ADDED: The post title is based on the old concept "hipster racism." Remember "hipster racism"?I was never a big "Trump guy" but the way the media is treating him like he's some kind of criminal makes me want to go out and vote for the guy again.
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) August 23, 2022
Carmen Van Kerckhove coined the term hipster racism in the article "The 10 Biggest Race and Pop Culture Trends of 2006", citing "Kill Whitey" Parties and "Blackface Jesus" as examples. "Kill Whitey" parties, as described by The Washington Post, were parties held for hipsters in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, by Jeremy Parker, a disc jockey who goes by the name The Pumpsta, in an attempt to "kill the whiteness inside". These were parties in which white hipsters mocked the black hip-hop industry, and essentially a part of African-American culture, for the sake of irony. Van Kerckhove also regarded the use of blackface by white people and the normalization and acceptance of such use from other individuals as hipster racism....
There was also "hipster sexism," circa 2012:
Hipster sexism, also known as everyday sexism, or ironic sexism, is defined by Alissa Quart in New York magazine's fashion blog The Cut as "the objectification of women but in a manner that uses mockery, quotation marks, and paradox". It is a form of self-aware sexism that is deemed acceptable given that its perpetrators are conscious of the inherent sexism and objectification of women in whatever action or statement is being carried out by them. It is rooted in the idea that sexism is an outdated and archaic institution which people do not engage in anymore, thereby making the demonstration of sexism seem satirical and ironic.
Speaking of "an outdated and archaic institution which people do not engage in anymore," whatever happened to hipsters? They seem to have faded from the culture. Did Trump do that? Did Trump cause "the death of irony"? Is it time for a resurrection or are we too deeply immersed in sincerity — if-you-can-fake-that-you've-got-it-made sincerity — to bring back irony?
५४ टिप्पण्या:
They're just treating him like they wish they could treat you Michael. It's persecution by proxy.
The meme is real.They're not after him they're after us, he's just in the way.
Stick it to the man!
Regardless of your political leanings, if the treatment of Trump doesn't make you, at the minimum, not vote Democrat, you are a fascist at heart.
This is exactly why the Left has to lock Trump up. He might win a second term.
Con law questions. Could Trump stand for office even if he was convicted of a federal felony? If elected, could he then pardon himself?
I say yes to both.
Hipster? Slow uptake for the old fogeys? The Hillary-Feds-Media axis portrayed Trump as a Russian criminal, stooge, or spy starting in 2016. Then again with Impeachments #1 and #2, with Jan 6, and now with mishandling of classified documents.
I'm wondering if Trump smuggled 300 classified documents out of the White House by stuffing them down his pants, Sandy Berger style. He would have surely resembled the massive phallus "squatting" statue of recent discussions, but I suppose his famous hair kept everyone's eyes above his waistline, sunshine.
The irony is, of all these people, Trump is the only one who is not a deep state crook.
But half the country, and 90% of the population of Madison, WI believes the bullshit, so it really doesn't matter.
Government "of the people, and by the people" is only as good and strong as...the people. Let's face it. Most Americans are either inattentive, or self-absorbed morons. So here we are.
Michael Ian Black turned 51 a couple weeks ago. That is kind of long in the tooth to be described as a "hipster."
This has to be an elaborate troll.
I hate the news media. In general.
And I particularly hate the media's framing of all politics as a celebrity game show.
Who's popular? Who's popularity is rising? Is DeSantis feuding with Trump? Does Cheney, after being "voted off the island", have a strategy and how will it affect Biden versus Trump? Are the judges fair? Or is Roberts more concerned/influenced by his TV ratings?
We don't get an official's or candidate's speeches, we get talking heads "analyzing" the speech, and interviewers asking the speaker to respond to (unnamed) critics' reactions to a speech. We get long-after-the-fact celebrity books -- Brix and Kusher and Rhodes -- of the "famous people who met me" variety.
