Writes Mara Gay, in "The Republican War on Sex" (NYT).
३ जुलै, २०२२
"One day I hope to become a mother. But for now I have sex just because I like it. Sex is fun. For the puritanical tyrants seeking to control our bodies..."
"... that’s a problem. This radical minority, including the right-wing faction on the Supreme Court, probably won’t stop at banning abortion. If we take Justice Clarence Thomas at his word — and there’s no reason not to — the right to contraception could be the next to fall. Why? Because many in this movement are animated by an insatiable desire to punish women who have sex on our own terms and enjoy it.... They are part of a movement intended to curb the hard-won freedom to pursue careers and joys outside the confines of wifehood and motherhood.... In the America where I came of age, I was told my life was worth more than my ability to have babies. And my sexuality was nothing to be ashamed of.... Later, when I was a student at the University of Michigan, the movement for sex positivity was thrilling and liberating. We learned that pleasurable sexual experiences between consenting adults of all genders and orientations were to be celebrated.... "
birth control,
Mara Gay,
post-Roe politics
८६ टिप्पण्या:
Another lefty fails the Turing test.
This Gay woman has no idea what conservatives think. There is no desire by conservatives to punish or subjugate women.
"hard-won freedom"
hard-on freedom if you're a speedreader
They are part of a movement intended to curb the hard-won freedom to pursue careers and joys,
of being f*ck toys for men.
finished it for you
"Men; our 60 year mission, to make women think that they WANT to be objects to be used by us..
has been a Suckess!!"
"This radical minority, including the right-wing faction on the Supreme Court, probably won’t stop at banning abortion. If we take Justice Clarence Thomas at his word — and there’s no reason not to — the right to contraception could be the next to fall. Why? Because many in this movement are animated by an insatiable desire to punish women who have sex on our own terms and enjoy it."
Why do you fall for this crap Ann? For 50 years or so the pro-life movement has been fighting for the unborn. As a born again Christian, I have marched in many protests to bring about this change. At no time, did I see anyone protest against sex. In fact, believers know people have a free will and will sin to their heart's content. It is only through a change in their heart will they change. What they do behind closed doors is between them and God.
Did I miss something? Who is telling this woman not to have sex? Who is telling this woman that she can’t use birth control?
It’s true that her public moral stance will damage her in the end but that’s her business
The hyperbole around abortion is astonishing. It also reveals the shallowness of a large chunk of society.
Court's Got nothing to do with this adolescent's rant. She needs to save her love for the millions of immigrants she's gonna be supporting. She has so very much to learn.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that Ms Gay hasn't read Sun Tzu. Does she really think the conservative justices are engineering the Handmaid's Tale? Or is this just a schtick, red meat for the NYT crowd? Either way, it's not likely to help the overall situation, from her perspective.
"The right to contraception" What does that mean? Has the right to contraception been established by a supreme court decision? Which one? If so, is there a case before the court that will take this alleged constitutional right away? Access to contraception, just like abortion, will have to come from legislation, not the Supreme Court. These people refuse to understand how the system works.
The sex positivity she experienced in college has now disappeared because Title IX decided it can be called rape after the fact, with no due process or evidence.
My simple life time take on the Constitution and the Supreme Court is that its primary purpose is the protect us from the tyranny of the majority.
Pay for the murder of your baby yourselves. I don't want to murder innocent babies who feel pain because YOU don't want to take precautions to protect yourself.
Again- this supposition that the right doesn't like sex is very bizarre. All young people want to get laid, even those who espouse holding off until marriage. Some will hold off. But of that group, if the opportunity came, I'd bet they would take it- being human and all. Most all humans love sex and the proof is our numbers. Which, by the way are shrinking and not because conservatives don't like sex. It's because progressives have destroyed sex.
This argument that the right wants to deny sex or control sex is straight out of the 'Handmaid's Tale' mindset, which is a very bizarre sort of worldview. Wanting to restrict killing babies is not akin to controlling sex. Sex has been happening since before we stood upright. And this generation thinks they're the first to try to figure out how to do this thing without having a baby. That it might take some work or planning enough to have some contraceptives is what seems to escape people today. Why is this so far beyond their capability?
And how badly stunted in your own development do you have to be to not see that any abortion requires the ending of a life? How you approach that is up to the individual, but that it is what it is cannot be denied.
