Writes Jordan Peterson at The Daily Wire.
Since Twitter did not do me the favor of actually specifying my crime, we unfortunately have to guess at why this has occurred — and that’s actually a big problem in and of itself, and also indicative of the utter carelessness of the Twitter organization with regard to the propriety of its own censorial actions. I should at least know exactly what I did wrong if I am required to “acknowledge that” my “Tweet violated the Twitter Rules.”
What rules, you sons of bitches?...
What he did was "deadname" Elliot Page (in the process of calling the breast-removal surgeon a criminal).
[T]here’s a conundrum here... And how could those I am writing to make sense of what I was saying if it was “his” breasts that were removed?... [I]t was impossible to communicate what had happened to my audience without, apparently, running afoul of the impossible and absurd rules that now hypothetically govern morality itself in the days of the degenerated postmodern and Marxist ethos that we must still, no matter how impossible it is, abide by — or else....
And I’m not taking down that tweet, or “acknowledging” that my tweet “violated the Twitter rules.” Up yours, woke moralists.
८० टिप्पण्या:
Jordan must not have been in the news enough, so decided to do something to gain attention.
Why comment about the personal lives of celebrities? Is Jordan Peterson really that low on topics to talk about that this is worth our time?
He is right although calling the surgeon "criminal" is a stretch. Unethical would be close to the truth but this is the world we live in today.
“When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.”
― C. S. Lewis
He should have just threatened to rape and kill Clarence Thomas with a baseball bat- that kind of tweet would have stayed up and caused no problems.
Good for him. Men with chests know women have breasts.
Social corruption of the psychologist?
transgender conversion therapy through surgical and medical corruption, and social contagion
hypocritic oath
cancel culture
A many ethical religion.
Ellen Paige cut off her breasts to “lead by example”. Now she can be fawned over, and influence other young people. And her example is a beacon of light to be followed. To question all that it represents is blasphemy. Thus sayeth the tech gods.
The left has figured out that you can use trans people's mental illness to attack those you disagree with politically and de-platform them.
It's sad, really, that these people, who are ill through no fault of their own, are abused by a political party in this country, but Communists have a long storied history with psychology and psychiatry.
To Peterson's larger point: When the enlightened regain power, there will be no stopping us from jailing forever those who butchered their fellow man in the pursuit of both politics and money.
you know what you CAN say on Twitter?
we need to assassinate libsoftiktok
In case anyone was wondering, threatening to assassinate a Supreme Court Justice doesn’t violate @Twitter
rules. But people get suspended for stating scientific facts
The Old Testament prophets, Jesus Christ, and his Apostles spoke truths about sicknesses in society. We all know what happened to them.
Give it a rest, doctor.
I think Page would make an interesting Rosalind or Viola in Shakespeare's cross-dressing plays. I saw some of the earlier seasons of The Umbrella Academy. It's a sci-fi series that features some outlandish characters. I guess she's able to fit within the premises of those plot lines. For most parts, though, I think her very presence would pull you out of the story. Could she play a part like Hannibal Lecter or the Dustin Hoffman role in Rain Man or the Hugh Grant part in Four Weddings.... Well, I'm old and have learned that I don't know nothing about how the world evolves. I wish her luck. Maybe she's a messenger from the future or maybe she's a poor deluded soul who got caught up in some crazy fad.
Season 3 of the "Umbrella Company" is out. I watched Seasons 1 & 2. I'm taking a pass on Season 3 because of Ellen Page's mutilation and wokeness. Goodbye "Umbrella Company."
Good for him pointing out the idiocy of Twit’s posting rules that seem to change as quickly as the water felling over Niagara Falls.
Ellen did in fact get her breasts chopped up since she feels like a male. Her choice, but I’m not indulging her delusional thinking by calling her a he.
Good for him. You may not be interested in the culture war or its peculiar pronoun battlefield, but the culture war is interested in you. There will end up being no place to hide, which (I suspect) will turn out badly for the culture warriors.
I am periodically still called by my former name which was fairly well-known professionally, including books and articles I published. It bothers me not the least, but then again I didn't change my name to publicize and politicize an unhealthy emotional need to be affirmed in my "transgressive" decisions. Emotionally-healthy people are secure enough in themselves and their decisions that "deadnaming" -- even if intended to be insulting -- doesn't bother them.
