Much of that is about how the individual person lives: food, smoking, alcohol, drugs. Covid came from the outside, but what percentage of the deaths are attributable to conditions that the individual might have avoided? Of course, it's hard to fight obesity and addiction once they've beset you. And some people decline more quickly as they get older. Who knows exactly why? I'm only 5 years away from the average point of death, but I don't feel I'm coming in for a landing on that descent path. Still, who can say?
३१ ऑगस्ट, २०२२
"The average life expectancy of Americans fell precipitously in 2020 and 2021, the sharpest two-year decline in nearly 100 years...."
"In 2021, the average American could expect to live until the age of 76, federal health researchers reported on Wednesday. The figure represents a loss of almost three years since 2019, when Americans could expect to live, on average, nearly 79 years.
The reduction has been particularly steep among Native Americans and Alaska Natives.... Average life expectancy in those groups was shortened by four years in 2020 alone.... While the pandemic has driven most of the decline in life expectancy, a rise in accidental deaths and drug overdoses also contributed, as did deaths from heart disease, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, the new report found.... One in seven Native Americans and Alaska Natives has diabetes, the highest rate among racial or ethnic groups in the United States, and many struggle with obesity or excess weight.... Although the U.S. health care system is among the best in the world, Americans suffer from what experts have called 'the U.S. health disadvantage,' an amalgam of influences that... include a fragmented, profit-driven health care system; poor diet and a lack of physical activity; and pervasive risk factors such as smoking, widespread access to guns, poverty and pollution. The problems are compounded for marginalized groups by racism and segregation...."
८६ टिप्पण्या:
Drugs, drugs and more drugs. And then you lose hope and die. But at least you avoided outdated Christian beliefs.
"...but what percentage of the deaths are attributable to conditions that the individual might have avoided?"
A metric-fuckton.
A question I think we should also ask is, "In light of a certain cohort's desire to protect people from themselves, is life worth living if people actually gave in to them and truly cut out everything that was bad for them?"
We tried that before with alcohol just saying. Color me libertarian, but I do still believe that adults can and should determine what goes in their bodies and take the ramifications attendant with those choices.
I don't want to live in Dr. Cocteau's "Demolition Man" universe.
“widespread access to guns, poverty and pollution.”
They couldn’t be bothered to wedge global warming into that sentence? Those lazy bastards….
Drugs, drugs and more drugs. And then you lose hope and die. But at least you avoided falling for outdated Christian beliefs and its moralistic life style
The US is full of boiled frogs who've let their health slip away year after year. COVID was a catalyst but not the main issue.
If you watch people at McDonalds or similar establishments, many eat about 10x more carbohydrates than they need. Drop the fries, drop the sugar, and drop the bread. Focus on protein and veggies to feel full, satisfied, and to automatically lose weight.
How many people know that the USDA's old food pyramid was completely wrong. Overdoing Bbead, pasta, potatoes, and white flour is terrible for weight gain, diabetes, never feeling full, heart burn, etc.
This is WRONG:
Welp, since they wacked 3 years off my remaining time, gonna party like crazy.
"I'm only 5 years away from the average point of death, but I don't feel I'm coming in for a landing on that descent path."
You are making the mistake of using the life expectancy of a newborn (76 years) for the life expectancy of a 71 year old. From SS actuarial tables (see calculation at, a 71 year old woman has a life expectancy of 87.9 years. The difference is that at 71, you already avoided all the mishaps and diseases that a newborn has yet to face and survive, so your additional life expectancy (16.2 years) is only based on what the average 71 year old is left to face. If you were a male, your life expectancy would be 85.8 (14.2 years longer.)
The male to female deficit of 2 years is commonly known as "male privilege."
Fentanyl and other opioid overdoses. People having their cancer treatments, or initial examinations postponed for a year or two years during the shutdown. More so in some states than in others. People not getting other illnesses or symptoms checked during the two years of shutdown. Mental issues plaguing some people, that were exacerbated during the shutdown years. Crime rising due to bad Democratic policies. More deaths and injuries due to crime.
We've literally shot ourselves in the foot. Half the country, and an overwhelming percentage of our leaders in government, media, and education hate our country as it was, and wanted to 'transformationally change' it. Well...they did. The results are in.
