"... as her tale gets bandied about in the news. What does it say about a political movement that expects a literal child to carry that much weight? Why do we consistently expect the most vulnerable members of society to not merely endure the most grotesque violations but to publicly broadcast their traumas for the good of the rest of us? What might it look like if abortion-rights advocacy didn’t hinge on the personal traumas of those most harmed by abortion restrictions — if, instead of highlighting the deaths, the imprisonments, the pregnant children, we simply started from the position that abortion is, at a fundamental level, both health care and a social good? What if, instead of evoking the trauma of a nameless 10-year-old, Biden had offered a platform to people who are proud to talk about how easy access to abortion enabled them to plan their lives, and their families, on their own terms?... Promoting that framework for abortion would [empower] the most vulnerable abortion seekers... to decide when, and how, to share the story of their trauma on their own terms and not on anyone else’s."
Writes Lux Alptraum in "A 10-Year-Old Survivor Shouldn’t Be the Face of This Fight" (New York Magazine).
The suffering of a child is offered up as a counterweight to the destruction of the life of the unborn. That's the answer to those questions, as I'm sure Alptraum realizes. But her point stands. She's asking abortion supporters to resist using vulnerable persons as leverage in the fight for access to abortion.
१०५ टिप्पण्या:
Activists have no mercy. See "cannon fodder".
The currently-detained perp is not guilty, says the girl's mother. Or, in any event, "it's all lies". Something has to be true--presumably that an abortion was sought and, working backwards, other things must be true. But which and why?
abortion is, at a fundamental level, both health care and a social good?
Because "not really", to both.
Pet peeve: " ... a literal child ... "
There's ratings in it, is why. The ratings are what make it useful to a cause, but it's entertainment is what gives it ratings.
The article is no exception. "She suffers still more!"
Psychiatrist Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig, who treated sex abuse survivors, said that the story attraction was a partial archetype: the child is purely innocent and the wrongdoer is purely evil by reflex. He said that this idea is harmful to the survivor. At an age when you're learning to take responsibility for what happens to you, everybody is saying no there's no way that you are even partially at fault, you're just a pure victim. This not only cuts off the learning, but puts the world completely out of the child's control. Were the child allowed to be even partially responsible, he'd be in control of the world. Which, more or less, is the cure.
Society loves damaging its victims. It's an important part of the entertainment.
’What if, instead of evoking the trauma of a nameless 10-year-old, Biden had offered a platform to people who are proud to talk about how easy access to abortion enabled them to plan their lives, and their families, on their own terms?’
That’s a great idea. There are recent videos of pro-abortion folks screaming ‘We love killing babies!’ and they seemed quite proud, so it should be cheap and easy to splice together a positive campaign ad. You’re welcome!
Lux. You and your New York Magazine readers voted for Biden. You’re stuck with him. Did you really expect anything different?
Especially since the "Mommy" is claiming it is all lies, and the Rapist is a good guy, and her daughter is fine. Seems like "Mommy's" Boyfriend is illegal too and "Mommy" doesn't want to be deported herself. This whole story gets fishier and fishier every single day.
Babies are a real drag on your plans when your plans depend on raping underage girls, either for your own pleasure or that of others who will pay you for it. So having easy access to abortion is kinda important.
Isn’t that part of the argument here? Creatures like Gerson Fuentes need Planned Parenthood.
What if, instead of highlighting the deaths, the imprisonments, the pregnant children, we simply started from the position that abortion is, at a fundamental level, both health care and a social good?
tell me MORE, about the "social good" ? You mean, less Black Babies.. Don't You?? Don't YOU?
What might it look like if, ... instead of highlighting the deaths, the imprisonments, the pregnant children, we simply started from the position that abortion is, at a fundamental level, both health care and a social good?
This is a good strategy to use in political debates in the state legislatures.
The state legislatures will make the abortion laws, and there will be plenty of opportunities there to argue that abortion is health care and a social good.
What has changed recently is that all the abortion laws no longer are made by the nine members of the US Supreme Court.
"She's asking abortion supporters to resist using vulnerable persons as leverage in the fight for access to abortion."
Too late.
Beasts of England said...
There are recent videos of pro-abortion folks screaming ‘We love killing babies!’ and they seemed quite proud, so it should be cheap and easy to splice together a positive campaign ad.
I ASSUMED that BoE was kidding.. I feel like a burro
we love killing babies!
i love killing babies!
we Love killing babies Too!
Maybe it wasn't rape rape. What does Whoopi day about this case?
If progressives stopped ”using vulnerable persons as leverage” they’d have nothing left to say.
abortion is, at a fundamental level, both health care and a social good
Yeah, that's a delusional belief system that only exists because our media has been hiding the bodies for 49 years (and counting). It's the Casey fantasy.