Talk to me about Immigration. Prison reform. Zoning.
"Whatever happened to hipsters?"
They weren't able to transition to a new idiom when IPAs and barleywines started to fade in popularity. Manbun-metrosexuality takes a lot of effort and serious attention paid to craft beer trends.
exhelodrvr1 said...
Regardless of your political leanings, if the treatment of Trump doesn't make you, at the minimum, not vote Democrat, you are a fascist at heart.
i mean, Sure; the FBI and its master, the DNC, committed perjury telling a Judge lies in order to wiretap their political opponent..
And Sure, the media and ITS master, the DNC, incited riots in most cities..
And Sure, the CDC and ITS master, the DNC (working with its master, the CCP) released a pandemic on the world, resulting in MILLIONS of deaths..
So that voting rights could be trampled through vote harvesting and fake absentee ballots
And SURE, the DOJ and its master, the DNC, placed hundreds of Trump supporters in jail for being Trump supporters
And SURE, Lizard Cheney and her master, then DNC, openly declared that defeating Trump justified revoking ALL civil liberities
But how does blindly supporting That, make you a fascist?
"Michael Ian Black turned 51 a couple weeks ago. That is kind of long in the tooth to be described as a "hipster.""
What's that? Hipster ageism?
If you read the Twitter replies to this Tweet you can see how programmed the left is by all the government and media propaganda. If Twitter comments are any measure of where we are heading in Western civilization, we're fucked.
The ALL regurgitate the talking points they've been taught to believe and say. This is deep, moral intellectualism to them. No more understanding of what they say than a parrot.
The ballot box doesn't cure any of this.
Regardless of your opinion of Trump himself, the actual person with his actual record, It's easy to be anti-anti-Trump.
Guy who voted for Trump would do so again. Not sure why this is a revelation or worth a post.
The Death of the Man Bun. Hipsters would be what, 40-ish? I ou6t up the last my hippie stuff - bell bottoms, etc., by 1974/75 and that was at...23?
So hipsterism is well past it's use by date in 2022. No tears shed.
What's that? Hipster ageism?
Damn right it is.
And I particularly hate the media's framing of all politics as a celebrity game show.
And yet the Republicans elected a celebrity game show host president.
Black used to have a lot of negative things to say about Trump, IIRC. This is a weak suck troll.
What's that? Hipster ageism?
so, serious Question.. How do manbuns work with male pattern baldness?
bonus questions
gray hair?
beer bellies?
“ Did Trump do that? Did Trump cause "the death of irony"? Is it time for a resurrection or are we too deeply immersed in sincerity — if-you-can-fake-that-you've-got-it-made sincerity — to bring back irony?”
No, the death of irony is a direct result of wokism. When one becomes infected with wokism the first symptoms are the loss of any sense of humor and sense of irony.
"I was never a big "Trump guy" but the way the media is treating him like he's some kind of criminal makes me want to go out and vote for the guy again."
Probably half his base are not there for the Big Personality; they're supporters because they can see what he does and they are capable of ignoring what he says. You know, adults. And they can see the dangers being wrought into disasters, with a 100% Democrat federal government working in concert with Big Business, complimenting each other's skill sets - the New Tyranny, Millennial Fascism.
But these distinctions are lost on the Progressive Democrats and Legacy Corporate Press. They want the dialog focused on Personality - and heaven forbid anybody starts drawing attention to the current sh**storm-in-a-clusterf**k-tornado that has been unfolding in our country over the past 2 years.
Michael Ian Black demonstrates the only acceptable use of Twitter: trolling.
I don't think I understand much of this but what I do know is that IT IS NOT FUNNY.
Hipsterism was a low effort approach to expressing social superiority by reference to a set of values to which only hipsters had access. For hipsterism to remain a viable strategy, hipster values had to contradict dominant social norms. The problem now is twofold. First, there are now a multiplicity of semi-dominant norms. Second, some of the semi-dominant norms look an awful lol like hipsterism.