Excess deaths are up since covid. Two reasons. People didn't get the healthcare they needed during the idiotic shutdown. Lots of evidence that people died from the vaxs.
Ann, if you look at the average life expectancy for women, you are more than five years from the average.
NYT writes: "widespread access to guns, poverty and pollution. The problems are compounded for marginalized groups by racism and segregation...."
Hmmm? Hmmm? Strange how violent deaths increased with COVID in blue cities with very high incomes, such as San Francisco, Seattle, New York, Chicago, and D.C. NYT, send your intrepid young muckrakers out to find out what could possibly go wrong with defunding the police and allowing unchecked immigration.
Pollution: Let's now compare the differential change in death rates by US pollution that might cause a fall in average ages. Compare the US's worst cities to the industrial cities in China, India, Russia, and Brazil. What are the average lifespans there? Where was your phone and TV made? NYT: you are outsourcing pollution to marginalized groups daily.
“Fragmented and profit driven healthcare”… NYT wants socialism despite socialist healthcare systems being preferred by people actually wanting healthcare. Perhaps if we got rid of the middle market of for-profit health insurance, we would have better healthcare with customers paying for care themselves.
AA: " I'm only 5 years away from the average point of death ..."
Not so. For woman it's 79 years, for men it's a mere 73. It's Meade you need to worry about.
‘Much of that is about how the individual person lives: food, smoking, alcohol, drugs.’
Leave me out of this!!
Our generational "event horizon" has certainly shortened.
From my understanding of the estimation process, this is highly misleading. The life expectancy is an amalgam of what happened to one-year-olds, two-year-olds, etc. up through 99-year-olds with the assumption that the set of death rates would obtain in a life played out serially. So, a high death rate for some age group in a particular year is imagined as playing out forever. As though, when estimating the lifespan of a male infant in 1943, one were to factor in the danger World War 2 would pose when that infant reached his twenties.
The consequent result is, thus, not a prediction for an individual, but a model. The exact definition of infant mortality, for example, can have an outsized effect, since a still-born child can either not be counted or can represent a shortfall of 78 years, depending on whatever rules are applied.
Go to the CDC and you can find reports with mortality tables. If you have survived all the years life has thrown at you up until now, you have a damn good chance of surviving another, up until your upper 90's. It is a percent here or a percent there that kills us eventually, as no one gets out alive, but don't let any undue respect for the New York Times cloud your thoughts.
Old people dying has very little effect on the average life expectancy. It's the young that change the figure.
I fail to see the connection between lower life expectancy and a ‘profit driven’ healthcare system but then again I’m a little slow understanding connection between ‘the science’ of co2 and Hollywood’s climate disaster scanarios…
…and it seems like they missed a few recent death trends- police officers in blue cites, old people in blue state nursing homes, deaths from complications of excessive vaccination…
Who can say?
I can say.
There is a mistaken belief in the land that it's possible to break the culture without harming the individuals who make up the culture, if only the right government programs are put into place. When the culture no longer suppresses illegitimacy, drug abuse, disrespect of law and authority, and self-indulgence, all we need is a support program to help "single moms," tax-subsidized rehab programs, no cash bail/defund the cops, and suppression of all sorts of shame to make everything good.
Obviously, it has not worked.
According to, you have another 16.5 years to live. I suspect that because you are not a poor, obese, drug-addicted man who has sex with multiple or anonymous men, you will live even longer.
This is almost entirely due to good choices that the young Ms. Althouse made, and continues to make.
Take a bow, Professor, and be grateful that you did not choose the thug life, or any of its variations. You have earned your good fortune.
Who can say?
I can say.
There is a mistaken belief in the land that it's possible to break the culture without harming the individuals who make up the culture, if only the right government programs are put into place. When the culture no longer suppresses illegitimacy, drug abuse, disrespect of law and authority, and self-indulgence, all we need is a support program to help "single moms," tax-subsidized rehab programs, no cash bail, and suppression of all sorts of shame to make everything good.
Obviously, it has not worked.
According to, you have another 16.5 years to live. I suspect that because you are not a poor, obese, drug-addicted man who has sex with multiple or anonymous men, you will live even longer.
This is almost entirely due to good choices that the young Ms. Althouse made, and continues to make.
