Context: The Wisconsin Supreme Court recently held that these drop boxes are illegal. As The NYT wrote:
State law allows absentee ballots to be returned in the mail; “ballot drop boxes, however, are not mailboxes,” Justice Bradley wrote....
In the opinion issued Friday, Justice Bradley compared Wisconsin’s elections to contests rigged by dictators in Syria and North Korea and questioned whether past elections in the state had been legitimate.
“Thousands of votes have been cast via this unlawful method, thereby directly harming the Wisconsin voters,” she wrote. “The illegality of these drop boxes weakens the people’s faith that the election produced an outcome reflective of their will. The Wisconsin voters, and all lawful voters, are injured when the institution charged with administering Wisconsin elections does not follow the law, leaving the results in question.”
७७ टिप्पण्या:
Why have drop boxes? Are people unable to find a mailbox? Is it that they can't afford one first class stamp?
Note the mailbox less than 100 feet away in the second picture.
Hopefully progs will #resist and continue to use them.
Drop boxes invite fraud. I was walking in a park in Lake Oswego Oregon, and came upon a ballot drop box in a parking lot with no site from the nearby road. Just the definition for trouble. There are bad people willing to steal elections - we need to pull our heads out of the sand on this.
Legal, illegal, they're nothing a skid-steer can't fix. Backhoe or dozer not necessary.
Do you see the bolts?
Those teensy tiny little bolts?
Those are the cutest little masonry bolts I've ever seen!
Adorable little bolts!
Who's got cute little baby bolts!
That's right ballot box! You do! You do!
Make defacing a drop-box a felony and actually enforce it.
It goes without saying that there should be cameras trained on every one 24/7 with a publicly-accessible internet feed.
Also, every box should be locked tight during nighttime hours...
I don't like them, but if you're going to do it, let the public have a modicum of assurance...
Obtuse only if you want a veneer of legitimacy. Strictly a veneer, though. But even that is not the interest of those running those boxes, manufacturing the ballots, and putting up the signs that tell their mates -- the Democratic Party rank n file -- that they may lose a heap big advantage if they don't take care of a few of those oppressor judges.
Those imagining something else are fantasizing about a long-gone America, I think. These people are thugs.
Literal interpretations are almost always the best interpretations.
The boxes are not viable, a "burden" under the state's constitution. Abort the boxes. Perhaps hold a rite at your neighborhood Planned Parenthood... or not. Vote for democratic... representative accountability in the light of two-party observers.
"If you want people to trust vote drop boxes, it's obtuse to post political signs on them."
A lot of people aren't about changing minds. They're about imposing their will on others.
Teachers and other Wisconsin public employees - i.e., leftwing assholes - should occupy the state building again.
Resist they much!
If you read Wisconsin Laws, those boxes are literally illegal.
But there are a bunch of Leftists pretending they are either god priests that get to make laws or idiots that cannot read.
Duct tape or even 2" clear mailing tape would stick and look better. Use that dumb painting tape and the humidity will peel it right off. Also, couldn't they cut clean corners with an exacto blade?
This drives me crazy. Tape is important, people.
It takes a certain level of naïveté to think voting boxes can ever be trusted. Banks put the money in a vault because they know a certain small, but consequential, segment of the population would take the money if they left it sitting out on a table in the lobby (OK, maybe not that small). Please explain how voting boxes are different.
I like how you show in the second picture the official US Mail Box just 15 yards away. It is not anti-democratic to make someone walk 15 yards to use the lawful means for casting a ballot. It is icing on the cake that no legislation was being drafted because it is simply enforcing the written laws as they already exist.
Yes, following the law is such an extremist position. We should try it the other way, you know, everybody just does whatever they want and ignore the law. I think that will be much better.
So just secured in place by a couple bolts. What happens when one of these go missing
Also, if I understand the decision correctly, you could just put a clerk inside the box and problem solved. It looks big enough.
The court adopted a literal interpretation of state law,
i Literally have NO IDEA what this means. They expected a virtual interpretation? A figurative one?
maybe a poetic interpretation? Oh! i know! a Rhetorical Interpretation!!
Also, what exactly does "Beware! No Mercy!" mean. I'm asking THAT rhetorically
Serious (non rhetorical) question:
Did Biden receive more than 20,000 votes, through these ILLEGAL drop boxes?
I'm SURE, you ALL know what i'm getting at
These boxes and vote harvesting should be illegal in every state.
No chain of custody, is the problem. You can't audit them. If you can't audit them, the losing side won't trust the election, and the point of the election is to prevent that.