Far, far, far better for the actual truth to come out.
She’s got a good point. But then she argues for abortion as birth control. That’s just as ghastly.
For those who would advocate for abortion on the grounds it's health care and a social good, know that the slippery slope is a real thing.
Dems get to own this whole pile of stinking shit. As Elayne Boosler said, "Pissed away a fortune on that college education".
How do we know the little girl, who has obviously been abused, was not trafficked?
There is still a lot we don't know about this shit show.
How do we know the girl is really ten years old?
How do we know that the woman who calls herself the girl's mother really is the girl's mother?
Did the girl want the abortion or was she told to get the abortion? If so, by whom? Is it even legal for a ten year old girl to make the decision to terminate her pregnancy?
The rapist is an illegal alien living in a sanctuary city. He was supposedly working as a cook. Was he paying taxes? If he was paying taxes, how did he pay taxes without an SSN?
These people want unrestricted third-term abortions.
What’s one ten year-old to them?
Old House and Nightmare. Sounds like a reboot of Cagney and Lacey.
Abortion is something to be PROUD of!!
i declare July, as "We LOVE Killing Babies Pride month!"
Show your Pride! Join In the Chant "We Love Killing Babies! We LOVE Killing Babies! WE LOVE KILLING
Nothing will sway more people to your cause.. Like letting them KNOW; you love killing babies will
What, about this situation, is "pro-choice?" Where is the choice, anywhere, for the ten year old mother? If you can find it, you get to still support abortion, but if you can't, (and I can't), you've got no right to use the choice angle. You've given that game away.
I’ll just agree with Mike Sylvester @6:01am and move on.
if, instead of highlighting the deaths, the imprisonments, the pregnant children, we simply started from the position that abortion is, at a fundamental level, both health care and a social good?
Isn't a junkie shooting up a form of health care?
Why not say that abortion is sometimes a social good? That seems to be the position of most Americans. Why the absolutism? We can all think of situations when abortion is definitely not a social good -- for example, when a child molester forces his victim to get an abortion to avoid discovery of his crime.
Lux Altpraum claims that abortion is a social good because if it is only sometimes a social good, you need some procedure to define when abortion is and is not a social good, and that procedure would probably involve political deliberation.
Yeah. Especially because most of us Republicans probably feel, Okay! Abortion in that case is perfectly reasonable - allow it! Ann Coulter says that, so obviously we could vote down the still considerable number who won't.
So yeah, it seems silly to chose a battleground so very far away from where you want to be fighting. But I guess they have no choice. They are probably kinda ashamed to make the argument that the author wants them to make: Abortion allows convenient lifestyle choices.
I would be.
Lewis Wetzel said...
There is still a lot we don't know about this shit show.
How do we know the girl is really ten years old?
an abortionist that got the age of the father wrong isn't going to get the age of the mother wrong too!
Is she?
@Lewis "you need some procedure to define when abortion is and is not a social good" Until just now, Israel's rule was, you can apply for an abortion whenever you want, but you must always go before a board of doctors and social workers and get them to approve your decision.
Isn't The Reason, for the promotion of casual sex, the Killing of Babies?
Isn't that a feature? Not a flaw? doesn't Moloch WANT us to be Killing Babies? Isn't that the point?
Nothing makes you Cooler! Than murdering your baby! Say it Loud! Say it PROUD! We Love Killing Babies!
Both sides want to win the "who's craziest?" argument. Both sides would love to use imagery of innocent children; pro-lifers may have more ammo on that one. Are Republicans so crazy they want children/rape victims/mentally deficient with no family/recent refugees from Guatemala to be forced to go through pregnancy? I think there are very few Republicans or pro-lifers who are interested in denying an abortion in such a case.
It's not so easy for pro-choicers to hold a big festival or parade celebrating how great abortion on demand is. Famous movie stars have tried to offer themselves as birthing people who chose not to give birth and look how great their careers have been. For a lot of women, how much of this is actually driven by men or non-birthing people? The cliche would be it became more difficult to find someone for a lasting relationship. Is it easier to get a non-birthing person to make a commitment if there are no kids, or there is a commitment to have very few, or none? Does a willingness to have an abortion show that the birthing person is really on board for this? Accepting that this is all basically rational, even if it is kind of suspiciously convenient for non-birthing persons?
If no one would have rooted out the truth, no one would be complaining about "protecting" a 1p-year-old girl. But now that it is taking this weird spin into illegal immigration and possible sex trafficking, NOW we should all back off.
All kinds of bad people surrounding this poor girl.
1) The activist abortion “doctor” didn’t report the rape to Indiana as required by law.
2) Rather that follow the law…she leaks it conveniently to the White House.
