There’s a disturbing trend going on in America these days with rewriting science to fit ideology. We’ve gone from fat acceptance to fat celebration.
— Bill Maher (@billmaher) August 6, 2022
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
There’s a disturbing trend going on in America these days with rewriting science to fit ideology. We’ve gone from fat acceptance to fat celebration.
— Bill Maher (@billmaher) August 6, 2022
८५ टिप्पण्या:
"[body] Fat is beautiful" and "healthy at any weight" are first-order comorbidities. Normalize, tolerate, or reject?
He's just noticing?
Walk into the ladies section (if one can still say that) at any Target.
The photos and mannequins look like a sideshow fat lady convention...
In 1965 the movie What's New Pussycat had a subplot in which a Russian scientist is convinced to work for the British by supplying him with a few very large women, for whom he had a fetish. It was a well done comedy bit, and funny.
Fatty has been important since the prehistoric Venus figurines. What's new is we aren't supposed to laugh at it anymore, because demanding adherence to ever changing social rules is a standard technique of leftist social control.
Fat people are necessarily dependent on other people to accept them. Nobody intrinsically wants o be fat. They know hey are unhealthy and decadent.
The people who are pushing transgenderism and the war on agriculture are also pushing fat acceptance.
It is increasingly clear that the billionaire Davos crowd is trying to reduce the human population and destroy he fabric of society everywhere they can.
This is an evil movement supported by evil people with pawns that are too stupid o see what they are doing.
The climate change cult is coming for US agriculture next.
Millions of people around the world are going o starve if they succeed. This will not end peacefully.
The other day in Costco, I suddenly became aware of several severely obese people pushing carts full to the top with food. And while, yes, I often buy food at Costco, the images struck me as a metaphor for the mainstreaming of fat acceptance.
He's right. The seven deadly sins aren't really about what sins will send you to hell. It about the ones that will wreck your life, and can wreck a society when it becomes infested.
Gluttony and sloth aren't a good combination.
The rewriting of science is getting rid of the epidemic causing food pyramid.
Next up, fat parades, Obesity Month, TransFat operations .
When I visit my kids in college, I am amazed at the number of overweight students I see. An obese 20 year old was an uncommon sight when I was in school. I feel sorry for these girls who want to find a boyfriend, but don't seem to think that their weight is a problem. It is. Same with the guys. Obesity is not attractive!
This past year, I've lost 90 pounds through a consistent calorie deficit and intermittent fasting. Covid was the kick in the pants I needed. I just returned from a vacation where I was able to hike, swim, and enjoy my family without being exhausted from simply walking. I have a new lease on life and am loving it.
First, they came for the babies. Then, for women's health. Now, they complete the circle of dysfunction and come for women by Nature/nature. It is no wonder that there is an excess diversity of girls and women who are unsatisfied, confused, and disturbed.
Yeah if you want to see the best example of the celebration of morbid obesity, just go into anywhere in the United States that voted overwhelmingly for Trump. McDonald's is the Church.
We rewrote and outright suppressed IQ studies to spare the feels of low IQ groups. We rewrote behavioral science and biology and suppress STD and pedophilia stats to spare the feels of gays. Why not rewrite science to spare the fatties? The thing about fat people is their issues don’t effect the wider world like low IQs or gays do. Fat people die before they get old. They actually cost the health care systems less because they don’t live long enough to get old age cancers, dementia, or need to be kept in a nursing home for 15 years because they are disabled by bad hips. Fat people do society a favor. Gays sure as hell don’t.
Henry Kissinger.
Amazing that Maher has discovered how funny an 'emperor has no clothes' approach to wokiness can be. Better late than never, and for those inhabiting the left-o-sphere, he's not even late.
Bill Maher makes a lot more sense than he used to.
Lest we overly valorize 1969 America, it should be noted that a huge number of adults controlled their weight with cigarettes.
