Defunding and demoralizing police was a necessary leftist purge done to help create the hate and chaos needed to destroy billions in property damage during the riots after George Floyd's death.
Kamala herself said "It's not going to stop" and then helped spring criminals from jail.
Now that crime is the new normal, people are sick of it and - perhaps waking up to the fact that the democrat party itself is a criminal enterprise.
What a great idea! A NATIONALIZED police force. Just another area - like education, health care, housing, agriculture - that City, County, and State level governments are incapable of dealing with.
Remember when Biden flipflopped from "Defund the Police" to "Fund the Police" in his State of the Union address and nobody noticed? Deafening silence from the mainstream media.
Money will not repair the damage, not even thirty-seven billion dollars. Who would sign up as a cop in a Big Blue City or an infantryman in the High Heels Army, knowing that your superiors regard you as an expendable widget?
When funding for hiring local police comes from the Feds, it will come with conditions. Hiring preference for LGBTQA+, lower physical and mental performance standards, creation of "cultural sensitivity" office,....
He could just say out loud that he backs law enforcement and call out the Soros DAs for their dereliction of duty. He could condemn the lawless mobs wrecking stores and protesting illegally in private neighborhoods. He could do a lot of things to deal with actual problems but he won’t. There is no federal roll in battling local crime and I have no faith Joe would spend ANY of those $billions in an effective way. Even if he sincerely believed his own words his woke handlers would make sure the money went to NGOs and allies of Joe, not actually to cops. So what is this bullshit Joe’s peddling?
The violence is now spilling over into wealthy white liberal communities and neighborhoods. It was fashionable to Defund the Police when the crime was isolated to minority communities and could be used for political leverage, but now something has to be done.
But when it spills over from Milwaukee to a Waukesha County Christmas parade...Dane County couldn't care less.
BTW. The Dancing Grannies were in the Sussex, WI Lions Daze Parade last Saturday Morning. They received more applause down the parade route than the Color Guard. There was an SUV following them with a placard on the side which read, "In Remembrance of our Fallen" and listed the names of the women that were killed.
-Cut off domestic energy (gift to the Putin) -Invite masses of illegal entrants to cross the border and come on in. - demoralize and defund boarder security - Pro soft on crime Soros DA's, installed all over - Defund the police (Loyalist democrats are if full denial mode that it ever happened - LOL. (Reality of demoralizing all police officers is not working out so well, "defund the police" will be denied it was ever expressed as an idea from the corrupt left - blame it all on Fox News or something)
Biden never fell for the defund BS, though it is hard to see that sometimes.
Does Biden really have that kind of intelligence or discernment? At this point, does his memory really go back any further than the memories of his supporters? He may not have believed in defunding the police, but did he definitely disbelieve it or disagree with it? Or was it just something he said because he was told to?
Witness said... Biden never fell for the defund BS, though it is hard to see that sometimes.
7/21/22, 9:31 AM
He may as well have. Look how abhorrently he is treating the Border Control people. Going after them for DOING their jobs??
The violent crime rate in Madison is 3.18 per 1000 residents. It’s actually lower than the WI state average of 3.2. Waukesha WI is 1.73, and my little island of sanity is Sussex is 0.61. We’re boring Deplorables. Even the drunk drivers do the speed limit.
Madison doesn’t visit, associate, or work in/with Milwaukee like Waukesha County, so they can get away with this type of virtue signal. We border it. They have a 70 to 80 mile buffer. Deplorables is Waukesha County are all for increased police funding to help with the suffering and violence in Milwaukee. We like to spend money there. Used to be a good time.
I am 100% convinced white liberals do not give a shit about poor minority inner city communities…until it’s time to vote.
Cut off domestic energy (gift to the Putin) -Invite masses of illegal entrants to cross the border and come on in. - demoralize and defund border security - Pro soft on crime Soros DA's, installed all over - Defund the police (Loyalist democrats are if full denial mode that it ever happened - LOL. (Reality of demoralizing all police officers is not working out so well, "defund the police" will be denied it was ever expressed as an idea from the corrupt left - blame it all on Fox News or something)
“If they're wasting (spending) money, then some left-wing group is getting a piece of it.
“And then they will turn around and donate to the DNC and the Biden campaign.”