And yet the Republicans elected a celebrity game show host president.
After the media knocked out substantive candidates (Scott Walker ?) in the first round of primaries.
Is it OK if I post the meme with the puzzled woman asking "The What?"
I don't want Trump to run, and I think he's too old - but I agree.
The media and their Party(D) have nothing to talk about - unless it's Trump bashing or Biden BS excusing.
We can't all be 13 like you Freder.
"so, serious Question.. How do manbuns work with male pattern baldness?"
You craft your manbun into a samurai topknot, find a lord willing to take you on as a retainer, and commit seppuku for the shame brought to your family by being a hipster ronin.
Freder Frederson said...And yet the Republicans elected a celebrity game show host president.
Yeah, that's some hipster-worthy irony right there--the Republicans finally put someone in Washington who understood that the country's fate is not a game, and that someone turned out to be an actual game-show host.
Then again, Reagan was an actor, so there is a history.
Michael Ian Black comedy quotes from twitter:
"I'm trying to get in touch with my inner child molester."
"I don't like watching "iCarly" with my daughter because there is nobody on that show I want to molest."
"We used to molest kids together."
"Cannot watch the GOP shitshow tonight because I am doing incredible dad stuff with my son"
OMG, Michael Ian somebody said something!
Recycling AA commenters.
I dunno, the hip-hop industry is eminently mockable as far as I'm concerned.
Then again, nearly everything is eminently mockable in my view.
"Hip" went the way of "Camp."
Both need coherent cultural contexts to exploit.
We have no coherent cultural contexts left.
A cynic would say!
I cannot tell you how many people I know that describe themselves as Anti-anti-Trump. They don't like the guy, but they are also incredibly frustrated with the constant attacks against the guy. The Trump haters are making a rather despicable person into a victim.
Things fall apart; the center can't be trolled;
Mere anarchy is reported as the news;
And in the woke tsunami,
The ceremony of hip irony is drowned.
Hipster really means Dipshitster
"The Trump haters are making a rather despicable person into a victim."
His policies enabled plenty of people to improve their lot in life while he was president. He didn't start any wars and embraced federalism by refusing to rule as an emperor. He's been investigated up the wazoo and nobody has found anything of any substance. And that's "despicable"?
I understand that some people just can't get past appearances but you'd think his accomplishments would at least count for something. I guess not.
Notice the word "again." I doubt Michael Ian Black voted for Trump either time. This is ironic trolling. The point seems to be that the people feel bad about how Trump is being treated now were secret Trumpers all along.
Michael Ian Black: Trump's "anachronistic sense of masculinity . . . is literally killing people"
The actor appeared on "Salon Talks" to discuss his book "A Better Man" & exploring masculinity in our society
But we've got the guy in charge who so fully inhabits that anachronistic sense of masculinity, that it's literally killing people. He's literally killing people. He's holding these rallies where he's basically saying, "If you wear a mask, you're kind of a pussy." It would be absurd if it wasn't so tragic.
Did Trump kill irony? I thought 911 was supposed to do that. No, irony is very much alive. The hipsters gave way to a more earnest and censorious generation, and the late night talk shows have dropped comedy for preaching, but there are always people willing to be ironic or sarcastic and people to be ironic or sarcastic about. Some people think hipsters invented, patented, and trademarked irony, but it's had a much longer life than that and is much more resilient. It's always popping up in unexpected places.
And why would Trump have killed irony. Isn't a lot of his performance ironic -- camp, even?
The war on Trump, including the Garland archipelago, is starting to smell and will convert a bunch of reluctant Trump voters to support him again. My concern is that, out of frustration, the Biden handlers will decide to assassinate Trump as the only way to get rid of him.
Field Marshall Freder: "And yet the Republicans elected a celebrity game show host president."
