“I loved to be reassured that my 9-inch very big penis was actually big. It may sound funny to you but its [sic] body dysmorphia … I know my penis is almost twice the size of an average man’s penis,” the first son wrote on July 12, 2018.He's right. It does sound funny to me.
“When the woman you have given up everything for says to a crowd of people ‘il [sic] loved Beau, I’m addicted to Hunter.’ What does anyone who has an addiction want to do more than anything. They want to rid themselves of that awful obsession,” he wrote.
“Any transgression on her part is forgiven because they all know she was under the influence of Hunter. She never acted this way before. Jesus what the f—k did Hunter do now,” he continued, adding that a “sadistic” Hallie Biden would often insult his manhood as a way to “tear down my already fragile ego.”
Do his rambling notes contain any insight into why his ego was so fragile? Or is the fragile-ego business insincere? I think he's journaling and trying to understand himself, but that does not guarantee the exclusion of insincerity (and outright lying).
To lie in your diary — who does that?
I googled that last sentence and got this 1990 piece by Richard Cohen (not the Richard Cohen who is my ex-husband), "Lying to Your Diary."
[Former national security adviser John] Poindexter asserts that Reagan's diaries might prove that he was following -- not initiating -- the policy that resulted in the Iran-contra scandal....
It's hard to imagine Reagan writing a diary of any literary importance. But it's harder still to imagine him or any high government official confiding to a diary what he actually thinks....
Candor like [that of Samuel Pepys] is now almost totally confined to the novel. It is only in fiction that public people act like real people. The incredible intrusion of the press coupled with the demands of the law ensure that no one of any importance is going to be anything other than a hypocrite. The public figure who lies to the press will likely also lie to his diary, where, after subpoena or posthumous publication, he will be revealed as pretty close to perfect....
[N]either we nor Poindexter should be surprised if Reagan's diary is either mute about Iran-contra or says nothing we don't already know. The incessant search for truth is beginning to reveal a paradox: the more we demand to know, the less we are told.
That was written 32 years ago.
Here's a Newsweek piece from 1994, "Who Says A Diary Can't Lie?" Some Treasury Department official, Joshua Steiner, had testified before Congress and disagreed with what he'd written in his own diary:
What interests me is the hilarity with which practically everyone greeted this testimony... [He was] "the kid who says he lied to his own diary . . . har, har, har" -- a concept evidently considered preposterous on its face. Who would lie to his diary? the merrymakers wanted to know.
To which I reply: Where have these people been? Have they ever read a diary? Have they ever kept one? Let's leave poor Steiner out of it and go straight to the big issue. It is, from Pepys to Packwood, the general factual reliability of this kind of writing, by which I mean not just diaries, but also autobiographies, journals, memoirs, tapes and the rest....
Who says people are necessarily honest with themselves, in the first place? And in the second, the diary, crucially, doesn't talk back. It doesn't say "gimmme a break," when inscribed with a whopper. It doesn't even raise an eyebrow. A diary has never heard of cross-examination. A diary has heard only of what its proprietor chooses to tell it.
Remember that people keep diaries for many different purposes.... And all are at least aware in some degree of how their entries would read to others. Even Samuel Pepys, the most honest diarist of them all, who is funny, dirty, unsparingly candid about his own bribe-taking and other lapses, and wonderfully acute on the subject of government, somewhat self-consciously and coyly dips into pidgin French or Spanish when recording his sexual infidelities, as if in the presence of another. ("And there I had . . . mon plain plaisir of elle.")
Bob Packwood, paraphrasing one of his famous diary entries in the Senate, made it sound awfully pleasing to himself, awfully bolstering: "She stood up, approached me, put her arms around me, gave me a great big kiss and said, "You're wonderful'."
I don't know if that's true, but I do know that diaries provide their authors with a chance to recast their own lives more to their liking and this sure has the ring....
१०२ टिप्पण्या:
Just like his dad: Liar.
“To lie in your diary — who does that?”
A Biden does.
recall them OUR US media conspired to tell us that Hunter and Joe's corruption is "Russian disinformation"?
Our liar press still lie about it. Gotta protect the deep state potemkin crook.
Breaking News: Trump still fat
A small penis the size of a large penis!