This line: "I was told my life was worth more than my ability to have babies." , just rankles me. All lives have worth. That is the point of this. That the author takes this as either me or them is nuts. For many- no, for most- having a child is the single greatest thing they've done in their lives. Nothing surpasses that single act in its enormity. And any woman who thinks they cannot be all they can be and still have a family, well...they may be missing the point of this life. May be. Certainly, those I know who have done both, or are doing both would disagree with her.
As for me and mine- today we're celebrating the birth of our 5th grandchild. Our family is ecstatic. All of us- liberal and conservative, from New York to Washington State to Florida. Pro and anti-abortion. We are all about the baby today.
Sheesh. Pretty simple. You're not that important, lady. It's the kid.
Last I heard, conservative women are reproducing at exactly replacement rate and conservative Christian women well over that.
"Dive right in, ladies,' said an evangelist's wife.
It's hard to think of a simpler, wronger reaction to Dobbs than this self-referential nonsense.
"(t)he right to contraception could be the next to fall."
Assuming arguendo, this right to contraception is indeed taken away, name a single state or locality where there's the slightest possibility of such legislation being passed.
I'm still waiting for our Leftist friends here to identify by name a single person who is unable to vote due to voter ID laws. Still waiting.
Good lord, lady. nobody cares who, what or why you fuck. Have at it with a MixMaster for all I care. Just don't make me a moral accomplice to your lack of self control.
The super-duper saddest thing of all is some desperate patsy Uriah Heep milquetoast simp will wife this thing someday and make her a mother. Not that she's clearly got a baggage train a mile long plus a thousand-cock stare, but that thirst will drive a middling-intellect dude into the arms of a disaster that will effect his life forever and hers - yet again - temporarily.
Man is the only other mammal that has recreational sex…
One day I hope to become a mother.
Ms. Gay is 32(33?). She's running out of time. I know the left thinks biology is just a social construct, but the human female is designed to have children in her 20's not her 30's. Risks of complications goes up every year while her chances of successfully getting pregnant go down.
When she does decide that it's finally time to be a mother, she might have problems finding a man to want to give her a child, since he'll be with the next generation of "sex is fun" 20 somethings.
Later, when I was a student at the University of Michigan, the movement for sex positivity was thrilling and liberating. We learned that pleasurable sexual experiences between consenting adults of all genders and orientations were to be celebrated. Every year the school held a safe-sex fair, handing out condoms and prescriptions for Plan B. One year the students erected a giant replica of a vulva, tall enough to walk through, complete with a working bell at the top where the clitoris would be. That used to be a fun memory for me.
Ms. Gay should just come out and say that she has a kink for being the "open minded" sexual person. That she needs the fantasy of the "evil republican trying to stop her from being a slut". It appears to arouse her.
At some point Ms. Gay needs to grow up. But she lives in the insulated world of NYC and the NY Times, so that might be hard for her to accomplish. Luckily for her, abortion will still be legal in NYC.
lgv said...
"The right to contraception" What does that mean? Has the right to contraception been established by a supreme court decision? Which one?
well, yeah.. GRISWOLD v. CONNECTICUT Does it bother Anyone else (besides ME?) that gilbar knew the name Griswold (except i would have spelt it Griswald)
Mara Gay is an influential individual, and a member of the NYT editorial board. She is at the center of the media whirlpool, and will be there for decades to come. She is announcing the new meme that will soon be repeated in editorials, morning and evening news shows, late night monologues, and water cooler conversations. The meme is that sex is good, Republicans hate sex, and Republicans are therefore bad. Q.E.D.
It's ridiculous of course, but simplicity often conquers absurdity.
She's 32. Better get moving on the mom thing.
Google couples her picture with a Wikipedia article about Mara Gaye, a dancer and burlesque strip tease artiste, born Marjorie Helen Ginsberg in the Bronx in 1920.
In this post-Freudian world, is sex really the be-all and end-all people once thought it was?
Sex neutrality sounds like a better policy, especially with the monkey pox going around.
All sex with all comers, but no baby people allowed on the planet. The Depopulators certainly are well funded.
Later, when I was a student at the University of Michigan, the movement for sex positivity was thrilling and liberating. We learned that pleasurable sexual experiences between consenting adults of all genders and orientations were to be celebrated...
As if Obama-Biden, through their Title IX rule making, weren't the ones officially harshing the campus mellow on sex positivity.