3) The girl did not have to leave Ohio to get the abortion.
4) And…we have a sacrificial illegal immigrant family front and center, so it plays to the prejudices of the other side.
93% of abortions are elective. This is not representative of what is needed to negotiate a reasonable post 14 or 15 week restriction.
Looking at #1 (not reporting the crime), what makes the activist abortion “doctor” any better than the undocumented rapists? The last post on this story, Althouse was concerned that abortion is used by the patriarchy to cover crimes.
This feminist abortion provider used this girl as well. Kind of sick really. Who drove her to Indiana??? And why??? Seems the girl is just a pawn that leftist’s political game.
What if, instead of evoking the trauma of a nameless 10-year-old, Biden had offered a platform to people who are proud to talk about how easy access to abortion enabled them to plan their lives, and their families, on their own terms?
How many abortions are coerced by fathers who don't want to be fathers?
How many abortions are caused by alcohol?
Our pro-choice media has already allowed women to share their abortion stories. Are these happy stories?
In fact I suspect the reality of abortion will depress the shit out of you.
Did you see that eerie black and white photo of the abortion operating room New York Magazine chose to use?
Cold. Dark. Empty. Void of all life. Looks like a death chamber. Or some place where aliens come to probe humans. Dr. Frankenstein shit. Organ harvesting chamber.
I’m all for a pragmatic compromise at 14 or 15 weeks, but I pray that my daughter, and my nieces NEVER have to lay on that table. For any girl/woman it must be a horrible experience.
Of course…we now have Elizabeth Warren wanting to shut down crises pregnancy centers that help young women bring children to term, but don’t offer abortions. That’s some sick shit right there.
One question Liz. How is that good for women and children???
There is no individual, no gender, no age, no level of pigmentation the left will not use to advance their (any) cause.... even for just an instant.
Collateral damage be damned.
Agreed. It's like the shameful use of lynching and other murder victims to advance the civil rights movement. People who fight for their rights need to be as circumspect as possible to protect the sensibilities of their oppressors.
gilbar said..."tell me MORE, about the "social good" ? You mean, less Black Babies.. Don't You?? Don't YOU?"
At least in this case, the "Black Bodies" term that the race activists like to use might actually be accurate for once.
Look, it's impossible to know what the truth is at this point: the journalists are reticent to report on anything that makes prochoicers look bad. However, it seems like this girl has been rescued from abuse because this case became a national story. The abortion doc reported she was impregnated by a 17 year old, which is probably why there was such a delay in arresting the rapist. I doubt the doctor knowingly lied; it was the mom who did. Why? Because the guy is her boyfriend! Would the cops have kept looking after the nonexistent 17 year old wasn't found? Probably not.
There is no justification for an honor killing. There is no justification for an adult to have sex with a ten year minor....Such crimes are more prevalent in some communities rather than others. It is bigoted to say that such behavior is typical of those communities. It is another form of bigotry--and a worse form of bigotry-- to say that news of such behavior should be repressed because it feeds into bigotry....."A social good". Has the writer never heard of China's One Child Policy and how it was enforced?
"She's asking abortion supporters to resist using vulnerable persons as leverage"
Huh? People who actively advocate killing fetuses as a form of "reproductive health" would shy away from using such leverage? Why? In prog fights, anything goes.
Plus, leaving the unborn aside, exploiting vulnerability is prog MO. The entire Big Brother edifice depends on the notion that people can't fend for themselves.
Seems that the question is pretty simple for policy makers. Either you are in favor of banning abortions for rape victims or you are not. Avoiding a straight answer to that question through deflection is what sleazy politicians do.
Too bad she didn't live in Texas. I hear the governor there pledged to eliminate all rape in the state. How is that going?
What might it look like if abortion-rights advocacy didn’t hinge on the personal traumas of those most harmed by abortion restrictions — if, instead of highlighting the deaths, the imprisonments, the pregnant children, we simply started from the position that abortion is, at a fundamental level, both health care and a social good?
It wouldn't look any better than it does now because it's simply not possible to put a good face on abortion. Even in a case like this where it may be deemed by most people to be a necessity it is still a grim and sad affair.
Do you think we will get to the point where activists say "We can't ask doctors to report rape and incest of minors because then their families will not bring the girls in for abortions"?
This morning, my local tv news had the story of a place in Virginia which bred beagles for medical research. The authorities had closed the place down--it seems a number of the puppies had died--and the tone of the piece was how awful the whole business was. Of course, they had a representative from an animal organization talking about how they were rescuing the remaining dogs.
It's funny how much responsible opinion says our "circle of caring" should expand to include all sorts of animals and at the same time should very much not be extended--indeed should be affirmatively denied--to humans before some point after conception.