One of my friends’ favorite sayings is “follow the money”. Money that had been dedicated to police was diverted to progressive groups. They never were advocating reducing spending - they are Democrats. The idea was to move the funding from less well Dem aligned groups (police) to more Dem aligned groups. Long run, they knew that they couldn’t afford to actually defund the police - but once the money was diverted for awhile, it would stat diverted, and bringing police back up to proper staffing levels requires new funding sources (e.g. the Feds).
Except that there are those, like George Soros and his acolytes, who really do want to destroy this country, and, indeed, much of the west. The Dems, at least at the top, have made an unholy alliance with these people. They are the ones who are dismissing charges against really violent people, while charging and prosecuting their political enemies instead.
When an AG or DA says "I won't prosecute those that violate the law"; police funding is irrelevant. At this point, $X spending on police is just cheap political rhetoric.
It will be money wasted. Sure, new cops will be hired, but when they realize that they're arresting the same perps over and over again because the D.A. is setting them free instead of putting them in jail, they will end up spending their duty shift down at the Dunkin' Donuts with the rest of the guys.
If I were a cop or former cop, I would not accept employment in any jurisdiction where they previously defunded the police until the defunders were driven from office. Working for those people is inviting a knife in the back. There are better places to work.
"What happened? It didn't work. Minorities and POC hurt worst."
Actually it's really just latinxxezz. Seriously, the other people in the coalition are fine with crime, blacks especially. America could be turned into a big festering Cabrini Green and they would stay in chains on the plantation.
But they're really hurting with latinxxezz, many of whom are a generation (or THE generation) who came here to escape the failed state to our South called Mexico.
Many of them know what that looks like. Many are sick of urban negro behavior, and don't like them much racially either. Liberals have miscalculated the pain tolerance of one of their key demographics.
Robert Cook: "It was never really a thing among those in power."
It most certainly was "really a thing among those in power"....undeniably so.
It just happened to be something that didn't effect those in power....because they are the protected class.
But for everyone else, it was one of the most impactful policies harming the lives of everyone else. And the "everyone else" decided they'd had enough of these leftist policies guaranteeing quality of life destruction. Though that reaction is just beginning to be manifested politically.
"As part of Biden’s plans, $3 billion would be geared toward clearing court backlogs and resolving cases involving murders and guns."
Since Democrat sponsored bills tend to be the exact opposite of what they purport to be, I'll reserve judgment until I see the details. Or maybe they'll just hold off on those until after the midterms. After all, they have their press conference and talking points to show that they are "tough on crime" and all. Why confuse voters with what they really plan to do. That's if they have a real plan at all.
But here today I will make the following bold predictions.
Lack of police is a problem, but the main problem is lack of prosecutions. The Soros-ite prosecutors are more intent on letting criminals go, than putting them behind bars.
"He didn’t renounce it. He needed those people." I believe he many times said he was against defunding the police, including his last State of the Union Address. But not sure what you mean by "renounce."
Sure...spend billions to hire more cops that will have their hands tied behind their backs because the Soros DA's refuse to prosecute any crimes done by criminals. See NYC for proof. The keep on releasing the same old criminals who go right back out into the streets and attack more Asians and old White People....before they get rearrested, and then released again by those same corrupt DA's that George Soros paid for. It's going swell. And those billions may as well be flushed down the toilet along with all the billions we are sending to Ukraine.
It is far too late to do anything about crime now by funding more police. The communist DAs and judges who turn loose criminals as soon as they are arrested, along with the endless prosecutions of police who make the slightest mistake, has demoralized most cops and caused them, in the words of "Second City Cop," to "go fetal."
It will take another generation and a culture change to get back what we had to the 90s.
Progressives are liars, cheaters and assholes. NOW an idiot Seton Hall Law Assistant Dean Brian Sheppard wants Congress to steal our money to PAY Supreme Court Judges to buy them so they can get their way. Seriously. WHAT THE FUCK?? It's time to send Progressives scurrying back under the rocks from which they slithered. They call TRUMP corrupt?? THIS takes the cake.
Nothing the oligarchy does is actually what they label it in the news releases. I'd strongly suggest digging into the weeds for the graft, and the actual counterproductive elements of this latest line of BS. It's all about spending the money, directing towards allies and programs intended to shore up their power.
You want to know and understand why things are so screwed up? Examine the realities of things, and consider that all the various events we set up through the bureaucracy are actually conditioning the subjects, namely us, to either be criminals or look the other way.
Further, ask yourself from whence all this yammering about "tolerance" and "forgiveness" comes from: Who benefits from that crap?