Here we go again...
I never saw a liberation that didn’t come with some other constraint. The point that God keeps pressing to his children (to whom he gave and guaranteed free will) is: “which constraint is better for you in the long run?”
She had fun having unrestrained sex in college. The society in which she now lives is not having fun with increasing levels of loneliness, depression, contention, a growing wealth gap, failing education institutions, multi-generational poverty, single parenthood, school shootings, etc. She might not see or want to see the correlation but it is certainly there.
Is society not allowed to ask her to self-constrain in some areas of her personal life for the betterment of the whole of society? My guess is she would say: “certainly”. So really then it’s a question of what self-constraints lead to the most joy for all?
Did I miss something? Who is telling this woman not to have sex? Who is telling this woman that she can’t use birth control?
Joy(less) Reid. She's seriously delusional. Liberal women drink in everything she says.
"Men also have sex for pleasure. This is not just a women’s issue."
The hell you say. Is that why they used to tell us to "relax," "loosen up," "don't be so uptight" back in the early 60s? When girls were so lame for wanting to get married and raise families?
Glad we put all that behind us.
"Because many in this movement are animated by an insatiable desire to punish women who have sex on our own terms and enjoy it....:
Ms. Gay's nonsense must come as a great surprise to the 1 million+ barely pubescent girls who are raking in thousands of dollars on OnlyFans.
The right is a great deal more knowledgeable about what the left wants than the left is of the right. I think the people behind the left keep them ignorant of the real views of right so they can put up straw men to knock down. Everyday I get told I believe things that are outright laughable.
The overwrought and misdirected whining about what the Court did not due has to have a source. I’m betting on guilt at indiscriminate sex and having abortions. You much emotion to think otherwise. These people are simply not convinced of their own position in the core of their being and are blaming others for it.
Mara Gay sure does not want the abortion laws to be made by the state legislatures.
I figure she wants those laws to be made only by the US Supreme Court, by the US Congress or by the US President issuing executive orders.
One would have to be pretty blind not to see that the left is the side that's hostile to heterosexual sex. Everything from "me too" to drag queens in schools to encouraging kids to have top and/or bottom surgery to denying the existence of any hard-wired differences between women and men points to this conclusion. But I guess the propaganda value of gaslighting readers with 1960s-era social stereotypes about "repressed" Republicans is too good for the NYT to pass up.
If puritanical tyrants wanted to control your body, wouldn’t they have discovered a right to life in the Constitution?
But for now I have sex just because I like it. Sex is fun.
Is that what science says?
I know in the language of the street, when you are "fucked/fucked up, is not fun. In fact, you could say it is the opposite of fun. I'm even old enough to remember when "all sex was rape".
Why is 'fucking' so disparately contradictory? If it is truly the domain of fun and equality? Why does it also include to mean such misery?
Just to be clear, however, I'm not suggesting people shouldn't be free to conduct their private lives as they see fit. What I am saying is that we should conduct it with as clear and open eyes as possible. Always bearing in mind that freedoms does not mean freedoms from responsibilities.
Keep asking questions.
She reminds me of What's-Her-Face, the perpetual graduate student who spoke at the Democrat National Convention a few cycles ago. The mean
"the right to contraception could be the next to fall"
Come to think of it, where exactly does the Constitution address contraception?
"Because many in this movement are animated by an insatiable desire to punish women who have sex on our own terms and enjoy it."
WTF? I mean, WTFF? Hey, progs: saying something isn't in the Constitution and leaving it to the people means: the people get to decide. And asking you to take resistibility for sex and its consequences is "punishment"?
"We learned that pleasurable sexual experiences between consenting adults of all genders and orientations were to be celebrated.... "
Until progs changed their mind and pleasurable sexual experiences became opportunities for college girls to hound men, especially black men, after the fact.
I think Mara Gay is a bit confused, perhaps by her own sexual experiences.
Most guys want women to enjoy sex with them, regardless of their political views. Otherwise, women would only have sex for transactional reasons.
Mara sounds like a woman who has mostly had sex with guys who just want to get their rocks off.
The mean Republicans were taking away her "reproductive rights" because they wouldn't pay for her birth control pills. Turns out she could get them for $2 at Target with her student ID.
I often wondered why her boyfriend wouldn't give her the 2 bucks.
