August 21, 2022

"Why on earth would you include a destination in Texas on this list? "/"No way I'm spending a dime in Texas; let them rot"/"Sorry Texas. Not one dollar of mine will be spent there until it joins the 21st century."

"Texas? Not if you’re a woman who prefers to retain human rights"/"Sorry, not spending a dime in Texas for any reason whatsoever"/"Interesting list. But you’re crazy to think I would ever step foot in that anti woman cesspool calked [sic] Texas!"/"Skip Texas. The state is far too retrograde. Go someplace nice instead"/"Texas will receive ZERO of this feminist's dollars!"/"Texas? Never"/"No way jose.....Texas can split away from the other 49 states and we'd never miss them! Texas doesn't offer anything to me.....and I'll never visit that state again...."
For a rustic trip, visit Caddo Lake, Tex., a protected wetland decorated with otherworldly bald cypress trees covered in Spanish moss....

You can't get anywhere "otherworldly" when you start where those commenters are. Your politics accompany you everywhere. There can be no getaway. You can go to an elaborately "decorated" wetland, but you cannot escape the minimalist swamp of your sameworldly mind.

Not all the comments are about abortion. There's also "Why does the Washington Post not use the standard USPS state abbreviations?" 

And I would have thought that someone taking a strong progressive position on abortion would eschew the phrase "no way jose" (especially when making a show of refusing to enter a state with a large Hispanic population).


Money Manger said...

Funny. I feel that way about Washington DC.

gilbar said...

Althouse said...
I would have thought that someone taking a strong progressive position on abortion would eschew the phrase "no way jose"

WHY would you think THAT? here are The Rules
1) It's BAD to use derogatory terms to refer to protected groups, except..
2) groups affiliated with ANYTHING progessiveism dislikes, are SCUM! and derogatory terms MUST BE USED

Like Justice Thomas, ANY texas group is THE SHIT, and SHOULD be insulted; because they are NOT part of the hive

Wilbur said...

Texas will get along just fine without their dollars.

Just like the entertainment or professional sports industries get along fine without mine. I prefer not to indirectly contribute to BLM or the DNC.

Kevin said...

Texas Derangement Syndrome.

Humperdink said...

I see nothing wrong with libs boycotting TX. I suspect Texans are in favor of it also. CA is the same for me for different reasons. I do not want to avoid feces and strung out homeless panhandlers.

Lucien said...

Given their names positions on the Rosary, abortion, and “latinx” the Left must be mystified by decreasing support among Hispanics.

Another old lawyer said...

I wish there were a way to ask those commenters whether they would vacation in Cuba instead, or already gave been.

Tim said...

Heh. My wife and I plan to hit all 50 now that we are retired. And yes, we are going to go to the Northeast and to the left coast, because while I consider the majority of the residents of those states to be pretty damned stupid, there will be people who are worth meeting, and the scenery will be fantastic. As for the morons, they can do what they want. Nothing to do with me. I have been ignoring them for years, I can ignore them while I am on vacation! But I refuse to let them dictate where I will vacation!

RideSpaceMountain said...

I feel the same way about California. No Way San Jose!

mezzrow said...

I'm too busy creating a better world to have time to hate, and that's why I'll never get close to those violent morons in Texas or give them money.

wendybar said...

GOOD for Texas. I wouldn't WANT any of those crybabies coming to my great state either, (if I lived in one) Let them go to NYC or San Francisco where they belong.

John said...

Re: "No way Jose" It has long been noted on your blog that self-awareness is not the strong suit of the progressive movement.

boatbuilder said...

What are the abortion laws in Tuscany?

Do any of the WaPo commenters care?

Jeff Vader said...

Remember it’s the right that is full of hate

jaydub said...

If only the illegal aliens felt the same way!

jaydub said...

Having the reasonable expectation that the asshole who made those comments won't be anywhere near Texas is an added benefit of visiting Caddo Lake.

Freder Frederson said...

You can't get anywhere "otherworldly" when you start where those commenters are. Your politics accompany you everywhere. There can be no getaway. You can go to an elaborately "decorated" wetland, but you cannot escape the minimalist swamp of your sameworldly mind.

Not to be an asshole, but how does this attitude differ from that of many of your commenters? They are constantly boasting how they wouldn't go anywhere near NYC or other blue cities (actually they have basically written off both coasts, I guess if they want to head to the beach, they have to stick with the Gulf Coast). And forget anywhere that won't allow them to take their guns, so that crosses out most of the rest of the world.

Your cognitive dissonance is getting bad. It becomes harder and harder to rationally criticize progressives while the display of astounding racism, ignorance, calls to violence, and homophobia, are rampant in your comments section.

And the rule seems to be as long as commenters don't directly criticize you, defamatory statements against other commenters are just fine (I am thinking particularly of Drago, who loves calling people he disagrees with "groomers", and Michael K).

iowan2 said...

You can't get anywhere "otherworldly" when you start where those commenters are. Your politics accompany you everywhere.

No matter were you go, there YOU are.

Why people make a conscious choice to live in turmoil is a mystery.

The United States spent 3 generations learning to not judge PEOPLE by external markers. Skin color, income, sexual needs.

Not at all a surprise its the left, that is bringing back bigotry as their core character trait

Bruce Hayden said...

Nobody cares. Nobody would even notice your virtue signaling (though how anyone could consider killing fetuses, and even babies, virtuous is beyond me), if you weren’t screaming it from the roof tops.

MayBee said...

I wonder what they will do when it comes to international travel. Lotsa laws in different countries out there, some they won't like.

Ann Althouse said...

"Not to be an asshole, but how does this attitude differ from that of many of your commenters?"