Instead of looking at this from a ideological/moral standpoint, it needs to be looked at from a Skinnerian behavioral modification point of view. Examine the criminal's life, thinking of it as a succession of Skinner Boxes, ones that modify that criminal's behavior. Is what we're doing in those boxes working? Does what we do serve to reform their demonstrated behavior? Dissuade them? Even barely modify it?
I'd submit that the answer is a resounding "No."
As such, the analysis of what we are doing as failure needs to be done, and a new path charted. I don't think we need to go to the point of developing a real-world Ludovico Technique, but we certainly need to evaluate what we're doing all along the line within the so-called "Justice System", with an eye towards answering the question "Is this successfully modifying the behavior of criminals?" If it isn't, then we need to recast it as a different idea, entirely: A "Behavioral Modification System", not a "Justice System".
You release someone who commits a crime of violence, without successfully modifying their behavior? You're just going to get more and more crime. What should be done is simple; you shoplift? Fine, let's confine your ass, and do some work with you that actually results in different behavior--And, most importantly, you don't get out until you demonstrate that your behavior is successfully modified. Further offenses result in more behavioral conditioning, and if you are an active danger to society after, well... There is always the death penalty. It's the difference between conditioning your dog not to jump on strangers, and dealing with the dog that's become a danger to stock, killing it. The one is minor enough that you can keep working with the dog, but the second is basically unfixable.
You'll note that our entire paradigm within the legal system completely fails to examine the results it gets, or recognize itself for the role it really has in society. This is about as bad as it gets, for institutional failure: Similarly, with a failed corporation, you often find that it has completely lost the idea of what it is supposed to be selling. Kodak, for example, thought it was a film company. What it really was, and why it lost its market, was an imaging company whose technological basis had shifted. Because of that, the digital imaging technology that Kodak developed didn't get the internal support it should have, and it wound up bankrupt, trying to sell film in a digital world.
Our "Justice System" is actually no such thing: It is really a behavioral control mechanism. And, as such, it ain't working.
U.S. District Judge Paul Magnuson sentenced Lane for his February conviction of depriving Floyd of medical care as he lay dying under Officer Derek Chauvin’s knee in May 2020.
“Mr. Lane, this is a very serious offense, in which a life was lost,” Magnuson said. “The fact that you did not get up and remove Mr. Chauvin when Mr. Floyd became unconscious is a violation of the law.”
But Magnuson also held up 145 letters of support for Lane — he said he had never received so many on behalf of a defendant — and faulted the Minneapolis Police Department for sending him out with another rookie on the call that ended with Floyd’s killing.
So, the rookie cop did not pull the sergeant supervisor off the dying drug addict and he gets prison. Why would anyone who could get another job be a cop?
Progressive politicians see how easy it is to use the police to harm their political enemies or harass protestors they don't agree with, etc. I don't think it is about crime...look at the Canadian truckers and how they were treated by the police when the order was given or the farmers in the Netherlands. Police, on the order of corrupt politicians, will do harm to some but not others. Politicians and are now seeing the extra power police action gives them to harass their enemies not to deter crime thus $$$$.
Drago @11:26: "See: Chesa Boudin and George Gascon."
Even so, the SF Chronicle is, as they say, efforting to discredit Chesa's replacement, Brooke Jenkins by writing newsitorials and printing letters on the way she fired Chesa's attorneys - never mentioning Chesa did the same wholesale firing when he came to office. Additionally, the paper is now going after Ann Hsu, a new and sane school board member who replaced one of the budget-wasters and school-name-changers who preceded her. Her crime? She made notice of and said she wants parents' help in fixing this: current reading ability in SF at grade level - 85% of whites, 70% of Asians, 34% of Latinos, 9% of blacks. Racist!
From whom, exactly, is Biden seeking this money? It cannot be Congress. Because Congress doesn't have $37 billion. Congress already spent everything it has, and more.
So where is this money magically appearing from? And how is producing $37 billion more dollar bills out of thin air not negatively impacting inflation?
Biden in 1993 led the passage of the Brady laws, requiring background checks for gun buyers. Biden as a presidential candidate famously derided the idea of prosecuting those who are caught by that law, attempting to buy guns illegally. He quipped that prosecutors didn't have enough time to do that, because there were so many criminals deserving of such prosecution.
Brady has serious penalties for illegal attempts to purchase a gun. If you're a felon and try to buy a gun, you could go to federal jail for years and years. And you commit no crimes against the public while in a federal prison.
