Writes Nate Cohn in "Poll Shows Tight Race for Control of Congress as Class Divide Widens/Nonwhite and working-class Democrats worry more about the economy, while white college graduates focus more on cultural issues like abortion rights and guns" (NYT).

This is one of the graphics. Don't miss the fine print that shows the smallness of the segment of voters that puts the "blue" issues first:

७३ टिप्पण्या:
Sad trombones.
Kinda amazing that most voters from one of the two major parties are basically worried about non-issues.
When I see a poll that is based on 849 voters I shut off. I don't care whether I favor the response or not. Really, in a country of about 150,000,000+ registered voters, a poll can slice and dice the results from 849 people with accuracy?
I think astrology would be more of a science than that type of polling.
It seems they could add immigration, free speech, and drug legalization, just so the Republicans could have something other than other.
And of course Democrats don't worry about the economy. Government workers have job protections.
The NYT spinning for the Progs.
This is a modified limited hangout.
It's not a "confluence of economic problems" as this author attempts to distract us. It's the price of gasoline and groceries. And it's not happening "to" Democrats ... it's happening BECAUSE of Democrats. That's why they are hemorrhaging voters. Voters have figured out that Democrats are economically demolishing them. And doing it on purpose. This is the Democrats' stated policy objectives in action here. Gotta fund that New Liberal World Order, as they recently said, mask slippingly.
Secondly, is the "resurgent cultural issue" of Democrats wanting to do post-birth abortions - otherwise heretofor known as "murder." That's right. The abortion issue was largely settled law until Democrats like the Virginia governor candidate started discussing how doctors and mothers could literally murder an already born and breathing person.
Hispanics ... Latinx ... or should we just call them what they are according to our First Lady ... "breakfast tacos" ... might be coming to the conclusion that Democrats are racist whackjob murderers who will bankrupt them.
Doesn't seem like a great party platform if you're trying to grow a base.
The slicing and dicing of the American electorate by race as a prism through which politics should be viewed will be the death of us. Or maybe already has been. At this point, we might be the headless chicken.
Anyone who is capable of writing "political energy in the Democratic coalition" is too politically obsessed to be taken seriously. That would also go if they see political energy in the Republican or any other broad party.
If Democrats lose the nonwhite working-class vote they will be out of power for a generation.
Given the polling that shows the more J6 committee is in the news the fewer people believe it was anything more than a mostly peaceful protest, and the Democrats continue to push it as a Big Story, these numbers are going to continue the long march away from their party’s favorite subjects. I guess that’s why the “OMG Omicron is spreading!” stories are proliferating. Same sad playbook with these fascists.
Suburban women and their docile husbands/partners tipped many swing districts to the Democrats in the last two elections. This is the Democrats' bid to hang on to them, and given what upscale suburbs are like now, it just might work.
I live in an area with primaries coming up soon. It's a very blue area and ALL the commercials on TV are about who will do the most for abortion. Second, by a large margin is anti-gun. Frankly, it comes across as "I will do the most to kill the most babies (so they don't grow up to own guns)."
Momouth Poll taken in June of 978 people- Dems, Repubs, Indies- shows something quite different. It shows that inflation, gas prices, the economy, and everyday bills made up 63% of the top concerns for voters when asked what is the biggest concern facing your family now (and lists were not given).
5% listed abortion.
3% listed guns.
Also, 42% state that they are struggling. 42%!. And 57% say that the Federal Government's action in the past 6 months has made things worse.
What bothered me most was only 1% listed education. But then, immediate are priority and immediate needs include buying food and gas. On these numbers, the Democrats are in a world of hurt. This can be spun any way by any pollsters, but the immediate needs and concerns of each family outweigh the wants and desires of a handful of politicos and media people. There are simply many more of the former than the latter.
I'm embarrassed to belong to a class ("college-educated whites") that favors the Dems! I guess this shows how college education has been degraded over the years.
Would it be okay if I identified with the Tacos for a while? Me llamo Roberto. Hablo espanol (un poco).
Centrifugal force caused Nate Cohn's arms to fly off in a bloody mess.
