[T]he polling data, on closer inspection, confirm that Trump and his twisted views retain a disturbing amount of support.... [M]ore than half of Republicans still believe the 2020 election was stolen. According to the Real Clear Politics poll average, which combines the results of individual surveys, Trump’s over-all favorability rating has only dropped about two percentage points since this summer’s televised hearings began.... [T]he figure remains within the same narrow range where it resided during most of Trump’s Presidency....
As for the 2024 general election, a number of surveys carried out this month have shown a putative Trump-Biden rematch falling within the margin of error. A new Emerson College poll, which came out on Friday, has Trump at forty-six per cent and Biden at forty-three per cent....
Cassidy puzzles over Trump's support and doesn't really have any method of gathering evidence:
... Trump still has his maga movement—part nativist revival, part personality cult—and the vast majority of elected Republicans are still too frightened of him and his followers to cross him publicly.
Last weekend, I took a long drive through upstate New York and northeastern Pennsylvania, and it was easy to see where this fear comes from. The small towns and back roads were festooned with “Trump 2020” signs that had the last zero covered over and replaced with a “4.” Other signs said “Don’t Blame Me, I Voted for Trump.”...
Did he stop and talk to the people or just read the signs? How does he know the Trump supporters are nativists and personality cultists? He also purports to know that Trump was lying when he said he thought the election was stolen. How does he know all this?
Notice how little distance he got away from New York City — "upstate New York and northeastern Pennsylvania."
He doesn't consider that the reason opinion hasn't changed may be because the Committee's one-sidedness and unfairness repelled Trump supporters from the start. Repelled others too. Repelled me, and I have never been a Trump supporter. I read the write-ups, but mainly to see if they've made any headway showing that Trump knew he had lost the election and thought he was fomenting an insurrection.
I think the answer is no. Did I miss something?
८३ टिप्पण्या:
Donald's only damage possible is a 14A ban. Everything else is a push or to his favor.
The question "How much political damage?" really depends on who is asked. Who was a former supporter that has been turned against Donald Trump by these hearings and how many are they? And the opposite of the detractor now turned into a supporter?
My randon WAG is that the hearings haven't shifted many people one way or another, and that is worrying to those opposed to Donald Trump -like the movie monster they keep hitting him with everything, he isn't going down, and they are running out of ideas.
And if the Republicans take back Congress then the investigations may go the other way before the 2024 elections.
So lazy. Only by living in the bubble does he have a job.
Scott Adams makes the case for Trump today, they're hunting and punishing people who doubt the 2020 election and only Trump can take them out. Jan 6 replaces the Russia hoax, from yesterday's podcast.
Nobody knows about the 2020 election. It can't be audited owing to how it was set up. No chains of custody.
"Did I miss something?" Well, since you decided the hearings were a waste of your time, I would say the answer is "yes".
What Trump gets wrong is the rule that if you lose a rigged election, you lost. The finality is more important to the system than the correct result. Of course the Dems don't do that, see Gore in 2000. He even wanted to rig it the other way.
I think the answer is no. Did I miss something?
What is missing is any sort of comprehensive analysis.
It is stupid propaganda for a very narrow group of people who are not intellectually curious and are not very bright.
The New York media and the major media in general are only fawned over by mediocrities and stupid people who make Joe Biden look above average.
Again it is about 10 people who own all of these outlets and they lead their dumb little sheep with dumb little show trials and dumb little articles.
Clay Travis or Salena Zito would have something better on this topic. Pretty much anyone in the world can write a more informative article than this idiot wrote.
The only thing that makes it at all revealing is the lack of self awareness on the part of the staff of the New Yorker and the complete inability to do any sort of self examination.
Bob wright in today's Mickey Kaus podcast discuss what a reprehensible person Trump is, two people with the same confirmation biases arguing it out. Every day in the hearings new reprehensibleness comes out clearly. Wright's also useless on Ukraine, arguing only with people who agree with him.
"Upstate New York and Northeast Pennsylvania":
Let me translate that for everyone- sounds like John Cassidy took a trip to the Poconos through the New York counties Westchester and Sullivan (where Kramer and Elaine dropped the neighbor's barking dog if that helps). In other words,
rhhardin said...
