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"President Biden is facing an alarming level of doubt from inside his own party, with 64 percent of Democratic voters saying they would prefer a new standard-bearer..."
"... in the 2024 presidential campaign, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll, as voters nationwide have soured on his leadership, giving him a meager 33 percent job-approval rating.... More than three-quarters of registered voters see the United States moving in the wrong direction, a pervasive sense of pessimism that spans every corner of the country, every age range and racial group, cities, suburbs and rural areas, as well as both political parties.... In the survey, 94 percent of Democrats under the age of 30 said they would prefer a different presidential nominee.... One glimmer of good news for Mr. Biden is that the survey showed him with a narrow edge in a hypothetical rematch in 2024 with former President Donald J. Trump: 44 percent to 41 percent. The result is a reminder of one of Mr. Biden’s favorite aphorisms: 'Don’t compare me to the Almighty, compare me to the alternative.'"
६८ टिप्पण्या:
Heh. If they want to get rid of the senile criminal, they're going to have to impeach him. High crimes and misdemeanors, baby. Shouldn't be hard to find. Let's take another look at Hunter's laptop, shall we?
"President Biden is facing an alarming level of doubt from inside his own party, with 64 percent of Democratic voters saying they would prefer a new standard-bearer..."
Took ya long enough.
"One glimmer of good news for Mr. Biden is that the survey showed him with a narrow edge in a hypothetical rematch in 2024 with former President Donald J. Trump: 44 percent to 41 percent"
Which tells us that the poll is slanted Left, but STILL has all that other bad news for the Dems
In the primaries, Biden was picked and endorsed almost solely by the old geezer African American contingent in Congress. Its about time the other groups in the Party woke up and asked WTF happened.
It's hard to detect senility in Democrats.
After this weekend, I'm retiring grandpa felonyfingers. Biden shall henceforth be referred to as Pedo Peter. I consider this moniker to be authoritative. It is, after all, what his own son has him saved to his contacts and Pedo Pete has used the alias "Peter Henderson" previously. Bayesian probability 8-ball says "true".
From the toothless mouths of crack-addicted underage hooker screwing 'smartest men we know' sons shall come the truth.
"A new standard bearer"
What alarming hack-press insider corruption talk is that? Dems must seek an insider?
How about someone new? Nah. The corrupt Billionaires in charge of The Party will have none of that. Instead the dems give you an insider or an insider-in-training.
in training:
Buttigig and Kamala.
or the 2 in training:
“Better than a poke in the eye.”
“Better than a case of Covid.”
“Better than terminal cancer.”
One of these should be the new slogan for Biden/Harris.
Or make your own!
Biden has the lowest presidential approval rating ever recorded, his own party wants to dump him, and almost ninety percent of the voters say the country is on the wrong track, but he beats Trump? Science!!
Cognitive dissonance (aka Trump Derangement Syndrome) is fading. Rationality is coming back. But still, nothing would surprise me in 2022 and 2024:
Biden and Harris both impeached and Trump installed in 2023?
Trump wins in 2024? Michelle Obama? Joe Manchin? Oprah?
Well, I guess I'd be surprised if AOC became President.
When you've lost 90 percent of Democrats, you've lost middle America
Poor Biden. He’s being blamed for the Progressive Policies he’s pushed through.
What Dem is going to run against those policies?
Newsom and Pritzker pushed those Progressive Policies in their states. Kamala can’t run against those policies. Mayor Pete can’t run against those policies.
No Dem can run against those policies.
It’s not a Biden problem. It’s a Progressive problem. Their regressive policies (Sun & Wind will provide the Energy We Need is so 17th Century).
Starvation and death is the Middle Ages.
Trump’s son caught jerking with a gun.
"94 percent of Democrats under the age of 30 said they would prefer a different presidential nominee"
Unfortunately, they probably would prefer someone even worse like Bernie or AOC.
—- Joe Biden
"Poor Biden. He’s being blamed for the Progressive Policies he’s pushed through."
What actual policies, "progressive" or otherwise, has he pushed through?
Besides, it's actually Congress that creates policies. The Prez can only advocate for or lend his support to policies to be (or being) made in Congress...or veto policies he dislikes.