The larger story is how emotionally fragile, insecure, and over-sensitive so many "transgressive" people are, whatever their cause. As Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) put it so well ... “Frantic orthodoxy is never rooted in faith but in doubt. It is when we are unsure that we are doubly sure. ”
On Netflix, there a comedy special with Hannah Gadsby. Hannah Gadsby is an Australian comedian. She's a lesbian, chunky and overweight, with a masculine appearance. She doesn't dress in an outlandish manner and she claims to have no interest in becoming a man or in cross dressing. She just looks a little like a fat guy....It starts out as comedy but, as the act progresses, she details some of the pain and anguish that her appearance and sexual orientation have caused. She very intelligent and she makes some telling points. I can recommend watching it. Some of it is funny and some it is moving. It's certainly not the usual comedy special.....She goes on an extended riff on Van Gogh and Picasso--Picasshole as she calls him. Such riffs are not usually part of a comic's banter. She claims Picasso suffered from a mental illness. She identifies the illness as misogyny. Fair enough. I took exception, however, to her claim that misogyny and homophobia were mental ilnesses that straight white people have inflicted upon the world. I'm pretty sure that a study of other cultures and civilizations would reveal that homophobia and misogyny occurred in places where they never heard of white men. Like slavery and its abolition, white men take some of the blame and some of the credit... Well, when you have a tough life, it's so much easier to bear if you have someone to blame other than the workings of luck. Anyway, her special is worth a look.
This reminds me of Clarence Thomas telling Senator Biden and the other Dem creeps that he'd rather die than withdraw his nomination to SCOTUS.
We conservatives need tough and smart people at the top leading us. We know the Dems are exceedingly tough and disciplined. That's why I support DeSantis in 2024. Trump is not that smart. He got duped on January 6th. He should have known it was a trap. He walked right into it.
I wonder why they don't prescribe lobotomies any longer? They seemed so promising.
Yancey Ward said...
He should have just threatened to rape and kill Clarence Thomas with a baseball bat- that kind of tweet would have stayed up and caused no problems.
7/2/22, 12:40 PM
And this right here is why we don't care about the feelings of the people of the left who show us everyday how much they hate us.
You know what, I'm fine with people wanting to be called what they want to be called. She wants to be called Elliot page...cool. she doesn't own a time machine, and she and her transnazi buddies don't get to enforce a standard because she has mental problems.
And btw, she will always be a woman, and now a freakishly hideous one at that.
Readering: "Give it a rest, doctor."
The lefties really, really don't like it when people refuse to accept the latest anti-science leftist lunacy.
Readering is no exception to that rule.
GrapeApe: "Ellen did in fact get her breasts chopped up since she feels like a male. Her choice, but I’m not indulging her delusional thinking by calling her a he."
Uh oh.
Readering is not going to react well to that. Heads up.
Jordan Peterson makes excellent points. How does a surgeon justify performing this surgery on a healthy (so far as I know) person? If it's not necessary to correct a health problem, how can it be ethical? Does the surgeon believe that it will improve the patient's mental health?
Blogger Readering said...
Give it a rest, doctor.
Ever heard of "unnecessary surgery?"
Eppur si muove!
What an entitled jerk, Jordan Peterson that is.
Vicki from Pasadena
Trump is not that smart. He got duped on January 6th. He should have known it was a trap. He walked right into it.
There is no way I would have attended that rally, let alone go into the Capitol. That smelled setup so strongly that nobody could miss it. Trump is smart but I think he was naive. He kept being outwitted by the truly evil people like Schumer and Pelosi. Mattis has since shown how dumb he is. Tillerson just seems to have an ego problem. He got $300 million from Exxon so he is OK.
Soon she'll be an anrgy old white guy. (without a dick) I'm looking forward to that.
Critical thinkers would make the smart move if they stopped twatting on Twatter.
If you’re going to be known for telling young people to clean up their room, you gotta keep your own language clean. I suppose. On the other hand, however, he does raise a good point about how tricky it is to navigate the minefield that is woke genders conforming parlance.
Echo of Wm F Buckley talking to Gore Vidal
Ellen Paige cut off her breasts to “lead by example”.
will there be moobs sprouting in later ages? or is this surgery quite radical excavating?
He hoped you could salvage the system that they wouldnt shoot unarmed protesters well thats a flaw but not his.
Just. Get. Off. Twitter.
For this post I was deemed unworthy of engagement. It’s a trendy thing…
ark said...
Jordan must not have been in the news enough, so decided to do something to gain attention.
What got him attention, the original tweet or the banning?
I have some hope for Peterson. Would not bother suggesting for Drago.
'The larger story is how emotionally fragile, insecure, and over-sensitive so many "transgressive" people are'
Oh but that's our fault because we're all so mean and hatey.
Things I learn on Reddit.
House rules--the house always wins.
What would a lobster do?
Thought experiment. Split the country in two, forget about boundries and borders for a second. On one side have the liberal ideal and on the other side the conservative ideal.
Everybody should have no problem finding their place. Yes, there are independedents. Nows their time to make a commitment. (Its a thought experiment)
So now on one side nobody has guns. Abortions are unlimited and on demand. Miltary allows gays, trans, frito chips, whatever. Nobody serves time in jail. Wealth is shared in every way.