Remember how Reagan was labeled a failed movie star as if he had never done anything else in his life, like being the 2 term governor of the largest state and most diverse state in the union?
So, I guess Trump spent 50 years as a game show host. That's it.
Thanks Field Marshall!
Sometimes the Hipster irony is so ironic that one can't tell what is being snarked at, and what isn't.
My mockery is satirizing those who mock those who take it seriously by mocking it.
Or maybe that's completely wrong. Or completely right.
Ironic, no?
J Melcher said...
And yet the Republicans elected a celebrity game show host president.
After the media knocked out substantive candidates (Scott Walker ?) in the first round of primaries.
The media did not take out Walker.
Walker took out Walker.
Walker hired the DC republican consultants to run his campaign and he answer the question about Immigration wrong.
Desantis just hired the same DC republican consultants.
I hope that Desantis does not destroy himself the same way walker did.
Red Hollywood turned Reagan into a right-wing politician. Being prez of SAG was no tiktok.
I don't want to paint with a too-broad brush, but most of the most vehement anti-Trumpers I know have accomplished little to nothing in their lives. But still they cling to the narrative of his lack of capacity . . .
As far as game show hosts, I would have voted for Trebeck over a 40-year Senator from a joke state like Delaware.
So, I guess Trump spent 50 years as a game show host. That's it.
Well no, Trump took a 400 million+ dollar inheritance (actually it wasn't an inheritance since he and his dad illegally transferred the money to avoid inheritance taxes) and parlayed it over the next fifty years into something around a billion dollars after 6 bankruptcies, including three casinos (who knows how much he is really worth)! That is one sharp dude!
Oh, and by the way if he had taken that $400 million and invested it in a safe investment yielding 5%, he would have about 4.5 billion, just by sitting on his ass. So, he is just a fucking brilliant businessman.
French aristocrats playing shepherd and dairy maid at Versailles could not be reached for comment on this current thing.
Thanks for the endorsement of Trump, Freder. He didn't decide to just use that inheritance to become a trust fund playboy, he actually went out and did things in business and became successful in his own right. Sounds commendable to me.
Does nobody remember the first Republican "debate" for the 2016 election? Me, I was a Scott Walker supporter; I thought he'd proved that he could stand up to Democrat dirty-trick attacks (which we all new would face any Republican Presidential candidate). But he disappeared after the first debate, and as a practical matter, so did all the other potential candidates. Some were "dead man walking" for awhile, but Trump took the oxygen out of the atmosphere for them all. I can't remember who I voted for against Trump in my State's Republican primary; some other right-wing extremist I guess.
The Democrats have spent more than 6 years attacking Trump, using "special counsel" investigations, impeachments, "insurrection" fantasies, and all they've done is building him up as a Titanic force.
If Ron DeSantis isn't the GOP nominee in 2024, the Democrats and their media allies (and the last-gasp Trumpsters) can declare victory.
Freder is showing a serious case of envy toward Trump. I don't blame him. For a minimum wage failure to contemplate Trump and his billions must be a real struggle. No surprise that Freder failed the test.
Field Marshall Freder: "Well no, Trump took a 400 million+ dollar inheritance (actually it wasn't an inheritance since he and his dad illegally transferred the money to avoid inheritance taxes)...."
Save that for the next episode of "New Soviet Democratical "Discovers" Even More Crimes From Nowhere!"
I did an image search for Hipster Female, but before I looked, I thought about what it would mean to embody an ironic aesthetic as a young woman. My first thought would be to eschew sexy displays while not being purposely ugly. After, some thought, I decided that the fashion of very elderly women would certainly work well. Big flowered dresses, over sized I am light sensitive sunglasses and so forth. Some mismatch would work.
I can't really find it. It would be hard for me to adopt some of the feminine fashion choices of the hipster men, so I can imagine how hard it is for a woman to make herself as non descript physically as many older women are wont.
But it would be deeply ironic, and that would be exactly the woman I would want to approach.
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