You seem to be saying that instead of addressing things in the news and critiquing mainstream media, my blog should be about things that happen in my comments section. But that's not a useful or interesting blog. The comments are open for people in any position to come in and express themselves and engage (other than the handful of trolls I keep out, which has zero to do with political viewpoint). Why would it be my job to fill in for liberals who choose not to participate?

stlcdr said...

Based on Fredo comment at 7:01, I have a better understanding of leftists. They have a hard time with reading and comprehension, and get angry and hateful, and do exactly as Althouse describes.

Ann Althouse said...

Are you saying I should just shut down my blog because it attracts the wrong crowd?

The main thing I see is that liberals don't want to have to fight for what they believe it. It needs to be curated and handed to them in the form they like. But I'm not going to coddle these people who I would like to be able to agree with. The other thing I see is that people on the right cluster where they are at least allowed to speak, even if it's in the comments to a post by a blogger who isn't even on their side.

Sorry, I am going to keep doing what I've done for nearly 20 years and blog based on what is interesting to me and what expresses my ideas and feelings and let the comments chips fall where they may. If this aggravates you, I am happy to aggravate you. You are one commenter and that's what you are allowed to be. Why get your panties in a twist about being only one person? That's all I am too.

Ann Althouse said...

... for what they believe in...

Dave Begley said...


The Niobrara River at Valentine is a National Scenic River.

“For more information on the Sandhills Journey Scenic Byway, check out their website at: or contact the visitor center at (308) 872-8331.

The late Charles Kuralt called Nebraska’s Highway 2 “one of America’s 10 most beautiful highways” exclaiming, “This road will take you to one of the last unexplored frontiers where vast treasures can be discovered.”

iowan2 said...

They are constantly boasting how they wouldn't go anywhere near NYC or other blue cities

Feder, I'm not going to San Francisco, etal because the Government has collapsed and refuse to carry out their enumerated powers.

See the difference from what the stated reason leftists use.

You always mess up cause and effect, correlation, causation.

Andrew said...

Adding Texas to my bucket list.

And well said, Ann (in your response to the commenter.)

Buckwheathikes said...

No way, Jose.

It should be noted that the hate for Texas is because Texas is bussing all the incoming illegal immigrants to "sanctuary cities" such as Washington, DC. where they will soon outnumber black people, in what even Democrat analysts are calling a "perfect political strategy."

That has the local racists in the Washington Post's subscriber base very irate with Texas.

No way, Jose.

Buckwheathikes said...

"Are you saying I should just shut down my blog because it attracts the wrong crowd?"

Hell, I'm only here BECAUSE your blog attracts the "wrong" crowd.

I aim to misbehave.

wildswan said...

I set myself the challenge to be able to understand and respond to an anti-Trumper like Liz Cheney such that we would be able to speak to each other like fellow Americans. But I'm not getting very far with it. So far I've concluded that it comes from the same strange depth as the racism of the South I knew about when I grew up in Maryland. It's a sort of reveling in aversion. You can hear it in the comments of these libs, talking about (shiver) Texas (ugh).
But I'm not quitting. Consider this. A Candace Owen or a Senator Tim Scott has found a way to live with not being able to speak to some people without encountering that and yet to go past it with some bounce left in them. I have a dream that one day Liz Cheney will rise up and live out the true meaning of the Constitution. As the Levellers said in the English Civil War (1640), arguing for representative government against those who saw them as rabble: "The poorest he that is in England hath still a live to live."

Carol said...

"What are the abortion laws in Tuscany?"

I'd guess the EU would require abortion to be mandatory and retroactive for all its member states.

TWWren said...

Yet nothing in the comments about the Lone Star State's greatest sin...The Houston Astros beating a drum seeking an unfair advantage over more progressive MLB teams such as the poor Yankees.

Richard said...

I have some relations who've lived all over. They had a special-needs kid, passed at age thirty four. Most of their time has been in Texas which, they say, has the best people as regards special needs folks.
"Nobody will make fun of these poor people," my sister said "The nearest redneck will kill you and nobody will waste any time trying to seat a jury."
There are too many voluntary activities for the people take advantage of. Don't have the time.
Except for the climate, I might consider moving there. Great people.

Owen said...

Freder @ 7:01: it’s called Ironic Mode. Maybe too confusing for some, because it involves two (or sometimes more) points of view from the same speaker, one hidden behind the other in order to sharpen the contrast and enrich the insights contained in a given scene or situation. The classics and much (all?) great literature are replete with irony. But I can see how Prog Mode makes it hard or impossible to appreciate Ironic Mode. Prog Mode is utterly —bitterly— humorless. Grim and serious stuff indeed.

Night Owl said...

Texans are probably happy to have
these political ideologues stay away. So it all works out for the best.

Randomizer said...

No one in Texas will miss the intolerant bigots. Do the WP commenters make similar comments about traveling to Kenya, or do they only hate the places they are told to hate?

Did you look at the first photo in the WP article? I understand that photographers stage their subjects to inspire a certain mood, but what's with that couple at Acadia National Park? Did they really schlep a blanket with them to view the sunrise? The blanket looks gigantic, like they may have nicked a sail off of one of the boats in the harbor.

Milo Minderbinder said...

Welcome to what passes for principled, civilized discussion these days. (Writes the man who avoids California like the plague.)

Wilbur said...

"astounding racism, ignorance, calls to violence, and homophobia"

You must be reading a different blog than me. We can agree to disagree on "ignorance". But not just "racism" but "astounding racism"? And why would you be astounded by it, if it's so pervasive here?

And you wonder why people label you negatively.

jaydub said...

"Not to be an asshole..." No need to go further, Fredo. We expect it from you.

Nancy said...

@Tim Excellent goal. My husband has been in all but 4 and they remain a challenge: ND, SD, ID, and MT.
Useful mnemonic for capitals of the Dakotas: Germany is north(ish) of France, therefore Bismark for ND and Pierre for SD.

Koot Katmandu said...