(The voters of my state recently passed a ballot initiative requiring food animals to be treated nicely, e.g., eggs must be "cage free". It was not even controversial.)
I'm pro-choice, but the stories about how wonderful life has been for some women post-abortion don't do anything for me.
Who is anyone trying to convince at this point? Really, it isn't as if people just don't know what abortion is, what it can be to be a mother when you don't mean too (for good or bad!), what it can be to get an abortion when you don't want to have a baby (for good or bad!)
It's just impossible to prove a counter factual. So Uma Therman and Jennifer Gray had abortions and now look at their life! But is their life better than it would have been had they had their children? We don't know. They don't know. What would that child have been? We don't know. They don't know.
We just know they didn't want to be pregnant right then, and they had the legal choice not to be. And people can support that up to XXX weeks, and then not support it any more after that.
But the idea that pro-choice people are going to find the magic words to get pro-life people to support abortion with no limits...that just isn't going to happen.
Just to repeat. The liberals and The Democrats support "Open borders". They want anyone from anywhere in the world to come here. Once here, they should get government jobs, welfare, affirmative action, and voting rights. They fight every attempt to prove citizenship to vote. And they're now supporting letting 16 y/o's vote.
The quoted liberal/left writer, is basically asking the MSM to keep their eyes on the prize. The key goal is change American demographics and voters. To elect a new people. And once that's done, Roe can be codified. So, stop highlighting illegal aliens, even if they're raped and 10 y/o. Once the "Great Reset" occurs every element of the leftwing agenda will be rammed through. So, get with the program abortion rights activists.
"She's asking abortion supporters to resist using vulnerable persons as leverage in the fight for access to abortion."
Based on what? The rigorous moral standards of those who applaud the slaughter of 60+ million unborn babies?
The Indiana AG is going after the doctor. To the applause of all the usual assholes, naturally.
Offering up a raped 10-year-old to justify baby killing is extremely on brand for the Molech worshippers.
How about we circle back (to coin a phrase) to the beginning of all this.
Abortions are performed on underage girls every day in this country. What brought this to national attention is that an abortion activist went to the press and proclaimed (falsely) that the girl had to travel to a neighboring state to get an abortion, because of 1) the recent Supreme Court decision and 2) Ohio's restrictions on abortions past 6 weeks.
This was a lie, as Ohio has a medical exception rule that would have covered this situation.
So the whole thing was manufactured by someone with a pro abortion agenda and the help of a compliant media.
The fact that the girl is 10 years old just adds spice to the sauce. What about the 12 year olds that we never hear about.
And how exactly did this medically and legally inexperienced mother happen to come in contact with just the right activist abortionist at just the right time and place?
inquiring minds want to know.
Huh. Are we (sic) coming to a realization that abortion is a life-changing traumatic experience?
jim5301 said...
Seems that the question is pretty simple for policy makers. Either you are in favor of banning abortions for rape victims or you are not. Avoiding a straight answer to that question through deflection is what sleazy politicians do.
7/15/22, 8:46 AM
You would think that question would be pretty simple. One that the left should ask. But they won't, so there's no 'deflection'. Or, it is asked in a globular, rhetorical, sense and assumes the answer.
Because it is not about abortion, it is about painting the republicans as evil, that should not be voted for. This is the only thing that Democrats are looking at; how to garner more votes, by making sure the opponents don't get a vote.
I still want to know if the abortion was the choice of the ten year old herself, or if she even knew what the abortion procedure meant. I have a feeling it was driven by the adults around her, and she had little say in the matter. I’m trying to imagine this mother, who is defending the girl’s rapist, being supportive had the girl said, “I want to keep the baby, mom.”
if, instead of highlighting the deaths, the imprisonments, the pregnant children, we simply started from the position that abortion is, at a fundamental level, both health care and a social good?
Holy shit.
The suffering of a child is offered up as a counterweight to the destruction of the life of the unborn
When they are on the same side of the scales, they are not counterweights. The girl's suffering (from the sexual abuse, from her mother's protecting of the perpetrator, and, yes, from the abortion which quite possibly was as forced as the sex) and her baby's destruction are on the same side.
.....und was bedeutet Alptraum auf Deutsch??
It's a rape nightmare complete with incubus. I'll assume Lux is a reference to the Latin word for light.
So.....shine a light on your incubus.
Do they really need to have Lux Alptraum write about rape??
From Saint Croix in the open cafe last night: Mom's main focus seems to be on getting an abortion for her 10-year-old daughter. (That seems to be the focus of the doctors as well).
That seems likely.
Girl was victimized at every step.
How many 10 year olds are menstruating persons?
