Writes Banjopotato, commenting on the Washington Post article, "Bette Midler and Macy Gray upset trans advocates. Here’s why."
Banjopotato gets some pushback from BuffaloGal78:
Trans people are not transitioning so they can pass as gay or straight. Trans people transition because of who they ARE. Are you trying to say that no one is actually gay or lesbian? Or that only non-trans people can be gay, and everyone who transitions is doing so to trick their potential partners? That's not how any of this works.
I am saying that lots of people are gay and lesbian. And being gay or lesbian means being exclusively same-sex attracted. And that intact straight male "trans" "lesbians" accuse lesbians, especially, who insist that they are same-sex attracted and therefore not interested in the male-bodied, of "transphobia" as a way of intimidating them into compliance. All of this is very well documented and one needn't look far to find examples. Or, to put it succinctly, being gay is same-sex attraction. A male who is attracted to females cannot be a lesbian: he's straight, regardless of how he feels or thinks about himself. I haven't speculated about motivations, but there is some evidence that older "trans" males mostly transition after decades of transvestic fetishism (autogynephilia) and that sexual gratification is the driving force in that urge to transition. See, for example: https://quillette.com/2019/11/06/what-is-autogynephilia-an-interview-with-dr-ray-blanchard/
६९ टिप्पण्या:
Do what you have to do, and leave the rest of us alone. We don't care.
Trump's back and people are ready to jump on the train.
You aren’t kidding but the trans eunuchs are kidding all of us.
Once you politicize the sexually askew, details become important.
"... males who identify as 'trans' (and thus consider themselves 'lesbians') browbeating actual lesbians into considering them as sexual partners"
Ann, this is without a doubt the funniest thing you've ever posted.
"I'm a lesbian, trapped in a man's body." - Oldest 14-year-olds joke ever created
These people are truly whackjobs.
Trans is socially acceptable homophobia.
Out: When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary…
In: Whence the spectacle of bepenised straight heterosexual males…
It's not easy turning green.
Anybody else find there psycho-sexual mentally deranged gymnastics entertaining as hell?
This is very confusing.
"Trump's back and people are ready to jump on the train."
What about Trump's back? I know we're talking about body parts here, but I am mystified!
"... ready to jump on the train."
I'm having trouble picturing what sort of orgy you have in mind.
Just because you put a fiberglass body on a VW beetle to make it look like a Porsche 356, that doesn’t make it a Porsche. It’s still a VW, or XY, if you will.
I thought this was from Dave Chappelle at first.
... males who identify as 'trans' browbeating actual lesbians into considering them as sexual partners
I just spent four hours burying the cat
Four hours to bury a cat?
Yes - it wouldn't keep still.
Back in the long-ago-time (before social media), people did many nonconformist things but there wasn't a minute-by-minute record of their actions. This included ancient Greeks having relationships with young boys. This included ancient Egyptian rulers marry their siblings. This included all sorts of in-the-closet gay and lesbian activity before coming out was ever an option (1970s to 1980s).
Many societies discouraged or punished nonconformist sex. From an economic standpoint it puts a lot of resources in a dead end. From an evolutionary standpoint these folks will be the end of their genetic lines. There's no arguing with the sustainability of heterosexuality.
Until very, very, very recently (e.g., at most 10 years), trans behavior would have been firmly controlled by most of the left. This is because one needs a reproductive future to be "progressive" or have a future. Give the dead-ender "Logan's Run" totalitarian left another few years to understand they are dying off. Then, just like clockwork, Nazi-style forced reproduction programs will return. Gays, transgendered, etc. will receive their pink triangles as they are rounded up for the concentration camps. Breed or die.
History doesn't repeat but it rhymes. Society at large will tolerate some non reproductive sex, including prostitution, underground gay/lesbian activities (e.g., theater), but cannot continue without mostly reproductive relationships. No value judgements here, just the facts of evolution and facts of sexual animal life. Conservative societies persist. Moderate and cosmopolitan societies persist. Anti-breeder societies die out.
Is the phrase "consenting adults" transphobic?
There was a male trapped inside my body but after 9 months he came out.
browbeating actual lesbians into considering them as sexual partners,
SO, IF i'm understanding this correctly?