I'd attach a "Pull lever to cast a straight Democrat ticket vote" handle to them.
“The illegality of these drop boxes weakens the people’s faith that the election produced an outcome reflective of their will. The Wisconsin voters, and all lawful voters, are injured when the institution charged with administering Wisconsin elections does not follow the law, leaving the results in question.”
For the liberals that like to virtue signal their love for the voting franchise, illegal votes disenfranchise all lawful voters. Bradley is 100% correct, and ethical. But Madison doesn't care if Waukesha County votes are cancelled by fraudulent votes. They WANT that, and our tax dollars, and student debt which fund their community. They hate us because we are not an obedient little outlier for them to control.
These posted photos are Madison, WI. The central coordinating spot of the voter fraud that took place in WI in 2020, along with Milwaukee, Racine, GB, and Kenosha. With the use of illegal drop boxes, destruction of chain of custody, illegal ballot harvesting in broad daylight, and the stuffing and dumping of absentee ballots under the cloak of 3am darkness...emerged our current state of shitty affairs.
In Waukesha County we vote legally. Most people still in person, either before work, or after work...because we all have to have jobs to live here, and support Madison. We show our ID without complaint. Such is the case in rural parts of the state where the fields are farmed, and the ditches dug...and people have followed voting laws requiring more effort than it does in Wisconsin's affluent State Capitol.
I'd never seen one before. It doesn't appear particularly secure. Also, what's so darn hard about putting a ballot in the mail. If you leave it in your mailbox, your mail carrier will take it (just like he takes envelopes I leave for him/her that I want sent out and those always seem to make it). Plus, on any given day I drive by at least three actual mail boxes. I think, if voting were a priority for me, I'd be able to figure out a way to put a ballot in the actual mail. I mean, I know that I wouldn't do that, I'd actually go to a polling place, cast my ballot there and place it directly into the machine they have there on site. I don't understand why voting is apparently so difficult for some individuals.
"The court adopted a literal interpretation of state law ..."
If you Democrats haven't figured it out yet, we're done with you.
We're done with sentences like this. This is a sentence that should never have been written. But because it did have to be written ... OK then ... we're done with you people. The gloves are off.
We're just not going to sit idly by any more while you people rape our country. We're done with you and your little games.
I pity the Democrat party election official who, in the coming months, walks out in front of the cameras and starts taping cardboard to the windows so that nobody can see what they are doing inside the counting room.
That person is going to suffer a horrible, horrible fate.
Banned by antidemocratic right-wing extremists," "Wisconsin Republican Legislators are crafting laws RIGHT NOW to keep you from putting your ballots in U.S. Mail Drop Boxes. BEWARE
...State law allows absentee ballots to be returned in the mail; “ballot drop boxes, however, are not mailboxes
So, the sign isn't just political, it's a lie.
The court didn't "ban" ballot drop boxes. It simply stated they were not authorized under state law and that the WEC's purported authorization was illegal under the relevant statutory scheme.
Of course, the legislature is free to authorize them via legislation and the court couldn't stop them. The ruling is anything but "antidemocratic." To the contrary, it is quite the opposite since it doesn't permit unelected bureaucrats to circumvent the law.
Irony alert!!!!!
Check out the second pic.. paraphrased.."Wisconsin republicans trying to keep you from putting you ballots in the US Mail."
There is a US Postal Service mailbox about 20 feet in the background. (" Aint not cure for stoopid"! ok maybe duct tape..:-)))
So if you can manage make it to this "absentee ballot box" could you not have called an Uber, begged a ride or crawled 20 feet to the US Postal Service mail box???? (Or heaven forfend.. walked it!!!)
Just thinking out loud here,,,
Ann is right to tell Madison, those signs aren't helping. Do they read this blog? It would be interesting to know.
My brother took his kids camping in The Wisconsin Dells this last weekend. He called me about and hour from home and said he was going through Madison/Dane County. Said his kids had to go to the bathroom, but he was making them wait until they reached the Lake Mills rest area #14 on I-94 in Jefferson County, minutes outside Dane. I laughed when he said he didn't even want his kids shitting in Dane County.
The elite Socs in Madison look down their noses at us Outsiders in Waukesha County. But when we look to the west as Ponyboy had to do to see the same sunset as Cherry Valance, we don't see the nostrils above us. We just see a bunch of assholes.
Yes. This is how deep the resentment goes. Only separated by Jefferson County and I-94 rest stop #14.
