August 3, 2022

Just 4 TikToks tonight. Enjoy!

1. The newcomer to Wisconsin finds it so wholesome.

2. What does Broadway Barbara eat in a day?

3. When AI talks to AI — the 2011 version and the 2021 version.

4. In the quest to bike from the top of Alaska to the bottom of Argentina, how far do you get in one year?


wildswan said...

I liked Broadway Barbara. But I wondered if she another robot programmed about outrageous food combinations

Lash LaRue said...

The biker needs to pick up the pace. He is averaging 71 kilometers a day.

john said...

Number 4 seems really lonely.

Dave Begley said...


Lilly, a dog said...

I thought it said, "Weird Al talks to AI." I was very disappointed.

Curious George said...

#4 I made it halfway across the world...more"

Alaska to Ecuador is not halfway. Not even close.

Canadian Bumblepuppy said...

Thank you for these. #1 my favourite.

Andrew said...

I wonder how the bicyclist made it through the Darien Gap?

Amexpat said...

The big question, which the biker did not address, was whether he biked through the Darien Gap or not. My guess is he avoided it by taking a plane or boat ride, which means he did not ride his bike all the way.

Leeatmg said...

It's been a long time since I laughed as hard as I did at Broadway Barbara (#2.). Maybe too long. Thanks for that one!

Baceseras said...

How long should it take to roll from Alaska to Argentina? It's downhill all the way!

farmgirl said...

Do robots have silhouettes?
I spy a nose…

Quaestor said...

Number 4.

From the top to the bottom? WTF is that? The first thing one ought to learn before setting out on an epic journey is the use of a compass. It's north, south, east, and west -- not up, down, left, and right. The top of a map is usually north, but not always. (When in doubt, look for the compass rose.) This is, however, a convention dating to the late 14th century.

Be that as it may, the cyclist is not engaged in a "top to bottom" tour of the Americas. Assuming that is his intention, he started poorly. The map indicates his starting point to be Prudhoe Bay, which is well south of the "top" of the United States by about 70 miles. However, Prudhoe Bay is a logical starting point for cycling - it's the northern terminus of the North Slope pipeline, which is laid aboveground rather than buried like most pipelines. There's a parallel service/inspection road running its entire length -- much more conducive to bicycle tires than the tundra.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

Barbara. It was one of the few that actually made me laugh out loud.

I agree that bike guy seemed lonely.

michaele said...

The chowing down of a "sink salad" and scarfing nuts while vacuuming made me laugh.

Charlie said...

The guy in Wisconsin deserves a beating for that video. Or maybe a caning, like they used to do in Singapore.

Ann Althouse said...

"From the top to the bottom? WTF is that?"

Those are my words, just for fun. Don't pin it on him.

Ann Althouse said...

Lighten up.

We say "up north" and "down south."

We know it's not vertical space, but you still can't say "down north" and "up south" (though there is "down east").

lgv said...

I'm still laughing at Broadway Barbara. I'm going to make a reverse sandwich now.

Bryant said...

#4 was the best, does seem a little lonely.

This morning I watched a tiktok that reminded me of a blog post here.

flammable vs inflammable

Ann Althouse said...

It was fun for me to encounter the guy who just got to Wisconsin. I laughed out loud when I got to his amazement at how people say "hi" to ever they pass in the park. It's just so normal. If you're out walking and you pass somebody, you say "hi." You really have to. How can you not?

John Holland said...

Barbara is Best. The most comedy compressed into the least possible space.

You know, it's really amazing the quality of shooting, video editing and sound editing some of these TikTokkers deploy. This little clip could be a proposal for a sitcom.

AI to AI, 2011 vs 2021: robots are still bitchy, argumentative dicks. That hasn't improved. Why? Perhaps the AI programmers are socially incompetent themselves (send them to Wisconsin for a month?). Or perhaps the AI uses social media as raw data to "learn" how to act, and so much of social media is sociopathic poison. In any case this doesn't bode well for our future AI overlords.

LibertarianLeisure said...

Broadway Barbara's ' What I eat in a Day's is hilarious. I shared with my friends and nephews and niece and cousin.