The Brady law could take thousands of violent criminals (they are trying to buy a gun, after all) off the streets. Such a case is a slam-dunk for prosecutors, who would have the Form 4473 signed by the defendant. But ain't nobody got time for that.
I believe he many times said he was against defunding the police, including his last State of the Union Address. But not sure what you mean by "renounce."
Another one who accepts bullshit and does not watch what politicians do. Biden has had a long career which has allowed him to be on every side of every issue.
What happened to "defund the police?" Violent and low level criminals took the cue to engage in more crime. Were they supposed to show us how really innocent they are and just victims of racist cops? Did any Democrats seriously believe that propaganda? IDK but I doubt it. I tend to believe this was another manipulative gimmick for BLM white progressives to get their votes.
Anti-establishment sentiment (rioting, antifa, etc.) is only useful until you are in power, however. Now even Democrats seem to be having a hard time ignoring the mess they have created.
"I believe he many times said he was against defunding the police, including his last State of the Union Address."
What an idiot you are. Of course, he backs funding the police now that he is President and not running for office. When it mattered, Joe Biden was hiding in his basement saying nothing about it.
Here in Atlanta, gubernatorial hopeful Stacey Abrams is trying to distance herself from her previous pro-defund stance. I guess Stacey the Hutt didn't like the cops hogging all those doughnuts.
You can't pay attention to politicos who NOW say "Fund the Police". What you have to focus on are the politicos who were in office in 2020-22 and actually did undermine police protection for vulnerable citizens during the BLM riots. Until they are driven out of office and out of public life, we still live in their world.
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८१ टिप्पण्या:
"Whatever happened to 'defund the police'?"
The policy was taken to its logical conclusion, of course: as a stick to beat Trump, it is no longer useful.
"Whatever happened to "defund the police"?"
Progs getting mugged by reality.
Not so much by the actual violence and disorder, which they like, but the incipient voter backlash.
"Whatever happened to "defund the police"?"
Urban behavioral sinks? I'm going to go with urban behavioral sinks...
"Whatever happened to "defund the police"?"
The breakfast tacos are flapping their tortillas and voting with their huevos con jalapeno.
Defunding and demoralizing police was a necessary leftist purge done to help create the hate and chaos needed to destroy billions in property damage during the riots after George Floyd's death.
Kamala herself said "It's not going to stop" and then helped spring criminals from jail.
Now that crime is the new normal, people are sick of it and - perhaps waking up to the fact that the democrat party itself is a criminal enterprise.
What a great idea! A NATIONALIZED police force. Just another area - like education, health care, housing, agriculture - that City, County, and State level governments are incapable of dealing with.
REcall - the media pimped "defund the police" for their party, and are now in charge of making it disappear.
Remember when Biden flipflopped from "Defund the Police" to "Fund the Police" in his State of the Union address and nobody noticed? Deafening silence from the mainstream media.
History begins anew every single day for the Left.
Money will not repair the damage, not even thirty-seven billion dollars. Who would sign up as a cop in a Big Blue City or an infantryman in the High Heels Army, knowing that your superiors regard you as an expendable widget?
When funding for hiring local police comes from the Feds, it will come with conditions. Hiring preference for LGBTQA+, lower physical and mental performance standards, creation of "cultural sensitivity" office,....
Isn’t that special! Tens of billions of dollars required to resolve a crisis wholly created by law enforcement-hating Democrats.
Works for them.
He could just say out loud that he backs law enforcement and call out the Soros DAs for their dereliction of duty. He could condemn the lawless mobs wrecking stores and protesting illegally in private neighborhoods. He could do a lot of things to deal with actual problems but he won’t. There is no federal roll in battling local crime and I have no faith Joe would spend ANY of those $billions in an effective way. Even if he sincerely believed his own words his woke handlers would make sure the money went to NGOs and allies of Joe, not actually to cops. So what is this bullshit Joe’s peddling?
Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.
The violence is now spilling over into wealthy white liberal communities and neighborhoods. It was fashionable to Defund the Police when the crime was isolated to minority communities and could be used for political leverage, but now something has to be done.
It's spreading in SF, Milwaukee, Chi, NYC, Philly, Portland, Seattle, LA...
But when it spills over from Milwaukee to a Waukesha County Christmas parade...Dane County couldn't care less.
BTW. The Dancing Grannies were in the Sussex, WI Lions Daze Parade last Saturday Morning. They received more applause down the parade route than the Color Guard. There was an SUV following them with a placard on the side which read, "In Remembrance of our Fallen" and listed the names of the women that were killed.
