child-beater.
“None of these shootings seem to be related to the war in Ukraine”
What needs to be remembered is that the NAZI party was, essentially, founded as a rival socialist organization to Russian Communism. That is very likely why Nazis are so popular in Ukraine - because it is anti-Russian. Note that AntiFA was originally a Soviet sponsored militant group for opposing the Nazis. Still, 90 years later, they are a communist front organization fighting anti-communist socialists, known as “fascists” and Nazis”.
I didn't call you a Nazi, Dr Weevil, I just asked who is feeding you the nonsense you are repeating, I am and pointing out that Ukraine has had a widely reported nazi problem for decades. That the nazis have participated in well documented atrocities, like the Odessa massacre is a matter of public record, as is the Ukrainian practice of putting artillery pieces in shopping malls, for example, and then claiming "genocide" when these weapons are hit.
If your sources are not telling you about the shelling of civilian areas of the Donbas, which has been going on for 8 years, since the CIA coup triggered the civil war, maybe you are not being fully informed. Use your google.
This is a filthy war and we should have no part in it. It's none of our business. But, as Lindsey Graham has said, "They will keep fighting until the last Ukrainian," so let's drag out the war, even as it has plainly metastasized into an incipient world war, that could easily go nuclear. But I guess not wanting nuclear war makes me a "Putin cock holster."
The potboiler statements of a couple of Democratic politicians supposedly "informed (you) that school shootings are exclusively American?" That's on you, dude.
Those are common statements made after every "mass shooting" in the USA unless done by a leftist. Yes I have been informed by Pelosi, Durbin, Talib, Schiff, Biden, Kennedy (when he was still stumbling around alive), and many many times by Obama that these type of shootings only happen here, or the other variant, happen mostly here.
That is the Democrat's songbook. They "informed me" but I don't believe it as you could tell from context, if you cared to be accurate. I know per capita violence and in fact mass shootings are far more common around the world. We are simply average in that department. The blizzard of daily lies from democrats contains all kinds of nonsense. Every time Biden mentions the 2nd amendment he has to lie: it's in his blood: "You couldn't own a cannon when the Constitution was written," he says all the time.
Fact check that Cook. Is he right? Do you care? Or do you only push back on those around here, not the ones who make and ignore the laws?
Has the Washington Post reported on the Ukrainian shelling of civilians in Donbas" 16 killed over the weekend when a bus was hit by an artillery shell.
Those people... persons were deplorables a la Democrats' America, lower castes in Obama's Kenya, Hutu or Tutsi in their turn, Zulu in Mandela's South Africa, a multiplicity of ethnicities in China, babies... Fetal-Clumps... Humans of Pink in liberal societies, Jews in Germany, the recurring colonialism and empires in the Americas over millenia, etc.
You didn't call me a Nazi? You wrote (here) "Whatever evidence I provide, you will, in the truest nazi fashion, dismiss as lies." Accusing someone of doing things "in the truest nazi fashion" is different from calling him a Nazi? Looks like a distinction without a difference to me.
It's particularly contemptible coming from someone who himself 'dismissed as lies' the vast evidence of actual Nazis in Russia that I provided in my link, and argues that it can't be true because Russia was victim of the Nazis, and fought them heroically, so none of them could possibly be Nazis now. Only a moron could fail to notice that Ukraine was also a victim of the Nazis, also fought them heroically,* yet somehow said moron claims that all of them are now Nazis. Is fighting in the Soviet army against Hitler a sure prophylactic against Nazism 80 years later? Moron says yes for Russians (despite evidence), no for Ukrainians. As A. E. Housman once said in a different context, "All of his arguments are two-edged, but both edges are quite blunt."
*According to Wikipedia, the Soviet soldier who raised the flag over the Reichstag was from Kyiv, his two companions from Minsk (=Belarus) and Dagestan. The idea the Russians defeated the Nazis all by themselves is another idiocy.
Strange... Doesn't Russia have gun control?
"Cook is simply an apologist for the security state that is pushing this war."
I disagree with R. Cook on most all of his positions, but a warmonger, he is clearly not. Stop it.
Robert Cook: "But we must be concerned with our own failings..."
I remain unconcerned regarding your leftist conjured up lies masquerading as "failings".
I am still processing your "claims" that there has never been a "real" communist government anywhere.
""in the truest nazi fashion" is different from calling him a Nazi"
I apologize for creating the appearance that I think you are a Nazi. That's on me for my careless use of language. I did not directly call you a nazi, but I can see how you might draw that inference. I think that you are repeating talking points widely used by lying Nazis, though.
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