Nobody knows about the 2020 election. It can't be audited owing to how it was set up. No chains of custody.
It would be easy to create a transparent election system with full databases of people who voted and their pictures.
It would be easy to do canvasses to audit elections.
Canvasses have been done by private groups and they have all shown massive discrepancies.
We know why our elections are not transparent.
We know why they block audits.
People who think the 2020 election was legitimate are stupid or dishonest.
The other day Scott Adams cited a poll that claimed more dems (60% or so iirc) think the election was stolen than Republicans.
He didn't say but I'd bet many of them think the theft was justified "to save our democracy"
Does he say what "upstate" means? Many new Yorkers consider anything North of Yonke to be upstate.
Me, I don't think it starts below Albany.
Historical mail in ballot rejection rate is 3.1%.
Newsweek tried to find out the rejection rate for 2020. It could only find data from 26 states. The rate in those states was 0.7% overall.
Tens of millions more people voted by mail in 2020 than in any single election before. Most of those were voting by mail for the first time. But the rejection rate was less than 4 times the historical average? And only barely more than half the states had data that could be found by a serious publication (although Newsweek is a shadow of its former self it isnt a hack shoestring operation)?
That alone is shady and if it were Donald Trump that had "won" under these exact same conditions it would have been investigated out the wazoo and those expressing doubts would not be smeared as fascist threats to Our Sacred Democracy.
It can't be audited owing to how it was set up. No chains of custody.
An audit could reveal voter rolls and counted ballots mismatch. The mismatch must've been big enough to flip the election.
Trump’s continued popularity is why he will be indicted.
I guess the Dems and Queen Liz are continuing into September because they think they are getting away with it. The generic Congressional vote has shifted their way, even though this is not likely to mean a majority of seats in the House. The Senate may remain extremely tight. One way of putting this is that Biden doesn't seem to be dragging his party down in the off-years. They're having fun, violating the rights of innocent people, a few of whom have committed suicide, not paying a price politically, so why not continue?
This show is using the same exact players from the Russia/Trump collusion conspiracy that the H. Clinton cabal pushed on the nation. Adam Schiff, who has still not shown the evidence he supposedly had on Trump's Russia collusion is given nightly spots on the corporate media shows to tell us, once again, that they committee has evidence of Trump's crimes. It is all so exhausting. Which, I think is the goal.
The left creates divisiveness with regard to anything concerning Trump, and then brings out the GOPe members who say, "Trump is so divisive, we need to move on". Which, is exactly the left's goal. They have run the same exact play against every GOP candidate for decades to some extent (Remember how they treated Romney who is now one of their favorite pets?). Except with Trump, they truly became scared he would stop their gravy train, and pull back the curtain on some of their past deeds, so both parties had to make sure he was defeated. He threatens their power and their money, so he had to not only be defeated, but never be allowed to run for office again.
"I think the answer is no. Did I miss something?"
The part where they stopped counting votes at 2:00 AM. In five different States. Just 'cuz. You missed that part.
Did he stop and talk to the people or just read the signs?
I'm pretty sure a writer for the New Yorker would literally cut off his right arm before he'd talk to a Trump supporter.
I think it's going to create more support for him. People see that there is no representation for the other side. No cross examination. Even the Inquisition was more balanced.
This Twitter thread sums up why people think there was something hinky with the election, even if it wasn't outright fraud.
Or read Glenn Greenwald's Substack interview with the tweet author.
I do not want to have another four years of the media attacking the president while it ignores any good things that are done. The problem is, while I would like to believe it would not happen if someone other than Trump wins, I believe it would happen to any Republican. At least I know that Trump can handle the attacks. He doesn't seem personally bothered by them, maybe even relishes them.
The finality is more important to the system than the correct result. Of course the Dems don't do that, see Gore in 2000. He even wanted to rig it the other way.
Sounds like gibberish generated by a bot. Does it mean something?
I think it's hurt him with those that matter most - those who didn't vote for him in 2020. None of this is persuading them to vote for Trump, even if they think that it's all bullshit. But civility BS is strong with them as it is with our hostess (or is that now sexist like actress - unless we're talking awards then perfectly fine to have a separate catefgory for women, whatever that means - so maybe our host?), and many won't want 4 more years of Trump v. The Deep State so they'd double down on their non-Trump vote in the belief that politics will calm down if Trump isn't elected.
