The Washington Post reports in "Children’s hospital threatened after Libs of TikTok recording on trans hysterectomies."
This post marks the occasion of my abandoning the shorthand "WaPo" for The Washington Post. It suddenly looks offensively cutesy to me. It saves keystrokes but it imposes lightheartedness.
The removal of healthy, functioning organs from children is shocking. True threats of violence are wrong, but they don't cancel out the wrongs that provoked the death threats. But did the hospital do wrong? We're told the recording was real — "not disputed" — but "employees provided inaccurate information." How inaccurate?
That's very clear. But the "employees" got something wrong? The Post provides this transcription of the call:🚨BREAKING EXCLUSIVE REPORT🚨
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 25, 2022
.@ChildrensNatl admits in damning audio recording that they do “gender affirming” hysterectomies on minors including 16-year-olds and “younger kids”
Full story here:
[T]wo hospital employees answering the phones state unambiguously that a minor patient could receive a gender-affirming hysterectomy.
“It depends. Each department’s different. Some departments cut off at 18,” one telephone operator says in response to Raichik’s question about whether a minor would be eligible for the surgery. “How old is your patient?”
“Sixteen,” Raichik says.
“Okay,” the operator replies. “Alright. So they’re in the clear.”
After confirming with a second person over the phone that a 16-year-old would be eligible for a gender-affirming hysterectomy, Raichik asks whether it is “a common procedure that you guys do for that age.”
“Yes, we have all different type of age groups that comes in for that,” the hospital worker responds.
“For the hysterectomy?” Raichik asks.
“Yes, ma’am,” the employee says, adding later that she has “seen younger kids, younger than your child’s age” undergo the surgery.
The Post quotes hospital spokeswoman Ariana Ahmadi Perez: “None of the people who were secretly recorded by this activist group deliver care to our patients. We do not and have never performed gender-affirming hysterectomies for anyone under the age of 18."
Either the 2 employees — who spoke separately and clearly on the phone — were blatantly wrong or Ahmadi Perez is lying (or completely misinformed). Notice that the second employee is volunteering that she has seen the children. Maybe she's only seen children younger than 16 in the clinic because they were receiving other treatment and not specifically hysterectomies. Maybe the children only looked younger than 16.
ADDED: Perhaps the loophole that explains the discrepancy is that, as they said, they don't do "gender-affirming hysterectomies," but they do administer male hormones that cause problems with the uterus, and those problems are treated with a hysterectomy. If that is the situation, it's a hysterectomy to relieve those problems. I wrote that it's shocking to remove "healthy, functioning organs," but the uterus would no longer be healthy. I'm just asking, is that what is happening? Is that the "inaccuracy"? The Washington Post should be as clear as it can be.
ALSO: Libs of TikTok, on her own webpag, has a screen shot that appears to be from Children's National Hospital that describes its Pediatric Gynecology Program as including "gender-affirming hysterectomy." That's for "patients between the ages 0-21," perhaps the "gender-affirming hysterectomy" are only for the 18-21 subsection. That's what Libs thought too, and she says that was the motivation to make the phone call. The Hospital has different language on its website now.
१०३ टिप्पण्या:
How many hysterectomies have you performed for girls under the age of 18 for any reason?
Anyone want to bet that that number is not zero?
We know that it goes on and while the spokesperson may not be lying, that’s not the way to bet. We also know that false or exaggerated claims of “we received death threats” is a common tactic to gin up sympathy and move the spotlight away from the offensive behaviour to the supposedly dangerous or inappropriate reaction to the offensive behaviour. It’s a dodge that immediately sets off my bullshit indicator.
Not sure why you felt the need to retire “WaPo.” We all already have our opinions of the paper. To me, it’s a simple abbreviation, like NYT for The New York Times. Common and inoffensive.
said the employees provided inaccurate information.
Clearly, they DID. It was INACCURATE to admit rightwing news what was being done.
Just because something is being done, does NOT mean that you should blab about it.
This is (kinda) like when Trump INACCURATELY claimed that the Feds were wiretapping the Trump Tower.
They WERE wiretapping the Trump Tower, but it was INACCURATE to say so out loud
Fake but accurate comes to mind.
This should be easy to check. Some online sleuth or internal whistleblower coming up with an example of a specific person who received the surgery would be helpful. Or a parent who is now wondering why the institution is now denying performing a procedure that they did indeed perform.
Unfortunately that would end up putting a child’s identity into the public sphere. Would privacy be respected in that situation?
Well, well, well.
Maybe the Washington Post’s vast number of reporters can follow up on this story and find out if 16 year old girls have had their uteruses removed. IOW, do their jobs.