I remember a lot of girls I knew in high school took up smoking in college, expressly for that reason. (Madison Avenue didn't call that brand pitched at women "Virginia Slims" by accident.) Same with (then mostly male) lawyers I met with in smoke-filled conference rooms in the 70s through the 90s.
The anti-tobacco campaign in the late 90s worked, but our obesity epidemic is a predictable consequence. Replacing manual labor with service jobs is probably a big factor for the male population as well. And don't get me started on legalized marijuana--ever heard of the munchies? Pretending this is just a matter of will power and shaming is a nice trope for Maher's snarky comedic shtick, but I see no evidence that it will work for the vast majority of our population.
What happened to the Bill Maher full of smug condescension?
Mr Maher's ire is selective. He trotted out 97 people on his show representing the 97% of climate scientists who are claimed to believe that AGW is a threat to life as we know it, and 3 people representing the dissenters. Trouble is, the methodology for deriving that 97% figure was designed to arrive at a predetermined conclusion; not so sciency.
John Cook's mouthpiece, Skeptical Science, was hacked, and internal emails showed that the people assigned to conduct the study objected to the methods. Another thing was discovered - blacklisting of fellow academics who dare to contradict The Narrative.
From the article just cited:
A Climate Blacklist That Works: “It Should Make Her Unhirable In Academia”
Guest essay by Dr. Roger Pielke Jr.
"(Reposted from Forbes at WUWT by request.)
A climate advocacy group called Skeptical Science, hosts a list of academics that it has labeled “climate misinformers.” The list includes 17 academics and is intended as a blacklist. We know of this intent because one of the principals of Skeptical Science, a blogger named Dana Nuccitelli, said so last Friday, writing of one academic on their list, “if you look at the statements we cataloged and debunked on her [Skeptical Science] page, it should make her unhirable in academia.”
That so-called “unhirable” academic is Professor Judy Curry, formerly the chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech, and a Fellow of both the American Geophysical Union and American Meteorological Society. By any conventional academic metric, Curry has compiled an impressive record over many decades. The idea that she would be unhirable would seem laughable."
I cannot imagine what it must feel like to lug around an extra 50 or 100 pounds. That 24/7 discomfort should be enough to get people to lose weight. Strangely, though, it is not. What really irks me are fat climate change warriors. Wouldn't trimming down significantly reduce their carbon footprints?
Maher thinks "rewriting science" to achieve political goals is something new?
Has Bill Maher ever heard of "Eugenics" or "Climate Change?" Manifest Destiny?
Of course Bill Maher has heard of these things. When Democrats start professing sudden notice of things they've been doing all along, we should be suspicious. Their sudden acknowledgement surely signals they're afraid that a tactic they've abused is now going to be turned against them.
And they should be sorely afraid. Because it is.
I'm curious if he does all his own writing? Very good. He's right over the target.
Ehh I think he overstates the actual acceptance, but it's true that advertisers take it way too literally. Fat people just get angry when you tell them because they say they know.
Anyway, per meddit obesity is basically the reason healthcare is broken, period end of story. But one new factor since 1969 is the number of people on multiple psych drugs that make them pack on the weight besides numb the emotions. Hence the struggle to go off meds.
Glad I never got started with the therapeutic industrial complex though I could have used some therapy!
I don't disagree with anything he said. I used to get annoyed when people I know would comment about 'fat Americans'. Especially people I know from other countries. But, over the past 10 or so years I've seen it go from a few, to many, to seemingly the majority of our population needing to push themselves away from the table and go do something. It's sad. We've got so much, we don't know what to do other than eat, do drugs, and whine about what genre of victim we are.
One last point. The phrase 'full stop' has got to come to a full stop.
Self-indulgence and laziness are pathways to an early grave. You cannot be hundreds of pounds over your "healthy weight" and have any expectation of living well. Or, living into old age.
The unfortunate fact is that you have to stay reasonably active throughout life, and if you allow yourself to fatten up like a hog for slaughter, well... Yeah. Things will take their natural course.