They figured out THEY can't control their own unruly MOB. The MOB is turning on THEM now.
How’s into the “Epic Fail” category.
If they're wasting (spending) money, then some left-wing group is getting a piece of it.
And then they will turn around and donate to the DNC and the Biden campaign.
That's how the con works.
It's a never-ending cycle of spend-skim-donate.
Our government at work...
It was never really a thing among those in power.
Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter
Diversity [dogma] (e.g. racist) politics.
Baby Lives Matter (BLM)
Whatever happened to "defund the police"?
Crime happened.
Look who is suddenly trying to enforce border security:
Trump Derangement Syndrome fading?
Whatever happened to "defund the police"?
That's Simple! The democrats won the election.. The democrats want to win other elections
It's like buying new slide bolts for your barn doors long after the horses are out and gone.
Biden never fell for the defund BS, though it is hard to see that sometimes.
"It was never really a thing among those in power."
Tell that to the citizens of Minneapolis.
-Cut off domestic energy (gift to the Putin)
-Invite masses of illegal entrants to cross the border and come on in.
- demoralize and defund boarder security
- Pro soft on crime Soros DA's, installed all over
- Defund the police (Loyalist democrats are if full denial mode that it ever happened - LOL. (Reality of demoralizing all police officers is not working out so well, "defund the police" will be denied it was ever expressed as an idea from the corrupt left - blame it all on Fox News or something)
Biden never fell for the defund BS, though it is hard to see that sometimes.
Does Biden really have that kind of intelligence or discernment? At this point, does his memory really go back any further than the memories of his supporters? He may not have believed in defunding the police, but did he definitely disbelieve it or disagree with it? Or was it just something he said because he was told to?
Witness said...
Biden never fell for the defund BS, though it is hard to see that sometimes.
7/21/22, 9:31 AM
He may as well have. Look how abhorrently he is treating the Border Control people. Going after them for DOING their jobs??
Defunding the Police is still an in-style virtue signal at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Check out this April 2022 Letter to the Editor in The Badger Herald. No mention of increased murders, car-jackings, shootings, violence, and drug deaths in Milwaukee.
The violent crime rate in Madison is 3.18 per 1000 residents. It’s actually lower than the WI state average of 3.2. Waukesha WI is 1.73, and my little island of sanity is Sussex is 0.61. We’re boring Deplorables. Even the drunk drivers do the speed limit.
Milwaukee has a violent crime rate of 16.48 per 1000 residents.
Madison doesn’t visit, associate, or work in/with Milwaukee like Waukesha County, so they can get away with this type of virtue signal. We border it. They have a 70 to 80 mile buffer. Deplorables is Waukesha County are all for increased police funding to help with the suffering and violence in Milwaukee. We like to spend money there. Used to be a good time.
I am 100% convinced white liberals do not give a shit about poor minority inner city communities…until it’s time to vote.
Cut off domestic energy (gift to the Putin)
-Invite masses of illegal entrants to cross the border and come on in.
- demoralize and defund border security
- Pro soft on crime Soros DA's, installed all over
- Defund the police (Loyalist democrats are if full denial mode that it ever happened - LOL. (Reality of demoralizing all police officers is not working out so well, "defund the police" will be denied it was ever expressed as an idea from the corrupt left - blame it all on Fox News or something)
"Border" -
What happened? It didn't work. Minorities and POC hurt worst.
Whatever happened to "defund the police"?
It became "vote in Soros prosecutors who will refuse to enforce the law against the actual criminals"
See: Alvin Bragg and the bodega owner
“If they're wasting (spending) money, then some left-wing group is getting a piece of it.
“And then they will turn around and donate to the DNC and the Biden campaign.”
One of my friends’ favorite sayings is “follow the money”. Money that had been dedicated to police was diverted to progressive groups. They never were advocating reducing spending - they are Democrats. The idea was to move the funding from less well Dem aligned groups (police) to more Dem aligned groups. Long run, they knew that they couldn’t afford to actually defund the police - but once the money was diverted for awhile, it would stat diverted, and bringing police back up to proper staffing levels requires new funding sources (e.g. the Feds).
Except that there are those, like George Soros and his acolytes, who really do want to destroy this country, and, indeed, much of the west. The Dems, at least at the top, have made an unholy alliance with these people. They are the ones who are dismissing charges against really violent people, while charging and prosecuting their political enemies instead.
