From "I Went to Trash School/An education in 'juice,' how to protect your shins, and keeping 12,000 daily tons of garbage at bay" by Clio Chang (NY Magazine).
३० ऑगस्ट, २०२२
"Trash juice, the viscous concoction brewed by the contents of every truck, and its habit of spraying out of bags as they’re compacted, is a major theme..."
"... at the Department of Sanitation’s Ronald F. DiCarlo Training Academy, where I have unofficially joined New York’s Strongest for two days to try and learn how to collect, sort, and dump the 12,000 tons of trash the city produces on a daily basis. 'In New York City, nobody finishes a cup of coffee,'” our instructor, Sergio Serrano, a spirited DSNY veteran with a bushy beard that I assume is full of knowledge, tells us. 'You will know the flavor of the month and come to hate the flavor of the month.' To emphasize the point, Joe O’Hare, another instructor who works at the same garage, shouts, 'Pumpkin spice latte!'...The job can be about as gross as you might imagine. Instructors rattle off the most repulsive things they’ve encountered on their routes — a pig’s head, an entire lamb, 'disco rice,' which is a deceptively appetizing name for maggots — with bravado. But it’s also a union job and a clear path to a middle-class life in the city. The starting salary is $40,622, which more than doubles after five and a half years on the job. There’s a pension, and opportunities for overtime and growth. Trainers told me that the hardest part of the job was the schedule, which can be erratic in early years and difficult to maintain with a family, but everyone seemed relieved to be there...."
From "I Went to Trash School/An education in 'juice,' how to protect your shins, and keeping 12,000 daily tons of garbage at bay" by Clio Chang (NY Magazine).
From "I Went to Trash School/An education in 'juice,' how to protect your shins, and keeping 12,000 daily tons of garbage at bay" by Clio Chang (NY Magazine).
५४ टिप्पण्या:
“disco rice”… that’s a classic right there…
Plumbing and trash collection saves more lives than modern medicine.
This morning my community trash hauler chose not to stop at my home once again. It's been over two weeks. No disco rice but lots of fruit flies...
“spirited DSNY veteran with a bushy beard that I assume is full of knowledge, “
I would guess that his bushy beard is full of other things than knowledge.
Fun for an elitist to dip a toe into the labor pool, before retreating back to the safety of white collar "work."
Fun for an elitist to dip a toe into the labor pool, before retreating back to the safety of white collar "work."
Finally, a governmental agency that competently handles it's mission. The author was possibly going for an article about a yukky job, but she makes the trainers sound earnest and able get new recruits prepared to do a job that needs to be done.
Thank your garbage guys when you see them. Seriously. I do.
Ever wonder why the feminist movement never goes after this industry and demand more women on the front lines? Wait. Are there jobs only men can do?
I hate throwing away any liquid. I always go out of my way to dump the liquid down a drain or water a plant or some find some rocks or dirt.
also- Many so called progressive do not recycle property.
Here in Montana there's just a driver now. No guys hanging off the back. Because we all have the same bins that the truck mech picks up.
Seems like a lot of jobs that went away.
NY is filled with Progressives.
You know - the very people who lecture others about this stuff.
Yeah, "disco rice" — that was my favorite part.
I don't know if I've ever encountered a better 2-word description.
HBtpfH .. me too. I've had to do too much post-party cleanup to feel comfortable tossing a half-full cup. UGH!
Our HOA has a trash service contract and we've been having a constant stream of issues with missed pickups for two years running. It started off as just not having enough drivers to do both recycling and yard waste collection weekly, and has steadily escalated to the point where weekly trash collection is starting to get iffy. There's just no elastic left in the system to handle breakdowns or needing a few additional hours to finish collections.
" ... on a daily basis."
How long before this annoying phrase dies?
$80K/year in NYC is not middle class. Especially if you're supporting a family.
Old Japanese proverb: "If your rice moves, do not eat it."
Such a memorable tribute...
back in the early '90's, when gilbar was trying to get laid;
he listened politely, while an El Ed major complained about how INJUST the world was!
"Do You REALIZE? That Garbagemen make More money than school teachers?" she asked indignantly.
Realizing gilbar was NOT going to get laid, i replied; "Maybe you should become a garbageman?"
"Are You F*cking Kidding Me?" Ms EL Ed screamed, "I would NEVER do that, That job is GROSS!"