That belief is mistaken, of course, but the Rs need to nominate someone other than Trump to have a shot with as many voters as possible to get outside of the margin of cheating.
"Donald's only damage possible is a 14A ban. Everything else is a push or to his favor."
That is not going to happen. And the more they try to take him away from the people who want him, the more they'll love him. He's beleaguered. He's an underdog. He's a hero. The whole story is about him. Such grandeur. They just add to that.
But to portray January 6th as an insurrection and Trump as a treasonous villain is overblown rhetoric. That doesn't turn into banning him from running for office. The Supreme Court has put great value on the right of the people to chose who they want to vote for. That's how the term limits law failed years ago.
in more profound terms,
"What Trump gets wrong is the rule that if you lose a rigged election, you lost."
Yeah, what's the point of rigging an election if when it works they take it away from you?
He's beleaguered. He's an underdog. He's a hero. The whole story is about him. Such grandeur. They just add to that...
How wonderful is that? America is gorgeous by gaslight.
Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest Ann likes civility BS as she uses the phrase. I used the phrase in the way I think of it - people who prefer and vote for calm when calm isn't going to resolve and solve issues that must be addressed. Voting for Rs who will get along and go along with the progressive-captured Ds mean we just keep slipping down the slope.
I don't even know if you can dignify this as political writing. Like so much of MSM coverage since 2016, it is simply pointing at Trump and/or his supporters with fear and loathing. There is no end to the ways in which the Deplorables are deplorable. Author and readers are as one in their revulsion. Deploribus Unum.
You obviously know and understand little about upstate NY and northeast PA.
Wait a gosh darn minute here. Four hours ago the dam was breaking. Somehow "against" Trump. When if a dam breaks, it' "releases" something (but no matter, these 24-year-old journalists who know nothing at the NYTimes cannot be expected to understand the concept of metaphors at their tender ages and minimum wage pay scales.)
Has Trump been "released?" Or are the walls still closing in?
I’ve been working a Senate campaign in one of the Southern states and we polled voters on the 1/6 Committee, in case our candidate needed to address the issue. No one cared about 1/6 or Trump. The top three issues were inflation, food prices and the price of gasoline. Everything else, abortion, gun control, climate, etc was just noise in the poll. It’s James Carville, Part 2, “It’s the economy, stupid.”
last nights WSJ Potomac Watch podcast went on and on (and on (and on (and on))) about HOW TERRIBLE the 6th hearings were for Trump.
Apparently, IF:
a) you HATE TRUMP and think that his Presidency was ALWAYS illegitimate
b) mindlessly Any anti-Trump slur, given by ANY anti-Trumper
THEN: the hearings were SO persuasive, that they would make you HATE Trump and think he was illegitimate
They DID mention, that the majority of people that voted for Trump, would STILL vote for Trump..
So, MAYBE the hearings weren't really That persuasive
"Nobody knows about the 2020 election. It can't be audited owing to how it was set up. No chains of custody."
Adams is so clueless about election systems I had to stop listening to him.
There are 3000+ county election systems and they're not all the same. A handful of machine tabulation systems can't be audited but it it's not the whole freaking country. Those can be replaced.
Most places can audit via hand recount of paper ballots.
Naturally, he doesn't know what he doesn't know. But he blathers on anyway.
They mean How much political damage did WE do to Trump?
jim5301 said...
"Did I miss something?" Well, since you decided the hearings were a waste of your time, I would say the answer is "yes".
Poor sad little twerp who thinks the infomercial is real.
The damage will be if Trump keeps focusing on 2020 and not on 2024. If he doesn't face the facts that he wasn't as popular as he thought he was, that it's likely that he did lose the popular vote, and that he has much of the responsibility for his defeat himself, it doesn't reflect well on him.
I don't know about all the "stolen election" talk. Unbiased minds can wonder how much cheating there was and about whether it could ever be proved beyond a doubt that Biden or Trump actually won. We never got an explanation about why some key cities or counties stopped counting and only resumed it when it was clear how many votes would be needed to carry the state for their candidate. If that's "stolen election" talk, it's rational, defensible, and hasn't been addressed, let alone refuted, by the pro-Biden media.