Two things:
Notice the question asked about issues TODAY. Come November, that will change.
Also, notice the presumption that Tacos are in favor of abortion and against gun rights. That could explain why the Dems are losing the Latincks.
The top three issues among voters are inflation, food prices and the price of gasoline. That’s it, in a nutshell. Nobody gives a real rats ass about 1/6, or climate or the issue de jour. it’s the economy, stupid.
My young son works in a grocery store and he said he’s seen shoppers, both black and white, take items out of their carts at checkout because they can’t afford them. Basic foodstuff items. My son also commented the other day that the price of bananas has doubled in the last couple of months. Why? It takes a lot of diesel fuel to move the ships to port, and fuel for the trucks to ship it to the stores.
This election is not about race, it’s about the largely self-inflicted wound of driving fuel prices through the roof to support a green agenda that no one in Mid-America cares about and the devastating impact that has on our economy. Will Biden try for a mid course correction? Of course not. As Louis L’Amour said “You boys saddled this bronc, let’s see if you can ride him.”
the Hunter Biden class want abortion on demand.
At least inflation is merely transitory, right? I haven’t seen today’s CPI report but I’m sure it’s super great news for the Dems…
good news! and little talked about in the hack-D press are the looming tax hikes that D-congress just passed.
Do they tax the ultra wealthy? no NO NO - the corrupt liar left have tax hikes are that will hit the lower and middle class. The suffering is all on purpose.
The communist corrupt left want to destroy our way of life.
Soros smiles.
I have to laugh at the headline writer who is characterizing that poll showing a "tight race" for control of Congress. The Dems only have a 6 seat advantage. Does anyone really believe it's a tight race?
Robert Marshall: "I'm embarrassed to belong to a class ("college-educated whites") that favors the Dems! I guess this shows how college education has been degraded over the years. Robert Marshall said..."
Its pointless to speak of "college-educated whites" and draw any conclusions without a breakdown of that group by level of education (Bachelors/masters/phd), type/region of school, specific degree(s) earned, etc.
I think we all know what would happen to those stats if that breakdown were shown.
I'd like to see the Engineer student breakout in particular.
The intersectionality of elite college credentialed white liberals (mostly women) and their lock step minority working class voters should come apart at the seams. They really don’t share the same interests, unless you can stoke the false flames of racism and sexism every single day.
College educated white liberals don’t give shit about suffering poor inner city minority communities. They just want them to vote as told. They trap them is shitty public schools and deny them school choice for the sake of Teachers Unions. They are willing to pay $5 gas as a virtue signal to support “Democracy” in Ukraine. They LOVED locking down the restaurants and businesses that employ and support these communities during the pandemic.
"That single mother on the west side should've had an abortion and she wouldn't have financial problems".
And what the hell are “Democracy-related” issues? I assume it’s the NYT liberal version of voter fraud protection. No voter ID…non-citizens being allowed to vote…destruction of chain of custody via absentee ballots and drop boxes.
Remember what Joe Stalin (purportedly) said : “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” As in 2020, there will be issues with the actual vote count and if the Republicans can't produce a really substantial lead, they will lose close races going down the home stretch. It's baked into the cake.
“Those stupid LatinXers refuse to understand how important abortion and trans rights are!”
Hispanics have a gendered native language, and a greater amount of gendering in their culture than otherwise found here. And they are mostly fundamentally Roman Catholic, of a variant abandoned by the Pelosis and Bidens several generations ago. The Dem elites took an extreme left turn, and wonder why important constituency groups (e.g. Hispanics) aren’t following them. In terms of tranny rights, more traditional Hispanic Males see a duty to beat the crap out of naturally enpenised trans women found in exclusive female sanctuaries, as the pervs they are. They can easily answer the question of what a woman is, even if the newest Supreme Court Justice, and a law prof testifying before the Senate recently can't.