Chez Effinay, we drain the "juice" from our bottles, but the guys picking them up in the trucks say we now have the loudest trash in town.
Agreed - "disco rice" is the perfect description.
Recently because it's summer and rodents are plentiful - I found part of a dead rodent - hidden by my cat. I only found it because it started to smell. It was full of disco rice. That horrible smell and the disco rice? ... Yuck yuck yuck. Yuck yuck yuck. Yuck YUCK! So much Yuck!
All trash collectors deserve a raise.
"Ever wonder why the feminist movement never goes after this industry and demand more women on the front lines? Wait. Are there jobs only men can do?"
Never say never.
Some years ago I attended a student demo day at MIT. One presentation (from a group of seniors and recent grads) was about their project working on village facilities in Nigeria IIRC. I was all prepared to roll my eyes, expecting that they had built something like a cell tower. But no. They had first consulted with many groups of villagers, and ended up designing and building a septic-field type sewage handling system. Centered around 1) protection of fresh water sources, and 2) maintainability with strictly local hardware and labor.
Restored my faith in college engineers, that did.
"Opportunities for overtime and growth". That sealed the deal for me. I'm applying!
Disco rice and pumpkin spice. They must come to appreciate the diesel fumes.
"But it’s also a union job and a clear path to a middle-class life in the city. The starting salary is $40,622, which more than doubles after five and a half years on the job."
'At some point, a trash collector has made too much money.' Said by no Progressive ever.
Fun for an elitist to dip a toe into the labor pool, before retreating back to the safety of white collar "work."
Exactly - mysterious last member of uncontacted Amazonian tribe, mysterious denizen of the back of the garbage truck, we may never know their motivations in life.
"Here in Montana there's just a driver now. No guys hanging off the back. Because we all have the same bins that the truck mech picks up.
Seems like a lot of jobs that went away."
Milwaukee still does the majority of garbage pick up using people to haul the bins over to the truck, although they do have some of the snatcher trucks for recycling. Those jobs are votes for the all Democratic City and County government.
I will bet this field is a LOT more male-dominated than STEM. Is that a problem? Feminists?
Disco rice is the winner, but trash juice is not far behind! :)
'At some point, a trash collector has made too much money.' Said by no Progressive ever.
progressive want to save skin and not become juice in compactor
Women have a better sense of smell and color vision. These are gifts are better employed elsewhere besides solid waste handling. Still, it beats working at the ass end of a raw sewage pipe. I'm sure all you non elites with your graduate degrees and office jobs are quite familiar with the ins and outs of waste treatment.
Trash: It has the "juice"!
Howard said...
I'm sure all you non elites with your graduate degrees and office jobs are quite familiar with the ins and outs of waste treatment.
Well, we have to deal with your putrid garbage every day, so there's that.
Howard said...
Women have a better sense of smell and color vision. These are gifts are better employed elsewhere besides solid waste handling. Still, it beats working at the ass end of a raw sewage pipe. I'm sure all you non elites with your graduate degrees and office jobs are quite familiar with the ins and outs of waste treatment.
8/30/22, 11:38 AM
Hmm. Tell me your a progressive elitist without telling me your a progressive elitist.
After high school, I was very fortunate to get a summer job as a garbage man, working for the city where I lived. They needed summer help as that's when most men took their vacations. It was a Union job with a capital U, and I had to pay dues year-round to the Laborers Union.
It was fast-moving, difficult, back-breaking, dangerous work, slinging metal cans jogging up and down the alleys. You ran because when a crew finished their route they could leave for the day. Thus your crewmates demanded that you keep up.
A lot of the replacement workers would last one day. I understood why. If you weren't inured to the smells and filth (including the maggots) quickly, or if you simply couldn't keep up, you wouldn't make it. Plus, over the years I saw several men get hurt on the job, to varying degrees in various ways.
The first thing you learned was how to pick up a metal can. You grab it from the top, two cans at a time, and with each arm lift them, turn them upside down, dump them in the back and return them to their spot. If you picked them up by the handle on the side, they would hinge and you'd spill half of it on the ground. By summer's end I had forearms like Popeye.
My friends used to kid me "Five dollars an hour and all you can eat". Funny. But they weren't making 5.01 an hour like I was. That was good money back then, men raised a family on it. I lived at home in the summers and paid my own way through university and law school.