The Democrats are going to pay for stealing the 2020 election.
After the 2022 midterms there are going to be real audits.
Arizona is going to rescind the endorsement of their elections.
Election integrity reforms like photo ID requirements that are overwhelmingly popular are going to be passed.
Democrats/GOPe will be out of power for a generation if they aren't all thrown in jail or worse.
How can the elite of our country just be noticing now, what the average person was aware of in 2020? Are our elites *that* enveloped in bubbles of obliviousness, or were they hoping that we were?
Can Pedo Pete hang in til January? If he can, whatever vp succeeds him can run in both 24 and 28 for a total of 10 years in office.
If before Jan 23, they can serve the stub term and be elected once.
Sure would be nice to slide our president emeritus into the vp asap then presidency in January.
Mr Wibble said...Biden won in 2020 with 4.4 point margin over Trump, and only won due to about 45,000 votes across swing states.
Which tells us the Times doesn't understand how US presidential elections work. Not terribly surprising. What is surprising is that the Times' own survey has Biden 27 pts underwater. There's got to be a limit out there somewhere, an absolute bottom that partisan reality makes unbreachable. With the RCP average at almost -20%, Biden is already below what I thought was possible.
Biden is a burden, but is he a "burden", too? Is there a hero waiting in darkness? Just how desperate are Democrats.
"Biden shall henceforth be referred to as Pedo Peter. I consider this moniker to be authoritative."
That's the thing about Trump: he, and he alone, would call Biden "Pedo Peter" again and again at his rallies, and force the exasperated media to cover it. The other Repubs, even DeSantis, would be too polite to mention it. Which is one reason I miss the guy.
Still not as bad as LBJ.
Still not as bad as LBJ.
In 1968 LBJ announced not running on March 31. Can Biden wait that long? In July 1966 who foresaw the Democratic primary field? Veep ended up nominee, but that the doing of Sirhan Sirhan.
These Democratic voters are the NYT's constituency. Does the NYT leadership feel any remorse over how they promoted and protected Biden up until now?
Robert Cook said...
"Poor Biden. He’s being blamed for the Progressive Policies he’s pushed through."
What actual policies, "progressive" or otherwise, has he pushed through?
Cancelled Keystone XL pipeline and is currently shutting down oil/nat gas exploration leases for one.
Robert Cook said...
What actual policies, "progressive" or otherwise, has he pushed through?
2. Open borders.
3. War with Russia.
4. Defunding the police.
Nation Comes Together.
But who would they like that new standard bearer to be, is the question?
Bernie? Warren? Buttigeig? All three dutifully stepped aside for Biden. Would any of them perform better in office? Would they beat Trump or DeSantis or even Pence at this point?
The Dems purged their moderates. They don't have much of a bench. I don't see moderates and independents wanting to go further left right now.
Newsome? Loathesome. And speaking of loathsome, Hillary will probably poke her head out the smoke hole again, but if anything, she's less electable than ever.
Once again, the Dems will have to come up with a dark horse and then they'll have to cheat again.
Any guesses?
I guess I must have thought Kamala wasn't even worth mentioning, because I didn't mention her.
Who are the 33% of Democrats who think Biden is doing a good job? What is it that they like about his performance?
The other theory is that Pedo Peter is actually Hunter. Take a look at the last picture in this post.
Remember when it was rumored that Washington was, if only secretly, relieved Bush was in the White House when we were attacked on 9/11?
Who better than Joe Biden to handle the post-Roe crisis at the White House? 😏
obert Cook asked:
What actual policies, "progressive" or otherwise, has he pushed through?
Reversing Keystone Pipeline deals. Reversing the Mexico City policy on NGO's abortion funding. Ended "Stay in Mexico" immigration procedures. Set policy on vaccinations for immigrants. Many executive orders about financial sanctions on Russia (some before and some after Congressional sanctions) Executive orders on financial "Covid response" stimulus checks, again before Congress legislated. Eased restrictions on immigration from Muslim nations. Extended federal EEO protections to trans-persons. Paused repayment requirements on federal student loans. Revived DACA. Dinked with federal regulations on air conditioners, electrical grid transformers, solar panels, labor union preferences for federal construction projects, black college enrollment ...
