५ जुलै, २०२२
"Robert 'Bobby' E. Crimo III... performed as a rapper who went by the name 'Awake,' whose recent music videos included depictions of mass murder."
"Crimo’s most recent video posted to YouTube showed him in the aftermath of a school shooting. It ends with Crimo draping himself in an American flag.... Crimo had his own Discord server, where fans and people who knew him would chat. The community featured a politics board filled with nihilistic political memes. The most recent post before the shooting, which was posted in March, was a picture of Budd Dwyer, the Pennsylvania state treasurer who shot and killed himself on live television in the late 1980s, along with the caption 'I wish politicians still gave speeches like this.'... Crimo didn’t frequently post about major political figures on his websites, except for two posts about former President Donald Trump. A video posted to Crimo’s YouTube page on Jan. 2, 2021, appears to show Crimo among a throng of protesters cheering for Trump’s presidential motorcade outside an airport. Crimo flips the phone’s orientation to reveal his face at the end of the video. Crimo is also seen draped in a Trump flag in a June 27, 2021, post on Twitter. The post is captioned with only the word 'spam.'"
९८ टिप्पण्या:
This sorry, sick person is a supporter for anarchy and chaos.
Nothing more/nothing less.
An unbalanced being.
Crimo draping himself in an American flag.
Crimo is also seen draped in a Trump flag
So, he felt the same about Trump? That he did about America?
This is the manifestation of all you people's threats of a right wing violent uprising against the evil Democrat woke culture. It's not a militia fighting a heroic battle, it's a coward shooting fish in a barrel then running away.
Awake is your rallying cry. Helter Skelter time for the Obesity Army of the Deplorable States of America.
I have seen no information on where he lived or who was bankrolling him. Is rapping that lucrative?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I support banning gun sales to anyone with a facial tattoo. Only two kinds of people have facial tattoos: Felons/gangbangers, who often get them in prison; and the mentally ill. Both of those are disqualifying for gun ownership.
Do not get your news from legacy media. This guy was a psycho and also posted similar videos on his twitter account praising Biden. The politics of madmen are irrelevant, unlessnthe media can find it useful to their own ends.
The media make money by making news entertaining. Entertaining to women means every detail that can be related to a feeling, and they're the audience.
A slight problem this time is that not enough children have been killed so the stories have to substitute and move right in to finger-pointing.
This is the best evidence to tie him to Donald Trump? It’s all suspiciously ambiguous. His appearance and media profile look much closer to the convicted pedophiles and school teachers paid to riot in blue cities…
I’m convinced the best evidence of which side he’s on is highly correlated with how much hay the left makes of him.
Local kid.
It takes a village. So the village is to blame.
Isn't it interesting when people do violence that seems to have nothing to do with politics, we still have to look for *political* clues. Our national discourse has become too politics-driven. There is so much more to people and situations. There's so much more to problems and solutions. Poltics should be a small part of any of it, but it's become easy entertainment/news fodder. You don't have to analyze anything if you can just make it about politics.
Is there evidence against this guy other than he is an outsider who makes violent videos? Was the gun linked to him? Eyewitnesses? I'm not saying this guy is Richard Jewell, but I haven't heard any actual evidence that he committed any crime.
"This guy was a psycho and also posted similar videos on his twitter account praising Biden."
Why, this can't be true. Howard told us otherwise, in his typically reasoned approach to things.
If Trump can't be associated with some event, especially a bad event, it's not a story worth reporting.
No surprise that people here deny the link, given that it points the direction of their politics.
Yet when they think the thug is a Democrat, the flimsiest evidence is enough.
Aposemitism. Facial tattoos are a giant, huge, red flag for anyone. Man or woman. I regard tattoos in general this way, but especially face tats or face modymods and piercings. You'll never have a better way of telling instantly that you shouldn't have anything to do with that person.
’Yet when they think the thug is a Democrat, the flimsiest evidence is enough.’