Because Vice President Biden was the Obama Administration's "point man on Ukraine", Ukraine's largest natural-gas company was compelled to hire his son Hunter onto its Board of Directors and pay him $85,000 a month.
Meanwhile, Vice President Biden supported the expulsion of Ukraine's elected President Victor Yanukovych from Ukraine, on the pretext that President Yanukovych was "corrupt".
I googled that last sentence and got this 1990 piece by Richard Cohen (not the Richard Cohen who is my ex-husband)
Life reminding you that whatever happened, it could have been worse. The Post's Richard Cohen was a real sleaze. I don't want to dig up the details now, but it's like he was trying to compete with Carl Bernstein in being an exploitative slimeball.
It's hard to imagine Reagan writing a diary of any literary importance.
I believe Reagan's diary has been published. Of course it wasn't going to be of "literary importance," but it did show him to be smarter than than his critics said he was. Politicians' diaries aren't usually of "literary importance." If they are, it's a good sign that they weren't very successful as politicians, a sign that they weren't paying attention to the right things.
The idea of diaries as an honest records of what people were thinking and feeling at the time and the idea of diaries as painstaking searches into one's real motivations and how things "really" were come into conflict. People live on the surface and what they write will reflect that. To go deeper is to lose the emotions of the moment. And yes, politicians and bureaucrats do lie to their diaries if the stakes are high enough.
The Democrats in Congress impeached President Trump and tried to remove him from his elected office, because President Trump told Ukraine's President Zelensky in a phone conversation that Zelensky now would be allowed to investigate why Hunter Biden had been appointed to a position on the Board of Directors of Ukraine's largest natural-gas company.
Hunter Biden is a Kardashian
This is man with no business skills - living off of millions upon millions of tax payer funded washed money - finagled thru corrupt pay-to-play international business deals with Ukraine and China, that were concocted so the Joe Himself "the big guy" would get his cut.
and the left made his dad our president.
So many examples ignored by the hack-D press
FBI Director Wray admits alleged bias in Hunter Biden probe ‘deeply troubling’
but he has a plane to catch - so nothing will come of it as long as the FBI is corrupt and Merrick is at the top of the DOJ.
Hunter Biden involved in 2018 deal to send grain from Ukraine to China
I found my father's diary right after he died and it seemed clear it was "his" side of the story, to be found and read just as I did. The only useful parts were his childhood memories.
but - Hunter and Joe never discussed business.
and the hack-D press nod in agreement.
In HBO Sex and the City, Sarah J Parker's character nickname for her boyfriend was Mr Big.
What if there is more to Hunter's nickname for his father as "the big guy", more than the obvious big political position?
Did... president Biden take showers with his son Hunter too?
Keep asking questions.
The good news is that Hunter Biden has had more access to our National Security secrets than anyone currently in the US Senate or House. And certainly more than they're allowing Kamala, our next President.
Joe's missing millions! Financial records reveal Biden had $5.2million in unexplained income - as emails show he paid Hunter's legal bills for one megabucks Chinese deal and was tapped as 'big guy' to get a 10% cut in another
Plus - see Hunter's extra large penis. Poor poor Hunter is a victim, as he has low self esteem. Hunter will appear on The View to elicit sympathy. Whoopi and old white Behar will grovel and submit.
ali antar, referred in the other thread, brought the cocaine through prague from venezuela, he worked for ukrainian arms export agency,
We recently rewatched "America's Sweethearts", a mediocre movie with hilariously brilliant patches. Hank Azaria, playing a Spaniard, reiterates the size of his penis, saying it's bigger than a roll of coins ("cointh").
That would not be one of the funny bits. (And it would be unproduceable today.)
If Hunter is going to channel Azaria, he's better off with "The Birdcage". In that he does a Guatemalan accent, but it's definitely one of the funny bits.
Historians love us some diaries. And letters, where are the letters?
Althouse is my diary and my memoir.
You want truth? Try Victor Klemperer.
Dare we hope that the walls are closing in on the Biden Crime Family?
Ever the optimist . . .
Can the Deep State please select a First Family that didn't come straight out of a trailer park meth zone, please.
Perfect comment from john mosby.
"Or is the fragile-ego business insincere?"