It doesn’t surprise me that a 10-year-old rape victim would be put front and center by the left as the poster child for abortion on demand. They use children to promote transgender ideology. They use them for pawns in the public school monopoly to keep money flowing into Teachers Unions and pensions. They’ll even take kids out of school and drag them to protests, and then teach them how to stuff dollar bills in a drag queen’s g-string.
They’ll use children as medical experiments forcing unneeded “vaccines” upon them. American kids were discarded by the left for political gain and further control during COVID lockdowns. The damage was predictable.
They'll even cover up the client list for all our elites who abused young girls on Epstein's island. "Feminists" seem disinterested in the list. But we're supposed to believe they worry about abuse by the patriarchy.
It's not out of character that this activist doctor didn't report the rape initially as required by law. Sent the girl right back home to possibly be raped again by her mom’s boyfriend.
My brother’s girlfriend is a child counselor. Has twenty therapists working for her. Referrals flow in from the public schools. She says the referrals are now like water coming over the bow.
Blogger harrogate said...
The Indiana AG is going after the doctor. To the applause of all the usual assholes, naturally.
The "doctor" should be prosecuted and have her license taken away. She was obligated by law and common humanity to report the child rape to authorities.
Instead she chose to send the girl home, to possibly be raped again. Cowardly, arrogant, scum.
I would ask for anti-abortion supporters to stop demonizing the Dr who provided the abortion to the 10 year-old. she is being attacked and investigated for something she is allowed to do by law in the state of Indiana.
Vicki from Pasadena
I think this child has the right to an abortion and should not be forced to go through extra legal steps in order to obtain it. I think any person who rapes a ten year old child should go to prison....I don't think the moral issues here are murky. Both sides seem to be picking and choosing which issue the media should focus and which part of the bad news they should suppress.
Meanwhile, it looks like the ACTIVIST "doctor" lied and called the 27 year old rapist a minor....to protect HIM??? This is getting fishier, and fishier.
How much do Democrats worship abortion? They are very eager to discuss the rape of a 10-year old by an illegal alien.
Seems that the question is pretty simple for policy makers. Either you are in favor of banning abortions for rape victims or you are not. Avoiding a straight answer to that question through deflection is what sleazy politicians do.
Seems to me that using an edge case (it is still true today that it's not easy for a 10yo to get pregnant, and rape cases account for, what, a percentage point or two of abortions?) to sell your "choice" agenda when the only choice you're promoting is abortion (when in fact you discourage and actively interfere with the choice to have the baby) is more illustrative of what sleazy activists and the politicians they love do.
I guess I can describe myself as anti-abortion but pro-choice, in that while I really do want to see abortion become vanishingly rare, preferably through the use of the many effective contraception methods now available, I am wary of outlawing abortion entirely. I can live with various European standards - while hoping that girls and women take effective measures to avoid the need for abortion, and that boys and men somehow come to evolve to do their part in that avoidance.
The problem is that there is always an exception that (almost) everyone will agree with. The question is whether that exception should drive the law or not. In the case of abortion, if one is generally opposed to abortion, should the example of the ten year old, result in very limited restrictions on abortion (although it seems as if Ohio's restrictive laws would have permitted the abortion in this case anyway) or whether we have to accept that with any bright line rule there will be exceptions that don't fit neatly.
Is this why they are covering up for the RAPIST??
"Journalist Jorge Bonilla pointed out that the mother’s defense of the rapist may be due to the family’s immigration status or the alleged rapist being the family’s sole income earner. He also pointed out that there may be other children in the home, and the mother fears the removal of her children from the home."
Abortion supporters don't fight for access to abortion, they fight to mobilize votes and funds for the Democratic Party. If they were fighting for access to abortion, they would have legislated the issue over the past 50 years instead of relying on a flimsy court case.
It's not out of character that this activist doctor didn't report the rape initially as required by law. Sent the girl right back home to possibly be raped again by her mom’s boyfriend.
My question is, is the "mother" of the child really the mother or is this an accidental disclosure of a child trafficking ring? Why is she defending the rapist ? Is he a boyfriend or a collaborator in a child tracking ring? How about a DNA test of the mother, for example? This whole thing is fishy.
a Serious Question, for all you Pro Abortion People??
Is it the thought of her being Raped that so bothers you? Or is it the thought of her being pregnant?
I think i can guess the answer, but i'd like to hear??
"I would ask for anti-abortion supporters to stop demonizing the Dr who provided the abortion to the 10 year-old. she is being attacked and investigated for something she is allowed to do by law in the state of Indiana."
NO. Her failure to report a statutory rape - required by law - was not only violative of said law, it was monstrously evil. She "demonized" herself. She literally put political expediency ahead of the safety of a little girl. She deserves everything that the Indiana AG has coming her way.
And I hope she loses both her freedom and her livelihood
a follow up question..