One wonders what would ensue, should a biologically effective "cure" for obesity be developed; would people use it? Would they prefer to wallow in self-imposed fatsuits? I suspect that there wouldn't be too many takers for "beautiful people" pills or treatments; the mental deficiencies that enable people to become fat slobs in the first place would preclude anyone saying "Yeah, I'll have some of that..."
"I'm perfect the way I am because I'm me. It's Orwellian."
- Bill Maher
Until I hear a homosexual behavior = monkeypox outbreak reference your hebraic kvetching means nothing Bill.
demanding adherence to ever changing social rules is a standard technique of leftist social control.
Yup, fashion, cuisine, the arts... all part of a vast, inscrutable mind control project.
I've lost 3.5 stone since retiring in 2015. I have changed what I eat and the way I eat it, I get more and better exercise, and I enjoy mellowing out as much as ever.
Munchies are a choice, not a compulsion.
The Science (BMI hahaha) tells me I should weigh about 190 (hahaha). Stupid science.
Just a heads up so ya don't miss it.
It’s Here, It’s Fear
Upgrade to stream They/Them, a Peacock Original film from three-time Oscar-nominated screenwriter John Logan and producer Jason Blum.
BTW, How come none of you guys didn't remind me of Barack Obama day Thursday? Racists.
I think I feel suspicious of the color and shape manipulations of these images.
The local Victoria's Secret outlet, which was a feature in our most upscale (for a while) mall, has long been closed. I miss going in and telling some foxy youngun that I was just looking for something for my daughter, who is about her size.
"In fact until the 1960's most US physicians knew that low carbohydrate diets were the most successful way to get their patients to lose weight. Here is what Dr. George L Thorpe published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1957."
Hope the link works, I'm out of practice..
, Low carb diet centuries ago
Of course, we are talking about your normal person who overeats and under exercises. Not the heifers who obviously have some kind of inherited problem.
Watch My 600 pound life for twenty minutes. No way average person can eat enough to get that fat. Suspect that program is designed to make tubbies feel better about themsleves.
If you have a messy house or garage, I recommend Hoarders.
Howard said...
Yeah if you want to see the best example of the celebration of morbid obesity, just go into anywhere in the United States that voted overwhelmingly for Trump. McDonald's is the Church.
Howard knows he is supporting the people who are pushing all of this evil.
He is a piece of shit.
Everyone that supports the regime is a piece of shit.
And he cannot be honest about what he supports so he attacks the people he hates.
It is part of being a leftist.
'Next up, fat parades, Obesity Month, TransFat operations .'
No worries, they only want tolerance and the ability to marry other fat people.
But just wait, soon the state department will be flying 'Fat Pride' flags and doctors will recommend force-feeding skinny children.
But it's just tolerance...
'Yeah if you want to see the best example of the celebration of morbid obesity, just go into anywhere in the United States that voted overwhelmingly for Trump. McDonald's is the Church.'
Stacey Abrams can't read your post over the pile of Big Macs and Chalupas in front of her.
And Hillary is renting out her ass for IMAX movie showings.
As usual, the dumbest take on the post.
It's awful that so many people, including physicians, are telling people to celebrate their obesity. Many to the point that the physicians will allow them to by-pass the weigh-in on office visits. Obesity is harmful to your health and that has been something that has been known for years. I go to the grocery store and those taking the handicap carts are young, very obese woman, while the elderly and truly handicapped have to lean on their carts and slowly navigate through the aisles as the obese and their electric carts block those same aisles.
The elderly are checking labels, along with the prices, while those driving those carts are loading up on high carb, high sugared products, and seem to never take into consideration the calories or the costs. And, they fill the side-rails of their carts with those packs of sodas that so handily slide onto them.
Government recommended diet pyramids have recently been almost opposite of what they should be. Checking carb and sugar levels is just an exercise in futility. Everything is high carb and high sugar. The added sugar is almost criminal! I pay more than twice as much for "no sugar added" ketchup than I do the sugar-laden version.