I lived in Georgia until late 2021. After 2020 election the GA State Senate had a committee investigate the election for fraud. They found fraud in multiple ways:
1. Mail in ballots were sent from bogus addresses in the state and outside the state, sometimes in mass.
2. The numbers of ballots reported at times could not match people voting
3. Fulton County stopped added ballots because of a "water pipe issue" and cleared all people out, but per videos a few Democrats stayed behind pulling out hidden ballots and feeding them into the system
4. Many ballots showed just Biden and no others on them
5. A GA southern county clerk showed how the Dominion Voting Machine could change any ballot without being tied to the internet
6. The Dominion Voting Machines, mail in ballots, and additional drop boxes were a decision by the GOV and SoS without Legislature input or approval and per the Constitution the Legislature is required to make and approve all changes
7. Massive drop box stuffing happened
8. Ballots are required per Federal Law to be kept for 22 months but a large per centage are missing
This was given to the GA State Senate and GOV Kemp but neither took it forward.
The night of the Nov 3 2020 Election I saw across the Nation that election counting ended at the same time with Trump in the lead in the swing states then several hours later the numbers started again at the same time across the Nation and Biden was leading and Trump had lower numbers then before. This made no sense a drop of numbers for Trump.
Latest numbers I saw a couple days ago were that 147 candidates endorsed by our president emeritus won their primaries. I think 8 lost.
Doesn't compare to Brandon's perfect record (1 endorsement, 1 loss)
When these folks get into office, they are going to remember why people voted for them. Hopefully they will act accordingly.
...discourage personal attacks and repetition... But then, whatever will all the poor trolls that live here do?
Most people know that the Jan 6 committee/hearings are merely a political commercial.
I look at what Trump did (or more properly accomplished) versus what Biden has done (or more properly has failed to do) and am not persuaded that Trump isn't the better choice.
I voted for Trump, thought he was a great president and would vote for him again if he is nominated. But I fear that the same thing will happen in 2024 as in 2020 and there will be a huge turnout of Trump haters just as in 2020.
So my preference is that he not run and let's take our chances on someone else like deSantis. But unfortunately, if Trump is not nominated, I think his ego will lead him to run as an independent which will split the Republican vote and result in another democratic win.
The tragic thing to me is that he could have been heralded as a great president even by middle of the roaders if he had just kept his mouth shut and quit tweeting. So so many people don't have any idea what he really did as president, but hate him just because of his unlikeable personality.
American citizens want and believe in fairness. When a congressional hearing is not fair on its face, it has no credibility. Trump has his flaws, but his record as president is hands down better than what we have now. This is beyond dispute, Covid included. That makes the J6 hearing look simply out of touch and desperate.
“I have never been a Trump supporter”
You may not have voted for him, but you have been a supporter.
Trump is the boogie man,Emmanuel Goldstein in the flesh. Every part of the State, from the media to the bureaucracy are dedicated to his destruction. This isn't hyperbole, this is the reality now.
I think that many people are disgusted by what is taking place. Not just with the Stalinist Jan 6 show trial, but with so much of what people are told is good or bad now.
We are told to reduce our lifestyle for global warming, by people whose lifestyle includes private jets for beer runs.
That a woman can have a penis, and men can have babies. That kids enjoy crossdressing strip shows, that it's good for them.
Many people( a lot, a little, ?) have simply stopped engaging the left.
There hasn't been a debate, open discussion, or even an attempt at one on global warming, covid, and so much more.
We aren't encaging party apparatchiks, because it is a waste of time. The comment section here is a great example of programmed responses, infantile insults, and the ever present, 'you racist Trump'.
what we are doing is building ties to others who share our views of freedom.
This is happening not just in 'fly over' states, but in every state. 2016, and Trump were a catalyst, but Trump is fading out of the picture. It has gone beyond Trump, and no one in the media, the left, have even noticed.
I'd like a the percentage of Democrats who still think the 2016 election was stolen for comparison.
I lived in Georgia until late 2021. After 2020 election the GA State Senate had a committee investigate the election for fraud. They found fraud in multiple ways: - JG
What they found was Rudy Giuliani and his breifcase full of bologna.