Only the NYT times could write that "Poll Shows Tight Race for Control of Congress…” based on the polls that they included with their article. I would suggest that is more wishful thinking than anything. Democrats are on the wrong side, demographically, of the divide when it comes to guns, abortion, economic issues, etc. If anything, the edge that Republicans are seeing right now seems to be widening, and the chances of the Dems keeping the race tight for control of at least the House next year seems to be disappearing. Of course, their elite are more worried about tranny, abortion, and criminal rights than economic and public safety issues, because they aren’t facing the latter as much as the working and lower middle class are. $5 or more a gallon for gas ($6 for diesel) is killing the finances of anyone who needs a truck for work. (And we find that the FJB Administration has sold millions of gallons of gasoline from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to a ChiCom company that bribed the Biden family). The lower middle class, in particular, is starting to really hurt, and the Dems’ answer is to focus on abortion and tranny rights.
The Democrats are in a bad position strategically. They are the party of very rich elites depending on the votes of the poor and very poor. The Republicans are sitting right between these two constituencies, growing their base in both directions, as the economy tanks, inflation goes rampant, and public safety in poorer urban areas disappears. Only the Dems’ elites, and wannabes worry about gun control. The rest of the country knows why they need guns - AntiFA, BLM, and Soros backed DAs running crazy, while Dem politicians order their diminishing police forces to stand down.
The funny thing here is that the Dems believed that they had figured out the perfect way to create a permanent electoral majority - they would just open up our borders, and let as many poor Hispanics into the country as they could. What could possibly go wrong? The answer is that first and even second generation Hispanics are socially very conservative, and are also highly entrepreneurial. They are a much better fit in the Republican Party.
The Hispanic Community doesn't hate God and Christianity like white college educated liberals do. It's a beautiful thing to see large Hispanic families from Milwaukee utilize the Holy Hill campus in Hubertus, WI for mass, family gatherings, and picnics. The lower chapel now has a shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
A large portion of the African American community is still centered around their local churches.
I don't see the Hispanic Community embracing "Latinx". It's stupid. They're not. I can't imagine they are in support of transgender drag shows and story hours for little kids. They don't support the infanticide of killing and eight month old fetus. And we all know inflation and $5 gas is kicking their hard working asses.
But for the credentialed college educated white community, none of that matters. What matters is the sense of occupying a fake moral high ground. You're able to support diversity while actually sucking the life out of diverse communities through self promoting shit policies. Jump Around!!!
Inflation numbers are out: 9.1 percent
That is THE electoral issue. And the next five or six issues.
That has to be the most biased poll I have ever seen.
What is it about college that makes college educated whites (especially women) so stupid?
The Democrats have been the party of elite whites for a long time. Thomas Sowell wrote The Vision of the Anointed in 1995. It's good that these non-white groups are finally noticing that idpol is just a leftist gimmick.
It's hard to keep people on your side when you continually do things that show how much you hate and despise them.
Bruce Hayden said…The Democrats are in a bad position strategically.
I agree. They should be, but winning votes is not their strategy. The strategy is the destruction of election and voting integrity so the fraud can continue to be implemented where and when they need it.
The rest of the strategy, illustrated by the J6 kangaroo committee, is to make questioning the accuracy and integrity of election results a crime.
This is why we have a crazy Democrat controlled Federal Government who currently behave as if accountability to the electorate isn’t even on their radar.
Don't get cocky.
The corrupt left control almost everything now.
Joe Biden(D) and his family are a pile of crooks - and the media could not care less.
Domestic and foreign sanctions with "benefits". Shared/shifted responsibility (e.g subsidy in lieu of affordability). Redistributive change (e.g. single/central/monopolistic solutions). Progressive prices a.k.a. "inflation". Progressive corruption in the District of Congress. Progressive dysfunction in several Democrat districts where citizens are forced to take a knee, beg...
Bladed instruments are the primary weapon of choice in homicides. Human rites performed in darkness. Democratic/dictatorial duality.
murder (n.)
"unlawful killing of another human being by a person of sound mind with premeditated malice," c. 1300, murdre, earlier morþer, from Old English morðor (plural morþras) "secret killing of a person, unlawful killing," also "mortal sin, crime; punishment, torment, misery," from Proto-Germanic *murthran (source also of Goth maurþr, and, from a variant form of the same root, Old Saxon morth, Old Frisian morth, Old Norse morð, Middle Dutch moort, Dutch moord, German Mord "murder"), from suffixed form of PIE root *mer- "to rub away, harm" (also "to die" and forming words referring to death and to beings subject to death).