Someone once said liberalism is a mental disease. I think they were correct. I seldom see anyone from the right let a single issue taint their total world view.

wildswan said...

I've been through a part of the Sandhills while coming from Colorado and heading for Chamberlain SD. I had no idea the area existed and felt as strange and lost among those amazing shapes as I've ever felt, particularly since I didn't have much gas and didn't find any on the route a relative had mapped out for me. Well. The only gas pump I passed didn't have its "cover" and I didn't know that that shape, the actual gas pump, existed either and was afraid to use what would come out of it. I also didn't want to find out what the person who would come out of the door to the gas station office would look like. I sped up and then there were no more gas pumps, covered or otherwise.

MartyH said...


You said " a blogger who isn't even on their side." I think most of the participants on your blog, including you, are on the same side-we're for vigorous free speech by everyone.

Free speech is foundational. I think (hope?) most of your commenters recognize that even if our views on truly political matters vary greatly.

wendybar said...

" They are constantly boasting how they wouldn't go anywhere near NYC or other blue cities (actually they have basically written off both coasts, I guess if they want to head to the beach, they have to stick with the Gulf Coast)."

Maybe because we don't want to be attacked in the streets by thugs that YOUR side think are innocent victims and keep letting out of jail to go and do it all over again. Wake up Freder. Things aren't as they seem in Liberal cities where there is no law and order.

Andy said...

Speaking as a Texan, the baby killers can won’t be missed.

dbp said...

Aside from the snarky comments over at the WP piece, they are giving good advice. For hot places, fall is the perfect time to visit. A few years ago, we went to Rome and Sorrento in late October. There were plenty of people around, but it wasn't mobbed and the temperature was, temperate.

This year, the plans are a long weekend in VT in late September--before leaf season, but it is a very pretty time of the year and it will be close for in-laws and our middle daughter who lives in VT. In October, we will start in Santa Barbara and take-in a concert at the Santa Barbara Bowl. Then drive up to Sequoia National Forrest, jog on over to Death Valley and end in LA for a couple of days. In November, we'll go to New Orleans to visit daughter #3, who is still in college. We'll take-in a football game, where she's performing on the dance team and enjoy warm (for us, living near Boston) temperatures.

bozonomous said...

I think the real reason they passed abortion ban was to keep her from coming here (Texas). I am not kidding either. It's a way to keep the state republican, by filtering arriving residents. If the democrats would all leave, we could go back to normal.

Quayle said...

Two points:

1. I lived in Texas for 9 years. Some of the most independent and capable women I have met are from and live in Texas. But l, in my observation, they don’t rely on the label of “feminist” for their standing as a women. One of my mentors in business grew up in Corpus Christi working in her fathers’ auto supply store. She was an amazing tough business woman with a soft Texas-drawl touch. Whenever she started a sentence with “Well bless their heart..” or “Lord love ‘em…” what followed was usually the most insightful and sometimes toughest constructive criticism to get us in the right track. So, some women may not want to be in Texas but not all.

2. My daughter went with an organized group of immigration attorneys from all over the U.S., to a town near the border with Mexico, to do pro bono work with those who had crossed into the U.S. and were detained. This was during the Trump administration. Some of the attorneys said they felt creeped out being in that small Texas town surrounded by white racists, probably Christian conservatives, “Trump voters” etc. My daughter thought and said it was a bit absurd. In actuality they were surrounded by Americans of Mexican and Hispanic descent. But in her colleagues’ heads the world was already created and hardened, so she felt it best to not disturb their parochial delusions.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Keeping angry pro-abortionist wiminz out of Texas?

Win for Texas.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Perhaps these angry leftist winimz can dye their hair green and burn down a care facility for women and babies.

Biden and Kamala wink and nod.

Andy said...

What do we need of tourist when we are being invaded by Californians and the like.

rcocean said...

Basicially, the commenter whining about "too many conservatives" on the Althouse blog is cut fromt the same cloth as the subject of the blog post.

One hates Texas for not agreeing with her on abortion. So Texas must be punished until it agrees with her. Its not that she can't have an abortion in her blue state. Simiarly, the liberal commententors are angry that all these Goddamn republicans on the Althouse blog don't agree with them. And demand Althouse start censoring them.

Leftist/liberals are just Stalinists. Everyone must follow the party line or be punished. They don't want to live and let live, and they aren't happy just to speak their minds. Everyone else who disagrees must shut up.

hawkeyedjb said...

boatbuilder said...
"What are the abortion laws in Tuscany? Do any of the WaPo commenters care?"

Abortion law in Italy (as in most of Europe) is a bit more strict than the recently upheld Mississippi. I don't believe WaPo commenters would know or care. You don't want your virtue signaling to interfere with your travel plans.

Paul said...

I only wish illegals would 'avoid' Texas. Yes I'm a native Texican.

They can move to NY, NYC, New Jersey, California, Washington State, Chicago, etc... why it is not so hot up there and like NYC, they will put you up in fancy expensive Condos! YEA.. free stuff! Heck they can move to Canada and learn French!

Even working Mexican-Americans (our neighbor is one) do NOT LIKE the illegals. And down here we tend to believe in 'NO WORK, NO EAT'. Yes we have compassion for the truly destitute, the cripple, the blind, the aged, the mentally challenged, and such.. but if you have two arms and legs and can work... WORK! Comprender?

With the price of a burger now getting past $8... you will see those panhandlers just not getting so many handouts. People are hurting from the inflation... so tough luck bums, drifters, illegals, etc...

And if you really want that abortion and kill your child.. go somewhere else. We really don't need that kind of people here.

rcocean said...

Here are two the Golden rules of Trolling:

1. Do not, ever, refer to the actual contents of article you comment upon. Doing so might lead the readers to familiarize themselves with the author’s arguments or, worse, the factual and logical substantiation of these arguments. You want emotion, not analysis.

