September 8, 2022

At the 3 Mushrooms Café...




... you can write about anything you want.

All photos by Meade. 


Joe Smith said...

Is that the new Bezos spacecraft, 'Dildo IV'?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Fun fact I learned today: Ewan McGregor’s brother, Colin McGregor is a pilot in the Royal Air Force and his aviator nickname is “Obi-Two”.

William50 said...

Ha, what could possibly go wrong...

Vancouver is giddy about being the first city in the country to receive an all-electric fire truck.

Want a glimpse of just how cultist North American governments have become over all things “green,” especially electric vehicles? Vancouver is giddy about being the first city in the country to receive an all-electric fire truck.

How is that cultist?

Well, the new e-truck will cost $300,000 more than a comparable diesel model, pump 40 per cent less water and have such a short range (30 km) because of its enormous weight that it will have to have backup diesel power in case it runs out of juice on the way to a blaze.

But, the city points out, it won’t give off diesel fumes and will be much quieter than existing diesel fire trucks. Oh, yeah, cause that’s what I’m most concerned about when my house is on fire – that the pumper might be a little too loud and stinky for the neighbours.

Owen said...

Are they poisonous? How can you be sure they’re not? What if any counteracting agents are. at hand?

No way would I eat them but I do find them fascinating.

Beasts of England said...

The middle one looks promising…

Leland said...

Getting annoyed at the new Biden political campaign ad on the "Inflation Reduction Act" that claims without evidence that it will lower healthcare premiums by $2400/yr and energy costs by $1800/yr. Is there anyone here that has seen their energy costs go down this year? Personally, mine have well exceeded the $1800 in the opposite direction in just the past 4 months.

madAsHell said...

Vancouver is giddy about being the first city in the country to receive an all-electric fire truck.

Vancouver, B.C.? About 25 years ago they shortened the British Columbia to just Bring Cash.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If I come across the word "increasingly" in any YouTube, I stop it immediately.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
toxdoc said...

Palate cleanser for William50:

Humperdink said...

A succinct description: Climate Change = Doing Without.

"People in Switzerland who violate the country’s new heating rules which forbid setting the temperature above 19°C (66.2F) in the colder months will face up to three years in prison."

Gusty Winds said...

I haven't done mushrooms since I was 25 years old. Fourth of July 1997.

But before that...Grateful Dead shows when Jerry was still alive...Allman Brothers Band concerts...Camping...College when it was cheap...Generation X...

Thing about mushrooms is you have to have nothing to lose to let it all run free and go with it. It's great when you live for the day. When you're young, you've got no money...nothing to lose...all you own are your dreams. Or, you have to have a shitload of the Beatles...and they got paid to dream.

At 25 I had my first real paychecks coming in...So did my buddies etc... So we can buy more mushrooms that we could in HS or College. We decide, "let's just make it all into some shroom tea, we've never done that". Wild night ahead. Big party. New wives are in.

When you eat mushrooms, the affect is gradual because it has to pass through and get in your blood like food. Shroom tea is like moonshine. Liquid Mike Tyson. You're trippin' in ten minutes, harder that you ever tripped before. Bell is rung. You're like Cheech after he smoked Chong's Labrador strain when they meet in the first movie.

So we go to a fourth of July party and my buddy Hank is lighting of M80s all night. I'm not in a Beatles cartoon this time. Every M80 made me think deeper into all the shit I have to take care of now that I'm no longer a kid. I just signed got my first mortgage last month. I'm trippin' on that thought.

I'm not Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds anymore...I'm Gusty Winds trying to make it in suburbia.

So...I haven't done mushrooms since I was 25 years old. Fourth of July 1997.

Thanks for the reminder Althouse.

Quaestor said...

Owen writes, "Are they poisonous?"

From the top, the first and third are deadly. Number two (the middle shot) could be a color variation of the edible fly agaric (Amanita muscaria guessowii) but it is too distorted to be sure. Bad risk.

Southern Wisconsin is one of the best areas for mushroom foraging, with lots of variety. A really good one is fruiting right now is the chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius) and they are easy to identify. Another easily ID'ed fungus is the giant puffball (Calvatia gigantea), and it's one of the tastiest there are.

The best way to know good from bad mushrooms is to combine your knowledge of the mushroom's appearance with your knowledge of the trees and the local environment generally because many excellent edible fungi have dangerous look-alikes. For example, the fly agaric usually grows under fir and spruce trees. If the possible "fly agaric" you're contemplating is growing under a hardwood, it might well be a deadly amanita.

rehajm said...

Client’s father passed away today. Saw eleven decades. Parents shopped him out of France before the surrender. Hopefully not giving them away but love this passage: He told stories of Robert McNamara’s political skills; Lee Iacocca’s marketing skills and Henry Ford II drinking skills…He was assigned to work on the marketing program for a new car, and my mother’s boss said to her - I’ve met the man you are going to marry. They did, and the marriage lasted nearly 63 years. The car was the Edsel, and it did not…

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Well, at least one bright spot today:

Oberlin College “has initiated payment in full of the $36.59 million judgment in the Gibson’s Bakery case”

No apology has been forthcoming, however.

farmgirl said...