Besides, it's actually Congress that creates policies. The Prez can only advocate for or lend his support to policies to be (or being) made in Congress...or veto policies he dislikes.
Agreed, that would be what the constitution requires.
The left always overvalues itself and undervalues the actual art of governing. They think that they can govern well and, even if they don't, the country will just run on autopilot allowing them to grab all the glory anyway.
There is a possibility that we are seeing the inevitable decline/demise of the D party. It's a party of Hollywood, NY finance, Big Tech , enviros and Blacks. That's a niche party with no real base. NY finance and Big Tech will desert a sinking ship in seconds. Blacks are starting to realize that they are just cannon fodder for the D machine so all you may be left with is the Hollywood climate change crowd. Even without desertions it's not a national coalition. With the defections it's a series of minor localized parties.
The R's just need to not screw up. Fingers crossed. Can they do that?
Besides, it's actually Congress that creates policies. The Prez can only advocate for or lend his support to policies to be (or being) made in Congress...or veto policies he dislikes.
Well, that would certainly explain why he overturned every one of Trump's executive orders, wouldn't it?
Sri Lanka stirs my soul.
Now do Trump with Republicans. You may get the same answer.
The reason his current numbers are what they are is because Biden did not win the 2020 election. He was installed by coordinated, targeted absentee and metropolitan voter fraud that took place in WI, AZ, MI, GA, and PA. He did NOT receive 81 million legal votes.
We are all paying the price for losing any and all accountability of our gov't to the voting public. They installed a corrupt career grifter who laundered foreign aid money and favors with his crackhead son for family and establishment enrichment.
The fraud will happen again. Madison, WI will cheer it on.
What actual policies, "progressive" or otherwise, has he pushed through?
Besides, it's actually Congress that creates policies. The Prez can only advocate for or lend his support to policies to be (or being) made in Congress...or veto policies he dislikes.
It's no surprise that Cook has no idea how the country is run. Congress has not passed a budget in 14 years. Biden signed 31 EOs on inauguration day. All were prog policies.
Open borders, no fossil fuels, all prog policies.
Biden: Slicker than snot on a doorknob!
Robert Cook said...
"Poor Biden. He’s being blamed for the Progressive Policies he’s pushed through."
What actual policies, "progressive" or otherwise, has he pushed through?
Open borders
Cutting US oil and gas production
Massively inflating the money supply
Title IX and Trans policies
His Afghanistan pullout f'up
Those just off the top of my head.
Every signle one of them a negative for America
So that means when i look at 2 people, odds are 1 of those 2 people think Joes doing a good job.
That means theres a hell of a lot of Ingas out there.
I am not afraid.
""President Biden is facing an alarming level of doubt from inside his own party, with 64 percent of Democratic voters saying they would prefer a new standard-bearer...""
He's been in their midst for 40 years. Only now they realize his true nature? Doesn't say much for their collective judgment.
Imagine if 50 former DemoncRAT intelligence analysts had instead told the truth in 2020 and said that it appeared the Hunter laptop was real. They knew it- they lied to the American public. And Biden as POTUS is the result.
Imagine if Twitter and Facebook were actual free speech platforms and hadn't censored all news about Hunter's laptop- labelling the Truth as disinformation. But they did. And Biden as POTUS is the result.
Imagine of the FBI and other intelligence agencies had come right out and said the the Steele dossier was total and complete bullcrap as soon as they knew it- which was pretty much simultaneous when it first appeared. But they didn't- they instead used it and lied to the FISA court- without any penalty whatsoever- in order to cripple President Trump with endless investigations trying to provoke him into an actual impeachable offense. They never succeeded, but the DemoncRATs in congress impeached him twice anyway. And Biden as POTUS is the result.
Lots and lots of people all conspired to make Biden POTUS. Not by getting together and saying let's do this and let's do that. But by doing this and that knowing all the others were going to approve and do what they could do get rid of the upstart outsider.