There is a reason for the high number of diabetes cases in America. Everything most people eat is full of sugar and carbohydrates. I cook at home with fresh meats and vegetables which, of course, makes my grocery bill a lot higher than it could be, but I save money by not paying to eat restaurant priced meals.
"what would ensue, should a biologically effective "cure" for obesity be developed; would people use it?"
New drugs are in the works, apparently to increase feelings of satiety, so we'll see. In itself an amazing symbol of our civilization: needing drugs to reduce fat.
Anyway, to add anecdote to evidence, returning from a trip overseas the sheer body size of Americans compared to others was remarkable.
A rather simpleminded rant from Maher. Dog bites man.
While listening, I was struck by those in the studio audience. Did they bring them in from a Jerry Springer show? Admittedly I watch very little or none of these types of shows, but the inane whooping and clapping was unexpected. It reminded me of a witless, lowbrow show I used to hate: Married With Children.
I'm sure Howard can give us the lowdown on whether these ninnies are Trump voters or not.
I'll drink to that. After lunch at In n Out of course.
Even a blind rat gonna find acorn once in awhile.
Seems only yesterday that progressives were limiting portion sizes at 7/11 so you rubes who can't control yourselves could not purchase a huge soft drink. Limiting portion sizes in school lunches. Trying to prevent fast food joints from opening in LA poor neighborhoods. Now we should celebrate fatness? Oh, ok. Excuse me, I have whiplash, need to go rub my neck.
Even stars are turning into sausage. But hey, let's trust the scientists!
I used to think obesity was overstated in America. BMI can be an absurd measure, and I think a lot of people who are merely overweight get classed as obese.
But I went to a water park a few weeks back and it struck me that most of the people around us, including kids, were straight-up fat. I’m not laughing at them and I’m not trying to be nasty. I just think it’s not healthy.
takirks said... One wonders what would ensue, should a biologically effective "cure" for obesity be developed; would people use it? Would they prefer to wallow in self-imposed fatsuits? I suspect that there wouldn't be too many takers for "beautiful people" pills or treatments; the mental deficiencies that enable people to become fat slobs in the first place would preclude anyone saying "Yeah, I'll have some of that..."
I believe any of the diets, whether old ,or new fad, will work if you work 'em. Takes too much will power for a lot of fatties. A diet pill creates conflict between losing the weight and giving up the pleasures of eating. Food is a necessary addiction.
Off to Vancouver where there aren’t a lot of fatties. A mystery. I can lose ten pounds in no time if I let myself go. But ten pounds is nothing to a three hundred pounder. There must be a point of no return, a poundage where it becomes nearly impossible to lose weight. The fat shaming of the past worked.
Wait until the Gaia overlords inform the chubsters that being significantly overweight contributes to ‘global warming’. If you believe in such silliness then the carbon footprint of obesity is delicious. And not in the double-chocolate cake kinda way.
Fat people - and Howard - got no reason to live.
Obesity when you are young is one thing. When you are in your golden years, it's another thing entirely. My father (86) is 100 lbs. My mother (85) is 300 lbs. I can't even bear to type out the plethora of problems she has due to obesity.
And we seem to be running out of people willing to become nurses, doctors and those that want to work in assisted living/nursing homes. Staying slender must be one of THE MOST IMPORTANT factors in ageing well.
This will not end well.
Howard has no idea how to address the indisputable fact that its his Howards Heroes that are pressing forward at full speed on the "fat is beautiful" and is to be celebrated.
Then again, recall Howard still doesnt think inflation is real. He's an Economy Denier.
these people self identify as attractive.. They are mentally stupid
If you add up, ALL the people in america that Ever died from anorexia (not just Anorexia nervosa, but ANY sort of anorexia, and not just Now, but since the founding of the republic)
Those numbers pale, compared to the number of people that have DIED from obesity in the last 20 years)
here's some biased numbers, to make anorexia seem terrible, it claims 2,600 a year
nih says 300,000 a year from Obesity. That's MORE than 30 MILLION in the last twenty years.