More interesting is whether the "extended denunciation" of Hallie is insincere. Why would it be? Even if it is insincere, it shows a peculiar kind of hateful attitude--not a good look even if manufactured to make her the evil b**ch. I think it sincerely displays Bidenesque misogyny.
Normally, Althouse is sensitive to the gratuitous talking down to or about women. Why not in this case? Why the deflection to the man's fragile ego?
I'm not telling Althouse what to focus on etc.., and I do appreciate her choice of bloggable items etc., but focusing on the issue of sincerity is itself a kind of deflection from the slightly more important issue of what this material shows about the state of mind of Burisma adviser and China-partner Hunter Biden, and of the character and standards of the Biden clan. Have the MSM sincerely tried to grapple with it at all?
"Jerry...just remember...it's not a lie, if you believe it"
How much longer can the MSM ignore Hunter Biden?
This is indeed the "Gaslighting Age" ...
Do you know who doesn't think this is funny? Late night comedians and SNL.....Hunter Biden is far, far more ridiculous than the Kardashians or Eric Trump but the pros have allowed him to naked mud wrestle with his demons on the public stage without directing any tactless humor his way.
i see there's a misspelling in your quote (their fault, not yours i'm Sure), When they wrote
whom Hunter began a tempestuous relationship
That's not how you spell incestuous
We drove home from CA yesterday. Listened to the audio of "Laptop from Hell." My wife was astonished at how dishonest the Biden family is. I told her most Senators are dishonest but usually not like the Bidens. The fact that they got away with it for 50 years tells you a lot about DC.
Hunter don't confuse "I have a big cock" with "I am a big cock."
He's not lying to his diary, he had a shitty father who left him with many issues. And, BTW, Ronald Reagan was a fairly prolific writer for a guy who was governor and then a two term president. Just because some Reagan hater was frustrated that the walls didn't close in and disagreed with Reagan's beliefs doesn't erase the 'literary importance" of his work.
Our country is being run by a family of debased, criminal, compromised morons.
I have no interest in Hunter Biden's perverse life, expect where it involves his family's corruption. That should be investigated and prosecuted.
To lie in your diary — who does that?
Everyone lies to themselves.
Self awareness is the hardest skill to learn and the hardest thing any person will attempt to address honestly.
Your own question is something everyone needs to ask themself.
john mosby said...
A small penis the size of a large penis!
Top 10 post.
"That's not how you spell incestuous"
Let's leave Joe Biden's daughter and granddaughter out of this. A family like this would have been kicked out of any self respecting trailer park if he wasn't a Senator making his friends rich.
Didn't his sister write a diary as well??
Dave Begley said...
“To lie in your diary — who does that?”
A Biden does.
A nevertrumper talking about people lying to themselves.
Ah Hunter Biden---a penile legend in his own mind. And one nasty piece of work.
he's like a full whizzo chocolate of Kompromat and Lesuo (Russian and Chinese) brands of blackmail
If you haven't reached the conclusion that the entire Biden family is filled with pathologic liars by now, I'd like to know how you managed to remain so sheltered and gormless.
Ya really think that the son of the man who "channeled" Neil Kinnock nearly verbatim, and then tried to pass that off as "original thought" is going to be different than dear old Dad?
Do you really think that Joe Biden "just happened" to produce the crew of deviants he did, by accident? That there's not significant emotional, physical, and likely sexual trauma behind what Hunter and his siblings have done in adult life?
If the Child Protective Services could reach through time to remove those kids from the malign influence of their father, I think they'd have all been a lot better off. Joe is obviously the source of a lot of their troubles.
Frankly, Hunter and his sister both present all the "tells" for people who were seriously sexually abused in childhood. I've never gotten the "I'm responsible for my actions" vibe off of him, and I suspect that a goodly chunk of what he's done down the years has been consciously or subconsciously attempting to sabotage his father's career. Trouble is, the fixers keep right on fixing everything, and no matter what Hunter has done, it's been covered up. For me, Hunter is something of an object of pity. He didn't get the way he is on his own, or by accident. He's the product of a really, truly 'effed-up childhood and a set of parents who've done nothing but exploit him and his frailties down the years.