Take a bow, Professor, and be grateful that you did not choose the thug life, or any of its variations. You have earned your good fortune.
Wonder how much of the student loans were for living expenses cash that went immediately to their drug dealers. But at least Gibsons Bakery got sales of wine when the entitled brats did not shop lift it.
The Branch Covidians are trying to cover up the death and destruction their policies caused.
The highest correlating factors with COVID severity were obesity and low vitamin D levels.
And the Branch Covidians pushed locking people in their homes and putting COVID positive patients in nursing homes.
Because their goal was to kill as many people as possible.
If people honestly thought COVID 19 was the problem there would be a 10 Billion dollar bounty on Xi's head.
The problem was the Branch Covidians, not COVID.
You are making the mistake of using the life expectancy of a newborn (76 years) for the life expectancy of a 71 year old
Yepper. When you make it that far you have a high probability of coasting smoothly in to the next couple of decades…
Bill Gates approves .... as does Zeke Emanuel.
“widespread access to guns, poverty and pollution.”
That might explain the overall disparities in life expectancy for blacks versus whites (and then again, it might not - I have no idea), but it doesn't explain why the drop from 2020 to 2022 was steeper (by a factor of almost 2) for blacks versus whites. They are not suggesting that widespread access to guns, poverty and pollution just became a problem for the black community, are they?
People, and particularly reporters, really are idiots when it comes to analyzing statistics.
The Lizzo-ing of America
Wait! What about Healthy At Every Size! (HAES) You mean that's just nonsense?
I try to stay healthy. Family genetics might be on my side. But who knows. I might drop dead the day I retire.
I will not worry about how long I might live.
we've decided that IF a person CHOOSES not to be vaccinated; They deserve NO Medical Attention.
Right? I mean, right? Transplants, hospital access, EVERY THING can be denied to those..
Because it was THEIR DECISION to refuse vaccination. Right? i mean, Right?
So, if an obese alcoholic has health problems.. Health problems that Come from their choices..
Can't we? SHOULDN'T WE deny them health access?? How is it OUR Problem?
HOW do their choices differ from the choice to refuse vaccination?
Same with smoking, Same with drug use, same with choosing not to exercise.
Choices.. Choices have consequences
Interesting that NYT admitted that the US has one of the best health care systems in the world. Usually they just tell us how screwed up it is.
Vaccine is killing people too.
The national zoo is doing a poor job of maintaining the health of its captives.
Particularly some of the more rare breeds.
I will admit not being a statistician but it seems to me that the logical way to calculate life expectancy is to look at what percentage of people of a given birth year are still alive in year x compare to year y, and project death rates forward from there.
Two years of COVID have lopped off a significant percentage of people at the higher end of the life expectancy scale, and it likely still continues to do so, keeping death rates higher than before COVID even if not at a pandemic level.
The article seems to quietly admit as much While the pandemic has driven most of the decline in life expectancy... before launching into an obfusticating discussion of specific subgroups with known health issues that long predate the appearance of COVID.
As with most propaganda, I don't think the purpose of this article is to provide information as much as it is to obscure that COVID was largely lethal to the old and infirm, and that we generally did a really lousy job of protecting those most vulnerable from its effects, along with the usual NYT prosthelytizing for even more socialized medicine.
All the BS notwithstanding, I just plugged in my mother's and my own birth dates to the social security calculator and - sure enough - I can only "expect" to live to 88ish, whereas she can "expect" to live to 90.
But the average life expectancy of my age cohort continues to rise as we age (and avoid further mishaps mentioned above), so - is there a statistician in the house? Can anyone address whether this precipitous drop in average life expectancy looks real for those who avoid drugs, alcohol abuse, obesity (or at least work to counter it - per the TikTok lady yesterday, very strong genetic component there), STDs, reckless gunplay, organized or disorganized crime, etc., or is it in fact pretty much purely lifestyle-driven?
“Public Health” is just another government program that does the opposite of its stated mission. Is there anyone left who believes “doctor” Fauci adheres to the Hippocratic Oath to “first do no harm”? One-thousand excess deaths per month we are experiencing right now sixteen months after “15 days to stop the spread.”