In the weeks following the 2020 elections,[former Sen. William Ligon] did more than most elected officials in Georgia to aid Trump’s efforts to overturn election results.
During his final weeks in office, he organized a special Senate committee to examine election fraud claims. During one of the panel’s hearings, Ligon turned the floor over to Rudy Giuliani for more than six hours, allowing Trump’s personal lawyer to spread falsehoods about the election that were later debunked by state authorities. The special grand jury has in recent weeks zeroed in on Giuliani’s testimony, the AJC previously reported.
Ligon later issued an election fraud report that echoed many allegations and conspiracy theories. - Atlanta Journal Constitution
I voted for Trump twice and would vote for him a third time if the choice is between him and Biden, Harris or some other random Democrat. I am a registered Republican and will vote for DeSantis (should he choose to run) or another Republican in the primary. This has nothing to do with the January 6 commission, just Trump's inability to let go of the past and making everything about himself. Did he damage himself, a little. But life is about choices and the choice between him and Biden is pretty clear.
part nativist revival, part personality cult
mostly interested in sound economic policy and low crime.
"How much political damage did Trump actually do to himself?"
Not much. Nor did the committee. At least not enough. The GOP should have wanted more damage: enough to stop the losing loser, piss off the entire base, and set up a Trump sub like DeSantis for victory.
But the outcome will be a muddle: the Althouses perceive the obvious unfairness of the proceedings, but it won't make them vote for Trump. So he is still likely to get the nomination and repeat as yuuuge loser.
Even on the key issue of the Dem election shenanigans, Trump was a loser: he was unprepared, his team was lousy, he made wild charges without actual knowledge, etc. etc. But what did him in was Covid. The usual bluster and showboating left him exposed.
When I was practicing law, I learned that my adversary probably knew more than I did about the weaknesses in his/her own case, so I paid attention to what my adversary appeared to be worried about. Applying that lesson, it seems pretty obvious that the Democrats (a) are worried that the Republicans will cream them in the next two elections, and (b) they don't have anything positive to sell to the voters. Seriously. If the Biden Administration were doing what Biden promised on Inaugeration Day, do you think they'd be doing the January 6 thing at this late date? They are arguing that, Well, Joe may be a lousy President, but at least he didn't try to overthrow the Government!
If the GOP nominates DeSantis, what will the Dems say? He's the same as Trump (except he didn't try to overthrow the Government).
Guess what? Payback can be a bitch. Come January, I very much expect an investigation of the 1-6 committee by the new Republican majority in the House. Of course, the FJB/Garland DOJ won’t work to enforce those subpoenas. But all it’s going to take is releasing the video from that day, and let it be crowd sourced.
The guy continues to claim that it's okay for the executive branch to unilaterally decide which electoral votes to count. Somehow, either that hasn't gotten through the mist, or people who should know better just want to ignore it.
I'm still hopeful it will sink in at some point.
You read that Hispanics are breaking for Trump and Independents. You read that the Dems are going to talk J6 while the Republicans are going to talk 2.19 (the average price of gas the last day Trump was President). Then you read that the Dems are going to run Kamala - that they have to in order to hold Congressman Clyburn and the black voters. The James Webb telescope wouldn't be able to find anything Presidential in the vast emptiness of Kamala's brain. Then you read that the 2024 election will be close. It just doesn't seem likely that either 2024 or 2020 will be close. The Dems are the Triumph of the Left which is firmly associated with a sickening lurch in your stomach as you pay for gas and food. And Trump is the Before Time.
After seeing 4 years of fake charges of hundreds of High Crimes and Misdemeanors by Trump being totally debunked, how does any rational being expect the latest fake Insurrection crap to work. American voters are smarter than the fake media morons will ever understand.
We can't spare this man, he fights!
Left Bank of the Charles said...
“I have never been a Trump supporter”
You may not have voted for him, but you have been a supporter.
You are so wrapped up in a warped cocoon of lies that you cannot recognize what this blog is about. It's to your detriment.
jim5301 said...
"Did I miss something?" Well, since you decided the hearings were a waste of your time, I would say the answer is "yes".
Would you spell out what it is that Ann Althouse missed? I'd be curious to know.