The 120 lb. weakling with facial tats is a Trump supporter? He’s the poster soiboi for AntiFa meth heads, and there are plenty of his social media screen caps on Twitter. He follows Barack, Biden, Harris - and wanted all J6 rally goers to be arrested. An Ultra MAGA super fan!!
His dad apparently ran for mayor at one point. Pics all over reddit yesterday of his family. Looked fairly well-adjusted...the family that is.
The pattern on Twitter from both sides after a mass shooting is gross. First thing is to 1) wait for the skin color of the perpetrator to be revealed, 2) start labeling the shooter a Trump supporter or a liberal, and 3) see the social media footprint being erased in real time. Although, some users are able to capture and download content before it is scrubbed.
This kid was into Aleister Crowley the occult. The photo of him with the Trump flag seems a mocking imitation of Ashley Babbit before she was shot. This kid isn't liberal or conservative. He's fucking nuts.
But yeah, skinny outsider with a body BMI of 14, colored hair and face tattoos is the profile of the common Trump supporter. And we all know a Trump supporter would shoot up a 4th of July parade in a Jewish community. Right.
Our American society is sick. It's over people.
Crimo is also seen draped in a Trump flag
One report says the caption under the Trump flag is "spam".
Doesn't sound like hero worship to me.
And the "woke" as a target? Get real he describes himself as woke.
No job. The uncle who "doesn't interact" with the kid beyond saying hi and bye says no sign of violence. Apparently NOT seeing the bloody images of him with a rifle. Neighbors say "quiet" and a "loner". No comment from Ma and Pa.
Yep, those red flag laws will do the trick.
Good work, FBI.
now off you go McGarlands FBI - to arrest more Trump supporters/advisors.
He looks like an Antifa to me.
That he was seen at a Trump rally - what does that prove exactly? Since Antifa infiltrate Trump rallies.
Other photos show him in Anarchist black antifa garb.
Mark said...
No surprise that people here deny the link,
tell us More, about "the link" Mark. We're ALL Ears. Maybe Gadfly can help you?
At least this time it wasn’t a rogue SUV that captured an innocent African-American man and caused him to attack a parade.
Crimo was Antifa.
I know that Ann is too lazy to look outside her media bubble.
This kid is a known leftist and this article is a complete lie.
His social media didn't get wiped fast enough.
The thing that all of these white male, loaner mass shooters have in common, is they are all outsiders and loaners on anti-depressant medications.
My Generation X has allowed our Generation Z children (especially the boys) to be dosed with Ritalin in grade school and neutered by public schools. We have never bothered to question the root causes of the autism spike. Rather than run young people around the block for exercise, just give them some Zoloft. We're just glad we scored a McMansion.
My brother's girlfriend is making buku $$$$$$ as a child therapist with 20 other therapists working for her...and the referrals are flowing in like water over the falls. And this is in affluent Ozaukee County, WI.
When you look back on that whole Tom Cruise / Brooke Shields post partum depression controversy regarding anti depression medications, looks like Cruise was right.
If only he had been pictured at an anti Trump protest as an anti Trumper… oh my! But he took a selfie of himself celebrating dark Trumpian American Carnage.
Howard said...
This is the manifestation of all you people's threats of a right wing violent uprising against the evil Democrat woke culture. It's not a militia fighting a heroic battle, it's a coward shooting fish in a barrel then running away.
Awake is your rallying cry. Helter Skelter time for the Obesity Army of the Deplorable States of America.
A cowardly leftist who was shooting at people in a 4th of July celebration in a Jewish Neighborhood.
When you'all admit to owning James T. Hodgkinson then we can talk.
There is a clear, real and definite connection between rap and violence.
I saw "Elvis" on Monday. BB King, Mahalia Jackson, Little Richard and some other Black artists were featured. They had real musical talent. The Blues, R&B and Gospel are great music genres. Any idiot can say he is a rap "artist."
Correction: Aposematism with an 'a', not Aposemitism with an 'i'. One is natural warning coloration found in animals, the other is being far away or otherwise distant from the Levant.