The mean Republicans were taking away her "reproductive rights" because they wouldn't pay for her birth control pills. Turns out she could get them for $2 at Target with her student ID.
I often wondered why her boyfriend wouldn't give her the 2 bucks.
That terrifying moment when the Power is removed from the Federal Government and placed back in the hands of the states and their voters.
As for the whole 'banning sex, contraception, gay marriage, interracial relationships, etc. etc.', it's the old Booga-Booga, projection of that which they would be doing themselves, onto their opposition. To Ban is to Control.
“ Why do you fall for this crap Ann?”
You assume a fact about me then complain that a fact is assumed about you.
"The god of love has pitched his tent in a place of excrement." Young people with all their insecurities and poses are spectacularly bad at having sex. Does anyone know of anyone who passed through adolescence without a few unpleasant maybe even traumatic experiences?....I don't know if there's any way around it. What I would suggest to young woman though is that they begin the process by seeking out older men. Such men are not quite as afflicted with macho impulses as their younger counterparts.....The beau ideal in this regard is Jeffrey Epstein. He not only provided luxury accommodations on idyllic islands, but he paid the girls for their time and trouble. On that idyllic island he arranged for many leaders in business and government to donate their time and efforts to provide a sex positive experience for the young women he recruited.....Jeffrey has come to a sad end, hounded to an untimely death by the Puritans in our midst....Well, don't despair. I'm sure that even as I write this the Clinton Global Initiative is seeking out ways and means to continue Jeffrey's fine work.
rehajm said, "Man is the only other mammal that has recreational sex…" I think it is fairly well-established that bonobos (pygmy chimps) do too. Often female-female sex.
I'm not sure if there really is a "right" to contraception, but certainly there's no movement to ban it. Sure, there are people who want to ban it, but they are not numerous enough to accomplish anything. Similarly, there are groups which want to ban all PIV sex. Of course, these are celebrated as having a charmingly transgressive frisson. Unlike the scary, if mostly nonexistent, anti-contraception zealots.
I can only assume that what Mara Gay is doing is some kind of victimology cosplay.
And yet Republicans in Congress have been trying to get birth control to be OTC for years, but the Democrats resist because Pharma companies can charge more if it’s prescription.
Now I have no idea if there is a constitutional right to birth control, but I do believe banning it would be a terrible idea. I know there are some very strict religious beliefs that think it is immoral, and those people should definitely not use it.
Still and all, I do find this sudden obsession with “bodily autonomy” by the party of vaccine mandates to be kind of funny.
This child/woman thinks that her group is the first to have recreational sex and really enjoy it? No, you are the first group to never shut-up and stop talking about how much recreational sex you have. No one is interested in your sexcapades. It’s like listening to someone talk about the dream they had last night. I wonder if Missy Gay ever heard of the sixties and the “summer of love”? Sorry, she and her friends did not invent good sex. They invented no conscience about sleeping with whoever and if they get pregnant, well there’s always an abortion…no worries!
I have never used birth control a day in my life. I don’t think it’s healthy or necessary in many instances. However, not even I would dream of making it illegal. And it’s not just me - birth control has something like a 98% rate of support. And similarly, though anecdotally, pretty much 99% of women I know use birth control, and I’ve yet to meet a single man who disapproves of its use.
Hormonal birth control isn’t going ANYWHERE. Anyone who would attempt to make it illegal would be committing political suicide.
Sex positive people really ought to avoid using the word "insatiable."
"Because many in this movement are animated by an insatiable desire to punish women who have sex on our own terms and enjoy it.... They are part of a movement intended to curb the hard-won freedom to pursue careers and joys outside the confines of wifehood and motherhood.. "
I always wonder what life people who say things like this are experiencing. Because it certainly isn't *this* life in *this* time in *this* country. Who is telling them this desire exists, and why do they believe it?
A straw man dressed as a straw clown.
Overturning Roe, Roe, Roe your baby returns the issue of slavery... diversity [dogma]... human rites (e.g. witch trials, warlock judgments, baby cannibalism and sequestration) to the states.
That said, there is no mystery in sex and conception. A woman's (i.e. female by Nature) and man's (i.e. male by Nature) first choice is to have sex or abstain. Their second choice is prevention of conception (in depth). Their third choice is adoption (i.e. shared/shifted responsibility). Their fourth choice is compassion (i.e. shared/personal responsibility). And they, a couple together, woman and man individually, have an equal right to self-defense through reconciliation.