Rebecca Bradley is right. Madison helped steal the voting franchise of over half the state in 2020, and now they are whining it might be a little more difficult to do it again in 2022...because post-covid, they have to follow the law like everyone else.
Althouse said...
If you want people to trust vote drop boxes, it's obtuse to post political signs on them.
"Or am I being obtuse?"
I recall voting in the 2016 election in Oceanside, CA inside someone's garage. The hosts were neutral enough, but a next-door neighbor had placed numerous offensive anti-Trump placards (all home-made of course) in her yard facing sideways toward the voters. She also muttered anti-Trump obscenities and generally scowled at people, blissfully unaware of how anyone was voting. I thought she might be in violation of some sort of distance laws regarding signage.
They sauy that political trends begin in California and move eastward. If so, brace yourselves here for non-enforcement and general governmental sympathy towards partisan politics.
remember when they chained themselves to mailboxes or something, I can't recall
looks like any one who wants to can pull off / unbolt the box from pavement and take it away!
they will only be peacefully 'robbing' some 'ballots' from 'voters'.
how much effort should go to prevent that from happening?
why not anonymize with requiring voters to use regular mail-box?
does statutes against mail-fraud apply to those using drop boxes?
Of course, the legislature is free to authorize them via legislation and the court couldn't stop them
can these drop-box ballots be legally termed 'mailed in' if that is what is required by election voting statutes? if these boxes are not instaled / under control of US Mail service?
These political signs on drop boxes in Madison as a "protest" prove Bradley is right.
You can't put that on a mailbox, or at city hall where the clerk resides, or within "X" distance of a polling location.
If you stuff illegal or harvested ballots into mailboxes...that's also federal mail fraud. Hard to hire willing mules. Also, you have to have some balls to harvest absentee ballots in broad daylight, and deliver them to the city clerk, who immediately mixes them in with others to destroy chain of custody. But Madison did just that, right out in the open for everyone to see.
Drop boxes alleviate those little absentee ballot stuffing problem. You think Dane County didn't stuff drop boxes during COVID??? They were Zuckerbuck recipients along with Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha, and GB. Of course they did.
“Duct tape or even 2" clear mailing tape would stick and look better. Use that dumb painting tape and the humidity will peel it right off. Also, couldn't they cut clean corners with an exacto blade?
This drives me crazy. Tape is important, people.”
True! Make better signs people! That’s the first thing that met my eye, the poor construction of a sign that contains an important message. That message needs to be displayed with more care and some artistic ability.
“In Waukesha County we vote legally. Most people still in person, either before work, or after work...because we all have to have jobs to live here, and support Madison. We show our ID without complaint. Such is the case in rural parts of the state where the fields are farmed, and the ditches dug...and people have followed voting laws requiring more effort than it does in Wisconsin's affluent State Capitol.”
Oh boy. Hey, you don’t represent Waukesha County. There are also people who live in Waukesha County who are disabled and now are disenfranchised from absentee voting. If a relative cannot even place the ballot in the mailbox, I’d say that was pretty extreme. So the disabled and elderly that depend on relatives and friends to help them place their vote now have to jump through more hoops to engage in their right to vote as a US citizen.
’Tape is important, people.’
Funny bone tickled. :)
Forget ADDING votes, what about subtracting them?
How hard would it be to squirt some lighter fluid in the slot and drop in a match?
No chain of custody...just votes (even if they're real) gone forever...
Notice in the photo the controlling authority of the drop box is the City of Madison, and not the State of Wisconsin, nor the Federal Gov't of the United States which would be...a mailbox.
It's stamped right on the drobox. They can do whatever the corrupt Clerk is willing to do with them.
Show no mercy?
Is that code for riot, burn and cheat to win?
I’ve had occasion to wonder if in the coming elections if absentee ballot boxes like these aren’t likely to have “box watchers” to stop the sort of ballot dumping alleged in 2000 miles.
How many boxes are there? 6 (4 hour) shifts a day, 7 days a week, times 2 people sitting within eyesight of the ballot box monitoring. A few hundred people should be able to cover a moderate city.
I would think a tea party sort of effort might make the ballot stuffing cost prohibitive.
I saw that on my walk yesterday, and I rolled my eyes. I wonder how many people actually believe the bilge on the side. Probably the same number who think a 10-yo rape victim traveled from Ohio.
They liked the drop boxes until Trump lost.
“While drop boxes have become one of many flashpoints following the November 2020 presidential election, there was a time in the not-too-distant past when they weren't considered controversial.