2 Make sure to psychoanalyze both the author and the blog itself. Use sentences such as “you only write this because” or “in spite of the horrific censorship on this blog…” etc. This is basically the good old ad hominem disguised as some kind of insight into things the troll cannot – by definition – have any information about.

rcocean said...

The fewer liberals/leftists who travel to Texas or florida the better. In fact, all liberal/leftists should restrict their travel to those states that never voted for Trump.

Maynard said...

It takes a truly miserable person to boycott places because they assume contrary political opinions.

There are plenty of liberal Democrats in Texas and conservative Republicans in California.

Wa St Blogger said...

Here is another opportunity to repeat: Althouse blog needs a better class of progressive commenters.

Charlie said...

Compared to the comments in WaPo, Boston Globe and other major US papers, the Althouse commenters are a veritable Algonquin Round Table of reasonableness.

Sebastian said...

"And I would have thought that someone taking a strong progressive position on abortion would eschew the phrase "no way Jose""

Why? I would have thought that a corollary of the Althouse rule applies--people don't believe what they profess to believe.

Plus prog rules don't apply to progs. They have pure intentions, and don't mean to offend. In their bubble, all's well.

Narayanan said...

MayBee said...
I wonder what they will do when it comes to international travel. Lotsa laws in different countries out there, some they won't like.
may be they will go to Russia with special vapes in their baggage

Narayanan said...

MayBee said...
I wonder what they will do when it comes to international travel. Lotsa laws in different countries out there, some they won't like.
may be they will go to Russia with special vapes in their baggage

Narayanan said...

There are plenty of liberal Democrats in Texas
and thye are Obama buddies and live on mountain-tops

MountainMan said...

"They are constantly boasting how they wouldn't go anywhere near NYC or other blue cities"

My wife and I had traveled to many of the blue cites until the pandemic started. Our last one was in 2019 to NYC and prior to that LA, SF, Detroit, Chicago, DC. Had a great time on each trip. But we have written them off now because they are not safe. A friend was attacked on a street in SF by a crazed homeless guy for no reason. Plenty of videos on social media of random violence and misbehavior and the local DAs doing nothing about it. I'll go to places where my personal safety is less of a concern.

Michael K said...

Your cognitive dissonance is getting bad. It becomes harder and harder to rationally criticize progressives while the display of astounding racism, ignorance, calls to violence, and homophobia, are rampant in your comments section.

And the rule seems to be as long as commenters don't directly criticize you, defamatory statements against other commenters are just fine (I am thinking particularly of Drago, who loves calling people he disagrees with "groomers", and Michael K).

Why Freder, I am always complementary toward you. Field Marshall Freder, Economist Freder.

I realize that your dainty feelings are easily hurt but that is not my problem. Meanwhile, you call those who simply disagree hasty names. As for "groomers," that refers to those trying to sexualize small children. If the shoe fits...

JaimeRoberto said...

Those are some far flung destinations in that list. Don't they care about their carbon footprint?

n.n said...

Diversity (Inequity, and Exclusion or DIE), political congruence ("="), cargo cults, sexism, ageism, clinical cannibalism, sequestration of carbon "burdens" in darkness, and human rites are progressive in the land of liberal.

hombre said...

"Not all the comments are about abortion."

Comments about a travel article? Abortion? Well my goodness! The baby killers do tend to be obsessive, don't they. If the civil war being promoted by the leftmedia and DOJ/FBI excesses ever comes, you can bet these silly twats won't be on the front lines.

Mike said...

Ah bless all their hearts. If you know what I mean and I think you do.

n.n said...

"astounding racism, ignorance, calls to violence, and homophobia"

Diversity, conflation, cancellation, political congruence ("="), and performance of human rites for social, redistributive, clinical, political, and fair weather causes.

Gk1 said...

I'm pretty sure the liberals in the article that feel that way about Texas are the same ones taking package tours to Cuba without batting an eye.

You don't have to agree with the politics of the places and people you visit. Perhaps if they checked out Texas they would see people are people and might even gain a new perspective on why they feel the way they do about abortion. Or quelle horror, even agree with them on some things?!?!

Their loss.

Tina Trent said...

So Quayle, you have a daughter who abets illegals in breaking our laws while bragging that she's better than her 'criminal' lawyer peers because she has special brown people vision while agreeing that brown people are better than people she believes to be white racists. She sounds thoroughly insufferable.

I wonder if she know how many of those magical brown townspeople voted for Trump.

And I bet she and her peer group didn't take those illegals home to live with them, unless the needed a nanny or yard man.

JAORE said...

Went to San Fran a few years ago (motorcycle trip on the Pacific Coast Highway). Pretty cool place. Except (even then) homeless camps with needles and crap on the street. Watching a drug deal and sex act through the window of a very nice restaurant and more.

A close friend was a professional tour guide. Her company dropped San Francisco from their tour due to complaints of the squalor.

It wasn't the party in power. It was the power of the party that led to the blight.

DC? Baltimore? Lived between the two for a couple of years. Loved them both. The Inner Harbor. The Smithsonian museums. The food scene. Had lots of visitors. Won't go back due to crime.

Portland? Lived just over the river in Vancouver, Wa. Fantastic place (40 years ago). Crime through the roof makes it a no go for me.

So, go ahead and skip Texas because you can not kill an unborn baby. I'll skip the big blue cities because I don't want my family killed.

hombre said...

"The main thing I see is that liberals don't want to have to fight for what they believe in."

I don't know about "liberals," but this is how lefties/progressives assert what they believe in:

Freder(7:01): "Your cognitive dissonance is getting bad...the display of astounding racism, ignorance, calls to violence, and homophobia, are rampant in your comments section."