Attended a Trump rally dressed as Where's Waldo.
Yes, that's an obvious link.
“Crime was Antifa.
I know that Ann is too lazy to look outside her media bubble.
This kid is a known leftist and this article is a complete lie.
His social media didn't get wiped fast enough”
Yeah, just like the rioters in the US Capitol on Jan. 6th were “Antifa”.
Abortion fields in rhyme.
Just saw the pic of him at what looks like a street corner Trump rally.
In a "Where's Waldo" outfit.
That's not a pro-Trump statement. Kind of says you don't support whatever is going on if you show up dressed as Waldo.
He is nuts. He's not a Democrat or Republican and don't waste your breath or time on that slant of things. He gave plenty of signs about his being untethered. The problem with today is so many sound that way that no one picked up his posts as anything but pretty typical for todays yoots. They know nothing, and have a lot, but are ready to burn it all down and kill people, if it gets them a #1 trending slot on the socials and a headline in the legacies.
We used to have young people dreaming of flying to the moon, or hitting a home run in the World Series. Maybe sailing around the world, or just wanting to be a doctor for animals. Not today. Today they tat up their face, ring their noses, and scowl at everything. And, like much of America, they are so easily led, like clones, to react to any hot button served up to them.
I have not read about where or how or when this guy got his guns. But a rule of thumb for selling weapons might be that if someone comes in with face tattoos, pierced nose and/or ears or lips, and multi-colored hair, chances are they are not totally stable. Probably don't want to arm them.
I don't know what his politics are but I know that he's nuts.
On the other hand, I'm coming to believe that most Progressives were not born on this planet.
He's an Antifa scumbag. There are pictures. He SHOULD have been known to the FBI with the video that has been up for over a year on You Tube of him talking about shooting up a school, but they have people more important to look for. People who were ushered into and took selfies in the Capitol on 1/6/21
I'm wondering when someone will develop an extensive internet presence planning some terrorist action in great detail and then, when arrested, claim that it was all a Dadaist art project, making the trial an attempt to prove actual murderous intent rather than elaborate spoofing of the government. This guy obviously went through with it. But there was a lot in his online presence that was disruptive and performative (in the current sense of the word), a product of madness that looked a lot like a demented idea of an artistic project.
People still wonder about the motive of the Las Vegas mass shooter. Cultivating a bizarre, contradictory internet presence ensures that people will still be speculating about the Highland Park shooter. Not dying at the end of his rampage, though, may defeat his desire for greater fame.
He was a Twitter follower for all of the big time Democrats, including the president. He is seeing in photographs of himself with antifa garb on.
antifa hate patriotic people.
Mark said...
Attended a Trump rally dressed as Where's Waldo.
Yes, that's an obvious link.
Link of WHAT, Mark? That he felt about Trump Supporters like he did about Parade Supporters?
After all, Mark.. You DO Know, that he attended a Parade yesterday... Right?
I mean, You DO Know that, right? RIGHT? i mean... RIGHT? You ARE at least minimally aware?
Robert E. "Bobby" Crimo the turd.
100 mg bump up on your Thorazine should help you, Howard.
Crimo? Sounds like one of the Marx Brothers… ��
Ready for a laugh riot?
The uncle of the suspected shooter who opened fire on a July 4th parade said there were "no warning signs" that the young man was about to carry out the attack.
"There were no signs that I saw that would make him do this," Paul Crimo told Fox
"He keeps everything to himself, and he doesn't express himself," he explained.
"So he just sits down on his computer. There's no interaction between me and him."
So, his Uncle tells us " There were no signs THAT I SAW that would MAKE Him do this"
His Uncle ALSO tells us "There's no interaction between me and him."
There You Go! People that were related to him and didn't interact with him, thought he was just a freak
(a freak that Hated Donald Trump Supporters and Hated the 4th of July.. But LOVED Antifa (a flag on his wall), and had neon hair and face tattoos)
And there is always the "Look Ma, Top of the World" factor.