It's going to be a huge mess for all involved when (and, if...) the facts ever come to light. I imagine that Joe will be put down like a diseased animal by his handlers, the minute it looks like something could happen. Probably to include Jill, Hunter, and anyone else in the Biden Krime Krewe that could provide testimony.
I don't know what the denouement of all this is going to be, but it will go one of two ways: Epic-scale, or quietly hushed up through mass murder. I imagine that a convenient yacht sinking, airplane crash, or something else could probably be arranged. Possibly even while still in office...
Frankly, if any staffers for the Bidens ever read this, I'd advise travelling in separate conveyances. Always.
Jesus, first Bob Odenkirk's foot fetish, and now this. Just more stuff I wish I didn't know.
I run into people who think that a life spent in the Senate is excellent preparation to be president. Or at least that's what they want me to think they think.
Biden Family Corruption and Depravity: The Greatest Story Not Yet Told.
BTW, most trailer park people are smarter and more honest than Joe and Hunter Biden. That is all.
A progressive path and grade. Keep and bear your Arms, and your little girls, and little boys, too.
Makes us so grateful that QuidProJoe was not our dad, doesn't it?
Coupled with Ashley's diary it raises the question - again - how deep does every form of corruption go with this pathetic family and how vulnerable is our President to manipulation and blackmail?
Of course, there is no issue about the lengths to which the leftmediaswine will go to cover the Biden's decadent asses. They are endless.
Are we sure Hunter's claim to have a nine inch penis isn't just Russian disinformation?
Are we sure Hunter's claim to have a nine inch penis isn't just Russian disinformation?
I'm a PI. Words are just as often used to deceive as they are to enlighten. Watch what people DO! Fuck what they say.
Talk about weird Thanksgiving dinners. Hunter, Hallie; perhaps having the hots for each other even when Beau was alive. Screaming, tempestuous fights, possibly with some reference to intermittent hot sex. And let's not forget Hallie's sister, Elizabeth Secundy. Hunter's memoirs are apparently going to be called "Beautiful Things."
It's kind of an old joke. If divorced or wandering guys have a little black book (or now the digital Contacts version), who is in it? Wife's sister, wife's best friend, brother's widow, brother's sister in law, hookers once the drugs are flowing and ... that's about it.
In his book of Arkansas folk tales "Pissing in the Snow" Vance Randolph tels of a couple good ole boys having a dick measuring contest by lining up quarters on top.
Punch line was "Do whickerwills [foreskins] count?"
What I am interested is, is Hunter going to come out and say that he is actually a woman trapped in a man's body? Then he could cry about those nasty old deplorables who only hate on him because he is trans.
It is the repression of his true sexuality, doncha see, that has caused all his problems.
Next up, marry Richard/Rachel Levine in a lesbian wedding. That will get him a big sympathy vote.
"I give you my word as a Biden!"
No man is a hero to his valet. No man is a villain to his diary. Biden has a 9 inch penis. IOW, he's a big dick.
Imagine the news coverage if Don Trump junior, had his laptop dropped off for repair, and was being investigated by the FBI in 2020.
when you have a large penis and you're still a victim - that's some high level victim mining.
Everyone paying attention knew this about Biden, and his family in 2020. everyone knew Joe was senile. Everyone knew he and Hunter were corrupt. Everyone knew he was an empty suit.
Yet the Republican DC establishment, and people like George Bush, sat on their hands in 2020, and/or expressed happiness when Biden was elected. Never forget who's responsible for inflicting President Biden on us.
Poindexter asserts that Reagan's diaries might prove that he was following -- not initiating -- the policy that resulted in the Iran-contra scandal
Cohen appears to have been asserting that he could read Reagan's mind and divine that even if the plain meaning of the words he put in his diary indicated he was influenced or possibly even convinced to change his mind that this would constitute Reagan 'lying' because Cohen was convinced that Reagan favored the Iran-contra policy to being with.
This seems to be a general problem with many claims that thus-and-so is 'lying' about matters that are closer to an analysis of facts or an opinion, not a reporting of them. That isn't to say people can't be wrong or misinterpret things but that simply because you disagree doesn't mean the other person is 'lying' unless they provide independent evidence they know they expressing a falsehood.