Better yet, have the FBI conduct a raid on this “hospital” to seize the medical records.
It’s all true. This is what the Left has become: child abusers.
BTW, the threats of violence are lies. Just like Jussie Smollett lied.
of course, the Real Question is:
Since they provide a combination of chemical castration ("puberty blockers") and Hormones;
Which will result in sterilization of the female patient..
Whether their womb is removed or not.. These girls are NEVER going to become mothers.. They're Sterile
The Twitter addicted journalist knows exactly what memes were posted when they say social media posts were shared about bombings and woodchippers. The posts would be similar to a political cartoon showing a politician being run out on a rail. But they'll pretend like there's a guy with a woodchipper standing outside the hospital looking for victims.
Actual riots and murder in 2020 get a bail fund, but memes? We must condemn.
"falsely suggested" is the MSM's go-to catchphrase for statements where "revealed" or "alleged with supporting evidence."
Don't see where Libs of TicTok did anything wrong here.
Maybe if Children's National Hospital wants to stop getting threatening calls they should start by not giving out inaccurate information over the phone.
Notice the distractions:
-- "right-wing Twitter account", as if the politics of the person/group uncovering this evil practice matter;
-- "secretly recorded by this activist group", as if obtaining an irrefutable record of what the hospital says to people seeking so-called "gender-affirming care" is a wrong that is equal to that of sterilizing young girls suffering from a delusion about their sex.
We wouldn't allow doctors to perform gastric bypass surgery on people suffering from the delusions of anorexia nervosa, because we understand that it is a mental disorder which should be treated, not facilitated or "affirmed." Why does gender dysphoria get a pass on the "do no harm" principle?
Given how the medical establishment is circling the wagons to protect their very profitable genital mutilation industry, I doubt there will ever be the sort of justice administered that this deserves.
‘The torrent of harassment was accompanied by social media posts suggesting that Children’s be bombed and its doctors placed in a woodchipper.’
I hope the wood chipper comment was mine!! I also suggested they be fed in feet first. And while heavily dosed on stimulants to maximize the mental and physical pain.
It would be statutory malpractice except there's no statute.
Did you know that it's not a crime to lie to the media? And that, in many cases, the media will gladly print your lies to advance the media's narrative.
This hospital is lying.
Boston Children's Hospital has recently been caught making changes to their website to hide what they're doing to children in that "hospital," also.
Don't you think that calling it "Gender-affirming" care gives the game away? That's activist talk, not medical or scientific talk.
To be clear: my comment was made on LoTT. I didn’t call the hospital, although it doesn’t change the way I feel about the situation in any way.
It's not false if they are actually doing it.
Jersey Fled said...
Maybe if Children's National Hospital wants to stop getting threatening calls they should start by not giving out inaccurate information over the phone.
i don't want to put words in your mouth, but
Maybe if Children's National Hospital wants to stop getting threatening calls they should start by not giving out accurate information over the phone.
The internet is forever. These people have totally miscalculated the effect their Freudian slips have vs. time and frequency.
People are recording and saving this information and building their own intelligence network to cross-reference these statements, Twitter flaming, and keyboard bravado for a rainy day when mercy will not be shown.
Justice cometh...and that right soon.
Is it legal to perform any kind of non-emergency surgery on a minor without parental consent?
Is it legal to perform this kind of surgery on a minor with or without parental consent?
Might the parents be legally liable 20 years down the road if they did consent and the (now) grown woman changes her mind.
John LGBTQ+Henry
Robert Marshall said...
We wouldn't allow doctors to perform gastric bypass surgery on people suffering from the delusions of anorexia nervosa, because we understand that it is a mental disorder which should be treated, not facilitated or "affirmed."
This is The Thing!
If i walk into a hospital, and say "i hate my right foot; it's not who i am! Amputate it!"
They will say "NO!"
If i Then say, "If you Don't cut off that foot; i'll KILL MYSELF!!"
They will lock me up.
Now, replace the words right foot, with breasts.. Should that make any difference? If so, how?
Maybee - Excellent observation.
If there were a Pulitzer Prize for blog reporting, Ms. Raichik would be a winner.
To the Post, it is obviously "right-wing" to oppose genital mutilation of teenagers.
BTW, the threats of violence are lies. Just like Jussie Smollett lied.
Considering the history of documented violence against abortion providers and clinics, including murder, arson, and bombing (remember that the Olympic Park bombing ended up being to protest abortion) what makes you so sure this is a lie?
Heck, I have been threatened with violence on this very forum (not that I take it at all seriously, although if I ever met some commenters in person, I sure as hell would not tell them I was aka Freder Frederson).
Rh said... "It would be statutory malpractice except there's no statute."