Lovely pics.

rehajm said...

Well, at least one bright spot today: Oberlin College “has initiated payment in full of the $36.59 million judgment in the Gibson’s Bakery case” No apology has been forthcoming, however

They’re not sorry but they don’t like being punched in their ugly face…

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jupiter said...

You can't make this shit up. Fauci and his buddies at NIH have decided that the Spanish flu was insufficiently deadly, so they are trying to make it kill better.

Quaestor said...

Vancouver is giddy about being the first city in the country to receive an all-electric fire truck.

If I made a living selling "all-electric" fire fighting equipment a town full of bigoted morons like Vancouver would be my first victim... er, prospect. Yessiree, folks, you've got a fine town here, but you got trouble.


Yes, trouble.

Trouble, trouble, trouble...

Yes, I said trouble.
Right here in BC City.
With a capital T
And that rhymes with C
And that stands for coal.

That stands for coal!

Friends, does your puberty-delayed gender-indeterminate non-binary come home from public indoctrination with its pronoun changed to he? Does it read "Sports Illustrated" and "Jane's Defense Weekly"? Does it use words like pedophila and debauchery in the same sentence? Well, friends, that's the influence of coal. And the only way your little fill-in-the-blank will find happiness and a nice minor-attracted groomer is to ban coal. And the only way to start is with a genuine A-Number-One guaranteed carbon-free fire truck!

Humperdink said...

Eating mushrooms from the forest? I suppose if you are an expert. Otherwise it's Russian roulette.

Owen said...

Quaestor @ 8:08: Thanks for the knowledge. Comments like yours are what make this such a quality clubhouse.

Gospace said...

Got the link from Steve Kirsch at substack. 50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot. It was put together before we knew about 6 foot clots or it would have been 51. I've read 4 HS football players dead in the last week. From something other than historical HS football player deaths which run towards heat stroke and dehydration.

effinayright said...

I keep nattering on about how Pakistan's new "ocean" has nothing to do with "climate change."

Here's more, in depth:

effinayright said...

Humperdink said...
Eating mushrooms from the forest? I suppose if you are an expert. Otherwise it's Russian roulette.

My Polish grandmother used to gather them up in the woods. She would cook them along with a silver(?) coin.

If the coin changed color, she wouldn't eat them

But my mom and her sibs wouldn't eat them, in any case.

wildswan said...

The Ukrainian counter-offensive which stated on September 1 seems to be going well. The government said today that its Army has recaptured 500 square miles of invaded territory in the last few days. Recapturing 500 square miles in a few days is significant because it suggests hasty retreat by the Russians for some unknown reason. Part of the recaptured territory is in the south of the Ukraine in the Kherson area just north of the Crimea; and part is in the east of the Ukraine near a large city called Kharkiv. Russian military bloggers are disputing which area, Kherson or Kharkiv, represents the "real" Ukrainian counter-offensive and which is a kind of decoy, drawing Russian troops away from the real attack. The two attacks have this in common - they are cutting Russian forces off from their lines of supply. An army in combat is like a small, movable city. It has, say, twenty thousand inhabitants and moves about but as it moves it requires all the supplies a small city would require to get to it at its changing location. In the Ukraine the lines of supply for several Russian combat armies in Kherson, Kharkiv and also in a place called Izyium in the west, are being threatened because the lines of supply for the Russians are in or are close to the 500 square miles recaptured by the Ukrainian forces. In one amazing case the Ukrainians have trapped a large Russian force on the north side of the Dnipro River in Kherson by destroying bridges by which the Russians could be resupplied or by which they could escape. Now the Ukrainians are moving forward against that trapped army. It's too early to be hopeful but anyhow the news isn't bad.

Narayanan said...

i see baby mushroom in 3

MadTownGuy said...

Leland said...

"Getting annoyed at the new Biden political campaign ad on the "Inflation Reduction Act" that claims without evidence that it will lower healthcare premiums by $2400/yr and energy costs by $1800/yr. Is there anyone here that has seen their energy costs go down this year? Personally, mine have well exceeded the $1800 in the opposite direction in just the past 4 months."

So am I. Here in PA we've received periodic mailings from a company (not our electric provider) saying how great it would be if we transition part or all of our power to wind and solar. Waaay down in the fine print are the figures of what that will do to the price per KwH - in some cases quite a bit more! I've seen social media posts on our local community group complaining that the mailings look official and how easily the unwary could think it's required. Of course, the way things go in PA these days, it may be the case anyway.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Wind Power Costs?

wendybar said...

Something really strange is happening to people who have been vaccinated. WHY aren't the media talking about THIS more??

wendybar said...

From empty rallies to endless investigations of President Trump, every can tell what the Democrats' end game is, which doesn't speak well for their intelligence.

wendybar said...