The novel conception of choice(s) and responsibility.
Roe's regrets. Ruth's remorse. Demos-cracy (i.e. "burden" h/t Obama) is aborted at the twilight fringe in darkness. h/t WaPo Wicked.
This person and the NY Times continue to lie about the Dobbs decision. Nobody "banned abortion." This woman is lying, no doubt to try to convince NYT readers that the Court did something it didn't. I assume this will be the fall campaign message. I doubt it will work.
'We learned that pleasurable sexual experiences between consenting adults of all genders and orientations were to be celebrated.... "'
Well, if some woke professor says so it must be true.
Don't this idiots think for themselves?
And why must it be celebrated?
I remember when all gays asked for was tolerance.
That ship has sailed...
"If we take Justice Clarence Thomas at his word — and there’s no reason not to — the right to contraception could be the next to fall."
Let us suppose that the right to contraception were to "fall", as the right to abortion has fallen. That is, suppose that the Supreme Court expressed an unwillingness to require States to allow the sales of contraceptives. How many States do you suppose would avail themselves of their newfound opportunity to deprive Ms. Gay of her contraceptives? It is telling that she frames her opponents as puritanically opposed to her innocent pleasure. To describe their motives correctly would require her to admit that she is willing to kill for her "thrilling and liberating" sexual release.
I expect that most rapists find rape "thrilling and liberating". There are some who are even willing to kill another human in pursuit of their own sexual pleasure. What's Mara Gay's view on that? Is she animated by an insatiable desire to punish men who have sex on their own terms and enjoy it?
Girl : “Sex is empowering and fun!”
Boy: “Woohoo! Hookup!”
Girl: “Last night he was banging my backdoor and today he won’t pick up my calls.”
Boy: “Waitwait what?”
Girl: “Bastard. Rapist. I’m calling my mother/ the H.R. rep/ the cops.”
I am willing to bet that the court as now configured would not even agree to hear a case that involves delving into contraception. What states are even considering bans on contraception? Yes, there is some convoluted argument that the "morning after" pill might be banned, but I see it only as fund raising ploy.
gilbar said...
"well, yeah.. GRISWOLD v. CONNECTICUT"
I saw the Vacation movies. The Griswolds lived in Chicago.
Is it impossible to distinguish between wanting laws to be based on actual legislation and an objection to particular outcomes? It's a war on judicial feelings about things having legal impact.
Assume that all of Mara Gay's fevered musings are true. All of them.
What would stop her from moving to a state that allowed her all the kinks she desired?
Being a slut isn't really a good thing, Mara.
Marilyn Chambers, and only Marilyn Chambers, was Insatiable. The pool table scene was a classic of the genre.
"Because many in this movement are animated by an insatiable desire to punish women who have sex on our own terms and enjoy it ..."
Does Mara Gay know a single pro-life person? She states the motive of "many" people in the pro-life with zero equivocation.
I, on the other hand, know lots of people in the pro-life movement. At that point where they oppose abortion - every single one believes that the fetus is a HUMAN LIFE!
It is really quite simple to understand our motivations. For all of the people that claim other motivations, they are either lying, or have never had an informed debate with a pro-life person in their entire life.
The Eyes of Mara Gay…
she is already close to 40 >> how far away is one day to spare of hopeful motherhood
The NYT comments are enough to make this happily married grandpa of three (soon to be four) daughters weep.
Meanwhile in the Democratic war on sex, if a man who isn't a ten hits on a girl, he loses his job because he sexually harassed her.
Young women in competition for men are encouraged to be increasingly degenerate whether or not they wish to be, and when the sweaty hookup doesn't lead to the relationship she really wants, she turns to the campus Title IX office to get her revenge.
The dysfunctional trifecta of social progress, redistributive change, and retributive change. Forward! to the past.
Ms. Gay seems to be so "easy" and a "roundheel", that in the old days she would have been called "the town pump".
'Reminds me of the the promiscuous Roz on "Frazier", who complained her birth control was only 99% effective.
"I can't beat odds like that."
"Meanwhile in the Democratic war on sex, if a man who isn't a ten hits on a girl, he loses his job because he sexually harassed her."
Hitting on people in your workplace is not considered professional. Maybe it used to be, but standards have improved.