"Made it ma, top of the world!
Again - epic failure by the FBI (D-insider protection racket)
On the internet, no one knows how fat you are. Much fat shaming and fat baiting is actually redirected self-hatred.
And who knows what crimes have been prevented because lonely misfits were able to find comfort in comfort food?
How racist of the national media to ignore all the murdering happening in Chicago until a troubled white kid makes an appearance. The thread connecting this to the Boston story is the multifaceted plan by the Biden admin to stoke and intensify racism and racial hatred, to inflame as many marginal messed up people as possible and keep using that simmering violence as a pretext for their heavy Fed-handed efforts to control white supremacy. Smearing their opponents as racist is as old as the democrat party.
Nihilism is the only pathology you don't need to make excuses for.
Blogger Howard said...
This is the manifestation of all you people's threats of a right wing violent uprising against the evil Democrat woke culture. It's not a militia fighting a heroic battle, it's a coward shooting fish in a barrel then running away.
Awake is your rallying cry. Helter Skelter time for the Obesity Army of the Deplorable States of America.
That skinny tattooed kid with a scraggly beard and long hair looks a lot like the ANTIFA branch of your team, Howard. I wonder how many rappers are Trump fans?
Nice try, though. You seem fixated on obesity, Howard. Are you a type II diabetic ?
Most people who show up at Trump rallies are patriotic.
(Well not according to Hillary-humpers and Maddow-worshippers and CNN-adherents)
Antifa openly destroy whatever they want. But now we won't hear the end of the left saying this guy was a Trump-er and he's just like ALL Trumpers. (Really?)
... Even if he was a fake-Trumper and an antifa nutjob.
"It's not a militia fighting a heroic battle, it's a coward shooting fish in a barrel then running away."
My takeaway? Don't be a fish.
Will this jamoke disappear from the news as fast as Darrell Brooks has? Similar casualty toll. Similar venue. Different weapon. Different race.
My bet is that we will be stuck with this psycho for years. And it is the gun that did it.
What ever happened to Darrell Brooks? Do you know, Howard? Have you been following that case closely? I confess I had to look up Brooks’s name.
I read his entire twitter feed before it got taken down yesterday. He was clearly mentally ill- most of the tweets make no sense whatsoever- much of it repetitive, repetitive, repetive- like some sort of tic. However, what was there, words and pitures, were pretty clearly leftist in intent.
The communist/socialist rose tatoo is the real tell- you don't tattoo yourself with these sorts of things if you don't support them. To do otherwise, would be like Inga tattooing MAGA on her forehead, or Lefty Mark tattooing Ashlii Babbitt on his arm, or Howard tattooing testicles where his used to be.
The pictures with the Trump rallies were quite obviously intended as parody- see the Waldo outfit, for example. He was mocking the rallies, and more or less said so in some of the videos I watched on YouTube, one of which stopped working while I was watching it yesterday and couldn't be reloaded. I tried finding his Discord, but couldn't get in (you usually need to be invited in), and it is probably gone now anyway. In the Reddits where some knew him, he is generally described as a nutjob, but the people with whom he was commenting with are hard-core leftists, and some were explicitly Antifa, and he wasn't disagreeing with them, according to them.
Sorry, Howard and Lefty Mark- he is one of yours, though you can't be blamed for his psychosis- that might be down to the drugs he was obviously overusing.
Sure, Howard.
So wise. Not.
He posted videos and pic's of violence. He was posting with guns and pictures of people being shot on youtube. He liked numerous tweets about jailing J6 protestors and congressmen that questioned the 2020 election.
If he was a Trump supporter he would have had 8 FBI agents trying to get him to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
But he was your standard violent leftist piece of shit. Just like the thousands that are loudly calling for violence over the Roe decision.
And Ann chooses to ignore all the information out there and post garbage from a media that has lied about everything for the last 7 years.