IF this had been last year when the 10 year old had gotten pregnant (When abortion was safe and common),
Would ANYONE, have EVER heard about this case?
Apparently, girls less than 12 getting pregnant is disturbingly common..
How many cases had Planned Parenthood reported last year? Any? Any at all?
Or does Planned Parenthood feel that arrests would cut into their sales?
People should really just stop talking about what I'm getting paid to talk about, says person with toy name.
The Mexican mom, speaking in Spanish, defended the illegal alien rapist who confessed to raping the girl twice and who lives in the same house. What happened to the young girl was horrible, but this is the horse that the lefties want to ride?
What is also missing from the discussion is that Ohio law did not preclude abortion in this case.
- Krumhorn
we simply started from the position that abortion is, at a fundamental level, both health care and a social good?
Well, if you want to proudly tell the world that you are a monster, then you do you.
Rewarding people for not planning ahead is the diametric opposite of a "social good".
Killing babies isn't "health care". Keeping the baby and the mother alive is what actual halter care looks like.
What if, instead of evoking the trauma of a nameless 10-year-old, Biden had offered a platform to people who are proud to talk about how easy access to abortion enabled them to plan their lives, and their families, on their own terms?
Then he'd be showing off people even scummier than he is
And that's quite an accomplishment
You have easy access to Norplant, The Pill, and IUDs. Pretty sure all of them cost a lot less than even one abortion a year,
So if you need "easy access to abortion" to "plan your life", you must be an incompetent loser.
rhhardin said...
Psychiatrist Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig, who treated sex abuse survivors, said that the story attraction was a partial archetype: the child is purely innocent and the wrongdoer is purely evil by reflex. He said that this idea is harmful to the survivor. At an age when you're learning to take responsibility for what happens to you, everybody is saying no there's no way that you are even partially at fault, you're just a pure victim. This not only cuts off the learning, but puts the world completely out of the child's control. Were the child allowed to be even partially responsible, he'd be in control of the world. Which, more or less, is the cure.
Adolf is full of shit. "I was a partner in my degradation" is MUCH more destructive than "the people who were supposed to protect me didn't, so I got harmed through no fault of my own."
This I know from personal experience.
You are not in control of the world. You can, at best, control you. Which means that some times bad things are going to happen to you through no fault of your own. Other times bad things will happen to you because you screwed up.
Being able to tell the difference is a major step to being a functioning adult.
Lloyd W. Robertson said...
Both sides want to win the "who's craziest?" argument. Both sides would love to use imagery of innocent children; pro-lifers may have more ammo on that one. Are Republicans so crazy they want children/rape victims/mentally deficient with no family/recent refugees from Guatemala to be forced to go through pregnancy?
Is Lloyd so dishonest that he is gleefully making up a straw man with which to beat up Republicans?
1: She could have gotten an abortion in Ohio. Her mother took her to Indiana to get the abortion because mamma didn't want any OH mandated reporters telling the local police about her daughter's abortion
2: Mom didn't report the rape, and get her daughter a "morning after" pill, because apparently she was cool with the guy raping her daughter
So, basically you got an extreme outlier shit-show and you're trying to leverage that into an attack on Republicans, not rapists and their enablers.
That's really sick and pathetic
jim5301 said...
"Too bad she didn't live in Texas. I hear the governor there pledged to eliminate all rape in the state. How is that going?"
Jim, you misunderstand. We never said we would eliminate all rape. We want to eliminate all rapists.
By any means necessary.
In the fight for [elective] abortion, for human rites performed for social, redistributive, clinical, political, and fair weather causes, the wicked solution. Stand strong, Venutians, Martians, and Uranusians.
jim5301 said...
Seems that the question is pretty simple for policy makers. Either you are in favor of banning abortions for rape victims or you are not. Avoiding a straight answer to that question through deflection is what sleazy politicians do.
Well, Jim, if you're not being sexually trafficked by your mom, then there's absolutely NO reason why ANY rape victim should need an abortion after 6 weeks
1: You get raped
2: you go to the police ASAP and report the rape
3: You get a Plan B
4: You take it
Done now.
But, I'll be generous, we'll add a section to the abortion law that says this:
If the raped individual was kept from reporting the rape until it's too late to legally get an abortion, then the person who prevented her from reporting the rape will be arrested and prosecuted for "accessory" to rape.
After the arrest, the rape victim can get an abortion.
What's that? That won't satisfy you at all?
That because you're an amoral scum bag who always argues in bad faith
MayBee said...
Do you think we will get to the point where activists say "We can't ask doctors to report rape and incest of minors because then their families will not bring the girls in for abortions"?
1: We're already there
2: The problem for those monsters is that they'll either have to explain the abortion, or the visible pregnancy.