'NYT wants socialism despite socialist healthcare systems being preferred by people actually wanting healthcare.'
You're sure about that? scratch the surface and you find out those socialist systems are shitshows too. American libs' best kept secret.
Make America Great Again. You know, when we lived longer.
"Of course, it's hard to fight obesity and addiction once they've beset you"
should be
"Of course, it's hard to fight obesity and addiction once you have embraced them as an acceptable way to live your life and treat your family."
Also the NY Times has not really crowned itself with glory with pushing physical fitness and exercise. Screw them. They are part of the problem with their fear of fat-shaming.
And then there's the dramatic explosion of cancer. Rare cancers. Fast-growing cancers. Stage 4 cancers. And these victims all just happen to be vaccinated (most of them with the booster).
Ever get the feeling that you are getting lied to by the government??
Now cross-tabulate these excess deaths with the patients' proximity to a Democrat Party-run nursing home.
Bet you see exponential increases in death, so maybe it's better to avoid the science that hurts your political party.
Maybe go kill some beagles instead to get your rocks off, Fauci-style.
I can't see the whole NYT piece so I went to the CDC ...
Nine of the 10 leading causes of death in 2020 remained the same as in 2019, although 5 causes switched rank; heart disease and cancer remained the top 2 leading causes, and COVID-19 became the third leading cause of death in 2020.
And there was some good news ...
The infant mortality rate decreased 2.9% in 2020 from 2019 to a record low of 541.9 infant deaths per 100,000 live births.
They couldn’t be bothered to wedge global warming into that sentence? Those lazy bastards….
Dude. That's funny because it's true. My hunch is the first draft included it and it was edited for space.
Althouse, the proper reference number for yourself is the life expectancy of a 71 year old white woman living in Wisconsin. This number is surely somewhere in the mid to upper 80s even after the pandemic.
'...but I don't feel I'm coming in for a landing on that descent path.'
I'm definitely on the back 9, it's just a question of which hole...
... widespread access to guns, poverty and pollution.
I imagine people asking, "Hey, do you know where I can get some poverty around here? How about a little pollution?"
I see what the Times means now, but that phrase could have been written differently.
I don't think the drop in life expectancy is intentional on the government's part, but the emphasis in governing circles does seem to be to force the old out to make way for the young and the new and the "diverse." It's ironic who's allegedly in charge, though.
Although the U.S. health care system is among the best in the world, Americans suffer from what experts have called 'the U.S. health disadvantage,' an amalgam of influences that... include a fragmented, profit-driven health care system; poor diet and a lack of physical activity; and pervasive risk factors such as smoking, widespread access to guns, poverty and pollution.
I do not see opiates in that sentence. Or the up and coming Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
But this is good for the climate, right?
'Not so. For woman it's 79 years, for men it's a mere 73. It's Meade you need to worry about.'
Why do men usually die before their wives?
Because they want to...
I saw an article in the NYT about traffic accidents. Whites have more accidents than Asians, Hispanics have a bit more accidents than whites, and Blacks have a great deal more accidents than other ethnic groups. The NYT attributes this to the fact that Blacks are poor and cannot afford the newer, safer cars.
Drugs, alcohol and addictions with their attendant complications? Paul Pelosi lives half a continent away from you, so there's that!
I'm old, nearly eighty and that's older than half the obits I read. My body stinks of mortality and my every third thought is of death. Still, don't discount the RPG effect. Deep down, I think I'll make it for another ten years. I think, therefore I'm not. That's an almost impossible hypothesis for the human brain to posit.
"Much of that is about how the individual person lives: food, smoking, alcohol, drugs. Covid came from the outside, but what percentage of the deaths are attributable to conditions that the individual might have avoided?"
You left out excess deaths due to COVID patients sent to nursing homes, and restrictions on life-saving therapeutics.
I can't take credit for many virtues, but I never got fat and this despite constant, incessant temptations. In America, it's really hard to stay thin. It's like living in the Playboy Mansion and staying chaste.
Jersey Fled said...
Interesting that NYT admitted that the US has one of the best health care systems in the world. Usually they just tell us how screwed up it is.
But JF, it's only one of the best when a D is in the White House. Health care is fine now. True, is was crappy 2 years ago but that's because an R was in the White House. Right now everything is the best of all possible things.