Whether 2020 was a stolen election or not is unimportant now. For the record I do think it was stolen but that is the past. Stolen elections need to be prevented. They can’t be unwound. Everyone knew the D playbook was to steal the election and the D’s literally explained how they would do it before they did it. There should have been R lawyers on the ground flooding the zone. There weren’t so the D’s got away with it.
I for one would like some assurances the the Rs are doing more to prevent election fraud in 2022 than they did in 2020. The D’s plan and the Rs whine after the fact. I am getting tired of R tactical stupidity.
I don’t see any reason to think the Jan 6 committee is doing anything to or for Trump. Nobody really cares. Not only are ratings abysmal, but who are the people actually watching? How many persuadables care enough to pay attention?
There’s a tell when the media writer doesn’t care about the real story and is simply trying to protect the Democrats—if they refer to the steal as a lie, then they are not journalists, they are activists posing as journalists. That’s all you need to know about them.
Does he say what "upstate" means? Many new Yorkers consider anything North of Yonke(rs) to be upstate.
Hudson Valley resident here; we think of "upstate" as somewhere around Syracuse. I always joke that for people in the city or the island, "upstate" begins at the sign that reads, "Welcome to Yonkers".
Wilbur - You want me to tell you everything you missed in 8 multi-hour hearings you decided not to watch because of fear something could be said that might challenge your immutable beliefs? Pretty funny. You don't sound very curious to me. Anyways, I'm late for my book club where we only discuss books we haven't read.
The biggest political damage Trump did to himself--at least among Republicans--was his ridiculous conduct losing both Georgia Senate seats in the special election right after the presidential one.
jim5301 said...
Wilbur - You want me to tell you everything you missed in 8 multi-hour hearings you decided not to watch because of fear something could be said that might challenge your immutable beliefs? Pretty funny. You don't sound very curious to me. Anyways, I'm late for my book club where we only discuss books we haven't read.
Try reading what I wrote. Your original comment was addressed to Ann Althouse, not me. I wanted to know what you you think she missed by not watching.
Are you aware of the concept of summarizing the main points? Maybe you can learn that in in your book club.
They consider trump supporters ‘cultists’. Perhaps they, themselves, are the cult.
Us vs them. North vs south.
How many years have they been out to get trump? The only reason he is supported (sic) is because they are out to get him. The media, the left, the never trumpers, the Republicans, the political elitists. Astounding how seemingly intelligent people are so ignorant and hateful.
Ok Wilbur. Please respond to this main point:
Substantial evidence was presented, primarily through testimony of former administration officials, that Trump knew that he lost the election and that the many claims of significant fraud had been thoroughly investigated, by his people, and determined to be BS. Yet he continued to make the same claims over and over again knowing they were false.
Substantial evidence was presented, primarily through testimony of former administration officials, that Trump knew that he lost the election and that the many claims of significant fraud had been thoroughly investigated, by his people, and determined to be BS. Yet he continued to make the same claims over and over again knowing they were false.
BS. The mail-in voting was unmonitored, no chain of custody, no way to verify the validity of millions of votes in key swing states. It is as if I gave an exam to a class and left the room and let them take it without any proctoring, and dozens of C students mysteriously got As. Of course they cheated, but it was set up to be impossible to prove one way or the other.
James K - Have you been watching the hearings? If not, what is your basis for calling BS my summary of the evidence presented at the hearings?
Witness said...
The guy continues to claim that it's okay for the executive branch to unilaterally decide which electoral votes to count.
If you mean Pence, he is not executive branch. The vice-president's sole constitutional function is to preside over the senate as President of the Senate.
Definitely legislative
Blogger jim5301 said...
James K - Have you been watching the hearings? If not, what is your basis for calling BS my summary of the evidence presented at the hearings?
Why would you think that anything presented as "evidence" at the hearings was true?
jim5301 said...
Ok Wilbur. Please respond to this main point:
Substantial evidence was presented, primarily through testimony of former administration officials, that Trump knew that he lost the election and that the many claims of significant fraud had been thoroughly investigated, by his people, and determined to be BS. Yet he continued to make the same claims over and over again knowing they were false.
So it was mind reading trying to hide under the pretense of Hearsay.