There's no controlling legal authority.
If it feels wrong, don't do it.
One person says that they do the thing.
Another person says they don’t do the thing.
Person one has actual evidence from them, in their own words, for us to hear that they do the thing.
Second person says that they talked to them and they said they don’t do the thing. The premise being that the second person is an authority (because they have credentials!), therefore must be the truth.
After Project Veritas, it became standard procedure to denounce as illegitimate or fraudulent any recording made by "right-wing media" that catches anyone off guard and reveals unpleasant truths. Once such work would have been called "investigative reporting," but that's dead now, if it ever really existed.
Claiming that one has received death threats may be a standard public relations strategy by now. On the other hand, this could be why the phrase "credible threat" became common. People on the internet are always wishing someone could be strung up or eviscerated or otherwise disposed of. Few of those threats are real. Most are just our age's way of cursing.
"This post marks the occasion of my abandoning the shorthand "WaPo" for The Washington Post. It suddenly looks offensively cutesy to me. It saves keystrokes but it imposes lightheartedness."
Does this mean you're taking the "Washington Post" Our nations high school newspaper of record, whos motto is;" Popularity Dies in Darkness", seriously?
You are really too adorable for words.
In a slightly different world, I might suggest messages for hospitals like this.
1. We never begin a course of treatment for anyone under 18 with the intention of removing a healthy organ from a child.
2. We are committed to providing gender affirming treatment to people of all ages. In the case of children, this may or may not involve the consent of parents.
3. Sometimes non-surgical treatment such as hormones will damage the uterus, requiring a hysterectomy. For us this is part of a course of treatment which is good for the patient.
4. We believe in general that individuals have the right to choose a gender for themselves, whether or not this choice matches their body, and then to have medical or surgical treatment to make the body match. We believe this makes for happier individuals, and a better society in which trans people are less likely to be bullied and otherwise mistreated.
5. If adults come to regret treatment that they submitted to when they were children, this may be a small price to pay for the overall change toward more happiness and more justice. Kids who turn out not to be as trans as they thought may have paid a price for others who are actually trans. Admittedly, the tests for "are you trans" may still be a bit crude, but that is no excuse for someone on Twitter to say: if you have male genitalia, but play with a doll, we will cut off your dick.
6. We do not believe there is something called "nature" that provides any standard for these practices. Individual wills, as free as possible, determine everything. The bullies have had their day, imposing their arbitrary wills, now it is the turn of the victims.
7. Medicine cannot remain confined to the Hippocratic Oath. It must strive to be on the right side when it comes to social change. If we can get rich performing sometimes dangerous plastic surgery for reasons of vanity, we can certainly re-adjust genders and bodies.
Fake but accurate comes to mind.
Leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan.
Teaching CRT in our schools.
Giving gender-affirming surgery to minors.
We have now entered the era of “accurate but fake”.
I would hope that no one is actually surprised by this. This is no different than abortion on demand, as a constitutional 'right', until birth of the 'fetus'.
If you are surprised, and you voted for clinton, obama, and the current nimrod, I hope are waking up. better late than never I suppose.
The age of consent seems to be 16 in such matters now. It will be lower in the future, much lower. Oh, and in the interests of a compassionate society, parents will NOT be allowed to intervene.
And if you are surprised that the medical 'profession' is capable of lying, and hiding what they are doing- have you been asleep the last two years??
And in true Orwellian fashion, the sane people are attacked for being insane.
There's been some follow-up study showing trans are "happier" but the study stops at 12 mo out. I've been lurking at r/detrans and it looks more like it takes 4-5 years for the regret to set in.
And it's shocking, how many of them started a long time ago at age 13 or so, now 18 and already has their top surgery if not bottom, and phalloplasty, and now it's "what was I thinking?"
They're a different person four years out and they say it all happened too easily, too fast, all because at 13 they thought they were too ugly to be girls or not macho enough to be boys.
It's like we have to recognize agency in these kids or allow none at all.
1. The crazy liberal parents are consenting to this child abuse.
2. When my buddy gets elected a Nebraska state Senator, this will be made illegal.
M.D. friend assures me that woke & radical is graduating medical schools at an alarming rate. Gender Affirming sounds like a good fit.
Maybe there's no statute because, up until now, people were not volunteering to butcher their child at the cultural altar of the moment.
In this instance the word cultural might be a cult.
Oh, those nasty Right Wingers and their inconvenient questions that get truthful answers. They must be stopped!
The plaintiff medmal lawyers will stop this child abuse in short order.
Link below to the first of many MedMal cases to come.
Maybe wallet can do some actual reporting. Every state and the feds and the AMA and CDC and Guttenmacher and pediatric medical journals do statistical reporting. How do you think we get abortion statistics?