Of course the NYT would have to blame "fragmented, profit-driven" health care, meaning "not run by the government". The Indian Affairs health system is run by the federal government for "free" and it is by far the worst health system in America. The VA was only somewhat better until Trump cleaned it up by having people fired and creating a voucher system by which veterans could access private care and have the costs covered.
I lived for decades under the Canadian health--care systems -- each province has a different system -- and they were all bad for anything more than a broken arm or cut foot. In the 30 years since I left Canada they have become vastly worse. A close frienwd in Québec nearly went blind because in the province's third largest city, with a "leading" university hospital, there was was no opthamologist available to RENEW her prescription for the drug which quells her autoimmune attack against her eyes. Finally, after a 9-hour wait, some ER doc broke the rules, ordered the head nurse to release a ten-day supply from the dispensary, and wrote her the scrip. Meanwhile, she's been waiting over three years to see a specialist in the condition. She assures me that this is a depressingly common problem.
The real issue is this. In private health care, each patient is a source of REVENUE, whilst in government care. each patient is an EXPENSE.
I work for a company that owns multiple types of labs. Our medical testing labs lost over 50% of their business during COVID. These were labs who did specialty tests for monitoring Immunological levels in patients with severe allergies, HIV, or transplants. They also did rare disease work. Another of our labs did cardiac testing, their business was way off, in the neighborhood of 70%. Even today, the business are not at the level of samples pre-COVID. Monitoring of AC1 and other disease related metrics was off and has never really recovered.
Obesity and Type 2 diabetes are huge red flags for severe COVID. As is Low Vitamin D. Patients will have a harder time and increased complications, increased deaths. These issues are common in Native American and Alaskan Native populations.
The increase in deaths does not surprise me. What surprises me is no one is really talking about the impacts of closing Dr offices, using telemed, and closing hospitals did to patients. Add to that the scaring of people to the point they are not going to the medical community when ill - because they might catch COVID. It all adds to the severity of illnesses and deaths when they do finally decide to seek help.
I am the same age our hostess. My high school class of 1969 had 574 graduates. Our class has a website run by one the class officers. It posts most of the death notices of our classmates. Some classmates have disappeared of course. I am keeping track.
I’m not conversant with life expectancy details, but assuming for argument’s sake that 85 year-olds are expected to live to 87, won’t killing them off affect aggregate numbers? (Thanks Cuomo!)
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
They couldn’t be bothered to wedge global warming into that sentence? Those lazy bastards….
Dude. That's funny because it's true. My hunch is the first draft included it and it was edited for space.
IMO, it's because they want to make the US look uniquely bad. Global warming doesn't help that narrative.
RideSpaceMountain said...A question I think we should also ask is, "In light of a certain cohort's desire to protect people from themselves, is life worth living if people actually gave in to them and truly cut out everything that was bad for them?"
A question we don't often ask. If I can engage in a lot of temporary but harmful pleasures and die at 70 or not engage in them and die at 80 and I decide 70 years with is better than 80 years without, then it's not a tragedy when I die at 70.
I work for a company that owns multiple types of labs. Our medical testing labs lost over 50% of their business during COVID. These were labs who did specialty tests for monitoring Immunological levels in patients with severe allergies, HIV, or transplants. They also did rare disease work. Another of our labs did cardiac testing, their business was way off, in the neighborhood of 70%. Even today, the business are not at the level of samples pre-COVID. Monitoring of AC1 and other disease related metrics was off and has never really recovered.
Obesity and Type 2 diabetes are huge red flags for severe COVID. As is Low Vitamin D. Patients will have a harder time and increased complications, increased deaths. These issues are common in Native American and Alaskan Native populations.
The increase in deaths does not surprise me. What surprises me is no one is really talking about the impacts of closing Dr offices, using telemed, and closing hospitals did to patients. Add to that the scaring of people to the point they are not going to the medical community when ill - because they might catch COVID. It all adds to the severity of illnesses and deaths when they do finally decide to seek help.