It's called calumny, usually coupled with projection. It IS what they believe in.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Not travelling to various US states is, of course, official California government policy. I just heard yesterday that IIRC Georgia had been added to the no-go list. Maybe it was Florida. The list now includes more than half of US states!

As always, the rules don't REALLY apply to the important people. Witness last year when Gov. Newsome vacationed in Montana. But that was personal, off-duty travel, you object? True, but not so for his security detail and entourage, all on the clock, all on official travel to a forbidden zone.

Freder Frederson said...

You seem to be saying that instead of addressing things in the news and critiquing mainstream media, my blog should be about things that happen in my comments section.

Well no, you are not criticizing the mainstream media, you are criticizing the comments section, after all the "mainstream media" in this instance was encouraging people to visit Texas, you decided to focus on the comments. So if you are going to criticize the comments on the Washington Post, shouldn't you be also criticizing the comments in your own blog?

Give me a freaking break, the comments above verify my criticism:

"DC? Baltimore? Lived between the two for a couple of years. Loved them both. The Inner Harbor. The Smithsonian museums. The food scene. Had lots of visitors. Won't go back due to crime."

"My wife and I had traveled to many of the blue cites until the pandemic started. Our last one was in 2019 to NYC and prior to that LA, SF, Detroit, Chicago, DC. Had a great time on each trip. But we have written them off now because they are not safe."

"Maybe because we don't want to be attacked in the streets by thugs that YOUR side think are innocent victims and keep letting out of jail to go and do it all over again. Wake up Freder. Things aren't as they seem in Liberal cities where there is no law and order."

Freder Frederson said...

The main thing I see is that liberals don't want to have to fight for what they believe it. It needs to be curated and handed to them in the form they like. But I'm not going to coddle these people who I would like to be able to agree with. The other thing I see is that people on the right cluster where they are at least allowed to speak, even if it's in the comments to a post by a blogger who isn't even on their side.

What the fuck are you trying to say here? That you are a brave liberal who is merely trying to give people who you disagree with a forum? Trying to convert people to your point of view (which is undiscernible since, just for instance, you get upset any time someone suggests that you might not not believe or consider, or maybe it is a problem, global warming), when you refuse to call them on their bullshit (especially when you are more than willing to call me an asshole and continually deride other progressive commenters)?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“You can't get anywhere "otherworldly" when you start where those commenters are. Your politics accompany you everywhere. There can be no getaway.”

No fear. They pack their hypocrisy with their politics.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "And the rule seems to be as long as commenters don't directly criticize you, defamatory statements against other commenters are just fine (I am thinking particularly of Drago, who loves calling people he disagrees with "groomers", and Michael K)."

Note to self: Groomer Enablers really don't like it when others point out how they enable groomers in their grooming activities.

Drago said...

Charlie: "Compared to the comments in WaPo, Boston Globe and other major US papers, the Althouse commenters are a veritable Algonquin Round Table of reasonableness."

This belongs on the Althouse Blog Masthead.

Bonus: it will make Field Marshall Freder weep.

MikeR said...

The country is filled with haters.

rehajm said...

"They are constantly boasting how they wouldn't go anywhere near NYC or other blue cities"

I do my best to proudly avoid California cities. No way San Jose…

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "What the fuck are you trying to say here? That you are a brave liberal who is merely trying to give people who you disagree with a forum? Trying to convert people to your point of view (which is undiscernible since, just for instance, you get upset any time someone suggests that you might not not believe or consider, or maybe it is a problem, global warming), when you refuse to call them on their bullshit (especially when you are more than willing to call me an asshole and continually deride other progressive commenters)?"


It's never a good idea to go Full LLR *****.

Drago said...

iowan2: "Feder, I'm not going to San Francisco, etal because the Government has collapsed and refuse to carry out their enumerated powers.

See the difference from what the stated reason leftists use.

You always mess up cause and effect, correlation, causation."

The Fox Butterfield example is supposed to be a cautionary example, not a primer on how to engage the real world...and fail.

Michael K said...

when you refuse to call them on their bullshit (especially when you are more than willing to call me an asshole and continually deride other progressive commenters)?

Freder, why not try being a non-asshole and see how well that works?

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

Come on Ann. Who in America doesn't enjoy playing Hate that State?

friscoda said...

The commenters on WaPo are the most inane uneducated bunch of pretend elites ever. They make the NYT commenters appear reasonable and erudite. Read them for giggles but cringe when you realize that they mean what they say. Our country Is truly f**ked if these people are in charge.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"Funny. I feel that way about Washington DC."

Tenth in median household income, First in per capita crime. Tell us again, dear SJWs how poverty is the root cause of crime.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Compared to the comments in WaPo, Boston Globe and other major US papers, the Althouse commenters are a veritable Algonquin Round Table of reasonableness.

Amen to that! Can't speak for the Globe, but the WaPo . . . I haven't read the comments on news articles (if a travel guide can be described as such), but on the Op-Ed page they are splendiferous, in a peculiarly ugly sort of way. This is partly because the WaPo, to its credit, actually has several conservative Op-Ed commenters. I count George Will, Megan McArdle, Gary Abernathy, Henry Olsen, Marc Thiessen, now Jason Willick.

Any time any of these writers has a column (i.e., pretty much daily), the swarm descends. Inevitably there are a few people whose comment on the article is that they didn't bother reading it. Will always gets calls to retire and/or to stick to baseball. The rest get calls to the WaPo to "Fire this person immediately!" Because, you know, if everything on the Op-Ed page doesn't support my own ideology, it's imperative that you throw the dross out, lest you yourself be tainted. Dissenting opinions aren't what you're supposed to supply; what you're supposed to supply is an internally consistent, steady stream of pabulum unmarred by dissent of any kind.

As for soi-disant "house conservative" Jennifer Rubin, she is now to the left of everyone except (perhaps) Katrina VandenHeuvel, which is saying much.