Of course it is increasingly career suicide for both medical and journalist practitioners and students to not loudly affirm mutilating children's bodies, and the march will go in one direction: 16, 14, 10...
It might be the parents that that are... mentally ill?
link to video
I'm no expert but this might be another strain\mutation of "Munchausen syndrome by proxy".
Google: Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a mental health disorder in which a caregiver, most often a mother, routinely makes up fake symptoms or causes real symptoms in a child or adult victim to make it appear that the victim has a true physical or mental health issue.
Freder said: Considering the history of documented violence against abortion providers and clinics,
Have you been asleep?? NOW it is COOL to bomb Pregnancy centers and Pro Life Groups. Over 60 instances. Have you heard it on YOUR media?? I figured you haven't. Go back to sleep.
WaPost, not wallet, but even insane spellcheckers catch an acorn here and there.
This post marks the occasion of my abandoning the shorthand "WaPo" for The Washington Post. It suddenly looks offensively cutesy to me. It saves keystrokes but it imposes lightheartedness.
Ann really wants people to support the WASHINGTON POST and take them seriously. She wants you to give them traffic and let them border discussion.
It may be an evil publication that lies and is a direct propaganda outlet for a corrupt regime.
But it doesn't have adds for toenail fungus and it the people who provide it are so distinguished and beautiful. It deserves respect damnit.
Carol said "There's been some follow-up study showing trans are "happier" but the study stops at 12 mo out."
If you are referring to the Seattle Children's/UWashington study, you may have been taken in by misstatements about the results. The study showed no change in depression and suicidality for those undergoing gender-affirming care, while a higher and higher portion of a dwindling control group not receiving care reported these issues. This was presented as showing that the care produced positive results, but that was not really correct. The university chose to avoid engaging with criticism of their mischaracterizations.
There are various possibilities here. In general the medical system is a ramshackle disorganized place where different departments, different branches in a system, different subcontractors have no idea what is going on elsewhere. The people answering the phone may just be wrong. Or...this is such a profitable and virtue point scoring enterprise that they (thinking subcontractor situation here) might be hyping the concept out of activist enthusiasm or more cynically getting some sort of bonus for every appointment made after their initial contact. Or....sometimes hospitals will go off site for things that would give them bad press. Catholic systems and tubal ligation for instance. They may have an arrangement with somebody. Finally just flat out lying is possible.
In descending order of occurrence as I've seen the system work I'd say there's plenty of Dumb, a fair amount of Devious but relatively little straight up Dishonest.
Darwin. Gets the stupid and hysterical out of the gene pool. And they pay for it themselves.
Young people, you can be who you are. You don't have to transform your sexual organs to fit somebody else's idea of gender. Maybe it's not that your sexual organs don't correspond to who you are, but that who you are doesn't correspond to society's expectations for men and women. In any case, this won't seem as much of a problem when you're older as it does now.
What’s the fuss about. Mutilating young teens is a subset of abortion. But this time the murdering is of one’s own body part done as a pre-abortion. The medical industry is just offering teens an assisted suicide of the unconcieved to keep the girls out of using back alley coat hanger mutilations. How very noble.
As we say in the hood......"tape don't lie".
WTF is this madness progressives are inflicting on children! Even “successful” transitions usually result in
Irreversible harm
Loss of sexual satisfaction
Inability to orgasm
Before they even REACH puberty in many cases they are being deprived of any semblance of a normal sexual relationship. Joan of Arc was not “trans.” She dressed like a boy so she could fight evil instead of being sent home to do womens work.
Re:The Washington Post
“WaPoop” gives an appropriate nod to the purported newsyness of this rag, together with an undeniable whiff of doo-doo (“pooped their pants”), while “WaPoo” goes right to the heart of the manure metaphor asserting that they are full of shit.
I appreciate the dignity of your using your keyboard to make sure that no one thinks The Washington Post is trying to be the Babylon Bee, The Onion, or Mad Magazine, but it really is an organ of propaganda.
social media posts suggesting that Children’s be bombed and its doctors placed in a woodchipper
I'm going to have to ask for actual proof of that.
"The removal of healthy, functioning organs from children is shocking."
Shocking, is it? So you're shocked? Suppose they set up an operating theater in downtown Madison, one fine, warm Summer evening, and performed a couple dozen outdoor public castrations and hysterectomies on young virgins to appease the Gods that they worship. Would you be "shocked"? Maybe they could serve dinner during the Intermission. A little Chardonnay with your orchiectomies. Or maybe a red would go better with the entertainment.
An email deemed threatening by WaPo* and lefty kiddie maimers may sound like this: "What you are doing is immoral and you should be called to answer for it."