The most thought-provoking book I have read in the last four years is Deaths of Despair by Anne Case and Angus Deaton, both of Princeton and Deaton the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2015, The book is pre-pandemic, and charts the dramatic rise in mortality among white, non-college educated men in the midwest. It looks at mortality rates in various age tranches, so it avoids the criticism in some of the comments of looking just at life expectancy. After 60 years of declining mortality rates, in about 2000, the mortality rates for white non-college educated men stopped declining and started to increase. The authors attribute the increasing mortality rates to deaths resulting from opioids, alcoholism, and suicide. A compelling portrait of a society in decline. The Obama administration focused much more attention and funds on dealing with Ebola than studying or even noticing a trend resulting in hundresds of thousands in excess deaths among the US population. Did even a single US citizen die of Ebola?
"include a fragmented, profit-driven health care system
Big chunks of it are public.
"poor diet"
As in, food is so cheap even the poor can get fat.
"The problems are compounded for marginalized groups by racism and segregation...."
As in, blacks kill blacks at much higher rates.
"Covid came from the outside, but what percentage of the deaths are attributable to conditions that the individual might have avoided?"
Even Covid disproportionately hit people with conditions that, age aside, might have been avoided.
"Of course, it's hard to fight obesity and addiction once they've beset you"
Can't speak to addiction,. But fighting obesity is not that hard. Of course you first have to recognize that there is something to fight. Many people prefer not to.
“Drugs, drugs and more drugs. And then you lose hope and die. But at least you avoided falling for outdated Christian beliefs and its moralistic life style”
Of course we can blame that primarily on Dem politicians, including blasting open our southern border so that fentanyl and other drugs can flood in…
But much more is going on. Insurance companies are seeing a massive increase in actual deaths over predicted, and consequently a lot of red ink on their part. And most illegal drug users don’t have life insurance.
The elephant in the room are all of the vaccine side effects deaths. They are hidden because the government doesn’t want to count them, because that would undercut their efforts at making more money for Pfizer and Moderna. Most every heart attack of anyone in their 20s, and esp of elite athletes, is very likely vaccine related. Ditto for blood clots, etc.
Let me remind everyone here about what is going on with these mRNA vaccines. They essentially consist of short mRNA segments from RNA of the original virus that generates the virus’s S1 and S2 spikes. These are what attach so readily to human ACE2 receptors (the specificity there almost guarantees that the virus was lab created), with the mRNA segments inserted in a capsid. The idea was to imprint the knowledge of these spike proteins on immune systems, as pathogens, so that it can mobilize more quickly when encountering the virus exhibiting these spike proteins. Of course, by now, since it is a simple RNA respiratory virus, it has mutated around the spike proteins in the vaccines, by tweaking the spike proteins, in the Omicron variants. Doesn’t stop the public health establishment from demanding that the public keeps getting vaccinated and boosted with spike proteins that almost no one is seeing any more (not really, in the US, since the first of 2022, when Omicron pushed out Delta).
So far, so good. These mRNA vaccines do a decent job of imprinting the immune system to the original spike proteins - on the first jab. We know this, because the second and subsequent jabs trigger massive immune responses. Which, of course, raises the obvious question- WTF are they trying to do with the 2nd and subsequent jabs, except increase profits for Pfizer and Moderna? Overall though, that really isn’t a significant problem, except the massive immune response in some people exhausts their immune systems until they can be recharged - and it turns out that there are low grade viruses and even cancers kept in check by immune systems. This works fine most of the time - we can carry the virus, in long lived nerve cells for many decades, until they finally escape, as Shingles, when immune stems deteriorate later in life. So, some of the excess deaths most likely come from that.