For example, a Sept. 25, 2020 letter from an attorney for Republican legislative leaders explicitly endorsed the use of drop boxes.
"We wholeheartedly support voters’ use of any of these convenient, secure, and expressly authorized absentee-ballot-return methods," wrote attorney Misha Tseytlin representing Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, and then-Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald.”
Of course it’s wrong. But the response from the Wisconsin republican party should be to post signs on it saying this is where you drop off Republican ballots.
Blogger Kylos said..."Note the mailbox less than 100 feet away in the second picture."
Eagle Eye.
Gee, and it's only taken from November 2020 to July 2022 to have a judge actually say what was written in black & white the whole time - all 21 months. Good thing we have strong, committed, principled elected representatives, hey? The wheels of justice grind slow and exceedingly fine, and the Democrats are counting on it.
The drop boxes are a way of introducing an added burden to the precious ballots chain of custody. As some of you may have watched the OJ Simpson trial, the defense was able to bring in testimony that there were irregularities in the handling of the evidence against OJ. The stuff dreams of reasonable doubt are made of.
The drop boxes were introduced as a pandemic mitigation one-off. The attempt to make them permanent is an attempt to blurry the principle of one-man or one-trans, one vote.
Democracy dies in drop-boxes.
“Returning an absentee ballot to a municipal clerk ‘does not mean nor has it been historically understood to mean delivery to an unattended ballot drop box’”. That “unattended” is the loophole the WEC staff, all Madison-based lefty hacks, will use to allow “attended” drop boxes. No doubt Madison and Milwaukee can find a need for many many temporary deputy municipal clerks to tend the boxes. And when the WEC itself votes on this recommendation, the 3 dem appointees and 3 GOP appointees will split, 3-3. Which means the unelected, unappointed and unaccountable WEC staff recommendation stands, because that’s what democracy looks like.
Always interesting to read comments on these issues.
Some people think that elections need security, that you need to make sure that votes are honest. And that it is reasonably simple for basically everyone to vote if they want. And that anyone who wants to make it easier, wants to make it easier to cheat.
Some people think that elections need easy availability, that you need to make sure that everyone can vote easily. And that cheating in elections is completely a non-issue. And that anyone who wants to prevent cheating, wants to make it hard for their opponents to vote.
It is one of the ways human brains don't work all that well.
Unattended drop boxes. That's where Democrat ballots go to procreate and multiply. And the multiplying factor is fantastic. After a while you have 81 million "votes" cast for Joe Biden. Stop them before they breed again.
A response to the drop box signs would be a sign saying "Don't play possum with our precious democracy. Sign a petition to drop this drop box at the nearest recycling junk yard."
Red County in Kali, only "drop box" is at County offices, which I use! BTW, since returning to Kali from DC in'78, I've always voted absentee, always by USPS until 2020. All of a sudden, regular driver gone and new drivers look sketchy at best. (I'm registered GOP so driver's know my affiliation, not that I'm paranoid but, I am). BTW 2, our County elected officials are non-partisan corrupt grifters.
Btw, the transparently false hoax Inga and gadfly were pushing involving a mythical and completely non-existent 10-year old girl that was supposedly raped and had to cross state lines to get an abortion is, naturally, just another in an endless liat of democratical lies that have been exposed.
So, it goes without saying that any lies Inga is pushing about drop boxes/disenfranchisement are obviously just that.
Again, as always.
“…a Sept. 25, 2020 letter from an attorney for Republican legislative leaders explicitly endorsed the use of drop boxes.
"We wholeheartedly support voters’ use of any of these convenient, secure, and expressly authorized absentee-ballot-return methods," wrote attorney Misha Tseytlin representing Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, and then-Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald.”
Worth repeating, if I say so myself.
"The Wisconsin voters, and all lawful voters, are injured when the institution charged with administering Wisconsin elections does not follow the law, leaving the results in question.”
This. Entirely this.
If you screw up and don't get to vote because you didn't register in time, or left it too late to get an absentee ballot before you leave the State, that's too bad.
But that's not an assault on democracy, or elections. Next time you'll know to do better.
If you allow an illegal vote, that IS an assault on democracy, and on the election system.
Follow the Election Laws as written. If they no longer apply to the current situation, you demonstrate that fact by getting a bill passed by the State Legislature, and signed into law by the Governor.
If people can't agree on the proper changes, then you take it to the voters.
The "covid" election law changes by judges and members of the executive branch were ALL illegitimate, and they cast as illegitimate every single Democrat victory (since the changes were by Democrats) that came about under them
Most certainly including Biden's "victory".