It is not Cruel Neutrality anymore Ann. It is obvious lies and garbage.
Howard shows up and wraps himself in the bodies of the dead claiming absolute moral authority and demands we laud his shaming.
Howard. You voted for Biden. You voted for inflation, the green new con job and violence. You have no solutions. You're part of the problem. We're embarrassed for you.
Lurker21 said...
People still wonder about the motive of the Las Vegas mass shooter.
The details we don't know. But there are some things that are clear about the Las Vegas shooter:
1. His background is inconvenient to the Regime. If he was a republican or trump supporter we would know.
2. The FBI knew about him.
3. He choose to shoot at a country music concert just like Crimo chose to shoot at a 4th of July parade in a Jewish neighborhood.
I expect NBC to cherry-pick those items to make this guy appear right wing. I also expect my fellow commenters to search out those other items which appear to contradict NBC's spin. I'll just observe that shooting up a Fourth of July parade seems a highly unlikely target for someone motivated by Trump support.
My personal 72-hour rule is in effect. However, I'll just note various Youtube videos appear to show that Sirhan Sirhan was among a crowd of supporters as Robert F. Kennedy walked through the kitchen at the Ambassador Hotel.
here's an update, about how many people were shot in Chicagoland over the weekend
The City of Chicago continued its increasing homicidal spree this weekend with at least 72 gunshot victims, 10 of whom have died as of Tuesday morning.
This does not include the mass shooting north of Chicago in Highland Park during a July 4th parade.
Of course,
the overwhelming majority of those Chicagoland shootings were Black men killing other Black men.. And, NO ONE cares about THAT! Caring about THAT, would be like caring about Black women killing black Babies
This took place in a Democrat city where all authorities are Democrat. Why did Democrats fail to notice his social media postings as a warning and take action to prevent him buying guys? We’re given to understand that Facebook, Google et all are making large numbers of referrals to the FBI every day. Why didn’t he show up on these? I fear the answer is that the filters are set only to ID certain kinds of threat in order to justify the declaration that white supremicists are the biggest threat.
There is something no right about law enforcement and it is causing great loss of life.
This guy didn't seem to be intelligent enough to have formed any type of political opinion. He just seemed to follow the "outraged" crowd as so many of those his age seem to do.
The mayor of Highland Park knew him as a child.
The Budd Dwyer suicide wasn't a live event. I was 14 at the time in Pennsylvania. Many stations chose to air it by breaking in during daytime television--I saw it on the Lancaster NBC affiliate. A lot of students, including me, were home for a snow day, so many young people saw it as a result. Some of the stations continued to air it throughout the day. It was horrifying.
While I don't follow the news closely, I do know the name of this guy, and that his apparent actions were 'bad', not what actually happened. Why?
All I know about the incident is the name, and pictures, of this lowlife and arguments regarding his political affiliations. This is what feeds others to do the same thing. A tragic society indeed.
His father, a Republican, ran for mayor of Highland Park. He lost to a gun control proponent Democrat.
just like Crimo chose to shoot at a 4th of July parade in a Jewish neighborhood.
I'm actually only about 15 minutes away from Highland Park. When I heard there was a mass shooting there I wondered if the motivation had something to do with targetimg the city's Jewish residents. However Crimo is from that city and combined with some of his other social media posts I am now wondering if the motivation had more to do with it being a 4th of July parade.
Mark? Gadfly? Igna? y'all got kinda quiet. Tell us MORE, about how this guy is a Trump supporter?
Darrell Brooks entered an insanity plea last week. no one noticed. It is a 30 minutes ride from Kenosha Wi to Highland Park Il perhaps he and Bob can share lawyers.
Yancey - 10:20
As Yancey observed, this guy followed a jumble of politicians, though the commie rose tattoo is a tell. Also the scatological mockery of the Bible. Also the multiple images and songs inserting himself into school shootings.
I've attended a bunch of Trump rallies and covered the counter-protesters. This guy sees like many of the random nuts and non-nuts who show up without any political agenda, just looking for excitement.