Lefties who have no connection to God and who support corrupt federal law enforcement, Antifa and BLM violence, actively or tacitly, think that disapproval necessarily leads to the use of force. Hence, "threats."
*The Washington Post embodies evil even if you use "WaPo."
"There's been some follow-up study showing trans are "happier" but the study stops at 12 mo out."
I'm guessing that prefrontal lobotomy worked even better. I don't know why we stopped performing that mutilation. Not expensive enough?
It's a change. Cutting off breasts and cutting out a uterus is a big huge change. Why can't normal people and medical professionals call it sex change? It isn't affirming anything.
Jupiter— the prefrontal lobotomy analogy is gaivanizing (heh), although shocking in itself.
Well done.
Given how the medical establishment is circling the wagons to protect their very profitable genital mutilation industry, I doubt there will ever be the sort of justice administered that this deserves.
I have to believe this is happening. Way back when I was a young surgeon, I was appointed as a delegate to the AMA. After attending my first "political " meeting, I resigned and quit the AMA. They have gone over to 100% Woke and the medical schools have quickly followed. I quit teaching at just the right time.
I prefer WaPoo by the way.
At the bottom of the WP article:
"Taylor Lorenz contributed to this report."
My 6 year old daughter saw a Disney movie and she now wants to be a mermaid.
At her request, Children's Hospital has her scheduled to have both legs amputated below the knee and a fin will be attached.
"Children’s National Hospital has been inundated with threatening emails and phone calls"
I don't believe this.
1) "threatening" is such a vague and broad assertion. Threatened what? Threatened to stop donating money?
2) in my experience no one ever details these threats and they always have some flimsy excuse like privacy or police procedure that conveniently prevents them from providing evidence, even after the incident is long past
3) I hang with the Right at all the best sites. The only person I know who would do such a thing is me, and I'm very sure that I haven't sent a threat. And they can't be hiding it, for the simple fact that someone disciplined enough to not tip their hand for years would also be disciplined enough to not send threatening letters.
If you are referring to the Seattle Children's/UWashington study, you may have been taken in by misstatements about the results. The study showed no change in depression and suicidality for those undergoing gender-affirming care
This matches the outcome of John Hopkins' trans/neo/quasi/pseudo conversion therapy experiments of decades earlier. The problem is not in a mismatch of body and mind, but in girls who are unhappy with the quality of their parts, and boys who are unhappy with the quantity of their performance, that is not resolved through medical, surgical, or psychiatric corruption, and is, in fact, often exacerbated with these treatments. This is the reason for discerning a stability of the homosexual band in the transgender spectrum, where the same progress is not observable. Trans/socials are a separate but related oddity.
Althouse is right to substitute The Washington Post label in place of WaPoo. The seriousness of this situation cannot be underestimated. Consider that Mengele was able to carry out experiments in clinics, Nazis aborted Jews in chambers, in fields, in darkness, and the world was paralyzed amidst a wave of cognitive dissonance forced by the extreme nature of the activities.
Hutu hunting Tutsi hunting Hutu. Mandela's Xhosa long-running conflict with their Zulu tribal competitors, threatening catastrophic civil disruption of communities and nation. Kenyan elite forcing deplorables to take a knee, beg. Progressive liberals peforming human rites for social, redistributive, clinical, political, and fair weather causes. Underage girls rape... rape-raped in darkness and the "burdens" of evidence sequestered at the twilight fringe.
"There's been some follow-up study showing trans are "happier" but the study stops at 12 mo out."
I don't believe that either. Trans are already programmed to agree that a sex change is good, so there is a bias.
And I know several trans. They are lonely and all of them were already dealing with mental illness. They believed they would look like the woman on the magazine cover if they used her diet.
They don't, and no amount of denial will glamour the reality that they still look like a man in drag. You can see the slow realization dawning in the back of their eyes and it's actually very sad.
They're also realizing that no straight man will marry them. They are doomed to a solitary life, the only people who want to share a life with them are other trans.
They were lied to and they can't turn back into what they once were. That's why you see them suicide after. The technology just in isn't there yet
Why can't normal people and medical professionals call it sex change
Our sex is in our genes and cannot be changed... although with the advent of mutagenic medical treatments, hope springs eternal.
Gender is in our physical and mental attributes can be simulated, perhaps inculcated through braying.
Freder: "Heck, I have been threatened with violence on this very forum"
I've been here since we took a closer look at Valenti's breasts. Never saw anyone threaten you. Provide and example, link to a screenshot.
Oh wait, you lost all your proof the Great Kitchen Fire of 2019 didn't you?