Trans people say that YOU should have sex with THEM.. Because THEY WANT YOU TO?
The fact that YOU are Completely NOT attracted to Them, just shows that YOU are a transphobe?
Do i have this right? And people are okay with this?
Let's play a game of "what if"
What if,
a guy with a dick wants to have sex with a gal? and the gal is Completely NOT attracted to them?
Should the gal feel that SHE HAS TO have sex with the guy, because Society SAYS?
What if,
a gal without a dick wants to have sex with a gal? and the gal is Completely NOT attracted to them?
Should the 2nd gal feel that SHE HAS TO have sex with the 1st gal, because Society SAYS?
FINALLY, what if
a gal with a dick wants to have sex with a gal? and the gal is Completely NOT attracted to them?
Should the 2nd gal feel that SHE HAS TO have sex with the 1st gal, because Society SAYS?
I'd think that the answer would be the same, in EVERY case.. You should NOT be coerced into sex with someone that you are NOT attracted to.. But, then again; i guess i'm a transphobe
You had me at bepenised.
Once upon a time the psychological societies would jump into this type of thing and help society evaluate:
- What is the line of deviancy upon which society should not consider such things normal psychological function.
- Where is treatment needed, institutionalization, etc.
Unfortunately, almost all psychological societies have abdicated their responsibilities in these regards and instead focus on normalization and advocacy of the person's wishes, even going so far as advocating permanent life-altering pharmacologic treatments for adolescents and pre-teens.
In light of such, is it any wonder that there are meaningful populations who will speak with absolute confidence that society should accept them in whatever forms they demand - and use such demands to browbeat others to submit to them. In this case, men who declare themselves as trans and demand women submit to them or else they'll publicly shame them in some way (in case, calling a lesbian transphobic within a social culture who supposedly values inclusivity and acceptance among it's greatest raison d'etre).
The problem with all groups who circle their own wagons - whether it's police or LGBTQ community - is that there will be members of their tribe who abuse their position within the tribe and use powers granted to them by the tribe against others.
More trans porn for the Althouse faithful.
Fantastic! This could be a huge new form of political intersectionality. I’ve always figured that more testosterone-oriented (Mars) Lesbians HATE heterosexual white guys. I’d rather be cornered in a dark alley by rabid pit bulls than a group of them. They’re scary.
But now, we can align politically as “people who don’t like to have sex with people with penises”.
It could also include the Venus Lesbians that only like penises part-time. But they might get pulled in the bi direction of LGB and it would be a little harder to keep the group together. Like when Julianne Moore cheated on Annette Benning and banged Mark Ruffalo in “The Kids Are Alright”.
Count me in!!!! Mmmm...Julianne Moore...
Reminds me of that funny tick tock "the hate crime is coming from inside the house"
I've always been partial to LGBYWNBAW myself.
Is Riley Dennis back in the news?
It astounds me that this has become the most important factor in the lives of much of the left. Especially when you consider the tiny percentage of people who actually do transition or feel the need to do so. (I'm not talking about groups of young women wannabees). From our bizarrely staffed government officials, to university heads, corporations, and just every day degreed, mostly white women this has become a non-stop ridiculous assault on sanity. That this is the single driving force for those in need, I get. What I don't get is that the rest of the world has to stop, listen to this crap incessantly, and pick a side on something we simply don't care about.
Do what you want. It's just not that important to the other 7 billion people who are just trying to get through this life the best they can and prefer to focus on their own concerns, goals, families, friends, and loves. And- get this- they don't demand that you take part in any of that. The rest of humanity just goes about it's own business. Mostly.
Some personal choices are simply too intimate to be anybody else's business, including the law and social media. Choice of a relationship partner and choice of a roommate (or even tenant) in an owner-occupied apartment or duplex fall in this category. You should be able to accept or reject people in such cases for any reason or no reason without being shamed or abused. The public is not involved. This seems to me the most fundamental element of personal liberty.
'There was a male trapped inside my body but after 9 months he came out.'
There's a lesbian trapped in my body, and I'm OK with it...
To bepenised or not to bepenised…
Bespectacled. Bepenised. Bemused.