Freder Frederson said...

Freder, why not try being a non-asshole and see how well that works?

This from a man who claimed he knew what was on my hard drive. If I want tips on not being an asshole, you (or maybe Drago) is the last person I would go to for advice.

Why get your panties in a twist about being only one person? That's all I am too.

For someone who absolutely excoriated me for telling you not to be hysterical, this seems an odd phrase to choose.

mikee said...

I wish to personally thank every one of those people for staying the hell out of Texas. Keep up the good work, we appreciate your absence.

Inga said...

It’s a good thing that conservatives tend to dislike Madison WI. It’s such a lovely place to live, it would be a shame not to be able to put one’s politics aside in favor of the natural beauty of the lakes and all the area has to offer. Any conservatives I know who live in Madison plan on staying there and the liberals I know who live there love it and feel privileged to live and work there.

As for Texas, ugh and that’s basing it on much more than politics. The heat for starters is prohibitive to many. There are some pretty places in Texas, but not worth living there, IMO. I’ve had to put my politics aside living here in Waukesha County, the gorgeous lakes makes it worth it to me and most people are sensible enough not to discuss politics in social settings anymore.

Inga said...

“…why not try being a non-asshole and see how well that works?”

Good advice for every single commenter here.

traditionalguy said...

California is more than San Francisco and LA. Try Sonoma county area or Carmel. They are still worth the trip. But don’t trust the other metro areas where your dreams from pre- Obama days will be shattered. Texas exists because they had the courage to fight back against the Comanche Empire raids when no one else dared to. And you are still safe there.

rcocean said...

"What the fuck are you trying say here?"

It was pretty obvious. You just need another a 100 IQ to understand it. Looks like you're 20 IQ points short.

But please keep crying and whining.

Its so sad. Tears running down my face.

Sean said...

What about South by Southwest? I believe it remains an important progressive event.

rcocean said...

Is there a single Leftist/liberal who isn't half-bully and half-crybaby? They cry out and they strike you. They'll chortle over someone going to the Gulag, then cry bitter tears if someone insults them.

Maybe, the victim act works on Dumbo conservatives.

rcocean said...

In terms of natural beauty Calf can't be beat. I'm sure Texas has plenty of nice places too. I have a relative who owns beach property in Corpus Christie. Although he never invited me there.

the bastard.

rcocean said...

If you can't stand the heat, get out of Texas. You're going to burn, sizzle and fry in the Summer. Personally, I don't like heat, especially humid/heat. when its cold, you can always bundle up go outside. When its 100 degrees there's not much you can do except stay inside and put on the AC.

There is the beach and lake fronts of course. I can remember going to Mobile Al in the summer years ago, and it hot/humid, but almost pleasant when you got the beach. Of course, the mosquiotos in back of the beach almost carried me away they were so big.

Ann Althouse said...

"I think most of the participants on your blog, including you, are on the same side-we're for vigorous free speech by everyone."

That's not a "side" within the meaning of what I was saying. To be for vigorous free speech is like being for voting or the rule of law. It's the system we use to reach goals and not the end in itself (except for the small set of people who believe in expression for the sake of expression).

ccscientist said...

Let us ask how many people would approve of killing 1 month old baby. Then ask why it is ok to kill babies in the womb right up to delivery, as the dems are demanding. What is different?

Inga said...

“Let us ask how many people would approve of killing 1 month old baby. Then ask why it is ok to kill babies in the womb right up to delivery, as the dems are demanding. What is different?”

What Dems ever demanded any such thing? I think it’s high time to drop that canard.

Eric Rathmann said...

A NBC poll yesterday found 62% of Democrat students would refuse to room with a Repubican roommate while only 28% of Republicans would refuse a Democrat roommate. Why the hate and disregard of basic liberal values?

Jim at said...

Let's see if Freder can figure out the difference why some leftists aren't willing to visit Texas and why some conservatives aren't willing to visit crime-ridden, shit-filled blue cities.

Any bets?

Joe Smith said...

Gavin Newsom has banned official CA travel to 20-something states.

Of course, he did find time to vacation in one of those banned states.

But shut up, you fucking peasant...

Joe Smith said...

'What Dems ever demanded any such thing? I think it’s high time to drop that canard.'

Ralph 'Mammy' Northam and Barrack Hussein Obama to name two...

Iman said...

It’s quite sad, what does and does not bother the same people.

But that’s for them to explain when they stand before The Man.

Clyde said...

Those "ladies" can stay away from Florida as well. Already too crowded here!

dbp said...

The Washington Post is theoretically a very prominent part of the mainstream media. It's telling that the vase majority of their subscriber base, if the comments section is some sort of cross section, is rabidly leftist.

Does it matter that a random blog, run by a non-conservative, has a conservative reader base. Maybe, but not compared to the former, which ought to be mainstream and isn't.

Drago said...

Russian Collusion Truther and Hillary Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "What Dems ever demanded any such thing? I think it’s high time to drop that canard."


The dems are on record supporting abortion for any reason up to the moment of delivery of a full term baby.

In a specific example, 46 Senate democraticals voted for just that in their purposely mislabeled "Women's Health Care Protection Act", more appropriately called Whack Your Baby Any Time You'd Like Act.

Its funny how you keep trying to pretend that isnt the case.

But it is the case.

The jig is up.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "If I want tips on not being an asshole, you (or maybe Drago) is the last person I would go to for advice."


Nicholas said...

@Carol - "I'd guess the EU would require abortion to be mandatory and retroactive for all its member states."

Interesting point, the answer to which is - not so far. The EU is a highly ambitious organisation, anxious to make up ground on its brethren in DC, but... as a relatively recent entity, derived from a range of pretty different countries (and having its origins in Catholic Christian Democrat politics) the EU has had the wisdom to keep well clear of this. At most, EU law would have something to say about any restrictions on the free movement of persons between Member States (a fundamental tenet of the EU) if, for example, Member State X prevented pregnant women (or deeply confused men) from travelling to another Member State in search of an abortion.