No, we don't get a do-over
But if you try that shit again this year, you are responsible for any and all violence that results from people not willing to be cheated again
Well, it's written right there on the box that it's an "official" drop box. Sure, some of those unofficial drop boxes might be a bit unreliable, but this here official box is 100% guaranteed to add your vote to our magnificent "Will of the People" collection, hand-curated by that nice boy Ben Wikler.
---They say that political trends begin in California and move eastward. If so, brace yourselves here for non-enforcement and general governmental sympathy towards partisan politics. [chickelit]
Seems to me we're already there and beyond.
Well beyond. "No Mercy" means what it says. It is making Republican officials direct targets. I would like to think it is simple bravado, but Hodgkinson, Rand Paul's neighbor, Kathy Griffin, the Kavanaugh would-be assassin.... they want leading Republicans dead. The message goes out over and over. They have failed several times now at actions that would be horrifically like 1968 and worse. They are not going to fail every time.
Might as well have had the DNC official logo and a donkey printed on the sides of the damned thing.
For example, a Sept. 25, 2020 letter from an attorney for Republican legislative leaders explicitly endorsed the use of drop boxes.
"We wholeheartedly support voters’ use of any of these convenient, secure, and expressly authorized absentee-ballot-return methods," wrote attorney Misha Tseytlin representing Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, and then-Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald.”
Inga inadvertently proves the point against her position - these drop boxes are not secure, and as the Court just (very belatedly held) not authorized, and that is why they are banned, should be banned, and were not considered acceptable by Republicans in the "not-too-distant past."
Why have drop boxes? Are people unable to find a mailbox? Is it that they can't afford one first class stamp?
Absentee ballots have prepaid return postage, at least in Wisconsin.
chickelit said...
I recall voting in the 2016 election in Oceanside, CA inside someone's garage. The hosts were neutral enough, but a next-door neighbor had placed numerous offensive anti-Trump placards (all home-made of course) in her yard facing sideways toward the voters. She also muttered anti-Trump obscenities and generally scowled at people, blissfully unaware of how anyone was voting. I thought she might be in violation of some sort of distance laws regarding signage.
That most certainly is a violation of CA law.
one election I was living next door to a polling location. Around 8 in the morning Election Day I had a polite somebody knock on my door and ask me to take down my GOP election sign, because it was in violation of the 100' "no campaigning zone" around the polling place.
We are all shocked that CA is no longer enforcing the law, right?
There is absolutely no reason to have unattended ballot "drop boxes." The envelop should be signed by the voter and checked against registration records. The US Mail is a secure method of transmitting absentee ballots. Absentee ballots should be requested in a signed form by the voter. I voted absentee for years in California since I was never sure I would be available on election day.
Now states like California and Oregon and Washington, all deep blue single party states, have mandated allk "mail-in ballots." Judge Freder thinks it is a lie that 3 million illegals voted in 2020 in California. I doubt he knows anything about voter registration in CA. If you have a drivers' license, you are registered to vote. There are about 20 million illegals in CA. Do the math.
Brian said...
I’ve had occasion to wonder if in the coming elections if absentee ballot boxes like these aren’t likely to have “box watchers” to stop the sort of ballot dumping alleged in 2000 miles.
I expect they'll have freelance "fixers" coming by and pouring gas in them and lighting them on fire.
Or hoping the bolts and stealing them.
Or just pouring water into them to destroy any ballots in there.
The important thing is to figure out what the Dem's next steal attempt will look like, so this time we can stop it before they steal an election
When they say, No Mercy!, believe them.
"Municipal clerks who oversee Wisconsin’s elections used drop boxes for years without controversy before the 2020 election, when about 500 were in place across the state, typically outside public libraries and municipal buildings."
The NYT could have inquired about the number of drop boxes that were in place for the 2018 election to make a valid comparison, but (not surprisingly) didn't want to do that.
That is because the owner of Facebook gave lots of money to cities controlled by the Democrats for things like drop boxes to sway the outcome of the 2020 election:
NY Post October 13, 2021
Mark Zuckerberg spent $419M on nonprofits ahead of 2020 election — and got out the Dem vote
"...The Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) passed a staggering $419.5 million of Zuckerberg’s money into local government elections offices, and it came with strings attached. Every CTCL and CEIR grant spelled out in great detail the conditions under which the grant money was to be used."