I reluctantly voted for Trump the first time, suspecting that as a dealmaker he would willingly work with DemoncRATs as they offered him olive branches and compromises. Instead they adopted a scorched earth policy against him, hardening his heart against them. I voted enthusiastically for him against Biden. If for no other reason- the laptop showed his corruption.
oops, almost forgot- Ashley Biden's diary was also a forbidden subject on social media. And totally non-reported by mainstream media reporters. It showed Biden was, in addition to corrupt, morally bankrupt. Naked showers with his daughter?
And on a similar note- likely because it would reflect badly on mostly DemoncRATs, Ghislaine's client list has never been revealed. She apparently trafficked young girls to no one and was found guilty... I'm sure a few of the surrender caucus of the Republican party are on the list. And we all know without any evidence at all whatsoever that in the many raids on Epstein's property that video was found. Again, hidden away forever from public view- because it's great blackmail material for those that found it.
Biden is going to be removed as POTUS one way or another after he hits the 2 year point. Who is going to be POTUS in 2024 in the runup to the election? I don't care to make any prediction but this- it won't be Kamala Harris. She'll be POTUS for a awhile, but not long. The big question- how will she be removed?
"a reminder of one of Mr. Biden’s favorite aphorisms: 'Don’t compare me to the Almighty, compare me to the alternative.'" Well, I hear that. He may compare favorably with the other Democratic candidates. To quote the owner of his blog: "Better than nothing is a high bar."
Oh, are we back to believing in polls again?
Let's face it, the D party was shocked at Biden's 'win.'
Even they couldn't grasp the epic nature of the cheating involved to pull it off...
"Poor Biden. He’s being blamed for the Progressive Policies he’s pushed through."
Robert Cook: "What actual policies, "progressive" or otherwise, has he pushed through?"
Greg The Class Traitor: "Open borders
Cutting US oil and gas production
Massively inflating the money supply
Title IX and Trans policies
His Afghanistan pullout f'up
Those just off the top of my head.
Every signle one of them a negative for America"
More importantly, lefty/stalinist Robert Cook doesn't recognize how disastrous those policies are for the working classes....the very classes that Robert Cook claims to care about.
Spoiler: He doesn't. And leftists never do. And never will. But they'll continue to pretend that they do while they insist that you believe that they do.
But they don't.
Now, if you want to say there are alot of republicans who help the lefties pull this crap on the working classes of America, you'll get a lot of agreement from conservatives on this blog.
Naked showers with his daughter?
Well, Gadfly says, that many parents bath their infant daughters..
So, according to Gadfly, that makes it OKAY for a dad to SHOWER, naked, with his adolescent daughter
Of course, Gadfly IS the sort of person that WOULD think that sharing a shower with your adolescent children is OKAY; Aren't you Gadfly?
"President Biden is facing an alarming level of doubt from inside his own party, with 64 percent of Democratic voters saying they would prefer a new standard-bearer..."
Rix: "Now do Trump with Republicans. You may get the same answer."
It's already well established the America Last uniparty is against Trump.
No argument there.
Gospace: "oops, almost forgot- Ashley Biden's diary was also a forbidden subject on social media. And totally non-reported by mainstream media reporters. It showed Biden was, in addition to corrupt, morally bankrupt. Naked showers with his daughter?"
According to Inga, victoria from Pasadena and gadfly, showering with your adolescent daughter is a totally, completely "normal" thing for "normal" families to do. Inga/victoria/gadfly have all praised the Bidens for their "normality".
One suspects that this sort of thing is quite common in democratical families and that's why increased child trafficking is no big deal to them. It's certainly no big deal for the Biden clan with Hunter's use of underage trafficked Chinese and Russian prostitutes while snorting coke.
All in a completely "normal" manner....naturally.
Was there ever any real enthusiasm for Biden? Democrats love to fall in love with their candidates and presidents, but was anybody really in love with Biden? Democrats picked Biden because they wanted Trump out, not because they liked Joe. Half the party backed Joe because they also didn't want Sanders, either because they saw Bernie as a loser, or because they dreaded what he would do if elected. But why did Bernie pull out? He didn't have to. Did Biden's team or the party Establishment make promises to Bernie and his camp?
And now Democrats are starting to admit that Joe isn't all there. Is that because they see a change in his behavior? Or because Biden didn't raise a bigger ruckus about abortion? Or because they see Joe's bad poll numbers?