But not, probably most of the excess deaths. We are told, when getting jabs, to expect soreness at the injection site for a day or two. And after a couple days we should be back to normal. But it turns out that in many people, the spike generating mRNA is found all over the body, up to 60 days after injection. What’s going on there? The claim that the mRNA wouldn’t migrate and would quickly break down was based on the fact that mRNA breaks down quickly in the body. Often within minutes. It’s a combination of the immune system finding mRNA where it shouldn’t, and the instability of Uridine (U) bonds. But that isn’t happening with these vaccines. What’s going on? The big thing is that the mRNA has been tweaked a bit - for several reasons. The big change was to switch a lot of the Uridines(U) for Pseudouridine(Ψ), and probably do to its wobble bonding problems, to N1-Methylpseudouridine(m1Ψ). So, instead of the mRNA breaking down, as expected, in an hour or so, it can survive for months in the body. And that means that it can leave the injection site via the lymphatic system, and, ultimately, throughout the body to inconvenient locations. It even can cross the blood/brain boundary. It rapidly enters cells, and continue chugging away, generating archaic variant spike proteins - that the immune system was taught, at the first jab, are pathogens. And, the cells containing them are dutifully killed. This wasn’t an issue, in the muscle tissue at the original injection site. It’s a big problem when the immune system destroys heart muscle tissue containing those spike proteins - causing myocarditis (etc). It isn’t just myocarditis, of course, but different people suffer different symptoms and problems, all over their bodies, depending on where the mRNA migrated. The commonality is that their immune systems attacked cells exhibiting the spike proteins. It’s this very wide spread of issues, problems, and causes of death that is hiding the problem - but is probably the big reason for the spike in excess deaths. And, yes, there have been studies (outside the US for obvious reasons) showing a significant correlation between vaccinations and excess deaths.
In addition, there are some southwestern tribes whose history included some very hard times and who, it appears, have developed a "thrifty gene" which scavenges and stores fat very efficiently. That works when you're half-starved most of the time. It's a problem when you have a choice in your daily three squares.
jaydub: good comment. hope everyone reads it. too bad it's such a common mistake not to complete the sentence - life expectancy measured from birth.
In addition - life expectancy is only measured for a group. It really means that of a group of females aged 71, 50% will have died in the next 16.9 years. That means that 500 out of 1,000 will live past 88.
This is due to Trump enabling the increase in fast food gluttony and couch potato sloth with his core grassroot fans.
Math is fun, yet horrible. One teen death from a fentanyl OD is the equivalent of a half dozen oldsters dead a few years early from covid, as far as the average lifetime is concerned. And a baby dead as a toddler is even worse for the average.
This is almost all mRNA injection deaths. The people who sell it call it a "vaccine", but it isn't one.
How many people know that the USDA's old food pyramid was completely wrong. Overdoing Bbead, pasta, potatoes, and white flour is terrible for weight gain, diabetes, never feeling full, heart burn, etc.
The food pyramid is probably the deadliest thing our government ever did, even worse than Covid lockdowns. In writing my history of medicine I looked up the story of Dr Atkins and his diet. He was vilified and I could find no scientific papers on the principles of his diet, which has survived as "South Beach Diet" and "Keto" diets. When he died from a fall on an icy street, there was celebration in some circles.
It's important to realize that expected life is the mean, i.e, half the population should die before the mean and half after. The standard deviation is also important because in a normal, or Gaussian distribution like life expectancy 68% of the deaths should have occur within one standard deviation of the mean, 95% within two standard deviations and 99.7% within three. Since the standard deviation for life expectancy is about 8 years, one would expect roughly 95% of the female population of Ann's approximate age to die sometime between 73 and 105. Fifty four percent would live to 90. Ann doesn't feel like she's on a steep glide path to death because she's not. In fact, given her life style, physical condition and assuming average genes, then she should have a fairly shallow glide path to 90 or beyond.
'This is due to Trump enabling the increase in fast food gluttony and couch potato sloth with his core grassroot fans.'
How does one explain Jerry 'The Human Weeble' Nadler?
Keep trying...
While the pandemic has driven most of the decline in life expectancy, a rise in accidental deaths and drug overdoses also contributed, as did deaths from heart disease, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, the new report found
It's hard to fight your diabetes, when you can't go out, and even when you can, the things you did when you go out are all cancelled.
The lockdowns were murderously wrong
'The food pyramid is probably the deadliest thing our government ever did...'
There are a lot of sites and Twitter accounts that post photos of life in the U.S. in the '50s, '60s, and '70s.
A lot of the comments remark on the fact that almost everyone is thin. Hardly a fatty to be found.
I think it's partly pre-horrible diet recommendations, and pre-video games/24-hour screen time.
It ain't so Joe. You people need to take the advice that Dean Wormer gave to Flounder.
The results show that the gap in overall death rates between Democratic and Republican counties increased more than sixfold from 2001 to 2019, especially for white populations, and was driven mainly by deaths due to heart disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, unintentional injuries, and suicide.