The conservative side gets guns and no abortions ever. A military of men. (again, thought experiment, I personally am not against women in the military. You do the crime you do the time. Capitalist.
Let is simmer say 10 years.
Lets do it.
If there are no guns gang-bangers will eventually rule.
Ha, i forgot to add teh link to this topic
one side gets unlimited trans surgeries, either way, any age
the other side never
Pronouns are what got Peterson into hot water first. He refused to use them and was threatened with being fired from the university.
The Left (Woke) are using "hate speech" to deplatform anyone who calls out evil, bad behavior, lunacy, or consequences. They are fine with threatening to kill supreme court justices or anyone else. What a lovely bunch.
Give it a rest, doctor is to free speech as Don't rock the boat, Rosa would have been to integration.
It isn't the magnitude of the inconvenience of a single rule that matters, it's what that rule reveals about the larger objective of the rule maker.
>>Give it a rest, doctor.
"Shut up", he explained.
What would have been criminal in the past is not called "criminal" today only because those in the medical "profession" first tossed ethics out the window and then convinced courts and legislators that their criminal quackery was now within accepted the "medical standard of care."
To protest against Peterson's characterization of what happened to The Artist Formerly Known As Ellen Page is to protest too much, methinks, and is to focus on the wrong thing entirely.
What is being done to those experiencing gender confusion is all too much mala in se criminal.
The point is being able to write what seems to be true. Otherwise what's the point.
You can be a boyishly cute girl people love, then you transition and become a rather ordinary looking, not especially attractive boy or boy surrogate who's never quite a real boy.
Elliot Page puts me in mind of the greatest website ever, "Lesbians Who Look Just Like Justin Bieber." Now Ellen's achieved her dream and looks more like classic Justin Bieber than the current Justin Bieber does. But it doesn't seem like much of an achievement.
I'd never heard of Elliott or Ellen Page (until reading this post). I've known several women (that is, from-the-womb females) named "Elliott", so if it were me changing from female to male I think I'd pick a new name like Frank or Rocky or Joe. Maybe not Donald. But it is absurd to claim that it is prejudical "deadnaming" to refer to someone by the name and gender that "they" used to have, when discussing "them" before the transition or a stage in the transition. Take Caitlin Jenner. If you write about Jenner's athletic achievements, you can't honestly say that "she" won such-and-such Olympic medals in the men's decathalon. And you can't honestly say that "she" won "the women's decathalon".
"Jordan must not have been in the news enough, so decided to do something to gain attention."
Shut up, he said, we cool people don't want to talk about this.
Drago said...
Readering: "Give it a rest, doctor."
The lefties really, really don't like it when people refuse to accept the latest anti-science leftist lunacy.
Readering is no exception to that rule.
Indeed, Readering is the personification of that rule.
I watched Peterson's video. Towards the end he does say that perhaps he over-stated when he remarked that the physician who carved off Ellen Paige's breasts was a criminal. He went on to note that the operation was "legal" but Peterson then invites the viewer to consider whether or not we can consider something to be a criminal act even if the State hasn't made it illegal.
Ellen Paige is degenerate tragedy.
As an endocrinologist I'm appalled at the shift that the Endocrine Society and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists has performed in the past 5-6 years. One of my PhD thesis advisors cut off one of his trainees for the latter's work in establishing a gender identity clinic at Johns Hopkins with the execrable John Money.
As an endocrinologist I'm appalled at the shift that the Endocrine Society and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists has performed in the past 5-6 years. One of my PhD thesis advisors cut off one of his trainees for the latter's work in establishing a gender identity clinic at Johns Hopkins with the execrable John Money.
"Lesbians Who Look Just Like Justin Bieber."
Any of these gals actually make good men?
M2F don't impress me either.
There is a concerted effort to make you care and go along.
I was watching this docu series about World War II and this historian comes on presenting as a rather unattractive woman who instantly leads one to say, wait.
Sure enough.
"If there are no guns gang-bangers will eventually rule."
See: CHAS/CHOP, Seattle (2021)
I've always considered Twitter's rules are a form of one-sided Calvinball.
Peterson has enough of a following, and is provocative enough, that he he can just park himself at Truth Social until the closing and installation of the new regime, and still he'll get the attention he can't drag himself away from.
If you write about Jenner's athletic achievements, you can't honestly say that "she" won such-and-such Olympic medals in the men's decathalon.
How can you say that? Caitlin Jenner, in all her stunningness and bravitude proved that wymyn can directly compete with men in athletics, and that so-called "women's sports" are unnecessary.
Courage is a many splendored thing, Jordan believes in God now. He is as dangerous as DJT,
Your question was answered at Nuremberg.