The EU did, in its quest for Statehood, adopt a Charter of Fundamental Rights at the turn of the century, which includes some provisions that are, er, pregnant with possibilities for difficult questions in this context, such as a right to "physical and mental integrity" , but the Charter only applies within EU law, not as a means of extending it. So although this would reinforce the case for what you would call inter-State commerce in abortion, it could not create a wider right as such.

Michael K said...

Blogger Freder Frederson said...

Freder, why not try being a non-asshole and see how well that works?

This from a man who claimed he knew what was on my hard drive. If I want tips on not being an asshole, you (or maybe Drago) is the last person I would go to for advice.

Did I know what was on your hard drive ? Hmmmm. You seem worried about that. Hmmm.

Sharyl Attkisson says the FBI hacked her husband's computer and downloaded kiddie porn on it. Is that what you are worried about? If it's there, it wasn't me.

Quayle said...

Hi Tina Trent. No, she’s a great person. Not insufferable at all. And you didn’t seem to understand her point. Hope your weekend has been good.

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "I’ve had to put my politics aside living here in Waukesha County, the gorgeous lakes makes it worth it to me and most people are sensible enough not to discuss politics in social settings anymore."

I suspect most people would be unwilling to discuss politics around you.

Yancey Ward said...

A NBC poll yesterday found 62% of Democrat students would refuse to room with a Repubican roommate while only 28% of Republicans would refuse a Democrat roommate. Why the hate and disregard of basic liberal values?

To be fair, the Republican refusing would be kicked out of school.

Howard said...

Blogger Freder Frederson said...

And the rule seems to be as long as commenters don't directly criticize you, defamatory statements against other commenters are just fine, , defamatory statements against other commenters are just fine, I am thinking particularly of Drago, who loves calling people he disagrees with "groomers", and Michael K).

I've been a very harsh asshole with Ann and Meade when I think they deserve some of the bitter medicine everyone else gets here. I can't ever remember one of those posts being deleted or not go through. On some very very rare days some pretty innocuous posts don't go through, I chalk that up as a random glitch of unknown origin. Out of respect for our hostess, I never mention it in real time. Obviously, the thought was meant to go pfffft a lot sooner

Many folks claim google is deleting their posts or that Althouse is specifically deleting them: The Universe doesn't give a fuck about you. Shut your filthy sewers and move on.

Also, no one should ever be offended by developmentally disabled Drago and Doc "Jim Rockford" Mike. One is a deeply frustrated overly catholic scuttlebutt comedian, the other a stranger in a strange land.

I am deeply concerned, however, by the creeping civility bullshit.

Yancey Ward said...

Freder, thanks for the laughs!

bagoh20 said...

Does this person really think Texans want her there? It's like your wife threatening to stop nagging you. "Oh, honey, please no - not that!

Freder Frederson said...

Did I know what was on your hard drive ? Hmmmm. You seem worried about that. Hmmm.

Really?! You are going there? It kind of pissed me off that Ann, although she removed the offending posts, did not publicly admonish you, and the others who piled on. But apparently, she didn't even privately admonish you for your remarks.

Ann Althouse, I am very disappointed with you. You should have told him, and the others, that such comments were completely unacceptable. No wonder Drago can get away with the shit he posts.

Freder Frederson said...

Sharyl Attkisson says the FBI hacked her husband's computer and downloaded kiddie porn on it. Is that what you are worried about? If it's there, it wasn't me.


rcocean said...

found 62% of Democrat students would refuse to room with a Repubican roommate

But, Gosh,the R's turn the other cheek. How noble! How virtuous!

How dumb.

They hate you. but you won't fight back. the perfect recipe for Gulags.

Michael K said...

Also, no one should ever be offended by developmentally disabled Drago and Doc "Jim Rockford" Mike. One is a deeply frustrated overly catholic scuttlebutt comedian, the other a stranger in a strange land.

I agree. This is a strange land. I grew up with the WWII generation and my first vote was for Nixon in 1960. I watched the hippie/druggie generation come and go. In medical school I watched a few destroy their lives with LSD. In the 1970s, I was training for a demanding profession. Even then I read Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" and "Watership Down." A few years later I was able to show my children the real Watership Down in England.

I had a full life and am now in my 80s and despair about what you lefties have done with the country. You seem to live in a fantasy land where there are no consequences for terrible decisions, like releasing criminals and defunding the police. Economics seem to be too difficult to understand as you know no math. History has been destroyed. My only consolation is that I will not be here to suffer the consequences of your folly.

Sadly, my children and grandchildren will be here to suffer the consequences.

Achilles said...

What a dumb discussion. Freder, you are not respected because you are a dumb liar that lies.

The problem for Freder and the other leftists is you are all being outed as embarrassingly stupid people and you have been caught lying over and over and over again.

Pee pee tapes.
Russian Collusion.
Trump raping women on airplanes.
Kavanaugh raping women who can't remember what year it happened.
Trump raping women in public dressing rooms.
FBI spying.
Brian Sicknick blood libels.

The fact that nobody believes a thing they say or respects them because of their repeated lying is making them grumpy.

Now they are cheering on star chambers and FBI raids on their political opponents and censorship of what their opponents are trying to say.

They are just shitty people and the masks are off.

gadfly said...

So Caddo Lake, Texas - deep in the east Texas bayous - is really a lake shared with Louisiana Cajuns but it certainly plays second fiddle to Vidor which straddles Interstate 10 just east of Beaumont. Vidor was yodeling country's sundown town. When I lived in Beaumont in 1967, signs greeted all comers driving into town on US 90, warning travelers that blacks were not welcome after dark. Sadly, 80 percent of the town's residents claimed to be GOP conservatives in 2020.