Nice to see my premise appear spontaneously out there. I’ve written here repeatedly that my observation of the vibrant LG scene in Palm Springs led me to conclude that L and G were moderately civil allies but both seemed to despise B and T and barely tolerate all the drag queens clogging some clubs. But as cross-dressers were being drafted into roles defending T and “normalizing” it through schools G began seriously distancing themselves from the T and calling out institutional grooming for what it is. Gays are accepted members of society who just recently made the transition from suspect minority to middle America and the wiser ones don’t want anything to do with T activism. G and T school teachers had overcome the suspicions and the crazy T takeover of public ed is a danger to their status and acceptance by society.
Real lesbians aren't so easy to browbeat.
I've been waiting all my life for the day that Banjopotato got some pushback from BuffaloGal78. That day has arrived, and consequences will never be the same.
Bewitched… bewormed…
Just remember, Christine Jorgenson died of prostate cancer in my hospital. It's not nice to try to fool mother nature.
Sure, Howard, you only come here for the pictures.
There does seem to be a little continuity, maybe even some logic. Society said, you could only have sex with people who had certain biological characteristics. You say that's prejudiced and bigoted and overturn it. Then you say that you can only have sex with people who have the same biology as you do. Society comes back and says that you are being prejudiced or bigoted yourself. You can fall back on your individual liberty and human rights, but if a new pansexual, genderless generation is coming, you will seem retrograde and reactionary to them.
But still, whatever happens, large numbers of people are going to complain about not being able to have sex with those they desire (or satisfactorily, or with anybody), and with all the talk about sex, those numbers are going to increase.
Are you trying to say that no one is actually gay or lesbian?
Progressives have gone so far around the bend they're undermining the case for gay marriage.
Such is the nature of Progressivism that any gains are subject to the need for ever more gains.
The transgender spectrum is narrow, but colorful, including the physically stable homosexual... gender, bisexual to neo, quasi, pseudo conditions. Trans refers to a state or process of divergence through medical, surgical, psychiatric, or chemical from normal. The transgender spectrum has no redeeming value to humanity or society, the individuals do. That said, normalize, tolerate, or reject? Lose your Pro-Choice ethical religion.
Exactly what do you call a bepenised individual who who wants to poke their gallant steed inside the non-anal cavity left in a depenised individual?
- Krumhorn
And sometimes the LG and B, too, but never L and G, who do not mix. Then there is the infamous Gs and bs, Ls and gs, too, and, of course, the Ps, and your little and littler gs, too. So trans-social.
Be best.
John Bobbit was bepenised, depenised and rebepenised.
Gilbar said - SO, IF i'm understanding this correctly? Trans people say that YOU should have sex with THEM.. Because THEY WANT YOU TO?
This isn’t the first time this has reared its head. No pun intended. In the last two years in the twitter / liberal-verse, they accuse cis-gender men of being transphobic for not wanting to date or have sex with transitioning men to women who have kept their penises. It was another liberal false accusation of “hate”.
We can understand how women can experiment with other women. But for straight dudes playing with any penis other than our own is a red line. Not an Obama red line (which may offer some insight). A real red line. Perhaps a long prison sentence makes it a dotted red line, but most try and avoid that scenario as well.
BuffaloGal78 (from the post) said, "Trans people transition because of who they ARE."
Michael K (in the comments) said, "Just remember, Christine Jorgenson died of prostate cancer in my hospital."
That was a nasty reality check.
Trans people (pseudo)transition because of who they think are or wish they were.
Progressives have gone so far around the bend they're undermining the case for gay marriage.
Civil unions for all consenting adults, in quality, and quantity, incestuous, too? Forward! and don't spare the baby... fetus.
I know Katie Herzog frequently expresses her opinion that the push to be trans is a push against lesbians.
If this infighting (outfighting?) gets real nasty, there's a gold mine in flag-making.
gilbar said:
Let's play a game of "what if"
What if,
a guy with a dick wants to have sex with a gal? and the gal is Completely NOT attracted to them?
Should the gal feel that SHE HAS TO have sex with the guy, because Society SAYS?
Many a bepenised guy has beclowned himself in such a situation.
What if she wants to refuse sex with an uncircumcised woman?
Never should have allowed the T's into the locker room.
The LG's fought really hard for the right to be left alone. The B's were the camel's nose under the tent, but the LG's had no choice but to let them in.