Which is why eliminating the "abortion right" is going to get many rapists caught
If you think of the child as a breakfast taco
A resource intensive burden... uh, dish.
it is easier to accept abortion
Elective abortion (in darkness, in privacy) or human rites performed for social, redistributive, clinical, political, and fair weather causes... There's the answer. Sequester the carbon! Not to mention that human perspiration is a first-order forcing of [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] [global] climate cooling... warming... change.
That said, spread the blight, and don't spare the child, for a Greener world.
Twice... Not once... Twice, According to detectives.
harrogate said...
The Indiana AG is going after the doctor. To the applause of all the usual assholes, naturally.
No harrogate, "the usual assholes" are the people who have no problem with an "abortion doctor" helping to cover up rape of a 9 - 10 year old girl.
I read an article that claimed that the Doctor DID report the abortion in Indiana, on Sat 7/2. It further claimed that she didn't do the abortion until Thurs 6/30, so the report made it in for the 3 day window.
I find this curious.
Here's the timeline I know of:
Wed 6/22: mom reports pregnant 10 year of to Columbus CPS: Note, this is two days before Dobbs is released. Why in the world did she not get her daughter an abortion right then?
Fri 6/24: Dobbs released, OH abortion law changes so can't abort once defend a fetal heartbeat
Mon 6/27: OH doctor calls IN doctor, asks her to do the abortion. IN doctor agrees
Thurs 6/30: Abortion finally happens
Why in the world did it take 8+ days for mom to get her 10 year old pregnant daughter an abortion for the baby that was raped into her?
Could it be that the issue was NOT the Ohio fetal heartbeat law, but rather the mother's desire to keep information about her daughter's rape away from the Ohio police?
Because mom was pimping out her daughter?
And that the upshot of Ohio's restrictive abortion law is that this girl, and any sisters, will be saved from a life of being pimped out by their mother?
Is anyone else, like me, still stuck on the fact that a TEN YEAR OLD human can even get pregnant? WTF is in the water? Intelligent design my ass - how is fertility at that age helpful for our species?
Is anyone else, like me, still stuck on the fact that a TEN YEAR OLD human can even get pregnant?
Not every girl is white.
Ethnicity and race are factors in onset of puberty.
Am I the only one shocked that 10 year olds are past puberty? Damn, that's 4th grade.
I can remember a few girls with breasts in 6th grade, but they were very unusual. Is there something about 21st century society?
"Is anyone else, like me, still stuck on the fact that a TEN YEAR OLD human can even get pregnant? WTF is in the water?"
The phenomenon of girls going through puberty at younger ages is not really known, but it has been proposed that a variety of factors can play a part, including chemicals in our food and the environment, living with prolonged stress, and sexual abuse. The 10-year old in this particular case has probably been a victim of familial rape for some time.
I don't remember the 10-year-old being the target. The ire was directed at the abortion doctor as either she was lying or she was covering up a crime, and from the other direction the State of Ohio since they now have a restrictive abortion law (which proved to not be an issue in this case). Since added to the targets are the alleged rapist and the 10-year-old's mother who seems to not care what happens to her daughter, along with the various persons and government bodies who tolerate criminal illegal aliens and actively cover up for them.
Perhaps this means the pro-abortion people should not be using a 10-year-old as a target, but those sort of people have all sorts of inappropriate targets so good luck with that.
It appears the loudest proponents of abortion are loons, ignoramuses, and sex criminals and the women who love them.
Blogger Michael K said...
. . .
My question is, is the "mother" of the child really the mother or is this an accidental disclosure of a child trafficking ring? Why is she defending the rapist ? Is he a boyfriend or a collaborator in a child tracking ring? How about a DNA test of the mother, for example? This whole thing is fishy.
7/15/22, 11:58 AM
Pregnancies in girls who are ten years old are rare. What the Hell is going on in the sanctuary city of Columbus, Ohio? How do we know the girl is ten years old? How do we know that the woman who claims to be her mother is really her mother?
It looks like Bernard provided the abortifacient to the 10 year old rape victim on 30 June, and reported the incident to the Indiana Dept. of Health on 2 July. So she's within the 3 day window required by law.
Barely, but she's in the window.
But she went to the press on or before July 1st, because July 1st is the day the Indy Star ran with her account.
So clearly, running to the press was a higher priority to these ghouls than reporting a raped and still endangered 10-year-old.
Looks as if she has a reputation for being... um... discreet. But within a day of her PR event, those pesky reporters started to snoop around for the report they knew she had to generate.
Only then did she file it, because discretion had become untenable at that point.
And wouldn't you know it, she files it listing the perp as a 17-year-old, not a 27-year-old. THat's conveniently under the Illinois criminal threshold, and is a big enough difference to potentially throw investigators off track.