Speaking as a morbidly obese person (+300lbs).. Fat people NEED TO be Shamed and Scorned
They aren't just KILLING themselves... They're Stealing all the food!!! Fat people are Ugly!
If for no other reason than it's not over until the fat lady sings her handmade tale.
This is what I see every time I visit the grocery store in my smaller Iowa town. Older obese people who are SO fat that they have to put their bellies over the handles of their grocery cart just to be able to push the cart and walk around the grocery store. I never ever saw this when I was younger in the 60s and 70s. So yes, it is getting disgusting. And all of us are paying for this in higher taxes for medicaid and medicare.
His tone is too mocking and shaming. It feels like he is mocking fat people as much as he is social trends.
In some ways obesity is contagious. The fatter the people are that are around you every day and the people you see in various media the easier it is to not care about your own self being fat. I truly get some people feeling badly when they see people with slim fit bodies. But those people are supposed to feel badly. The shame that person feels is because that person could do better. For some reason making sure people don't feel badly or experience any negative emotions has become the primary virtue for people. But this ends up harming people. It is overall a good thing to feel badly if you look in the mirror and see yourself as fat. That should be a motivator to make changes.
MadAsHell said...
What happened to the Bill Maher full of smug condescension?
He’s still smug and condescending. Just not towards you.
Bill makes just enough sense just often enough to remind you that he would put all Trump voters in a concentration camp if he could.
In other news, Maher believes the Russiagate story was "reported erroneously".
Science isn't the only thing being rewritten to fit an ideology.
takirks said...
should a biologically effective "cure" for obesity be developed; would people use it?
as several people here have pointed out; tobacco is very effective appetite suppressant.
There also is chemical compound, which gilbar had some knowledge of, back in the mid 1980's*.
It was a white powder that not only suppressed appetite, but was a strong motivator (mostly, it motivated one to get more of the white powder). It Also made you a Real Hit with the ladies! However, it was pricey. Again however; as mentioned several posts back, prices fluctuate, and through Arbitrage one could help price smoothing through buying in bulk.
knowledge of back, in the mid 1980's* gilbar would point out; that
a) the statue of limitations has been completely sculpted since then
b) gilbar does Not endorse Any nefariousims
There have been half a dozen obese presidents. The only one to die of natural causes in office? Taylor, 1849-1850, at 65. Amazingly, there was a 3 decade run of mostly obese presidents, 1885-1889 and 1893-1913 (Cleveland, McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft). Might McKinley, 58, have survived 2 bullets to the abdomen had he been in better shape? The others made it to 71, 60, 72, respectively.
One more obese president after that.
'should a biologically effective "cure" for obesity be developed;'
Apparently such drugs are available by Rx like semaglutide. No idea the cost.
The first time my wife came to the US we stopped at a Walmart in Sacramento. She wandered into the plus size section without realizing it because her English wasn't very good. The perplexed look on her face as she held up the clothes was priceless. A lot of countries aren't into fast acceptance, let alone celebration.
I find the most interesting animals at the zoo to be the fat people riding their scooters and drinking super sized sodas.
Funny no mention of these super computers we all have that distract us from doing a good amount of physical activity. We need some serious routine hours long timeouts from these things.
Aside - a twenty something young man came to do some work on our house. He’d lost 90 lbs in the previous year because of COVID comorbidity info. Smart man.
I started college in 1984- I don't remember more than a couple of students in my freshman class who could be called obese (there were about 200 of us at that initial meet and greet). In my high school class, there were only a couple out of 120 or so who could be called fat. It is a different world today in that regard when I see people under 20 years old- 20-30% of them are fat.
And, Howard, it won't do you any good to come to Trump Land to find a fat bride who is desperate. Stay in your mom's basement so no one has to look you.