I suspect Travis Bickle might offer better crime modeling.
Yes- just like the Kenosha attack of the vicious SUV, this attack will also be memory-holed by the media in short order, with them only talking about the guns if even that.
Yancey Ward said...
Yes- just like the Kenosha attack of the vicious SUV
When did this happen? was anyone hurt when the SUV hit them?
Igna said...
His father, a Republican, ran for mayor of Highland Park. He lost..
Way to keep swinging, Igna! I'm Proud of you!
AND almost persuaded! i mean, was There EVER a case when someone's politics weren't EXACTLY like their dads?
NPR's coverage refers to Crimo's "ominous and violent" videos, but nothing about his "politics." That suggests that they don't think that the evidence that exists can be used to tie him to Trump.
And yet, another mass murder was AVERTED by a GOOD GUY WITH A GUN in NYC on July 4th, but you won't hear about it on the MSM because it doesn't fit the narrative. https://www.fox5ny.com/news/off-duty-correction-officer-hailed-hero-after-shooting-man-who-pointed-gun-crowd
You gotta get up early to get the real news from The Daily Mail. By 7 this morning, the NYT still had a headline saying they weren't sure if anyone had died, though they were updating the story itself. Daily Mail already had stories on Gray, Bette Midler, who also defended womanhood, and the parade killer.
The first victim was Mexican, though newspapers seem to only focus on the second. Shall we be getting a list of all the ethnicities and religions and races and sexes? Do we ever? Several people did say the killer was targeting children, though most of the dead were adults. Like the father who covered his young boy's body with his own, saving his child as he was shot to death.
The killer was dressed as a woman, by the way. A statement on transgenderism, or just the movie Dressed to Kill, wedged in yet another disordered killer's mind?
Gateway Pundit, July 5, 2022
Information Uncovered Overnight Shows Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the Occult
[Includes lots of screenshots to back up these claims which Crimo posted on social media (before they were taken down).]
"...Now we have information tying Crimo to progressives, socialists, Antifa and the occult. Crimo’s social network and lifestyle are all related to the progressive movement."
"...Crimo has ties to the Democratic Socialists of America as noted by the tattoo on his neck. This is the largest and fastest-growing socialist organization in the US."
"...Crimo also has ties to Antifa. In one picture on social media, he shares his dark Antifa outfit."
"...Evidence reveals Crimo is not a Trump supporter. He makes fun of Trump and his followers in his social media posts. Crimo attended a Trump event dressed up as ‘Where’s Waldo’ outfit. This appears to be sarcasm and an attack on President 45 who may also be President 47."
Wikipedia's hit piece on the Gateway Pundit:
"The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right[2] fake news website.[1] The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.[33]"
Of course, on political matters Wikipedia apparently has gone completely woke.
All one needs to do is take a look at this douchenozzle's pic to know exactly his political philosophy and his motive.
Trump supporter my ass.
No surprise that people here deny the link, given that it points the direction of their politics. - leftist mark
Physician, heal thyself.
Hillary's father was a Rethuglican, and look what a piece of crap she is!
There's this... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/07/breaking-exclusive-information-uncovered-overnight-shows-highland-park-shooter-bobby-crimo-tied-socialists-progressives-antifa-occult/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
XRVision noted.
So, a 22 year old male in a State with restrictive gun laws, and a red flag law, legally bought guns and used them to kill people
6 people. Just like the Waukesha Christmas Parade massacre driver killed 6 people, using a car.
There is NO reasonable law that you can pass that can stop this kind of thing.
And so long as the Left fetishizes criminals, and continues to oppose punishing them and locking them away from the rest of us, this kind of thing is going to happen.