I think it's clear her "mother" (if that's her mother) coached her not to mention Gerson. I wonder if someone coached her mother?
"Perhaps this means the pro-abortion people should not be using a 10-year-old as a target, but those sort of people have all sorts of inappropriate targets so good luck with that."
Nothing says "10-year old as a target" like a movement that insists she carry her rapist's baby to term, but you do you.
"No harrogate, "the usual assholes" are the people who have no problem with an "abortion doctor" helping to cover up rape of a 9 - 10 year old girl."
By reporting it? By making it news? That's a curious way to cover something up.
So now the story gonna be maybe the mom is not the mom and maybe the kid is not ten years old.
Give it up. The dr and the administration set up a trap and then sprung it.
Learn something from it and don't jump to conclusions and don't postulate scenarios to soften the pain of defeat. Move on.
Most likely kid was raped, didn't tell anyone, mom is mom, took kid to dr because she had morning sickness and wasn't feeling well, found out she was pregnant, mom in denial, then accepts situation, got first available appointment which was out of state.
(Or Dr. deliberately took kid out of state to set a trap for pro life)
Next up, go fund me turns mom into millionaire, Biden Admin speeds up citizenship, little girl identified by fake or ignorant pro lifer then trotted out by pro choice as somehow proof of evil republican candidates.
Nothing says "10-year old as a target" like a movement that insists she carry her rapist's baby to term,
Lots of pro lifers doing that? Haven't seen it.
Mostly see grasping at straws and changing subject from it never happened to yeah, it happened, but....
“You leave Dr. Britney alone!”, she cried.
"She's asking abortion supporters to resist using vulnerable persons as leverage in the fight for access to abortion."
Fair enough. But those of us who oppose abortion-on-demand use the most "vulnerable persons" -- the unborn -- in the fight, too. You haven't heard from the not-yet-born infant that you could see in the ultrasound. Is she waving to you, Mom and Dad?
"Who drove her to Indiana??? And why??"
The who was probably the ten year old's "mom." The why was probably because that's where they could find an abortionist who wouldn't report it to the authorities. Unfortunately for them, they found one who was more than willing to exploit the story for political gain. One can almost see the gleam in the doctor's eyes as the abortion was performed.
Arturo Ui said...
Me: "No harrogate, "the usual assholes" are the people who have no problem with an "abortion doctor" helping to cover up rape of a 9 - 10 year old girl."
By reporting it? By making it news? That's a curious way to cover something up.
She "reported" the news of a 10 year old having to come to Indiana for an abortion on or before 7/1.
She didn't file a report with the police until 7/2. Since the only had a 3 day window to report, 7/3 was a Sunday and 7/4 was a holiday, she waited until the last possible moment to report.
AND her report was dishonest, lowballing the age of the rapist by 10 years, so that he was a "minor" too.
Further, there was no LEGAL reason to bring her to Indiana, the OH laws allowed for aborting a baby from a 10 year old girl.
But if the abortion had been done in the same State that the rape was done, all the information would get to the cops investigating the rape quicker and clearer.
Which is only what you want if you actually want to catch the rapist.
Apparently that wasn't high on anyone's priority list
FullMoon said...
So now the story gonna be maybe the mom is not the mom and maybe the kid is not ten years old.
Give it up. The dr and the administration set up a trap and then sprung it.
Learn something from it and don't jump to conclusions and don't postulate scenarios to soften the pain of defeat. Move on.
You're so funny. Pathetic, but funny.
Is it that your'e always eager to lose? Or that your'e on the other side?
Thanks to the end of Roe, public pressure has forced the arrest of a 27 year old illegal alien rapist who, with the connivance of the mother (who he was also screwing) was raping a 9 year old girl.
You want to fight about how horrible it is that they were caught? Bring it
We should NOT let this drop
We need to know why the Columbus PD was informed on 6/22 that a 9 year old girl was raped, a nd now pregnant, and it took them two weeks, until 7/6, to get around to talking to the girl and her family.
We need to know why the Columbus PD hadn't reported anything about the case to the Ohio AG, when he publicly stated he was looking for any information about it.
We need to know why the police were told on 7/6 who the rapist was, but there was no arrest until 7/12
The mother and the rapist are both illegal aliens. Columbus is a "sanctuary city." Were the cops hoping to be able to just sweep the whole thing under the rug? Were they prevented from doing that, from sending back that now 10 year old girl to the hell where she's regularly raped by her mother's boyfriend, only because of conservative push back on the case?
Your'e either a loser or a lefty troll. In either case we're not buying
This happens every day in the Metro Atlanta area.
Nobody does anything, especially not the abortionists.
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