Catalogs these days show the clothes they're selling on all sizes of women - fat (aka "Curves" and "Shapely") and thin. And on all ages. It's just a fact that I have no desire to buy any clothes I see in a catalog on shapely, senior persons who may or may not be birthing persons. Rather those pictures inspire me to keep going to the fitness center. Clothing catalogs and advertising in general sells dreams but advertisers don't seem to know that any more. Unless they're using Revolution for they're advertising - then you don't see overweight, aging models with thinning hair, and a Che T shirt stretched over ... etc.
Trump is fat.
We were just watching a YouTube collection of 60s music snippets, and there was Chubby Checker. By today's standards, he won't stand out as particularly fat. A person of today who didn't know better might think the nickname "Chubby" was a joke based on his being rather svelte.
I stayed skinny through my forties mostly because of neurotic anxiety and compulsive jogging. It got harder in my fifties. I didn't fret and fidget the way I used to, and long distance running became problematic. I didn't change my diet but I put on some weight. Apparently what with changes in metabolism, you have to eat two or three percent less each year in order to stay at the same weight. So now I go to bed hungry and remain ten pounds overweight. Life sucks.....I live in Manhattan. There are all these outdoor dining sheds. When you go out for a walk, you're walking among endless tables of tempting foods. It's like asking a reformed libertine to live at the Playboy Mansion. Obesity is popular because it combines the maximum of temptation with the maximum of opportunity.
Don't think naming names is polite but every time Kelly Clarkson does a new Wayfair commercial, she gets bigger. Now she is doing that Song Contest thingy wearing costumes that emphasize her fatness. She is a long way from her American Idol days when she exposed her belly button.
A person of today who didn't know better might think the nickname "Chubby" was a joke based on his being rather svelte.
Yeah, but it was really a riff off Fats Domino from whom Putin got his showstopper, thrill on blueberry hill.
Trump's fate is phat.
homosexual behavior = monkeypox outbreak
To be fair to the transgender community, there are two critical factors for natural infection: social liberalism and penetration through the back... black hole... whore ht/ NAACP where blood and fecal-borne transmission are facilitated, which, of course, intersect with liberated trans/homosexual male behaviors. AIDS, too. Covid-19/20/21/22, as well.
William said...
I stayed skinny through my forties mostly because of neurotic anxiety and compulsive jogging. It got harder in my fifties. I didn't fret and fidget the way I used to, and long distance running became problematic. I didn't change my diet but I put on some weight. Apparently what with changes in metabolism, you have to eat two or three percent less each year in order to stay at the same weight.
If maintaining low body weight is a key to healthy longevity, are there any examples of species other than humans instinctively decreasing their calorie intake as they get older?
I know experiments have been done with CAPTIVE rats, but why hasn't evolution itself favored such a strategy?
In times past have humans EVER embraced a strategy of eating less as they age? With demonstrable extra years of life?
Has anyone actually eaten two or three percent less *each year* ON PURPOSE, for, say, fifteen years as they age? How could they possibly keep track, unless they were complete obsessives?
Howard said...
Yeah if you want to see the best example of the celebration of morbid obesity, just go into anywhere in the United States that voted overwhelmingly for Trump. McDonald's is the Church.
8/6/22, 1:04 PM
Or just go to the Womens March or any Pro Abortion rally. You can't call them Trump supporters.
Um, Howard. You may want to look at the stats for the places that voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden. Over 100 percent of the registered voters in some of those places!
(In fairness I suppose that a lot of those 'voters' exist only as 'votes,' which don't weight very much).
Sugar added, look at the food labels, so much sugar added to food that aren't considered sweets.
A relative lost 150 pounds over the last two years. No special diet but counts calories and makes sure to get enough protein. Walks, lifts weights/uses resistance bands, and does HIIT twice a week. Diets for six weeks at a time and then eats at maintenance for three weeks. Eats at maintenance on all weekends. It's doable. The key seems to be consistency and not making it needlessly hard.
Blogger Howard said...
Yeah if you want to see the best example of the celebration of morbid obesity, just go into anywhere in the United States that voted overwhelmingly for Trump. McDonald's is the Church.