"Children’s National Hospital has been inundated with threatening emails and phone calls after an influential right-wing Twitter account published a recording..."
How many of those were false flag ops, we'll never know. The FBI is incurious about them; they're only useful as statistics.
Serious question: What other medical conditions are treated with the removal of healthy, functioning organs?
Are there any? I suppose there might be. Maybe Michael K could tell us.
My interpretation of the calls and the press release- Libs of TikTok is probably more accurate. What caught my attention was the bit about "some departments have cut off ages of 18", and then when told it was a 16 year old, then said the patient was in clear. The only way this part of the conversation makes any sense is that some departments in the hospital won't treat patients older than 18, not that it won't treat patients younger than 18, which makes sense since it is a children's hospital.
I think the management of the hospital is now flat out lying their asses off because what they have been doing is being outed. And I don't think it matters at all what the reason for removing the organs is- if the hormones they are giving is the reason for the removal, that still means the hospital is acting to remove healthy organs from minors, only that they are the cause for the need of removal by giving the hormones to minors in the first place.
Interesting how the transgender ideology is bringing back an old heresy in a new form. In trans-land, your gender is what you believe in your heart it should be, the biological and physical reality being insignificant and a source of deception in understanding what it really is. That conviction that materiality is secondary and insignificant (the realm of falsehood and evil!), while belief and mental states are the operative reality (the realm of truth, spirituality and holiness!) is the basic tenet of ancient gnosticism -- as ever, the heresy that refuses to die -- now showing up in a new dress (woops! sorry, don't be triggered!).
Blogger Dave Begley said...
1. The crazy liberal parents are consenting to this child abuse.
The one benefit is that they won't be reproducing.
When Freder is told to go fuck himself, he thinks that is a threat of violence.
THe left holds the almost all the power and cancelled anyone who says "Boo". I don't care that the Right fights back. Sorry.
I favor WaShitt, but that is just me telling you how little respect The Washington Post deserves these days.
To whom, exactly, is it being flippant and offensive to call them WaPo? Surely you can't mean the paper and its cretinous writers and editors who deserve almost nothing but contempt in this day and age.
How can a man without balls or a dick "fuck himself"?
Bob Boyd said...
Serious question: What other medical conditions are treated with the removal of healthy, functioning organs?
The only examples I can think of are incidental appendectomies. Even tubal ligations and vasectomies leave the structure in place and can be reversed at a later date.
“"falsely suggested" is the MSM's go-to catchphrase for statements where "revealed" or "alleged with supporting evidence."”
I use that all the time with my partner and her false allegations of my snoring. Never heard it. Never happened.
Transgender driven surgery is a hot growth market, expected to go over $1B annually by 2023.
If you were a doctor that had no scruples, and someone comes along and offers you $50K to whack off their daughter's breasts, you'd schedule it next week.
Follow the money.
Self-mutilation is a not uncommon occurrence in troubled adolescents, teens and even those a bit beyond their teen years. Going to a doctor to have it done by a professional does not make it a healthy or useful practice. Why are we so willing to acquiesce to the demands of the mentally unwell?
Now that I think of it, I've heard of some women having their healthy breasts removed due to a high statistical likelihood of fatal breast cancer.
They are referring to the legal age you can get your dick surgically removed as "the cut-off age".
While growing up, my child was an ongoing patient at Children's National Hospital in DC, so I have direct experience with them.
First, the spokesperson's claim that the people were "secretly recorded" is false. The beginning of the call clearly states "Your call may be recorded for quality assurance" ... so LoTT chose to record it. Nothing secretive about it. All parties know they are on a recorded line.
Second, I have a different interpretation of the first staff member. At the 0:40 mark, she tries to transfer LoTT to an operator. LoTT interrupts by asking whether they will "service that age". The staff member responds at 0:58 that different departments have different age cut-offs. I don't think the staff member understood what service was being requested because it was only mentioned once at the very beginning.
The age cut-offs involve patients that may be too old to receive services at Children's National Hospital, not too young. Since the patient is sixteen, then "they're in the clear". Again, I don't think the staff member understood the specifics of the surgery being requested, and only confirmed that being sixteen makes her eligible for services. The WashPost's characterization that the first staff member "state[d] unambiguously that a minor patient could receive a gender-affirming hysterectomy" is unfair.
The other staff member understood what was being requested, and made an unambiguous statement.
@TomCC: "Why are we so willing to acquiesce to the demands of the mentally unwell?"
Threats of suicide are a big part of what drives the movement.
“Perhaps the loophole that explains the discrepancy is that, as they said, they don't do "gender-affirming hysterectomies," but they do administer male hormones that cause problems with the uterus, and those problems are treated with a hysterectomy.”