The Godfather said...

I was born in New York City. I have lived in New York State, Connecticut, Massachusetts, District of Columbia, Maryland, Florida, and North Carolina.
In 1969, I spent two months in Texas (Ft. Bliss) for Army Basic Training. It was 2 months in the summer. But the good news was that when the temp. went over 90 they had to ease up on the training, and that was almost every day.
I was one of about a dozen trainees from New England (reservatists) in a training company of 200. The rest were all Texans, about equally divided among African Americans (called "Soul Brothers" in the Company), Hispanics (called "Frito Banditos" in the Company), and Whites (I don't recall any nickname for us).
I have never had any interest in moving to Texas (although I understand why George Bush did so), but I remember the guys I met in Basic (and I've met a lot of folks who were or used to be Texans) and I'm really too old to worry about "my abortion rights", so I can understand how a younger person would be attracted to a low-tax/low-regulation State.

Rollo said...

Texas big cities are as leftwing as anyone could wish. Give them your patronage and don't feel bad about it.

I still love San Francisco and New York.
Invite me there and I'll go, but I'm worried about stepping in shit, or being pushed in front of a subway train.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "Ann Althouse, I am very disappointed with you. You should have told him, and the others, that such comments were completely unacceptable. No wonder Drago can get away with the shit he posts."

Why dont you be a helpful little laddie and show the "worst" post of mine that you think represents "the s***" I "get away with" so that the readers can judge for themselves.

In all your caterwauling and whining and complaining and moaning and crying and stomping of your feet you have neglected to provide a single example.

Its like the hundreds of Trump "crimes" you and your lunatics scream about everyday: they are utterly fictitious.

As in made up.

No, what you are complaining about is how many readers here recall all your made up nonsense and point it out....and you dont like that.

Its no more complicated than that.

Freder Frederson said...

Why dont you be a helpful little laddie and show the "worst" post of mine that you think represents "the s***" I "get away with" so that the readers can judge for themselves.

I was referring to one specific thread that I don't think you were involved in. So as Ann would say, don't get your panties in a wad. You however, do indeed accuse people, who you don't even know, of being "groomers" and pedophiles. In fact, you did it in this very thread.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "You however, do indeed accuse people, who you don't even know, of being "groomers" and pedophiles. In fact, you did it in this very thread."

So, after accusing me of being a poster who "gets away with the s*** he posts" you couldnt come up with a single example.

How...not surprising.

And I continue to standby my assertion that those who support policies and practicies that enable groomers are groomer enablers.

And that isnt going to stop. Ever.

Ann Althouse said...

" So as Ann would say, don't get your panties in a wad."

I've never said that.

TJ said...

So, people think "no way, Jose" is racist? It rhymes...that's all. What am I missing?

Tina Trent said...

I do not feel the need to describe my weekend to someone who conceals his name, Quayle. If your lovely daughter wants to help some more illegals, I have a houseful next door who colluded in the repeated rape of a then-11 year old there. Only one was arrested, although mom knew about it.

It's hard to hide rape in a single-wide with sicko mom "asleep" in one bedroom and multiple adult males crashing there, you see. And the men at this house come and go. Not likely speaking of Michangelo.

On the other side, there's a sort of barracks where dozens of men come and go. Some are decent. Some, including the woman running this illegals' boarding house, are not. But I doubt you or your lawyer daughter live in places like this. who knows? You lack the courage to sign your real name. And that speaks volumes.

TJ said...

On the actual topic of people taking products/places/shows off their "lists" due to politics. You be you, but I refuse to do it. If I want to purchase/go/watch, I'm going to judge it by its value and decide accordingly.

I don't think of big cities as great vacation spots...that's my assessment of value (and risk is part of that decision...why shouldn't it be?).

PM said...

"Why does the Washington Post not use the standard USPS state abbreviations?"
That's an awesome comment. Where did they purchase their trigger mechanism, Yemen?

Freder Frederson said...

" So as Ann would say, don't get your panties in a wad."

I've never said that.

Well, true, I didn't check the exact quote, because that is what I say. You, of course, said "Why get your panties in a twist ".

Not to be pedantic, but what is the distinction between the two phrases (other than regional variation of the expression)? Are twisted panties more or less uncomfortable than wadded panties?

Rick67 said...

To be honest there are cities and states I would be reluctant to visit either for work or for pleasure. It so happens my mom and many of my immediate and extended family live in the state of New York.

That having been said it is interesting to compare why good progressives will not visit Texas with why some will not visit blue cities and states.

Them: Abortion
Us: Safety, taxes, cost, loony local culture

rsbsail said...

Inga wrote:

"As for Texas, ugh and that’s basing it on much more than politics. The heat for starters is prohibitive to many. There are some pretty places in Texas, but not worth living there, IMO."

I live southeast of Houston in Galveston county, and I can assure you there is nothing scenic here unless you love the live oaks. It is flat, hot, and humid. I'm retired, and could move anywhere, but the reason we stay is not for the scenery, but for family and friends. And that is worth much more to me than the view of a lake. But we do have the cultural attractions in Houston, and believe it or not, a great restaurant scene.

Pillage Idiot said...

"When I lived in Beaumont in 1967, signs greeted all comers driving into town on US 90, warning travelers that blacks were not welcome after dark. Sadly, 80 percent of the town's residents claimed to be GOP conservatives in 2020."

Yes. And the signs erected in 1967 were all put up by Democrats.

And I am pretty sure the racist signs were taken down by Republicans. And the town is now 80% GOP conservatives and there are zero racist official signs.

I don't think you are making the point you think you are!

However, I personally am glad to see that institutional racism recedes whenever the proportion of GOP voters increases.

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