Yeah if you want to see the best example of a bigot making blog comments, just read Howard's stuff lately.
Probably half of his stuff is now just drive-by bigotry with zero thoughtful or enlightening content. I wonder what it would take for our hostess to bring out the ban hammer?
I never lost the "freshman fifteen." The closest I came was when I was overseas and either couldn't get much food or didn't like what I could get.
Fat acceptance and fat promotion aren't good, but fat shaming looks tied to snobbery and punching down on people who haven't had the advantages one's had. Give it a tribal political twist and it gets even uglier.
Fat is beautiful. Weight loss products are big business. Square that circle.
Ummm..."Chubby Checker" was a riff on "Fats Domino"
Howard: actually, there has been a huge push in conservative and evangelical Christian congregations to tackle obesity and poor eating habits. They recognize it is a problem and to an impressive degree (excluding liberal congregations taking "food desert" bennies) aren't asking for your tax dollars to address it. This is happening in churches of all ethnicities. And the religious healthcare quasi-insurance programs excluded from Obamacare require weight monitoring as the best way to keep people healthy (they also enroll Catholics, Jews, Muslims, etc.). If you exceed a certain weight, you pay more at first and receive counseling and free programs to reduce your weight and exercise, with concurrent fee reductions. If you fail to keep with the program for a year, you may not be renewed without an appeal. You may not enroll until you quit smoking and drinking, but they offer free programs to help you do so; you must pledge to not take illegal drugs or have extramarital sex; they do not cover psychiatric care unless it is for an organic mental illness such as schizophrenia, postpartum depression, dementia, autism, brain injury, etc. Parents with troubled minors may apply for exemptions to these rules. I signed up for a year with some complicated health problems, and they negotiated lower rates than I pay now back on the Obama-affected market with a 9K deductible and more than double the premiums. My husband is still on it, and he pays little on premiums and almost nothing for basic care like physicals and scheduled preventative care. We also pay a small amount each month to help people in medical crisis, but it is voluntary. Don't assume you know what evangelicals are doing. It's economical and science-based. The Catholic Church is lagging behind the evangelicals, but that is cultural: more third-worlders averse to food interventions and less time interacting outside pure worship.
Of course, there must be no fat Democratic voting athiests, right?
We've gone to fat celebration because for most people losing weight is well-nigh impossible. Might as well accept it. Diets failed. Exercise failed. Okay, if we cannot succeed, redefine success. We did.
It's not a matter of "cutting back". It's not a matter of going to the gym. This nasty little thing called hunger is for most people what gets in the way of losing weight. One either has to accept hunger for the rest of their life or surrender to it. Most will surrender. Accepting hunger is like accepting a full bladder or a tack in your foot. It can't be done forever. And you can't shame it away.
Maher is wrong that people of 1969 had to "struggle" for their thinness. They didn't. Neither did folks in the Forties or the Fifties. Look at pictures of people from those decades. How could the United States be so rich when so many looked so starved?
Neither can you credit cigarette smoking, because not everyone was a smoker, and those non-smoking folks' figures fit right in.
Check out this New York Times article by Gina Kolata. Note the publication date. Gary Taubes published Good Calories, Bad Calories that same year.
We began demonizing dietary fat -- mostly saturated animal fat -- in the 1950's because it "causes" heart disease, doncha know. Now we celebrate body fat, because the replacement nutrients -- surgary carbs and seed oils -- drive hunger and obesity. What a terrible irony.
We began demonizing dietary fat -- mostly saturated animal fat -- in the 1950's because it "causes" heart disease, doncha know. Now we celebrate body fat, because the replacement nutrients -- surgary carbs and seed oils -- drive hunger and obesity. What a terrible irony.
Indeed, gluttonous consumption of diverse compounds, especially compounded with a sedentary or low-energy lifestyle. Separately, an excellent discernment between dietary and body fat.
Fat white people never called it Mickey D's.
McDonald's is about money not skin.
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