And that would make it somehow better? Warm up the wood-chipper...
I do wonder how Libs of TikTok, who just posts THEIR videos, is guilty of "hate speech"?
The amusing thing here is that all of this is a logical progression from the baseline assumptions of feminism. Which just about all of the feminists fail to comprehend.
You start out from the premise that women are lesser creatures, oppressed by all the patriarchs in their lives. Never mind that this is pure projective fantasy, but that's the starting point. The next step, once this is internalized, is to acknowledge that women are actually inferior beings and that being male and acting male is the highest good. The progression goes from "liberating women from male expectations/command" to "usurping (imagined) male privilege and prerogative". The follow-on from that is erasing that which makes women inferior, their genitals and breasts. All so they can be fake inferior versions of males.
The madness is that nobody sees any of this, or recognizes it for what it is: Mass mental illness, akin to the dancing plagues of Medieval times. We've had this critical mass of crazy being reached, and this is how it expresses itself.
Healthy human societies require both sexes to be working in parallel, doing that which is necessary to perpetuate that society. You cannot have a state wherein one sex looks at the other and says "I want that...", looking at things that are not supported in the biology of it all, and is then allowed to "take that". It breaks society, and all you have to do is look at the aggregate results, as expressed in the fertility rates. What we are doing is not working, period.
I don't agree with the idea that either sex is inferior or superior; it's like arguing that a draft horse makes a lousy fish, or a fish makes a lousy draft horse to pull you plow with. Until we overcome the limitations of biology by either drastically extending human life with particular attention to its years of reproductive advantage or create artificial wombs, we're stuck in a situation wherein trying to force-fit young women into formerly male roles is just plain nuts. Biologically speaking, you're best having kids while young and healthy. That's an ugly fact; older women have kids that aren't as healthy and which have more incidences of things like autism. Those "kids from older eggs" also do not live as long as those from the younger years, and on and on. Raw fact? You shouldn't try to warp society such that young women aren't forming families and having kids. You cannot get around that, no matter how hard you stamp your little feet and "insist on talking to the manager".
I agree this is "unfair" in the context of our desires, but... I ain't the one what made the rules. That was biology, and until we manage to overcome that, you need to recognize reality and deal with it as it is, not as you idealize it should be.
Current situation is completely dysfunctional, and we will shortly be paying the bill for all of that. It isn't accidental that world fertility rates drop with women's education, and while that may be a "good" thing for the period where we were reproducing too much, it's also creating problems of its own. I don't doubt that when the results of this infertility become undeniably apparent, you're going to see all sorts of draconian idiocies put into place in order to reduce the effect.
The story of the last hundred years has been a litany of poorly-considered adaptations to changing underlying conditions that have prevailed for much of human history. And, instead of recognizing that some of those conditions have changed, we instead sought to blame things like the supposed "patriarchy" that kept women down, when the reality was, it was the sad fact that most women were fated to die in childbirth, such that educating them past a certain point was a waste of society's resources. So much of the angst over "gender roles" is the result of an inability to observe that most of these things came out of actual hard biological and demographic facts.
Hell, I was just going over the family genealogies these last few days, and it was striking to observe how many wives some of my ancestors had, how many kids, and how many died in childhood or childbirth. People today don't grasp the realities of how that affected social situations, attitudes, and customs. There wasn't a patriarchy so much as there was a recognition that you couldn't waste resources on those who were likely to be dead in relatively short order, across the breadth of society. That sort of thing didn't change until Semmelweis, and then the advent of antibiotics. It wasn't the supposed patriarchy; it was the goddamn microbes and lack of a good disease theory that "oppressed women".
That has all mostly changed, but we've failed to adapt rationally to it, accelerating our desired social changes waaaaaaaaay past the actualities of the state of the medical arts. When you live to 170, and have extensions on your fertile years, then you can live lives like the boys do, ladies. Until then? Biology says that if you want healthy kids, you'd best be having them in your late teens or twenties. Sucks, but that's the reality of it all.
Pianoman said...
Transgender driven surgery is a hot growth market, expected to go over $1B annually by 2023.
If you were a doctor that had no scruples, and someone comes along and offers you $50K to whack off their daughter's breasts, you'd schedule it next week.
Follow the money.
There might be a couple pawns that think like this. But this as a motivation is a far distant second.
The actual people pushing this transgender garbage are billionaires in the Davos crowd who are actively trying to reduce the birthrate globally. They are working on the margins on dozens of fronts.
If they can get 1 in a hundred children to sterilize themselves it is a victory for them.
If they can get 1 in a 100 children aborted it is a victory for them.
If they can kill 2 or 3 people in 100 early by mass prescribing Statins that is a victory for them.