The country is being run by especially impulsive four year olds who are now afraid that they are going to be put in time out.
“ Biden never fell for the defund BS, though it is hard to see that sometimes.”
He didn’t renounce it. He needed those people.
And he will need the support of the extreme left to accomplish this spending, but perhaps he only wants to be able to say he tried.
When an AG or DA says "I won't prosecute those that violate the law"; police funding is irrelevant. At this point, $X spending on police is just cheap political rhetoric.
It will be money wasted. Sure, new cops will be hired, but when they realize that they're arresting the same perps over and over again because the D.A. is setting them free instead of putting them in jail, they will end up spending their duty shift down at the Dunkin' Donuts with the rest of the guys.
I agree with Bruce Hayden. This is just more money shifting around.
If I were a cop or former cop, I would not accept employment in any jurisdiction where they previously defunded the police until the defunders were driven from office. Working for those people is inviting a knife in the back. There are better places to work.
@Skeptical Voter
"What happened? It didn't work. Minorities and POC hurt worst."
Actually it's really just latinxxezz. Seriously, the other people in the coalition are fine with crime, blacks especially. America could be turned into a big festering Cabrini Green and they would stay in chains on the plantation.
But they're really hurting with latinxxezz, many of whom are a generation (or THE generation) who came here to escape the failed state to our South called Mexico.
Many of them know what that looks like. Many are sick of urban negro behavior, and don't like them much racially either. Liberals have miscalculated the pain tolerance of one of their key demographics.
Nice lead photo. They're going after ole Joe. It will be interesting to watch, both the going after and the reaction.
I've heard he doesn't handle criticism well.
Robert Cook: "It was never really a thing among those in power."
It most certainly was "really a thing among those in power"....undeniably so.
It just happened to be something that didn't effect those in power....because they are the protected class.
But for everyone else, it was one of the most impactful policies harming the lives of everyone else. And the "everyone else" decided they'd had enough of these leftist policies guaranteeing quality of life destruction. Though that reaction is just beginning to be manifested politically.
See: Chesa Boudin and George Gascon.
What happened? Reality ensued.
I know others have said essentially the same thing here, but I couldn't resist using one of my favorite phrases from TV Tropes.
"Biden never fell for the defund BS, though it is hard to see that sometimes."
Funniest thing I have read this morning. Like I wrote above- history starts anew every single day for the Left.
"As part of Biden’s plans, $3 billion would be geared toward clearing court backlogs and resolving cases involving murders and guns."
Since Democrat sponsored bills tend to be the exact opposite of what they purport to be, I'll reserve judgment until I see the details. Or maybe they'll just hold off on those until after the midterms. After all, they have their press conference and talking points to show that they are "tough on crime" and all. Why confuse voters with what they really plan to do. That's if they have a real plan at all.
But here today I will make the following bold predictions.
1. More perps will be out and walking the streets
2. Crime will go up.
3. Lots of rich Dems will get richer.
Tag: purport
Lack of police is a problem, but the main problem is lack of prosecutions. The Soros-ite prosecutors are more intent on letting criminals go, than putting them behind bars.
"He didn’t renounce it. He needed those people." I believe he many times said he was against defunding the police, including his last State of the Union Address. But not sure what you mean by "renounce."
Sure...spend billions to hire more cops that will have their hands tied behind their backs because the Soros DA's refuse to prosecute any crimes done by criminals. See NYC for proof. The keep on releasing the same old criminals who go right back out into the streets and attack more Asians and old White People....before they get rearrested, and then released again by those same corrupt DA's that George Soros paid for. It's going swell. And those billions may as well be flushed down the toilet along with all the billions we are sending to Ukraine.
It is far too late to do anything about crime now by funding more police. The communist DAs and judges who turn loose criminals as soon as they are arrested, along with the endless prosecutions of police who make the slightest mistake, has demoralized most cops and caused them, in the words of "Second City Cop," to "go fetal."
It will take another generation and a culture change to get back what we had to the 90s.
Progressives are liars, cheaters and assholes. NOW an idiot Seton Hall Law Assistant Dean Brian Sheppard wants Congress to steal our money to PAY Supreme Court Judges to buy them so they can get their way. Seriously. WHAT THE FUCK?? It's time to send Progressives scurrying back under the rocks from which they slithered. They call TRUMP corrupt?? THIS takes the cake.