The underlying reasons for the robust association of obesity and republican voting, independent of income and ethnic minority populations, are not known. However, regional food consumption patterns, eating habits and lifestyle are likely to important, given the dominant role of these factors in the development and maintenance of obesity, as well as rates of educational attainment and rural versus urban environments.
Used to be an up-scale--really up-scale--deli type place where I lived. And the local equivalent of Walmart. I went to the latter for the prices and when we had company coming who needed organic, free-range, fair-trade coffee flavoring, I went to the former.
Everybody at the deli except yours truly looked as if they could use a couple of double whoppers. And were getting twenty miles a week running.
Walmart...not so much.
Covid deaths increase with comorbidity. So do most other deaths. So Covid pre-killed people who would have died later but earlier than non comorbid people. This pre-killing should shift the actuarial tables to show a longer average lifespan for older people. If the weak ones die early then the strong ones that are left will live longer.
The noted reduction in average lifespan must mean that young people are dying early. And, as someone noted, this changes the average more.
Howard said...
It ain't so Joe. You people need to take the advice that Dean Wormer gave to Flounder.
The results show that the gap in overall death rates between Democratic and Republican counties increased more than sixfold from 2001 to 2019, especially for white populations, and was driven mainly by deaths due to heart disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, unintentional injuries, and suicide.
Hmm, let's see:
1: No llnk
2: Not the relevant time period (2020 - 2021 is the time period at discussion)
3: Garbage study. 2 of these things are not like the other 2. None of these have numbers attached to them
You could find a worse study, but you'd have to put some effort into it
I will give Howard his due...Trump is indeed a chunky guy.
But I'll take fat over a drooling, dementia-addled Biden who sniffs little girls.
Howard: "The results show that the gap in overall death rates between Democratic and Republican counties increased more than sixfold from 2001 to 2019,....."
"2001 to 2019"
Thanks for playing Howard. Now make sure you become pen pals with a couple of your fellow leftists in Europe and give them some encouragement to face the upcoming winter with no heat because the self-declared Party of Science decided to listen to some psycho 12 year old chick from Sweden who told you to hate the actual "science".
Jesus Greg you've got me stumped. The numbered list is a nice touch. It's concerning to see that you don't think very well of your deplorable compatriots who live in the sticks killing themselves with insulin resistance. Is it any Wonder young people are fleeing these areas?
The orange fast food Chugalug piper is leading his base into a coffin corner. Keep laughing at those soy boys who keep kicking your ass eating your lunch.
Now they call you Prince Charming
Can't speak a word when you're full of 'ludes
Say you'll be all right come tomorrow
But tomorrow might not be here for you
Ooooh that smell
Can't you smell that smell
Ooooh that smell
The smell of death surrounds you
bruce posted:
"These mRNA vaccines do a decent job of imprinting the immune system to the original spike proteins - on the first jab. We know this, because the second and subsequent jabs trigger massive immune responses. Which, of course, raises the obvious question- WTF are they trying to do with the 2nd and subsequent jabs, except increase profits for Pfizer and Moderna?"
Except that by the myopic metric of raw antibodies, the response "wanes". Which Birx claims they knew would happen. Oh.
The larger issue is that there's more to evaluating immune system response than counting antibodies. The imprinting is different for initiating by respiratorial infection than a systemic barrage. In the former, the imprint includes more viral componenents and resources are marshalled and targeted in concentrated form to the respiratory tract. In the latter, respomse is triggered by a limited viral vocabulary and diluted across all the places the mrna spike generator landed and is subject to programmed obsolesence as variants exit that narrow vocabulary.
Then there are the sidef effcts you mention as well as the inflammation from the lipid nanoparticles as well as those particles garnering..entry across the blood brain barrier.
But hey, we have v2.o which, by designation just has to be mo bettah as detrmined by 8 mice. The wrinkle is that you have to get all the previous series to gain access to the Mouse Approved v2.0 Super Jab.
However, those early jabs are still not what the FDA approved, despite the miltary's relabeling.
Regarding deathrates, if only similar trends were found in other countries, we might have a hypothesis.
Oh wait..
What's your jab count? Going to get 2.0?
Live long and prosper, Althouse, Meade, and family.
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