If they can kill 1 in a hundred with myocarditis/periocarditis caused by mass prescription of an RNA treatment for COVID19 that doesn't work and illegally labeled a vaccine that is a victory for them.
If they can start a war in Ukraine and kill 1 in a hundred people with the resulting famine that is a victory for them.
Moving people to a vegetable/insect based diet will greatly shorten life expectancy and kill far more than 1 in a hundred people early.
Killing off agriculture and making food more expensive will kill poor people on the margins.
This winter is going to be cold and they have no Gas in Europe. Thousands will die. Mostly poor people on the margins.
Putting COVID positive patients into Nursing homes killed thousands.
These people are pushing to kill as many people on the margins as they can. It is a much bigger movement than just pushing for a few uteradectomies here and there.
The recording, made by Libs of TikTok founder Chaya Raichik, features two telephone operators at the renowned D.C. medical facility stating — in response to Raichik’s questions — that a 16-year-old trans boy would be eligible for a hysterectomy at the hospital’s gender development clinic. Children’s has not disputed the authenticity of the recording but said the employees provided inaccurate information."
Hmm, who do I believe: someone contacted on the phone who thought (s)he was talking to a fellow mutilator?
Or a "hospital spokes creature" who's trying to recover from being outed?
Yeah, the hospital is lying
The removal of healthy, functioning organs from children is shocking
Chemically / pharmaceutically damaging those organs so that they need to be removed is equally wrong.
1: No person wshould be able to get ANY pharmacological or surgical "gender affirming" procedures before the age of 25
2: Any individual who prescribes "puberty blockers" for any "off label" reason should spend 10 years in jail per prescription, and permanently lose his or her license
There is NO real science justifying the use of "gender affirming medicines" on "trans" kids. The studies that are out there are utter trash
Apparently, doctors do perform gender affirming surgeries and minors.
That wasn't hard to find, but the Washington Post couldn't find it. Hmm.
Threats of violence don't carry the weight they used to. Soooo commonplace these days. Wonder what the ratio is? I expect dems win 6 or 7 to one.
Not to mention, of course, actual violence,and destruction, and hate, which the left wins hands down.
Definitely inaccurate, pronoun and subject-verb disagreements all over the place.
The only voluntary removal of healthy organs I have heard about are submarine crewmen having their appendix removed. There were a few done during long patrols in WWII that brought that decision about.
Blogger Bob Boyd said...
Now that I think of it, I've heard of some women having their healthy breasts removed due to a high statistical likelihood of fatal breast cancer.
Oh, I have done that. In fact I had my sister do it as she was found to have ductal carcinoma in situ (or DCIS, as it is called). Then she had, like all the other cases I've seen, breast implants. It is done to prevent cancer in these high risk cases. She had invasive cancer in one specimen. That was 40 years ago and she is in good health.
It's not exactly like removing healthy tissue.
Age Is Just a Number: WPATH-Affiliated Surgeons' Experiences and Attitudes Toward Vaginoplasty in Transgender Females Under 18 Years of Age in the United States
Background: A rising number of female-affirmed transgender adolescents are being treated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues and subsequently cross-sex hormones at early or mid-puberty, with vaginoplasty as the presumed final step in their physical transition. But, despite the minimum age of 18 years defining eligibility to undergo this irreversible procedure, anecdotal reports have shown that vaginoplasties are being performed on minors by surgeons in the United States, thereby contravening the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) standards of care (SOC).
As Anon said, it's all there. but you have to actually look, which clearly the leftists aren't willing to do
Dr. Kenneth Zucker, a Canadian psychologist, conducted the most extensive (30 years) study of young patients in the largest child gender clinic in the country and concluded that the underlying cause of their fixation on gender is actually a manifestation of autism.
He immediately lost his job.
Clitorodectomies are illegal in Massachusetts, right? Right. But to find that answer, I had to search to the fourth page of google. Previously (I have done lobbying on these laws), the anti-clitorodectomy (FMG) advocacy groups and stats would come up at the top of the search. Even more frighteningly, Wikipedia has completely changed its page on the mutilation of women's sex organs: more than 75% of the content makes no mention of FGM even being a human rights issue with a cultural foundation. The rest of it is carefully neutral. Also, among the few states left that have no laws or weak ones, several are large federal refugee relocation centers, including Washington State and Maine, where Somali refugee communities are large and there are no anti-clitorodectomy laws. Wisconsin is another refugee-heavy state with an extremely weak law. Georgia, however, despite its very large refugee population, has a very strong law. And we were the first state to pass one. Montana has no such law, something Ms. Vowell (see in post above) can contemplate while standing in line for coffee while mocking Red States.
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