"...CTCL drove the proliferation of unmonitored private drop boxes (which created major chain-of-custody issues) and opportunities for novel forms of “mail-in ballot electioneering,” allowed for the submission of numerous questionable post-election-day ballots, and created opportunities for illegal ballot harvesting.
CTCL greatly increased funding for temporary staffing and poll workers, which supported the infiltration of election offices by paid Democratic Party activists, coordinated through a complex web of left-leaning nonprofit organizations, social media platforms and social media election influencers.
The amount of additional money these groups poured into elections offices in Democrat-voting areas was truly staggering. To put it in perspective, federal and state matching funds for COVID-19-related election expenses in 2020 totaled $479.5 million.
The CTCL and CEIR money totaled $419.5 million."
So all I can see that makes any difference is that the absentee ballot must be dropped into a mailbox which immediately breaks the record as to who handled the ballot while in possession of the postal service - you know, those folks who have lazy-ass employees who don't want to deliver the mail they are paid to deliver. Special ballot boxes are subject to the same problem as the postal service having inadequate records as to who, how, and when the ballot was processed.
The only improvement in requiring the use of a mailbox is that it is made of metal. But acid and fire work either way as a means of content destruction. So the Wisconsin Supremes were playing politics. Perhaps the Governor can claim another Covid crisis due to the new strain flooding the state.
So much to do about nothing.
Identify these people who are prevented from voting, Inga. While you're at it, explain their circumstances that make casting a ballot impossible.
You are a fabulist. No mercy, indeed.
BANNED by Republicans because they are used by Progressives to CHEAT. over and over and over again. They CHEAT, they LIE, and they HATE America. Go someplace else to hate on them. We are sick of you.
Never, never, never tell a democrat that they can not cheat on elections. Never. They had to cheat just to get us the likes of Biden/Harris. The best they can produce.
The only improvement in requiring the use of a mailbox is that it is made of metal.
There's all those federal felonies in 18 USC Chapter 83 regarding the US Mail.
Do those apply to city-owned ballot drop boxes? Are there 1300+ federal investigators responsible for investigating interfering with these ballot boxes?
The "only improvement" is a tell.
When people say things like "BEWARE" and "NO MERCY", they clearly have your best interests at heart.
Should have pasted a note on the box saying.. "Fraud Box".
Inga said...
“…a Sept. 25, 2020 letter from an attorney for Republican legislative leaders explicitly endorsed the use of drop boxes.
"We wholeheartedly support voters’ use of any of these convenient, secure, and expressly authorized absentee-ballot-return methods," wrote attorney Misha Tseytlin representing Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, and then-Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald.”
Even if true (and it's Inga, so that's not a given), so what?
They turned out not to be secure, AND in violation of the law.
Guess you Dems should have proposed a change in the law. After all, you say the GOP State Legislature would have supported it
"“…a Sept. 25, 2020 letter from an attorney for Republican legislative leaders explicitly endorsed the use of drop boxes."
You know what they didn't do? They didn't create a piece of legislation, that would have been quickly signed by the Dem governor, making drop boxes legal.
The funny part about America haters gadfly and Inga is that they are trying to argue against a clearly written statute, a statute that has not been amended by legislative process, a statute that very clearly states unattended drop boxes are not legal in the state of WI. All that has to happen is for the GOP-led legislature and the corrupt Dem governor to cooperate and make them legal. That's it. According to America hating Inga's Democrat news source, the GOP legislature is all in favor of drop boxes. So this should be a simple fix. right?
Contrary to America hating gadfly, the court didn't "play politics". It ready the statute as written and very clearly invited the political branches of the WI government to do their job. After all, everyone in the legislature and the corrupt governor are in favor of drop boxes, at least according to America hating Inga and Gadfly.
gadfly said...
So all I can see that makes any difference is that the absentee ballot must be dropped into a mailbox which immediately breaks the record as to who handled the ballot while in possession of the postal service
Then your'e blind, willfully or otherwise
If someone drops 20 ballots in a ballot drop box, that's what you expect to find there
If someone drops 20 ballots in a mailbox, it might be flagged as potential illegal voting.
Ballot drop boxes support "vote harvesting", which is to say they support vote fraud. Mailboxes much less so
Are people unable to find a mailbox? Is it that they can't afford one first class stamp?
Oregon provides postage paid return envelopes but my mailbox is less secure than the ballot box at the library. On which I've never seen nonsense attached; it is, though, in a shopping plaza a mile or so away from downtown and the UO campus.
How in the world are these even a thing? Can anyone give a good reason why they exist?
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