I'll listen to proposals about new laws to fix this problem when the Left stops obstructing the enforcement of the existing ones, and not one second before that
In a statement today, the local police said Crimo had purchased two rifles (one possibly a shotgun) and two pistols. In 2019, police were twice called to his home once on a suicide threat call and once on a threat to kill his family call. On the suicide call, police confiscated a collection of 16 knives. For these threats, Crimo was referred to the local mental health services instead of being placed in law enforcement custody. Crimo is currently 21 y/o. At that age and that year, he should have had a police and psych jacket to serve as a red flag. His father, however, is a prominent businessman who once ran for mayor. The system put in place to catch Crimo failed probably as favors were exchanged.
Blogger Inga said...
His father, a Republican, ran for mayor of Highland Park. He lost to a gun control proponent Democrat.
Inga has daddy issues and I can understand why she sounds as dumb as she does. My older son is a lefty trial lawyer with outrageous opinions. His younger brother says if I was a Socialist, he would be a conservative.
Boy that "gun control Democrat" sure fixed Highland Park's issues.
It’s being reported that Crimo drove to Madison WI during those 8 hours he was on the loose with more guns in his mother’s car. Seems like Madison missed a bullet or many bullets yesterday.
In September 2019, a family member reported Crimo had a collection of knives and "was going to kill everyone,"
Highland Park police notified Illinois State Police of the incident but no further actions were taken.
Despite these incidents, Crimo managed to legally buy two high-powered rifles and three other weapons
The parents of Robert "Bobby" E. Crimo III, the suspect in the mass shooting that killed seven people and wounded dozens of others at a Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, Illinois have released a statement through their attorney.
"We are all mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, and this is a terrible tragedy for many families, the victims, the paradegoers, the community, and our own. Our hearts, thoughts, and prayers go out to everybody."
So, You See? The Family that is THE REAL VICTIM, is the Shooters Family!
We KNOW THIS, because The Shooters Family took the time and trouble; to TELL us That
If that were my son, I’d be heartbroken and destroyed.
For all of us.
How do we recover?
21-year-old man disguised himself as a woman as he carried out July Fourth attack, killing at least seven people in Chicago suburb
Gio Montenegro, who lives near Mr. Crimo’s residence in Highwood, a suburb north of Highland Park, described Mr. Crimo as a loner and antisocial. He said he would ride around the neighborhood on an electric bicycle blasting techno music on a speaker while wearing a black helmet, goggles covering his eyes, a black mask and black clothing.
“He didn’t speak to anyone..
As Igna says.. Just a Typical Trump Supporter. I mean, he had ALL the signs. Multi-Colored hair, face and neck tattoos, black helmet, black mask and black clothing.. OH! and an electric bike! No Trump supporter would be caught dead with an internal combustion engine
I grew up in Highland Park and remember watching the Fourth of July parade from the area the shooter targeted about 60 years ago. Some of my friends still live there, including a classmate who took his two young grandsons to the parade. They happened to be far enough away to escape the gunfire.
Old Highland Parkers are posting photos of Fourth of July parades of our childhoods: School bands, Scouts, the mayor in a convertible, flags, maybe a color guard from Fort Sheridan ...
I think deranged people who want to kill look for "reasons" to do what they want to do. The urge to destroy comes first. The shooter reportedly issued a 28-page "manifesto" consisting in its entirety of numbers. He is a lunatic.
I do wonder why Illinois' "red flag" law, which were in force when police confiscated his knives and swords in 2019, weren't used to keep him from legally buying the weapon he used to end seven lives.
"I do wonder why Illinois' "red flag" law, which were in force when police confiscated his knives and swords in 2019, weren't used to keep him from legally buying the weapon he used to end seven lives."
Curious. Isn't it.
The parents claim the dad didn't know about the prior incident because it happened at the mother's house.
Your mum and dad, they fuck you up, etc.
Any of these young killers have a 2 parent home?
And, as mentioned every time but never answered, were they taking meds?
Honestly, I can understand a bullied kid bringing a gun and killing people. But kill the bully, not some innocents. Have to wonder if the bullied is so fearful of his tormentor(s) that he is afraid to take a shot at him.
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