This only ends when the LG's abandon ship and form a new alliance. Still not sure what will happen to the B's though.
Well done, Alphabet People! You destroyed your own cause via your insistence on normalizing mental disorders.
This reminds me of how those damned Trotskyites tried to subvert and destroy the integrity of the Bolshevik Revolution.
“History doesn't repeat but it rhymes. Society at large will tolerate some non reproductive sex, including prostitution, underground gay/lesbian activities (e.g., theater), but cannot continue without mostly reproductive relationships. No value judgements here, just the facts of evolution and facts of sexual animal life. Conservative societies persist. Moderate and cosmopolitan societies persist. Anti-breeder societies die out.”
I keep hearing about it - the Great Reset, where the Davis elite believe that there are too many people on the planet, and it is their duty to use their power and money to depopulate it down to what they consider a sustainable level - maybe 2 billion or so people? One of the leaders is supposedly Bill Gates, who recently became the biggest farm owner in, I believe, North Dakota. THis global elite seems to have some culpability for the installation of almost brain dead Biden as President, the artificial creation (by partially US funded genetic scientists in China) and mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic, and now the invasion by Russia of Ukraine, which is likely to cause famine and energy shortages around the world. Now we have the Dutch government denying their farmers fertilizer because of its nitrogen (which is 78% of our atmosphere) content. Supposedly panicking over CO², critically necessary for any animal life on this planet, is ridiculous. Banning nitrogen is even more idiotic.
I have a good friend who is a conspiracy theorist, of sorts. A couple years ago, he was talking about the signs of the Apocalypse and Second Coming, from Revelations. Now he keeps me informed of the advancement of the Great Reset. Next time I talk to him, I need to ask him if maybe the Apocalypse is the better explanation. Or, maybe the Great Reset is the mechanism by our great enemy to get us there. We do or did, and could, have the food and energy to support this population level, if our elites just got out of the way. Most of the world has entered ZPG territory, with the most populated countries, esp China, likely destined for a significant population crash, down to possibly half its current population, thanks to its ill conceived One Child program.
Why must we tear ourselves apart over this small question of bepenisedness?
This came across the transom today, directly related to this discussion:
Howard: "More trans porn for the Althouse faithful."
Howard gets very upset at others for refusing to accept "lady penises".
A male who is attracted to females cannot be a lesbian: he's straight, regardless of how he feels or thinks about himself.
Which is to say "a trans woman is not a real woman"
No, what's the over / under on how long it will take before one of the major "gay rights" groups decides they actually care about gays, and starts fighting back against the trans?
My bet: never
Because no left wing "X" rights group is actually about those rights. it's just about advancing political power for the Left with a different set of lies
"That's not how any of this works."
None of this works.
Another comment at the link “I was a volunteer at a shelter for women. At least two trans women got lodging there. Both had sex with women women in the shelter. Sex using their penises. The wilder trans woman eventually set a shelter on fire. This occurred in Portland, Oregon.”
Oh well, it’s Portland, eventually they burn everything down, right?
Though some might say it’s a good way to hide evidence.
"ill conceived One Child Policy" is brilliant.
One of the last vinyl albums I bought before the transition to CDs was Murray Perahia performing two Mozart piano concertos. The liner notes encouraged the listener to admire his "bejeweled pianism."
Lilly, a dog said...
I've been waiting all my life for the day that Banjopotato got some pushback from BuffaloGal78.
See, back in the 1970s when SciFi writers wrote about some future world connected by a fantastic global communications network where any sort of Important Information was available at your fingertips, which I always assumed would be used for Important Purposes, such as navigation, banking, weather information, etc.
Instead, here I am reading about "Lilly, a dogs", "banjopotatos", and "BuffaloGal78s" yakking about "bepenised". . .whatevers.
*heavy sigh*
Buffalo Gals go ‘round the outside…
I apologize. I was only 17, it was a joke. Back in the late 1970s, when all this "man/woman" trapped in a woman/man's body" stuff was first in the media, I would pose the question to my friends, "What if I'm a woman trapped in a man's body, but I'm a lesbian". I didn't know it was going to become a cultural conflict 40 or so years later. But women were oppressed in 1980, so we held on to your manhoods to retain our privileges and pursued the oppressed vaginia-having individuals as penis-having individuals, never knowing the feeling of walking around in short skirt with no underwear. We endeavor to persevere.