- etymonline.com
Mengele clinics, gas chambers, denial of life deemed profitable or unworthy of life... in pieces.
Keep women affordable, available, and taxable. Enable masculinists to socialize with underage girls, perhaps "10 yeas-old" or a daughter, in darkness. One step forward, two steps backward.
There is no mystery... Civilized society has compelling cause to mitigate social progress where human rites are performed for social, redistributive, clinical, and fair weather causes, of ethical religions that deny women and men's dignity and agency, and reduce human life to negotiable commodities.
..."It's hard to keep people on your side when you continually do things that show how much you hate and despise them."
Sorry - which party were you referring to?
Dems define "threats to democracy" as "letting Republicans win elections".
"Hispanics ... Latinx ... or should we just call them what they are according to our First Lady ... "breakfast tacos""
I believe the AP Style Book says Breakfast Tacos should always be capitalized.
It's a very blue area and ALL the commercials on TV are about who will do the most for abortion.
In other words, a typical election year. Abortion has been Number One in the Dem election playbook for a couple of decades.
Voters have heard it all before a million times.
It must be really surprising to democraticals/nevertrump/lefties (but I repeat myself) that the tacos are apparently rejecting many democratical policies. Even the lunch and dinner tacos are joining in with the breakfast tacos to reject the dems/NT/lefties.
"What is it about college that makes college educated whites (especially women) so stupid?"
Four years of life in limbo.
"What is it about college that makes college educated whites (especially women) so stupid?"
Four years of life in limbo.
"Hispanics ... Latinx ... or should we just call them what they are according to our First Lady ... "breakfast tacos""
I believe the AP Style Book says Breakfast Tacos should always be capitalized.
It's the economy, stupid.
That chart is poorly done. It makes it look like Democrats are more concerned about guns and abortion than the economy, but if you crunch a few numbers you can see, for example, that the number of Democrats who are most concerned about the economy is more than three times the number who are most concerned about abortion.
With regard to hispanics turning to the right: for a long time, some Republicans have pushed the idea of hispanics as natural conservatives- religious, family oriented, etc. But I never saw any evidence of them actually moving towards the Republicans until the past year or two, when panicked progressives started publishing lots of stories about it. Has anyone considered that the whole BLM freakout of 2020 pushed hispanics to the right? They have no feeling of guilt or obligation towards blacks, clearly don't buy into narratives about America being a uniquely awful place where poor people can't get ahead, and seem very unlikely to have been enthused about riots, burning police stations, etc.
With regard to hispanics turning to the right: for a long time, some Republicans have pushed the idea of hispanics as natural conservatives- religious, family oriented, etc. But I never saw any evidence of them actually moving towards the Republicans until the past year or two, when panicked progressives started publishing lots of stories about it. Has anyone considered that the whole BLM freakout of 2020 pushed hispanics to the right? They have no feeling of guilt or obligation towards blacks, clearly don't buy into narratives about America being a uniquely awful place where poor people can't get ahead, and seem very unlikely to have been enthused about riots, burning police stations, etc.
Well in honor of Dr. Jill I made myself a couple of breakfast tacos this morning. Refried beans made from a pot of pinto beans cooked last night; a couple of slices of bacon, and a few bits of cheese all wrapped in a soft flour tortilla. Thank you Dr. Jill--it was a delicious idea! Maybe tomorrow morning scrambled eggs, cheese and salsa in the taco instead of the bacon and beans.
But on a more relevant note; there's a good possibility that those college educated (and brainwashed) white college graduates may smarten up between now and November. Joe's real numbers may be even lower than the polls.
Blogger Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said …
Joe Biden(D) and his family are a pile of crooks - and the media could not care less.
They did, however, clutch their pearls and drop onto fainting couches — and prattle on and on — when the.Bush twins were caught using fake IDs to engage in underage drinking. Good times, good times.