Made some lifelong friends there, too. A lot of days lawyering I would look back and wish I had my old job instead of what I was doing.
I'm sure all you non elites with your graduate degrees and office jobs are quite familiar with the ins and outs of waste treatment.
I have a graduate degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering. So I am not "quite" famailiar with the "ins and outs" of waste treatment, but rather intimately familiar. Although to be fair I spent more time working on CERCLA and SARA, the CWA, RCRA and TSCA than the SWDA.
If you don't know what those acronyms are, well just fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
"Do You REALIZE? That Garbagemen make More money than school teachers?" she asked indignantly.
I think you are full of shit. Unless you live in a strong union town (which I doubt) garbagemen are very poorly paid. NYC is the exception, not the rule.
Slightly OT:
The Green Movement - in one photo
The Green Movement - in one photo
That is not a tar sands mine (and yes, tar sands are literally mined, not pumped). Scroll down a little and see what they really look like.
Freder - you often call people liars - when in fact there was no lie.
So - FU right back.
Paying trash and sanitation people more doesn't need to be fulfilled by a union. Teacher's union dues defeat most raises.
"fuck you and the horse you rode in on"
Argument over, back to civility.
Having worked a summer as a garbage man while I was in college, I can tell you the most nauseating smell is cut grass after it’s fermented a week in the summer heat.
Next: freeway landscaping and urine filled milk containers.....
The funniest story I've seen in the NYT for a long time is about a pair of trust-fund adults in a big, fancy NYC apartment who decide to go zero-emissions. At least he does. They stop using toilet paper but let the maid use the vacuum. They stop throwing away anything. They refuse to use the elevator (which has a liveried operator), nor to buy anything grown more than 250 miles from the city -- which, happily for them, includes some of the lushest farmland in the northeast, but whatever. They consume all the disgusting rotting vegetable scraps. The wife has to take a scooter to work year-round, in ice and snow, and bring jars of rotting vegetables to work, probably when she isn't sneaking off to use a real bathroom.
It's called "The Year Without Toilet Paper." I'm sorry I can't figure out embedding links. Save it for when you need a really bitter, superior laugh.
@Earnest Prole
True as to the smell of bagged/baked grass.
We started to see more of the plastic grass bags as time went on. You had to be careful with them because a) the tops of the bags would often come off when you tried to pick them up and b) the outside of the bags would often be swimming with our friends, the fly larvae. If you picked a bag up and slung it, you'd sometimes see a shower of them. Hopefully none got on you or your working partner.
Slightly OT:
The Green Movement - in one photo
Freder - you often call people liars - when in fact there was no lie.
This from a person who linked to a photograph, retweeted by Rob Schneider, that is a flat out lie. Google Tar Sands Mines to see what they really look like.
Speaking of garbage men, unlike an academic, neurosurgeon or physicist I need a garbageman every week. Same for truck drivers and farmers and retail clerks. God help us if the garbage men, truckers, farmers retail clerks decide to do a Johnny Paycheck and I am very grateful I don't have to work those jobs for a living.
Tina please copy and paste the link. This I have to read. For those who are willing to replace toilet paper with something hygienic, get a Japanese toilet. They come with water sprayers to cleanse you and even dry it for you. No toilet paper to harm the environment. You would think rich nuts go afford that for their virtue signaling.
Hey she can write! I want to see more by her.
Paying trash and sanitation people more doesn't need to be fulfilled by a union.
And who, exactly, in a capitalist society, is going to fulfill this role, if not a union? Is each individual worker supposed to go to their boss, and say: "Please Sir, may I have some more?"
* Hey She can write! (Clio Chang I mean)
Back in the 1980s when I worked at Camp Dearborn picking up trash in the packer we would call that runoff from cans that had trash and water "looie juice" and it took a couple of days to get past the smell. Doing that in July when it was hot and the can had time to ferment - wow, it was something.
You got used to it.
We called the maggots "Uncle Ben's moving rice". Not PC but we were high school grads and college students, not k own then for sensitive manners.
Otber labor jobs I did were cleaning public showers, cleaning outhouses, picking up litter, mowing grass, trimming brush, splitting wood, patching roads, rough carpentry, basic electrical and plumbing - whatever was needed to keep the place running.
I loved it.
And now I am a lawyer, and I miss that part of my life.
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