Vaya con Dios, Anthony.
The people's confusion about all of this nonsense is going to be an advantage when the Supreme Court overturns its so-called 'right to sodomy' and so-called 'gay marriage' decisions (is it Bowers and Obergefell?): the usual suspects will be livid with rage but the rest of the voting public will think (if not say), thank goodness we can be done with all of that foolishness.
The whole thing is going to blow up within a generation or two, anyway. Every libertine era has eventually gone so far overboard that the general public winds up losing their fascination with the BS, observes that it just leads to disastrous outcomes, and then shoves the libertines firmly back into the closet. Last time this happened, we got Weimar Germany replaced by the Nazis. Before that, it was the Regency being replaced by the Victorians, and before that... Ad infinitum.
Societies that adopt customs and values that don't work, die out. They get replaced by those that do have workable customs and values. This is almost an immutable law of nature; if it doesn't work, buh-bye.
Now, what you can observationally reason from this is that there is significance in the fact that there aren't that many societies out there who have had open sexual license, and managed much more than a tribal level of development. Sexual license has a price, and that price is dysfunction that prevents much in the way of social sophistication. You may have your south-sea paradise with scads of sexual encounters of no real significance, but what that winds up meaning is that your state of development likely won't rise to the point that you will be capable of resisting when some sexually-repressed outsiders who've sublimated a lot of their sex-drive craziness into developing bigger boats and fun toys like cannon...
It's also a salutary observation that nearly everyone in some of those "sophisticated societies" who has given themselves over to the libertine side of their nature winds up dissipated, drunk, and dead well before their time. Few of them lead any sort of productive lives, and generally wind up as cautionary tales for the observant. Hunter Biden, anyone...?
You can be a decent, productive citizen. Or, you can be a libertine "free spirit", with no inhibitions at all. The two are nearly impossible to reconcile, and the wreckage left behind by the second sort is easily observed, and should serve as object lessons in why that lifestyle is extremely sub-optimal.
I'm just here to put the comment count at 69!
Who doesn't like 69?
wendybar said...
Do what you have to do, and leave the rest of us alone. We don't care.
Mr. Wibble said...
The people who don't care will always lose to the people who do. The activists pushing this crap want your submission, as demonstrated by no just tolerance but by public affirmation of their lifestyle.
That’s fairly accurate. Most people don’t care about the trans issue, because they think it is just about ‘transwomen’ being able to come to work in a dress and makeup. Their minds usually don’t change until they find out about transwomen’s determination to be allowed at will into any female-only space.
gilbar said...
browbeating actual lesbians into considering them as sexual partners,
SO, IF i'm understanding this correctly? Trans people say that YOU should have sex with THEM.. Because THEY WANT YOU TO? The fact that YOU are Completely NOT attracted to Them, just shows that YOU are a transphobe? Do i have this right? And people are okay with this?
Yes, you are understanding it correctly. “Transwomen are women” (even if we can’t define the word “woman” non-circularly), and everyone must acknowledge that. A person with penis and testicles who says ‘I am a women’ IS a women, and if you claim to be sexually attracted to women, you MUST regard the person as a potential sex partner. If you don’t, then you are only attracted to a sub-group of women, and have demonstrated ‘transphobia’.
Most people are NOT OK with this, but most people don’t know about it. The transactivists claimed they were a persecuted minority which was just fighting for its civil rights. The brains of the MSM shut down when they heard that, and for at least the past six years have refused to run anything that doesn’t agree 100% with the activists’ position. Those of us against this insanity had to fight it out on Twitter, Faceplant, substack, and some right wing blogs.
Only recently, with J. K. Rowling’s stand for truth, the Maya Forester lawsuit, the Wi Spa incident, the Virginia high school rape, ‘Jessica’ Yaniv’s attemps to get women to wax ‘her’ balls, ‘Karen’ White’s rapes of female prisoners ‘she’ was incarcerated, and DeSantis’s anti-grooming bill has the issue started to show up in the MSM.
The activists lose almost any time we can let the public know what they really want. We are slowly winnning that battle.
I should mention there is a fair percentage of trans people who are against the activists’ position. But they risk being cancelled if they say so.
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