You are just really stupid if you think that any of this was "evidence."
Another old lawyer said...
Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest Ann likes civility BS as she uses the phrase. I used the phrase in the way I think of it - people who prefer and vote for calm when calm isn't going to resolve and solve issues that must be addressed. Voting for Rs who will get along and go along with the progressive-captured Ds mean we just keep slipping down the slope.
7/23/22, 6:12 PM
THIS!!!! 100% THIS!!!
@Mary Beth
Thank you for the links to the Twitter thread and Greenwald post. I don't use Twitter and only rarely follow Greenwald. I would have missed Cooper's summary.
Political damage to Trump has mostly been done by Trump, by that persistent sore-loser attitude regarding the 2020 election. If he'd confined his commentary to "there was fraud and irregularities in that election" he'd at least be on solid ground and could get away with it.
It is his continued insistence that the election should or could be reversed (and attacking anyone who disagrees) that places him in that "sore-loser" circle, and that is a political debacle entirely of his own making.
The Jan 6 who trial/circus? It's convincing no one who was not already convinced that Trump is the devil (or the secular equivalent). And of course, "journalists."
He didn't say but I'd bet many of them think the theft was justified "to save our democracy"
That's what I've said from the start. We could find an actual smoking gun - a memo, e-mail or some other written piece of information - describing exactly what needed to happen should it look like Trump was cruising to re-election.
Which he was.
And a large chuck of the left wouldn't give a shit.
Trump is the boogie man,Emmanuel Goldstein in the flesh. Every part of the State, from the media to the bureaucracy are dedicated to his destruction. This isn't hyperbole...
hy·per·bo·le /hīˈpərbəlē/
noun: hyperbole; plural noun: hyperboles
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
No, definitely not hyperbole.
Blogger John henry said...
If you mean Pence, he is not executive branch. The vice-president's sole constitutional function is to preside over the senate as President of the Senate.
Definitely legislative
Please answer honestly: would you have bought this load of BS if Gore had made this claim in January of 2001?
The Jan 6th was/is a show trail... total bull shit.
And as Obi Wan said, “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”
Trump is not diminished... but the Democrats are.
Blogger Witness said...
Please answer honestly: would you have bought this load of BS if Gore had made this claim in January of 2001?
Not sure what load of bs you are referring to here. That the VP is legislative not executive branch? In 2001, I like most Americans, saw the VP as sort of an assistant president and assumed executive branch. In 2008, Sarah Palin talked bout how she would be an activist VP, taking an active role in the Senate as president. I did some research and realized that the VP, constitutionally, is not executive branch. All their responsibilities are legislative. Including being backup president (like the Speaker of the House.)
The Senate president is sort of like the Queen of England. Lots of powers but a quiet understanding that they are not to be used. Palin intended to use them which made her very dangerous.
As for certifying the vote, do you dispute that this is a legislative function by the Senate president? The VP has to certify the electoral vote. Traditionally, they rubber stamp it. What happens if they refuse? Do the electoral votes count anyway? Is there any way to compel the VP to certify votes if they do not want to?
What happens if they refuse?
Again, kind of like Queen Liz. She is expected to appoint whoever the leading party wants as her prime minister. But if she refuses, there seems to be no recourse to force her. Or even to force her to appoint any govt at all. (The military swears a personal oath of loyalty to her. Not the crown or the country)
Yeah, what's the point of rigging an election if when it works they take it away from you?
It's gettin' so a businessman can't expect no return from a fixed fight. Now, if you can't trust a fix, what can you trust? For a good return, you gotta go bettin' on chance - and then you're back with anarchy, right back in the jungle.
As for certifying the vote, do you dispute that this is a legislative function by the Senate president?
To quote the document directly, "the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted."
It's definitely the job of the President of the Senate to open the certificates.
What happens if they refuse?
Choosing to violate their oath to the Constitution certainly ought to be an impeachable offense, but 45 Senators apparently disagreed.
Aside - Do you really think the VP is has hidden monarchial superpowers? Our armed forces definitely don't swear personal allegiance to him, and we have a (somewhat) defined process for removal.
The Founders sadly seem not to have foreseen our reluctance to admit we made a mistake.
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