Like many of the commenters above, I expect the Democrats to actually increase their numbers in the House and Senate this Fall. They haven't given up mail-in-balloting on the scale done in 2020, but they will run a refined version of it in November that stuffs the boxes in the swing House districts in addition to the inner city cores- something they didn't do in 2020. I fully expect the Republican Party to go supine once more when the evidence of the fraud is shown to them.
Would it be okay if I identified with the Tacos for a while?
@Robert Marshall, perhaps you are too young to know this, but when I was a young man referring to a Hispanic as a “Taco” was a serious insult, just a step down from the N-word. If her speechwriter didn’t know that, Jill Biden herself should have known.
Democrats may be "divided" but they all vote D in November. Non-whites always complain about this or that, and then go out and vote D 75-25. With Blacks its 85-15 or 90-10.
The fact is, the party elite throws them a few crumbs with a nice smile, and that's all they need. Because like many R voters, they're too dumb to do anything but vote the partyline. No matter what.
The Republican Establishment is always envious of the Democrat Elite. The D elite can treat their voters like shit and do anything they want, because your average Democrat doesn't really care what the Government does. As long as the Democrats keep the Government checks coming, and hate those Goddamn Republican/conservatives, they'll vote D. Nothing else matters to them.
Inflation at 9.1%? Biden will take credit if and when it drops ever so slightly.
"[T]he confluence of economic problems and resurgent cultural issues has helped turn the emerging class divide in the Democratic coalition into a chasm..."
Note the assumption: minorities are supposed to be part of the Dem coalition.
It's nice the GOP is attracting some working class voters and Latinxers. But they will expect to be rewarded.
Long-term, the GOP needs to keep working on the "college-educated whites." Given white supremacy, their influence exceeds their numbers. But some may be mugged by reality enough to switch sides. Maybe an argument or two can get through. Step 1: ditch Trump.
I wonder what a polling breakout of government-funded livelihoods vs. non-government supported incomes would look like.
I've rarely seen one. I wonder why.
Blogger Gusty Winds said...
Bruce Hayden said…The Democrats are in a bad position strategically.
I agree. They should be, but winning votes is not their strategy. The strategy is the destruction of election and voting integrity so the fraud can continue to be implemented where and when they need it.
The rest of the strategy, illustrated by the J6 kangaroo committee, is to make questioning the accuracy and integrity of election results a crime.
Yes, this November we will find out if the Soviet Union has taken over our country. If so, then they will proceed to destroy it. The World Bank and the Davos crowd have begun with smaller countries.
As has been mentioned here and other places repeatedly, the Democratic coalition was built around non-whites vs. whites. The problem is the non-whites are not a monolith with many of the major groups having conflicting goals (Asians vs. African-Americans, Hispanics vs. African-Americans, white "allies" vs. all of them), not to mention that these subgroups were hardly monoliths either, especially Hispanics. The only way to keep this coalition together was to convince them that the Republicans were more of a threat than each other. Trump helped break down that barrier, and Biden's extremism has broken it down further as many are realizing they are not onboard with this nonsense. The bet is there is more "woke" to make up for the loss of the normies. I think they overestimate their chances.
The Ds have turned into the party of the coastal elites.
The millionaires and billionaires are all on board with big government and the nanny state, brought to you by the DNC...
RVs? what the HELL is a RV?
i'm assuming it's people that picked?
10% of people thought Gun's were the Most Important Issue?
6% (SIX PERCENT!?! thought abortion was??
14% thought "democracy" (Huh?)
36% thought Economy
34% other
10+6+14+36+34 = 100
so, 10+6+14 = 30
30% of respondants thought democrat issues were 'most important'??
more concerned about the economy and inflation than abortion rights and guns.
They are more concerned about crime caused by Democrat DA's that will arrest a person for defending themself while releasing murderers. Inflation too, but before they worry about abortion and guns being taken away from law abiding people; they want to see criminals get justice. I write this, because despite a major news story on crime in NYC, the NYT pretends it is not an issue.
What is it about college that makes college educated whites (especially women) so stupid?
