August 17, 2022

Here are 7 TikToks to while away the next few minutes. Let me know what you liked best.

1. Ricky Gourmet goes sugar mode.

2. Whatever happened to the boy who played Charlie in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"?

3. I'm not sure if it's right to do this, but I think all versions of Obama look just great.

4. Spending the night with your irascible Southern grandma.

5. Committing to a "capsule wardrobe."

6. Why do some women knowingly marry gay men?

7. "Fly Me to the Moon."


Lash LaRue said...

#2. Refreshing to see Charlie Bucket very happy and away from Hollywood.

MadisonMan said...

I know those fat leg jeans are a la mode now, but they look ridiculous.
Somewhere in the past decade I had read about Dr. Charlie Bucket. Good for him! He seems very happy.
I don't think the southern Grandma is very funny because it seems like the TikTok-er is making fun of her. There's no sympathy, it's an angry presentation.
The guy in brown pants and green shirt -- or was it green pants and brown shirt? Well, right there is the problem. Forgettable.
Fly me to the Moon: 100%

Aught Severn said...

Best has to be number 7. That was the song my wife and I had played for the first dance at our wedding.

The worst is number 3 due to the identitarianist underpinnings. What does his race/ancestral nationality have to do with anything??

James said...

This seems like a trigger to get into "while away" versus "wile away". Right up the alley of our esteemed blogress, not very subtle :P

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Ricky Gourmet should be our leader.

Wince said...

That little girl delivered amazing rhythm and melody.

Bob Boyd said...

The little girl singing Fly Me to the Moon is a Vulcan. Check out her ears.

Lilly, a dog said...

I liked the southern granny. Jedi mind tricks definitely will not work on her.

Ann Althouse said...

The guy that did the Southern granny has over 3 million followers. Check out his other stuff here:

Curious George said...

"Fly Me to the Moon." Sweet. The rest, no.

Jamie said...

I disagreed with pretty much everything President Obama did as a matter of policy, but he is a handsome man in many genres.

Ricky Gourmet has grown on me in ways I could not have foreseen! I'm grateful for the introduction.

ceowens said...

Had to go with #2. He lives down the road from me. One hard working guy. Large animal vets have been beat to death with this many years of service. Ask farmgirl.

Gahrie said...

Fly Me to the Moon.

Susan in Seattle said...

2. was my favorite but the girl in no. 7 was wonderful.

Original Mike said...

"Fly Me to the Moon"!

I spent a long night in a small bar in Kyoto listening to "Fry Me to the Moon" and "Brue Skies".

loudogblog said...

I'm surprised that the gay gentleman isn't aware of the fact that many people marry for reasons other than sex. Financial stability is probably at the top of the list and many gay men are very financially stable.

"City girls just seem to find out early
How to open doors with just a smile.
A rich old man, and she won't have to worry.
She'll dress up all in lace go in style."

Flat Tire said...

Large animal vet. Tough job. Little girl was good.

Nancy said...

Fly me to the moon FTW.
Excellent child actor turned vet.

FleetUSA said...

Fly me to the moon. Lovely

n.n said...

Metabolic dysfunction, comorbidities, the Obama boyfriend burden, trans/homosexuals are trendy.

michaele said...

Liked the sweetness and bell like voice of little girl but couldn't help but notice her speech what age is it no longer cute? Does it go away naturally?

victoria said...

That little girl, so sweet. Great song. Beautiful interpretation. I have the Joe Harnell instrumental version from 1962 on my IPOD. Lovely.

Vicki from Pasadena

Doug said...

Re: you like all versions of Obama - somewhat serious blogger revealed as phony politician fangrrrl.

I have gone from multiple visits a day to every other day, now headed to fuggedaboudit.

SC65 said...

I don't like to hear children sing adult love songs, to be honest. It's gimmicky and imitative and kind of weird to hear these lyrics sung with no awareness or understanding.