Nothing the oligarchy does is actually what they label it in the news releases. I'd strongly suggest digging into the weeds for the graft, and the actual counterproductive elements of this latest line of BS. It's all about spending the money, directing towards allies and programs intended to shore up their power.
You want to know and understand why things are so screwed up? Examine the realities of things, and consider that all the various events we set up through the bureaucracy are actually conditioning the subjects, namely us, to either be criminals or look the other way.
Further, ask yourself from whence all this yammering about "tolerance" and "forgiveness" comes from: Who benefits from that crap?
Instead of looking at this from a ideological/moral standpoint, it needs to be looked at from a Skinnerian behavioral modification point of view. Examine the criminal's life, thinking of it as a succession of Skinner Boxes, ones that modify that criminal's behavior. Is what we're doing in those boxes working? Does what we do serve to reform their demonstrated behavior? Dissuade them? Even barely modify it?
I'd submit that the answer is a resounding "No."
As such, the analysis of what we are doing as failure needs to be done, and a new path charted. I don't think we need to go to the point of developing a real-world Ludovico Technique, but we certainly need to evaluate what we're doing all along the line within the so-called "Justice System", with an eye towards answering the question "Is this successfully modifying the behavior of criminals?" If it isn't, then we need to recast it as a different idea, entirely: A "Behavioral Modification System", not a "Justice System".
You release someone who commits a crime of violence, without successfully modifying their behavior? You're just going to get more and more crime. What should be done is simple; you shoplift? Fine, let's confine your ass, and do some work with you that actually results in different behavior--And, most importantly, you don't get out until you demonstrate that your behavior is successfully modified. Further offenses result in more behavioral conditioning, and if you are an active danger to society after, well... There is always the death penalty. It's the difference between conditioning your dog not to jump on strangers, and dealing with the dog that's become a danger to stock, killing it. The one is minor enough that you can keep working with the dog, but the second is basically unfixable.
You'll note that our entire paradigm within the legal system completely fails to examine the results it gets, or recognize itself for the role it really has in society. This is about as bad as it gets, for institutional failure: Similarly, with a failed corporation, you often find that it has completely lost the idea of what it is supposed to be selling. Kodak, for example, thought it was a film company. What it really was, and why it lost its market, was an imaging company whose technological basis had shifted. Because of that, the digital imaging technology that Kodak developed didn't get the internal support it should have, and it wound up bankrupt, trying to sell film in a digital world.
Our "Justice System" is actually no such thing: It is really a behavioral control mechanism. And, as such, it ain't working.
Why more funding won't work.
U.S. District Judge Paul Magnuson sentenced Lane for his February conviction of depriving Floyd of medical care as he lay dying under Officer Derek Chauvin’s knee in May 2020.
“Mr. Lane, this is a very serious offense, in which a life was lost,” Magnuson said. “The fact that you did not get up and remove Mr. Chauvin when Mr. Floyd became unconscious is a violation of the law.”
But Magnuson also held up 145 letters of support for Lane — he said he had never received so many on behalf of a defendant — and faulted the Minneapolis Police Department for sending him out with another rookie on the call that ended with Floyd’s killing.
So, the rookie cop did not pull the sergeant supervisor off the dying drug addict and he gets prison. Why would anyone who could get another job be a cop?
"Biden never fell for the defund BS"
I believe he did - from his bicycle.
"Biden never fell for the defund BS"
I believe he did - from his bicycle.
Progressive politicians see how easy it is to use the police to harm their political enemies or harass protestors they don't agree with, etc. I don't think it is about crime...look at the Canadian truckers and how they were treated by the police when the order was given or the farmers in the Netherlands. Police, on the order of corrupt politicians, will do harm to some but not others. Politicians and are now seeing the extra power police action gives them to harass their enemies not to deter crime thus $$$$.
“And he will need the support of the extreme left to accomplish this spending, but perhaps he only wants to be able to say he tried.”
He probably doesn’t need it, but If he gets it, you should see that as an accomplishment.
I'm old enough to remember when uncle Joe made headlines for saying riots were bad.
Drago @11:26: "See: Chesa Boudin and George Gascon."
Even so, the SF Chronicle is, as they say, efforting to discredit Chesa's replacement, Brooke Jenkins by writing newsitorials and printing letters on the way she fired Chesa's attorneys - never mentioning Chesa did the same wholesale firing when he came to office. Additionally, the paper is now going after Ann Hsu, a new and sane school board member who replaced one of the budget-wasters and school-name-changers who preceded her. Her crime? She made notice of and said she wants parents' help in fixing this: current reading ability in SF at grade level - 85% of whites, 70% of Asians, 34% of Latinos, 9% of blacks. Racist!