Like father, like son, just another big prick.
One interesting item from "Laptop from Hell" is the amount of lying that Joe does about his life. The book describes it as a "Walter Mitty" type of fantasies. His bragging used to be attributed to "That's Just Joe." He has been a serial liar since he was caught plagiarizing in Syracuse law school.
Big, if true.
Like father, like son, just another big prick.
Comfortably Numb
Just a little pin prick
There'll be no more aaaaaaaah!
But you may feel a little sick
"Perfect comment from john mosby."
Uh-oh. She's started grading us.
Note the points given for brevity.
Your voyeurism is disgustingly on par with Kardashian fanboi's
"My word as a Biden" is a warning label.
Hard drive.
That is all...
"rcocean said... Imagine the news coverage if Don Trump junior, had his laptop dropped off for repair, and was being investigated by the FBI in 2020. "
He (and others associated with him) refused repeated repairman's attempts to return the laptop. Hard to believe he would view the attention as "voyeurism", Howie. Much like Joementia's nude swimming in front of female SS.
Howie voted for this sick, compromised criminal family.
Semper Fudd!
“I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.” – Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest
“Note the points given for brevity.”
Yes. But also points given for using things from other posts, especially for remembering things I let you know I found really funny.
narciso said...
he's like a full whizzo chocolate of Kompromat and Lesuo (Russian and Chinese) brands of blackmail
I don't really think you can blackmail the Biden's at this point.
Everyone knows they are corrupt shitty people.
What we are really finding out is that about 60 million people in the US are corrupt shitty people too.
I voted for Trump twice and extensively covered his Iowa and Nebraska campaign stops over at Power Line. You can look it up.
It's amazing how fucked up the Biden family is but Sleepy Joe's appeal, we've been told for 40 years, is how "normal" he is.
Blogger Howard said...
Your voyeurism is disgustingly on par with Kardashian fanboi's
Oh, so the laptop is not "Russian disinformation," Howard.
Gee. I wonder had this not been lied about, it might have made a lot of Biden voters change their votes. Then the DNC would have had to manufacture even more mail in votes.
Waddaya think, Howard?
Big cock, small town.
What's a man to do?
Michael K said...I wonder had this not been lied about, it might have made a lot of Biden voters change their votes.
Not just lied about, censored.
I posted that NY Post story before election and Zucky maligned my post then nuked it entirely.
Nice to have big tech operatives running interference for Dema.
Oh, so the laptop is not "Russian disinformation," Howard.
Gee. I wonder had this not been lied about, it might have made a lot of Biden voters change their votes.
Irregularities, fraud, misinformation and disinformation, brayed, collusion with foreign and domestic parties, and steering engines h/t Umbrella Corporation. Yahoo!
Democracy dies in darkness. WaPoo!
Large perhaps, nine inches, no way!
It occurs to me that the discussion about Ronald Reagan's diary as seemingly strange documentation for any president who followed Nixon into the White House, may have been his personal concern about the onset of dementia, so he wrote stuff down. Tracing back, there were those who worried about his memory in 1987 while he was still in office, so the "diary" might track to that time. He didn't tell the public about his Alzheimer's disease until 1994.
The Iran-Contra affair was more influenced by George Bush and Caspar Weinberger than by Reagan himself and it was Bush who pardoned all those found guilty by Special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh.
Hunter believed all the talk about how big penises can be, and because he's insecure and stoned all the time he convinced himself that his member was especially large. Joe is probably the same way.
Two penis stories today. I hope this isn't becoming a thing.
The Hunter thing has been beaten into a pulp, and everyone paying even the slightest attention has pretty much made up their minds about it, him, the Big Guy, the influence peddling, the attempts to bury the story and all the rest.
More interesting is the idea, touched upon in one of the pieces quoted in the blog, that the only people who you can say anything definitive about are the ones who populate imaginative literature — the author of the novel, story or poem has perfect knowledge of his creation and readers properly accept the author’s characterizations as definitive. Just reading Janet Malcolm’s book about the Ted Hughes - Sylvia Plath biographies and memoirs (The Silent Woman) as well as Plath’s voluminous journals, and that’s one of her major themes. She contends that those efforts, unlike a novel, suffer from unavoidable mendacity, just as history and journalism do because the truth about people, their motives and intentions and internal psychodramas, are too complex and fractured ever to be captured in a narrative that itself reflects its author’s expectations and presuppositions. The simple truth is never all that simple.