Slow Joe makes Gov Le Petomane* look like a rocket scientist.
*Le Petomane was a French entertainer. The fart machine.
"How can the elite of our country just be noticing now, what the average person was aware of in 2020? Are our elites *that* enveloped in bubbles of obliviousness, or were they hoping that we were?"
What "elites" are you referring to in particular? In any case, YES, it is in the nature of elites to be enveloped of obliviousness to anything that occurs or exists outside of their bubble.
"'What actual policies, "progressive" or otherwise, has he pushed through?'"
"2. Open borders."
We do not have open borders.
"3. War with Russia."
Yes, but this is not a "progressive" (or new) policy, but a continuation of America's post-WWII policy of global hegemony that has been in place since the end of WWII, (to repeat myself). We have been at war with Russia all that time.
"4. Defunding the police."
He is not defunding the police.
Biden will stay president until his term is over or until his dementia is so bad that the 25th amendment is invoked or threatened. Harris is even less capable than Biden so no one in their right mind would want her to become president. If Harris were to become president should Biden resign or die it better be before before the next congress takes office. There is no chance that a republican controlled congress is going to appoint any democrat to the vp slot if harris were to become president upon Biden's resignation or death.
I dunno. Maybe the Donks aren't as dumb as they seem.
Robert Cook said...
"'What actual policies, "progressive" or otherwise, has he pushed through?'"
"2. Open borders."
We do not have open borders.
Yes, we do. People come to the border, get "arrested", and then get transported from the border to be released internally, with no method to track them and force them to come to any later hearings.
That is for all intents and purposes open borders
Who are the 33% that think he's doing OK? I want to see images of these people.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"'What actual policies, "progressive" or otherwise, has he pushed through?'"
"2. Open borders."
We do not have open borders.
I stopped reading at that lie. You and that lesbian press secretary must be the only two people in America who believe that, if indeed you are stupid enough to do so.
Blogger Joe Smith said...
Let's face it, the D party was shocked at Biden's 'win.'
Even they couldn't grasp the epic nature of the cheating involved to pull it off...
Agreed. I think that was the reason for the late night shenanigans with covering windows, pretending to shut down counting before resuming when the Republican observers had gone home, the shutdown in Georgia from the "sewer leak." It was obvious but the legacy Media was not interested.
Robert Cook
Item one on his agenda. Stopping the pipeline.
2. Open borders - yes our southern border is open. Border patrol are over-whelmed and not allowed to do their jobs. Low moral and not enough to handle the influx.
Under Biden - there are estimates of upwards of 1.3+ illegal entrants have been dispersed through out the nation.
3> war with Russian. Putin knew what he was doing with crooked Dementia Joe at the helm + war machine.
4. Defund the police - Joe doesn't have the power to defund the police = that happens locally. and it's happening where I live with 3 Boulder city council members who have openly stated they are FOR defunding the police. Crime is thru the roof.
So I googled "Pedo Peter."
Article here and here
I'm suspicious whenever I hear "4Chan."
Also, people who hack things are also people who can lie and/or manufacture images.
On the other hand the laptop is an insane (and true!) story.
Weird that the media isn't really covering Hunter Biden at all.
The other fascinating thing is that when I google "Pedo Peter," I get this from Google, which I have never seen before in my life.
It looks like these results are changing quickly
If this topic is new, it can sometimes take time for reliable sources to publish information
Check the source
Are they trusted on this topic?
Come back later
Other sources might have more information on this topic in a few hours or days
While the message is innocent (and probably right), I find it deeply disturbing, precisely because I've never seen that shit before.
For instance: 10 Year Old Girl Gets Abortion has no warning message about "checking your sources" and blah blah blah.
Mr Wibble said...
One glimmer of good news for Mr. Biden is that the survey showed him with a narrow edge in a hypothetical rematch in 2024 with former President Donald J. Trump: 44 percent to 41 percent.
Given that the polls have always underestimated Trump, 44/41 is the equivalent of dead even.
Robert Cook said...
Besides, it's actually Congress that creates policies.
Quite right. FDR had nothing to do with the New Deal, or LBJ with the Great Society, or Lincoln with Civil War strategy, or Wilson with the entry into WWI . . .
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