Don't think Peterson believes in God in the way most folks here mean. But he likes to be a contrarian and provocative.
I've seen that trans historian too, Bender. She was a fruity guy before.
Forget it Jordan, it's twittertown.
If you had your cock sucked by Ellen Page when she was a she, would you now need to change the pronouns in your recollection to 'he sucked my cock?'
Because it wasn't Elliot's tiny sweet rosebud lips on my penis, I swear.
I am Laslo.
Dave Begley said...
That's why I support DeSantis in 2024. Trump is not that smart. He got duped on January 6th. He should have known it was a trap. He walked right into it.
Trump has talents and abilities that you can't even fathom. I love it when lawyers pretend they are more than an above average profession with good memorization skills.
It is pretty funny to watch people arm chair QB these things.
Desantis isn't going to run. He has said he believes the election was stolen from Trump and that he will not run against him openly and loudly.
Desantis knows he would lose that primary anyways. He is smarter than you too.
readering: "But he (Peterson) likes to be a contrarian and provocative."
Peterson doesn't accept the Maoist dictates of leftist lunatics.
This makes Peterson a "contrarian" and "provocative" in readering world.
Readering: "I have some hope for Peterson. Would not bother suggesting for Drago."
Devastating. Literally shaking.
Pretty sure this is the definition of righteous anger.
Thank G*d for Jordan Peterson.
Deadname joins two words, dead and name, indicating that a given name no longer has any use or meaning—that is, it's dead to its bearer.
And yet Mohammed Ali will forever be remembered to have had a real name, Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's given name is and always will be Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor Jr.
Bengal wide receiver Chad Javon Johnson changed his name to his number and became Chad Ochocinco, then he changed it back as his pro career ended, much as women routinely change their last name to match the family name of the husband but change back to their maiden name as divorces occur.
Caitlyn Jenner, original name William Bruce Jenner, American decathlete who won a gold medal at the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal with a score of 8,618 points and in 2015 became by far the most prominent athlete to publicly come out as transgender. The 1976 gold medal, however, still has the name Bruce Jenner on it.
My point, of course, is that you cannot change history or forget about your name and sex at birth. It is what it is.
RLW: “How can you say that? Caitlin Jenner, in all her stunningness and bravitude proved that wymyn can directly compete with men in athletics, and that so-called "women's sports" are unnecessary”
Say what you will about Jenner, but he is on the right side of the transgender sports competition debate, he knows it’s absurd to allow biological males to compete against biological females.
Regarding the "national divorce" scenario, during those 10 years there will be organized efforts to infiltrate the conservative half and turn it leftist, or at least be disruptive jerks (the printable word, not the first that came to mind) towards the C half.
Leftism in general can't stand against any significant opposition, in any reasonably honest exchange of ideas, and even if hard leftists don't say it aloud they know it, so they try to shut down or otherwise disrupt anyone or anything that disagrees with them.
Nohbody said: "Leftism in general can't stand against any significant opposition, in any reasonably honest exchange of ideas, and even if hard leftists don't say it aloud they know it, so they try to shut down or otherwise disrupt anyone or anything that disagrees with them." }}}}}
If you bought a 1/4 acre of land in the furthest reaches of the unincorporated Maine hinterlands, turned it into a completely food and energy self-sufficient enterprise, and put a small notice on the door that this property is a Woke-Free Environment....they would find you. And they would not rest until you were forced to bend the knee or else destroyed.
Mark said...
Why comment about the personal lives of celebrities?
Hmm, so I guess no one should ever criticize Bill Cosby for giving women date rape drugs, because that's just part of his "personal life".
When eh left wing lunatics stop pushing all the trans BS, then it will be a "private" subject.
Until then? It's not
Greg, there is no way you do not understand that the difference in your Cosby example is that Cosby's drama involves another person who may not have consented to being involved.
Jordan Peterson was talking about an operation someone voluntarily chose for themselves.
If Amy Coney Barrett had some personal operation, would you think the left should make it a major topic of discussion? Didn't think so.
Mark said...
Greg, there is no way you do not understand that the difference in your Cosby example is that Cosby's drama involves another person who may not have consented to being involved.
Jordan Peterson was talking about an operation someone voluntarily chose for themselves.
Jordan Peterson is commenting about a woman mutilating her body, and encouraging others to do the same.
She chose to make it public. Having chosen that, neither she nor anyone else can complain about getting negative response along with the positive response
Elliot Page never tweeted about it, only Jordan did. Thus the issue.
Mark said...
Elliot Page never tweeted about it, only Jordan did. Thus the issue.
1: Twitter is not the be all and end all of life
2: Ellen Page made it a huge public deal when she decided to switch to being "Elliot Page"
Wrote "She chose to make it public". That is an entirely correct statement on my part
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