The ELFs (educated Liberal females) fail to see how they have been propagandized. They read the New York Times and other establishment media, thinking them gospel. Those ELFs less keen on reading rely on media outlets even more biased than the Times. As to friends and family who offer alternative points of view, there is the knee-jerk fallback, "Where did you hear that? Fox News?" ELFs don't want to know about the border crisis or the recession or Hunter's laptop, and their media oblige them. If their social media allow alternative voices to bleed through, the ELFs are the first to demand that those voices be silenced.

wendybar said...

Further, why did Barr decline to prosecute former FBI Director James Comey for handling and sharing government records, including some that contained classified or confidential information? Similarly, why did Barr refuse to charge former FBI Director Andrew McCabe for lying to federal investigators about his own involvement in sharing classified information related to a criminal investigation? And why didn’t Barr find the Justice Department officials who leaked classified information about the FISA warrant on Carter Page to the Washington Post, among other high-level illicit leaks?

wendybar said...

Dems want the midterms to be a referendum on Trump, not bungling Biden — and the media are compliant

wendybar said...

Our laws are crazy. I must register to buy Sudafed because some people used it to make meth. Meanwhile, West Virginia hands out free Narcan and Biden is waving illegal aliens through with fentanyl like he is a greeter at Walmart. - Don Surber

wendybar said...

WHO needs guns in Joe Bidens America??

"Man pepper sprayed and slashed in head with machete in unprovoked attack in Manhattan street."

The victim is 82.

It happened at 8:25 AM.

wendybar said...

Most Americans would not be comfortable voting for candidates whose objective is to establish a single-party regime across the country, and whose ideology is much closer to that of history’s worst despots than the Founding Fathers’ vision of freedom and independence. The Democrats have a party that couldn’t exist without being held up by a support structure of calculated fabrications.

wendybar said...

'They Are Getting Ready for Trump’s Second Term': Former Pentagon Brass Encourage Military to Disobey Orders

They really are trying to divide us, and make us choose sides. This IS treasonous. This will NOT end well.

wendybar said...

Mark Collett

It’s very illuminating to see so many black people on Twitter and other social media platforms celebrating the death of the Queen and claiming that they want to dance on her grave.
When Queen Elizabeth II was born in 1926 London was almost completely white, it was a homogenous city that represented the indigenous people of the British Isles. By 2022, the year of her death White Britons were a minority in London, the city had been claimed by migrants and its character, culture and the daily life of its residents had totally changed, becoming foreign in many ways.
Queen Elizabeth never made any protestations against these changes, in fact, on multiple occasions, she welcomed them and even told White Britons to embrace them.
Yet now, in the aftermath of her passing, the people she watched colonise London, the people she welcomed into Britain, the people who she smiled upon and told White Britons to accept, many of them are celebrating her death, condemning her and wishing the vilest things upon both her and her family.
I think there’s a lesson to be learned somewhere here…

wendybar said...

This week the Bidens welcomed The Obamas back to the White House for the unveiling of their official portraits. There was pomp, circumstance, and a strange scraping sound that turned out to be me scratching my bald head while asking "Didn't we do this years ago with completely different portraits?!"

And the answer is yes...yes we did. But apparently, we now have to allow the Obamas to return to the White House every 4 years or so to unveil new paintings of themselves while pretending the previous versions never happened. In much the same way I like to pretend that 8 years of the Obamas never happened.

Carol said...

Then there are the confused singers and trans persons stressing about their vocal "chords."

That would be quite the trick.

MadTownGuy said...

wendybar said...

"I think there’s a lesson to be learned somewhere here…"

'You knew what I was when you picked me up.'

Rusty said...

Beasts of England said...
"The middle one looks promising…"
Fly Agaric. Amanita Muscaria. Poisonous as a leftists opinions. Kill you deader than Howards morals. However..... Boil it and strain and then drink the liquor you'll be tripping balls for days and could very well suffer permanent brain damage. The followers of the Rus shamen would drink the shamans urine to get a lesser dose.

lonejustice said...

41 comments in this thread, and 11 are from just one contributor, wendybar, and almost all of them are just cross-posts to political stories in other blogs.

The comments at Althouse used to be a lot more interesting.

wendybar said...

Now that YOU are here, the comments are SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING, lonejustice!!!/ S

Drago said...

lonejustice: "41 comments in this thread, and 11 are from just one contributor, wendybar, and almost all of them are just cross-posts to political stories in other blogs.

The comments at Althouse used to be a lot more interesting."

Well? We're waiting........

farmgirl said...

Rusty: how do you know this lol!!

Jupiter said...

"The comments at Althouse used to be a lot more interesting."

I'm guessing you used to be a lot more interesting, too.

Jaq said...

For some reason these pictures leave me wondering whatever happened to Titus?

BG said...

The only "wild" mushroom I will eat is the giant puffball, which usually pops up in my backyard. Fried in butter and sprinkled with garlic and onion powder. Yum.

Rusty said...

farmgirl said...
Rusty: how do you know this lol!!
A mis-spent youth.

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