Is no one going to comment about the schlong being a bench?
Jupiter said...
"Uh-oh. She's started grading us."
She always has, Jupiter, it's in her DNA.
I wonder if Biden's first wife was a suicide? It makes sense to me.
Dave Begley
"neverTumper" has evolved into "even if you voted for Trump, twice, you are still impure if you don't blindly worhsip him now, with every breath you take."
I have zero interest in Hunter Biden's dissolution, except to the extent it exposes how his father invited -- indeed, assiduously pursued -- corruption and compromise by our nation's enemies.
Prole- Do you care that the Biden's enriched themselves personally, with the approval of the MSM and the FBI?
Isn't this more "he got caught" so his excuse is "boo hoo - poor Hunter has __________ disorder."
Lets all agree with the Joy Behar media and feel bad for the sex obsessed millionaire thru corruption crack using jackass.
"neverTumper" has evolved into "even if you voted for Trump, twice, you are still impure if you don't blindly worhsip him now, with every breath you take."
So, agreeing that the election was stolen is "blindly worship[ing] him with every breath you take?"
It sounds like TDS and NeverTrumper are meeting after going full circle.
gadfly, old bean, special prosecutors don't find people guilty. Not even Special Prosecutors can do that. Under the old rules, anyway.
My initial thought was that this calls into question Joe Biden's claims of Irish heritage.
Then I remembered the joke about why there are so few women carpenters in Ireland.
The Aristocrats.
I had to recheck the source because it sure sounded like a Babylon Bee thing. Nope, Hunter is actually that fucking stupid and clueless. He also has access to the President of the United States, which he will sell you for a price. I guess this is the new "normal".
I think we all agree that it's for the best that Hunters daughter with the stripper in Arkansas doesn't have anything to do with her father's family.
"Your own question is something everyone needs to ask themselves."
Yes, by all means let us make the story about everyone else. Let us ignore the fact that such a disgusting human being is being allowed to do business with companies in foreign countries based solely on his access to the POTUS. Let's forget that someone with such easily exploitable vices can pick up the phone and talk to his dad (the president) and ask for a favor or two to bail him out of a mess he suddenly finds himself in with the Chinese government. Let's make it about the soul searching the rest of us have to do. You know, I don't remember this kind of excuse making when Orange the Clown was running things.
Would any man actually call his equipment "my penis" in a private diary?
Did we ever talk this much about Trump's son's penises?
ha ha ha ha
To lie in your diary — who does that?
People who plan on releasing their diary to the public! Duh.
Hunter Biden is either intentionally or subconsciously trying to destroy his father.
Blogger MadisonMan said...
Would any man actually call his equipment "my penis" in a private diary?
"The big guy" was taken.
'"the big guy" was taken.'
Ditto, The Precious.
That whole family is sick and need to go away, God cleanse America
Did his underaged niece tell him that??
Addicts lie. How do we know they weren't having an affair while her husband was dying? Why aren't we reading about the Russian AND Ukrainian AND Chinese oil and financial markets "deals" Hunter and Biden pulled off for decades? This penis is just wagging the dog.
We should care because it's (finally) a bridge far enough to expose blackmail of a presidency, which is clearly happening as the MSM refuses to report on it. The "fact-checkers" too remain silent, especially MIT Media lab, Poynter Institute, (that epicenter of racist scum and shifty taxes on the Bay), and Annenberg School of Journalism, which partnered with Obama and cop-killer Billy Ayers to further destroy Chicago education, showered with Annenberg foundation cash.
"Let us ignore the fact that such a disgusting human being is being allowed to do business with companies in foreign countries based solely on his access to the POTUS"
The question is: how did a four-year nonstop protest movement spit out The Big Guy as its candidate?
Will Cate said --
Jesus, first Bob Odenkirk's foot fetish, and now this.
Now, now... there's nothing wrong with an interest in feet.
It's a great way to tell if a guy has a nine inch cock.
Also good for avoiding women with nine inch cocks.
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