"Biden seeking $37 billion ..."
From whom, exactly, is Biden seeking this money? It cannot be Congress. Because Congress doesn't have $37 billion. Congress already spent everything it has, and more.
So where is this money magically appearing from? And how is producing $37 billion more dollar bills out of thin air not negatively impacting inflation?
This guy needs to get gone.
Biden in 1993 led the passage of the Brady laws, requiring background checks for gun buyers.
Biden as a presidential candidate famously derided the idea of prosecuting those who are caught by that law, attempting to buy guns illegally. He quipped that prosecutors didn't have enough time to do that, because there were so many criminals deserving of such prosecution.
Brady has serious penalties for illegal attempts to purchase a gun. If you're a felon and try to buy a gun, you could go to federal jail for years and years. And you commit no crimes against the public while in a federal prison.
The Brady law could take thousands of violent criminals (they are trying to buy a gun, after all) off the streets. Such a case is a slam-dunk for prosecutors, who would have the Form 4473 signed by the defendant. But ain't nobody got time for that.
Biden is an idiot, even without his dementia.
Isn't this just like abortion?? It's not something to be solved by the federal government. It's a state-by-state issue.
.....the federal money comes with federal strings.
It was just another lefty fad like Jail Diversion. When Missoula jumps on the bandwagon I know it's the Latest Thing.
Biden never fell for the defund BS, though it is hard to see that sometimes.
Yes, we all remember him standing up to the mob and marching with the blues.
Biden has mumbled many things into a microphone.
The sane of us stopped listening long ago.
Give it up, Robert Cook. We know you've lusted after one of those cushy Inner Party jobs for years, but you just don't have the moxie.
Once a prole, always a prole.
I believe he many times said he was against defunding the police, including his last State of the Union Address. But not sure what you mean by "renounce."
Another one who accepts bullshit and does not watch what politicians do. Biden has had a long career which has allowed him to be on every side of every issue.
Gee - I wonder what that new (inflationary) spending will entail?
1. More security details for Dem politicians
2. Quadruple the Diversity staff and training budgets (mandatory)
3. New office perks for Dem supporting department heads
4. More $ for unionizing activities
5. …
What else?
Gee - I wonder what that new (inflationary) spending will entail?
1. More security details for Dem politicians
2. Quadruple the Diversity staff and training budgets (mandatory)
3. New office perks for Dem supporting department heads
4. More $ for unionizing activities
5. …
What else?
Oh - I almost forgot:
5. 10% kickback for ‘the Big Guy’!
What happened to "defund the police?" Violent and low level criminals took the cue to engage in more crime. Were they supposed to show us how really innocent they are and just victims of racist cops? Did any Democrats seriously believe that propaganda? IDK but I doubt it. I tend to believe this was another manipulative gimmick for BLM white progressives to get their votes.
Anti-establishment sentiment (rioting, antifa, etc.) is only useful until you are in power, however. Now even Democrats seem to be having a hard time ignoring the mess they have created.
"I'm old enough to remember when uncle Joe made headlines for saying riots were bad."
You got anything else you wish to cause guffaws with?
"I believe he many times said he was against defunding the police, including his last State of the Union Address."
What an idiot you are. Of course, he backs funding the police now that he is President and not running for office. When it mattered, Joe Biden was hiding in his basement saying nothing about it.
Here in Atlanta, gubernatorial hopeful Stacey Abrams is trying to distance herself from her previous pro-defund stance. I guess Stacey the Hutt didn't like the cops hogging all those doughnuts.
Biden’s assault on Border Patrol agents continues even though they were exonerated
Good for Fox. No one was aborted. No one was assaulted. There were no "heroes" that day.
Robert Cook at 9:24 AM."never really a thing among those in power"
That is the stupidest thing I have read on this blog in 10 years.
ONLY the people in power wanted this.
Poor people in down-trodden areas desperately want the police to protect them.
C'mon dude, you gotta do better.
You can't pay attention to politicos who NOW say "Fund the Police". What you have to focus on are the politicos who were in office in 2020-22 and actually did undermine police protection for vulnerable citizens during the BLM riots. Until they are driven out of office and out of public life, we still live in their world.
With all those white nationalists being such a threat to the country we're gonna need more cops.
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