It's not that hard to keep up.
For the N to the Nth time, Thomas did not call for outlawing contraception or sodomy.
He objected to using the 14th Amendment's "due process" clause to achieve the results in the Roe, Griswold and Lawrence v. Texas cases, which found federal constitutional "rights to privacy" trumping state laws forbidding those practices.
He would revisit and overturn those cases, sending them back to the states, as has been done in Dodd.
In his own words:
"In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell. Because any substantive due process decision is “demonstrably erroneous,” we have a duty to “correct the error” established in those precedents."
It is highly doubtful he will ever get a chance to do so, as he would have to keep intact the Dodd majority until an appropriate case came before the Court---which might be never. (and assuming the other five Justices share his view.)
So Gay has the basic facts wrong--- S.O.P. at the conservative-hating NYT---and ludicrously charges "conservatives" with hating sex. [Has she ever met any big Mormon families?]
"Meanwhile in the Democratic war on sex, if a man who isn't a ten hits on a girl, he loses his job because he sexually harassed her."
Apparently I'm a ten.
"Hitting on people in your workplace is not considered professional."
Makes it sound exciting. Beats being a boring rule follower.
"I am victim. Hear me whine."
Sex on own terms means no contraception? You do you, Gay.
We "puritanical tyrants" don't care a whit about her addiction to sex. What we care about is her addiction to homicide as an appurtenance and the unscientific lying that goes along with it.
Believe all women means an accusation is enough to wreak havoc.
Great way to clear away an obstacle. Not all as lucky as Kavanaugh.
Blogger Bender said...
Assume that all of Mara Gay's fevered musings are true. All of them.
What would stop her from moving to a state that allowed her all the kinks she desired?
Oh, she knows she can get laid or licked any time she wants. This is just talk. What is it with Democrat women and sex? Tank Abrams has a porno novel and now Hillary is about to put one out. I think it is all fantasy by horny women who can't get laid.
This is all just bullshit intended by Democrats and their consorts to draw attention away from the most legitimate question, Is abortion homicide, that is, "a killing of one human being by another?"
Scientifically, and in some states legally, the unequivocal answer is, "Yes!"
This evokes a second question, "What then is the justification for 60 million homicides post-Roe?" The rationale offered by the NYT's Ms. Gay, i.e., the ladies likes their pokes, doesn't really cut it.
I said: “ Why do you fall for this crap Ann?”
AA responded: 'You assume a fact about me then complain that a fact is assumed about you.
I was undoubtedly inarticulate in my assertion. Let me try not to dig the hole deeper. By posting this Republican war on sex article, it would appear to me you are giving some credence to this statement. By your response, it would appear I am totally wrong in my assumption. Ok.
If by "Noted", I have been given the yellow card, I'll accept my discipline.
"For the puritanical tyrants seeking to control our bodies...""
Projection. I used to think the Progressives were the new Puritans; later, the new Pharisees; but now, the new Inquisitors.
How can they get away with saying that the “right-wing faction of the Supreme Court probably won’t stop at banning abortion”! It’s not surprising that the majority of Americans believe that the Supreme Court has banned abortion. Why can the mainstream media lie like this?
"This radical minority, including the right-wing faction on the Supreme Court, probably won’t stop at banning abortion"
So, Mara Gay is a lying sack of shit, and her editors suck.
Since SCOTUS did nothing of the sort
The guys get to screw more gals, who bear almost all the burden of any negative consequences. When will the gals catch on? Or is the new crop of 1st year students every fall a continuing source of new meat?
George Michael did it bettert but everybody should..Sex is natural. Sex is good. Not everybody done it but everybody should. Sex is natural. Sex is fun. Sex is heard when it's one on one. What's your definition of dirty, baby? What do you consider pornography? Don't you know I'll love you til it hurts me, baby? Don't you think it's time you had sex with me? C c c c c c'mon.
They say George died of AIDS but I think he died of a broken heart years earlier when his partner died of AIDS. Kids like Mara Gay have no memory of those years. Sad.
God help any kid she has.
She says sex is fun.
Some one of the 3 or 4 billion adults should let her know that isn't a secret.
As if "right wingers" don't have sex. Lots of it. We just don't parade down main street wagging our tails -- we're at home or at a getaway with our lover, enjoying each other. Orgasms are not political.
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