Because teaching critical thinking and freedom of expression died on campuses decades ago.
Feelz is the focal point.
I ask these fundamental questions:
Are you satisfied with horribly low reading comprehension rates and math proficiency levels in public schools.
Are you happy with major crimes especially in large cities?
The censorship of unapproved thought, are you comfortable with that?
Do you believe fewer cops contribute to safer streets?
Does the $30+ TRILLION debt cause you concern?
Do open borders with drug smuggling, human trafficking and more cause you concern?
Does the movement to no bail policies lead to less crime?
Do you think a declaration by a high school boy that he identifies as a girl should allow him unfettered access into the girls rest room and showers?
Do you believe a transgender(M-F) athlete should be able to compete on the women's team?
Should private citizens be deprived of guns,relying on the police to protect them?
And more, and more and more.
I'm sure some of the commenters will think I'm off base. But unless and until I see the left try to reverse trends in these areas, I will vote straight R - something I have NEVER done.
Inflation at 9.1%? Biden will take credit if and when it drops ever so slightly.
Nah, he'll just start today to take credit by claiming 9.1% is out of date and he's already done something. To be fair to his statement, oil has dropped $10 this month, but if it was due to action on his part, then it is the release of SPR oil, and therefore this dip won't last. On the other hand, high oil prices have less to do with inflation than the government devaluation of the dollar by spending bills passed in 2021.
What is it about college that makes college educated whites (especially women) so stupid?
Dreams of breaking the politimythical glass ceiling, which has, ironically, been raised through social progress by their peers... friends... enemies?
That said, equal in rights and complementary in Nature/nature. Reconcile.
Poll Shows Tight Race for Control of Congress as Class Divide Widens/Nonwhite and working-class Democrats worry more about the economy, while white college graduates focus more on cultural issues like abortion rights and guns
What is it about college indoctrinated people that convinces them they're all too stupid to handle birth control, and so need to have abortion around?
Or is it that they're all a bunch of racists who are convinced that "the lower orders" need to all be aborted as much as possible?
Yancey Ward said...
Like many of the commenters above, I expect the Democrats to actually increase their numbers in the House and Senate this Fall. They haven't given up mail-in-balloting on the scale done in 2020, but they will run a refined version of it in November that stuffs the boxes in the swing House districts in addition to the inner city cores- something they didn't do in 2020. I fully expect the Republican Party to go supine once more when the evidence of the fraud is shown to them.
Are you signed up to be a poll watcher in November?
With all due respect: the Dems can only steal the 2022 election of we the People let them. Stop whining about supine GOP politicians and get out there and don't let them
Politicians do not use this type of polling. Their media flacks do. It is not meant to describe people's thoughts and feelings, but to drive a narrative.
If you want to know what people are thinking, use focus groups of people with similar responses and drill down into their reasons.
Hate trumps love. Suburbanites who hate Trump are more likely to vote than working class people who are doing a lot worse under Biden than under Trump. Democrats are going to lose this year, but will they really lose as badly as they deserve? In congressional elections they can lose 20 percent of the African-American vote and still carry the majority Black districts. It's an open question whether voters will vote their frustration with Biden or whether they are just too shell-shocked and turned off by politics.
Women's natural right, their ethical loop, to perform human rites is either a passive or celebrated dream of feminists and masculinists. Embrace your dignity, your agency, four choices, and an equal right to self-defense through reconciliation. One, albeit baby, step forward.
Suburbanites who hate Trump are more likely to vote than working class people who are doing a lot worse under Biden than under Trump. Democrats are going to lose this year, but will they really lose as badly as they deserve?
I think you are right. Trump brings out the working class voters. Generic Republicans probably don't. For good reason. They have lied about their policies for decades.
They can't lose 20% of the "black" vote and win Statewide in MI, WI, or PA
Senate and Gov races in all three States
And all three already have GOP State legislatures
Heck, I doubt they could carry MN if they lose 20% of the "black" vote
IF they lose 20% of the "black" vote, and 40%+ of the "Hispanic" vote, they can kiss goodbye NV, AZ, and CO
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